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John F. Kennedy

John F. Kennedy @ JFK Washington, DC

Loca3on: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

District of Columbia

Bio: John F. Kennedy was sworn in as the 35th President at noon on January 20, 1961. 234 followers 12 following

Most recent message which can have up to 140 characters. This will take you up to about this point on the second line, depending on leAers.
About 5 minutes ago from web

1,772 Tweets Favorites Following

If youre planning to keep adding messages as you follow a story, it might be useful to start at the boKom of the page and work your way up
About 2 hours ago from web

In a naLonal TV address, Premier Castro proclaimed, "I am a Marxist-Leninist and will be one unLl the day I die"... total jerk.
2 Dec, 1961

NYTIMES: A male chimpanzee named Enos ying at 17,500-miles-an-hour orbits around the Earth. @NASA
30 Nov, 1961

"The chimpanzee who is ying in space took o at 10:08. He reports that everything is perfect and working well." @NASA
29 Nov, 1961

MeeLng with the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights today. (photo) hKp://ow.ly/7uuD2
22 Nov, 1961

"We have put more people to work-than there was ever done in the previous 8 years-in the last eight months."
8 Nov, 1961

"We have passed a minimum wage of $1.25 an hour. We have made it possible for men to reLre at 62."
8 Nov, 1961

Holds 18th news conference to mark the rst anniversary of being elected (audio) hKp://ow.ly/7h5, (photo) hKp://ow.ly/7h5YX
8 Nov, 1961

Jackie Kennedy will visit India and Pakistan for about two weeks, starLng Nov. 20. Best rst lady ever.
4 Nov, 1961

General Taylor returns from Nam and says that South Vietnam has the resources required to prevail against the communists... should be over quickly.
3 Nov, 1961

The Soviet Union must stop the development and tesLng of nuclear weapons, or Khrushchev will be genng a very nasty tweet.
2 Nov, 1961

"The Soviet Union has shown its complete disregard for the welfare of mankind. (photo): http://ow.ly/7fMnH
2 Nov, 1961

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