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Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Class Book
Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Course Outline
Module Module Module Module Module Module 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: Regular Expressions Functional Tester API HelperSuper Classes Dynamic Object Handling Custom Verification Points Handling Non-Java/Browser Windows

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

The prerequisities for this course is completion of either:
The online training class titled Essentials of IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting: The Basics The instructor-led course titled Essentials of IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting: The Basics And Java for IBM Rational Functional Tester

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Course Materials
There are 2 books issued with this class:
Class Book Lab Book

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Suggested Daily Schedule

Class Start Morning Break Lunch Class end 9:00 am 11:00 am 2:00 pm 5:30 pm

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

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Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Help & References

Java Document You can view/download java documentation online at (current version of the java compiler used by Functional Tester: 1.4.2) Functional Tester Documentation Functional Tester documentation is accessed from the Functional Tester Help Menu Learning Java Friedl, Jeffrey. Mastering Regular Expressions, 2nd Edition. OReilly, 2002 Van der Linden, Peter. Just Java 2, Fifth Edition. Prentice Hal PTR, 2001-

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

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Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Module 1 Regular Expressions

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Regular Expressions
Functional Tester installs with Rational's lightweight regular expression class - import com.rational.test.util.regex.*; Sun's regular expression package is in JDK 1.4.x: - java.util.regex We will cover com.rational.test.util.regex.*

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Regex: matches()
Regular Expression Syntax: public boolean matches(String strToCompare) /* The RE pattern is passed to the constructor to "compile" the regular expression. The match string is passed to the matches() method */ Regex pattern = new Regex("in"); boolean b = pattern.matches("Fox in Socks"); RE engine matches patterns without special characters. Returns true, since 'in' is a subset of 'Fox in Socks'

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Regex: matches()
Selected Regex operators:
* + . ? | () [] {} (asterisk) (plus) (period) (question mark) (pipe) (parentheses) (square brackets) (curly braces)

Note: See the Functional Tester documentation for a more complete listing of regular expression operators.

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Regex: matches()
Regex character class operator: []
used to match any one of several characters Regex pattern = new Regex("gr[ae]y"); pattern.matches("gray matter");
Returns true

Returns false

Regex pattern = new Regex ("www-[1-6]"); pattern.matches ("") ;

Returns true

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Regex: matches()
Regex negated character class: [^]
[^] negated character class Regex pattern = new Regex("[A-E]-[^0-9]"); boolean b = pattern.matches("B-V");
Returns true

b = pattern.matches("B-5");
Returns false

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Regex: matches()
Regex operator: . (period)
matches any single character Regex pattern = new Regex("212.240.9050"); boolean b =pattern.matches("212-240-9050"); b = pattern.matches("212 240 9050"); b = pattern.matches("212/240/9050")
Returns true

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Regex: matches()
Regex operator: * (asterisk)
* matches 0 or more of the previous pattern Regex pattern =new Regex("[0-9]* Dalmations"); boolean b = pattern.matches("101 " + "Dalmations");
Returns true

b = pattern.matches("Red Dalmations");
Returns true

b = pattern.matches("101 Terriers");
Returns false

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Regex: matches()
Regex operator: ? (question mark)
? matches 0 or 1 of the previous pattern
Regex pattern =new Regex ("https?://"); b = pattern.matches ("https://"); Returns true b = pattern.matches("http://"); Returns true b = pattern .matches("httpx://"); Returns false

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Regex: matches()
Regex operator: + (plus)
+ matches 1 or more of the previous pattern Regex pattern = new Regex("a+d"); b = pattern.matches("aaaaad");
Returns true

b = pattern.matches ("d") ;
Returns false, since 'd' is not 1 or more a's followed by a 'd'

b = pattern.matches("bbbbbd");
Returns false, since 'bbbbbd' is not 1 or more 'a's followed by a 'd'

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Regex: matches()
Regex operator: | (pipe)
| acts as a logical Or
Regex pattern =new Regex("Functional Tester|WinRunner|Silk"); boolean b =pattern.matches("They use SilkTest"); Returns true b = pattern.matches("They switched to Functional"); Returns false

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Regex: matches()
Regex operator: () (parentheses)
() are used to group patterns Regex pattern = new Regex("a(bc)+d"); b = pattern.matches("abcbcbcbcd");
Returns true

b = pattern.matches("bcbcbcbcd");
Returns false

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Regex: matches()
Regex operator: {} (curly braces)
{} match a pattern a defined number of times. x{n} match 'x' exactly n times. x{n,} match 'x' at least n times. x{n,m} match 'x' at least n times and not more than m times

Regex pattern = new Regex("ba{3}d"); b = pattern.matches("baaad");

Returns true

b = pattern.matches("baaaad");
Returns false

Regex pattern = new Regex("ba{3,}d"); b = pattern.matches("baad");

Returns false

b = pattern.matches("baaaad");
Returns true

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Regex: matches()
Escaping regex operators
Regex pattern = new Regex("a[(]bc[)]d"); b = pattern.matches("a(bc)d");
returns true

b = pattern.matches("abcd");
returns false

Regex pattern = new Regex("a+b+c"); b = pattern.matches("a+b+c");

returns false

Regex pattern = new Regex("a[+]b[+]c"); b = pattern.matches("a+b+c");

returns true

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Regex: matches()
POSIX character classes
Use character classes as match pattern Regex pattern = new Regex("[:digit:]"); b = pattern.matches("3");
Returns true

b = pattern.matches("a");
Returns false

Selected POSIX character classes:

[:alnum: ] Alphanumeric characters. [:alpha:] Alphabetic characters. [:digit:] Numeric characters. [:lower:] Lower-case alphabetic characters. [:upper:] Upper-case alphabetic characters. [:punct:] Punctuation characters.

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Regex: getMatch()
public String getMatch()
Returns the part of the string that matched the pattern. String sRet = ""; Regex pattern = new Regex ("a*dd") ; b = pattern.matches ("baaaaadd") ; sRet = pattern.getMatch(); sRet= "aaaaadd"

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Regex: getMatch()
public String getMatch(int n)
Returns the substring that matched one of the parenthesized subexpressions of the regular expression, in indexed order.
Regex pattern = new Regex("(value=)(\"[:alnum:]+\")"); boolean b = pattern.matches("value=\"hidden\""); System.out.println(pattern.getMatch()); System.out.println(pattern.getMatch(1)); System.out.println(pattern.getMatch(2)); getMatch() returns: value="hidden" getMatch(1) returns: value= getMatch(2) returns: "hidden"

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Regex: Closure
Two types of closure
greedy: matches as many string elements as possible. reluctant: matches as few string elements as possible. Greedy closure is the default closure. Reluctant closure is indicated by a trailing '?' after the operators: +, *, ?, {m,n}

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Regex: Closure
// greedy closure: Regex pattern = new Regex("j.*z"); b = pattern.matches("jazjazjaz"); ret = pattern.getMatch(); ret = "jazjazjaz" // reluctant closure: Regex pattern = new Regex("j.*?z"); b = pattern.matches("jazjazjaz"); ret = pattern.getMatch(); ret = "jaz"

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Regular Expressions

Lab 1.1

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Module 2 Functional Tester API

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Functional Tester API

Package: com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces
Test Object DomainTestObject GuiTestObject IGraphical ITopWindow IWindow IScreen


ScrollTestObject IScrollable

SubitemTestObject ISubitem

ToggleTestObject IToggle ToggleGUITestObject IToggleGUI BrowserTestObject IBrowserObject

FrameTestObject IFrame TopLevelTestObject ITopWindow FileDialogTestObject IFileDialog

StatelessGUISubitemTestObject IGraphicalSubitem GUISubitemTestObject ISubitem, IGraphicalSubitem

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Functional Tester API

A TestObject contains a reference to a corresponding object in the software under test (SUT) A TestObject is a Java object "owned" by Functional Tester that serves as a proxy between Functional Tester and the corresponding object in the SUT A TestObject is usually (but not always) constructed from the Object Map (a "mapped" TestObject).

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Functional Tester API

TestObject children
- DomainTestObject
Functional Tester models objects into groups called domains. Java and HTML are the two currently supported domains. Class provides access to information about these domains.

Represents a Functional Tester-initiated process.

Base class for modeling all objects in the software under test that have a GUI.

Models subitems that are contained in other objects for example, lists.

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Functional Tester API

Object Map:
Html_title001() Table_HtmlTable_0_2() Table_NameLastChangeChg() Table_HtmlTable_0() Button_Gosubmit() Text_zip() Table_HtmlTable_2() List_country() Link_RealTimeTechnologySolutio()

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Functional Tester API

Object Map methods return TestObjectS:
Recorded list selection: List_country().click(); List_country().click(atText("France")); // List selection using TestObject & GuiSubitemTestObject TestObject tObj = List_country(); GuiSubitemTestObject gui = (GuiSubitemTestObject)tObj;;"France")); // Or, even more tersely: GuiSubitemTestObject gsto = List_country();;"Denmark"));


Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Functional Tester API

Selected methods of TestObject:
boolean exists(); void waitForExistence(); Hashtable getProperties(); Object getProperty(String propertyName); setProperty(String propertyName, Object value); getSubitem(); Hashtable getTestDataTypes();

ITestData getTestData(String testDataType)

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Functional Tester API

public boolean exists();
tests whether object exists at runtime boolean exists = Button_Gosubmit().exists(); System.out.println(exists) ;

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Functional Tester API

public void waitForExistence()
Pauses script execution until object appears. Arguments: MAXIMUM_FIND_OBJECT_TIME maximum amount of time (seconds) to wait for object (default: 20 s). FIND_OBJECT _DELAY_BETWEEN_RETRIES amount of time (seconds) to wait between attempts to find the object (default: 1s) Button_Gosubmit().waitForExistence(10.0,1.0);

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Functional Tester API

Functional Tester Data Capture
Data capture from target objects can be performed by calling one of 2 methods in TestObject: getProperty()
used if the data is a property of the object that Functional Tester can "see" returns the data as an Object

used to capture any data that a data verification point can "see" returns the data as an ITestData interface usually requires more method calls

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Functional Tester API

For capture with getProperty(), you need a TestObject's available property: public Hashtable getProperties();
Returns Hashtable of Functional Testers properties import java.util.*; Hashtable htbl = Button_Gosubmit().getProperties(); int i = 1; Enumeration eKeys = htbl.keys(); Enumeration eElems = htbl.elements(); for ( ; eKeys.hasMoreElements() ; i++) { System.out.println("Hashtable key " + i + ":" +eKeys.nextElement() + "-" + eElems.nextElement()); };

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Functional Tester API

With a property name from getProperties(), use getProperty() to capture: public Object getProperty(String propName);
Returns the value of the specified property as an Object

Object propObj = Button_Gosubmit().getProperty(".name"); String prop = propObj.toString(); System.out.println( prop ); / / return value: "Go button"

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Functional Tester API

For HTML objects, getProperty () returns browser DOM properties, too:
String outerHTML= (String)Html_title001().getProperty("outerHTML"); String outerText = (String)Html_title001().getProperty(".text"); System.out.println("outerHTML: " + outerHTML); System.out.println(".text: " + outerText);

outerHTML: <DIV class=title id=title001 style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">&nbsp;&nbsp;Functional Tester TEST WEB PAGE&nbsp; </DIV> .text: Functional Tester TEST WEB PAGE

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Functional Tester API

void setProperty(String property, Object value) Can be used to set data in objects

String expDate = "12/04"; TestObject field = Text2(); field.setProperty("te xt", expDate);

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Functional Tester API

Each script inherits methods (from RationalTestScript) to identify items for capture: getSubitem() returns an Object With the atIndex(),atText(),atCell(),atRow() and atColumn() methods, specific instance data can be accessed by item index, item name, cell indices, row index or column index
List Example: getSubitem(atIndex (n)):

TestObject secondItem = (TestObject)List_country().getSubitem(atIndex(1)); String country=secondItem.getProperty(".text").toString(); System.out.println(country); country = Mxico

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Functional Tester API

To capture from table objects: getSubitem(atCell(atRow(atIndex(n)), atColumn(atIndex(m)))); TestObject tblcell = (TestObject) Table_NameLastChanqeChq().getSubitem(
atCell(atRow(atlndex(3)),atColumn(atIndex(1)))); // indices are 0-based

String cell= tblcell.getProperty(".text").toString(); System.out.println(cell);

cell = 1,267.83

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Functional Tester API

Functional Tester Data Capture
Data capture from target objects can be performed by calling one of 2 methods in TestObject: Object getProperty(String property) used if the data is a property of the object that Functional Tester can "see" returns the data as an Object ITestData getTestData(String testDataType) used to capture any data that a data verification point can "see" returns the data as an ITestData interface usually requires more method calls

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Functional Tester API

You can determine a TestObject's test data types from the Test Script Explorer
TestObject tree = tree(); ITestDataTree idata = (ITeStDataTree)tree.getTestData("tree");

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Functional Tester API

To determine a TestObject's test data types in code, use getTestDataTypes() : public Hashtable getTestDataTypes(); Provides access to object property data types
Returns Hashtable of test data types and descriptions Can be used to find specific data types at runtime:

Hashtable dataTypes = tree().getTestDataTypes(); // return value: {tree = tree Hierarchy; // selected = selected tree Hierarchy}

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Functional Tester API

With a dataType, you can get an ITestData interface reference: public ITestData getTestData(String dataType) The dataType argument is one of the Hashtable keys returned by getTestDataTypes() Returns an object that implements ITestData The returned interface reference can be used to capture data from target application objects, usually by casting to a subinterface

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Functional Tester API

package com.rational.test.ft.vp
ITestData ITestDataText ITestDataList ITestDataTable ITestDataTree ITestDataMenu ITestDataProperties ITestDataElement ITestDataElementList ITestDataTreeNode ITestDataTreeNodes IFtVerificationPoint

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Functional Tester API

Package: com.rational.test.ft.vp








ITestDataTreeNode ITestDataTreeNodes

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Functional Tester API

Useful for objects that contain a single piece of interesting text Can be used to capture: the selected element from a Java list object ("selected"). the entire contents (as one long string) of an HTML Table ("text"). the entire contents (as one long string) of an HTML list object ("text")

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Functional Tester API

getTestData() and ITestData
// get an ITestData interface: ITestData htmlDataObj = Html_title001().getTestData("text"); // ITestDataText extends ITestData // ITestDataText has getText(); // ITestData does not cast to an ITestDataText ITestDataText htmlDataText = (ITestDataText)htmlDataObj; //execute getText() method to get the text: String htmlText = htmlDataText.getText(); System.out.println("HTML Text: " + htmlText);

htmlText: Functional Tester TEST WEB PAGE

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Functional Tester API

ITestDataText interface with HTML text objects
// cast to an ITestDataText object directly: ITestDataText htmlTestObj = (ITestDataText)Html_title001().getTestData("text"); // execute getText() on the resultinq interface: String htmlText = htmlTestObj.getText(); System.out.println("HTML Text: " + html);

htmlText: Functional Tester TEST WEB PAGE

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Functional Tester API

You can get HTML listbox text from ITestDataText:
ITestDataText listTextObj = (ITestDataText) List_country().getTestData("text"); String listText = listTextObj.getText(); System.out.println("listbox text: " + listText);

The text of an HTML list object is also accessible using getProperty():

String listText = (String) List_country().getProperty (".text"); System.out.println("listbox text: " + listText);

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Functional Tester API

Lab 2.1

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Functional Tester API

Package: com.rational.test.ft.vp








ITestDataTreeNode ITestDataTreeNodes

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Functional Tester API

HTML tables have 3 test data types: contents ITestDataTable Grid Text ITestDataText Java tables have 2 test data types: selected ITestDataTable contents

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Functional Tester API

Methods in ITestDataTable
getColumnCount() getRowCount() getCell( int row, int col )

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Functional Tester API

Implementation: contents data
ITestDataTable table = (ITestDataTable) Table_NameLastChangeChq().getTestData("contents"); int cols = table.getColumnCount(); int rows = table.getRowCount(); // loop throuqh cells (by columns) to retrieve cell contents for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) { for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { Object data = table.getCell(row, col); if (data != null) { String cell = data.toStrinq(); System.out.println(row + "," + col +"=" + cell); } }

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Functional Tester API

Lab 2.2

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Functional Tester API

Package: com.rational.test.ft.vp








ITestDataTreeNode ITestDataTreeNodes

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Functional Tester API

HTML list objects have 3 test data types: list returns the entire contents of the list object as ITestDataList selected returns selected item as ITestDataList text returns the entire contents of the list object as ITestDataText Java list objects have 2 test data types: selected returns data as ITestDataText list returns data as ITestDataList

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Functional Tester API

Functional Tester Interfaces used with lists: ITestDataList getElementCount() getElements() ITestDataElementList getElement(int) ITestDataElement getElement()

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Functional Tester API

ITestDataList list = (ITestDataList) List_country().getTestData("list"); int count = list.getElementCount(); System.out.println( count ); ITestDataElementList dataElemList = list.getElements(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ITestDataElement dataElem =dataElemList.getElement(i); String elem = dataElem.getElement().toStrinq(); System.out.println( elem ); }

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Functional Tester API

ITestDataList listSel =
(ITestDataList) List_country().getTestData("selected");

ITestDataElementList selObj = listSel.getElements(); // Assumption: only 1 item is selected ITestDataElement selElem = selObj.getElement(0); String selText = selElem.getElement().toString(); System.out.println("list selection: "+ selText);

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Functional Tester API

Lab 2.3

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Functional Tester API

Package: com.rational.test.ft.vp








ITestDataTreeNode ITestDataTreeNodes

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Functional Tester API

Root Node Child nodes Leaf nodes

ClassicsJavaA TestObjects: tree()

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Functional Tester API

ITestDataTree Java trees have 2 test data types:
tree Returns every node in the tree selected Returns complete path from selected node(s) to root node

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Functional Tester API

ITestDataTree Functional Tester Interfaces used with trees:
ITestDataTree getTreeNodes() ITestDataTreeNodes getRootNodes() getNodeCount() ITestDataTreeNode getNode() getChildCount() getChildren() getparent()

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Functional Tester API

Capture Tree data
Coding tasks: 1. Cast ITestData to ITestDataTree 2. Use getTreeNodes() from ITestDataTree to return ITestDataTreeNodes 3. Use getRootNodes() and getNodeCount() to return an array of root nodes and the node count 4. Use the root node array to getChildCount() and to getChildren() 5. Return an array of child nodes from getChildren() 6. Child nodes have getNode() , which returns a generic object reference for each child node

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Functional Tester API

Implementation - tree data
ITestDataTree treeObj = (ITestDataTree) tree().getTestData("tree"); ITestDataTreeNodes treeNodes = treeObj.getTreeNodes(); ITestDataTreeNode[] rootNodes =treeNodes.getRootNodes(); ITestDataTreeNode[] childNodes = rootNodes[0].getChildren(); int rootChildCnt = rootNodes[0].getChildCount(); for(int i = 0; i < rootChildCnt; i++) { String child = childNodes[i].getNode().toString(); System.out.println( child ); }

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Functional Tester API

Implementation - selected data
selected data is held as the complete path from the root node down to the selected branch:

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Functional Tester API

Implementation - selected data
// Frame: ClassicsCD tree().click(atPath("Composers->Schubert")); ITestDataTree dataObj = (ITestDataTree)tree().getTestData("selected"); ITestDataTreeNodes treeNodes = dataObj.getTreeNodes(); // we have 2 tree nodes in the collection: System.out.println("node count = " + treeNodes.getNodeCount());

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Functional Tester API

//continued from previous slide ITestDataTreeNode[] nodes = treeNodes.getRootNodes(); System.out.println("root node: " + nodes[0].getNode().toString()); //can only be 1 since we are travelling down a //single branch System.out.println("child count: " + nodes[0].getChildCount(); //the string value of the node = "Schubert" ITestDataTreeNode[] firstgen = nodes[0].getChildren(); System.out.println("selected child: " + firstgen[0].getNode().toString());

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Functional Tester API

Lab 2.4

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Module 3 HelperSuper Classes

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

HelperSuper Classes
The default inheritance of your TestScript is:

"TestScriptHelper" Class

"TestScript Class

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


HelperSuper Classes
Functional Tester gives you the option of adding a HelperSuper Class to the hierarchy:


"TestScriptHelper" Class

"TestScript Class

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

HelperSuper Classes
Uses of a HelperSuper class:
Any methods that you want inherited by any or all scripts can be put in the HelperSuper class. Methods of the RationalTestScript class can be overridden in the HelperSuper

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


HelperSuper Classes
HelperSuper classes follow certain rules:
1. A HelperSuper class may have any valid Java class name. 2. A HelperSuper class must extend RationalTestScript. 3. A HelperSuper file can be in the datastore root or subfolder, or an external .jar file. 4. Every participating TestScriptHelper must inherit from the HelperSuper class 5. The actual TestScript class itself requires no modification to inherit from a HelperSuper

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

HelperSuper Classes
Implementing a HelperSuper:
Create a HelperSuper class in your datastore: 1. Create a New Test Folder in your datastore (call it 'util') 2. Create a new Java class using the File -> New -> Other Dialog. 3. Choose Java in the left panel and Class on the right panel in the wizard 4. Choose the folder, the package, a class name, and choose a superclass of: com.rational.test.ft.script.RationalTestScript 5. Press the finish button

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


HelperSuper Classes

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

HelperSuper Classes

Choose Java folder and Class inside the folder in the wizard

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


HelperSuper Classes

Datastore Name Class Name Parent Name

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

HelperSuper Classes
Functional Tester creates a stubbed superclass with the characteristics you have requested:

package util; import com.rational.test.ft.script.Rational.TestScript; public class MyHelperSuper extends RationalTestScript { //insert code here }

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


HelperSuper Classes
Implementing a HelperSuper:
Make MyHelperSuper inheritance the default for all new scripts. Right-click on the project in the Functional Test Project view, and select Properties. Select 'Functional Test Project' and change the 'Script Helper Superclass' field to 'util.MyHelperSuper'

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

HelperSuper Classes
Implementing a HelperSuper
Set MyHelperSuper inheritance for preexisting TestScript

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


HelperSuper Classes
The Functional Tester Execution Framework
Functional Tester performs housekeeping tasks, before and after testMain(), is called Execution Framework Among these tasks, two methods are called before and after testMain() The sequence is: onInitialize(); testMain(); onTerminate();

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

HelperSuper Classes
The Functional Tester Execution Framework
Two methods, onInitialize() and onTerminate() are for your own initialization and termination tasks. You can override onInitialize() and onTerminate() in your HelperSuper class to handle, for example, application initialization and termination.
Another methods to override onObjectNotFound(); onAmbiguousRecognition(); onTestObjectMethodException();

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


HelperSuper Classes
The Functional Tester Execution Framework
package util; import com.rational.test.ft.script.RationalTestScript; import com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.ProcessTestObject; Public class MyHelperSuper extends RationalTestScript { ProcessTestObject pto = null; public void onInitialize() { pto =startApp("ClassicsJavaA"); } public void onTerminate() { if (pto.isAlive()) { pto.kill(); } } }

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

HelperSuper Classes

Lab 3.1

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Module 4 Dynamic Object Handling

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Dynamic Object Handling

Mapped Objects
When you record a TestScript, methods are recorded, which also appear as entries in the Object Map. Each method from the Object Map returns a TestObject reference that refers to an object in the target application These objects are termed 'Mapped objects' This is the typical way to access target objects

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Dynamic Object Handling

Object Map Internals.
The Functional Tester Object Map is implemented in each TestScript's TestScriptHelper class. For every object in the Map, methods are automatically written into the TestScriptHelper class that return TestObject references when the methods are called from the TestScript class. Verification point methods are also written to the TestScriptHelper class, and are called from the TestScript class. Object Map data is persisted in datastore as XMLs.

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Dynamic Object Handling

Object Map Internals
Example methods from a TestScriptHelper class that return a reference to a TestObject which refers to an HTML link:

protected GuiTestObject Link_IslandAdventures() { return new GuiTestObject( getMappedTestObject("Link_IslandAdventures")); } protected GuiTestObject Link_IslandAdventures(TestObject anchor, long flags) { return new GuiTestObject( getMappedTestObject("Link_IslandAdventures"), anchor, flags); }

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Dynamic Object Handling

Object Map Internals
The Functional Tester Object Map is 2-tiered: All objects that are put in an Object Map are persisted in a Map XML file in the datastore. The subset of objects in a Map that are visible to a TestScript appear in the Script Explorer View, and are persisted in a Script Definition XML in the datastore. If an object is deleted from the Script Explorer, it is deleted from the Script Definition and is not deleted from the Object Map. If an object is deleted from the Object Map in the Object Map tool, it is lost and must be re-entered into the Map if it is needed.

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Dynamic Object Handling

Object Map Internals
The Map XML is stored in the datastore 'resources' directory. The XML file is named by the following convention: yourScriptName.rftxmap Sample XML structure: Objects appear in <MTO> tags ("Mapped Test Objects") Key Object characteristics each have their own tag (<Id>,<Name>,<Parent>,<TO>,<Dom>Java</Dom>,<Cl ass>,<Role>,<Proxy>) Object properties are held in <Prop> tags

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Dynamic Object Handling

Object Map Internals
Sample Object Map XML

<MTO L=".MTO"> <Id>0.5vYm2Dr5yw0:1eHQrh:KNho7eA:8WW</Id> <Name>ClassicsJava</Name> <Parent/> <TO>TopLevelTestObject</TO> <Dom>Java</Dom> <Class>ClassicsJava</Class> <Role>Frame</Role> <Proxy>.java.jfc.JFrameProxy</Proxy> <Prop L=".MtoProp"> <Key>.captionText</Key> <Val L=".caption"> <Caption></Caption> </Val> <Wt>75</Wt> </Prop> </MTO>
Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Dynamic Object Handling

Object Map Internals
The Script Definition XML is persisted in the datastore 'resources' directory. The XML file is named by the following convention: yourScriptName.rftdef. This XML contains the "Script Definition" Script Definition includes the mapped objects that have been 'added' to your TestScript Script Definition also contains other script data, such as Verification Point information.

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Dynamic Object Handling

Object Map Internals
Sample Script Definition XML
<ScriptDefinition L=".ScriptDefinition"> <ScriptName>MusicVendor</ScriptName> <Language>java</Language> <Map>MusicVendorTestObjectMap.rftmap</Map><Datapool/> <HelperSuper>util.MyHelperSuper</HelperSuper> <ScriptNameMap L=".ScriptDefinitionNameMap"> <TestObject L=".ScriptDefNameMapElement"> <Name>cardNumberIncludeTheSpacesText</Name> <ID>A.5vYm2Dr5yw0:1ZLw93:KNi6Bz7:8WW</ID> <Role>Text</Role> <Deleted>false</Deleted> </TestObject> </ScriptNameMap> </ScriptDefinition>
Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Dynamic Object Handling

Unmapped Objects.
Several Functional Tester methods return TestObject references that are unmapped. These are called 'bound references', 'found references' or 'unmapped references'. You can use these references to dynamically access objects

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Dynamic Object Handling

Unmapped Objects
Some TestObject methods that return bound references: find(); getChildren(); getMappableChildren(); getparent(); getMappableParent(); getTopParent(); getTopMappableParent(); getOwnedObjects(); getOwner();

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Dynamic Object Handling

Comparing Mapped to Unmapped Objects
Every time you invoke an action on a mapped TestObject, Functional Tester must do a lookup in the map, and then create a new TestObject. For example, if you completely expand the ClassicsJavaA Composers tree while recording, you see in your script:

tree().click(atPath("Composers->Schubert->Location (PLUS_MINUS)")); tree().click(atPath("Composers->Haydn->Location (PLUS_MINUS)")); tree().click(atPath("Composers->Bach->Location (PLUS_MINUS)")); tree().setState(Action.vScroll(128)); tree().click(atPath("Composers->Beethoven-> Location(PLUS_MINUS)")); tree().setState(Action.vScroll(176)); tree().click (atPath("Composers->Mozart->Location (PLUS_MINUS)"));

This means that 7 tree() TestObjectS are created in the script process -- consuming the resources of 7 objects

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Dynamic Object Handling

Unmapped Objects
Coding tasks:
Each Object Map method returns a TestObject To execute GUI methods on a TestObject, you have to cast to a GuiTestObject, or one of its subclasses. You can find which specific cast is required from the Object Map tool, under Administrative Properties, Test Object Class Name.

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Dynamic Object Handling

Comparing Mapped to Unmapped Objects
You could use the find() method to return a bound reference to the composers tree, and execute all the methods using the bound reference: GuiSubitemTestObject oTree = (GuiSubitemTestObject) tree().find();"Composers->Schubert-> Location(PLUS_MlNUS)"));"Composers->Haydn->Location(PLUS_MINUS)"));"Composers->Bach->Location(PLUS_MINUS)")); oTree.setState(Action.vScroll(128));"Composers->Beethoven-> Location(PLUS_MINUS)")); oTree.setState(Action.vScroll(176));"Composers->Mozart-> Location(PLUS_MINUS)")); oTree.unregister(); //Highly recommended to unregister bound refs!

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Dynamic Object Handling

Unregistering Unmapped Objects
oTree.unregister(); unregisterAll(); Because bound references can "pin" an object in the target application (i.e., the object will not be collected by the garbage collector as long as Functional Tester's bound reference points to it), if bound references are left registered, system resources may not be released. Over a long run, this can consume large amounts of resources. Calling the appropriate unreqister() method releases the bound reference, and allows release of system resources.

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Dynamic Object Handling

Comparing Mapped to Unmapped Objects.
Using the unmapped reference runs about 10% faster than using a mapped reference in the simple ClassicsJavaA tree() example (1 GHz processor). This time difference represents the map lookup time (each call to a mapped object requires a separate lookup) plus the time to create 7 TestObjectS vs. only one TestObject. Call the unreqister() method to release the bound reference. This ensures that the bound resources are released.

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Dynamic Object Handling

Nothing in the Object Map?
getDomains() returns an array of DomainTestObjectS DomainTestObject has a getTopObjects() method that returns an array of TestObjectS

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Dynamic Object Handling

Coding Task:
DomainTestObject[] domains = getDomains(); ArrayList topWins = new ArrayList(); for(int d = 0; d < domains.length; d++) { TestObject[] tWins = domains[d].getTopObjects(); for(int w = 0; w < tWins.length; w++) { topWins.add( tWins[w] ); } System. out.println ("domain: " + domains [d].getName() + "; Num wins: " + tWins.length); }
Domain: Java; Num wins: 1 Domain: Html; Num wins: 0 Domain: Process; Num wins: 0
Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Dynamic Object Handling

Lab 4.1 Lab 4.2

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Module 5 Custom Verification Points

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Custom Verification Points

RationalTestScript gives you access to a range of custom Verification Points Two RationalTestScript methods give you access to verification point methods: vpManual(); vpDynamic(); Each returns a reference to an IFtVerificationPoint interface. This interface has several methods for creating Verification Point behavior

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Custom Verification Points

Two vpManual() Signatures:
vpManual(Strinq vpName, Object data); On first execution of performTest(), creates a VP in Script Explorer and persists the second argument as the expected data. On subsequent executions of performTest(), compares the second argument with data persisted from first run vpManual(Strinq vpName, Object expected, Object actual);
compares expected and actual arguments, and writes result to log.

this syntax does not create a VP in the Script Explorer

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Custom Verification Points


String baseline = "Bill Wu"; /* code to select a recording and login as Bill Wu */ String actual = (String) text().getProperty("text") ; vpManual.("UserName", baseline, actual).performTest();

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Custom Verification Points

The data you compare using vpManual() must be Objects. Primitive data can be used with the wrappers:

double baseline = 19.99; String actual = ((String)totalAmount().getProperty("text")).substring(1); Double b = new Double(baseline); Double a = new Double(actual); vpManual ("TotalAmount", b, a).performTest();

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Custom Verification Points

Valid Data Types
you can pass vpManual: ITestData String Primitive Wrapper Vector Hashtable Array[] Array[][]

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Custom Verification Points

Using ITestData with vpManual().performTest();
startApp("ClassicsJavaA"); menubar().click(atPath("Admin")); menubar().click(atPath("Admin->Customers...")); OK().click(); // capture the table ITestDataTable iTblBase = (ITestDataTable) table().getTestData("contents"); // ...change the table and recapture: ITestDataTable iTblAct = (ITestDataTable) table().getTestData("contents"); // compare the two table versions: vpManual("table", iTblBase, iTblAct).performTest();

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Custom Verification Points

Using Hashtables with vpManual().performTest();
To compare hashtables, the data needs to be of type ITestDataProperties The static method VpUtil.getTestData() accepts a hashtable argument and returns it as an object of type ITestDataProperties

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Custom Verification Points

Using Hashtables with vpManual().performTest();
// Implementing your own properties VP: // Frame: ClassicsCD Hashtable props = tree().getProperties(); ITestDataProperties baseline = VpUtil.getTestData(props); props = ... ITestDataProperties actual = VpUtil.getTestData(props); vpManual("TreeProperties", baseline, actual).performTest();

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Custom Verification Points

Using Collections with vpManual().performTest();
Hashtable baseline = new Hashtable(); baseline.put( "Russia", "Ruble"); baseline.put( "US", "Dollar"); baseline.put("France", "Euro"); Hashtable actual = new Hashtable(); actual.put("France", "Euro"); actual.put ("Russia", "Ruble"); actual.put("US", "Dollar"); vpManual("Currencies", VpUtil.getTestData(baseline), VpUtil.getTestData(actual)).performTest();


Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Custom Verification Points

Using Vectors with vpManual().performTest();
Vectors can be passed directly
Vector baseline = new Vector(); baseline.add("Visa"); baseline.add("MasterCard"); baseline.add("Amex"); Vector actual = new Vector(); actual.add("Visa"); actual.add("Amex"); actual.add("MasterCard"); vpManual ("CreditCards", baseline, actual).perfomTest();


Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Custom Verification Points

Using Collections with vpManual().performTest();
Vectors can be converted to ITestDataList
ITestDataList actual = (ITestDataList) somelistObject().getTestData("list"); Vector b =aMethodThatGetsDataAndPutsInVector(); ITestDataList baseline = Vputil.getTestData(b); vpManual("CreditCards", baseline, actual).performTest();


Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Custom Verification Points

Persisting Data with vpManual(Name, data).performTest();
String baseline = Trent Culpito"; vpManual("UserName", baseline).performTest(); /* code to select a recording and log in as Trent Culpito */ String actual = (String)text().getProperty("text"); vpManual("UserName", actual).performTest();

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Custom Verification Points

Persisting Data with
vpManual(Name, data).performTest();
Hashtable props = tree().getProperties(); ITestDataProperties baseline = VpUtil.getTestData(props); vpManual("TreeProperties", baseline).performTest();

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Custom Verification Points

Selected IFtVerificationPoint methods:
performTest(); getActualData() getExpectedData(); compare(); compareAndLog(); getVPName();

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Custom Verification Points

Calling vpManual() and performTest() separately
String baseline = Trent Culpito"; String actual =text().getProperty("text").toString(); /* Catch the reference returned by vpManual - 3 argument version */ IFtVerificationPoint vp = vpManual("UserName", baseline, actual); // Compare and log result: vp.performTest();

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Custom Verification Points

Calling vpManual() and performTest() separately
ITestDataTree baseline = (ITestDataTree)tree().getTestData("selected"); /* Catch the reference returned by vpManual - 2 argument version */ IFtVerificationPoint vp = vpManual("SelectedItem", baseline); // Persist the baseline data in datastore vp.performTest();

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Custom Verification Points

getExpectedData() & getActualData()
String exp = Trent Culpito"; // set exp as expected value: IFtVerificationPoint vp = vpManual("User", exp); // Persist data: vp.performTest(); String actual = "Emma Trenchenza"; // Supply the actual value vp = vpManual("User", actual); // return expected and actual data: exp = (String) vp.getExpectedData(); actual = (String) vp.getActualData(); // Compare and log results: vp.performTest();

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Custom Verification Points

compare() returns a boolean evaluation of the 'expected' and 'actual' arguments:
String exp = "Trent Culpito"; IFtVerificationPoint vp = vpManual("User", exp); actual = "Gail Wu"; vp = vpManual("User", actual); boolean b =;

Returns false

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Custom Verification Points

compareAndLog() compares actual with expected and writes a pass/fail to the log (equivalent to performTest())
actual = "Gail Wu"; IFtVerificationPoint vp = vpManual("User" ,actual); boolean b = vp.compareAndLog();

returns false

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Custom Verification Points

compareAndLog(boolean compareTrue)
If compareTrue is set ta false, expected and actual data must be different in order to get a passing result
String act = "Wendy Wu"; // actual value IFtVerificationPoint vp = vpManual("User", act); boolean b = vp.compareAndLog(false);

Logs a pass

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Custom Verification Points

Two signatures:

vpDynamic("vpDyn1").performTest(); vpDynamic("vpDynl", mappedTestObject). performTest();

first signature:

On first playback, brings up VP wizard and creates aVerification Point in the Script Explorer on any mapped TestObject
second signature:

On first playback, brings up VP wizard and create aVerification Point in the Script Explorer on the passed TestObject

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Custom Verification Points

Log methods in RationalTestScript
logInfo(String info) logError(String error) logWarning(String warning) logTestResult(String headline, boolean passed, String additionalInfo)

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Custom Verification Points

signature: logTestResult(String headline, boolean passed, String additionalInfo); example: logTestResult("vp1", (exp.equals(act)), "addn1 info") ;

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Custom Verification Points

Lab 5.1

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Module 6 Handling non-Java / Browser Windows

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Non-Java/Browser Windows
While recording, Functional Tester only recognizes actions performed against Java and browser windows There may be cases where you need to perform actions against other types of windows Functional Tester API has 2 interfaces you can use to perfom actions against any window: IScreen IWindow

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Non-Java/Browser Windows
IScreen and IWindow
Limited set of methods The IScreen API has no methods that retrieve data You cannot cast from IScreen to TestObject

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Non-Java/Browser Windows
An interface designed to perform actions against the currently active window. Since IScreen is an interface, there is no constructor. You get an IScreen by calling getScreen() a method in RationalTestScript

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Non-Java/Browser Windows
Methods that perform GUI actions
.click(), click(Point), click(Modifiers), doubleClick(), drag(), mouseMove(), nClick() inputChars(String) inputKeys(String) inputKeys and inputChars send characters to the current active window wherever the cursor is focused If you need to send characters to a particular object within a window, you might have to add navigational actions

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Non-Java/Browser Windows
Bad News There are no methods in IScreen that retrieve interesting information (properties, data) from a window
isEnabled(), isShowing(), hasFocus() getMousePosition(), getChildAtPoint()

Good News There are methods in IWindow that allow you get limited information about a window

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


Non-Java/Browser Windows
IScreen has methods that return an IWindow getActiveWindow(); windowFromHandle( long ); windowFromPoint( java.awt.Point ); IScreen scrn = getScreen(); IWindow win = scrn.getActiveWindow(); Point p = scrn.getMousePosition(); win = scrn.windowFromPoint(p);

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Non-Java/Browser Windows
More Good News RationalTestScript has a method that returns an array of all the top level windows on the screen: getTopWindows();
IWindow[] allWins = getTopWindows();

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Non-Java/Browser Windows
Getting Information from a Window IWindow has methods that query windows: getText() - returns the window caption . getWindowClassName() getHandle() - return the native window handle (hWnd on Windows). getId() - returns the Windows control ID. getPid() - returns the process ID for the window

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Non-Java/Browser Windows
GUI actions If the IWindow is a TopLevelWindow, you can call these methods: close() activate() maximize() minimize() contextHelp() - activates the window's contextsensitive Help mode.

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Non-Java/Browser Windows
Related Window Objects IWindow has methods that return IWindow references to objects related to the same window: IWindow[] getChildren(); IWindow getparent(); IWindow getTopParent(); IWindow getOwned(); IWindow getOwner();

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Non-Java/Browser Windows
What if you need to get data from an object? There are no methods in IWindow that do this If you can copy the data to the clipboard, you can use Java to access the clipboard

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Non-Java/Browser Windows
Accessing the Clipboard
Retrieve the Contents of the System Clipboard import java.awt.datatransfer.*; import java.awt.Toolkit; Clipboard clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); Transferable t = clipboard.getContents(null); String data = null; try { data = t.getTransferData(DataFlavor. stringFlavor).toString(); } catch (UnsupportedFlavorException ufe) { } catch( IOException ioe ) { }

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting

Non-Java/Browser Windows
Accessing the Clipboard
Send Text to the System Clipboard

import java.awt.datatransfer.*; import java.awt.Toolkit; Clipboard clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() .getSystemClipboard(); String data = "How now brown cow"; StringSelection ss = new StringSelection( data ); clipboard.setContents( ss, ss );

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Non-Java/Browser Windows

Lab 6.1

Advanced IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting


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