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College Farm Journal


Iowa State University

Transcribed by Mary E. Atherly

Table of Contents

Photograph of outside cover of journal

Photograph of inside book cover of journal

Photograph of page before page number one

College Farm Journal, 1866 to 1882 Pages 1-640


I. Comments from transcriber and editor, Mary E. Atherly

II. List of College Boards, Committees and Faculty, 1870

III. Useful Terms and Definitions

IV. Towns and locations mentioned in the journal which no

longer exist or were renamed

V. Farm Workers reported in the journal

VI. College student workers reported in the journal

VII. Example of hand written page from journal

VIII. Photographs of Superintendent H.M. Thomson and Farm

Manager A. J. Graves
The College Farm Journal is a leather bound book measuring 13 ½ inches high by 9 inches wide and 2 ¼
inches deep. The tan leather has gold embossing to outline the top and bottom panels and a small center
panel on each side. The book spine is marked “Journal’ and “Supt. College Farm” in gold lettering
Example of hand-written pages. Page 1
Inside page before page 1 Book of Experiments

College Farm Journal (Moses W. Robinson, Supt.)

Agreeable to rules adopted for the government of the Supt. Of the Farm I
here after make daily record of what transpires on the Farm.
Owing to the dry cold May corn and other crops were of slow growth; this
being followed by extraordinary wet weather throughout June, caused
weeds and grass to take a great start in the small grain and corn, the
latter being backward for the Season.

Receipts Expenditures
July 11 Wind S. Clear, warm.
Mr. Graves plowing in garden;
Manhannett attending to
stock and hoeing garden;
Geo.(George) Dunn breaking prairie.
Sml (Samuel) O’Brien driving team.
Miller working in corn
with two horse cultivator.
Soil in good order for work.

“ 12 Wind S. Clear, warm

Graves working in garden;
Manhannett attending stock
and working in garden;
Dunn breaking Prairie, O’Brien
Miller plowing corn
Soil in good condition.

“13 Wind S. Clear, warm,

Graves working in garden; Man-
hannett picking potatoe-bugs
Dunn breaking prairie O’Brien
driving; Miller plowing corn
Soil in good order for work.
Paid O. Briggs for 6 lbs. Tobacco. Sheep wash 4.50

1866 Carried forward from last page 4.50

July 14 Wind S.W. Clear and warm

Graves working in garden
Manhannett stock and garden
Dunn sick; O’Brien killing
potatoe bugs. Miller plowing corn
with buggy plow.
Soil in good working order.
Pd. Thurman & Co. order for goods
for labor on Farm 6.00

“ 15 Wind S.W.Clear warm

Sunday. Ordinary work
for the day attended to and
all went to church at Ames.

“16 Wind S.E. Clear and pleasant

Graves fixing mower. Manhan-
nett, Dunn and O’Brien at-
tending stock and hoeing in
garden. Miller plowing pota-
toes A.M. and corn P.M.
Soil in good order.

“ 17 Wind S.Cloudy
Graves mowing grass. O’Brien
Manhannett and Dunn work-
ing in corn with two horse culti-
vator. Soil in good order.
Pd. A.J. Graves on Salary
as foreman 50.00

“ 18 Wind N.E. Cloudy and damp

Graves raking hay; Manhannett
and O’Brien cocking hay Dunn
sick Miller working corn with
Soil in good order
I Bought @ Boon 7 oz. Arsenic .40



1866 Carried forward from last page 60.90

July 19 Wind S.E. Cloudy and damp

Graves cutting wheat Man
hannett scattering out-hay
in cock; Dunn, O’Brien herd-
ing stock; Miller working corn
with two horse cultivator
Soil in good order

“ 20 Wind S.E. Cloudy and cool

Graves cutting hay and
hauling it to the barn.
Manhannett and O’Brien
picking potatoe bugs; Dunn
handling hay; Miller mow-
ing weeds. Harvest in
good condition.

“21 Wind W. Clear, warm.

Graves went to mill; Man-
hannett and O’Brien haul-
ing hay; Dunn hoeing pota-
toes. Miller plowing potatoes
with a single shovel plow.

“22 Wind S.W. Clear, warm

Sunday—Ordinary work
done Attended church
at Ames.

“23 Wind S.W. Cloudy, warm

Graves cut wheat; Miller,
Manhannett, O’Brien and
Dunn bound wheat,
Weather good for har-
vest. 60.90

1866 Carried from last page 60.90

July 24 Winds S.W. cloudy warm with

the appearance of rain.
Graves cut wheat; Manhannett,
Dunn, O’Brien and Miller bound

“ 25 Wind E. cloudy with rain in

A.M. warm.
Graves killed mutton A.M.
Cut wheat P.M. Manhannett, Dunn
O’Brien and Miller hoed in the
garden A.M. and bound
wheat P.M.

“26 Wind W. Cloudy, with little rain, warm

Graves chored A.M. cut wheat
P.M. Manhannett, Dunn
Miller and O’Brien hoed gar-
den A.M. and bound wheat
Paid Black & McCarthy 23.00

“27 Wind N.E. Clear, warm

Graves cut wheat, Manhannett,
Dunn, O’Brien and Miller
bound wheat.
Pd. Rail Road Freight 4.33
“ Stearns Black Smithing bill 4.40
“ H. H. Robinson for 95 lbs. tobacco 19.00

“28 Wind S. Clear and warm

Graves cut Timothy for seed,
Manhannett, Dunn, Miller
and O’Brien bound Timothy
weather good for harvesting



1866 Carried forward from last page 111.63

July 29 Sunday Wind S. Clear, warm

Necessary work performed
and some attended church
at Ames

“ 30 Wind W. Clear, warm

Graves cut Timothy A.M.
and Oats P.M. Manhannett
O’Brien, J. Miller and Dunn bound
Timothy and oats
Weather good
Pd. Wearn & Stricklin for
paints, oils & c 17.55

“ 31 Wind S.W. Clear, warm

Graves cut oats. Manhannett
Dunn O’Brien and J Miller
bound oats

Aug 1 Wind N. Clear, cool

Graves cut oats—J. Miller
Manhannett Dunn and
O’Brien bound oats

Aug 2 Wind S.E. Clear, cool.

Graves cut oats, Manhannett
O’Brien, Dunn and J. Miller
bound oats.
Pd. J.C. Bucher for reaping & mowing ?inch reps. 5.20
Owing to the warm weather
for the past month the corn
has made fine progress and
I think will mature if good
weather continues.

1866 Carried forward from last page 134.38

Aug. 3 Wind W. Clear, cool

Graves cutting oats, Dunn
Manhannett, J. Miller and
O’Brien binding oats.
Pd. Goody Kooktz for care of sheep 1.25

“4 Wind N.E. Clear, cool

Graves cutting oats, Dunn
Manhannett, O’Brien and J.
Miller binding

“5 Wind E. Cloudy, cool

Sunday-- Ordinary work done

“6 Wind S.E. Cloudy, cool.

Mr. Graves went to Boon
Manhannett, Dunn and
O’Brien cutting weeds. J. Miller
setting out cuts

“7 Wind S.E. Cloudy, coo. rain

ing some.
Graves fixing fence
Manhannett, Dunn and O’Brien
cutting weeds; J. Miller fixing

“8 Wind N.E. Cloudy cool

Graves, Dunn and J. Miller
fixing fence; Manhannett
and O’Brien cutting weeds.

“9 Wind East—Clear, warm

Graves, Manhannett, Dunn
J. Miller and O’Brien wash-
ing sheep in Tobacco.


1866 Carrried forward from last page 135.63

Aug.10 Wind E. Cloudy, cool

Graves Manhannett
and O’Brien doing chores.
Dunn sick, J. Miller very
sick from inhaling Tobacco
and Arsenic.

“11 Wind S.E. Cloudy, cool

Graves hauling gravel for
cellar, also J. Miller. Dunn
cutting wood. Manhannett
O’Brien doing chores.
Dunn quit work today.

“12 Wind N.W. Clear cool.

Sunday—Necessary work

“13 Wind N.E. Clear, warm.

Graves, Manhannett, J. Miller
O’Brien and Bacon haul-
ing grain. A. Miller stack-
ing. Hired M. Bacon

“14 Wind S.E. Clear, warm.

Graves, Manhannett
O’Brin Bacon and Miller
hauling grain. A. Miller
Pd. Brooks(Bwoks) & Chaffin for 136 lbs. nails 11.15
“ R.R. Company freight on same 1.11

“15 Wind S. Clear, warm

Graves Manhannett Bacon
O’Brien and J. Miller hauling grain
A. Miller Stacking

1866 Carried Forward 147.89

Aug. 16 Wind S.W. Clear and warm

Graves, Manhannett, Bacon
O’Brien and Miller drawing
grain. A. Miller Stacking.
Pd. P.S. Porter for 1 bu. buckwheat 2.80

“ 17 Wind S.E. Clear and warm

Graves, J. Miller O’Brien
Manhannett and Bacon draw
ing grain. J. Miller Stacking

“ 18 Wind S.E. Cloudy, rain, warm

No work performed except chores
Bacon quit work
Pd. James Miller on work 20.00
Pd. Bacon in full 3.85
Pd. O’Brien for labor 11.00

“ 19 Wind N. Cloudy, cold, unpleasant

Sunday—Usual labor
for this day

“20 Wind N.W. Cloudy, cool.

Graves doing chores J. Miller
drawing wood, Manhannett
and O’Brien absent
Pd. R.R. Co.Freight on box 3.97

“21 Wind S.E. Clear, warm.

Graves, Manhannett J. Miller
and O’Brien working in garden

“22 Wind W. Clear, warm

Graves, Manhannett J. Miller
and O’Brien drawing Timothy.
A. Miller Stacking. ___________


1866 Carried Forward 189.51

Aug.23 Wind W. Clear, cool

Graves, Miller, Manhannet
and O’Brien draying timothy
A. Miller Stacking

“ 24 Wind S.E. Cloudy, Cool

Graves Mowing, Miller draw-
ing oats; Manhannett at
work in Evergreens;
O’Brien in turnips.

“25 Wind E. Clear, cool.

Graves gone o Nevada,
Manhannett ad O’Brien
working in garden J. Miller
raking hay.

“26 Wind E. Clear cool.

Sunday—Hands attended
church except “Sam” O’Brien
who stole money and quit work.

“27 Wind S.E. Clear, cool

Graves mowing; Miller
and Manhannett drawing

“28 Wind. S.E. Cloudy, cool

Graves sundry jobs; Man-
hannett sawing wood, Miller
fall plowing wheat stubble
Ground in fine order.
Pd. to S.O. Osborn per order
to haul 10.75
Pd. Miller for Hardware 3.45

1866 Carried Forward 203.71

Aug.29 Wind S. Cloudy, cool.

Graves jobbing, Manhannett
in turnips. J Miller plowing
ground works well
Pd. W.Spencer for 1 day work .70
Dunn for breaking Prairie
in full. 39.50

“ 30 Wind S.W. Cloud cool rained all day

Graves, Manhannett and Miller
hauling manure in barn.

“ 31 Wind W. Cloudy, cool.

Graves, Manhannett and Miller
hauling manure from barn
Pd. Hoggett & Rainbolt for
lumber, Salt & c per Bill 16.05

Sep.1 Wind W. Clear, warm.

Graves and Miller at manure.
Manhannett in orchard

“2 Wind S.W. Cloudy, cool

Sunday—Ordinary work
done and we (the) attended

“3 Wind S.W. Cloudy, warm

Graves and Miller went to
mill. Manhannett catch-
ing gophers in orchard.
Pd. Raelcliff ½ day in harvest 1.00
Pd. Abbott & Richely? per Bill Hardware 9.45


1866 Carried Forward 270.41

Sep 4 Wind S.W. Cloudy, warm rain

A.M. Graves and Miller
worked in the barn.
Manhannett in the gopher
Pd. Hoyer? & Bro. Bill of 4 halters & 4 sheep 8.00

“5 Wind S.W. Cloudy, warm

Graves went to Blacksmih
Miller sawing wood; Man-
hannett sundry jobs in

“6 Wind W. Clear, cool

Graves Miller and Manhan-
nett working in hay field.

“7 Wind W. Cloudy, cool

Graves, Manhannett and
Miller Sunday jobs.

“8 Wind S.W. Cloudy, cool

Graves Miller and Manhan
nett haying.

“9 Wind S. Cloudy, cool.

Sunday chores.

“10 Wind S.W. Cloudy warm, rain

Graves doing chores; Miller
and Manhannett working
in woodhouse.

“11 Wind S. Cloudy, warm.

Graves doing chores. Miller
and Manhannett sawing and splitting
wood/ Hired R. Marks to
herd on stubble and meadows.

1866 Carried Forward 278.41

Sept. 12 Wind S.W. Clear and warm.

Graves, Miller and Manhan-
nett haying. Dunn ½ day in
hay field.

“ 13 Wind S. Clear, warm

Graves, Manhannet, Dunn
and Miller in hayfield.

“14 Wind E. Cloudy, cool

Graves sundry jobs. Miller
and Manhannett haul-
ing manure on wheat stubble
N. Barn. Dunn worked
¼ day for board.

“15 Wind S.E. Cloudy, cool.

Graves sundry jobs. Miller
and Manhannett hauling ma-
nure, also Dunn for board.

“16 Wind S. Cloudy, warm.

Sunday—Ordinary Sabbath

“17 Wind S.E. Clear, warm.

Graves at jobs. Miller
at work in woodhouse.
Manhanett repairing
fence, Marks herding

“18 Wind S.W. Clear, cool.

Graves witness at Court.
Manhannett and Miller
herding. hauling hay
Marks herding.


1866 Carried Forward 278.41

Sept 19 Wind E. Cloudy, cool, rain

Graves at court, Miller haul
ing manure. Manhannett
working in orchard and doing
chores. Marks herding.

“ 20 Wind W. Clear, cool.

Graves and Manhannett at
Court. Miller hauling ma-
nure; Marks herding.

“ 21 Wind N.W. Clear, cool.

Graves in Sorghum also
Miller and Manhannett; Marks
herding cattle.
Heavy frost the first of
the Season.

“22 Wind S.W. Clear, cool

Graves, Milles and Manhan-
nett sundries; Marks herd-
ing cattle.

“23 Wind W. Cloudy, cool, rain.

Sunday—As usual
Marks herding cattle.

“24 Wind S.E. Cloudy, cool.

Graves at the sorghum; also
Miller. Manhannett absent
at Teachers Institute
Marks herding cattle.

“25 Wind S.W. Clear, cool.

Graves and Miller in Sorghum
Manhannet absent Marks

1866 Carried Forward 278.41

Sep 26 Wind N.W. Clear, cool

Graves and Miller work-
ing in sorghum. Manhan-
nett absent. Marks herding.
Pd. Berresfeid, hardware 3.00
*Rec’d Cash from H.H. Robinson for Berkie pigs 45.00

“27 Wind S.E. Clear, warm

Graves, Manhannett and
Miller working in sorghum
Marks herding.

“28 Wind S. Clear, warm

Graves butchering; Miller
hauling hay. Manhannett
at Sorg.(sorghum) Marks herding
*Rec’d of H.H. Robinson for 1 sheep pur. 7.00

“29 Wind S. Clear warm

Graves attending stock;
Miller went to mill. Marks
herding. Manhannett chores.

“30 Wind S.W. Clear, pleasant

Sunday—Ordinary work

Oct. 1 Wind S. Clear

Graves mowing. Miller
plowing stubble, ground in good
condition. Manhanett at Sorg-
hum. Marks herding.

52.0 281.41

*These entries are in a blue ink and were added at a later date. All the
other entries are in a faded black ink.


1866 Carried Forward 52.00 281.41

Oct. 2 Wind S.W. Clear, warm

Graves sundry jobs; Miller
gone to mill; Manhannett
working in sorghum;
Marks herding
*Pd Brown & Stafford 4.95

“3 Wind S. Clear, warm.

Graves ad Miller hauling
hay; Manhannett in sor-
ghum; Marks herding.

“4 Wind S.E. Clear, warm.

Graves and Miller hauling
hay. Manhannett in sorghum.
Marks herding.

“5 Wind S.W. Clear, warm.

Graves in Orchard; Miller
mowing; Manhannett at the
sorghum. Marks herding.

“6 Wind S. Clear, warm.

Graves sundry jobs; Miller
raking hay; Manhannett
at sorghum. Marks herding.

“7 Wind S. Clear, warm.

Sunday—As usual on
this day.

“8 Wind W. Clear, cool.

Graves gone to Nevada, Miller haul-
ing hay also Manhannett. Marks
herding cattle.
Pd. ?Crowley for Buggy $126.00
Pd. F. Landstadt “ harness 27.00

52.00 439.36

1866 Carried Forward 52.00 439.36

Oct. 9 Wind S. Clear, cool

Graves working in orchard.
Manhannett in garden; Miller
plowing orchard, ground in good
condition. Marks herding.
Chas. Gear Commenced work
today in orchard.

“10 Wind S.E. Cloud, cool.

Graves and Gear in orchard
Manhannett in garden and
Miller plowing orchard, Marks

“11 Wind E. Slightly cloudy, cool.

Graves in orchard. Gear cut
corn; Manhannett digging po-
tatoes; Miller plowing orchard
Soil in fine order. Marks

“12 Wind S.E. Clear warm.

Graves working in orchard;
Manhannett digging potatoes;
Miller plowing in orchard;
Gear cutting corn. Marks

“13 Wind S. Clear, warm.

Graves in orchard and sowing
Rye. Manhannet digging
potatoes. Gear cutting corn;
Miller plowing in orchard.

“14 Wind S.W. Clear and warm.

Sunday—Ordinary work.

52.00 439.36


1866 Carried Forward 52.00 439.36

Oct.15 Wind N.E. Clear, cool

Graves working in orchard
Miller plowing; Manhannett
harrowing; Marks herding;
Gear cutting corn
Pd J. Miller for labor 40.00

“ 16 Wind W. Cloudy, cool

Graves working in orchard
Miller plowing orchard, Marks
herding. Manhannett digging
potatoes; Gear cutting corn.
Pd. Plum & brothers for alarm clock 5.50
“ Baker & Co. for window and desk glass 3.15
“ Express charges on Bose? glass 1.00

“ 17 Wind S.W. Clear, warm

Graves trimming out plants;
Miller and Manhannett sundry
jobs in wood-shed. Gear cutting
corn. Marks herding.

“ 18 Wind S. Clear, cool.

Graves sundry jobs; Miller,
Gear and Manhannett dig-
ging potatoes Marks herding.
Pd. W.L. Thomas for plastering & c 63.05
_________The large Cots-
wold Ram was found dead
in the Bull lot Today.
Exc. Com (Executive Committee) arrived at 1 /2 P.M.

“ 19 Wind S.W. Cloudy, cool.

Graves sundry jobs and attend Exc.
Com; Manhannett Miller and Gear
digging potatoes. Marks herding.

52.00 552.06

1866 Carried Forward 52.00 552.06

Oct.20 Wind N.E. Cloudy, moderate

Graves waiting on Exc. Com.
Miller, Manhannett and Gear
hauling manure. Marks herding
Pd. Jas. Miller for labor 5.00
Exc. Com. left today they
ordered the barn raised and
hog pen built
* Rec’d order for cash from Ex. Com., Expns on Barn 200.00

“ 21 Wind N. Cloudy, cool

Sunday---Ordinary work
performed; Marks herding

“22 Wind W. Cloudy, cool.

Graves sundry jobs; Miller
Manhannett and Gear haul-
ing manure; Marks herding

“ 23 Wind N.W. Cloudy, cold, rain

Graves attending stock; Miller
and Gear pulling turnips:
Manhannett hauling ma-
nure; Marks herding stock.
Stock enclosed.

“ 24 Wind S.E. Cloudy, cool

Graves with stock; Miller
gone to mill Manhannett
working in barn; Gear dig-
ging potatoes; Marks
Pd. A. Miller for labor 6.50

252.0 563.56


1866 Carried Forward 252.00 563.56

(Oct) “ 25 Wind S.W. Cloudy, sleet

Graves went to Nevada;
Miller, Manhannett and
Gear digging potatoes;
Marks herding cattle.

“ 26 Wind W. Rain in the morning.

Graves sundry jobs;
Miller, Manhannett and
Gear working in potatoes
Marks herding cattle.

“ 27 Wind N.W. Rain with little snow.

Graves gone to sale. Miller
husking corn. Manhannett
attending to stock. Gear saw-
ing wood; Boy herding.

“ 28 Wind S.W. Cloudy, cold.

Sunday. Usual labors.
attended church.

“ 29 Wind W. Clear, cold.

Graves attending stock;
Miller Manhannett and Gear
digging potatoes, Marks
* Pd Cross & Co. & Express 4.30

“ 30 Wind S.W. Clear, cold

Graves attending stock
Miller Manhannett and
Gear digging potatoes; Marks
herding cattle.

“31 Wind S. Cloudy, cool

Graves sundries; Miller & Gear hauling
manure, Mahannett husking corn

252.00 567.86

1866 Carried Forward 252.00 567.86

Nov. 1 Wind S. Clear, fine day

Graves fixing sheep pen Mil
ler plowing; Manhannett and
Gear hauling manure; Marks
herding stock.

“ 2 Wind S. Pleasant day

Graves Sundry jobs Miller
plowing; Manhannett attending
stock also Marks; Gear hauling

“3 (Melendy) error pd. Sam Obrien

labor for use of Melendy (Editor’s note: this entry
was edited in blue ink-Melendy was
drawn through and the word error written
above. Then Melendy was added to the
end of the sentence over what appears to be a letter c.) 20.00

“4 Wind S. Clear and pleasant

Sabbath—Ordinary work ad
attended church.

“5 Wind S. Clear, cool.

Graves sundry jobs; Miller
plowing; Manhannett attending
stock Gear thrashing Marks
herding stock

“6 Wind S.E. Clear, fine.

Graves Sundries; Miller hauling
water; Manhannett husking corn;
Gear thrashing; Marks her-
ding stock.

252.0 587.86


1866 Carried Forward 252.00 587.86

Nov. 7 Wind S. Cloudy, rain

Graves in barn; Miller
hauling rock; Manhannett
husking corn; Marks atten
ding stock.
*Rec’d of J.A. Hull, Boon Co. Note Collection 80.00

“ 8 Wind S. Clear, warm.

Graves at work in orchard;
Miller hauling wood; Manhan-
nett working in barn. Gear
sawing wood; Marks atten-
ding stock.

“9 Wind S. Clear, fine.

Graves in orchard; Miller
and Manhannett husking
corn; Gear thrashing Boy

“ 10 Wind S. Cloudy, cool.

Graves and Manhannett
at work in the orchard,
Miller and Gear husking
*Rec’d from J. Garber for Buck Lamb 15.00

“ 11 Wind W. Clear, cold.

Sunday---Attending stock

“ 12 Wind N.W. Rough, cold

Graves working at Barn, Miller
plowing; Manhannett in garden; Gear
husking corn; Marks herding; ground
works well.
Pd. Wrights bill for “Blk. Smithing 9.50
“ Abbott & Kinsbury Hardware 6.55
“ Charles Snoad for 4 pigs 75.00
347.0 678.91

1866 Carried Forward 347.00 678.91

Nov. 13 Wind W. Cloudy, rain, snow

Graves fighting fire; Miller
and Gear husking corn and
fighting fire (possible along railroad tracks)
Manhannett in garden, Marks attending

“ 14 Wind W. Rain
Graves assisting to raise
barn; Miller hauled manure,
Manhannett in garden; Gear
saws wood and hauls manure;
Boy with stock.

“ 15 Wind N. Clear, cold.

Graves raising barn. Miller
hauling lime; Manhannett in
barn; Gear hauling manure;
Marks with stock.
Pd. Warnick? for raising Barn 50.00

“ 16 Wind N.E. More mild.

Graves, Manhannett, Gear, Mil-
ler and Marks threshing.

“ 17 Wind N.E. Cloudy, cold.

Graves Miller Gear Marks
and Manhannett threshing.

“ 18 Wind West. Cold

Sunday—Ordinary work;
attended church.

“ 19 Wind N.W. Cloudy, cold, rain

Graves, Manhannett, Miller, Marks
and Gear threshing
Pd. Coon for 1 da. labor .95

347.0 729.86


1866 Carried Forward 347.00 729.86

Nov. 20 Wind S.W. Clear, mild

Graves, Gear, Manhannett, Mil-
ler and Marks threshing.

“ 21 Wind N.W. Cloudy, snow, sleet.

Graves, Miller, Gear, Manhannett
and Marks threshing.

“ 22 Wind. W. Clear moderate.

Graves, Gear Miller, Marks
and Manhannett threshing.
Pd. Express on 4 hogs 25.00

“ 23 Wind S.W. Clear, mild

Graves did chores; Man-
hannett and Marks with
stock; Miller and Gear hus-
king corn.
Pd. Sullivan labor for 3 d’s 5.25
“ Van Eyl “ “ 3.75
“ RR Co. freight .25

“ 24 Wind N. Clear, pleasant.

Graves, Manhannett, Miller,
Marks and Gear husking

“ 25 Wind S. Clear, cool.

Sunday—Attended stock.

“26 Wind S. Cloudy, cool, little rain.

Graves ,Miller and Gear getting
timber for barn; Marks sawing
Pd. Luke cusl? for threshing crop. 1866 52.25

347.0 816.36

1866 Carried Forward 347.00 816.36

Nov. 27 Wind S. Cloudy with some rain

Graves, Miller and Gear lev-
eling up barn; Marks chores.
Pd. RR Co. freight on gate .60

“ 28 Wind N.W. Clear; cool.

Graves at the stone quar-
ry; Miller covering grapes;
Gear and Marks hauling ma-
Pd. Kingsbury for seed chestnuts 1.75
“ O’Brien for laying stone in barn 8.00

“29 Wind N.W. Clear, cold

Graves attended stock; Miller,
Gear and Marks gathering

“ 30 Wind N. Clear, cool

Graves attended stock; Miller,
Gear and Marks gathering corn.

Dec. 1 Wind S. Clear, pleasant.

Graves, Miller and Gear leveling
barn. Marks chores.

“2 Wind S. Cloudy, Rainy all day

Sunday---Did the feeding,
attended church.

“3 Wind S.E. Clear pleasant.

Graves attended stock; Gear,
Miller and Marks husking corn.

“4 Wind S. Clear warm.

Graves attending stock; Miller, Gear
and Marks husking corn.

347.0 826.71


1866 Carried Forward 347.00 826.71

Dec. 5 Wind S.W. Clear, very pleasant

Graves attending stock; Miller
hauling manure; Gear hauling
stone, Marks chores

“ 6 Wind S.E. Clear, mild

Graves attending stock; Miller
hauling lime and mortar;
Gear hauling stone. Marks
waiting on mason.

“7 Wind S.W. Cloudy, P.M. rained

Graves kills hogs; Miller and
Gear husking corn; Marks wait
ing on mason

“8 Wind N.W. Cloudy, cold 2 in snow.

Graves hewing timber; Miller and
Gear leveling barn Marks haul-
ing wood.

“9 Wind N.W. Moderating a little.

Sunday—Attending to stock,

“ 10 Wind N. Rather cool, pleasant.

Graves leveling barn, Miller haul-
ing timber. Geer quit work.
Marks at work in wood-
house and chores.
Bashan and Thomas assisting in

347.0 826.71

1866 Carried Forward 347.00 826.71

Dec.11 Wind W. Clear pleasant.

Graves fixing barn. Miller
attending stock. Marks in
woodhouse Bashan and Thomas
in corn. Ed Wiltse commen-
ces work tomorrow.

“ 12 Wind N.W. Clear, cool.

Graves at the barn; Miller
Wiltse, Marks, Bashan and
Thomas husking corn.

“ 13 Wind N.E. Clear, cold.

Graves finishing up barn;
Miller, Wiltse, Marks Bashan
and Thomas husking corn.
Pd. Clough for laying stone 8.00
“ R R Co Freight 11.45
“ Weam & Stricklan for lamp 1.70

“ 14 Wind S.E. Clear, cool.

Graves finishing up barn
Miller atteding stock. Wiltse
Marks, Bashan and Thomas
husking corn.

“ 15 Wind S. Clear, cool.

Graves at the bar; Mil-
ler attending stock. Wilse
Bashan Thomas and Marks
husking corn.

“ 16 Wind E. Clear, cold.

Sunday—chores generally

34.0 847.86


1866 Carried Forward 347.00 847.86

Dec. 17 Wind W. Clear, cold.

Graves attending stock.
Miller Wiltse Bashn, Thomas
and Marks snapping corn
Pd. Abbott & Kingsbury
for barn 2.80
*Rec’d Cash from J.C. Cusey for Bull Calf 50.00

“ 18 Wind N.W. Clear, cool

Graves attending stock; Mil
ler, Wiltse, Marks, Thomas and
Bashan sapping corn
Pd. D. G. Legerson? 2 hands and
team threshing and for
two gates 23.75

“ 19 Wind N. Clear cold

Graves attending stock; Mil-
ler, Wiltse and Bashan buil-
ding fence;
Thomas and Marks
quit work.

“ 20 Wind N.E. Cloudy, cool.

Graves attending stock. Mil-
ler sundry chores Wiltse
hauling lumber from brick
yard. Bashan digging holes
for hog pen pillars.
Pd Keltner for work in
corn 1 day 1.00
Pd Bashan for work in corn
11 ½ days and digging 1 day 12.50
Pd Thomas for work in corn
10 da’s and board 5.00
Those paid quit work and gone.
397.0 892.91

1866 Carried Forward 397.00 892.91

Dec 21 Wind E. Clear quite cold.

Graves attending stock; Wiltse
fixing up; Miller doing chores
*Rec’d cash from S.W.Woodruff, 1 bull calf 70.00

“ 22 Wind N.E. Cloudy, damp, cold.

Graves attending stock; Miller
outwork generally; Wiltse hauling

“ 23 Wind S.E. Clear, cool.

Sunday—Graves attending stock

“ 24 Wind N.W. Clear and cold

Graves attending stock; Miller
doing up work about the Barn;
Wiltse attends school and
works nights ad mornings and
Saturdays for his board
* Pd Northrup for hauling Freight 3.00

“ 25 Wind N.W. Clear, cold.

Christmas—All hands
enjoying a holiday—Nothing
did save feeding.

“ 26 Wind .W. Clear growing colder

Graves attending stock; Miller
hauling wood.
Pd. Gibson for labor 1 ½ days 1.50

“ 27 Wind N. Still very cold.

Graves attending stock; Mil
ler doing chores.
Pd. Coffelt labor threshing 4 days 5.00

467.0 902.41


1866 Carried Forward 467.00 902.41

Dec 28 Wind N.E. Clear, cool.

Graves attending stock;
Miller hauling and splitting

“ 29 Wind S. Clear, cool.

Graves attending stock;
Miller seeing to all work
Pd. Miller for labor 5.00
“ Manhannett on labor 5.00
* “ Black & McCarthy for hinges 1.25

“ 30 Wind N.E. Little snow.

Graves seeing to stock
Sunday work as usual.

“ 31 Wind S.W. clear, cold

Graves and Miller seeing
to stock and fixing for
their comfort.
(editor’s note) the following entries on this page are in a darker ink and
appear to be the writing of H.M. Thomson who became Superintendent
of the College Farm in 1867.

Pd N.B. Shearer Carpenter work 6.00

“ A.J. Graves at various times in 1866
and paid out by him as per vouchers 413.25
“ Gibson & Marks in part on well 9.40
Rec’d cash from A.J. Graves for
produce sold & Boarding on Farm 413.25
Cash Recd and Expended since July 10 ,1866 $880.25 $1,340.31

Cash Rec & Expd from Jan 1st to July 10th 1866 850.00 357.00
Total amt. Rec & expended 1866 1730.25 1,699.31
Cash Rec & expended in 1867 from Apple &Gibson 10.00
Jan 10 67 Pd RR Co Freight on Barn lumber 3.30
“ 18 67 F.M. Gibson for work on well in full 10.00
“ 19 “ Jones Marks” “ 14.87
“ 23 “ W.S. Thomas laying stones in barn 4.00
“ 24 “ R.B. Shearn work in barn 8.77
$1,740.25 $1,740.25

Page 30 is blank


College Farm Journal, 1867

(Editor’s Note: These entries are written in a dark black ink in a smaller
script and not as flowery a penmanship as 1866. This same ink was
used to make corrections in the 1867 entries including the “income”
24th January 1867 (in pencil) H.M. Thomson
Arrived at the Farm and found every
thing going on as left by the Ex. Com.
on the 12th instant. The improvements
ordered in Oct. have made some
progress but are far from being
completed and their wants tells very
severly on the Stock this stormy
I found one lamb sick (I believe
from eating too much grain)
It is a Cotswold Ewe.

25th A severe snow storm raging

from the North.
The comfort & safety of the stock
requires the undivided attention
of Mr. Graves & his assistant.
One Berkshire sow so buried
in the snow had to be dug
out & removed to the Barn.
Requested Mr. Graves to see
that the young stock was not
fed grain to excess.

26th The storm somewhat abated

but bitter cold.
Directed Mr. Graves to give
a small quantity of powdered
chalk in tepid water to the
sick lamb.
The employees attending
to stock shoveling roads in
the snow to enable the stock
to get to the water & c

27th Sunday

January 28th 1867

Ordered Mr. Graves to take

immediate steps to complete
the improvements in the
basement of the Barn
and gave him the necessary
order for procuring nails
hinges & c, see order book
Measured the grain in
bulk on hand & found
of Oats 670 bushels
Corn 511
no wheat having been used
since it was threshed it
was not measured

29th Finding much grain wasted

I have directed Mr. Graves to
procure a new basket for
carrying feed to the Stock
the hay is so coarse and
poor that much grain is
necessary to keep them in condition.
I have ordered the grain
fed to each class of stock
to be measured daily & not
more to be fed than is eaten
clean up within one hour
after feeding. I have been
compelled to this from the
fact that an indiscriminate
uncertain amount has
been given to them much
of which has been wasted from
their inability to consume
it at once & before it had
become soiled by their tramp-
ing over it.
Have authorized Mr. Graves


January 29th 1867

to procure some beef at the cost of

the Farm it being his understanding
that the arrangement made with the
Ec. Com. found the farm to provide
all the eatables for boarding hands
& c except the Groceries.
Hands attending stock fitting up pens
in basement of barn and hauling firewood.
Procured a Thermometre.
30th Hands attending stock hauling
firewood & working in basement of
the barn.

31 The weather very much moder-

ated. The five sheep having
been kept shut up in close confine-
ment since I took charge of
the Farm ( a mode of treatment
I considered highly detrimental
to health) I have ordered that
except on very stormy days
they shall be turned out for
air & exercise during the middle
of the day.
Having found my order of
the 29 disregarded in relation
to determining the amount of
grain fed to the Stock I
have renewed that order &
given Mr. Graves & his assistant
to understand that it must
be attended to
Hands attending stock
& doing chores.
Received a rather imper-
fect & unsatisfactory statement
of the amount of grain fed
must try it on a little further.

1st February 1867

The weather being favorable

I directed Mr. Graves to have the
Timothy hay (straw) from
which the seed had been
threshed hauled into the
the barn. Find it a
very inferior article &
much injured by the weather
The Cotswold lamb injur’d
by too much grain is a
good deal better I think
out of danger but badly stunted.
Hands hauling the hay &
tending the stock
Feb 2nd Hands hauling the
remainder of the Timothy
Hay tending Stock &
Mr. Graves Hauling

“ 3 Sunday
“ 4 Had a cover put over the
oat bin to protect it from the
poultry the weather being too
severe to erect a separate place for
them outside the barn.
The snow storm last night caused
much extra labor to get stock to water
& make them comfortable.
Hands employed attending Stock and
getting firewood.

“ 5 Employed Flemming Snelling for two

months at $18.00 per month
One of the Berkshire sows had 6
pigs this morning two are dead from
being overlaid
F. Snelling hauling firewood & Miller
attending stock.


6th February 1867

F. Snelling & James Ellison (day laborer) employed

getting out fence posts to make the Bull pasture more
Miller attending the Stock reports another young
lamb this morning from a High grade ewe.
Mr. Graves excused until next Monday night to look
after some urgent private business.
Authorized Mr. Graves to purchase more
flour for the Farm. I consider it unsafe
to send a team so far to Mill in the
present condition of the Road from
Snow drifts
The Bulls knock the zig zag fences down
& go where they please. The result is that the
grade “Ayrshire & Devon” Heifer has been
served by her sire Henry Clay yesterday
Ellison only worked ½ a day.
“ 7 Mr. Reichard having stuck in the snow
last night & he having lost two of his horses
by their getting away from him I have
let the Teams go to Walnut Grove to bring
his Buggy & Wagon to the College. Ed. Wiltse & Mr.
Robinson going along with them.
F. Snelling & J. Ellison getting out fence
posts. J . Miller attending the stock
“ 8 Severly cold
F. Snelling hauling firewood & working
in basement of the Barn & C
Lent Mr. Reichard a wagon box (with side
boards on) full of corn to be returned in 1 month.
Had a pen constructed in the basement
of Barn for a Devon cow about to calf.
Miller attending stock
Too cold to work in the woods.

9th February 1867

F. Snelling cleaning up in Barn

Miller attending Stock
10th Sunday

11th A grade lamb of last year that

had been in the Hospital pen for
diseased eyes was turned out amongst
the general flock some two or three
weeks since by Mr. Graves, was run
over yesterday by one of the Horses &
had its thigh bone broke & had to be
Mr. Shearer working on roof of Hog
house. Snelling assisting him.
Ellison making fence posts
& Miller attending stock

12th Ellison & Snelling assisting M.

Shearer to get the roof on the Hog
Miller attending stock

19th I have been absent since the 12th attending

some unfinished private business of my
One of the Devon cows had a fine Bull
calf last night
One of the fine bred Merion Ewes lambed
Cora or Rose Smith (Mr. Graves does not know
which) and cannot tell to what Buck as she has
lambed several weeks earlier than she
ought to have done from the time ?Geo
Stone was let to the Ewes
Another of the Berkshire has died,
from the symptoms I am of opinion
that that disease was pneumonia
The rest of the stock apparently
doing well


20th February 1867

I find that the amount of Grain fed per

day is as nearly as I can ascertain
4 oxen 50 pounds corn
1 steer 10 “ “
9 cows 150 “ “
yard Sheep 74 “ “
pend “ 40 “ “
Horses 67 “ “
Bulls 25 “ “
Hogs 74 “ = 7 bu. corn daily

Oats pounds
Bulls 50 “
Calfs 18”
Sheep 20”
Colts 12 “ = 3 4/32 bu oats
I have directed some little change in
relation to cows giving milk towit to
substitute oats for corn a portion of the
of the day.
J. Miller’s time is wholly occupied
Graves & Snelling attending to
sundry chores necessary to keep
things in order

21 Snelling hauling firewood & Miller

attending stock
There is one more of the young Berk-
shire pigs has died apparently from
Also the lamb from the fine bred
Spanish Ewe was found dead
this morning supposed from injury
received when born as the Ewe had
to receive considerable assistance
when Lambing
The remainder of the Stock seams to
be doing as well as circumstances
will admit

22nd February 1867

One of the Common blood cows, Julia, has

a calf this morning. The calf is a
Heifer sired by the Ayrshire Bull
Henry Clay
Directed Mr. Graves to remove the young
Shepherd Dog as it could not be kept out
of mischief on the Farm.
It is taken to Mr. Graves Farm to
await orders from Executive Co.
F. Snelling hauling wood J
Miller attending Stock Graves fixing
in Barn & C & C
23 F. Snelling chopping wood; Miller
Stock; Graves repairing odds and
ends in Barn Snelling assisting in
afternoon It is two intensely
cold for men to work outside.

24 Sunday---very cold

25 Mr. Graves gone to mill with

24 bushels wheat & I have directed him
to purchase some bran, if it can be
got, as the newly calved cows need it to bring them
up to their milk; the calves do not appear to get
enough milk from the cows.
Miller attending Stock
Snelling chopping
26 Mr. Graves returned from Mill at
noon—got pounds shorts at
per hundred
R. Shearer commenced at
noon to shingle the Hog House
& I have directed Ellison & Snelling
to assist him
Snelling was chopping in the
forenoon Miller attending stock


27th February 1867

One of the Hospital sows had fifteen pigs last

evening she has overlaid or otherwise killed
9 &c The remainder appear strong and
active she is too fat
Statement of amount of grain fed
to the stock daily for the past week
4 Oxen 50 pounds corn
4 Bulls 25 “ “ 50(pounds)
9 cows 103 “ “ 28 “
1 Steer 10 “ “ --
Yard sheep 74” “ --
Pend “ 40” “ 22”
6 horses 60” “ --
2 Colts -- 14”
25 hogs 80”
6 calves -- 14”
_________ __________
442+ 6 22/70bu 128=4 bushels
Graves, Snelling & Ellison assisting the
building Superintendent (Mr. Owens) to put
some ice in the cellar for the purpose
of preserving meat, fish & c during the
hot weather
Miller attending Stock
I received yesterday from Washington
D.C. Three boxes of books as follows to wit
Jeffersons Complete works 9 vols.
State papers 17 “
Annals Complete 42 “
American Archives 9”
The Express charges were $31.15/100 see
Lent Mr. Reickard’s man a load of corn
(new waggon with sideboards on same
as before)
Received from Mr.M.W. Robinson, by
mail this evening, the Reports of Messers(Mr)
Sherman & Basset the Treasurers &
agent for the Sale & lease of the
College lands

28th February 1867

Mr. Graves, Snelling & Ellison finished hauling

ice & storing it
Miller attending the stock which
are now getting along more satisfactorily
than at the close of last month

1st March 1867

Mr. Graves & Snelling collecting the refuse

blocks & fragments of lumber left in the fall
from the improvement in the Barn &
which have been strewed about the Barn
yards during the winter covered by
the snow. Some surplus lumber
is piled that may be used in
further improvements
Sold ten bushels of Timothy seed to
Mr. Chadwick of Nevada for $3.00/bu
& Rec’d payment—see cash Book
Miller attending stock
The Native cow Julia had a steer
calf this P.M.—Grade Ayrshire
2 Hands putting hay into the
Barn & attending stock
The cow that calved yesterday
reported to me as unwell, on examin
nation there were symptoms of
inflamation, but very slight, I
have given her some peper tea to
arouse the natural energies
8P.M. Cow appears better
3 Sunday

4 Mr. Graves & Snelling fixing Hog pens

and removing Hogs to new pens
Miller attending Stock


Tuesday 5th March 1867

5 light Hogs Killed for house consumption

will average about 165 or 170 pounds
Amount of Grain fed to Stock during
the week ending Tuesday 5th March per day
4 oxen 55 pounds corn ------ pounds
4 bulls 25 “ “ 50 “ “
9 cows 110 “ “ 41 “ “
6 calves --- 18 “ “
1 Steer 10 “ “ --
70 yard sheep 74” “ --
41 pen sheep 25 “ “ 45 “ “
6 Horses 25 “ “ 30” “
2 Colts -- 16 “ “
25 Hogs 80 “ -----
2 sows with young- 6 pounds shorts
Thus six bushels & a peck of oats & five bu
& 54 pounds of corn also 42 pounds of shorts
are fed to the Stock per week.
Mr. Shearer working on Hog House afternoon
6 Have sold the wheat left over from
crop of 1865 at $1.40/100 per bushel
Snelling hauling Firewood—Wiltse
choping & helping to clean wheat
Miller attending Stock—Graves cut-
ing up meat & doing chores
Mr. Shearer working on Hog House
7 Snelling hauling wood
Mr. Shearer did some unfinished
repairing up stairs in the House
he being unable to work outside from
intense cold worked forenoon only
Miller attending Stock
Graves variously employed
I have purchased a whitewash brush
for the use of the Farm House

8th March 1867

9 Graves & Snelling cleaning Timothy

seed Miller attending Stock
Snelling hauling firewood Graves sent to Ames with
some Timothy some of the StoreKeepers having
engaged to try & sell it for us
Miller attending stock
10 Sunday

11 We have taken some seed

to Mr. Scott’s Store in Philadelphia
he engaging to try to dispose of
it for us.
I have written to the seed stores
in Des Moines & elsewhere but
have not been able to secure a
purchase at any place.
I have directed that left grain
be fed to the oxen some of the
bulls & the Devons Cows also
some of the Bucks & c I am
satisfied that the Stock have been
fed an unnecessary amount of
grain but could not determine
till I had them some little time
under my observation
I reduced the quantity &
indiscriminate mode of feeding
shortly after taking charge and
I am now satisfied that a further
reduction in the case of the above
stock will be both necessary and beneficial.
On next page will be found
returns of grain fed for six days ending with this date


11th March 1867


Amount & Kind of grain fed per day for the

six days ending Monday March 11th inclusive
4 oxen 55 pounds corn
1 Steer 10 “ “
4 bulls 25 “ “ & 50 pounds oats
9 cows 90 “ “ 80 “ “
6 calves ---- 18 “ “
yd sheet 74 “ “ ---
pen “ 25 “ “ 45 “ “
6 Horses 25 “ “ 36 “ “
2 Colts ---- 14 “ “
20 Hogs 30 “ “ ---
2 sows 6“ “ shorts 2 “ corn meal
5 milk cows 10” “ 4 “ “ “
The want of roots for our cows giving
milk & to the young stock is a serious
drawback. Snelling chopping & Miller
attending stock

12 Two of the young pigs from Hospital sow

have disappeared the floor in the pen
occupied by the Berkshire sow is earth
& she has rooted down so that the pigs
from the other could pop underneath
& from the Savage Disposition of Berkshire
the belief is that she has killed and
eaten them. The hole’s are stoped
& as soon as the weather will permit
Berkshire will be moved
Graves & Snelling cleaning seed
wheat preparitory to spring work
Miller attending to the stock
A most terribly severe storm
raging the mercury commenced
falling about daylight & fell steadily
all day till at sunset it was 8 degrees
below zero thus falling 28 degrees during
the day
Getting wallpaper put on office wall &
have had wood work inside painted

13th March 1867

The weather so intensely cold this

morning men cannot work outside
Graves & Snelling cleaning seed
wheat when can stand out
The Durham Cow Rose has just
calved a red heifer calf all are
apparently doing well
Miller attending Stock

14 This forenoon so cold men could

not work outside, they have been
cutting firewood & choring
Snelling Choping in creek timber in afternoon
Miller Attending Stock

15 Directed Mr. Graves to have one of

logs to the sawmill at Philadelphia
to be sawn into planks
for Bridges, which is being done
today Snelling assisting him
Mann out the day hauling found
Miller attending Stock

16 Mann putting hay & straw into

the Barn
Mr. Reichard has returned the two
loads of corn lent to him on 27th
February and 8th February
Graves finishing pens in
Hogs House preparatory to weaning
Berkshire pigs & moving
Hospital sow from basement
of barn
The room in basement is
wanted for calves
Miller attending Stock

17 Sunday


Monday 18th March 1867

Started to go to Boonesboro with Timothy seed in

expectation of selling it, but found the snow so
deep west of Philadelphia that we had to turn
Amount & kind of grain & c fed per
day for the week ending this day inclusive
4 oxen 40 pounds corn
1 Steer 6 “ “
4 bulls 20 “ “ & 4 pounds of oats
9 cows 50 “” 54” “
6 calves -- 18 ‘ ‘
6 horses 25 “ “ 36 “ “
2 colts -- 14 “ “
69 yd sheep 74” “ ---
41 pen sheet 25 “ 32 “ “
Hogs 30 “ “ --
4 bulls 3 pounds shorts 3 pound corn meal
8 cows 8 “ “ 8 “ “ “
2 sows 3 “ “ 3 “ “
Turkeys chickens & geese not known
F. Snelling absent till mid afteroon, choring
Miller attending stock

19th I have engaged James L. Miller for

one year, at twenty three dollars per month
to commence on the 9th day of April next,
the period when his present engagement
Also John Thomson (Canadian) for two
months for twenty dollars per month.
The hands are employed preparing
fencing material except Miller who is
attending the Stock

20th March 1867

Finding myself unable to sell the

balance of the Timothy seed elsewhere
I took Mr. Graves & team with 8 ½
bushells of seed to Boonesboro and
Montana where we succeeded in
selling what we took up and also
in engaging the Balance that could
be dispensed with for horse use
at $3.00 per bushell delivered the
sacks returned
The Durham Cow “Zielah” calved
a fine Red bull calf this afternoon
--doing well
All hands preparing fencing & c
Ext Miller attending stock

21 Hands cleaning Timothy seed to

send to Lewis & Dawes at Boone
Had 12 sacks filled & sent by R.R.
it being sold to the above firm for
$3.00 per bu. to be delivered free
Heroine, One of the Devon Cows produced
a grade (Ayrshire) Heifer calf this
Miller attending Stock the other
hands filled the balance of their
time at sundry odd jobs
22 I to Boonesboro & Montana
Graves & men getting out fence
posts. Miller tending Stock
23 Returned from Boone & have
for the present lost track of the Timothy
seed---Suppose it sent out west
by some mistake
Snow storm
Men chopping in wood house
The Devon cow (Heroine) recently calved
not doing very well
24 Sunday


Monday 25th March 1867

The recently calved Devon cow not impro-

ving. I have procured some flax seed for
her to take mucilaginous drink
Graves hauling firewood & fence Posts in forenoon
preparing wheat for mill afternoon
Snelling & Thomson working in woods at
fence Posts & firewood
Miller attending Stock
Ascertained by Telegraph that the Timothy
seed sent to Boone has been sent west
by mistake & is detained there by
the snow blockade will be sent back
as soon as blockade opens

26 The amount & kind of grain fed to

Stock per day for the week ending on the
evening of the 25 March is as follows
4 oxen 20 pounds corn
1 Steer 5 “ “
4 Bulls 15 “ “ & 36 pounds oats
9 cows 60 “ “ 40 “ “
6 calves -- 18 “ “
69 yd sheep 74” “ --
41 pen “ 18” “ 36” “
6 Horses 40” “ 36” “
2 colts -- 18 “ “
4 hogs 40” “ ---
4 Bulls 8 “ Meal & Shorts
8 cows 20 “ “
1 sow 5” “ “
Thus 23 1/5 bushells of oats 27 1/5 bushells
of corn & of meal & shorts 231 pounds are
fed during the week
Two hands in the timber getting out
fencing in forenoon & in afternoon shelling
& grinding corn
Miller in charge of stock

27th March 1867

Graves sent to mill with a grist

Two other hands putting balance of
hay into the Barn & hauling straw
Miller attending Stock
The recently calved Devon Cow is
still unwell from calving

28 Snelling & Thomson putting straw

into the Barn the hay being likely
to fall short before grass comes
Graves cleaning up in Barn in
forenoon went to Philadelphia in
the afternoon to get a Post axe
made & see if Road Plank is
Miller attending Stock

29 Being satisfied that there is not a

sufficient amount of Hay to keep
the Stock up till grass we have
purchased 2,200 weight; at $5.00 per
ton & Graves has hauled it home.
Zielah’s Calf (Durham Bull) is
quite sick scouring & showing
symptons of Inflammation
during the forenoon
Snelling & Thomson preparing
fencing. Miller tending stock
in P.M. The calf some better
but not out of danger
have given some more
medicine to check the
inflammatory symptoms.

30 Durham Calf improving

I think out of danger
Snelling & Thomson getting wood
Miller attending Stock

(Editor’s note: handwriting seems to change in paragraphs from

very small lettering to wide expansive script-possible some one
else was helping Thomson make some entries here,or he changed
writing pen. )


30th March 1867

Hon J.W. Williams arrived in afternoon

& commenced Topographical survey
J. Thomson, my Boy & myself, assisting him
Graves & Snelling cleaning up some
of the old wheat of crop of 1865, sold for seed
during afteroon
Devon Cow Heroine improving slowly
& also Durham calf
31st Sunday
A young Southdown lambed this morning

April 1st Mr. J.W. Williams busy engaged in making

Topographical Survey Graves; J. Thomson &
my son assisting him in morning
while I wrote notices to the Executive
Committee Graves afterwards repair-
ing wagon boxes & c Snelling hauling
firewood. I assisted surveying
from midafteroon until night
awful work

2 Mr. Williams proceeding with

Topographical survey same help
as yesterday in the forenoon
Had to abandon runing
the lines on account of the snow
could not make certain of the
original corners on the west boundry
Graves & J. Thomson assisting
him in the afternoon to take the
meandering of the Bluff & Slough
running along the south side of
the farm & marking the north line
through the Timber
The oats on hand measured
in bulk to day find 454 bushells or
there abouts
Miller attending stock
Snelling hauling firewood

2nd April 1867

Amount & kind of grain we have

fed to the stock during each day
of the week ending 1st April

4 oxen 25 lb. corn

1 steer 5”
4 bulls 15” 25 lb. oats & lb. corn meal
9 cows 55” 50” 20”
6 calves -- 18” 4”
6 horses 40” 36”
2 colts -- 18’
69 yd sheep 74” --- ---
41 pn “ 15” 40” 2”
22 hogs 30” --- ---
Returned by James L. Miller
Stock tender

3 Mr. Graves sent to the mill for

the Grist left there on the 27th
J. Thomson & myself
assisting Mr. Williams with
the Survey but were compelled
to quit at noon by Rain &
thunder Storm
Thomson & Snelling chop-
ing firewood in afternoon
Snelling hauling firewood
in forenoon
Miller attending Stock

4 Graves did not return from Mill

until this morning owning to the rain
Rt—Shearer got twenty bushells
of Tea Wheat engaged & paid for
during winter in Carpenters
work at $1.70 per bushell & 13 ½
bushells of the shrunk wheat of
1865 at $1.50 per bushell in all
$54.50 Not having Mr. Shearers
Bill I cannot state what is due
the farm until he is settled with


4th April 1867

Snelling morticing fence posts. J. Thomson

assisting him in forenoon & assisting Mr.
Williams & myself completing the survey
in the afternoon.
Graves repairing & jobbing balance
of the day
Miller attending stock

5 Thomson & Snelling preparing fencing

in forenoon
A grade wether sheep killed for the use of
the house.
Mr. Williams completed (as far as
at present practicable for high water) the
Topographical Survey ascertaining
the altitude of the large Spring
to be 15 feet above high water in the
Creek bottom; The entrance gate to
cattle yard South & East of the barn
to be 23 feet above the Spring; a point
20 rods west of the farm house is
13 feet above the gate & at the N.E.
corner of the College building is
22 feet above the Gate or sixty
feet above highest water in creek
bottom near to the sand pit.
Thomson & Snelling assisted Mr.
Williams in taking the elevation.
I went in to Boone after the Timothy
seed Received $26.40/100 on account & took
note at thirty days for balance ($60.00)
Allowed some Stock that was (by
request) weighed on the farm Scales, remain
in one of the Bull pastures over night &
furnished & hauled Straw for them.
As they could not be removed on
account of the high water making
bottom impassible see cash book 6th inst.

6th April 1867

J. Thomson morticing fence posts

Snelling Sraightening up yards
piling up remains of lumber left
from Hog House Barn & c which
has been buried in snow all
winter cleaning up generally
Graves making a new box for
his waggon yesterday & today
Miller attending Stock
The stock which was left here last
night removed this morning their
owners taking the back track

7 Sunday

8 Graves gone to Nevada being summoned

as a juror
Got excused & came back at
Snelling repairing fences on
various parts of the farm when
they had been thrown down in
the fall & left during winter
J. Thomson trimming &
morticing fence posts Snelling
assisting during part of the
Graves jobbing afternoon
Miller attending Stock

9 The time for which F. Snelling

was engaged & lost time is full-
filled this day & he has left
J. Thomson breaking corn
stalks in forenoon & preparing
fence posts in afternoon
I have procured 100 zinc
strips for protecting Apple trees from
ravages of canker worm


9th April 1867

Graves is employed in fixing some better

accommodations the Sheep now beginning to drop
their lambs
Amount & kind of Grain & c feed per
day for the week ending with the 8th day of
April Graves’ oxen have been sold
2 oxen & 1 steer 17 lbs. corn
4 bulls 15 lbs corn 26 lbs oats & 8 lbs meal & shorts
9 cows 55 “ 40” 10”
6 calves -- 18” boiled 6”
69yd sheep 74” -- --
41 pen “ 18” 14” --
6 horses 40” 36” --
2 colts -- 18’ -
22 Hogs 30” -- --
Poultry not known
Signed James L. Miller
Stock Tender
11 Graves picking seed corn & jobbing in the
forenoon & Thomson preparing fence posts
Graves & Thomson hauling hay in
the afternoon (had to buy two tons more)
Miller attending Stock
A Hospital sow produced three
pigs this morning
The native cow (Polly) produced a
very fine grade ( A & Native) heifer calf
this afternoon
Visit from Mr. Humphrey he expect-
ing a meeting of the Executive Committee

11 J. Thomson breaking corn stalks in

early part of the forenoon & repairing fences
& morticing fence post balance of day
A young grade sow (Berkshire &
Hospital) produced 4 pigs today
Graves gone for seed corn to
Mr. Bucks & general jobing
No other member of Ex. Committee
having come Mr. Humphray has left for home.

(Note—there are two entries dated 11-this is not a typing error)


12th April 1867

Graves & Thomson harrowing and

sowing Timothy seed in the Big Spring
Bull pasture in forenoon
Thomson spreading manure
in Afternoon
Graves assisting me to put
on Zinc protectors on Apple trees
My Boy taring the protectors
part of the afternoon
The recently calved Cow
not doing well had to remove
Had to purchase some
Snuff to make up ointment
to destroy lice on the calves
Another young sow had
pigs today (Grade, Berkshire
& Hospital)
Hired G. Jensen for two weeks
for (9.00) nine dollars

13 Lamb’s coming frequently the

cripled Leicester Ewe had twins
this morning (rather weakly ones)
The morning being wet the
hands are cleaning seed wheat
J. Thomson sowing Timothy seed
in West Bull pasture & harrowing
it in afternoon
Jensen spreading manure in
the young orchard
Miller attending Stock
Graves & my Boy assisting
me with the zinc proectors
in old Orchad; the insects
are preparing for mischief
in large numbers
The Leicester Ewe has twin lambs
one very weak & doubtful to live


Sunday 14th April 1867

High bred Spanish Ewe “Cora Smith”

had a Ewe Lamb this morning to Beauty

15 Preparing to sew wheat

J. Thomson plowing & letting off surface
water all day
Jensen letting off water (ditching) & spreading
manure in forenoon
Spreading manure in afternoon
Graves gone to Nevada as a juror
Fixing zinc protectors on apple trees
find many of them dead particularly
White Winter Pearmain & a great
many so injured as to be “Not worth
preserving”—chiefly from the Borer
I went into the field North of the
Bull pasture this morning where
the fall ploughing was done &
found so much water flowing
over it that I had to set to work
with two hands & get it turned
into other channels so as to
get it fit for sowing; it is
now drying finely
Engaged Samuel J. Wilson for a month
at ($22.00) twenty two dollars per month to
commence tomorrow morning

16 Jensen digging fence post holes

with side of old orchard forenoon
J. Thomson ploughing in forenoon
Wilson harrowing
J. Thomson sowing wheat from 11 ½ A.M.
until evening My Boy harrowing with
his team
Jensen spreading manure in the
Miller attending Stock

16th April 1867

Return of grain fed daily for

the week ending 15th April inclusive
3 steers(or oxen) 17 lb. corn
4 Bulls 15” 40lb Oats 5 lbs meal 3shorts
9 cows 60” 56” 12” 10”
6 calves -- 18” 3” 2”
68yd sheep 74” -- -- --
41pen” 18” 36” 2” 2”
6 horses 45” 50” “ “
2 colts -- 18’ “ “
22 Hogs 35” and the slops from Kitchen
Poultry not Known
Signed James L. Miller
Stock Tender
G.R. McIntosh dressing & Marking
stones for corners to perpetuate
the survey made by Mr. Williams
Graves at Nevada

17 J. Thomson sowing remainder of

the wheat in field J in forenoon
S.J. Wilson & My Boy harrowing
Jensen spreading manure in the
forenoon & sawing firewood in afternoon
Wilson & Thomson harrowing part of the
afternoon cleaning wheat remainder
Had to stop harrowing on act of rain
Miller attending Stock & Graves still
at Nevada

18 Wilson & Thomson finishing harrowing

of wheat sown in Field J. in forenoon
Jensen cleaning & deepening the channel
to carry off the water & spreading manure
in fields J. working in garden in afternoon
Thomson rolling wheat Field J
Wilson harrowing cornstalk land
intended for wheat in Field A.
Miller attending Stock
Graves still at Nevada


19th April 1867

Thomson sowing new broke prairie land (in

Field F) & Wilson Harrowing in forenoon
Graves setting up Two Horse cultivator & horse
rake in forenoon & cleaning wheat
Jensen working in garden & shrubbery in forenoon
Burning cornstalks in afternoon in field A.
Wilson Raking corn stalks in afternoon field a.
Thomson harrowing in field F. in afternoon
Graves getting plough repaired
Miller attending Stock

20TH Thomson sowing wheat in Field A. in forenoon

Wilson raking cornstalks in Field A. & harrowing
Jensen setting fence posts in forenoon &
burning cornstalks remainder of day in field a.
Graves driving cultivator putting in
wheat in Field A—part of the day in garden
some little time was lost in the middle
of the day by the breaking of the Horse rake
while raking cornstalks
Thomson sowing wheat & cultivating
in afternoon
Miller attending Stock & c
Graves sent to Blacksmith’s shop to
get repairs on horse rake done there
Every tool & implement on the farm
seems to be out of repair

21st Sunday

22 Graves & two hands started to Field A.

to finish the sowing of the wheat but had
to quit for rain Thomson & Wilson then
set to clearing wheat
Jensen setting fence posts west of the
old orchard
Graves; Thomson & Wilson working in
wheatfield (Field A.) in afternoon
Miller attending stock

Tuesday 23 April 1867

Amount and kinds of grain fed per day

during the week ending 22nd April 1867
3 oxen & steers 17 lbs.corn
4 Bulls 15” “ 45 lbs. oats
9 cows 60 ” 72 ”
6 Calves ---- 18 ”
6 Horses 25 ” 100 ”
2 colts -- 18 ’ for four days
65yd sheep 74 ”
40pen “ 15 ” 34 ”
Hogs 35 ” --
Reported by James L. Miller
Stock tender
J. Thomson sowing remainder of the
wheat forenoon & cultivating afternoon
Wilson Harrowing & cultivating
Jensen setting posts forenoon
Digging in garden & burning
cornstalks in afternoon
Graves in garden superintending
& looking on
Miller attending Stock

24 Thomson sowing oats & Harrowing

Wilson cultivating & raking cornstalks
Jensen Harrowing with Oxen
Graves in Garden
Some symptoms of scab making
its appearance amongst the sheep
for the last two or three days
Miller attending Stock

25 Thomson; Wilson & Jensen

Raking & burning cornstalks; Sowing oats and
cultivating (or covering with cultivator)
Graves hauling manure and
making hot bed to start sweet
potatoe plants.
Graves getting Horse rake
repaired part of afternoon


Friday April 26 1867

Graves, Thomson, Wilson & Jensen working

to get the oats in; Raking & burning cornstalks
sowing oats & cultivating them in with shovel
plough & two horse riding cultivator Harrow & c
Graves planting Potatoes sowing Pease & c
in Garden & sweet potatoes in hotbed P.M.
The wind got so high towards noon
as to prevent getting the oats properly
sown & part of the hands had to go to plough-
ing part of the afternoon & Wilson to Rolling
remainder of wheat land & the oats already sown
From the careless & indiscriminate
manner of using the lanterns 3
that have been purchase within
a year have been broke I have
procured two strong R.R. Lanterns
from Chicago marked “C. Farm” &
numbered 1 & 2 & have put No 1
in care of James L. Miller Stock
tender & No 2 in the care of Mr. Graves
& informed them that if broke or
destroyed the cost will be deducted
out of their pay
The putting in of wheat has been finished
& we have used 46 bu. of seed but not
having any means of accurately measure-
ing I cannot record the number of
Miller attending Stock

27 Graves working in garden

Thomson & Jenson & my Boy working
on cornstalk land getting in Oats and
Wilson finishing rolling wheat land &
commenced on Oats in forenoon
Jensen harrowing oats in afternoon
Thomson & Wilson ploughing some
patches for Oats that have been left
in the middle of corn land last year
in an unfruitful unsightly and
unprofitable condition

Sunday 28th April 1867

29th Wilson & Thomson ploughing patches for oats

(in forenoon) that have been idle last year
Jensen harrowing in forenoon
Ditching north of R.R. in afternoon
Thomson ploughing for corn in the
afternoon Wilson hauling rails
Graves getting harrow teeth
sharpened in forenoon hauling
Bridge lumber from Philadelphia
in afternoon, also getting a plough
that had got broken Standard repaired
at Philadelphia

30 The amount & kind of grain fed

per day for the week ending April
29th inclusive to wit
2 oxen 40 lb corn
1 steer 5 “ “
4 Bulls 15” * 40 lb Oats
9 Cows 70” 88” Oats
4 yearlings
6 calves 25” “
75 yd sheep 74” --
33 pen sheep-- 40”
Hogs 35” --
6 Horses -- 65”
James L. Miller Stock tender

A Cotswold Ewe lambed a Buck lamb

last night which has evidently been
sired by a Southdown Buck
Thomson sowing oats burning
cornstalks & c

Wilson ploughing (Bugg Plough in

forenoon) cornland afternoon
Jensen harrowing in Oats
Graves hauling Bridge plank
from Philadelphia in forenoon
assisting in getting in oats and
doing odd jobs in afternoon


1st May 1867

Thomson sowing oats in forenoon and

plowing corn land in afternoon
Wilson plowing corn land all day
Jensen harrowing oats land with oxen
Miller attending stock & assisting me
to fix & hang flood gates part of the day
Graves in quest of potatoes bean & c to
supply the house in forenoon working in the
Garden in afternoon
I have planted out 3 small white thorn
trees in places where pear trees have died
out for the purpose of budding these with
the pear as soon as the proper season
arrives for that operation

2 Wilson & Thomson plowing land for corn

Jensen harrowing oats with oxen
Graves working in garden & attending
odd jobs in forenoon & sent in quest
of seed corn in afternoon
Miller attending stock & assisting
me to repair some pasture fence
injured by the fires the early part
of last month
Amount of grain fed to stock
belonging to Mr. Graves made up until
1 st May fro 10th January
Corn 38 bushells
Oats 25 bu
Geese in number not known

3 Thomson & Wilson plowing corn land

left Thomson 1 ½ hours plowing in Garden
Jensen harrowing oat an breaking
L.(land)from Brick yard
Graves Gardening & jobbing
Miller tending Stock cleaning
Sheep pens choping firewood & c
I have rented about ½ an acre of
land for garden for boarding house keeper

4th May 1867

Thomson plowing corn land west of

the college Building
Wilson plowing corn land north
of the Railroad
C. Jensen digging strips occupied
by the rows of fruit trees in garden
H. Wilson hauling rails with oxen
to the fence in course of erection
north side of old orchard
Graves working (sowing seeds) in
garden in forenoon & in afternoon
til about 4 oclock when he started
with the Buggy to his own farm.
I cannot get him to remain at his
work steady or attend to many
things that he is told to unless
continually with him or near by.
I left the office a little before 4 oclock
to examine the condition of the land &
crops fences & c left him at work in
garden & when I came back between
5 & 6 he was gone as above stated
& it has occurred several times before

5th Sunday

6th Graves & Thomson gone in quest

of hay for the Stock in forenoon
Wilson working on post & rail
fence north side of the Old Orchard
in forenoon
Graves hauling corn to pay
that used by his stock in afternoon
Wilson & Thomson plowing
corn land north side of the Railroad
Miller attending Stock & repair-
the fences injured by the Prairie fires
north of R R track last fall
Graves has returned 13 46/70 bu
of corn & 5 bu by measurement
returned before 18 46/70


7th May, 1867

Table showing the amount of grain fed

per day during the week ending 6th May inclusive
2 oxen 40 b. corn
1 steer 5”
4 Bulls 15” & 36 lbs. oats
9 cows 60” 65”
10 calves - 24”
69 yd sheep- 20”
22 hogs 35” --
6 horses -- 65”
19 pen sheep 12 pounds oats for four days
signed James L. Miller
Stock Foreman
Wilson & Thomson plowing for corn on the
north side of the Railroad track all day
Miller attending Stock & repairing fences
north of R.R.
Graves planting seeds in Garden & jobing
Mr. Dunham the architect on College
Building arrived here in afternoon (the
first time since winter)

8th Mr. Chadwick taken away his Timothy

seed this morning (10 bu)
Graves & Thomson gone for Hay
in forenoon
Thomson plowing North of R R in afternoon
Wilson plowing North of R R all day
Miller attending Stock & Repairing
Mr Dunham left again this forenoon
Graves working in Garden in afternoon
Had Barry Brady ditching on the North
side of the R. R. all day by the day
Had to get salt from Montana
There being none to be got in Ames
for two weeks & our stock are suffering
for want of it

9th May 1867

Wilson plowing for corn & potatoes

in forenoon & harrowing in afternoon
North of R.R.
Thomson plowing & harrowing
in garden lot in forenoon and
plowing (west of College) for corn
in afternoon
Miller attending Stock and
cleaning up yard & jobbing during
spare time
Graves working in garden
cutting seed potatoes & C & C

10th Thomson plowing out the corn land

west of College Bldg. in forenoon & marking
for corn north of R.R. in afternoon
Wilson harrowing corn land N of
R.R. in forenoon & land for potatoes
& plowing in afternoon
Miller attending Stock & harrowing
with oxen (Harrowed nearly ¾ of the day)
Graves bobbing around cannot
stick to any particular job long
enough to do much good & telling
him of if it does not appear to make
any improvement
Rec’d a Box containing 2 ½ bu of
seed corn from Knoxville Marion
County procured for me by Hon.
Thos. McMillan who had agreed
with the Express Agent there that it
should cost from $3 ½ to $4.00 from
Knoxville to here but on receiving
the Box the charges made are
$8.00 could not well do
without the corn & paid it under
Two barrels of salt rec’d from


Page 65
11th May 1867

Three wagon loads & half of lumber worked

up into parts of mouldings & other things (the trade
names of which I am unaquainted with) were
sent of towards Des Moines this morning
Understand for the Court House at
Are we as a Board of Trustees advancing
money to Mr. Reichard to furnish material
& pay hands to erect that building?
Thomson marking out corn land
north side the R.R. in forenoon
Thomson & Miller planting corn in afternoon
Wilson harrowing corn land in forenoon
plowing in afternoon for sorghum
Graves repairing corn planter
in forenoon assisted (part of the time) by
Miller when not attending stock
Graves repairing cattle guard
fences Extinguishing fire in west
timber north of R.R. fixing sorghum
seed & jobbing

12 Sunday
Much troubled by sheep getting
on the Railroad track in the Timber
where the R.R. fence was partially moved
last fall. Several gaps being left open

13 Thunder Storm from the west

last night & chilly N.W. wind this A.M.
Thomson plowing corn land S. of R.R.
Wilson plowing corn land S. of R.R. in forenoon &
on sorghum patch afternoon
Miller harrowing part of day attending (1/2)
Stock remainder & jobbing
Graves variously employed during the
forenoon & part of the afternoon & part of the
afternoon off on some business of his own as
usual during my temporary absence
going to Ames

14th May 1867

The protracted winter combined with the

extravagant use of grain during the
the early part of it; has so exhausted
our Stock of grain that I have
directed the slaughter of two Grade
Hospital & Berkshire shoats deeming
it more economical to kill them for the
use of the House than buy corn at its
present prices to feed them
The following table shows the amount
of grain fed per day for the week ending
Monday 13th May inclusive
2 oxen 3 pounds corn
4 bulls 15” & 36/pounds oats
9 cows 45” 65”
6 calves -- 6”
6 Horses 65”
13 pen sheep - 10”
22 hogs 35” --
Signed James L. Miller
Tender of Stock

Thomson marking out corn land in

part of forenoon & him & Miller plant-
ing remainder of the day
Wilson harrowing the corn land
west of the College Building
Ira McLoughlin working by the day
making fence north side of old orchard
Graves jobbing cutting potatoes & c
Visit from Lt. Gov. Gue

15th Wilson plowing in forenoon for corn

& harrowing Sorghum land P.M.
Thomson marking cornland west of
the college & planting in afternoon
Miller & Graves planting
potatoes N. of R.R. in forenoon
Miller helping to plant corn P.M.
W. Scott came to work midforenoon
& assisted with potatoes


16th May 1867

Thomson & Miller planting corn on land

west from College Bldg.
Wilson plowing for corn S. Side of Railroad
Scott planting sorghum
McLaughlin morticing fence post in
afternoon & putting up balance of fence N.
of old Orchard forenoon overhauled the
pasture fence, west & north sides of lot & c
Graves puttering around until
4 o’lock P.M. when he started off to Ames
with his wife without giving me any
Leut. Gov. Gue left this A.M. sent a
ream of letters & two half reams of note paper
to have printed heading done by him

17 Wilson plowing for corn near R.R. on

South side
Thomson plowing for corn in the
forenoon helping to get & plant trees in
afternoon Miller assisting him afternoon
Scott planting Sorghum part of A.M.
potatoes remainder. Plowing for
corn afternoon
Miller assisted me to construct
a temporary fence under the east R.R.
Bridge to prevent our Stock from getting
to the North Side of the R.R. where they
are liable to be injured by climbing
on to & standing on the track.
We spent the balance of fore-
noon in digging trees wanted to fill
Banks & for a wind break North
of the house & to plant in other places
for ornament.
Graves fixing sacks for wool
& packing it.
Received by Express a package of shells
& c for the College; being a present from
the Smithsonian Institute Washington

18th May 1867

I have deposited the present of shells

received from the Smithsonian
Institute with the printed condi-
tions on the upper shelf of the
Geological compartment of the
Book case in this office unopened
further than to ascertain that
had not been injured in transit.
Thomson assisting me in the
planting of the trees procured
yesterday until ten o’clock
when we were compelled to stop
by rain.
Scott & Wilson plowing till
ten o’clock
McLoughlin planting potatoes
Miller jobbing about barn &
attending stock
Graves fixing wool & sacks
Heavy rain afternoon
19 Sunday
20 The market reports giving no
encouragement to look for any advance
in the price of wool I have concluded to
close with the offer of Woodburry and
Sons of Marshalltown & send it to
The Bridge over Squaw Creek on
Road to Ames being injured by the
flood I have ordered Mr. Graves to
assist in repairing it the ground
being to wet to work to advantage on
the Farm. Wilson, Scott & Miller
assisted half a day cutting wood
& jobbing the remainder. Could
not do much on account of rain.
Graves moved wool to Ames rescues
sheep enclosed by high water & jobbing


21st May 1867

Wilson cutting potatoes. Scott cutting potatoes

½ day planting trees remainder. Miller diging
& planting trees McLaughlin 1/2 day preparing
fence posts. Graves whitewashing and planting
22 Scott plowing for corn, McLoughlin
preparing fence posts, stone, Moving rails &
digging post holes. Wilson & Miller planting
trees & Sundry other jobs. Graves making some
changes in dining room & working in garden
23 Scott plowing for corn. McLoughlin at
fence posts & fence. Miller setting fence
posts & spliting rails. Wilson ½ setting posts
½ harrowing. Stone assisting to repair Bridge
½ day & ½ day diging in garden.
Graves hauling corn & attending to fixing
corn with Strychnine to kill squirels off the
24 Graves hanging Gate & jobbing. Scott
plowing for corn. McLaughlin working
on fence. Stone diging in garden & yard.
Miller cleaning up Stock yard part
day setting post ½ day. Wilson plough-
ing ground to plant cedar & mulching
the trees already planted

25 Wilson setting posts ½ a day cleaning up

round out buildings. Graves in garden
Scott plowing for corn & c, McLaughlin
making fence. Stone digging in garden
Miller Sundry jobs cleaning up, Privy & c

26 Sunday
27 Men cleaning wheat & jobbing (Rainy)
28 Wilson Sundry needful jobs. Graves
looking after men & jobbing. Scott splitting
posts for picket fence Miller assisting

29 Scott plowing, Miller & Wilson planting

and harrowing. Graves jobbing & in garden

30th May 1867

Graves tending field labor & in garden

Wilson marking corn ground, Miller
& Scott preparing corn ground and
planting corn.
31 Miller & Scott ¾ day planting corn bal(ance)
planting potatoes, Wilson planting potatoes
Graves in Garden hauling corn
& jobing

June 1 Raining. Men jobing within

doors most of the day

2 Sunday

3 Graves in search of potatoes & in the

garden, Wilson diging round the
shade trees. Miller making fence
& working amongst Stock. Scott
plowing for carrots
4 Scott harrowing & rolling the
carrot ground ¾ day & plowing
in garden remainder. Miller, Graves
& Wilson working in garden

5 Wilson marking ground & planting

Beans. Scott & Miller sowing carrot
seed. Graves jobbing.
All hands engaged digging part of the
afteroon replanting corn rotted and
taken out by the Squirels
6 Scott Miller & Wilson replanting
corn North of Railroad
Graves poisoning Squirrels
& getting Buggy repaired in
7th Went to Desmoines for the purpose
of getting money from the Treasurer
The men set to replanting corn not
having finished yesterday
Graves to go to Mill with a grist
the Roads being now much improved


8th June 1867

Returned from Desmoines find that

corn has been replanted as far as the
deficiencies can be ascertained.
I find that James L. Miller who was
engaged as a farm hand from the 9th
day of April last for one year (on contract)
left by train yesterday morning without
assigning cause; or making known
if he would return
He left after Graves had started
for the mill & I was on my way to Desmoines
has left about $25.00 of his wages in
my hands

9 Sunday
Miller has returned says he cannot
give a single reason for leaving and
appears to seriously regret his foolish act

10 All hands & one extra employed in

washing sheep this forenoon
Scott, Wilson & Miller removing
the old Hog pen, Privy & c during
the afternoon
Graves gone to get a Horse shoe on the
forefeet & buying sheet wash Tobacco from
R.R. Station

11 Scott hauling pickets from Ames forenoon and

manure from old Hog pen in afternoon
Wilson hauling manure from old Hog
pen in forenoon & cultivating with the
shovel plough in garden in afternoon
Miller picking off & destroying potatoe bugs
in forenoon & hoeing during afternoon
in garden
Graves repairing the wall where
a portion was torn down in the
dining room last year (in forenoon)
and making it ready for the plasterer
In afternoon preparing mortar attend-
ing to corn fields, Squirels & c

12th June 1867

Graves went to mill taking 12 bu

more wheat & to bring back that left
there on Friday last
Consider it better to get the
necessary grinding done while the
mill has plenty water
Wilson rolling corn north of
the R.R.
Miller looking after squirels
filling up corn & jobbing
Scott clearing of manure
from site of the old Hog pen
Had some samples of it cut today
for the purpose of testing its quality
as fuel; was unable to ascertain the
depth of the deposit; think it will be
from 4 to 5 feet & in parts more
some places 8 or 9 feet
13 Overhauling sheep & lambs find
50 lambs of the different breeds &
105 sheep one year old or upwards of
different Breeds Grades & c
Scott cultivating corn north of R.R.
Wilson plowing in house plot for
Sweet potatoes beets & c in forenoon
Miller repairing large Bull pasture
fence & hoeing in Garden in forenoon
Graves getting clod fender of
two horse cultivator repaired &
some more Strychnine to poison
squirels in forenoon
Wilson plowing, harrowing & c in House
plot in afternoon for Mangold, Sweet
Potatoes & c
Miller employed in afternoon in
filling blanks in late planted corn
& assisting Graves to plant Sweet
potatoes. Graves fixing mortar
& attending plasterer; setting
Sweet Potatoes & C & C


14th June 1867

Scott cultivating corn N. of R.R.

Graves & Miller plowing Mangold seed
carrot & c
Wilson plowing for Mangold in the
Home plat the ground ploughed yester-
day being considered unfit for the
purpose also Harrowing & cultivating
amongst the young maples

15 Scott & Wilson erecting a temporary

fence around part of old orchard
where the grape vines, beans &
Pie Plant are; to protect them
from the Hogs while feeding off the
Miller assisting me to trans-
plant small cedar trees
Graves going to Nevada on
business partly of his own &
partly of the Farm

16 Sunday
Awful Thunder storm & rain in
the evening
17 In consequence of the rain
of last night we are unable to work
corn consequently Scott & Miller
set to finish transplanting the cedars
& Wilson replacing the fence where
the hog pen was removed from
Graves sent to Bloomington for the
wool box he had lent to Judge Evens last fall

18 Men all set to cultivate corn N. of R.R.

Mr. Burnett from Walnut Grove corn &
shearing sheep
Graves superintending affairs on
Going to Des Desmoines
Miller ¾ of day in garden

19th June 1867

Miller plowing corn half day & shearing

sheep the remainder
Wilson half day plowing in garden
& attending Wilson in wood shed
Scott half day plowing corn re-
mainder in woodshed & jobbing
Graves taking care of wool
Burnett shearing sheep

20 Miller, Wilson & Scott plowing

corn Burnett shearing sheep
Graves assisting & putting away
Executive Committee here & in

21 Wilson & Scott ploughing corn S. of R.R.

Miller & Burnett shearing sheep
Graves jobing & putting up
the wool
Ex. Com. in session all

22 Scott & Wilson plowing corn

Miller finished sheep shearing
in forenoon; afternoon in the
garden & jobbing
Graves to Ames in forenoon
Putting up wool in afternoon
Executive Committee left this A.M.

23 Sunday
24 A most terrific storm of
Thunder the whole of last night
has caused the suspension of
most field labor the men cleaning
up barn tools getting out reaper
& mower preparatory to harvest
repairing fences & c & c
A carpenter fixing roof of dining room


25th June 1867

Scott & Wilson hoeing & weeding in sorghum

Miller repairing fences round bull
pastures & working in garden
Graves sent to Ames for hardware & c
(in forenoon) needed in repair on House. In
afternoon tyeing up grape vines torn
down by the storm & jobbing
Insured the Farm House & Barn for
three years as follows to wit House for 3,500
& barn for 1,500 dollars to wit in the Phoenix;
House $1,000.00 & Barn $500.00 in the
Hartford; House $1,000.00 & Barn $500.00
in the National. House $1,500.00 & Barn
Had two skylights put in the roof over
the dining room for ventilation one for
each sleeping apartment

26 Scott, Wilson & Miller cultivating

corn & Potatoes & Sorghum
Graves fixing reaping machine
& working in garden
27 Scott & Wilson cultivating corn north
of R.R.
Miller taking bugs off potatoes
in forenoon & cultivating corn in
Graves went to Philadelphia
for flour being unable to get to the
Mill working remainder of the
day in garden
Sold 15 acres N. and W ½ S.E. ¼ of Sec.
34 Tp. 83 R. 24 W. of 5th P.M. To Fred Ibert?
he has paid ($30.00)) thirty dollars in hand
& is to pay ($30.00) thirty dollars in one year
& ($30.00) in two years from date
with the per cent interest on deferred
payments with the privilege of paying
sooner if he can make it convenient

28th June 1867

Ordered Hogs all turned into the

old orchard to eat down the Rye sown
in it last fall. There is not enough Rye
for half a crop but will support the
Hogs until other feed matures.
Our hands were all warned
to work on the Roads this day but
the wet weather has retarded the
cultivation of our corn so much
that I have arranged with them
to work in corn I paying the RR
Tax from Farm Fund & they to
make up the time to the farm
Miller & Wilson cultivating corn
west of college
Scott cultivating corn North
of Railroad
Graves working in garden and
assisting McKee in repairing the
Lightning rods on the Farm House
& Barn

29 Scott, Wilson & Miller plowing corn

Graves hanging skylights working in
in garden & attending sundry field

30 Sunday

July 1st Miller hoeing beans

Scott plowing corn (cultivator)
Wilson plowing beans corn & potatoes
(shovel plow)
Graves going to Ames working in
Found a yearling high grade Buck
dead in pasture (big spring lot)
had got lost
2 Miller & Wilson hoeing beans & carrots
Scott cultivating corn
Graves went to mill
Young Leicester Buck died (cause unknown)


Wednesday 3rd July 1867

Scott & Wilson cultivating corn

Miller hoeing carrots
Graves half a day going to Boone remainder
in garden & orchard
4 All hands to celebration except the
necessary chores attending stock & c
5 The hands handling sheep trimming
Their feet & c half a day
Scott mowing weeds remaining ½ day
Miller & Wilson hoeing carrots remaining
half day
Graves fixing mower & reeper & sundry
other jobs remainder of the day
6 Miller half a day hoeing carrots remain-
der of the day jobbing
Wilson & Scott half a day cleaning up
remainder of the wheat, the remainder
of the day in carrot patch hoeing
Graves repairing tools & going to

7 Sunday
8 Scott Wilson hoeing carrots
Graves to Blacksmiths shop ½ day
working in carrots
Miller washing pigs remainder
of the day (1/2) in carrots hoeing

9 Scott cultivating corn North of R.R.

Wilson hoeing carrots
Miller picking & killing potatoe bugs hoeing
& weeding in garden & hoeing carrots
Graves went to mill
10 Scott Cultivating corn north of R.R.
Wilson & Miller hoeing carrots
Graves hoeing & weeding in garden
Suspect the young Leicester buck
that died on the 2nd inst to have been
bit by a Rattle snake his appearance
indicated poison & I have been unable to
discover any other means of poison
unless in that way or any cause of death

11th July 1867

In consequence of a communication
from Registrar of State Land Office I
have had to go to Nevada to search
for Deeds of Land sold by old
Board & investigate the defective
title to land donated by S. McCoy
I find that he never owned the land
described on the County Record of
Deeds as donated by him to the Ag
College & altho our title (I believe)
can be made good we have at
present no title to the 20 acres
donated by him that will
protect the state.
I will have to procure a
transcript of several deeds
supposed to have been burned
along with the Court House
at Nevada as I find them
on Record but cannot
find the deeds
Scott cultivating corn in
the forenoon near R.R. on S. side
& sorghum in afternoon
Wilson & Miller hoeing carrots
Graves hoeing in garden &
Graves stud brought back
12 Scott Wilson & Miller hoeing carrots
Scott & Miller picking potatoe bugs
in afternoon
Graves went in quest of grass sickles
failed to get them had been carried
to Boone, remainder of day garden
I have been examining donated
lands, titles to lands & c


July 13th 1867

Scott & Wilson picking bugs off potatoes

Miller hoeing & weeding turnips & c
Graves gone in quest of Horse feed
got 23 bushells corn at $1.25 per bushell
= $28.75 the corn was of the crop of 1865

14 Sunday
15 I am going to Desmoines for the purpose
examining into the number of instances
in which the title of the State to donated
tracts of lands is defective so that
I may be enabled to get as many of
them perfected as possible while every
thing is fresh in my memory
Scott plowing potatoes
Wilson hoeing potatoes
Miller working in garden
Graves mowing Timothy

16 Miller half day cocking hay

afterwards had to quit from sickness
Scott half plowing potatoes & half
plowing corn
Graves ¾ day mowing reminder
Wilson hoeing potatoes & cocking hay
Miller sick
17 Scott, Wilson removing scaffold
in barn cocking hay & jobbing
Graves attending to a Horse
of his own that is sick from eating
too much corn
Miller quite sick (suspect quinsy)
18 Scott & Wilson hauling hay into the
Graves attending his sick horse
Miller sick
I returned from Desmoines yesterday
evening I find upwards of twenty tracts
of land of which the title deeds are lost
or destroyed but which can be supported
by procuring transcripts from the Records
of Story County & c

July 19th 1867

Scott plowing corn (west of college) &

Wilson pulling weeds in forenoon
& hauling hay in afternoon
Graves cutting hay. getting
the mower repaired & attending his
sick horse
Miller sick

20 Graves cutting Timothy with the

mower in forenoon
Scott plowing corn in forenoon
Wilson & Findlay puling weeds in
potatoes patch north of R.R. in the
All hands working at hay raking, cocking
& hauling
Miller sick but improving
Engaged John H. Findlay for one
month for $30.00 per month he
commenced work this morning
I have sold the yearling
Durham bull, Humboldt, for
$85.00 cash, being the only offer
made to me after advertising
until it has cost the Farm Fund
$40.00; have not sold any other
animals as yet & little prospect of
doing it

21 Sunday
The young Chester White sow was
found this afternoon in the act of
bringing forth pigs about 3 weeks to soon
had much difficulty in relieving
her, the pigs all dead & one of
them partialy decomposed
I think she will recover with


22nd July 1867

Wilson & Findlay hauling hay with

the oxen
Graves cutting
Scott plowing corn in forenoon & for turnips
in the afternoon
Miller at sundry jobs in forenoon &
raking hay in afternoon

23 Scott plowing ground for turnips till mid-

afternoon helping at hay the bal. of day
Wilson & Findlay hauling hay
Miller & Graves at sundry jobs & cutting
& raking hay; Graves had twice to go
to Ames for repairs on mower
Another of the yearling high grade bucks
died today on opening him his fat was found
to have the appearance of being melted and
have come to the conclusion that his death
was caused by the excessive heat

24 Scot & Findlay working in barn & stowing

hay on scaffold fixed by them across the
drive way in forenoon—hauling in afternoon
Hauling hay in afternoon
Wilson working in bean patch amongst
the evergreens & in the garden
Miller weeding in garden—raked hay part
of the afternoon
Graves cutting hay when not repairing
The Chester White sow has died—see
Journal of Sunday last—every effort was
made to save her but to no purpose
25 Scott & Findlay working at alterations
in the Barn, Bringing poles for scaffold
over drive way. weeding & c
Wilson & Miller in woodhouse
during the rain weeding balance
of the (day) less one hour & half of Miller in hay
Graves getting horse shod in forenoon
cutting north of R.R. in afternoon
Visit of Mr. Russel, Chairman of Bldg. Committee

July 25 1867 continued

Rain nearly all forenoon. Hay too
wet in afternoon to haul
26 Graves cutting bale of Timothy
out of R.R. in forenoon & raking in
Men all weeding in house lot—
til mid-forenoon hauling hay
balance of the day
27 All hands engaged in hauling
the hay from the North side of the
R.R. succeeded in getting all into the
Barn in good order
From the lot in front of house 3 ½ loads
“ “ west of orchard 5½“
“ “ west of College 18”
“ “ north of R.R. 8=35
35 loads averaging 1,900 pounds to
the load=33 ¼ tons value at $10,00 per
ton $332.50/100
28 Sunday
29 Scott plowing some spots in the
corn lot north of R.R. (where the corn
had failed from excess of wet weather)
to sow turnip seed on
Miller, Wilson & Findlay hoeing
carrots except about 2 ½ hours en-
gaged in binding wheat
Graves getting out Reaper &
cut a few rounds to ascertain
all was in working order
The machine seems to work all
right & will commence cutting wheat
tomorrow if all goes right
The fine(grade) Ayrshire & Devon Heifer
calf sick refused to suck the cow (its
mother) this morning seems fevered, copious discharge
from its nostrils. The morning being
cold had it housed & I watched it
frequently & towards noon as it appeared
much better I turned it out again


29th July continued

Scott had to quit plowing about midafter-

noon owing to one of his horses being seriously
attacked with flatulent colic. The attach
was both obstinate & severe & it was not
until after sunset that I had hopes
of saving his life. At 10 o’clock P.M.
I concluded to leave him for the night
as he appeared out of immediate danger
only slight symptoms of inflamation
which I am in hopes will pass away
before morning
The sick calf is better
30 The horse that was sick yesterday is much
better this morning I think out of danger
Some unpleasantness this A.M. with Mr.
Graves he feels very much hurt that I
should remind him of his failure
to repair a gate that I pointed out
to him yesterday as unsafe.
By neglecting to repair it all the Bulls,
Bucks, Boars & caves were at liberty
to go over any part of the farm at
will & one buck & two Boors had al-
ready started on a ramble.
Hands hoeing carrots till the dew dried
off the wheat Afterwards Harvesting wheat
near the R.R. make slow progress owing to
inefficiency of the Reaper. Got to stop for
something or other nearly every round

31 Hands hoeing carrots until 9 ½ o’clock

All hands harvesting from 9 ½ o’clock
until nearly 4pm when all our wheat that
was ready to cut was down, bound and
shocked. 4 hands then went to hoe
carrots & Scott to plowing for turnips
Graves various jobs
Wheat so far a very fair crop
but awfully mixed & does not ripen

1st August 1867

List of Ag. College Lands in Story Co.

W ½ Sec 3 L.83 R.24
E. ½ “ 4 “ ‘”
E ½ of W ½ “ “
The above is College Farm proper
10 acres in W. fl ½ 4-83-24 intended to be
added to the College Farm (good time)

Price per acre Sec./tract Range acres

E ½ N. E ¼ 9-83 23 80
S.E. ¼ S.W. 1/4 35-83 23 40
12.00 S ½ S.E. ¼ N.W. 1/14 14-83 24 20 This was
the piece of land donated by S. M. Cory described as in
Section 1 same tract & Range-error corrected 1867. Sold for
$24.00 27th Aug. 1867
40 acres N. end N.E. ¼ 18-“ “ 40
5.00 N.W. ¼ N.W. ¼ 25 “ “ 40 Sold
O.B. See report of Superintendent for 1865 (Watt?) $100.00
was rec’d by the new Board in1866
6.00 N.W. ¼ N.E. ¼ 15 “ “ 40 Sold
O.B. See report of Superintendent for 1865 (Graves)? $200.00 yet
due with 7 per cent interest
N. ½ S.E. ¼S.E. ¼ 2 “ “ 20
10.00 E ½ S.E. ¼ 10” “ “ 80 Sold
1867 Rec’d $266.00 & two notes for $267.00 in each, due in one
and two years with 10 per cent interest
6.00 15 acres N. and W. ½ SE ¼ 34 “ “ 15 Sold
1867 Rec’d $30.00 & two notes for $30.00 each due June 27th
1868 & 9 with ten per cent interest
N.W. ¼ N.E. ¼ 30 “ “ 40
5.00 10 acres N. end W ½ S.E. ¼ 17 “ “ 10 Sold
O.B. Nothing on records—Deed from State in possession of
6.00 S.W. ¼ S W ¼ 10 “ “ 40 Sold
O.B. See report of Superintendent for 1865 (Graves) $200.00 yet
due with 7 per cent interest
10.00 S. ½ S.W. ¼ N.W. ¼ 11 “ “ 20 Sold
10 acres S. end of E. 24 acres
SE ¼ N.E. ¼ 10 “ “ 10
5.00 S.E. ¼ N.W. ¼ 8 “ “ 40 Sold
O.B. Nothing on record—Mr. Graves says sold to Mr. Beadle by
Messers Foote, Melendy & C two years ago thinks for 200
1 acre in N.W. ¼ S.E. ¼ 32 84 24 1


S ½ S.E. ¼ 13 84 24 80 This
tract should be S ½ S.E. 13-84-26 (error in drawing deed)
N ½ N.E. ¼ N.E. ¼ 30 “ “ 20
N.E. ¼ S.W. ¼ 28 “ “ 40 Sold
O.B. See report of Superintendent for 1865 (Roberts) The
deed is in possession of Mr. Graves
S. end S.W. ¼ N.W. ¼ 19 84 24 20
N. ½ N.E. ¼ N.E. ¼ “ “ “ 20
10 acres E. Side S.E. ¼ S.E. ¼ 33 “ “ 10
5.00 25 ” E. “ S.E. 1/4N.E. ¼ 31 85 23 25 Sold
See report of Superintendent for 1865 (Ballard)
(Editor’s Note: Across the face of page 85 written in red ink
“ This land record is transferred to some pages in the Book used
by Sec. W. D. Wilson as a Record Book the room on these
pages being insufficient to make a legible Record .”)

5th August 1867 (Continued)

I have spent a considerable portion of

the day in an endeavor to get on the trail
to a solution of the difficulty in relation
to title to the land in Sec. 13 T. 74 R.24 W but
as yet to little purpose will have to make
another trip to Nevada
6th The Oats being rather green I have
most of the hands to work to stack our
first cut wheat
Graves geese have done a great deal
of damage to the carrots both by pulling
them up & tramping on them. I
repeatedly requested him to remove
them & received promises of comply-
ance but still they remain.
Their destructive habits have forced
me to peremptorily order their removal
from the farm.
7 Three men stacking wheat all day
One ¾ day stacking & ¼ binding oats
One ¼ day in garden & ¾ binding
Boy in garden ½ day
Graves repairing Reeper & cutting
I was at Desmoines, having gone after
dinner yesterday to get 4 cast iron
plates for the columns under the N.E.
Tower on College building; the weight
of the Tower has forced the narrow, or
small ends of the columns, into the
soft pine beams & caused it to incline
over & the cast iron plates are to cover
the ends of the columns.
8 Graves cutting oats & jobbing
Miller binding oats (part forenoon in
celler cleaning it out)
four men stacking wheat all


9th Aug. 1867

I have been to the Records

Office in Nevada examining into
the title to S ½ S.E. ¼ S. 13 T. 84 R 24 &
am well satisfied that we have no
title to that identical tract
From examination of other papers
I am induced to believe that the
donor of that tract intended
to convey to the State the S ½ S.E.
¼ S. 13 T. 84 Range 26 instead of
R. 24 will endeavour to have
it put right as soon as I
can spare time from other duties
4 men finished stacking wheat
1 ¼ day in binding oats
Graves still cutting away at the
10 paid off Samuel J. Wilson this a.m.
all hands engaged in reaping oats
Have to go to Desmoines for money
to pay for the Brick from Marshall-
town Mr. Rupel being unable to
leave home at present to attend to it
11 Sunday
12 Returned from Desmoines
at night
Men jobbing in forenoon on
acct of rain, the oats being wet
all hands harvesting in P.M.

13 All hands harvesting.

The reaper a complete nuisance
I have spent most of the day
trying to straighten land matters
Have made an arrangement with
Mr. Harvey Lewellen to correct the title
to his donation in the same manner
as was done inn the case of S.M.Cory
to wit he gives a good Warranty
Deed & the State releases by Quit
claim the tract incorrectly deeded

14th August 1867

John Findlay unable to work from a
sore hand
Graves, Miller & Scott harvesting oats
Set Findlay to work to hoe amongst the
shrubery in afternoon
Graves finished cutting oats
15 Men (4) binding up bale of oats
Graves jobbing & searching after
the cattle the west pasture gate hav-
ing been left open by some person
unknown who is supposed to have
passed through
I have several times requested
Mr. Graves to fix salt trough for
the stock to save the waste of salt
by feeding it on the ground but
he has hitherto failed to comply &
today I find in the large Bull
pasture nearly a Bucket full of
salt on the ground after the stock
have used till satisfied

16 In consequence of the above I

have been remonstrating with
him on his neglecting several
small matters pointed out to
him at various times
Mr. Graves says when he was
engaged by the Old Board of Trustees
he distinctly stated that he would
not go into the fields and run
the hands & he does not intend
not intend to do so. That he is
not able to make a hand in
binding oats & he will not go
where he cannot make a full
hand. That his Contract does
not call for his working as a
hand. That he will attend to
looking after the Farm to the
(over to next page)


16th August Cont’d

best of his judgement but will

not work in the fields as a hand.
Three hands finishing binding,
shocking & hauled two large loads
of short weedy oats that could
not be readily bound into the
barn for sheep feed in winter.
Miller assisting at the oats in
the forenoon & taking down the
fence north side of the road
across Squaw Creek bottom it
being from 3 to 5 feet within
the line of the road & the post
having very little (16 to 20 inches)
hold of the ground that much
of it has fallen over & partly
carried away by the flood.

17 I have forwarded R.R. Freight

bills to Mr. Russell as follows towit
twenty two from Mr. Reichard and
Five paid by me as follows
Ames 14th Aug. car 2798 $5 brick 20,000 wt
“ “ “ 3236 5 “ 20,000
“ “ “ 6844 5 “ 20,000
“ “ “ 6340 5 “ 20,000
“ 12 Aug “
th 6958 5 “ 20,000

Three hands finished binding

& got one load in, had to put it into
Barn on act. of rain jobbing the
remainder of day
Miller at fence in Squaw Creek
bottom same as yesterday taking
down in consequence of road
Graves doing little if any
thing, sits in the porch a good deal
18 Sunday

19th Aug 1867

Miller grubbing brush ¾ & taking down fence

along the road in creek bottom remainder
Scott hauling posts
Findlay repairing fences
Graves writing up his accounts &
I went to Boonsboro to examine
into condition of a tract of land that
was donated by Harvey Lewelleen &
and error made in drawing out the
Deed so as to call for land in
Range 24 the land donated being in
Range 26 W. of 5 P.M.
I found that it was sold for taxes
in June 1866 but reconveyed to the
county of Boone in March of the present
year to correct the mistake
There is a claim of $160.00 for the year
1866 now past due
20 Graves away down Squaw
Creek bottom, in forenoon, collecting
fencing lumber & posts, that had
been carried away byt he floods
from this Farm, recovered to the
value of about $10.00
Men repairing fence & other
jobs in forenoon
Graves & all hands stacking
oats in afternoon
21 Graves was away on his own farm
(having some surveying done)all day
Men stacking oat have to employ
another man in consequence of
Graves refusal of the 16th inst.
His conduct costs the Farm the
expense of one man’s board &
wages for both by example & precept
the men are taught to do as little
as possible.


22nd August

Graves at his own farm in the

forenoon (had a man in his place)
4 men stacking oats all day
Miller grubbing brush near
the R.R. Switch ¾ of day
Visit from my predecessor Mr.
W. Robinson
23 All hands at work stacking oats during
the day finished at six o’clock P.M.
24 Men jobbing until mid forenoon
then assisted in thrashing part of a stack of
oats for Horse feed; The machine broke
before it was quite finished
Threshed 106 bushells
I have this day sold the East half of
the S.E. ¼ of S.10 T. 83 R. 24 W. of 5th P.M. to
Hg. McCarthy for $10.00 per acre ($800.00)
of which I have received $266.00 in
hand & two promisary notes for $($267.00)
each, due one & two years from date.
I find that on the 8th December
1865 Messers Holmes & Melendy sold
to A.J. Graves the S.E. ¼ of the S.W. ¼ of
S. 10 T 83 R. 24 W. and N.W. ¼ of the .E.
of S. 15 T. 83 R.24 W. at $6.00 per acre
one third ( or thereabouts-$160.00 see report of 1865)
of which was paid down the remainder to be paid in
one & two years from that time with 7 per cent
interest--$320.00 yet to pay with interest
I learn that no notes were taken
for the two deferred payments one of which
is long past due & the other which
will be due in a little over three
months from this time
At least Mr. Graves says he
never gave any notes

25 Sunday

Monday 26th August 1867

Miller working in orchard digging borers out

of the apple trees finds in a dreadful state
Findlay cutting weeds in & around the
Scott hoeing & pulling weeds in garden
& amongst the beans
Graves jobbing & cutting wild hay in
the afternoon
Miller says he has found as many
as twenty five borers in one tree
27 Hands employed as above till mid-
forenoon afterwards helping to thresh
balance of oats & a small stock of
40 bu. of oats making in all 192 bu.
46 bu. of rather poor wheat
28 Findlay & Scott repairing fence &
. jobbing
Miller in orchard killing borer’s
Graves cutting grass for hay in the
creek bottom most of the day during
the remainder jobbing
Got a deed from Harvey Lewellen &
wife to correct the mistake in the
land title of his donation
Visit from the Building Committee
29 Scott hauling lumber for picket fence
Findlay & Miller at various jobs
Graves jobbing & cutting grass for
Sold Mr. Reichard six loads of
natural hay at 4 dollars per load he
hauling it himself
Building Committee and the
Architect left today
Some unsightly patches of brush
have been broke (on measurement
amounting to 6 96/100 acres) near the
switch—north west corner of farm
cost $33.00 breaking for Ditch $4.00


30th Aug 1867

Scott & Findlay hauling hay

Miller assisting at fence on roadside
in Squaw Creek bottom in forenoon
Graves cutting grass in forenoon
& he & Miller raking & cocking hay in afternoon.

31 Mr. Porter having represented

to me that he could not pay the
men who had been employed
grading the road through the
Squaw Creek bottom I
have advanced him fifty
dollars on account of the
appropriation made by
the Executive Committee.
Findlay unable to work from
sore arm.
Graves cutting the
weed in the wet ground
near the Brick Yard so as
to enable us to plough it
Scott plowing
Miller putting up hay
in afternoon jobbing in
The Board of Supervisors
in Boone County having a
meeting on Monday next—
I have been to Boonsboro to
get the Lewellen Deed put
on Record & took steps to
get the claims for taxes

Sunday 1st September 1867

Feels very cold and wintery for half ripe corn

2nd Men jobbing in forenoon

Scott plowing stuble in afternoon
Miller putting up fence in Squaw Creek
Bottom north side of road, Hoggatt helping
Graves mowing
Findlay unable to work from lame arm
Received & forwarded to S. M. Cory by one of
his employees, a relinquishment from the State
of all right title & interest in the fee simple
of or to the S ½ S.E. of N.W. ¼ of S. 17 T. 83R
24 W erroneously conveyed to the State
by S. M. Cory instead of the S ½ S.E. ¼ of N.W.
¼ of S 14 same T & R. which had been
donated by him for the benefit of the
Ag. College
3rd Having received a call from my family
intimating sickness of my wife & son I have
for a few days to visit them & will attend
business for Farm at same time.
Henry McCarthy having tendered payment
of one of the notes drawn by him for the
land sold to him on the 24th Aug. last
I have agreed to relinquish the claim
for the 8 days interest that would be
due & receive the payment
Miller & Scott working at hay
Hoggatt herding
Graves mowing part day jobbing balance
4 Scott plowing
Miller & Hoggatt ¾ day repairing
fence Miller at hay bal. (balance) & Hoggat
Graves to Mill

5 Miller & Scott ½ day fixing tops of

Grain Stacks—hauling hay the
remainder of day
Graves ½ mowing & ½ jobbing
Hoggatt herding & odd jobs


6th Sept. 1867

Miller & Scott hauling hay

Hoggatt herding & pulling beans
Scott Miller & Graves working
at hay
Herding & Chores
8 Sunday
9 Men hauling material & fencing
a temporary Hog yard balance forenoon
Scott plowing afternoon
Miller & Graves moving hogs & working
at fence

10 All hands at hay

11 Scott & Miller at hay
Graves mowing & getting repairs
on mower

12 Graves getting mower repaired

& mowing
Scott & Miller at hay

13 Scott & Miller at hay

Graves mowing part of day
repairing mower & jobbing the

14 Scott & Miller at hay until stopped

by rain & Thunder Storm balance of
day at odd jobs
Graves doing Road work till the rain
bal. jobbing
15 Sunday
16 Graves getting mower repaired
In forenoon, mowed part of afternoon
Balance triffled around
Scott plowed part of day in the
Orchard & garden balance jobbing
Miller pulled Beans & other
work in Orchard
I examined some land titles at Nevada
Owens left for home this morning

17th Sept 1867

Graves getting mower repaired and

mowing in forenoon.
Miller & Scott jobbing plowing &
working at hay till rain, between
1 & 2 o’clock, in Woodhouse balance.
Sowed about a peck of wheat (called
Tappahannock (or early Boughton wheat) sent from
Agl. Department at Washington
It is described as one of the earliest
& best varieties of Winter wheat known.
It sown in House lot on land
from which potatoes, peas & c have
been taken the present season

18 Scott plowing in the Orchard

when not driven into shelter from
Graves making a set of swingle
trees to plow with & jobbing
Miller repairing a hay rack
& jobbing
Spent some time in showing
round Mr. Travis artist & re
porter to Frank Leslie’s Illustrated
Newspaper & furnishing him
with date in Re: the College & c.

19 Scot plowing in orchard

Miller fixing up hog house
Graves jobbing
Had a visit from some of the
Scott Co. Farmers
20 Scott plowing in Orchard less the time
required to haul two load lumber from
the College
Graves mowing after the grass
dried—jobbing remainder
Miller & Kent at various jobs
to wit cutting weeds examining
apple trees for borer raking & hauling
hay & C & C


21st Sept. 1867

Scott plowing in orchard forenoon &

working at hay in afternoon
Graves mowing in forenoon & helping
to get up hay in Afternoon
Miller & Kent hauling hay
Have written to Mr. Russell notifying
him of several defects appearing in
the walls of College Building

22 Sunday
Visit from Dr. M. J. Smith New Hartford
Butler Co. Iowa has come about 100
miles to see College & Farm

23 All hands busy cutting & raking

& hauling hay
Employed Burnett & team to
scrape out the ditch in Squaw Creek
bottom commenced at noon.
The Farm labor (haying) has
been retarded so much by wet that
none could be spared to do it &
should more wet weather come
it could not be done at all this

24 All hands at work securing

hay—finished cutting—but a
good deal to rake & haul yet
Rec’d from J.A. Hull a draft on
Chicago for $242.89/100 being the balance
of principal & interest for the S.W. ¼
of S.E. ¼ S9-84-26 appraised at $7.00 (acre) &
sold for $8.50/100= $340.00

25 Scott plowing in Orchard

Findlay & Kent hauling hay
Miller setting fence posts & other
Deposited with Mr. Sherman our
Treasurer Eight hundred (800) dollars
arising from sales of land

Page 99 26th Sept 1867

Scott plowing in Orchard

Findlay & Kent hauling hay
Miller working at ditch in squaw Creek
& fixing up cattle & c for State Fair
The time having expired for receiving
bids for advertised stock as per advertisement
I have received bids as follows
For “Phil Sheridan”
1 bids verbal 40.00
3“ Do(same) 50.00
2” Do)same) 65.00
2“ written 70.00
1 “ Do (Same)(R.W. Humphrey) 75.00

Hon. R.W. Humphrey having made the

highest offer is declared the purchaser
Wm. Hastir? Esq. Summerset Warren Co.
& a Gentleman named McIntosh from
Polk Co. each offered $70.00
For “ General Grant”
2 bids verbal 50.00
1“ do(same) 65.00
1 “” (D. Pillmer Warren Co.) written 70.00
1 “ Hand & Co Humboldt Co.” 75.00
27 Scott plowing N.W. of College Bldg.
& west of Road to Switch
Findlay & Kent hauling hay
Miller & Graves preparing stock
& corn for some preparitory to
State Fair
The large red cow being very
heavy I have concluded to start
tomorrow as soon as practicable

28th Scott plowing N.W. of College Bldg.

Graves, Miller, Findlay & Kent getting
the stock for the State Fair on board
the cars in forenoon; Findlay & Kent
stacking Hay P.M. Graves & Miller
gone with the Stock to Clinton


29th Sept. 1867 Sunday

30th Sep. Graves & Miller with the stock at Fair
Scott plowing N.W. of College
Findlay & Kent stacking hay till noon
afternoon picking seed corn & chores

1st Oct. Scott plowing N.W. of College

Findlay & Kent finished hay
forenoon in afternoon picking seed
corn, corn for hogs & necessary chores

2nd Scott plowing as above

Findlay & Kent setting fence posts
on Road side in Squaw flat
A young Berkshire sow died from
diseased liver—could see no other
ailment sufficient to cause death

3rd Scott plowing as above

Findlay & Kent finished setting
posts & got hog corn, & potatoes for

4 Rained all day, hands cutting

wood & fixing various chores
5 Scott, Findlay & Kent working at Sorghum
6 Sunday
Graves & Miller got home from the
State Fair with the stock all safe &
well. More swine sick
7 Scott plowing N.W/ of College
Graves, Miller, Findlay & Kent at
work on Sorghum
8 Scott plowing
Graves, Miller, Findlay & Kent at
work on Sorghum
9 Scott plowing
Graves & c making up sorghum
10 Scott & Findlay plowing
Graves, Miller & Kent working
up sorghum
11 Scott Findlay plowing
Graves, Miller & Kent working
up sorghum

12th Oct. 1867

Scott Plowing
Findlay Plowing ½ day
Graves, Miller & Kent ½ day working up
Graves ½ day mowing clover in front
of the House—went to get the seed for use
on the Farm
Miller & Kent at sundry jobs ½ day
13 Sunday
14 Scott & Findlay plowing
Graves, Miller & Kent butchered a Hog ¼ day
Miller & Kent grubbing roots in the
land being plowed N.W. of College ¾ day
Graves jobbing balance day

15 Scott plowing
Graves gone to mill with grist
Miller, Findlay & Kent working at
Ditch in Squaw bottom

16 Scott plowing
Miller Findlay & Kent working
at Ditch in Squaw bottom
Graves jobbing

Sorghum act. Thurs

Syrup 135 gallons at .80cts $108.00
33 ½ days labor 33.50
Board-proportionate 24.00
Rent of land ($2.00acre) 3.00
Seed 1.00
Horse services 5.75
Profit $40.75
The Board is calculated by the week so
as to include Sundays & lost time from rain & c in
17 Scott plowing
Miller, Findlay & Kent working
at Ditch in Squaw Creek bottom
Graves putting up petition Fences
& c in Hog yard
Had clover from barn yard cut & cured


17th October, Continued

for seed to be used on the Farm

I have got it stored in the Barn
in good order

18 Scott plowing in forenoon

helping to make ditch in afternoon
Miller, Findlay & Kent working
at Ditch for Squaw bottom
Graves fixing Division fences
in Hog yard & helped me to
run lines of timber lots in
S.1v T.82 R.24
19 Miller & Kent making fence in Squaw
bottom in forenoon fighting Prairie
fire getting corn & jobbing in p.m.
Findlay & Scott working at the
Ditch in Squaw bottom
Graves to mill for grist &
fixing hog pens
Sent off hand bills to the different
counties named below, towit: Floyd,
Jones, Clinton, Marshal, Jasper,
Boone, Polk, Warren, Selby, Linn,
Madison, Marion, Guthrie, Cedar,
Powiesheik, Scott, Humbolt, Webster,
Butler, Blackhawk, Delaware
& Chicasaw & in addition had
one mailed inside each copy of
this county paper for this week.
The grasshoppers have almost
destroyed our carrot & turnip
crop having eaten off nearly all
that was above ground & so
injured the crown’s of the bulbs as
to render it very doubtful if
they will keep through winter.
They have also destroyed the
winter wheat sowed on the 17th
Sept. it came up fine but has disappeared
20 Sunday

Monday 21s t October 1867

Received yesterday the Berkshire Boar Pig

Bought from Dr. Sprague of Butler Co. at the
State Fair.
Findlay & Scott plowing N.W. of college
Miller & James Thomson putting on fence
Boards in Squaw bottom.
Graves fixing potatoe bin in cellar
& making alterations in room over sitting
room (tearing down partition).
On tearing down the petition so as to add
the small dark room on second floor to the
room over sitting room, it was found that
false joists had been put up so as to
make the ceiling about one foot lower
in the dark room than the other (with
what object I cannot discover). I have
had the whole torn down as the expense
will be very little more & the room will be
greatly improved in every respect by
the change. The dark room has been
heretofore a harbor for dirt & vermin
& its addition to the small ill ventilated
room over sitting room will abolish a
nuisance and make one of the best bed
rooms in the house well ventilated and
easily warmed.

22 Scott & Findlay plowing N.W. of College

Miller, Kent & James Thomson working
at fence in Squaw bottom making the
posts firmer and nailing on the boards.
James Thomson helped me to ex-
tinguish some fence set on fire by
R.R. Engine sparks.
Graves working on alteration
in Farm house in forenoon &
working to pay back some help
we had in threshing in afternoon.
Bought 26 ½ bu. of Peachblow
potatoes thinking that there is some
danger of us being short


23rd Oct. 1867

Findlay & Scott plowing N.W. of College

Kent helping to thrash for return help.
Miller & James Thomson working
at Fence in Squaw bottom in forenoon
Miller gathering corn for hogs
in afternoon & J.T. catching gophers
Graves lathing ceiling of room
that is being altered in forenoon,
hunting help to thrash & fixing
oat bin in afternoon.
25 Threshing finished oats have
804 bushels which added to the amount
thrashed in August make 996 bushels.
All hands employed at Threshing
6 extra hands helping some for
money & some for return labor.

26 Threshing finished wheat have 390 bu.

which with 46 bu. thrashed in August
makes 436 bushells.
All hands employed at threshing
also 7 extra hands the straw is all well
stacked so that the stock can have the
benefit of it whenever it is judged
necessary without injuring the meadows.
One fourth of the day, from mid-afternoon-
noon, the men gathering hogs corn
fixing fences & c & c.
From the land partly plowed last
fall (8 ¾ acres) we have 200 bu. of good
wheat—lacks 5 pecks of 23 bu. per acre.
From 1 acre 3 Roods & 16 Poles of sod land we
have 30 bu. of good wheat
From 13 acres 1 Rood & 13 Poles of corn
stalk land we have 206 bu. of wheat of
rather poor quality a little over 15 bu to
the acre.

Sunday 27th Oct. 1867

28 Scott Plowing N.W. of College

Findlay & Miller digging potatoes N. of R.R.
Kent repaying threshing ( at McElyea’s)
Graves putting on lath & jobbing
Measured Sorghum land 1 acre & 69 rods
Carrot patch 1 acre 9“
wheat 8 ¾ acre
Potatoes west of sorghum 35 rods
29 Scott plowing N.W. of college
Findlay & Kent repaying Threshing (Priren?)
Miller digging potatoes
Graves getting plastering material &
other jobs
First snow of the season this evening.
30 Scott & Findlay plowing N.W. of College
Graves, Miller & Kent getting sand
for plastering, clearing place for poultry
house fixing swine & various other jobs.
James T. assisting me in measuring
the various pieces of land that has
been in crop the part season.
31 Scott plowing N.W. of college
Kent repaying help we had threshing
Miller & Findlay digging potatoes
Graves mixing mortar for repairs
of house & hands room
1st November, 1867
Scott plowing N.W. of College
Kent repaying help we had in threshing
Miller & Findlay digging potatoes except
about 2 ½ hours fighting fire (along railroad
where it had got into & was burning pasture
fence) & repairing damage.
Graves plowing N.W. of college
Findlay & Kent digging potatoes
Miller & Graves jobbing making mortar
tending plasterer & c.
Sent Reichard 2 baskets corn.


3rd November 1867 Sunday

4 Scott plowing N.W. of College

Findlay & Kent digging carrots
Miller clearing up in barn, tending
cattle, getting corn & c.
Graves putting things in order for the
sale. Tending plasterer & c.
went to Cambridge in quest of a
Mason to finish basement wall of barn
hold a note against Buel of that place
to be paid in Mason work—he was not
at home but his wife says he will come
next week
5 Scott plowing N.W. of College
Findlay & Kent digging carrots other
jobs. Fighting prairie fire & c.
Miller attending stock assisting at
sale when needed & c.
Graves getting articles up & helping
at sale
Sold Oxen for 115.00
Devon Bull bid in at 45.00
Fine wool & Buck bid in at 8.00
Two Southdown Bucks sold at 10 each 20.00
Small Leicester lamb 22.50
Berkshire Boar pigs sold
one at 8, one at 6, & one at 8 22.00
Two Suffolk pigs 10.35
One Hospital & Suffolk 4.50
Buggy sold at 55.50
Corn planter 16.50
Reaper 35.50
Mower 21.00
Furst & Bradley Cultivator 17.00
Tidrick & Hipped do(same) 26.00
(would not take his security)
Harrows bought in at 23.00
Two old plows sold at 8.10
Two pups one at 1 & one at .75 1.75
Rec’d in cash 47.70
“ cash on the 7th 112.00
“ notes 192.00
$ 349.70 to Balance

6th November, 1867

Scott plowing N.W. of College

Findlay hauling lumber from Brickyard
in forenoon. P.M. assisting County Surveyor & my-
self to set permanent land marks at
the different ¼ Section corners of the
Farm some of the corners were nearly
Graves killed a hog weight 208 pounds
this forenoon for house use.
Miller & Kent helped & afterwards
dug carrots.
Had County Surveyor in afternoon
fixing corners as above.
7 Scot plowing N.W. of College.
Graves absent this forenoon getting
surveying done.
Kent digging carrots part of day.
Miller attending stock
Findlay hauling lumber from
During the afternoon Graves,
Kent & Miler & Findlay were
employed about 3 hours fighting fire north
of the railroad this is the
fifth time we have been injured
within three weeks from fires
caused by R.R. trains.
We have lost several hundred
Rails (about two hundred totally de-
stroyed & from 4 to 500 more or less
injured) which could not be put
into a fence if moved from their
present position.
On 22nd Oct. pasture & fence burned
1 Nov. would have got into timber-men

put it out, burnt fence badly

7th-Burnt over meadow, burnt fence &
both old & young timber, burnt Taylor’s fence


7th November (Continued) 1867

I have notified the agent of the

Railroad Co. at Ames of these fires
& of the damage we have rec’d
but on examination of the laws now
in force to prevent prairie fires I
am in doubt of our ability to reach
the company so as to recover
damage & refer it to the Board

8 Scott plowing N.W. of College in forenoon

near R.R. (South Side) in afternoon
The other hands finishing up the
carrots, potatoes, beets & garden stuff
Graves fixing sideboards for wagons
preparatory to husking corn
Various other chores being done
preparatory to winter
Carrots 107 bushels
Potatoes 60 “
Onions Beets Parsnips

9 All hands at work husking

the corn north of Railroad
husked 207 bushels of excellent
Lost some time assisting to
subdue a fire near the college
some shavings were discovered
to be on fire close to the machine
shop & other buildings were in
great peril, plenty of assistance was
promptly on hand & it was got under
without doing any serious damage.
Mr. Dunham came here yester-
day afternoon & left this forenoon.
Mr. Reichard was here during the
middle of the week & complained of
being short of funds for carrying
on the Building.

9th Continued

Amount & Kind of grain fed per day for

the past week
Ayshire Bull corn 6 pounds
Durham “ 12 “
Devon 5“
2 Common cows 20 ” giving milk
2“ “ 12 ”
1 Durham Heifer 12 ” recently calved
1“ cow 6 ” not caved (Jess)
1 Devon Cow 10 ”
1“ “ 6
2 Durham “ 24 ” Zallah & Rose
1 Grade Steer 14 ” Fattening for beef
63 yard sheep 65 ” for three days
20 Bucks 20 ” “ “
1st pen 7 hogs 60 ”
2nd “ 8 “ 50 ”
3rd “ 7” 50 ”
4th” 2 shoats, 5 old hogs 60 ”
16 shoats running out 40 ”
2 sows & 8 pigs “ 40 ”
6 horses 16 bushels per week. Graves Stallion
getting 6 quarts per day & the young colts as follows
to wit: the yearling 6 quarts per day
spring colts 4 quarts per day, the young colts
not included in the 16 bushels
10 Sunday
11 The hands finished husking the corn
north of the R.R. getting 115 bu more =
322 bushells
Miller Findlay & Graves were helping
in forenoon to spay pigs male & female
12 Scott, Findlay & Kent husking corn
west of college all day.
So much has been stolen by the
people employed on College Building that
it took 17 ½ rows to fill the first wagon
(commencing at E. side) ten rows to fill the
second, nine the 3rd & c. set two of the men
to watch so as to make an example & c.


13 Nov. Continued

Had 15 sow pigs spayed by Mr.

Fitchpatrick in forenoon Graves
& Miller helping him.
Miller husking corn in afternoon
Graves attending stock & making
repairs in Gates, Doors & c.
13 All hands husking corn west of
College. Graves in afternoon made
a Gate & put it up at the crossing
to corn field North of R.R.
14 Graves & Miller dipping sheep
for disease.
Findlay assisting County
surveyor & myself establishing
remaining corners in West
Scott, Kent & some extra
(two hands) husking corn
finished that west of the College &
find rec’d from it 313 bushels.
15 All hands at corn in forenoon
Johnston making gutters to let off
water N.W. of college in afternoon
4 hands finished corn (had
132 bu. from land near brick
yard, by midafternoon.
All our different pieces of corn have
been more or less fed from ever since
the corn was fit to feed.
Scott plowed ¼ day
Miller & Graves fixing to put up
a poultry house ¼ day
Kent & a day laborer fixing
tools preparatory to making rails
for a Division fence north
side of Farm.

16th Nov. 1867

Scott, Findlay plowing near the R.R.

Graves & Miller putting up a poultry
Kent & day laborer making rails
Johnston ditching ¾ of day
Discharged Scott & Kent
17th Sunday
18th Findlay plowing s. side of Railroad
Miller sent to mill with a grist
Graves & McFarlane working at sheep sheds
& poultry house
Clemens making rails by the day
Johnston ditching by the day
Miller returned from Mill bein unable
to get any grinding done
19th sent Miller to mill at Polk City
Findlay plowing s. from R.R.
Graves & McFarlane working at
sheep sheds
Johnston (day laborer) ditching N.W.
of College.
I having reason to believe that some
confusion existed in relation to the
County Roads on & South of the Farm
have examined the “Road Record” pages
81 & 2 & on “Road Calendar” Page 2.
I find that the Road supposed to be
laid out across Squaw Creek bottom
has been discontinued some ten years
Also that an old established County
Road runs along the South side of
the farm the whole length.
Also that a Road intersecting the
south line of the Farm a short
distance west of the S.W. corner of Sec.
3 & bearing in a Northwest direction
into the farm about ¾ of a mile then
west has been informally changed &
to some extent off the farm. I think
the road on the section (if worked) sufficient


2nd Nov. 1867

Graves & wife gone to Cedar Falls

this morning
Findlay plowing S. of R.R.
Miller at Mill
McFarlane grubbing brush
Miller returned from Mill well
pleased with returns.
Twice today I have had a gate
of the pasture in which the Bulls
are confined set open by some
unknown person on the second
occasion eleven Bucks had
got out & one of them I cannot
find (The Leicester)
21 Found the missing Buck this
A.M. had been with a Ewe in
Findlay plowing
McFarlane grubbing brush from
land being plowed
Clemmens making rail
Miller tending to cleaning &
fixing stock stables & c
22 Findlay plowing & McFarlane
grubbing & helping him.
Miller assisting County Surveyor
& myself in getting the Meete’s & Bounds
of the lands proposed to be exchanged
with Mr. Porter & the Quarry acre
belonging to the Farm donated by J. Briley
& imperfectly described in the deed
Clemmens making rails
23 Findlay plowing & McFarlane helping
him & grubbing
Miller cleaning Hog pens &
hauled rails in afternoon
Finished fixing corners of the
Farm with County Surveyor

23rd Nov Continued

Horses have had ¼ bu. of oats during

the week ending today
(Graves stud gets 6 quarts per day)
one bin carrots amongst
Other stock as follows
Durham Bull ¼ lb. corn
Ayrshire “ 8“ “
Devon “ 6“ “
4 blooded calves 10 quarts of Boiled oat
3 grade “ 8 “ “
16 Bucks 20 pounds corn
Hogs of all ages 210 “ “
The calves get a small amount of
Flax seed boiled along with their corn
Owing to the stock havin the run
of the stalk fields we are not feeding
them much grain & some not any

24 Sunday
25 Findlay plowing near Railroad
South side
Miller tending stock & splitting
McFarlane & day laborer setting
posts for picket fence in forenoon
Dane at North Division fence in
McFarlane ditching in afternoon
on Saturday, the 23rd, ¾ of a day was devoted to
setting posts for picket fence by D. (Dane) Kent-
who is working for his board & going to school.
26 Findlay setting fence posts in forenoon
& plowing S. of R.R. in afternoon
Miller tending stock & sundry other
McFarlane & day laborer working
on Division fence north side of Farm
setting posts all day


27th Nov. 1867

Findlay assisting at Division fence

in forenoon plowing in afternoon
Miller tending stock & morticing
& preparing fence posts.
McFarlane setting posts & c
in Division fence
Mr. Graves came back at
night from Cedar Falls.
28 Findlay plowing S. of R.R.
McFarlane working at Division fence
Miller mortising posts in forenoon & plowing
in afternoon
Graves tending stock sorting
out ewes for Bucks & c & c
29 Findlay & McFarlane splitting
Miller & Graves placing protec-
tion over grapevines & other tender

30 Butchered two hogs this morning for

use in the House weight 338 lb. jointly
Findlay & team employed hauling
straw & filling areas about the
college Building to prevent injury
from freezing ½ day
Miller mortising posts
McFarlane & Findlay hauling
& putting I posts in afternoon
Grain Fed during past week

4 work Horses each 12 quarts oats

1 “ “ 9 “ “
1 Graves stud colt 6 “ “
2 young colts 3“ “
1 cow College Belle 6 pounds corn
1 bull Alexander 14 “ “
1 “ Gen. Grant 6 “ “
1” Henry Clay 8“ “
1” Gen. Baker 6“ “

30th November continued

2 Durham calves 8 quarts of cooked oats & flax seed

2 Devon “ 8” “
3 Grade “ 14 “ “
8 Highbred Ewes 8 pounds corn
16 Bucks 28 “ “
C.B. & Hospital sow 12 “ “
Young Berkshire B & sow 7“ “
1 pen feeding Hogs (5)
st 50 “ “
2 “
nd “ (6) 40 “ “
3rd “ 30” “
4 “ (3 old & 2 young)
th 50” “
1 old B. sow in barn 6 “ “
Pigs running out 44 “ “

1st December 1867 Sunday

Graves took his Yearling colt away from
the farm.
2nd Miller tending stock & mortising fence posts
McFarlane setting posts on Division fence on
Northside of Farm
Findlay hauling posts & assisting Mc
Farlane at fence in afternoon.
Took Mr. Graves with me to witness
putting up notices for petition being
presented to the Board of Supervisors for
the appointment of a commissioner
to examine & report on the expediency
of vacating certain road on & over
the Farm
Went to Nevada to post notice on the door of
the Courthouse.
3rd Bricklayer building wall in Wash house
under kitchen sill & filling Brick in between
the studding of the partition wall.
Findlay attending Bricklayer
Miller & McFarlane working at the
north Division Fence finished setting
Graves at various jobs.


4th December 1867

Findlay attending Bricklayer

Miller attending & odd jobs
McFarlane working at sheep sheds
Graves various repairs in House &
Bricklayer finished filling in Brick
& filled the runs of the mice in the pantry
so as to better protect food from the
frost & vermin.
Findlay & McFarlane hauling manure into
the large Bull pasture
The driveway of the Barn was cleaned
& the refuse containing a large amount of
Timothy seed thrown amongst the manure
near the Barn door & it is being put on
some of the poor knolls in the large Bull
Miller tending stock & helping to load
Graves at various jobs
6 Findlay sick
McFarlane hauling out manure
Miller helping tending stock
Graves sick
7 McFarlane hauling out manure
Findlay sick
Miller tending stock & putting up
fence (gaps by switch) on R.R.
Graves putting up gangway into
Barn & odd jobs
Kent chops firewood & helps at Manure
James Thomson assists me to measure
plowed land & other places preparatory
to making my annual report
8 Sunday
A wagon load of sash sent off
from the college to Indianola

Monday 9th December 1867

Findlay & McFarlane hauling out manure

Miller attending stock & other jobs
Graves sick
Levi Wismer a carpenter wishing to
attend School & to Board at Farm house
is working at the picket fence to be paid
in Boarding. I see no prospect of
getting it done by Graves & the Farm
10 Miller attending Stock & odd jobs
Findlay & McFarlane hauling manure
Graves sick. His young colt taken away
11 Miller attending stock & c
Findlay & McFarlane hauled manure
¾ of the day & shell corn the remainder
Graves sick
12th Miller attends Stock & c
Findlay hauling manure
McFarlane hauled manure ½ day &
tended corn crusher grinding feed to
Graves working on Sheep shed ½
of the day; remainder at Blacksmith shop
13 Miller attending stock
Findlay & McFarlane mending & oiling
harness & other cores Stormy
Graves jobbing & boils stock feed
14 Miller attended stock & c
Graves, Findlay & McFarlane moving
Hogs, working on sheep shed & c & c
15 Sunday
16 Miller attends stock & c
Findlay & McFarlane hauling out
Graves ½ day working on sheep shed
balance at sundry jobs
17 Miller attending stock & c
Findlay & McFarlane hauling manure
Graves making & hanging doors on
new sheep sheds & c & c


Wednesday 18th December 1867

Miller attending stock & c

Findlay hauling manure
Graves making & hanging doors in
lower part of barn.
19 Miller attending stock & c
Findlay hauling manure in order
to fill the space being manured to a
square so that the merits of putting
out manure in the winter as com-
pared with spring or fall may be
tested in a reliable manner.
106 good loads of manure have been
put on 4 acres & 13 rods of stubble and
13 loads on carrot & sorghum ground.
20 One of our Cotswold ewes found
dead this morning she has been suffering
for 3 or 4 months from Catarrh or some
similar malady on examination her
lungs were in a very bad & diseased
condition giving evidence of intense
Miller attending stock
Findlay hauling firewood
Graves fixing at Sheep pens
21 Miller attending stock
Findlay oiling & repairing harness
in forenoon & hauling rails remainder
of the day.
Graves jobbing.
22 Sunday
23 Miller attending Stock & jobbing
Graves Butchered two hogs in the
forenoon weight 311 pounds
Findlay & Miller assisting
24 Miller attending stock & jobbing
Findlay hauling rails & firewood
Graves cutting & salting pork & various
other jobs

Tuesday 24th Dec. 1867 Continued

The Horses for the three weeks ending the

21st Dec. inst. were fed as follows to wit
4 work horses 15 pounds corn each per day= 60 lb
Kate 12 “ 12”
Lady (yearling) 9” 9
Graves stud 9” 9
Young colt 4 quarts of oats per day
Other stock fed as follows to wit
Zillah 7 quarts boiled corn
Rose 7 “
College Belle 7 “
Alexander 8”
Jessamine 7 quarts boiled oats & 1 pint flaxseed
Henry Clay 10 pounds corn
Gen. Baker 7“ “
Heroine, Julia & Libby 7 pounds corn each
Pride, Polly & Lucy 8 “
Gen. Grant 2 quarts corn & 4 quarts oats boiled per day
&1 quart of flaxseed during the week
4 blooded calves 4 quarts of boiled oats each and
5 quarts of flaxseed during the week
4 small calves 3 quarts of boiled oats each and
3 quarts of flaxseed during the week
Fattening steer 18 pounds corn daily
4 yearlings 10 “ “
15 male sheep 12 “ corn per day & 10” carrots per week
4 Ewes 2” “ 6 “ “
Hogs in yard 20 pounds corn per day
28 pigs 44 “ “
Feeding Hogs 1 & ¾ bu. of meal cooked per day
25 Christmas Day
No work done beyond attending to the comfort
of the stock
26 Findlay & Graves getting lumber that
has been lent to Mr. Reichard all summer
& shelling corn in forenoon
Findlay grinding feed in afternoon
Graves attending stock J.L. Miller
having left the place without notice and
I understand does not intend to return


27th December 1867

Mr. Dunham has been here since

yesterday afternoon—left this morning
Mr. Owens left this morning with Mr.
Dunham at 10 o’clock a.m.
Findlay cleaning out Hog pens and
hauling out the manure into the fields
and working at Sheep house.
Graves attending stock & chores
28 Findlay & Kent putting hay into the Barn
Wismer working on picket fence
Graves attending stock and
various other jobs
29 Sunday
Jessamine calved a fine bull
calf today doing well
30 Graves repairing Bob sled
Findlay attending stock
Graves & Findlay working at Sheep
sheds in the afternoon
31 Findlay attending stock
Graves hauling lumber for fence
& both working at Sheep shed in the

2nd January 1868

Mr. Kingsley dv
To 65 pounds leaf Tobacco
at 13 cents per pound
to be paid in 30 days 8.45

1st January 1868

Graves and Findlay attending stock and

other odd jobs.
Kent worked at North Division fence

2 Findlay hauling firewood & attending stock

Graves took a pig to Ames sold to go
to Grand Mound
Engaged Hiram McFarlane for two
months at $18.00 per month his Father
The native cow Julia calved yesterday
evening a very fine Heifer calf-Grade
Durham & Native
3 Findlay hauling firewood when fair
McFarlane attending stock & chores
Graves at various jobs
4 Findlay hauling firewood
McFarlane attending sock& grinding feed
part of day
Graves making & hanging a gate and
various other jobs
Wismer working at picket fence
Kent chopping firewood in forenoon
& at North Division fence in afternoon
5 Sunday
6 Mr. Humphrey visited & looked
over most part of the Farm & College
Messers Gue & Cusey arrived but
the intense cold prevented them
from making much outdoor exami-
Findlay hauling firewood
McFarlane attended stock
Graves jobbing
7 Findlay fixing tools & making rails
McFarlane attending Stock
Graves went with me to Nevada to
give Bonds & file petition for vacating
Roads on Farm
Russell here-no others of Bldg. Committee


8th January 1868

Findlay making rails

McFarlane attending stock & chores
9 Findlay making rails
McFarlane attending sock & chores
10 Graves going to Desmoines
Findlay making rails
McFarlane attends to stock
11 Graves at Desmoines
Findlay & Kent putting hay into the
Barn & grinding feed
McFarlane attending stock
12 Sunday
13 Findlay making rails & McFarlane
attending stock
14 Findlay half a day getting butter
remainder in timber
McFarlane attending stock
The native cow Libby calved a fine
grade half Durham heifer\calf this day
15 Findlay making rails
McFarlane attending stock
16 Findlay hauling rails
McFarlane attending stock
17 The Grade Ayrshire & Devon Heifer
calved this day—a Heifer to her own
Findlay hauling rails
McFarlane attending Stock
18 Findlay putting hay in barn
half a day & hauling Rails remainder
McFarlane attends Stock
Graves sick
19 Sunday
20 Findlay working at North Division
Graves sets glass & odd jobs
McFarlane attends Stock
21 Findlay, Kent, Wismer & Graves halfday
killing Hogs 560 pounds for house &
sold/weighing 298 for $20.85

21st January continued

Graves to Ames & cuts up Hogs remainder

Findlay half day at Fence

22 Findlay sent to Cambridge mill with a

Grist took 261/2 bushells
McFarlane attending Stock
Graves sick
23 Findlay got back from mill with
some excellent flour
McFarlane attends stock
Graves sick
24 &5Findlay working at fence
McFarlane attending Stock
Graves sick
26 Sunday
27 Findlay at fence
McFarlane attending Stock
28th Findlay chopping wood in the
channel of Squaw Creek to give
a more free passage for the water
& get wood otherwise going to waste
Graves making swingletrees & c
McFarlane attending stock
29 Findlay hauling rails& working at
North fence
Graves making a wagon tongue
McFarlane attending cattle
30 Findlay working at North fence
Graves making portable fence
McFarlane attending stock
31 st Findlay & Graves making fence
& McFarlane attending stock
Feby 1st Graves & Kent putting hay into the
Barn & various other jobs
Findlay chopping
McFarlane attending stock
2 Sunday


Monday 3rd Feby 1868

Findlay chopping cordwood out

of Squaw Creek
Graves hauling corn
McFarlane attending the Stock
4 Findlay chopping cordwood
Graves hauls corn has in the
two loads 26 19/70 bushels at 40 cents
McFarlane attending stock
5 Graves dressing & putting irons
on wagon tongue & painting it
Findlay chopping cordwood
McFarlane attending stock
6 Findlay chopping cordwood
Graves hauling wood & various other
jobs—got wood out for new harrows
McFarlane attending stock
7 Had a Steer slaughtered for
use in the House; weight of beef 670 lb
The Leicester Buck killed fighting
with Merino Bucks this morning, the
fruits of our limited accommodations
for the stock
Findlay & Wismer helping Graves to dress
the Beef in forenoon
Graves dividing Sheep house (so as
to separate the horned Bucks from the
others) during the afternoon
Findlay chopping firewood in channel
of Squaw Creek South of Railroad
McFarlane attending stock
The Leicester Buck(sheep) that was killed
was opened. The cavity of the
chest was full of semi congealed
Blood showing that death was caused
by violence some important
Blood vessel burst
His pugnacious disposition
had provoked the ire of the others
occasionally during the fall before the
rutting season but I was led
to suppose

7th Feby continued

that they were living in peace since

the cool weather set in it having
been so represented to me.
8 Findlay absent on private business to Nevada
Graves & Wismer working at the picket fence
in the forenoon( had to quit for storm) jobbing
indoors in the afternoon
McFarlane attending stock
9 Sunday
10 Professor Jones of Franklin N.Y. here
to ascertain matters relative to our College
(came on Saturday morning)
Findlay chopping wood in the channel of
Squaw Creek (clearing it out)
McFarlane attending stock
Graves at various jobs
11 Professor Jones left for Fort Dodge last night
to confer with Hon. B.F. Gue Pres. of the Board
Findlay chopping wood in Squaw Creek
Graves at various jobs about the House
& Barn Wismer at picket fence
McFarlane attending stock
The first Lamb ( High Grade Ewe to Stone)
12 Findlay hauling wood in forenoon and
cleaning out hogs house in afternoon
Graves making, repairing & putting
up portable fence round Sheep yard.
Some was torn down & broken by
wind storm.
McFarlane attending Stock
Received notice this A.M. from
Mr. J.A. Hull of the sale of a piece
of land in Boone County. I
cannot find evidence in this
office to lead me to believe that
the State has any title beyond a
Bond for a Deed & nothing to show
where that Bond is.


13th Feby 1868

Graves repairing Gates and

various other jobs necessary
Findlay hauling wood in forenoon
& chopping in afternoon
McFarlane attending Stock
Visit from Legislative Committee
and members of Legislature
14 Findlay getting out wood
McFarlane attending stock
Graves at various jobs, part of the
day attending to the visiting Committee
Showed Legislative Committee all over
College Building, Farm Buildings and
Farm also all of the Stock
Committee left in the evening
I received notice from home of
the serious illness of one of my
children & will leave for a few days
by this nights train.
15 Findlay & Graves sawing logs
in channel of Squaw Creek ½ day
Findlay hauling wood reminder
Kent grinding corn ½ day
McFarlane attending Stock
16 Sunday
17 Findlay chops ½ day
Findlay & Graves haul hay ½ day
McFarlane attending Stock
18 Findlay chops wood
Graves attends to company & other
19 Findlay & Graves builds fence 1/2day
Gathers lumber & c
Findlay chopping ½ day
Graves hewing timber for harrrows
McFarlane attending stock
20 Findlay chopping, Graves hewing
timber for Harrows & cuts doors in
Hog pen & c
McFarlane attending stock

21st Feby- 1868

Graves to Ames for horse shoeing & Findlay

22 Findlay chopping & splitting rails
Kent chopping1/2 day
Graves to Ames, cut doors in sheep
sheds & sundry jobs
McFarlane attending stock
Wismer ½ day at Picket fence
23 Sunday
24 Findlay hauling wood Returned
Graves cut small door in barn, sorting
among stock & sundry chores
McFarlane attending stock
25th Graves fixing small door in Barn
& sundry chores
Findlay hauling fire wood
McFarlane attending stock
26 Graves repairing wagon injured by
being upset in the timber
Findlay absent
McFarlane attending stock
Snow storm all day
27 Graves repairing wagon preparing wood
for harrows & various other jobs
Findlay absent
McFarlane attending stock
Zillah calved a fine Roan Buck calf
this a.m.
28 In consequence of some represen-
tations of dissatisfaction (by Members
of the Board to private individuals
in this neighborhood) with my
conduct I have sent my resig-
nation to Hon. B.F. Gue President
of the Board & hope I shall be relieved
Graves at various jobs
Findlay idle
McFarlane attending stock


29th Feby 1868

Kent hauling wood, straw for

bedding for stock & c & c
Graves & My boy grinding feed
& various other jobs
McFarlane attending stock
Findlay idle (has sore fingers)

Sunday 1st March 1868

2 Graves jobbing
McFarlane attending stock
Findlay idle
3 Findlay chopping
Graves hauling corn and other jobs
The corn is so near done I have
purchased a small lot in Ames at
45 cents per bushel
McFarlane attending stock
4 Findlay chopping this forenoon
helping to clean wheat afternoon
Graves hauled a load of corn in
forenoon took a load of wheat to
Ames in afternoon & got a grist
ready for Mill
McFarlane tending stock helped
to clean wheat in afternoon
5 Graves went to mill with a grist
of about 30 bushels
Findlay chopping
McFarlane attending stock
Mailed 2 copies of Report of Trustees
to Supt. of Agl, 2 to Dept. of Education
1 to Agl colleges of Michigan, Pensyl-
vania California, Connecticut, Delaware,
Indiana, Kansas, Kenuckey, Maine,
Maryland, Massachusetts, Minesota,
New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York
Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia,
Wisconsin, Smithsonian Institute, &
to many other colleges with Scientific Depts.

6th March 1868

A most uncommonly heavy rain fell during

last night & this forenoon has caused a very high
Graves got home from Mill but had to
leave part of his Grist by the way
Findlay beating out clover seed (as it
is now needed for sowing)
McFarlane attending stock & chores
7 Kent shelling corn & various other jobs
Graves, Thomson assisting to shell corn &
various other jobs
McFarlane attending stock helped to
shell corn
Graves at various jobs trifling & c
8 Sunday
9 Findlay spreading manure in large
Bull pasture on the Sandy Knolls & harrow-
ing them to sow Timothy & clover on
Graves sowed seed & other jobs
McFarlane attending stock & other jobs
10 Findlay harrowing for Timothy & clover
on spots in large pasture where the mature
grass is killed out
Graves sows seed part of time goes
to Ames for wagon wheels & brings home
Grist that was left on account of flood
McFarlane grinds feed and
attends to stock
11 Findlay harrowing in forenoon &
cleaning out sheep pens in afternoon
McFarlane attending Stock & odd jobs
Graves sowed grass seed in fore-
noon repaired gates & various other
jobs in afternoon
12 Findlay harrowing & brushing grass seed
ni in large pasture
McFarlane attending stock & odd jobs
Graves sowed grass seed & various


13th March 1868

Findlay preparing rails for post

& rail fence
McFarlane attending stock and
various other odd jobs
Graves straightening up fences
gates, farm implements & c & c
14 Allowed the widow Kintzley
some straw & hay for her stock
on condition that she would
confine her diseased sheep
at home.
Findlay at Division fence
McFarlane attending stock and
other necessary jobs, shelling corn & c
Graves & Kent putting Zinc pro-
tectors on apple trees in Orchard
James T. helping McFarlane
Hospital sow farrowed 13 fine pigs
to Chester white boor
15 Sunday
16 Hands cleaning wheat repairing
fences attending Stock & c
Sold 38 6/60 wheat in Ames at $1.60
per bushel----- $60 95/100
17 Findlay absent
Graves delivering hogs sold getting
Horses shoed & sundry jobs
McFarlane attending stock
18 Findlay & Graves breaking corn stalks
Butchered 4 hogs & fixing fence
McFarlane attending stock & c
19 Findlay cleaning up stock yard
moving lumber & rubbish & c
Graves cutting & salting meat in
all 404 pounds weighing Hogs & c & c
20 Findlay hauling manure on carrot
ground Graves & Findlay breaking
stalks in morning Graves painted
wagon wheels getting some
repairs on seeder & c

21st March 1868

Findlay & Gilmour hauling out manure

Graves getting repairs on seeder & c
McFarlane attending stock and helping
Kent & J. Thomson to shell corn in afternoon
22nd March Sunday
23 Gilmour & Findlay sowed & harrowed grass
& clover seed on various old roads in Squaw
bottom also on the embankment
made by scraping ditch in morning
Findlay harrowed breaking the
remainder of the day
Gilmour & Graves helped to clean
seed wheat part of forenoon
Graves sowing with sower and
cultivator in afternoon
Gilmour grinding feed ½ of the
afternoon harrowing breaking the
Commenced sowing in N.W.
corner of the Farm (South of R.R.)
this afternoon
24 Findlay & Gilmour harrowing on
Sod wheat land near Railroad
Graves managing sower & cul-
tivator in forenoon. The Cultivator
shovels or teeth did not clear and
consequently made inferior & slower
work & he has been engaged
during afternoon in getting them
McFarlane attending stock
raked corn stalks part of the
25 Findlay & Gilmour plowing until
stopped by rain in forenoon; oiled harness
Graves managing sower & c till rain
jobbing afterwards
McFarlane attending stock


26th March 1868

Snow Storm
Men repairing & oiling harness
Cleaning up Timothy seed from
barn floor & attending stock
Devon Cow Pride produced
a fine Grade Ayrshire & Devon
Heifer Calf
27 Findlay & Gilmour sowing grass
seed in large pasture, large Bull
pasture, and Squaw bottom seed
sown is a mixture of Blue grass
Timothy & Clover also
Hauled gravel around the
watering trough
Graves at various jobs
McFarlane attends stock
I went to Boonsboro to examine
title of the State to W ½ N.E.1/4 Sec 35
84—28 which has just been sold &
find conveyance duly recorded but
cannot find Deed
I found a Deed to forty acres
of other land in Boone County
towit the S.E. ¼ N.E. of Section 8—82-25
28 Findlay & Gilmour plowing in the
forenoon (cornstalk land for wheat) near
switch. Findlay plowed in afternoon
Gilmour sowing wheat, & harrowing
in afternoon.
Graves managing sower & culti-
vator on sod sowing wheat
Kent sowed grass seed in the
forenoon in Timber on Squaw Creek
Assisting at various jobs remainder
of the day. Gathered & burned Brush & roots & c
McFarlane attending Stock

29 Sunday

Monday 30th March 1868

Findlay & Gilmour harrowing wheat
in forenoon
Findlay rolled wheat in afternoon
Gilmour grubbed gathered & burned
brush & roots
Graves & McFarlane packed the
wool of last year for shipment to
McFarlane attended Stock
Graves hauled wool to Railroad
Station & other jobs
31 Findlay plowing cornstalk
land near R R
Gilmour finished rolling wheat &
grubbing in forenoon & hauled manure
in afternoon
McFarlane attending Stock and
sundry jobs
Graves at various jobs
I disposed of the wool crop of
1867 to Woodbury & co. of Marshall
571 pounds at 37 ½ cents per pound to
be paid in goods at wholesle prices
I have taken 12 pair of blankets
at $8.00 per pair
1st April
Gilmour harrowing oat ground
near Railroad.
Graves jobbing in forenoon
sowing oats in afternoon
McFarlane attended Stock & rooted
cornstalks ¼ day
Johnston raked cornstalks ¼ day
2 Graves managing sower & c near R.R.
Gilmour & Johnston harrowing oats near
McFarlane tending Stock racked
corn stalks ¼ day


3rd April 1868

Hands all employed fixing flood

gates in forenoon (ground frozen)
Gilmour plowed in afternoon &
worked on oats (sowing, harrowing & c)
Johnston harrowing in afternoon
McFarlane attended Stock and
harrowed part afternoon
Mr. Dunham & his assistant
Mr. Moore, came here this evening
4 Mr. Dunham left this morning
Gilmour rolling oat land near
the Railroad in forenoon
Johnston harrowed oat land
¼ day near R.R. remainder (N.W.
of college Building) in forenoon
Graves fixed gate under R.R. driveway
& other jobs in forenoon
Sowed wheat west of Switch road
in afternoon
Gilmour finishing up odd
corners in afternoon (plowing, sowing,
harrowing & rolling
McFarlane attended Stock cut
firewood & c & c
James Thomson harrowed N.W. of
College all day for Oats
5 Sunday
6 Johnston harrowing wheat N.W.
of College
Findlay managing sower and
cultivator in lieu of Graves who is
absent on private business
sowed ¾ day (wheat) rolled the
Gilmour harrowing for oats
Fire in two places from R.R.
Engines (damage trifling)

7th April 1868

Shipped Durham Bull calf “Phil Sherwin”

this forenoon for Mr. Humphrey via
C.N.W. R.R. to Cedar Rapids thence
via D.S.W. & D & S City to terminus
of R.R. nearest Charles City
Hands at various jobs until frost per-
mitted field operations
Gilmour & Johnston finished harrowing
& rolling wheat in forenoon ¼ day each
Gilmour & Johnston harrowed oats
land in afternoon
Graves managed sower & cultivator
sowing oats in afternoon
8 Sold old Bill (Horse) this A.M. for
70 dollars giving three months credit
on note with ten per cent interest
Graves driving sower & c in forenoon
harrowed ¼ the afternoon
Gilmour & Johnston harrowing
oats in forenoon Digging out
Stumps in afternoon west end of
McFarlane attended Stock & other
jobs (cutting wood cleaning up & c)
9 Our Stock of corn being exhausted
have purchased 100 bushels from Mr.
Presnal at 40 cts. per bushell Graves
& Gilmour hauling it
Johnston Digging out stumps
McFarlane tending Stock
10 Graves time being at a close
as provided by his contract he is
attending to his own business.
Gilmour & Johnston hauling
corn harrowed ¼ day in the
McFarlane attending
stock Graves cannot con-
veniently leave for a few days


Saturday 11th April 1868

Gilmour brought last load

of corn this forenoon harrowed
oats and sowed timothy in
Johnston assisted amongst
stock in forenoon cut wood & c
harrowed oats in afternoon
McFarlane fed stock but
could not clean from having
his hand hurt
Mrs. James Gilmour &
children came here tonight
12th Sunday
13th McFarlane & Gilmour plowing
for oats in forenoon
Johnston attending Stock and
various other jobs
Hands all engaged shelling
corn in afternoon being too
wet to work outside
14 Johnston clearing out water runs
the lands sowed in forenoon at
various jobs in afternoon
Gilmour hauled goods from
Ames in forenoon Jobing P.M.
McFarlane attended Stock & c
Young ground feed saw wood & c
15 Graves & family moved away
today & c & c
Gilmour assisting me to get
Stove, Furniture & c & c from Ames
& put it up in the House
McFarlane attended Stock and
& various jobs
Johnston & Young digging out
stumps between showers
16 Gilmour & Young plowing W
of College Building
Johnston digging out stumps
McFarlane tending Stock

17th April 1868

Gilmour & Young plowing cornstalk land

west of College for oats
Johnston digging out stumps
McFarlane attending stock
18 Gilmour & James Thomson plowing
for oats in forenoon (cornstalk land)
Johnston & Young digging out stumps
James Thomson grounded feed part
of afternoon
Young digging stumps ½ of afternoon
plowing the remainder
Johnston digging stumps in
afternoon & paid off
19 Sunday
20 Gilmour assisting me to plant
Evergreens & plowed in young
orchard for truck for Farm house
Young plowed for oats in
forenoon & assisted with trees in
McFarlane attended Stock
& various odd jobs
Rec’d this morning by Express
1000 European Larch 1000 Norway
Spruce mostly in good order, &
1000 Scotch Pine a large proportion
of which were in very poor order. I
think partially heated on the way, were also
much smaller than ordered
I have countermanded the order
for balance as such trees are
of very little value to us
21st Gilmour & Young harrowing for
oats in forenoon
Goff harrowing oats in afternoon
Young plowed some corners
in afternoon
McFarlane attended Stock&
various other jobs.


Wednesday 22nd April 1868

Dunham building committee here

Gilmour sowed oats ¾ day &
other jobs reminder
Goff harrowed oat ground
Young harrowing oats west
of the college

23 Goff & Young harrowing oats

Gilmour sowing oats
McFarlane attending stock

24 Young & Goff cutting wood

McFarlane attending stock
Gilmour jobbing

25 Young & Goff hauling manure.

McFarlane attending stock
Gilmour planting potatoes & jobbing

26 Sunday
27 Young & Goff harrowing oats
Gilmour sowing oats and Timothy
McFarlane attending stock
28 Young & Goff cutting wood and
Gilmour jobbing
McFarlane attending stock
29 Young & Goff hauling manure and
Gilmour hauling manure
McFarlane attending stock
30 Young & Gilmour hauling
Goff rolling oats
McFarlane attending stock

May 1 Gilmour, Young & Goff hauling

McFarlane attending stock
2 Gilmour, Young, Goff & Petersen
hauling manure
McFarlane attending stock
3 Sunday

Monday 4th May 1868

Peterson & Young spreading manure

in forenoon & Young ½ of afternoon
Petersen diggin post holes for flood
gates posts ½ of afternoon (stopt by rain)
Gilmour & Goff plowing corn land
in forenoon & Goff ½ of afternoon till
stopt by rain
Gilmour sent to Ames for goods
in afernoon stopt by rain
McFarlane attending stock
Manhannett fixing shrubbery &
getting out crotched posts for
flood gates.
5 Ex. Com. in session
Gilmour hauled goods from Ames
forked posts for flood gates in A.M.
plowed for corn rest of P.M. spreading
Goff plowed ¾ of day spread
manure balance
Young spreading manure
Manhannett working at flood
gates & getting material
Petersen working at flood
gates in forenoon & ½ of afternoon
Spread manure remainder
6 Petersen Making drain in cellar
Remainder of hands at various
jobs—awful rain—
7 Gilmour, Petersen & Young at
drain in cellar
McFarlane attending stock
8 All hands getting out and
spreading manure
9 Goff & Young plowing. McFarlane
attending stock & c
Gilmour, Petersen & McFarlane
fixing lambs & sheep spreading
manure & c
Manhannett working in grape Dept.


Saturday 9th My Cont’d

Executive appraising stock &

examining Farm & c
Rose calved a heifer calf
in the evening
10 Sunday
11 Goff & Young plowing until stopt
by rain
Petersen digging out boulders
Manhannett shellling seed corn
& various other jobs
McFarland at various jobs
& stock
Gilmour at various jobs.
The Board of Trustees in
in session all day see minutes of Board
12 Gilmour & Goff plowing
Young & Petersen repairing
fences on west side of farm
McFarlane attending stock &
working in garden & c
Manhannett fixing up grape
vines & gardening
Board of Trustees closed
their session today.
13 McFarlane taking away
bull calf “Gen. Grant” the
purchaser to pay cost
Young attending stock & working
in garden
Goff & Gilmour plowing
for corn
Petersen worked in garden
part of the day fixing fence
& other jobs the remainder
Manhannett fixing fence.
14 Goff plowed till noon & then
quit work
Petersen helping at flood
gates in forenoon plowed

Thursday 114th May 1868 Continued

Gilmour plowed for corn in forenoon

& in garden in afternoon
Young attended stock worked in
garden sowing seeds & other jobs
Manhannett getting out stuff for
flood gates on Creek & fixing fence
15th Gilmour & Petersen plowing
Manhannett at fence near creek
Young attending stock working
in garden & c.
16 Gilmour & Petersen plowing for
corn & c
Burnett & team hired to plow
& plowing for corn since mid
afternoon yesterday
Manhannett & Young putting
up fence & flood gates on the
17 Sunday
18 Gilmour harrowing & prepar-
ing corn land
Petersen & Burnett plowing
for corn
Manhannett fixin fence & flood gates
in forenoon
Manhannett fixing grape vines
in afternoon
Young at various jobs
19 Gilmour marking land & planting
Peterson plowing in forenoon /14
day harrowing the remainder
Burnett plowing for corn
McFarlane at various jobs ¾
of day helping to plant corn the
Manhannett absent
Young in garden forenoon and
cutting seed potatoes in afternoon
A turkey hen killed by stray dogs


Page 142 20th May 1868

Gilmour & McFarlane planting

Petersen harrowing
Burnett plowing for corn
Menhenet fixing up grapes
vines in forenoon & shelling
seed corn in afternoon
Young cutting seed po-
tatoes in forenoon & working
round grape vines in
the afternoon
21 Gilmour & McFarlane planted
corn ¼ day
Gilmour preparing corn land
the remainder of the day &
McFarlane jobbing-
cleaning up around the house
Young worked in the
Manhannett shelled seed corn
in forenoon & cleaned in
orchard in afternoon
Burnett plowed for
22 Gilmour, McFarlane, Burnett
& Peterson plowing harrowing
working land & planting corn
(time divided between the
field near college & that north
of R.R.)
Young working in garden
putting out poison for squirrels
Manhannett & Sykes building
division fence between the
C.F. (College farm) & Hoggatt (land) except ¼ day of
Manhannett in orchard cleaning
canker worms from off the apple
trees, some of which are pretty

23rd May, 1868

Gilmour & McFarlane planting corn
Burneet & Petersen plowing for corn
on north ide of Railroad
Sykes & Manhannett working on the
Division fence—less Manhannett in
orchard during the hottest part of
the day destroying canker worms
Young put out prepared corn
for the squirrels & worked in the
garden, cut wood & C & C
24 Sunday
25 Gilmour & McFarlane planted (in morning
1/6 of day) corn
Gilmour, McFarlane & Young plant-
ing poatoes in afternoon in house lot
Young worked in garden in forenoon
Petersen & Burnett plowed for
corn north of R.R. all day
26th Gilmour, McFarlane & Young
planted potatoes in forenoon
Burnett & Petersen plowed
balance of corn land in forenoon
harrowed in afternoon
Sykes worked at division fence
Young helped in afternoon
Manhannett destroying canker
worms in orchard
Johnston hoed young trees in
forenoon helped Manhannett in after-
27 Young & Sykes all day at Division
Burnett & Petersen harrowed
corn land ½ forenoon at various
jobs remainder
Gilmour marked corn land
north of R.R. ¾ day & he & McF.
planted balance
Manhannett & Johnson planted


28th May 1868

Hands cleaning oats, wheat & various

jobs in forenoon—heavy rain A.M.
Gilmour & McFarlane planting corn
in afternoon
The other hands getting out stuff
for bridges & various other jobs in afternoon
29 Gilmour & McFarlane planted
out corn N. of R.R. in forenoon
Gilmour plowed in house
lot in afternoon
McFarlane repaired fence
in afternoon & planted potatoes
Young sowing carrots
Peterson hauling manure
into orchard from College
The bay mare was covered yester
day by “Young Coburg” a brown
horse from Ridge-post, Boone Co.
Devon cow Heroine produced
a fine grade Ayrshire & Devon heifer calf to day
30 Gilmour plowed in house lot
in forenoon harrowed ½ of afternoon
hauled a load of material from
Ames for College Building ¼ day
Peterson plowed, hauled manure
& harrowed in orchard for pumpkins
Manhannett fixed fence in fore-
Manhannett & Young campaigned
against canker worms in afternoon
McFarlane & Young planted
pumpkins seeds & c in forenoon
McFarlane at various jobs
remainder of day
31 Sunday

Monday 1st June 1868

Manhannett & Young destroying canker

Gilmour & Peterson hauling logs
manure & various other jobs
McFarlane attending stock
working in the garden & jobbing
in general
2nd Manhannett planting sweet
potatoe plants
Petersen hauling gravel
Gilmour, McFarland &
Young cleaning up & at a
number of necessary jobs
One of Graves’ sheep died
3 Manhannett & Young killing canker worms
Peterson hauling gravel
Gilmour & McFarlane at various
4 Manhannett pruning apple trees
Gilmour, Young & McFarlane
fixing bridge on road out
Petersen hauling gravel to the
new road
5 Manhannett pruning trees (apple)
McFarlane various jobs
Young hoeing in the garden
Peterson plowing & hauling
gravel to road
Gilmour sowing carrots,
mangolds & c
6 Manhanet pruning apple trees
Gilmour, McFarlane and
Young washing sheep and various
other jobs
Peterson plowing in orchard
hauling manure & c
7 Sunday


Monday 8th June 1868

Gilmour cultivating corn

north of barn
Petersen getting out manure
& preparing ground for squash
mangolds & c & c
Others planting & various
jobs in garden & around
the place.
9 Gilmour to mill at Montana
with grist
Peterson cultivating corn
Young hoeing in garden and
amongst evergreens
McFarlane at various
10 Peterson & McFarlane
cultivating corn & potatoes
Young hoeing in garden
Gilmour over hauling
fences & c planting sweet-
potatoe plants
11 McFarlane & Petersen cultivating
Young hoeing in the garden
Gilmour fixing fences
12 Petersen & McFarlane culti-
vating until stoped by rain at
various other jobs the remainder
of the day
Young hoeing part forenoon
at various jobs remainder of day
Gilmour at various jobs
13 Petersen & McFarlane hauling
Gilmour & Young doing various
14 Sunday

15th June 1868

Petersen & McFarlane cultivating

Gilmour & young putting up
flood gates
16 Peterson & McFarlane cultivating
Gilmour & Young at various jobs
17 Gilmour, McFarlane, Petersen & Petersen in
corn cultivating with small 8 inch plow
Single & double shovels & one horse 5 tooth
Young at various odd jobs & assisting
me in office in afternoon
18 Gilmour & 3 other men cultivating
corn all day
Young at various jobs
Mr. Howe Supt. Iowa Division of the
C. & N.W. R.R. has called & we have
agreed that the R.R. C. shall have
gravel east from the barn but shall
first take all the gravel that can
be safely removed from each side
of the railroad track near the N.W.
corner of the large bull pasture &
westward so as to form a good
wide ditch on each side the wet
ground required to be drained
between that point & the timber
Also to cover all places where
gravel may be removed from
with a satisfactory covering
of good soil & leave them all
smooth & in as good surface
condition as they are now in
19 The grasshoppers are doing so
much damage & the prospect of
a crop so gloomy that I have
concluded to buy some feed grain
& have been to Nevada for that object—
was unable to buy corn for less
than 75c per bu. bought one load


19th June Contd

Gimore to Nevada for load of corn

McFarlane & Petersen cultivating
corn near college
Young & Zents Christiensen re-
pairing fence round bull pasture
in forenoon & hoeing corn in the

20 Gilmour & three hands cultivating

corn in forenoon
Gilmour hauling lumber from
Ames in afternoon
Petersen & Christiensen cultivating
corn in afternoon
Young at various jobs and
McFarlane cleaning barn & c
in afternoon
I was offered a quantity
of lumber—the property of the
R.R. Co. –at $25.00 per M?
I consulted Mr. Moore who
went & examined it & gave
as his opinion that 2/3 of it was
excellent flooring the balance
1st class fencing; that the
flooring could be dressed
by hand & then cost $10.00
less that the ordinary rate
per M? I have therefore
concluded to take as offered
21 Sunday
22 Gilmour plowed land that
was sowed in carrot & c for
beans the carrots being destroyed
by grasshoppers
Petersen & Christiensen culti-
vating corn
McFarlane & Young attending
jobs hoeing & c

23rd June 1868

Petersen & Christiansen, Gilmour cultivating
H. McFarlane hoeing corn
Young at various jobs
24 Gilmour & Petersen cultivating
Christensen hoeing corn & c
25 Petersen, Christiansen and
McFarlane working road work
3 men & 1 team
Young hoeing
Gilmour cultivating
26 Young, McFarlane & Petersen
with one team working roads
Christiansen hoeing corn
Gilmour cultivating
27 McFarlane, Young & Petersen
with team working roads
Christiansen hoeing corn
Gilmour cultivating corn
28 Sunday
29 Petersen cultivating corn
Gilmour cultivating corn in forenoon
& assisting me looking up logs & various
jobs in afternoon
Christensen hoeing corn in forenoon
cultivating in afternoon
McFarlane & Young hoeing in
corn ¾ day jobbing remainder
30 Petersen & Christiansen cultivating
Gilmour, Young & McFarlane
making new road out from the
Farm House


1st July 1868

Gilmour, McFarlane & Christiensen

making new road out from the
Farm House
Petersen cultivating corn
Young taking borers out of
apple trees & hoeing around
2 Gilmour, McFarlane & Christiansen Petersen
working (making bridge & c) on new
road out from Farm house
Young digging out borers from
apple trees
Christiansen Petersen went to
Nevada for mower
Received a visit from Prof-
Anthony came yesterday
evening & left this evening
3 Gilmour hauling freight
from Ames in forenoon and
plowing in orchard in afternoon
C. Petersen cultivating
corn in forenoon plowing
in orchard in afternoon
Young digging out borers
in orchard
Christiansen clearing
ground for celebration & c
McFarlane repairing
bull pasture fence & working
single horse plow in orchard
4 All hands at Celebration
same time occupied with the
necessary chores
5 Sunday
6 Gilmour & Young cultivating
Petersen & McFarlane
hauling manure
Christiansen mowing
weeds & c

7th July, 1868

Petersen & McFarlane hauling
manure from near College Building
Young cultivating corn
Christiansen cutting weeds
Gilmour & various jobs
8 Young & Petersen working at the
new road out from Farm House
McFarlane preparing gate posts
for farm entrance
Christiansen hoeing corn
Gilmour hauling lumber
9 Petersen & McFarlane working
at the road gate & c
Young cultivating corn
Christiansen putting up
?lop poles
Gilmour hauling lumber
10 Petersen, McFarlane
& Christiansen hoeing
Gilmour hauling lumber
Young cultivating corn a.m.
potatoes p.m.
11 Gilmour fixing mower & mowing
Petersen hauling lumber
Christiansen cultivating corn ¾ &
putting up hay ¼ day
Young hoeing out morning
glorys from corn
McFarlane at various jobs & putting
up hay in afternoon
12th Sunday
13 Gilmour cutting Timothy till
stoped by rain
C. Petersen hauled lumber
a.m. Hay after till stoped by
Young & Christiansen hoed
corn a.m. helped to get in
hay balance time
McFarlane at various jobs


Page 152 14 July 1868

Gilmour cutting Timothy

Peterson hauling lumber
a.m. Hay remainder of day
Young, Christiansen & McFarlane
getting hay in afternoon were
hoeing N. corn in forenoon
15 All hands busy cutting & getting
in hay all day
16 All hands busy cutting & getting
in hay—less 1 ½ hour in morning
(till dew dried up) in the orchard
plowing & c
Finished cutting Timothy
in five days vs nine days last year
17 Gilmour getting rake repaired
in forenoon getting in hay the
remainder of day
Balance of hands getting in
hay after dew was off &
cultivating out weeds in a.m.
18 All hands getting in hay
until midafternoon when
the Timothy was all got in
34 loads---1800 pounds on
an average of the load amounting
30 tons. 200 of wheat saved but
rather inferior hay
Balance of the day putting
away tools for the season and
various other jobs
19 Sunday
20 All hands at work cutting
wheat, delayed some by the
Reaper not being right put
together & breaking
21st Could not cut in forenoon
for wet men at various jobs
cutting wheat in afternoon
make slow progress owing
to intense heat

22nd July 1868

Hands all employed harvesting wheat
crop poor from grasshopper ravages
& wheat it is got so tangled by the
heavy rains as to make progress slow
23 Hands all employed harvesting, cut out the
wheat in forenoon—cutting oats p.m.
24 All hands cutting & binding oats
had to kill a sheep for meat for the
Bought corn to the value of $30.00
25 All hand busy cutting & binding
oats since dew dried off—jobbing
in morning
26 Sunday
27 All hands at work harvesting
28 All hands at work harvesting
have all the oats cut worth bind-
Cut ten acres in 7 hours today
with one team, and very easy
29 All hands harvesting
Stacking wheat in afternoon
Visit from President of the
Board on his way to Chicago
30 All hands employed hauling
& stacking wheat
Two of them sick from heat
& scarcely able to work
31 Heavy rain
Men at various jobs
Having been notified from
my home that one of my hands
has been shot—I leave for a
couple of days to learn parti-
culars & see what is to be done


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Saturday August 1st 1868

Petersen & Gilmour plowing

for turnips
Young & McFarlane pulling
weeds in various places
2 Sunday
3 All hands hauling &
stacking balance of wheat
4 All hands hauling & stacking
oats except Young ½ day in the
garden pulling weeds
5 All hands hauling and
stacking oats
6 Hands secured remainder
of oats deemed worth saving
when it commenced to
rain hauled two loads
lumber & various other
jobs during balance of day
7 Men preparing ground for
turnips. Stacking lumber
& various other jobs destroying
weeds & c & c
8 Hands stacking lumber
sowing turnip seed, preparing
ground, planting out straw-
berry plants & various jobs
Visit from Prof.Townshend
and Mr. Russell
9 Sunday
Visit from Hon. A.S. Welch
President of the College
10 The hands at various
jobs destroying weeds sowing
turnips, looking after stock
fences & c & c
Prof. Townsend (Townshend) left
this A.M. expressed satis-
faction generally

11th August 1868

Hands employed stacking the

oats injured by the grasshoppers
except one looking after
stock & hoeing in garden
The Young Durham
heifer “Myrtle” being in heat
I ordered her shut up till
it went off but McFarlane
the hand entrusted with
the care of the stock let
her out & there is reason
to fear that she was served
by the Ayrshire Bull.
I have discharged him
for violation of orders
12 Gilmour, Petersen & Christiansen
gathering, hauling & stacking poor
(grasshopper injured) oats
Young hoeing around trees
Executive committee mostly
gone home
13 Gilmour cutting grass & toping
out grain stacks
The other hands are at various
jobs repairing roads & c
14 Gilmour sent to Cambridge
to mill with a grist
The other hands shelling
corn grinding feed &
other jobs
15 Gilmour & two hands fixing
bridge to go under R.R. hauling
wood & various other jobs
Young hoeing & mowing
16 Sunday
17 Gilmour mowing matured (natural) grass
Petersen & Young fixing
fence across Squaw Creek
Christiansen at various jobs


August 18th 1868

Hands engaged in various

jobs in forenoon on act. of the
rain last night
Gilmour mowing from
The other hands making
hay in afternoon
Furnished an oak log to
Mr. Moore to be used & c in the
erection of Professors houses
sise (size) 10 feet long average girth 20 inches
19 Hands are all engaged in
hauling & working hay
20 Hands are all engaged
in getting hay
Stacking & c
21 Hands are all engaged
in hauling & stacking hay
Prof.—A.N. Prentiss Lansing
Michigan on a visit to this
22 Hands are all employed in
hauling & stacking hay
Prof. Prentiss left in evening
23 Sunday
24 Gilmour cutting grass for
Petersen & Young weeding turnips
in forenoon grinding feed & putt-
ing up hay in afternoon
Christiansen attending stock
& raking hay in afternoon
25 All hands hauling & stacking
Starting for Desmoines for
draining funds

No entry for 26th


27th August 1868

Gilmour cutting grass for hay
Peterson & Christiansen weeding
turnips; until rain came on
Young at various other jobs
28 Hands shelling & grinding corn
& c in forenoon
At hay in afternoon
29 All hands working at hay in
Afternoon (raining) at various
The in & in-bred Ayrshire &
Devon calf died today—cause
unknown—she has been
ailing for some time
30 Sunday
31 Hands shelling & grinding
corn weeding turnips & c & c

1st Sept 1868

All hands working at hay

2nd Gilmour cutting hay in the
Hauling furniture from
Railroad station in afternoon
Other hands weeding turnips
in forenoon & at hay in afternoon
3 All hands hauling & stacking
4 Gilmour cutting grass for hay
north of R.R.
Peterson hauled hay in forenoon
& plowed near R.R. in afternoon
Christiansen helped at hay in
forenoon attending stock & c afternoon
Young at various jobs
5 Hands at hay until toped by
thunder & rain storm—cut wood
& various jobs remainder of day
Barn struck by lightning


5th Sept continued

carrying off vane & tearing the

Lightning rod from the Building
some 12 or 14 feet from the
ground up—no other percep-
tible damage
Gilmour & Petersen plow-
ing during the afternoon
Christiansen cutting down
thistles on the R.R. & jobbing
Young sick—jobbing
6 Sunday
7 Petersen plowing in forenoon
at hay in afternoon
Hands at various jobs in
morning (1/4 day) getting hay the
Two young lambs about 4 months
old died from some unknown
I have written to the Vety—Dept of
Prairie Farmer describing symptoms
before & after death & c & c in endeavor to
ascertain cause
8 Awful storm during last
night. Thunder, wind & rain
Gilmour plowed in forenoon
getting up hay in afternoon
Christiansen & Young getting
wood, tending stock & various jobs
in forenoon hay & c afternoon
Petersen plowing
9 Petersen plowing in forenoon
hauling hay in afternoon
The other hands working
at hay after wet got off in a.m.
10 Gilmour mowing grass for hay
Young mowing weeds & fixing pen
for lambs
Petersen & Christiansen cleaning out
sheep house a.m. & hay making p.m.

11th Sept 1868

All hands busy raking hauling
& stacking hay
Taking the wool to Desmoines
as I am of the opinion that I can
do better with it there than in
Marshall sold for 37cents per
12 All hands busy at the hay
13 Sunday
Dr.Shaffer arrived with
his collection for the College
14 Petersen plowing
Gilmour & Young fixing
hay stacks
Christiansen attending stock
& jobbing
15 Hands cleaning wheat
oiling & repairing harness and
various odd jobs
Visit from Mr. Russell of
building Committee
16 Gilmour went to Cambridge
mill with 12 sacks of wheat to grind
Petersen plowing & hauled
load corn from Ames
Young & Christiansen at
various jobs attending stock & c
17 The frost having injured the
leaves of the sorghum all hands
are at work striping them off
it is scarcely ripe enough but
this will save what is good
18 Hands striping sorghum & a variety
of other jobs
Mule team hauled brick for college
building purposes in afternoon
Laborers working on the farm
in lieu of Teamsters


19th Sept 1868

At 7 o’clock this morning
the Mechanics went to their work
as usual but had little more
than made a good start when
the east most of the houses now
being erected as residence for
Professors suddenly fell into
the cellar the walls crumbling
to powder two men (laborers) were
severely hurt and two or three
more slightly
Most of the forenoon consisted
in helping to get home the injured
men getting firewood & odd jobs
Mule team hauling for the
College building in afternoon
Other hands at various jobs
20 Sunday
21 Sold to B.F.Bain, Eldora, Hardin
Co. one Berkshire Boar pig weighing
128 pounds for $15.00
The hands cutting sorghum
when not stoped by rain
Mule team hauling for the
College (water & gas pipes & c) in the
afternoon—exchange of work
22 Gilmour to Desmoines with Mr. Cusey
& myself Petersen hauled firewood a.m.
for College p.m.
Two hands from College (Manhannett
& Trip) helping to work up sorghum
Christiansen & Young getting corn
& c helping at sorghum
23 Gilmour back from Desmoines
Petersen hauling wood & corn
& plowing. Christiansen
attending stock & other jobs
Manhannett & Young at sorghum
Trip part of day

24th Sept (Thursday)

Gilmour & Christiansen capping out

hay stacks & various other jobs
Petersen hauled sorghum cane &
Manhannett & Young working
Mr. Dungan & family arrived
this evening, brought two men &
teams—stayed over night
25 Gilmour went to Nevada for sifter/sister?
Petersen hauling for sorghum
Manhannett & Young working up
26 Gilmour went to Cambridge for
Petersen & Christiansen shelling
& griding corn. hauled half day
Manhannett & young at sorghum
27 Sunday
28 Gilmour to State Fair with
stock Young & Petersen helping
to ship & various jobs
Petersen hauling remainder of
of sorghum
Young & Manhannett at sorghum
Christiansen tending stock repairing
fence & various jobs
29 Young & Manhannett finished
sorghum had two barrels & ten gal.
Petersen & Christiansen plowing ( the
latter only part of the day) jobbing & c
30 Petersen plowing
Christiansen hauling for College
Young attending stock & chores
Oct.1 Petersen plowing
Christiansen hauling for College
Young doing chores
Mr. Simmons came from Chicago
to put up range remained one


Friday Oct. 2nd 1868

Petersen & Christiansen hauling

tile from cars at switch
Young assisting to unload & chores
3 Petersen & Christiansen hauling
for college in forenoon
Petersen plowed in p.m.
Young & Christiansen at various
jobs remainder of day
4th Sunday
Dr. Wright made short visit
5 Gilmour returned from the
State Fair
Christiansen & Petersen hauled
wood for College part of day
Hands at various jobs remainder
of day
6 Gilmour went to Sweedes-
Point in quest of a girl but failed
to get one
Petersen getting plow sharpened in
forenoon plowing in the afternoon
Christiansen & Young at various
7 Hands fixing stock & taking
them to the County Fair
8 Petersen & Young gathering
corn in morning & took the stock
to County Fair remainder of day
Gilmour & Petersen plowing
9 Gilmour & Petersen plowing
Christensen & Young jobbing
Petersen plowed at Fair & won
the 1st prize
Visit from Mr. Russell &
Dr. Shaffer
10th Gilmour & Petersen plowing the
other hands at various jobs
Mr. Dungan(Dunham?)& family left
Prof Jones & family arrived
11 Sunday

Monday 12th Oct 1868

Gilmour & Petersen plowing

Young & Christiansen at various
13 Gilmour & Petersen plowing a.m.
Petersen plowed p.m.
Gilmour & Christiansen moved
sheep in P.M. & hauled wood
Young cut wood p.m.
14 Two teams hauled for College
3/4 day at various jobs remainder
of day
15 Gilmour cut clover
Petersen plowing
other hands at various
16 Gilmour & Petersen hauling
for college in forenoon
Christiansen raked hay &
various jobs Young jobbing
17 Gilmour Petersen & Young
hauled corn & hay
Christiansen attending stock
& jobbing
Prof Jones & family left
yesterday &
Prof. Townsend & family
arrived this morning
Romeo/Piorneo? left
18 Sunday men hauled wood
for college nearly all day
19 Petersen hauling for College
Christansen attending stock
Gilmour & Young hauling
manure & digging potatoes
20 Hands picking potatoes in
morning. Cutting wood, oil-
ing harness & various other
jobs remainder of the day
raining nearly all day


Wednesday 21st Oct. 1868

& Young getting corn in forenoon
& potatoes in afternoon
Christiansen cleaning sheep pen
& attending stock
Gilmour at corn a.m. potatoes
22 Petersen hauling for College
& Christiansen in p.m.
Remainder jobbing & getting
up potatoes
23rd Petersen hauling for college
getting corn, potatoes, attending
stock & a variety of jobs
Had 9 students helping to
get up potatoes this p.m.
to wit Wm. Talbot N1 3 ½ hours
M. Suttiff 1 2½
C. Swafford 1 2¼
C. Wadley 2 2¼
C. Suksdorf 1 3½
Sam. Huntingdon 3 2¼
Frank Rees 2 2¼
J.R. Thomson 2 3½
Got in 41 ½ bushells of potatoes
24 Petersen hauling for College
Gilmour getting up potatoes
had 4 students gathering two
of them 3 hours, the other two
4 5/60 hours
Had 6 students picking
corn two hours
Young & Christiensen
cutting wood, tending stock
and a variety of other jobs
opening end of cellar drain
25 Sunday
Men hauled water for college

Monday 26th Oct.1868

Gilmour, Peterson & Young hauling
drain tile from car (Editor’s note: Train car): in
Young opening cellar drain
in afternoon
Petersen hauled furniture to
college in afternoon
Gilmour plowed up potatoes
hauled tile & put potatoes in
cellar in afternoon
Six students gathered pota-
toes & four worked in orchard
searching for borers time in
Suksdorf & J.R. Thomson for
3 hours
Hangsteet attended stock
27 Petersen hauled wood & water in
the forenoon
Gilmour & other hands hauling
in & getting up the remainder of
the potatoes
28 Petersen hauled out manure
& hauled water for College
Young helped him & cut wood
Gilmour at various jobs
Hangsteet herded stock
29 The withered grass north of the
Railroad caught fire from
the R.R. Engine & has destroyed
considerable fence
Hands hauling in corn &
at various other jobs
30 Hands repairing fences
destroyed or partially destroyed
by fire yesterday & at sundry
other jobs
31 Gilmour & Petersen at fence, Young
cut wood, making soap & c
Hangsteet tended stock & c


Page 168 Sunday 1st Nov. 1868

Hands hauled two loads of

water to the College
2 Hands employed at various jobs
for College & Farm hauling & c
3 Gilmour, Petersen hauling
corn hauled water p.m. to College
Young making soap & various
Hangsteet tending stock
4 Gilmour plowing for grading
at the College building a.m. working
students p.m.
Petersen & Young at various
jobs laying drain tile & c
Hauled water for College &
5 Both teams hauling for
the College all day
Young at various jobs
shelled corn & c
Hangsteet tended stock
6 Peterson laying drain tile, hauled
for college ¼ day
Gilmour hauled corn to
barn & hauled for College
Young attended stock
7 Hauling turnips into cellar
Students helping
Peterson laying tile
Young attending stock
All hauled corn in afternoon
8 Sunday
Hauled water for College
9 Rain
Gilmour hauled lumber
& timber for sleepers for Barn
Petersen hauled for College
& helped Gilmour with sleepers
Young & Hangsteet at various jobs

Prof. Jones, on Sunday, brought home Buggy broke


Tuesday 10th Nov. 1868

Gilmour & Petersen hauled sleepers for

Barn in forenoon & corn in the
Young cutting wood & various jobs
in forenoon helped to pile corn in
the afternoon
Hangsteet attending stock
11 Hauling in corn & various jobs
& hauling for college
12 Hauled coal from Ames for the
College—Borrowed from Cook
Gathering in corn
Hauling for barn & c
13 Petersen hauled stone from
Ames for College well all day
Gilmour hauled wood to
Gathering in corn, seed
corn & other jobs
Young waiting on the
carpenters & jobbing
14 Gilmour gathered in corn in
forenoon & hauled coal to the
College in afternoon
Petersen hauled coal all day
Young assisting carpenter
& jobbing
Yants tending stock
15 Sunday
16 All hands at work securing shelter
for the stock from the storm
of snow now raging
17 All hands busy fixing up the
stock getting wood & other chores
18 Hands hauling sleepers for flooring
for cow stable tending stock and
other chores
19 Board of Trustees met in the
President’s office in the College Bldg.
Six members absent


19th Nov. 1868 continued

Hands hauled coal & wood for the

college one load each
One hand hauling sand the
balance of the day
Other hands tending stock, doing
chores, helping in with sleepers &
lumber for cattle berths
20 Both teams hauling coal from
Ames for College
Young cuts wood and tends
21 Mule team hauling sand for
the College
Christian attending stock
Young at various jobs, cutting
wood, tending to calls of various
Gilmour fixing at stock hauling
wood & various jobs
22 Sunday
23 Petersen attends stock
Gilmour hauls lumber
from Ames material for the
drain & c
Young chores attends to
Buggy for Prof’rs & c
24 Petersen attends stock
Gilmour hauled coal & other
chores Snowing
Young cuts wood, chores &
Horse & Buggy for professors
25 Petersen attends to stock
Gilmour hauls coal & wood
Young cuts wood, chores
& Buggy for Professors
26 Thanksgiving day
Petersen attends stock
Gilmour hauls turnips and
other chores selects Ewes for Buck
Young as usual

27th November 1868

Petersen attends to stock

Gilmour hauls tile & other material
to tile drain in forenoon in forenoon
& coal in afternoon
Young at various jobs hauling saw-
dust & c to College
28 Teams hauling coal from Ames
to the College—hauled a car load
Young at various jobs helping
carpenter & c & c
Petersen attending stock
29 Sunday
30 Hands & teams hauled a car
load of coal from Ames to the

Tuesday 1st Dec 1868

Gilmour & Young hauling
for College—Gas fixtures in the
forenoon, wood and manure
to protect water pipes from
frost in afternoon
Petersen tending stock
2nd Hands preparing to get
Threshing done in forenoon
Threshed in afternoon 64 bu wheat
3 Hands threshing nearly all day
Threshed 101 ½ bu wheat Snowing
Total amt—of wheat 165 ½ bushells
4 Hands employed at various jobs
indoors on acct. of stormy weather
5 All hands employed threshing
oats helped by students
Hauled two loads of coal in
the morning for the college
6 Sunday
7 Petersen & Hewins attending stock &
Gilmour & Young hauling wood,
coal & c and chores


Tuesday 8th Dec. 1868

Petersen & Hewins attending

stock & chores
Petersen & Gilmour hauled
coal part of the day
Young cut wood & other chores
9 Gilmour & Petersen hauling coal
& wood
Hewins & Young attending
stock & chores, cutting wood & c
10 Gilmour hauling coal
Petersen hauling straw to the
College in afternoon various jobs
in forenoon
Hewins attending stock
Young chores & c College pm
11 Gilmour hauling coal
Hewins attends stock
Petersen hauling coal
Young various jobs
12 Gilmour at various jobs
Petersen hauling coal
Young carrying mail & c
Hewins tending stock
13 Sunday
14 Gilmour & Petersen hauling
coal straw & c for college
Hewins attending stock
Young at College
15 Gilmour to mill for grain
& with a grist
Petersen hauled coal in
Petersen & Young left
16 Gilmour hauled coal
Snelling due in forenoon
Team used by Students
to haul coal in afternoon
17 Gilmour to mill for grist
Hewins tending stock
Snelling assisting to put up new shed

18th Dec. 1868

Exchanged 3 Bucks and the

Devon Bull “Baker” for 39 wethers
with L.S. Coffin of Fort Dodge he
(Coffin) bearing cost of transport-
Gilmour assisting in assorting
Snelling assisting carpenter
with new sheds
Hewins attending stock had
help to grind & prepare feed in
afternoon from students
Two students (Anderson & another)
had team hauling firewood to
College in the afternoon
19 Gilmour & three students
hauled coal in forenoon
All hands assisting at threshing
from 11:45 oclock a.m. until night
had Students from College as
follows to wit Meyers, Cadwell,
Churchill, Suksdorf, Anderson &
Mullen. My own boy works
every afternoon
20 Sunday
21 Gilmour hauled tile & c to Drain
& coal from Ames to College
Snelling & Hewins tending
22 Hauling coal to College getting
mules shod & c
Snelling & Hewins tending
23 Gilmour hauling coal & wood
Students hauled coal in the afternoon
Snelling & Hewins tends Stock
24 Gilmour getting out timbers for the
air ducts at college a.m. jobbing p.m.
Students get timbers p.m. & grind feed & c
Snelling & Hewins tend Stock


Christmas Day 25th Dec 1868

Four students to wit Brown, Cadwell,

Anderson and Cessna hauled coal
to the College all day both teams
Gilmour straightening up various
odd jobs around the premises
Snelling & Hewins attend stock
Hewins had his thigh ripped with
one of the Boars (Berkshire) a week ago
& cannot tend the stock himself
26 The students hauling coal again
today with both teams
Gilmour working at various
Snelling & Hewins tending
27 Sunday

28 Gilmour went to Nevada to exchange

wheat for flour & get bran got flour but
failed as to bran the remainder of the
day at odd jobs
Hewins & Snelling at various jobs &
tending stock
29 Gilmour cleaning young cattle in
forenoon hauling for the College in afternoon
Snelling choping wood & assisting with the
cattle Hewins attending stock
30 Gilmour hauling at various
things for the College
Snelling hauled for College part
of the day. remainder on farm
Hewins tending stock
31 Gilmour went to Cambridge
in quest of Bran & failed to get
Snelling hauled lumber
for College in forenoon at various
jobs in afternoon
Hewins attending stock had
help to get feed prepared by students

Friday 1st January 1869

The students have teams to haul

coal from Ames to College
Gilmour attending to fixing
yard fences & other jobs
Hewins attending stock
Snelling at Nevada
2 Students hauling coal except
Mr. Cadwell who in afternoon
ground feed with mule team
& various jobs amongst stock
Gilmour at a variety of jobs
Snelling cleaning privy & c
Hewins attending stock
3 Sunday
4 Gilmour went to Nevada for
Bran & shorts & hauled a load
of coal to College in afternoon
Snellling cleaning out the
wood house in forenoon getting
ready to Kill hogs & other chores
in afternoon
Hewins tending Stock
5 Hands killing hogs
Killed nine & propose curing to
be kept for use in the College
6 Hands & teams employed
most of Day in getting College Safe
from cars(train) to College Building
7 Gilmour & Snelling cutting
up pork
Hauling Students trunks to
the Railway Station and various
8 Thompson (Student) hauling coal
Snelling hauling wood ½ college & ½
farm house chopping feed & c
Suksdorf helping in barn
Hewins attending stock


Saturday 9th Jany 1869

Thompson & Suksdorf students,

cleaning out wood shed
Snelling grinding feed
Gilmour packing the pork
straightening things in various
Hewins attending stock
10 Sunday
Snelling went with Ex. Com. to Des-
moines also Sup. & Sec. books & c
11 Snelling brings oil cake from
Suksdorf & Thompson cleaning
out the wood house in forenoon
Suksdorf hauling wood & Thompson
in afternoon
Hewins tends stock
Gilmour at various jobs
12 Gilmour & Suksdorf hauling Coal
Snelling & Thompson cutting
wood & various jobs
Hewins tends stock
13 Gilmour & Suksdorf hauling coal
other hands grinding feed
tending stock & various other jobs
14 Gilmour hauling coal
Snelling to Desmoines for Book,
goods, Supt. & c & C
Suksdorf cleaning hog pens &
various other jobs
Hewins attending stock
15 Gilmour hauling coal
Snelling Desmoines
Other hands tending stock & various
16 Gilmour & Snelling hauled coal
in forenoon, jobbing hauling wood
& c in afternoon
Other hands grinding feed
tending stock & c & c

Sunday 17th January 1869

The place seems solitary & deserted

18 Gilmour & Snelling hauling wood
Suksdorf & Hewins tending
stock preparing feed & c & c
19 All hands preparing to secure ice
for the College and other odd jobs
Propose to make a bottom of rails then
straw on which the ice to be piled 12
feet wide 10 high & 20 long & to en-
close the whole with sheeting straw
& Sawdust
20 Teams hauling for College then
hands getting out ice—had two students
Hewins & Suksdorf tending stock
preparing feed cutting wood & c
21 Hauling Ice, Firewood, & c
by Gilmour & Snelling—both teams
Hewins & Suksdorf stock & feed
22 Gilmour hauls Ice
Snelling “(hauls) Sawdust to save
the Ice, hauls flour & c
Hewins & Suksdorf tend stock
grind feed, cut wood & c
The Devon Bull Baker was disposed
of yesterday to L.S. Coffin in conformity
with an arrangement made by
Mr. Cusey (member of Ex. Com.) in the
latter end of Nov. or beginning of Dec.—
last the State receiving 39 wethers
for him & 3 Bucks
Mr. Coffin was required by me to
pay $5.00 for keeping Baker since
18th Dec. until yesterday
23 Gilmour hauling Ice to College
Snelling hauling wood in forenoon
& Ice in afternoon
Gilmour sorting cattle, sheep & various
other jobs in afternoon
Suskdorf & Hewings tending stock & c & c


Page 178 23rd Jany continued

Have 20 tons ice stacked up

24 Sunday
25 Hands hauling ice & wood
attending stock & c
26 Hands (2) hauling ice & lumber
for ice house 1 Full P.M.
Hewins & Suksdorf tending
stock, preparing feed & c
27 1 man & team hauled ice
1“ “ “ ice???
& Firewood
Hewins & Suksdorf tending
stock cutting firewood preparing
feed & c
28 1 hand hauling ice
1 hand sorting meats & c
Hewins & Suksdorf tending stock
preparing feed cutting wood & c
29 All hands jobbing cutting firewood
tending stock and various indoor
jobs—violent snow storm
30 Gilmour hauled lumber for
ice house & College
Snelling hauled ice
Hewins & Suksdorf tended stock
prepared feed & c
31 Sunday
Feby 1 Gilmour to mill with wheat
for flour & bran
Snelling hauling ice
Hewins & Suksdorf tend stock
cut wood prepare feed & c & c
2nd Snow Storm
Hands employed at various
jobs indoors, fixing and oiling
Harness & c & c tending stock & c
3 Still storming
Hands tending stock and
jobbing generally oiling harness
& preparing feed & c

4th Feby 1869

One of the fine Southdown Ewes bought

last fell died this morning, cause unknown
had two fine lambs inside
Hands employed in forenoon in
shoveling paths, excavating things
from amongst snow & c in the
Snelling hauling ice in afternoon
Gilmour sent to Ames on differ
ent errands
Hewins & Suksdorf tending
stock, grinding feed, cutting
wood & c & c
5 Gilmour & Snelling hauling ice
in forenoon & Brick for Penell & Co.
in afternoon
Hewins & Suksdorf tending stock, cut-
ting firewood preparing(grinding) feed
and various other jobs
Separated Stone & other fine wooled
Bucks from Ewes
6 Gilmour & Snelling hauled brick
for Pennell & Co. all day
Hewins & Suksdorf tending stock
grinding feed cutting wood & c
7 Sunday work only
8 Gilmour & Snelling hauled Brick
for Pennell & Co. ---one team 1 day
Hauled for College—our team ¾ day
other jobs remainder of day
Hewins tending stock
Suksdorf at various jobs assist
ed with Calf Spencer to R.R. & c
Shipped Spencer to Hon. S. King of
Harrison Co. price $150.00
Spencer is 13 months & 9 days old
& weighed 888 pounds, had gained
3 pounds per day during the last
23 days
9 Sherman weighs 818 pounds being 3 ½ per day


9th Feby 1869

Snelling started to Desmoines

with Bull calf Sherman
weighed 3rd Earl of Oxford. He weighs
874 pounds. Has gained 100 pounds
since 16th January 24 days
Gilmour hauled sand ½ day for
Pennel & co. ½ day sand & going
to Ames for material for College.
Hewins tended Stock
Suksdorf ground feed cut wood
& various other jobs
10 Hauling shock & corn & turnips
tending Stock, cutting wood, preparing
feed & c
11 Hands working at ice, cleaning
out Hog pens & various other jobs
12 Snelling hauling saw dust for ice
Gilmore at various jobs
Hewins attending stock Suksdorf
cut wood, cleaned hog pens & c (v)
13 Gilmore fixing at ice & various
jobs fixin (loading) Bridges to prevent
their being carried off by flood
Hewins & Suksdorf attending stock
preparing feed & c & c
Snelling absent

14 Sunday
15 Gilmore getting horse shod
& hauling saw dust for ice
Snelling absent
Hewins & Suksdorf tends stock
cuts wood, various other jobs
16 Sent Gilmour for oil cake &
Hominy to Des Moines
Suksdorf cleaning ditch (outlet
of the drain) near Railroad
Snelling hauling sawdust for
Hewins attending Stock & c

17th Feby 1869

Gilmoour to Desmoines for oil cake & hominy

Suksdorf opening drains, cutting wood & c
Snelling hauling sawdust for covering ice
Hewins attending Stock
18 Gilmour returns from Desmoines
Snelling hauling cinders for track for mill
in forenoon & lumber for icehouse afternoon
until stopt by Storm
Suksdorf opening ditches & various
other jobs preparing feed & c
Hewins attending stock
19 Gilmour at various jobs
Snelling getting mules shod & hauled
sawdust & other jobs
Suksdorf grinds feed, cuts
wood assists with Stock & c
Hewins tending Stock
20 Gilmour & Snelling hauling
Stone, Sawdust & c for College
Suksdorf cuts wood & assist
in preparing feed & other jobs
Hewins attends stock
21 Sunday (sick)
22 Gilmour assisting in getting out
ice to complete filling ice house
Snelling hauling
Suksdorf cutting wood preparing
feed & various jobs
Hewins attending Stock
Sent 30 sacks to Tama City
for seed wheat ordered from
Hon. Jas Wilson also $67 50/100 in
money to pay for it by express
Two fine twin Southdown lambs from
those bought in fall, at Fair
23 Gilmour & Snelling at the Ice
same as yesterday
Hewins attends stock, grinds &
prepares feed, cut wood & c & c


24th Feby 1869

Messers Russelll & Humphrey

are here on Building Committee
Gilmour & Snelling are helping
to secure ice for college
one team hauling
Hewins & Suksdorf tending
Stock. Cutting wood, preparing
feed & c & c
25 Gilmour hauling ice
Snelling sawing ice
Suksdorf cutting wood grind-
ing feed & c
Hewins attending stock
26 Two hands & teams hauling sawdust
to College ice house
Hewins & Suksdorf tending stock
cutting wood preparing feed & c
27 One team hauled sawdust ½ & ice ½
day & one team hauling wood to the
College all day
One hauling coal
Hewins & Suksdorf tending
stock preparing feed & c
28 Sunday
March 1 Hewins tends stock
Suksdorf grinding feed & helping
with the stock
Gilmour & Snelling hauling saw
2 Gilmour hauled half a day
to the College balance wood
Snelling hauling wood
Hewins & Suksdorf tending
stock cutting wood & c & c
3 Snelling & Gilmour hauling
Hewins & Suksdorf tending
Stock cutting wood & c & c

4th March 1869

Gilmour & Snelling hauling castings

for Pennell & Co. in forenoon
Seed wheat house in afternoon
Hewins & Snelling attend stock cut
feed & wood & c
5 Gilmour hauling freight to the
Snelling hauling wood & afternoon
hauling coal
Hewings & Suksdorf tend stock
cut wood, prepare feed & c
6 Snelling coal hauling
Gilmour grinds corn &
various jobs
Hewins & Suksdorf tend
Stock cut wood & c
7 Sunday
8 Snelling hauling coal & lime
Gilmour & other hands at
various jobs
9 Gilmour & Snelling and
hauling coal
Hewins & Suksdorf tend
& jobbing
10 Gilmour & Snelling haul-
ing coal & Freight to College
Hewins & Suksdorf tending
Stock & various jobs
11 Gilmour & Snelling hauling
coal & freight to College
Hewins & Suksdorf tend
Stock cut wood & various jobs
12 Snelling went to mill with a
Gilmour haul’d coal half
a day. Grinding feed remainder
Hewins & Suksdorf
tend stock cut wood & c


13th March 1869

Snelling hauling coal

Gilmour emptying flour in forenoon
hauling coal in afternoon
Hewins tending stock
Suksdorf grinding feed forenoon
various jobs afternoon
14 Sunday
15 Two teams hauled wood forenoon,
afternoon. Selling hauled coal
& trunks. Gilmour helping to
butcher steer
Suksdorf cleaned drain cut
wood & various other jobs
Hewins tended stock
16 One team hauling trunks
all day also beef to College
One hauled cinders from the
College & coal to it
Hewins tended stock
Pres Welch arrived
Trustees met in afternoon
17 Inauguration
Hands attending to Visitors
& Stock
18 Hewins taking bull to Mason?
Snelling tending Stock
Gilmour hauling trunks &
19 Hewins taking bull& bringing
horses from Mason? City
Snelling tending Stock
Gilmour hauling coal
20 Gilmour bringing bran & flour
from Nevada
Snelling hauling coal
Hewins tending stock
21 Sunday
Attended Divine service twice
in the College

22nd March 1869

Snelling hauling coal

Gilmour hauled getting poles for
College Laundry & hauling coal in
in forenoon butchered hog & various
other jobs in afternoon
A very fine fat Shoat killed for
College weight 130 pounds
Hewins tended Stock
Creole (grade Ayrshire & Devon) calved
a fine bull calf
23 Gilmour & Snelling hauling
for College in forenoon
Hauled corn for farm in
Hewins attended Stock
24 Jessamine (Durham) produced
a fine Red Bull calf this A.M.
Gilmour & Snelling hauled corn
for farm this A.M.
Coal for College P.M.
Hewins attending stock
25 Gilmour hauled a load of corn
for farm & other jobs
Snelling hauling at various
things for College
Hewins attended stock
Rain P.M.
Signed leases in blank & sent
to Hon. G.W. Bassett
26 Hands repairing hog pen fences
in forenoon hauled two loads trunks
& other matter for College & one load
bran for farm
Hewins tending stock
27 Hands repairing fences in
forenoon Gilmour hauled various
goods for College in afternoon
Snelling cutting wood P.M.
Hewins tending stock
A new Cotswold Ewe died today


Sunday 28th March 1869

With the exception of the ewe that died

yesterday all the stock is doing well
29 Gilmour & Snelling commenced
harrowing for spring wheat had
to quit at 11 ½ a.m. for rain
Hands cleaning seed wheat
oiling harness
Gilmour hauled ¼ day for
College after rain
Hewins attended Stock
30 Gilmour & Snelling harrowing for
Hewins attended stock
Howe cut wood & various
other jobs
31 Gilmour & Howe harrowed sod
for wheat
Hewins attended stock
April 1st
1 Snowy,, stormy
Hands got wood & attended to
various jobs
2 Gilmour Howe hauled coal &
other goods for College
Hewins attended stock
Hilton cut wood & did various
3 Gilmour & Howe hauled for college
in forenoon Harrowed in afternoon
Hewins attended stock
Hilton cut wood & assisted with
4 Sunday
5 Gilmour sowing wheat
Howe hauled for college ¾ coal
¼ lumber
Hewins attended Stock
Hilton cut wood & other jobs
Sowing machine broke & had to
be taken to Bl(blacksmith) shop for repairs

6th April 1869

Gilmour sowed wheat after the

sowing machine was repaired
Howe was at various jobs half time
for the college
Hilton cut wood & various jobs
Hewins time being out & he being
going away tonight, he & C. Petersen
attended stock, object being to
have Peterson shown the regulations
A. Petersen hauled coal for the College
7 Gilmour sowing wheat. Finished
sowing Fife (Editor’s note: fife wheat)
Howe harrowed ¼ day, hauled for
College ¼ day, repaired fences and
other jobs the remainder
C. Peterson attended stock
A. Petersen hauled for College
coal wood & c
Hilton cut wood & assisted
with stock
College Belle produced a fine
heifer calf this evening
8 Gilmour sowing wheat
Howe harrowing
C. Petersen attending stock
A. Peterson hauled for college
in forenoon & harrowed in the
Hilton helping with stock & chores
9 Gilmour sowing wheat
Howe harrowing
A. Petersen hauled goods for the
College 1/3 day hauled posts and
harrowed remainder
C. Petersen attended Stock
Hilton helped with stock & cut
wood & did cores
Ayrshire cow Nonsuch had
a fine bull calf this P.M.


10th April 1869

Gilmour finished sowing

wheat A.M. scoured plough
& ploughed some land for
College Garden in afternoon
Howe harrowed wheat
C. Petersen tended stock
Hilton assisted with stock and
did various jobs
A. Petersen rolling wheat
11 Sunday
12 Gilmour plowing for College garden
in forenoon both teams hauling tools
wood & coal in afternoon &
A. Petersen hauling posts to
new breaking in forenoon
Howe harrowing wheat
Hilton helping to load posts
in forenoon various jobs P.M.
C. Petersen attended sock
13 A. Peterson hauled coat & c for college
Gilmour hauled for college in fore-
noon. Harrowed land & sowed the
Amarantha wheat from Dept. of Ag.
in afternoon.
Howe repaired fence & flood-
gates in forenoon, rolled wheat in
C. Petersen attended stock
Hilton helped & did various
14 Gilmour hauled corn in forenoon
ploughed in afternoon
A. Peterson hauled for college A.M.
harrowed in afternoon
Howe finished rolling wheat
C. Petersen tended stock
Hilton repaired fence helped
with stock & various other jobs
Corner of buggy broke while used by the
Pres. or some one under his order

15th April 1869

Gilmour plowed for oats ¾ day

Howe Do (“ “)
A. Peterson hauling & harrowing
for College
C. Petersen tended stock
Hilton at various jobs
16 Gilmour getting plowed hardened
& horses shod in a.m.
Hauled ¼ day for College & ¼ day wood
Howe & A. Petersen cleaned
oats in forenoon
Howe ground feed in afternoon
Petersen hauled wood
C. Petersen tended stock
Hilton cut wood & helped with
various jobs
17 Gilmour hauled ½ day for College
& half scoured plow & taking it to
Blacksmith shop
Howe plowed for oats &
scoured his plow in afternoon
A. Petersen tending stock
Hilton helped with stock &
various other jobs
Howe & Petersen hanging
flood gates in forenoon
18 Sunday
19 Howe plowed for oats
Gilmour & A. Peterson hauled corn
C. Petersen tended stock
Hilton helped & Cut wood & c & c
20 Howe plowed for oats
A. Petersen ground corn a.m.
hauled fence boards P.M.
Glmore at various jobs
C. Peterson tended stock. Hilton
helped & did various jobs


21st April 1869

Gilmour & Howe plowing for

C. Peterson tended stock
A. Petersen hauling fencing
Hilton cut wood & did various
other jobs
22 Gilmour & Howe plowed for oats
A. Petersen hauled manure from
off water pipe & hauled coal for College
C. Petersen tended stock
Hilton helping with stock &
various other jobs
23 Gilmour sowing oats west
of college
Howe harrowing the land
A. Petersen hauled coal
in forenoon & harrowed in
C. Petersen tended stock
Hilton helping at various jobs
24 Gilmour sowed oats
Howe harrowed 2/3 hauled post 1/3
(Ed’s note: 2/3 day—1/3 day)
A. Petersen harrowed
for oats
C. Peterson tended stock
Hilton cut wood & did other jobs
25 Sunday
26 Hands all putting in oats till
stoped by rain
Preparing seed potatoes & cleaning
seed oats remainder of day
Hilton & C. Petersen tended stock
cut wood & c & c
27 Hands cleaning oats & other jobs
in forenoon
Gilmour sowed oats in afternoon
A. Petersen hauled coal for the
college in forenoon
Young split posts in forenoon

27th April continued

at various jobs in afternoon

C. Petersen tended stock
Hilton helped to get out fence
posts in forenoon & had various jobs
in the afternoon
Sowed 1 peck black Swedish oats
on newly plowed land by Straw-
stack near brick yard
Sowed 4 quarts Probsteir
Probsteir Barley on E. side of
Swedish oats hand plowed in
Sowed 4 quarts Saxonian
Barley E. of Probsteir land same
Sowed 27 quarts of
Excelsior oats East of Barley
& Arnantka wheat land in
good order plowed in fall
All sowed by hand
Cornseu? oats sowed
immediately east of Excelsior by
seeder( on land similarly
prepared) same day
Buggy axle broke by being driven
into deep rut holes while heavy loaded
by Dr. Foote—injured otherwise
also—by the falling & twisting

28 Gilmour cutting corn stalks

Howe harrowing oats
A Petersen harrowing lawn
in forenoon, ground feed, hauled
trees to college, & flour from
R.R. to college in afternoon
Young helped with buggy to Ames
for repairs worked in garden balance
forenoon & until night
C. Petersen & Hilton tended stock
worked in garden & c & c


28th continued

sowed garden seeds received

from Dept. of Ag. as follows
1st large weathersfield onion 1st w
2nd Short Pope Radish (seed from Depart)
3 Early short French carrot
4 “ Nocesa Onion
5 New pine apple beet
6 “ improved orange Belgian carrot
7 Snows matchless lettuce
29 Gilmour cut corn stalks in forenoon
harrowed oats in afternoon
A. Petersen hauled tile & posts
in forenoon harrowed oats in afternoon
Howe helped with posts & was
Young raked corn stalks
Hilton helped to load tile & c
in forenoon burned stalks afternoon
C. Peterson attended stock
30 Gilmour sowed oats north of
Young & Hilton harrowed
A Petersen hauled posts to
new fence N. of R.R. in forenoon
& rolled oats near brick yard p.m.
C. Petersen tended stock & odd jobs
1st May
Gilmour harrowed oats N. of R.R.
in forenoon hauled fencing in afternoon
Young harrowed oats
A. Petersen & team hauling for
college, wood, coal, trees & c & c
C. Petersen tended stock
repairing fence & c & c
2nd Sunday
Gilmour’s boys tending the
wheat where unfenced & exposed
to cattle & c

3rd May 1869

Gilmour & Young plowing for corn N.W. of

the College
A. Petersen hauled fencing in fore-
noon cutting corn stalks in afternoon
C. Petersen tended stock & repaired
4th Gilmour sowed oats on corn-
stalk and N. of west pasture
Young harrowed, raked
up cornstalks & c & c
A. Petersen harrowed in the
forenoon & hauled wood to the
College in afternoon
C. Petersen tended stock
& sowed garden seeds
H.M Thomson (student)
harrowed in afternoon
5 Gilmour hauled half day for college
Plowed in garden & hauled gravel to
College work = equal ¾ day for college
Young plowing for corn
A. Petersen harrowed oats
C. Petersen tended stock
& worked in garden
6 Gilmour plowed for corn in
forenoon & in College garden in
Young plowed for corn
A. Petersen hauled tile to
drain in forenoon & fuel for
college in afternoon
Halkett laying tile ½ day
7 Gilmour plowing for corn
Young DV? (Ed. Note: ditto)
A. Petersen hauling fence
post out the S. line fence
C. Petersen tended stock & worked
in garden
?B. Reed took fat steer to kill


8th May 1869

Gilmour preparing land for

potatoes sorghum & c
Young plowing for corn
in forenoon & harrowing
potatoes ground in afternoon
A. Petersen at various jobs in
forenoon hauling smoked meats from
Philadelphia in afternoon
C. Peterson tended stock & worked
in garden & at various other jobs
9 Sunday
10 Gilmour getting mules shod in
forenoon & in quest of feed for
horses in afternoon
Young harrowing & preparing
ground for potatoes until stoped
by Thunder storm
A. Peterson plowing for corn
N.W. of College
C. Petersen tended stock
worked in garden & c until rain
11 Gilmour in quest of corn
in ½ forenoon & preparing & putt-
ing in potatoes remainder
of the day
Young plowed for corn
in forenoon & harrowed in
A. Peterson plowed for corn
in forenoon & potatoes afternoon
C. Peterson tended stock
& worked in garden
12 Gilmour & A. Peterson plowed &
Young harrowed for corn near R.R.
until stoped by rain near noon
Hands employed preparing
seed corn & potatoes afternoon
A wet cold uncomfortable

13th May 1869 Page 195

Gilmour hauled wood in forenoon

& plowed in afternoon near R.R. for corn
A. Peterson hauled for College in the
forenoon & plowed for corn afternoon
Young jobbing in forenoon and
harrowed corn land in afternoon
C. Petersen tended stock & worked
in the garden & C & C
14 Gilmour, & Young preparing land for
corn in forenoon Gilmour marking
in afternoon near R.R. & Young hauling
(1/2 time for college)
A. Peterson plowing for corn
(less time lost waiting on students
coming to plant potatoes) half near
R.R. & ½ N.W. of college
C. Petersen tended stock hauled
lumber & various other jobs
15 Gilmour planting corn had a
student helping
Young plowing for corn
A. Peterson plowed a.m.
hauled coal for College p.m.
C. Petersen tended stock and
worked in garden
Two men & teams hired plowing
for corn & potatoes
Team plowed ½ day in the
College garden
16 Sunday
17 Gilmour planted corn
C. Peterson helping
Young plowed A.M. harrrowed
A. Petersen hauled coal to
college after harrowed P.m.
Two men hired & plowing
for corn


18th May 1869

Gilmour marking corn

land ¾ day hauled lumber
for new fence ¼ day
Young & A. Peterson harrowing
corn land
A man & team hired and
marking corn land
A man & team hired and
plowing in College garden
C. Peterson tended stock
worked in garden & c
19 Gilmour & C. Petersen planting
Young plowing College
A. Petersen tended stock and
various jobs
also hauled ¼ day for College
20 Very wet & disagreeable
Hands employed at various jobs
preparing seed potatoes, seed corn
Hauled a load of lumber& load
of posts to south fence in afternoon
A Turkey hen setting to hatch
18 eggs; stolen out of the barn
last night or early this morning
no trace—Turkey & eggs both gone
21 Gilmour & C. Petersen planting corn
Young plowed in forenoon, hauled
fencing in afternoon
A. Petersen at various jobs in forenoon
& plowing slough (recently drained) P.M.
22 Gilmour planted remainder of
corn N.W. of College---------
--------(Note: words crossed out)
& H. Thomson helping
C. Peterson at stock & various jobs
A. Petersen hauled coal to
Young made posts hauled them
hauled ¼ day for College

Sunday 23rd May 1869

Dr. Foote Asst. Prof. of Chemistry took from

this office library the following books
“ The American Farmers Encyclopedia
“ Four Vols. Ohio Ag reports for 1859-60
61-64 one each
“ Three Vols. New Hampshire Agrl
reports for 1855-6 & 9 one each
of these reports, duplicates are left in this
24 Hands preparing seed potatoes and
various jobs most of the day, owing to
rain were unable to do regular farm
Young hauled a load (1/4 day) from
Ames to College
25 Gilmour & A. Petersen plowing
for potatoes & College garden
Gilmour, Young & C. Petersen
planted Acacia hedge north of
Railroad in forenoon
Young fixing hedge P.M.
Students planted potatoes in
26 Gilmour plowed in old orch-
ard when not hindered by
A. Petersen plowed balance
of land wanted for College garden
Young fixing & planting rose(Acacia)
C. Petersen attending stock
cleaning pens & c & c
27 Hands at various jobs, rescuing
stock from flood, preparing seed
potatoes & repairing damage done
by flood & c & c
28 Hands preparing & planting
potatoes, looking after stock c
29 Hands preparing & planting potatoes
& other needfull jobs


Page 198 Sunday 30th May 1869

31 Gilmour plowed in old orchard

in forenoon prepared seed potatoes & c
A.Petersen plowing harrowing
& c the remainder of College garden
All hands planting potatoes in
1st June
Gilmour & A. Peterson plowed
in old orchard
Young hauling for College
sand, stone, flour & c
C. Petersen. Stock, garden
& various other jobs
2nd Gilmore and A. Petersen plowed
in old orchard in forenoon
& for mangold, carrots & c
in afternoon
Young hauled for College
balance ovens? & c
C. Petersen tended stock, garden
& various jobs
3rd Gilmour & A. Petersen plowed
for Mangolds, carrots & c
C. Petersen tended stock
& c garden & various jobs
4 Gilmour preparing
land for Mangold, carrots & c
Young harrowing Orchard
A. Petersen cultivating
C. Petersen tends stock &
various other jobs
5 Gilmour sowing carrot seed
C. Peterson sowing carrot seed
A. Petersen cultivating corn
Young cultivating potatoes
& corn
6 Sunday

7th June 1869

Gilmour repairing portable fence in

A. Petersen in corn a.m.
C. “ “ sowing carrot seed A.M.
Young cultivating corn a.m.
All hands washing sheep in
8 Hands at various jobs A.M.
Gilmour plowed in house garden
lot P.M. after rain
Young hauling for college PM.
C. Petersen in garden
A Petersen plowed more land
for carrot & mangold seed
9 Gilmour plowing in garden
in forenoon, preparing carrot & c
ground in p.m.
Young finish harrowing
& c orchard
A. Petersen cutting corn
C. Petersen in garden & c
10 Gilmour plowing new
Young cultivating corn
A. Petersen harrowing A.M. hauling
for college P.M.
C. Petersen sowing carrots
11 Gilmour plowing new orchard
Young & A. Petersen cultivating
A. Petersen at various jobs
12 Gilmour & A. Petersen hauled
corn ¾ day each, hauled goods for
college 1/4 day, plowed ¼ day
C. Petersen stock & various
Young cultivating corn
13 Sunday


14th June 1869

Gilmour A Peterson and

Young in N.W. corn
C. Peterson tended stock
garden & c & c
15 Gilmour & C. Peterson
assisting Mr. Cusey with cows
& other cattle bought at the College
Young & A. Petersen worked
in corn N.W. of College
16 Gilmour cultivating potatoes
in forenoon mowing weeds &
for roads for College afternoon
A. Petersen & Young in
corn-----both places----
C. Petersen tends stock
repairs fence & c
17 Gilmour hauled for college
¾ day balc. (balance) rain
Young & Eastwood shearing
A. Petersen hauled rails to
repair fence & other jobs
C. Petersen planting
cabbage (1000) plants with
Stranger (Nelson) helping
18 Gilmour hauling rails
& attending to rebuilding fence
A. & C. Petersen hauling
granite boulders to aid in
making bridge on new road
from F.H. to the College
Young & two extra helpers
shearing sheep
Nelson at various jobs
H. Thomson working college team
19 Rainy, thunder & c
Hands employed in shearing
sheep, putting up wood, cleaning
up within doors (& without
when not raining)

Sunday 20th June

Sunday work & c & c

21 Gilmour hauled ½ day for College
balc. (balance) getting horse shod & hauling rails
Young shearing sheep finished
with one Student & two other men
A. Petersen grinding feed & c A.M.
hauling for road between farm H.
and College P.M.
C. Petersen & Nelson sorting
potatoes & a variety of other jobs
H. Thomson at various jobs
with College team weeding in
garden & c
22 Gilmour cultivating corn & potatoes
Young repairing fences A.M.
trimming sheep & c. P.M.
A. Petersen breaking Prairie
C. Petersen & Nelson weeding
in garden A.M. assisting with
sheep P.M.
H. Thomson working College
team various other jobs
23 Gilmour cultivating corn
in forenoon—Rain ¼ day
for College P.M.
C. Petersen & Nelson weeding
in garden & jobbing
Young cultivating corn
A.M. cut wood & jobs P.M.
A. Petersen breaking
Prairie except during rain
Rinying Budes??? during
H. Thomson cleaning
Barn Harness various
Received a fine young
Chester white sow pig from
Andrew Lovell Esq. Sycamore, Ill.

24th June 1869

Gilmour cultivated corn A.M.

worked on new road to College P.M.
Young & .. cultivating corn
A. Petersen breaking prairie
C. Petersen & Nelson cleaning up yard
& working in garden
H. Thomson working College team
25 Hands cutting wood & various
Could not work outside on
account of R A I N
26 Gilmour and H. Thomson brought
Bull (Humbolt) from R-way Station various
other jobs
A. Petersen breaking prairie
Other hands at various jobs
could not make full time owning
to so much rain falling
Had Dunham Bull Humbolt
brought from my own farm
owing to apparent infertility
of “3rd Earl of Oxford” cows being served
3 or 4 times & still coming inn
27 Sunday
28 Gilmour getting plows sharpened
& scouring them A.M. hauling to
College Road P.M.
A. Petersen breaking Prairie
C. Petersen & Nelson tend stock
weed in garden & c
29 Gilmour plowed for sweede
Turnips ¾ day & in College garden
1/4th with cultivator
A. Petersen breaking prairie
A.M. cultivating in College garden
C. Petersen & Nelson planting cabbage
weeding garden & c & c
H. Thomson sent to Palestine
after beef cattle for College

30 June 1869

Gilmour cultivating in College garden

A. Petersen breaking prairie
C. Petersen hoeing setting out cabbage
plants Nelson assisting him
H. Thomson working at various jobs
with College team

1st July 1869

Gilmour cultivating College gar-
den A.M. plowing potatoes P.M.
A. Petersen breaking prairie
C. Petersen tending stock & working
in garden A.M. cultivating corn P.M.
Nelson hoeing in garden A.M.
acacia hedge P.M.
H. Thomson hauling from
Ames with College team A.M. & sods
for terrace P.M.
Leggett hauled sods A.M. &
cultivated corn P.M.
2 Gilmour preparing ground
for turnips (Sweeds)
A. Petersen breaking Prairie
C. Petersen hoeing in garden
A.M. sowing sweeds (turnips) P.M.
Nelson tending stock & c
3 Leggett hauling sand to buildings
necessary work
National Holiday
4 Sunday
5 Gilmour cultivating potatoes
A. Petersen breaking prairie
A.M. hauled since P.M.
C. Petersen sowed turnips
A.M. hoed in garden P.M.
Nelson working in garden
Leggett cultivating corn

6th July 1869

Gilmour cultivating potatoes

A. Petersen breaking prairie
C. Petersen plowing potatoes
Nelson hoeing in garden
Leggett cultivating corn
7 Gilmour cultivating in
College garden
A. Petersen breaking prairie
A.M. hauled lime ¼ took plow
to Blacksmith’s shop ¼ (P.M.)
& got mules shod
C. Petersen cultivating trees
in nursery ¾ day cut weeds
Nelson cutting weeds
Leggett cultivating corn
8 Gilmour cultivating in
College garden
A. Petersen breaking Prairie
C. Petersen plowing potatoes
Nelson hoeing in garden
Leggett cultivating corn
9 Gilmour cultivating sorghum
A. Petersen breaking prairie
C. Petersen plowing potatoes
Nelson cleaning hog pens
& various other jobs
Leggett cultivating corn
10 Gilmour cultivating mangolds
& carrots, hauled 1 load turnips
A. Petersen breaking prairie
C. Petersen plowing potatoes
Nelson tends stock & works
in garden
Leggett cultivating corn
11 Sunday
12 Gilmour grinding sickles &
A. Petersen breaks prairie
C. Petersen & Nelson cleaning yard & c

13th July 1869

Gilmour hauling corn for feed

A. Petersen breaking prairie
A.M. hauling corn P.M.
C. Petersen & Nelson cleaning
up yard tending stock & c
14 to 18 Hands employed at various
jobs, unable to work outside
much on acct of incessant rain
Have hauled tile to drain, fixed up
reaper & mower sickles, haul’d
two loads cement from R.R.
Station for college. cut wood c & c
sowed turnip seed (15 & 17th)
Mr. Cusey landed with 15
head of cattle bought for the
College on the evening of the 18th
Hay harvesting very much
hindered by rain, in fact
curing at a stand—sowed turnips
19 Mr. Cusey left for home
Gilmour fixing reaper
other hands repairing roads &
various other necessary jobs
20 Gilmour getting reaper
in order to cut wheat
A. Petersen & Nelson working
in hay & other jobs, cleaning yard
21 Gilmour cuts wheat
C. Petersen operating mower
in Timothy
A. Petersen cleaning out sheep
shed yard & c and hay P.M.
22 Gilmour cutting wheat
C. Petersen raking hay
Nelson & students hauling
2 students also put up hay
three hours

23rd July 1869

All hands at the hay A.M.

Gilmour with the help of
students cut & put up the
remainder of Italian wheat
1st half of afternoon
All others at hay also
Students Sukesdorf, Marshall
Sears, Robinson & Devon and
Gilmour last half P.M.
Two carpenters made two
new hay racks = 1 ½ day &
cut doorway on west side
barn remainder of day
Hay racks cost
Lumber 4.00
Carpenter 4.50
Bolts & nails
24 Gilmour cut Timothy A.M.
Cultivating carrots & Mangolds
in afternoon
Other hands & 7 students
at hay, raking, gathering
hauling &putting into barn
from morning until near
Students Messers. Sukesdorf, Marshall
got all the hay that was cut
into the barn
25 Sunday
The Ayrshire Bull Henry Clay
died this morjing
Dr. Townshend assisted by
students C. Sukesdorf, myself &
Farm employees opened him
& found death caused by
inflammation in the lung
the right lobe being entirely
gone & the left badly diseased
tubercular formation inside & out

26th July 1869

Gilmour cutting Timothy for hay

A. Petersen hauling wood to College
& Farm House in forenoon and
worked on new Road in afternoon
A. Peterson & Nelson overhauling
& repairing pasture fence A.M.
C. Peterson raked hay PM.
Nelson at various jobs
27 Gilmour cut balance of Timothy
in forenoon & haul’d hay until
stoped by rain midafternoon
Nelson sick
A. Peterson getting timbers
to put up slaughter house A.M.
hauled hay until rain p.m.
C. Petersen tended hogs & c
& helped at hay
28 Gilmour & A. Peterson plow’d
for turnips A.M. haul’d hay p.m.
C. Petersen & Nelson butchered
sheep & got timber for slaughter
house A.M. helped at hay P.M.
Had help from four students at hay
29 C. & A. Petersen hauled remainder
of Timothy from N. of R.R.
Nelson helped to stow it in
the barn & did other work
Gilmour cutting wheat
lost some time by Machine
30 Gilmour cut balc. of
Fife wheat, students bound
C. Petersen cut grass in
land thrown into lawn by the
new road a.m. he & Nelson
worked at Roads P.M.
Nelson mow’d a.m. odd corner
A. Petersen hauled for College (
lumber for slaughter house A.M., at
Road & from Station P.M.)

31st July 1869

Gilmour hauling in hay

A.M. for College P.M.
C. Petersen hauling for
College (wood A.M.) from R-
way Station P.M.
A. Petersen working on
public roads
Nelson helped at hay &
various other jobs
1st August

Aug.2 Gilmour hauling for Prof-

houses A.M. cutting grain
(Barley, oats & arnantka
wheat P.M.)
A. Petersen plowing
down land sown to carrots
C. Petersen putting in
tile at College A.M.
Hauling to road P.M.
Nelson pulling weeds &
tending stock
3 Gilmour cutting oats
C. & A. Petersen hauling for College
(1/2 day was for Prof. houses)
Nelson was weeding in garden
tending stock & c & c
4 Gilmour cutting oats
C. & A. Petersen hauling
for College-2 teams-1/4 day of one team
was for Prof. houses
Nelson hoeing weeds & work-
ing in garden, fed hogs & a
variety of small jobs
The oats are lodged in many
places & where ever lodged they
are more or less rusted, but
the lodging makes slow work

5th August 1869

Gilmour & C. Petersen repairing

the fence across the west end of farm
Gilmour cut oats P.M.
A. Petersen hauling old rails
for wood A.M. and for college
P.M.—worked at new road & haul’d
goods from Ames
Nelson tended stock & hoed
& weeded in garden, cut wood
in forenoon
6 Gilmour hauled gravel to road
out from Farm
A. Petersen hauled lime to
prof. houses
C. Petersen butchered a sheep
sowed turnips seed, planted
cucumber seed & c by request of
Nelson cut wood & pulled
weeds in garden
7 Gilmour & Nelson making
bridges & repairing road over which to
haul stone to Prof. houses
A. Petersen hauling goods
to College ½ --and sewer pipe
½ day to prof. houses
C. Petersen planting cucum-
ber seeds ½ day, helping at
roads & odd jobs remainder
A Steer raised on the farm
2 ½ years old was butchered last-
evening his weight 469 ¾ lb.
415 ¼ pounds taken to the
college---$49.83 at normal price

Sunday 8th August 1869

Aug 9 Gilmour fixing road & hauling

reaper to oats A.M.
Cutting oats P.M.
C. Petersen helping a.m.
cultivating Sweedish turnips P.M.
A. Petersen & Nelson repairing
road A.M.
A.P. hauling to new road
between farm house & college ½ of
P.M. & lumber to Prof- houses rem.
Nelson helping in oats P.M.
10 Gilmour hauling lumber
A.M. Cutting oats P.M.
A. Petersen hauling lumber
to Prof. houses—all day
C. Petersen cultivating
balance Sweedes, Arboretum
nursery, Cabbage plat & c & c
G. Talman assisting with
the lumber
Nelson left A.M.
11 Gilmour hauled wood A.M.
cut oats P.M.
C. Petersen cultivating new
orchard—chores in morning
A. Petersen hauling to
Prof. houses a.m. & from
old orchard P.M.
Hauled foxtail & c
Talman assisting A.
Petersen throughout day
12 Gilmour at various jobs
cut oats after dried off
A. Petersen hauled
from old orchard
A.M. to new road & from R.
R. station to prof. houses P.M.
C. Petersen cultivating new
orchard Talman helped A.P. in
a.m. bound oats a.m.

13th August 1869

Hands all employed in stacking

Hired Mr. McElyea & team to help
average daily amount—of potatoes
taken to College 132 pounds or
15 2/5 bushels per week raised
on farm & dug by student
detailed for that purpose
14 All hands employed repairing
Roads, Gates, Fences & c
15 Sunday
16 Hands at various jobs in forenoon
too wet for regular work
Gilmour mowed weeds in
various places in afternoon
A. Peterson plowing among
trees old road & c west of College
& south of old field in afternoon
Talman hauling for im-
provements round college &
for Prof—houses P.M.
C. Petersen tending hogs
-getting feed-- various other
jobs P.M.
17 Gilmour sorting wheat shocks
& Stacking wheat until stoped by rain
A. Petersen plowing new land
& helping with wheat till rain
c. Petersen & Talman at
various jobs in morning, helped
with wheat afterwards till rain
Executive Committee met
today for a variety of business
18 Hands at various jobs
Plowing for Strawberry patch
for College, hauling off weeds
Ground too wet for much
work except odd jobs

19th August 1869

Hands at various jobs in morning

midafternoon commenced to
stack wheat finished the stack
begun on 17th when again
stoped by heavy rain
A. various jobs remainder of
the day
20 Hands cleaning wheat (old) to
be sent to market & fixing up
damage done by heavy rain
Awful rain
21 Hands employed as follows
Gilmour & Tallman cleaned
remainder of old wheat in
the morning remainder of
the day were in the fields
straightening up shocks & c & c
C. Petersen tending to stock
cleaning out pens & c
A. Petersen plowing new
land S.W. of College
Shocks in bad order
22 Sunday
23 All hands busy sorting wheat
Shocks sprouted & badly injured
24 All hands busy getting
in grain—
Slow work having
to pick it all on act. of wet
25 Gilmour, A. Petersen & Tallman
hauling gravel to roads
C. Petersen cutting wood
A.M. cutting weeds P.M.
26 Gilmour & Tallman haul-
ing gravel to roads
A. Petersen hauling gravel
½ day, breaking prairie ½ day
C. Petersen cleaning hog
pens & various chores

27th Aug. 1869

All hands hauling gravel less

A. Petersen breaking prairie
in forenoon
28 Gilmour & C. Petersen hauled
gravel in forenoon & sorted
wheat in afternoon
A. Petersen & Tallman hauled
gravel to roads all day
29 Sunday
30 All hands working at
the wheat
Had two men (loaned) from
Prof. houses helping at wheat
all day & man & team half-day
Man & team hired half-day
31 All hands working at wheat
Man & team hired half a day

1st Sept. 1869

1 All hands hauling stacking
& c wheat
Man & team in afternoon
when students labor was avail-
Found students cutting
up fencing-posts & boards
for fuel at College this P.M.
Called the attention of the
President to it as an act
of willfull waste & extrava-
2 All hands busy stacking grain
3 Heavy rain storms
Hands threshing oats by hand
cutting wood and various
other jobs necessary
The Chester White Boar got
from Mr. Court, Michigan,
died today of what is called
hog cholera & was buried
deep to prevent spreading

4th Sept. 1869

Rain in forenoon hands

cutting wood & jobbing
Afternoon hauling out
manure to S. of old orchard
5 Sunday
Bottom lands of Squaw
Creek overflowed for the
5th time this season
6 Gilmour plowed N. of R.R. in the
forenoon & hauled posts for coal
& implement shed in afternoon
Students cutting them
A. Petersen plowed N. of R. R.
C. Petersen & Tallman hauled
out manure to S. of old orchard
Students opening out wet
oats to dry
7 All hands busy sorting oats
& getting grain (oats) ready and
stacking necessary chores
8 All hands hauling & stacking
oats necessary chores
9 All hands busy hauling
& stacking oats & necessary chores
10 All hands hauling & stacking
oats & c & c finished stacking
11 Hands cleaning up and
collecting damaged oats into
stack for hogs
Furnished 85 bu.
potatoes to College were dug by
students hauled by hired team
12 Sunday
13 Heavy rain storm
Started with car load of
Stock to State Fair taking
Mr. Gilmour with me
Hands at various jobs and
preparing stock for fair.

14th Sept 1869

A. Petersen got mules shod & hauled a load of

bran for farm & a load of flour for college a.m.
Plowed P.M.
C. Petersen got horses shod & hauled a
load of Bran for farm, fixed fence
remainder of day
P. Christian worked on new road
with team
15 A. Petersen & P. Christian plowed a.m.
Petersen plowed p.m. the others worked
on new road p.m.
C. Petersen worked at various jobs
in barn & amongst stock a.m.
& mowed p.m.
16 C. Petersen mowed grass for hay
A. Petersen hauled wood for
College a.m. & raked hay p.m.
P. Christian plowed a.m. &
worked on new road a.m.
17 C. Petersen mowed for hay
A. Petersen worked on new road
a.m. raked hay p.m.
P. Christian plowed a.m.
absent p.m.
18 C. Petersen mowed a.m. worked
at various jobs p.m.
A. Petersen hauled potatoes & various
odd jobs a.m. hauled hay p.m.
P. Christian choped wood
am hauled hay p.m.
19 Sunday
Got home at midnight from State
Fair. The above 5 days work
reported by Mr. Brown
Rain in evening
20 Hands at various odd jobs being
too wet to work at hay towit
getting timbers for coal & impl.
shed, plowing sorting sheep & c
Got cattle home from Sate Fair last night

21st Sept 1869

Hands plowing a.m. getting hay

p.m. mowing, hauling, raking & c
Seeing little prospect of being able to
get enough hay on the farm for
our Stock I have bargained with
Mr. Porch to cut & put up 50 tons
upland hay to be of good quality
& well stacked where it will be safe
from fire, the price to be $2.75/100 per ton
& to be estimated in the stack by
disinterested parties chosen. one each
by Mr. P. & Supt. College Farm.
22 A. Petersen & P. Christian plowed a.m.
till 10 o’c all hands hauling
afterwards at hay
Gilmour & C. Peterson getting
sleepers for coal shed in morning
23 C. Petersen hauled coal p.m.
Plowed a.m.
P. Christian plowed ¼ day
hauled coal 3/4th
C. Petersen cleaning mower
was assisting Mr. Gilmour
to take mower to pieces & put
together again occasioned
by some evil disposed person
stuffing the boxes with concrete
24 Mr. Gilmour at Boone Co.
Fair with stock
A. Petersen & P. Christian hauled coal
2/3rd day. getting corn remainder
C. Peterson helping to get corn
& cleaning hog pens & c
25 Mr. Gilmour at Boone Co. Fair
was unable to get home for want of train
P. Christian & A. Petersen plowed
a.m. A. Petersen hauled stone to
Prof. hous(es) p.m. Christian hauled
hay C. Petersen cut wood
a.m. raked hay in p.m.

Sunday 26th Sept. 1869

Stock did not get back from Boone

owing to trains not being running
27 Gilmour mowing for hay N. R.R.
A. Petersen hauled stone to Prof. houses
a.m. & hay P.M.
P. Christian hauled fencing material
a.m. & Hay P.M.
C. Petersen getting feed preparing
it, tending stock helping with stock
from Station & c & c
Received a very superior stirring
plow from Skinner & Brothers Desmoines
donated to the farm—by manufacturer
Stock arrived home from
Boone Co. Fair this P.M. all right
but contrary to arrangement with the pres.
J.A. Hughes Esq. we are charged freight
amtg. to $26.00 & have had some little
expense to pay besides
28 Gilmour mowing for hay N. of R.R.
The other hands raking hauling
stacking & c had aid of some of the
students in afternoon
C. Petersen attended stock morning
& evening
29 All hands busy securing bal-
ance of hay had students help p.m.
Mr. Brown with Aldrich-a
student—fixing up Sorghum mill
& evaporator yesterday & today
30 All hands busy cutting raking &
hauling hay less the time employed in
necessary chores and Gilmore
hauling a load of stone from
Ames in afternoon for culvert in
new road
Gilmour got shoe set on one
Thus ends my official connection
with the Iowa Ag. College
H.M. Thomson
(Editor’s note: at this time the writing in the daily Journal was taken
over by P.S. Brown by order of the Board of Trustees until a new
Superintendent arrived. See Annual Report, 1869)

Page 218 Friday Oct. 1st 1869

(Editor’s Note: writing is very wide bold, open style—Spelling
of Gilmour changes to Gilmore-other names take on various

Oct. 1st It rained in the morning and Farm

hands were engaged cleaning up old
wheat and cleaning around Barn & lot
until noon two teams, and A. Petersen, worked on new
road at the College after dinner.—
After noon Gilmore & C. Petersen worked
with hogs—Sorting Hogs & fixing Pens
P. Christisen cut wood & husked corn
“ 2 Peter Christisen & A. Petersen worked
with each a team hauling sorghum all
day.—Gilmore hauled Potatoes & fodder
before noon & husked corn for feed, afternoon
Christisen took care of Stock and was busy
“3 Sunday
“4th Before noon—Gilmore mowed; A. Petersen
plowed. P. Christisen hauled sorghum
Afternoon—Gilmore mowed & raked
Hay----P. Christisen & A. Petersen
hauled Sorghum—Christien Petersen
worked ¼ of day with Stock about Barn
“5 A. Petersen & Gilmore plowed
P. Christisen hauled Sorghum
C. Petersen worked at ditch at College
afternoon—Gilmore & P. Christisen
hauled hay Andrew worked with
mules at new road—another team
was driven by Students on new road
“6” Before dinner Gilmore hauled oven
wood for College, some wood for Farm
House & one load of Hay. P. Christisen
hauled sorghum A. Petersen plowed
after dinner Gilmore worked about
Farm House. P. Christisen took 2 teams
& worked on new road. A. Petersen took
two teams and worked with Students
hauling manure. Christisen, Petersen
worked about Barn preparing feed for
Stock .

Thursday Oct. 7th 1869 Page 219

Oct. 7 Gilmore Plowed A.M. & hauled

manure P.M.
A. Petersen plowed A.M. and
hauled manure P.M.
P. Christisen hauled Hay & Sorghum
a.m. & worked on new road with team
p.m. C. Petersen took care of stock
and helped haul a load of hay—
Students drove one team on new
road after dinner. Mule team went
after Freight in evening.
8 Gilmore hauled Freight-for College
A.M. P. Christisen hauled corn a.m.
A. Petersen plowed A.M. P.M.
it rained and all hands worked
repairing stalls in barn & repairing tools
except C. Petersen who tended stock
all day. Buggy hauled one load of
Fencing from Ames before noon(All words underlined)
“9 Gilmore hauled lumber for fence north of
R.R. & hauled wood for Farm House
P. Christisen hauled slops from College in
the morning then plowed north of R.R.
A. Petersen plowed all day north of R.R.
C. Petersen took care of stock
“10 Sunday. No work
“11 A.M. Gilmore hauled some timber
to repair barn with.--& helped repair
Barn P.M.—A. Petersen & P. Christisen
plowed a.m. and cut wood & gathered
garden produce P.M.---C. Petersen
worked with Stock A.M & laid drain
at college P.M. –Students hauled
manure with two teams P.M. & worked
one team on new road
End of summing up for Report
Oct.12 Gilmore hauled wood to Farm House and
wheat to car A.M. & worked in Barn
P.M.---P. Christisen plowed A.M.
and worked on new Road P.M.

12th Oct. Continued

Oct. 12 A. Petersen plowed A.M. & worked

in garden gathering vegetables P.M.
C. Petersen took care of Stock all day
“ 13 Gilmore hauled wood & corn a.m. & repaired
bins in barn P.M. C. Petersen worked
with stock all day A. Petersen plowed
A.M. & Gathered garden produce P.M.
P. Christisen plowed A.M. & cut wood
P.M. 3 teams worked on new Road
P.M. I shipped the remainder of
the old wheat (65 11/60 bus.) to Talbot (Nevada)
for which we are to receive 1860 lbs. of Flour
“14 All hands threshed except Christisen
who tended Stock A.M & laid Tile in
cellar drain at College p.m.
We threshed 675 bushels of Oats
“15 All hands threshed except C. Petersen
who took care of Stock A.M. & worked
in ditch at College P.M. I paid Mr.
J. Streit--$13.00 for work on Barn & $1.50
for work on Coal Shed—I took some
Cattle to the Ames Fairgrounds—They
were returned all right.
“16 All hands threshed except-C. Petersen
who laid tile A.M. & tended Stock
“17 Sunday
“18 Gilmore & P. Christisen thrashed all
day. A. Petersen Threshed A.M.
& cut wood P.M. C. Petersen took care
of Stock A.M. & worked in ditch at
College PlM.---we finished Threshing
wheat-We had 723 bushels of wheat
Received 40 sacks of Flour from
J.H. Talbot.—(Nevada Mills) amount
due us on wheat shipped Him 13th Inst.
Sold Beef Hides & 34 Sheep
pelts to Mr. Reed (Ames) a.271/2=
proceeds to credit of College a/c with Mr. Reed
for Flour & Beef

Oct Continud

Oct. 19 Gilmore hauled Coal &

wood for College
A.M. & hauled Potatoes to Farm House
P.M. A. Petersen hauled corn
A.M. & Potatoes P.M.
C. Petersen tended Stock all
day.—P. Christisen hauled corn
A.M. & Potatoes P.M.
Oct.20 Gilmore butchered & cut wood A.M. and
plowed out potatoes P.M.
A. Petersen hauled corn A.M. & Potatoes
P.M. P. Christisen hauled coal A.M.
& Potatoes P.M.—C. Petersen tended the
stock A.M. & laid tile P.M.

“ 21st Gilmore plowed Potatoes A.M. &

hauled Potatoes P.M.
A. Petersen hauled corn A.M. & worked
in garden gathering Beets P.M.
P. Christisen worked for Mr. Stark, on
new Houses with Team A.M.
& hauled Potatoes P.M.---C. Petersen
took care of Stock all day

“22 Gilmore cut a sweep for cane mill &

hauled corn A.M. & hauled Potatoes P.M.
P. Christisen plowed A.M. & hauled Potatoes
P.M.—A Petersen hauled corn A.M.
& Potatoes P.M.---C. Petersen took care
of stock

“ 23rd Gilmore hauled wood A.M. & Potatoes P.M.

A. Petersen hauled coal & Brick to College
A.M. & Potatoes to Farm House P.M.
P. Christisen hauled coal to College A.M.
& cut wood for Farm House P.M.
C. Petersen took care of Stock
“24 Sunday
“ 25 Gilmore hauled wood and lumber
A.M. & worked about cellar and
went to Ames P.M.

Oct. Continued

Oct. 25 A. Petersen cut wood A.M. & worked

in Farm House cellar P.M.
P. Christisen hauled coal to the College
A.M. & cut wood P.M.
I shipped, by the Chicago & Northwestern
R.R. the Bull calf--Romeo Sold
to Mr. P. Cadwell of Logan. Harrison
Co.—by Mr. Thompson before he left
“ 26 Gilmore & A. Petersen hauled furnace
for Prof.s Houses A.M. and worked
with two teams gathering Potatoes P.M.
P. Christisen hauled coal & Brick to the
College A.M. & helped to haul potatoes P.M.
C. Petersen took care of stock.--
Two teams worked on new road P.M.
“ 27 Gilmore went to town after remainder
of Furnaces for Profs. Houses A.M.
& hauled students trunks to Depot
P.M. –A. Petersen cut wood
and worked about house all day
P. Christisen hauled coal to College &
Brick for ditch A.M. & hauled sand
& water for new Houses P.M.
C. Petersen took care of Stock
“ 28 Gilmore & A. Petersen hauled trunks
to Depot for Students—
P. Christisen hauled Slop from College
and worked on Professors House the
remainder (3/4) of day. C. Petersen took
care of Stock
“ 29 Gilmore worked about House & Barn
A.M. & hauled Potatoes P.M.
A. Petersen hauled corn & beets A.M.
and assisted in hauling Potatoes P.M.
P. Christisen hauled 1 load of water to new
buildings—1 load of brick for drain
--& Slop from College A.M. & worked
on new Houses P.M.—D. Devin
worked in Stables A.M. & cut timber
for Public Road P.M.

Oct. 1869 Continued

Oct. 30 J. Gilmore & A. Petersen hauled

Brick for Professors Houses ¾ of the
day and Gilmore butchered and
hauled Potatoes ¼--Andrew Petersen
hauled coal for Presidents House
¼ of day---P. Christisen cut wood
& hauled slop a.m. & hauled Potatoes
P.M.—C. Petersen took care of
stock all day D.F. Devin cut
Timbers for Public road a.m. and
cut wood at Farm House P.M.
Oct. 31 Sunday
Nov. 1st Gilmore butchered, assisted Prof. Jones
in moving and did other jobs about Farm
House.—A. Petersen P. Christisen
& Dave Devine hauled coal a.m. & beets &
potatoes P.M.---C. Petersen took care
of stock.—having not heard from
Cadwell about the calf sent him I wrote
the 2nd time to him today.
Nov. 2nd`Gilmore & P. Christisen assisted
Mr. Manhannett in working up sorghum
A. Petersen hauled a load of brick
for Prof. houses, a.m. & hauled in
beets P.M. D. Devin hauled beets
¾ day & hauled a furnace from town for
Prof. House.—Mr. C. Pacer worked
¾ day at various jobs
“ 3 Gilmore & Dave Devin pulled turnips ¼ d
and fixed the Stables ¾ A. Peterson plowed
P. Christisen & Mr. Pacer/Percer? assisted
Mr. Manhannet work up sorgum,
C. Peterson took care of stock
“ 4 J. Gilmore assisted in taking care of
stock a.m. & cut wood P.M.
D. Devin hauled wood to Farm House
A.M. & gathered turnips P.M.
P. Christisen & Mr. Pacer ground cane
A. Petersen plowed in field north
of R.R.

Page 224 Nov. Continued

Nov. 4 C. Petersen took care of stock

I received this day of P. Cadwell
(of Logan Harrrison Co.) $150.00 in
payment for a calf sent him
Oct. 25th (bargain made by H. M. Thompson)
Nov. 5th J. Gilmore & C. Petersen took care of
stock & repaired shed for horses
P. Christisen & C. Pacer assisted Mr.
Manhannett work up sorghum
D.T. Devin gathered turnips a.m.
& filled ditch at College P.M.
A. Petersen plowed north of R.R.
A.M. & filled ditch at College P.M.

Nov. 6th Gilmore & C. Petersen took care of stock

& cut wood for Farm House
P. Christisen & C. Pacer assisted in working
sorghum. D.T. Devin & A. Petersen
filled ditch at College.
“ 7 Sunday
“ 8 J. Gilmore & C. Petersen took care
of stock & butchered 2 small hogs & one
sheep. –C. Petersen & C. Pacer?
worked with 1 team grinding cane
and finished the job A Petersen
worked with mule team filling ditch
at college—D. Devin worked on
ditch A.M. & hauled one load of
coal to College & hauled 2 loads of
brick for College sewer P.M.
“ 9 J. Gilmore & C. Petersen took care of
stock & cut wood for Farm House
A. Petersen worked with mule team
filling ditch at College. a.m. &
plowed P.M.—P. Christisen topped
turnips a.m. & pulled turnips P.M.
C. Paser?Pacer topped turnips ¾ of day & went
to Ames after Mr. Pierce & his tools ¼ of day

Nov. Continued

Nov. 9 D. J. Devin hauled Brick ¼ of day &

hauled boards to cover gasometer, pump
& mell.? ¼, & hauled turnips 1/2 day
Nov. 10 `Jas. Gilmore & C. Petersen took care of stock
& cut wood for F.H.---D. Devin, P. Christisen
& A. Petersen worked on College Ditch
C. Paser/Pacer? worked on ditch ¾ of day
& covered gasometer ¼.
Nov. 11 D. Devin, C. Petersen, P. Christisen
& C. Paser worked on College ditch
A.M. & at turnips ¼ day & at
sheep yard ¼ of day
J. Gilmore & C. Petersen took care
of stock & cut wood for Farm House

Nov. 12 J. Gilmore & C. Petersen took care of stock

D. Devin & C. Paser repaired horse stable
& sheep sheds. A. Petersen & P. Christisen
hauled straw to fill cellar windows
at College ¼ of day—the day was very
stormy & disagreeable so that hands
could not work to any advantage
Nov.13 J. Gilmore & C. Petersen took care of
stock. D. Devin & A. Petersen
hauled wood a.m. P. Christisen
& C. Paser hauled corn stalks a.m.
D. Devin P. Christisen & C. Paser were
engaged gathering corn P.M.
A. Petersen cut wood ¾ of day and
went after Freight ¼ “ “
I Bought of Mr. Reid
250 lbs of beef for Farm House @ .08Cts.--$20.00
Bo(bought) of B.H. & Tilcten
41 doz. Eggs @ .20 per doz.---$8.20
“ 14 Sunday

Nov. Continued

Nov. 15 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took care

of stock. C. Paser drew two loads from
town for new Houses ½ day. Cut wood
¼ day and hauled corn ¼ day
D.T. Devine gathered up tools about College
¼ day. Took Mrs. Baughman home ¼ day
and husked corn ½ day.—P. Christisen
hauled coal to College ¼ day, corn stalks
¼ day and husked corn ½ day
A. Petersen went to Nevada and lost
the day.—I hired two Sweeds to
work on ditch at College but gave
them work in cornfield ½ day
it rained toward night making
work very tedious
Nov.16 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took
Care of Stock.—D. Devin hauled
lumber ½ of day for barn repairs & Prof.
houses. & cut timbers for Sheep Shed
¼ day. A. Petersen cut wood ½ day
& cut timbers for sheep shed ¼ “
P. Christisen cut wood A.M. & topped
turnips P.M. C. Paser cut wood ½ day
Topped Turnips ¼ day and cleaned Buggies
¼ day. ---I paid two Sweeds
for Farm work 3.50
“ work on college ditch 1.75 (total)$5.25
Mr. Streit began work on coal shed.
Nov. 17th James Gilmore & C. Petersen took
care of Stock. P. Christisen & A. Petersen
hauled cornstalks ¼ of day & dug a
ditch to drain stable 3/4of day
C. Paser cut wood worked about
barn ½ day & husked corn ½ day
D. T. Devin hauled lumber, and
gathered up Farm implements ½ of day
and husked corn ½ of day
I bought for Farm House
40 lbs. of Rice of B.H, & T.---Ames

Nov. Continued

Nov. 18 J. Gilmore & C. Petersen took care of

stock. D.T. Devin hauled one load
lumber for sheep shed and one load
of Freight for Prof. Houses.
Remainder of Farm Hands did not
much except haul one load of corn
on account of the storm though
their time was mostly occupied in doing
miscellaneous work about Farm
Buildings & cutting wood for F. /&H
Nov. 19 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took care
of stock. (Ed. Note:another different hand
now writing in journal)
Andrew Peterson & P. Christison
hauled Fodder ¼ day & dug Ditch at the College
¾ day. C. Pazer cut Wood for Farm H.H. ½ day
& tended mason on Ditch ½ day. Devin
hauled one load of lumber from town for
sheep sheds & worked in tool room at
the College the rest of the forenoon,
& hauled fodder in the Afternoon ½ day
Nov. 20 James Gilmore & C. Peterson took care of
stock. C. Pazer cut wood for Farm H.H.
A. Peterson & P. Christison hauled fodder &
husked corn ½ day. A. Peterson cut wood
½ day. & P. Christison hauled straw for
covering well & pump at the College
½ day Devin husked corn ½ day & helped
P. Christison haul straw ½ day
“ 21 Sunday (hand writing changes again-now similar to Nov.
“ 22 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took care
of Stock. D. Devin worked ¾ day at
college putting in Furnace & ¼ day for
prof. Jones a/c—C. Pazer worked at College
all day. P. Christisen worked ½ of day
gathering corn. ¼ of day at College & ¼
of day hauling fodder for Stock. A
Petersen helped get sand for College
½ day & husked corn ½ day

Page 228 blank


Page 229 blank


Nov. Continued (1869)

Nov. 23 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took care

of stock. D. Devin worked at new
Shed ½ day. husking corn ¼ day and
hauled wood to Presidents House ¼
A. Petersen worked at College all day
P. Christisen cut wood ½ day and hauled
corn & Fodder ½ day. Conrad Pazer
worked at new shed ¾ of day, and
husked corn ¼ day.
Nov. 24 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took
care of stock & butchered one hog.
D.L. Devin went to town on errands ½ of day
& assisted in coal hauling ¼ day cut wood
¼ of day. ---A. Petersen, P. Christisen
& C. Pazer hauled coal ¾ of day and
worked at miscellaneous jobs ¼ of day
I went to Boones Boro on College Business
Nov. 25 James Gilmore & C Petersen took care of
stock. A. Petersen drew Lime to
College ¾ of day & lumber ¼ of day
P. Christisen hauled & cut wood ¾ of day
& teamed about college ¼ of day
D.T. Devin & C. Pazer husked corn
I purchased supplies for F.H.H. amount
shown by Bill Boak
Nov. 26 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took care of
stock. D. Devin & C. Pazer husked corn
P. Christisen cut wood a.m. & husked
corn P.M. A. Petersen drew
materials for Prof. houses A.M.
and drew corn P.M.
I bought 241 lbs. of Beef for F.H.H.
Nov. 27 James Gilmore & C. Petersen
took care of Stock. D. Devin husked
corn C. Pazer husked corn a.m.
& went to Sweeds Point P.M.
A. Petersen hauled Brick ¼ day corn ¼ & straw to College

Nov. Continued (1869)

Nov. 27 P. Christisen cut wood ½ day &

hauled straw to College ½ day
Nov. 28 Sunday
Nov. 29 James Gilmore & C. Peterson took care of
the stock. C. Pazer worked about barn
yard ½ day. P. Christisen cut wood ¼ of day
Hauled Fodder ¼ & hauled manure ½ day
A. Peterson hauled brick at Professors
House ¼ day Hauled corn & fodder ¼ day
& worked about barn yard ½ day
Devin husked corn ½ day & worked
½ day at the Presidents house with
the team (this day is in smaller writing style)
Nov. 30 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took care of
Stock.—P. Christisen, D.T. Devin &
hauled straw ½ day & husked corn ½
day. C. Pazer husked corn ½ day & worked
at College ½--A. Petersen husked corn
all day.
Dec. 1st James Gilmore & C. Petersen took care of
stock. D.T. Devin cut & hauled wood
P. Christisen hauled corn & fodder
A. Petersen & C. Pazer husked corn
“ 2nd James Gilmore & C. Petersen took
care of Stock. D. Devin cut wood ½
day & husked corn ½ day. P. Christisen
husked corn ½ day & hauled corn &
fodder ½ day. C. Pazer & A. Petersen
husked corn the entire day.

“ 3rd James Gilmore & C. Petersen took

care of Stock. D.T. Devin cut wood
1/4 of day. C Pazer A. Petersen & Peter
Christisen husked corn
I received of Mr. Stebbings, for Board
at F. House $12.00

Page 232 Blank


Page 233 Blank


Dec. 5th Work Record

Dec. 4James Gilmore & C. Petersen took

care of stock. D. Devin hauled coal
¾ day & hauled wood ¼ of day.
A. Petersen hauled coal
C. Pazer cut wood ½ day & hauled
straw to cover strawberries ½ of day
P. Christisen hauled fodder ½ day
& hauled straw for strawberries ½ of day
“ 5 Sunday
“ 6 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took
care of stock and assisted in butchering
D. Devon & A. Petersen hauled coal
P. Christisen hauled fodder ¼ of day
corn ¼ of day & butchered ½ of day
C. Pazer cut wood ½ of day & helped
about butchering ½ of the day
I contracted with a man to cut some
wood for payment on a note on
Dan McCarthy. --- I employed a
Sweed to husk corn.
The hands butchered 7 hogs for F.H.H.
“ 7 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took care of
stock. P. Christisen hauled water for
Prof. houses ½ day & cut up Pork ½ of day
D. Devin & C. Petersen hauled coal
C. Pazer husked corn.—The Sweed
hired yesterday began work—
“ 8 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took care
of stock. D. Devin hauled coal ½
day, hauled corn ¼ & wood ¼ of day
A. Petersen hauled coal ½ of day &
corn ½ day P. Christisen hauled coal ¼ of day
got team shod ¼ of day & hauled straw
& fodder ½ day—C. Pacer husked corn
“ 9 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took
care of stock.—P.Christisen
hauled straw & fodder ½ day
& cut wood ½ day. A. Petersen
hauled wood ½ day & hauled
tile for College ½ of day

Work Continued

Dec.9 D. Devin cut wood in woods ½ of day

& helped me copy reports ½ of day
C. Pacer cut wood. it rained so as
to prevent much work being done
“ 10 Jas. Gilmore & C. Petersen took care
of stock. A. Petersen & C. Pacer husked
corn D. Devin husked corn ¾ of day
& uncovered sand for College ¼ of day
“ 11 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took care
of Stock. D. Devin hauled sand ½ of
day, pulled turnips ¼ of day & went to
town for Freight ¼ of day. A. Petersen
& P. Christisen cut road ½ day, pulled
turnips ¼ day & hauled straw ¼ day
P. Christisen hauled sand to college
½ day, hauled turnips ¼ day & hauled
hay ¼ day
The new Stove contracted for by
the President with J.B. Hodges of
Boones Boro came in good order
no furniture came with it.
“ 12 Sunday
“ 13 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took
care of Stock. D.T. Devin, A. Petersen
& P. Christisen hauled sand to the
College—using but one team
C. Pacer hauled straw fodder ½
of day & husked corn ½ of day.
I paid Rosey McIntyre $15.00 on work at
“ 14 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took care
of stock. D.T. Devin & A. Petersen
hauled brick to College. P. Christisen
hauled water for Prof. houses ½ of
day, hauled straw ¼ of day & went
o town ¼ of day for College Repairs

Work Continued Dec. 14, 1869

Dec.14 C. Pacer cut wood ½ of day & hauled

corn ½ of day
Dec.15 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took care
of stock. D. Devin & A. Petersen
hauled straw to fill ditch at College
½ of day & hauled brick to College
½ of day. P. Christisen & C. Pacer cut
wood ½ day & hauled brick to the
College ½ of day
Mr. Floyd came Back to board at the
Farm House
“ 16 James Gilmore C. Petersen took care
of stock. D.T. Devin & C. Petersen
hauled brick to college ½ of day &
cut & hauled wood ½ of day.—
A. Petersen & C. Pacer hauled brick
to college ½ of day hauled straw to
fill ditch at College ½ of day
“ 17 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took care
of stock. A. Petersen & P. Christisen
worked with two teams on Public Road
D. Devin hauled freight from town
for Prof. houses & College Buildings ¾
of day & hauled wood ¼ of day
C. Pacer cut & Hauled wood ¾ of day
& hauled straw to College ¼ of day
I paid Christiney Housby $15.00 on
work at Farm House
“ 18 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took
care of stock. D. T. Devin hauled
furnaces to college ½ of day & hauled coal
to Prof’s houses ½ of “.
A. Petersen & P. Christisen worked on
public Road with 2 teams
C. Pacer hauled water to new Houses
½ of day & hauled straw to College
¼ of day & cut wood at F.H. ¼ of day

Work Record Continued

Dec.19 Sunday
“ 20 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took care
of stock. D.T. Devin, P. Christisen &
Andrew Petersen hauled Furniture
from the Depot for Prof. Welch
using 2 teams.
C. Pacer went after a washerwoman ½ of
day & hauled & cut wood ½ of day

“ 21 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took care

of stock. remainder of hands hauled
coal with 3 teams (it snowed all
day making work very disagreeable.)

“ 22 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took care

of stock. D. T. Devin hauled lumber for
sheep shed ¼ of day & coal ¾ of day
A. Petersen hauled tile to college ¼
of day & hauled coal ¾ of day
C. Pacer worked at wood all day
P. Christisen hauled wood ¾ of day &
hauled supplies to Farm House ¼ of day

“ 23 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took care

of Stock. A. Petersen & D. Devin
hauled coal C. Pacer & P. Christisen
cut & hauled wood
we credited the Implement Shed and
charged the College with 775 feet of 2 m
plank. price $24.00 per M.
“ 24 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took care
of stock. D.T. Devin & A. Petersen
hauled coal. C. Pacer & P. Christisen
cut & hauled wood.
“ 25 Christmas---Gilmore & C. Petersen
took care of stock.
P. Christisen hauled water for
Prof. Houses ½ of day

Work Account Continued 1869

Dec.26 Sunday

“ 27 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took care

of stock. A. Petersen & C. Pacer hauled
lumber for College & Prof. Houses
P. Christisen hauled ¼ of day and
hauled lumber to College ¾ of day
Charles Kyle cut wood ½ of day &
worked with Team for Profs. Houses
½ of day
Dec. 28 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took care
of stock C. Pacer, P. Christisen & A Petersen
hauled brick to College ½ of day &
hauled coal to College ½ of day
C. Kyle worked with team at President’s
‘ 29 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took care
of stock. C. Paser, P. Christisen &
A. Petersen hauled coal ½ of day &
and hauled brick to college ½ of day
C. Kyle hauled water & furniture
for Prof. Welch 1/2 of day, hauled rubbish
from new houses ¼ of day & hauled straw
& fodder for Farm ¼ of day
I received of T.A. Graham $50 for
small Red calf
“ 30 James Gilmore & C Petersen took care of
stock. P. Christisen teamed for Prof.
Welch 2/3 of day & hauled coal 1/3 of day
C, Pazer & A. Petersen hauled Brick
½ of day & hauled coal ½ of day.
C. Kyle hauled for Prof. Welch ½ of
day & for Prof. Houses ¼ and for Farm
sock ¼
I employed Mr. Crosier to work
he worked cutting wood & measuring

Work Contined 1869

Dec. 31 James Gilmore & C. Petersen took care of
(editor’s note—the following paragraph is
lined through with large “x” marks)

(A. Petersen & P. Christisen hauled

coal to College. C. Kyle assisted Prof.
Welch move, C. Bazer went to Hats Grove
Mr. Crosier did not work. He reserved
worked ½ day at Presidents House&
½ of day at F. House.)

C. Bazer & A. Petersen hauled lime

& brick to College. P. Christesen
worked with one team. C. Kyle
worked for Prof. Welch ¾ of day & for F.H.
¼ of day. Mr. Crosier worked at F.H. ½ of
day & for Prof. Welch ½ of day.

Journal for 1870

Ed. Note: Another change in the spelling of Gilmore/Gilmour

as well as other name spelling changes—new writer

Jan.1 James Gilmour & C. Petersen took

care of stock. C. Pazer went to Hats?
grove. A. Petersen & P. Christisen
hauled coal to College. C. Kyle cut
wood & hauled Furniture for Prof. Welch
½ of day.

Jan.2 Sunday
“ 3 James Gilmour & C. Petersen took care of
stock A Petersen & P Christisen hauled
brick to College. Mr. Crossier cut wood ¼
of day & helped Prof. Jones in moving ¾ of
day. C. Kyle cut wood, Hauled straw,
and did miscellaneous work.
C. Pazer returned from Hats grove
and hauled water to Presidents House
¼ of day .

“ 4 James Gilmour & C. Petersen took care

of Stock. A. Petersen, P. Christisen
C. Kyle hauled water for Prof.
Welch ¾ of day & hauled fodder for
stock ¼ of day.—Mr. Crosier cut
wood for Farm House.

“ 5 James Gilmour & C. Petersen took care of stock

C. Kyle hauled wood ½ of day & hauled sand
to college Building P. Christisen hauled
sand ¾ of day to College Building and
hauled coal to college ¼ of day.
Mr. Crosier cut wood for F.H.H.
two men worked in corn field.

Jan. 1870-

Jan.6 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended Stock

A. Petersen took trustees to Des Moines
P. Christisen & C. Bazer drew Coal
C. Kyle drew wood ½ of day & drew corn ½ of day
Mr. Crosier cut wood
“ 7 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended Stock
A. Petersen returned from Des Moines
P Christisen & C. Bazer drew coal to College
C. Kyle drew load of wood to college, drew
load of corn, and did various jobs about
farm. Mr. Crosier cut wood
“ 8 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended Stock
A. Petersen & C. Bazer drew coal
P. Christisen drew wood for Prof Welch
¾ of day and drew wood to college ¼ of day
C. Kyle drew wood ½ of day for Farm House
and worked about Farm House & Barn ½ of day
Mr. Crosier cut wood
“ 10 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended sock
A. Petersen, P. Christisen & C. Bazer drew coal.
C. Kyle drew wood ½ of day and drew fodder
& straw ½ of day---Mr. Crosier cut wood
“ 11 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended stock
A. Petersen drew coal ¾ of day and drew
water for Prof. Welch ¼ of day
P Christisen & C. Bazer drew coal
C. Kyle drew corn—Crosier cut wood
“ 12 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended stock
A. Petersen drew 3 loads of coal & 1 load
of corn---P. Christisen & C. Bazer drew coal
C. Kyle drew corn & fodder
Mr. Crosier cut wood
(Editor’s note: January 9 is not reported in the Journal—It was a Sunday.
Also, page 241 is a different handwriting than 240 and uses terminology not
previously used (drew foder). Whoever wrote Page 240 begins writing
Gilmore as Gilmour again. )

Jan. 1870

Jan. 13 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended stock

P. Christisen & A. Petersen hauled coal
¾ of day & drew corn ¼ of day
C. Bazer drew coal to college
C. Kyle hauled wood ¼ of day, hauled
for college Building ¼ of day and
hauled corn & Fodder ½ of day
“ 14 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended stock
A. Petersen & P. Christisen hauled
coal ½ of day & corn ½ of day
C. Bazer hauled coal ¾ of day & hauled
corn ¼ of day
C. Kyle cut wood and did various jobs
about Farm House
“ 15 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended stock
P. Christisen & A. Petersen hauled coal
½ of day & hauled wood to Season
for Summer, ½ of day
C. Bazer hauled wood to -1/2
½ of day & hauled wood to FHH ½ of day
C. Kyle hauled wood ½ & cut wood ½ of day
“ 16 Sunday
“ 17 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended stock
C. Bazer & C. Kyle chopped in woods
½ of day & shelled corn ½ of day
P Christisen cut wood at Farm House
A. Petersen cut wood ½ of day and got
team shod ½ of day
weather extremely cold so but little
could be done
“ 18 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended stock
C. Kyle cut wood ¾ of day & got team shod ¼ of day
A. Petersen hauled wood ½ of day & furnaces ½ day
P. Christisen got team shod ¼ of day & hauled for
college ¾ of day

Jan. 1870

Jan. 19 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended stock

C. Bazer went after hired girl ½ of day and
ground feed ½ of day
P. Christisen ground feed ½ of day, hauled
water to Prof. Welch ¼ of day & repaired
water tank ¼ of day
C. Kyle worked at College
A. Petersen worked in Ice House
“ 20 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended stock
C. Bazer worked in college ½ of day & took Prof.
Welch to town to go east ½ of day
C. Kyle drew water for Prof. ( Welch /12 of day)*
A. Petersen drew lime ½ of day & worked
in Farm House Cellar ½ of day
P. Christisen worked entire day
“ 21 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended stock
C. Kyle worked in college Building moving
furniture--.C. Bazer worked at grinding
feed ½ of day & various jobs about Farm ½ of day
A. Petersen worked in Ice House ½ of day
cut wood ¼ of day & helped to Butcher ¼ of day
I contracted with Mr. Fike to draw 100 Perk?
of rock from Mr. Craig’s quarry at $1.30 per “
P. Christisen hauled fodder ¼ of day
hauled for college ½ of day & hauled corn ¼
“ 22 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended Stock
(Editor’s note: there is a long line
drawn through C. Petersen tended stock)
tended stock. C. Petersen tended stock ½
day C. Kyle cut wood ¾ of day & hauled fodder
¼ of day—A. Petersen worked in Ice House ½ day
P. Christisen cut wood ½ day, hauled corn
¼ of day & worked in Ice House ¼ of day
C. Bazer cut wood ½ day & hauled corn ½ day

“ “ 23 Sunday

January 1870

Jan. 24 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended stock

C. Bazer & P. Christisen hauled Hay
A. Petersen worked in Ice House
C. Kyle cut wood ½ of day, hauled fodder
¼ of day & went after mail ¼ of day
Jan. 25 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended Stock
C. Bazer hauled Hay ½ of day & hauled
Ice ½ of day. A. Petersen hauled corn
& Fodder ½ of day & hauled Ice ½ of day
P. Christisen hauled Hay ½ of day & hauled
corn ½ of day
C.Kyle worked at Ice ¾ of day & cut wood
¼ of day
“ 26 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended Stock
C. Bazer hauled coal-C. Kyle cut wood
A. Petersen hauled lime & lath for College
¾ of day & hauled ice ¼ of day
A. Christisen hauled Ice
I paid Mr. Chamberlain $6.00 for hauling
hay & contracted with him to draw the
remainder of the Hay put up by Mr. Porch
“ 27 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended stock
C. Bazer hauled coal
A. Petersen & C. Kyle hauled Ice
I sent young Berkshire Boar to DesMoines
as ordered by H. M. Thomson
“ 28 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended stock
P Christisen cut wood. C. Kyle hauled Ice
½ of day & cut wood ½ of day
A. Petersen hauled Ice.—C. Bazer hauled
wood ¾ of day & hauled fodder ¼ of day

Jan. and Feb. 1870

Jan. 29 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended stock

C. Kyle worked in Ice House
P. Christisen hauled Ice ¾ of day & cut wood ¼
A. Petersen hauled Ice.—C. Bazer hauled lumber
¼ of day & hauled Ice ¾ of day
James Thomson cut wood ½ of day
“ 30 Sunday
“ 31 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended stock
A. Petersen, C. Bazer & C. Kyle worked at Ice
with 2 teams. P. Christisen hauled iron?
for college ¼ of day & hauled Ice ¾ of day
Feb. 1st James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended stock
C. Bazer hauled sawdust for Ice House
C. Kyle worked at Ice ½ day & cut wood ½ day
A. Petersen hauled Ice. P. Christisen
hauled ice ½ of day, hauled fodder ¼ of day
& hauled water to College ¼ of day
“ 2 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended stock
A. Petersen & C. Bazer worked at Ice with
two teams –C. Kyle cut wood ½ of day & worked
at Ice ½ of day---P. Christisen hauled
for College Building ½ of day & ground feed
½ of day
“ 3 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended Stock
C. Bazer & C. Kyle hauled sawdust with
one team. A. Petersen hauled Ice ¾ of day
& hauled Lime & water to college ¼ of day
P. Christisen hauled material for new
Ice House
‘ 4 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended stock
A. Petersen hauled Ice ¾ of day & hauled
Berkshire Pig to Depot—P.Christisen
drew lumber for Ice House ¾ of day & drew fodder ¼
C. Bazer ground feed ¾ of day & drew water to
College ¼ of day—C. Kyle worked at Ice
½ of day & cut wood ½ of day

Page 246 February 1870

Feb. 5 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended stock

A. Petersen & P Christisen hauled
sawdust. C. Kyle cut wood ¾ of
day & hauled straw ¼ of day
I hired L. Anderson who cut wood
“ 6 Sunday
“ 7 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended stock
C. Bazer & L. Anderson hauled sawdust
A. Petersen hauled lumber to College
P. Christisen hauled water for Prof. Welch
½ of day & ground feed ½ of day
“ 8 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended stock
C. Bazer, A. Petersen & L. Anderson
worked at Ice & sawdust with 2 teams
P. Christisen hauled lime to college
“ 9 James Gilmour & C. Petersen tended stock
A. Petersen & C. Bazer hauled ice
with 2 teams---P Christisen
hauled for college ½ of day & hauled
rubbish from Prof. Houses ½ of day
L. Anderson cut wood at Farm House

11TH Feby 1870

J. Gilmour & C. Petersen attending stock

A. Petersen hauled college ¼ wood to farm ¼
corn P.M.
C. Bazer haul’d ice ¼ to College, wood ¼ to farm
cut wood P.M. for farm
Peter Christian haul’d corn a.m.
water for prof. Houses plastering 3 hours, wood
two hours
L. Andersen helped with corn
12 J. Gilmour & C. Petersen attending stock
A. Petersen hauling wood for farm
P. Christian hauling ¼ day, getting horses
shod ¼, hauling water for college & Prof. houses
C. Bazer choping in creek timber
L. Andersen “ a.m. in creek timber
cutting stove wood p.m.
13 Sunday work
14 Gilmour & C. Petersen attending stock
L. Anderson cutting wood for house
C. Bazer hauling “
A. Petersen “ “ “ ½
“ post for farm ½
P. Christian “ 2 ½ for ice house
“ 5 “ Prof. houses & college
“ “ 2 farm house

15 Gilmour & P. Christian chopping for F.H.

& Farm improvements—less 3 hours of
P.C. hauling water to college
A. Petersen hauling for farm
Bazer hauling for farm ½ day
for college ½ day (hauling sand)
C. Petersen & L. Andersen
attending stock
(Editor’s note: this page again in different penmanship, ink, and with a
different tighter style of writing. Names again change spelling as written)

16th Feby 1870

J Gilmour ½ day fixing up meats & other chores

½ day chopping for fuel & farm improvt.
C. Petersen attending stock
L. Anderson “
P. Christian ½ day chopping for fuel & Farm Imp.
½ day hauling for farm impr.
C. Bazer chopping for feed & farm impr(ovement)
A. Petersen ½ day assisting with meats & c
½ “ hauling food for f..h

17 J. Gimour cutting wood for fuel & farm impts.

C. Bazer dv dv dv. (ditto)
A. Petersen hauling dv dv
P. Christian cut ½ day dv dv
haul’d ¼ day dv dv
haul’d water ¼ for college
C. Petersen attending stock
L. Andersen dv dv
18 J. Gilmour cutting ice ½ day
hauling ice ½ day
A. Petersen cutting “ ½ “
hauling “ ¼ “
hauling lumber ¼ (to college)
C. Bazer hauling ice ¾ day
“ lumber & water ¼ “ (to college)
P. Christian sick
C. Petersen attending stock
L. Anderson dv dv
19 J. Gilmour ½ cutting up meat (some
hogs that had been allowed to freeze)
½ cutting wood for house
A. Petersen & Bazer thrashing Excelsior
P. Christian hauled water ¼ cutting
wood ¾
C. Petersen & L. Anderson were
attending stock

20th Feby 1870

Sunday work

21 Gilmour working at ice in ice house

A. Petersen & team hauled ice ¼ day
“ working in ice house ¾ “
Bazer & team hauling ice
P. Christian hauled water ½ to Pres. house
“ ice ¼ “ “ “
“ water ¼ “ college
C. Petersen attending stock
L. Andersen Dv Dv
Mr. Harlow, his son and A
Johnson cutting out ice

22 Gilmour ½ at various jobs

½ day killing hogs
A. Petersen ½ day getting mules shod and
hauling goods to College
¼ hauling wood to F.H. ¼ water to College
P. Christian ½ day hauling wood to F.H.
½ “ cutting wood “ “
C. Bazer grinding feed for stock
C. Petersen & Lars Andersen attending
stock & assisted to kill hogs

23 Gilmour ¼ chores for F.H

¾ fixing wagon to haul logs to sawmill
A. Petersen hauling firewood to F.H.
C. Bazer grinding feed for stock
P. Christian ¼ hauling goods from R.R.
to F.H.
¼ water to college
½ cutting firewood F.H.
Have so many boarders cannot
supply the Pres’s family with any
more milk
Six cabbages furnished Pres.
family to day

24 of Feb 1870
weather pleasant
James Gilmour 10 hours hauling Sawlogs
P. Christisen & team 8” “ “ “
A. Petersen & team 5 “ wood to Farm house
“ “ “ 5” lumber & lime to College
C. Petersen 10 hours farm stock
Lars Anderson 10 “ “ “
C. Bazer & team 10 “ hauling lumber to College
warm during day, cloudy at night
Feb.25 James Gilmour worked 10 hours hauling Saw logs
P. Christisin “ “ Saw “
A. Petersen hauled water & lumber to College 2 ½ hours
“ “ for Prof. Welch 2 1/2”
“ “ wood to Farm House 5 “
C. Bazer worked 10 hours cutting wood F. H.H
C. Petersen “ “ Farm Stock
“ 26 Extremely warm during day. Suddenly cold at night
James Gilmour worked 10 hours hauling Saw logs
A. Petersen & team “ “ “ “ “
P. Christisen & team “ 5 “ “ “
“ “ cut wood 5” at Farm House
C. Bazer & team 10 “ hauling wood
Lars Anderson worked “ “ Farm Stock
C. Petersen “ “
“ 27 Sunday
“ 28 James Gilmour 10 hours miscellaneous jobs
A. Petersen & team 5 hauling for College Board
C. Bazer 10 F. house cellar
P. Christisen 10 Farm House cellar
C. Petersen 10 Farm Stock
Lars Anderson 10 “ “
Mar. 1
A. Petersen 10 F.H. Cellar (sorting Potatoes)
P. Christisen “ “ “ “
C. Petersen “ Farm Stock (tending stock)
Lars Anderson 10 “ “ (“ “ )
C. Bazer cut wood at Farm House

March 2nd 1870

Mar.2 James Gilmour 5 hours hauling Sawlogs to mill.

“ “ 5 hours repairing Flood Gates &
cutting wood
A. Petersen & team 5 hours hauling Sawlogs
“ “ “ “ wood
P. Christisen 10 cutting wood in woods
C. Bazer 5 hours cutting wood at Farm House
“ “ & team 5 hours removing carpenters
tools & lumber from College Building
L. Anderson 10 hours tending Farm Stock
C. Petersen “ “ “
“ 3 James Gilmour 10 h repairing about House & Barn
A. Petersen 10 F.H.H. (sorting Potatoes & cutting wood)
C. Bazer “ “ “ “
C. Petersen 10 tending Farm Stock
L. Anderson “ “
Weather very Blustery—Severe Snow
Storm entire day.
“ 4 James Gilmour 10 hours cutting Oven wood for College
P. Christisen “ “ “ “ “ “
C. Bazer 5 “ “ “ “ “
“ “ & team 5 hours after help for college
A. Petersen & team 7 ½ hours hauling Oven Wood to College
“ “ “ 2½“ “ Freight to College & F. House
C. Petersen & L. Anderson tended Stock entire day
5 Gilmour getting team shod & hauling
lumber for College ½ day
hauling logs to saw mill ½ day
A. Petersen hauling lumber 1/3 for college 1/3 F.H
C . Bazer ½ cutting wood ½ sorting potatoes
P. Christian hauling fuel (wood for oven) to
college ½ day sorting potatoes ½ day
C. Petersen attending stock
L. Andersen Dv Dv

March 7th 1870

J. Gilmour & team hauling corn stalks

P. Christian helpin with Dv
A. Petersen & team ½ hauling cornstalks
“ “ ½ hauling goods to college from
Railroad station
a team ¾ hauling rubbish from
the College (used by students)
C. Petersen attending stock ¾ day
“ & team hauling water ¼ to Mr. Welch
L. Anderson attending stock
8 J. Gilmour hauling corn fodder
P. Christian helping Dv
A. Petersen & team ½ day hauling corn fodder
½ hauling trunks to college
Bay team hauled rubbish from College
& trunks from R.R. station ¾ day
(driven by students)
C. Petersen attending stock
L. Anderson Dv Dv

9 J. Gilmour & team hauled trunks ½ day

½ day at various jobs on farm
A. Peterson & team 3/8 hauling flour to F.H.
½ hauling trunks 1/8 hauling stalks
P. Christian ¾ cleaning pens in cattle yard
¼ grinding feed for stock
(used plug team)
Plug team (driven by students) hauled water
to Presidents cistern ¾ day & ¼ at
grinding cattle feed (see P. Christian)
C. Petersen & L. Andersen attending stock
10 Gilmour 1/3 hauling trunks 2/3 jobbing
A. Petersen 1/3 hauling ice 2/3 stalk fodder
P. Christian ½ “ “ ½ “ “
C. Petersen attending stock
L. Anderson Dv Dv

11th March 1870

Gilmour ½ day repairing doors & c

½ sorting potatoes
A. Petersen sawing wood
P. Christian Dv Dv
C. Petersen & L. Andersen attending stock

12 Gilmour & team ½ hauling freight for college

“ ½ day sorting potatoes
A. Petersen & P. Christian sorting potatoes
C. Petersen & L. Andersen attending stock
13 Sunday

14 J. Gilmour ½ sorting potatoes

“ “ & team 1/3 hauling bran? from R.R.
balance making bin in barn
P. Christian ½ sorting potatoes
¼ cutting wood
¼ hauling ice to Presidents house
A. Petersen 1/2 sorting potatoes
½ cutting wood
C. Petersen & L. Andersen attending

15 J. Gilmour & A. Petersen oiling harness

P.Christian cutting wood for fuel
C. Peterson & L. Andersen attending stock
Men were (owing to the severity of the
storm) unable to do any outdoor work
except what was necessary for comfort of

16 J. Gilmour getting water for & stock to water

“ “ 1 ½ h. fixing harness 3 ½ hr. with team hauling coal
A. Petersen ¼ shoveling snow ¼ cutting wood F.H
“ & team ½ hauling coal to college
P. Christian ¼ shoveling snow ¼ cutting wood F.H.
“ & team ½ hauling coal to college
C. Petersen & L. Andersen attending stock
Two students cut wood 1 1/4hours
= 2/ 1/2hours = ¼ day

17th March 1870

J. Gilmour & team ½ hauling lumber to P. houses

“ “ ½ “ manure to College Garden
A. Petersen & team ½ hauling trunks, flour & c to College
“ ½“ manure to College Garden
P. Christian & team ½ grinding cattle feed
“ “ ½ hauling manure to C. Garden
C. Petersen & L. Andersen attending stock
C. Sukesdorf ( a student) drove the College
team hauling manure in afternoon

A Complete record of all work

done & by whom done being reported
daily to book keeper & by him put
on record the keeping of this record
is abandoned as unncessary
except as relates to experiments
with grains, modes of cultivation,
Stock, & c.

7TH April 1870

Two bushells White Michigan spring
wheat sowed on sod land south
from Presidents house, it was sowed
on one acre of land less.
This wheat was sent here by Messers.
P. McIsaacs & Co. of Waterloo, Blackhawk C,
Iowa for the purpose of testing its
value for this locality.
Harvested July 11th

Oct. 13 7 ½ bush. Very nice

The above wheat had a very ? ?
My opinion is that it is preferable to the
Italian SPR?
(Editor’s note: This entry was added later. The penmanship of Oct. 13 is very different
from earlier writing. It is very ornate and difficult to read. Isaac P. Roberts
became Superintendent in August of 1870.)


8th day of April 1870

Sowed Italian Spring wheat on land,

north of Railroad, broke in 1868
Part of the land plowed fall of 1869
(last fall) as commonly plowed by good

(Editor’s Note: along edge of column written vertically:

140 bush all experimental wheat included)

Part plowed in the Spring as follows

7bush. Lot No. 1 plowed 4 inches deep 2R 4p
9 bu “ No.2 “ 5½“ “ 1.38
9b,26qts “ No.3 “ 7 ½” 1.29
9 bush “ No.4 “ “ 8 ½” 1.29
Lots unnumbered from the north side
Harvested July 7 and 8th

14th April 1870

Sowing oats partly experimental as

follows to wit on plot west of switch road
Lot 1 Sommerset oats on the north lot
The sommerset oats were received
Good for from the Dept. of Ag. Washington D.C. in
the chanel the Spring of 1869 but owing to so much
heavy rain—consequently waste—a
fair test of their value could not
be got at
Lot 2 Potatoe oats—1/2 bu received from
Poor Dept. of Ag. this spring

Lot 3 Surprise Oats 3 bushells purchased

Medium from Mr. Hughes Boone this spring

Lot 4 Norway Oats—1 bushell

Sowed late purchased from Mr. Hoggatt April 70
and very

Lot 5 Common oats—

Good forth? Lot 5 is the remainder
for the of the field after the other lots
cultivation are taken off commencing on
sowed on the north side
needy cornstalk Harvested July 13th & 14th
land without

Oct 13 Supposed to be about 25th of the

above lots of oats No.# Bush. threshed 825 bushells
No.# bushels fed in shelf? and spoiled
by taking water in the stack estimated at 25 bushells

12th April 1870

Sowed Chevalier Barley received

from Dept. of Ag. this spring
Also Saxonian & Probestier Barley
Harvested July 8th

Sept. 20 1870

Experimental Wheat & c

Lot 1 Sowed 30 quarts Tappahannock Wheat

7 Bush on the south side R.R. and North
Harvested West corner of the cultivated part of the
June 28 farm. Lot No. from west side

Lot 2nd 32 quarts Sanzelle imported from France

Harvested July 5th (9 bush.)

Lot 3rd 30 quarts Red Bearded Sissette “ “

Harvested July 5th 8 bush

“ 4 3 quarts Polish White (Odesse, Russia)

Harvested July 5th 1 bush

Oct 1st
“ 5 64 quarts Lancaster bought in Chicago
Harvested July 5 19 bush

“ 6 8 qts. Imported Rye name unknown


“ 7 4 quarts Scotch Dun Winter Oats


Experiments of 1871

Mar 22 Sowed Italian Wheat as follows

In field between R.R. & Slaughter house
Lots numbered from the East side
18 3/60 bush Lot No 1 2 acre Sowed 4 bush. 28 qts
21 8/60” “ 2 “ “ “ 4“
24 5/60” “ “ 3 “ “ “ 3“ 4“
23 20/60 “ “ “ 4 “ “ “ 2“
27 ½” “ “ 5 “ “ “ 6”

(Mar 22) Sowed west side of the road leading to

“ R.R. Switch White Michigan (oats)
25 bush Lot(s) No. from the road west
Harvested Lot 1 1 acre plowed last fall 14 in deep by subsoiling

July 12 Corn raised on it-during the summer of

1870- cut up and removed Plowed
quite late Sowed 1 ½ bus. to acre

24 Lot No. 2 1 Acre plowed in the fall (same

Bush kind of ground) some 7 or 8 in deep—the
Harvested same as good farmers usually plow
July 12 Sowed 1 ½ bush White Michigan

March 26 Lot No. 4 1 acre Italian plowed by subsoiling in the

18 bush, spring 14 in deep sowed 1 ½ bush.
July 6

March 26 Lot N5 1 acre Italian plowed 8 in. in the spring

16 bush sowed 1 ½ bush all the ground in good order
July 6 all of it—harrowed over before sown
and twice after. Rolled all of it—a
few days after sowing

Apr. 4—5 Sowed oats west of road leading

north from College as follows

Lot #1 27 bushels Common commencing at the

south side next to the Rye

Lot No.2 5 ½ bushels supposed to be Surprise

Lot 3 3 bush supposed to be Sommerset

Lot 4 2 bushels Norway

April 12 Sowed 3 oats bushels on prairie sod used for

slaughter west of switch-road. Plowed April 8th
for experiment having heard that it
would do well on such land.
At fair yield better than could have
been expected as it was impossible
to plow the ground good.

Page 260 is blank


Page 261 is blank


Experimental wheat

Sept 7 Sowed (blank space)--acres Fultz wheat on

corn ground east of barn and next to
north fence. (Two bushels) sent from
Department of Agricultural D.C.

Same day balance of field except a

little strip next to the high board fence
with Lancaster Red.

The strip next to board fence and west

of road leading to switch containing ---
acres sowed with Polish white raised
on the farm from seed sent from D.C.
Believed to be not true to norm

Experimental Wheat on part of the Coll. Garden

¼ acre in each of the following plots

Date of Description of Land and Seed Results

Sowing West

2 bu. To the acre. Land clean

2 bu. To the acre. Land clean

2 bu. To the acre, 10 cords manure

to the acre

1 bu. To the acre---land clean

1 bu. To the acre-Wheat washed in brine and

dried in lime

1 ½ bu. To acre:--Land clean

1 ½ bu to acre. Wheat washed in brine

and dried in lime

2 bu. To acre. Land fall plowed

2 ½ bu. To acre. Land fall plowed

2 bu. To acre. Land spring plowed

(Editor’s comment: No results or dates were recorded on this page)


Page 264 is blank


Experiments in feeding Cattle

Weight of nine half blood steers

this 4th day of June 1873
Weight as follows
No. 10 Half blood Short horn 588
15 “ “ “ 580
4 “ “ “ 510
7 “ “ Ayshire 506
17 “ “ Short horn 494*

Commenced this day feeding the above

7 lbs. of corn meal per day

Those below were turned out

to grass without corn meal
No. 16 Half blood Short horn 450
6 “ “ “ “ 584
1 “ “ “ “ 546
37 “ “ Devon 450

Fed on Meal
Wt. wt.
June 4
No. 10 588
18 580
4 510
7 506
17 595*

Turned Out to Grass

Wt. wt.
June 4
No. 16 450
6 584
1 546
37 450

(Editor’s note: The above two tables “Fed on Meal” and “Turned out
to Grass” each had vertical column lines drawn in ink to create 6
columns. However, no entries were made other than to record the
original weight on June 4, 1873. The weight of #17 differs in the bottom
column but that is how it is recorded.)

Page 266 is blank


Page 267 is Blank


Page 268 is blank


Experiments with Wheat 1874

Apr. 9 Sowed eight plats

of ground contain-
ing 1/8 acre each with
Michigan White. put-
ting eight quarts of
seed on each plat.
The ground had
been plowed in the
fall previous and
was in good con-
dition. After being
thoroughly harrowed,
plat No. 1 was sowed
with ½ bushel of lime
No. 2 ½ “ “ salt
“ 3 ¼““ “
“ 4 ½“ “ lime &
¼ “ “ salt
“ 5- - -
“ 6, 3 “ “ ashes
“ 7, - - - - -
“ 8, - - - - -

On No. 9
Early Mendota 3 qts.

Unknown—New 1 p,t.

“Premium”-- 3 qts

No. 10 Polish Giant 8 qts.

“ 11 Oran 6” qts.

Barley 1874

No. 12 Chevalier 2 qts.

Desiduous 1 “
Probestier 4 “

“ 13? Probestier 8”

After the appli-

cations were made
the ground was rolled
The spring was
favorable for the growth
of the young plants,
but the summer was ex-
cessively dry, so that the
crop was naturally
shortened. the wheat
upon which the
applications were put,
was harvested July 13”
It was threshed from
the shock with the following results.

No. 1- ½ bush lime 169 ½

“ 2 ½“ salt 170 ½
“ 3- ¼“ “ “ 162 ¾
“ 4 ½” lime and
¼” salt 161 ¼
“ 5, 7 and 8 no
applications 446
or 148
per lot
“ 6-3 bush ashes 134 ¾

The early Mendota

ripened about 10 days
earlier than the other
varieties and produced
a nice plump, berry.
Those are indications

that it would (be) a prof-

itable wheat to grow in
this state.
The Unknown
proved to be almost, if
not altogether identical
with Michigan White.

The Premium made

a rank growth of straw,
and produced heavy
heads and plump
kernels. It was slightly
touched with rust
while there was no
sign of rust on the
other varieties mentioned.
It is worth further

The Polish Giant

had beautiful growth
and the immense
heads filled with beautiful
long grains were an
object of curiosity.
It was very much too
thin on the ground.
This was occasioned
by the large size of
the grains. I think
it should be sowed as
thick as 3 ½ or 4 bushels
to the acre. It yielded
two bushels of grain.
It is worthy of a
thorough trial.

The Oran was struck

by the rust but pro-
duced a beautiful sample
of wheat. Once acclimated,
I believe it would yield
a valuable crop.

Experiments with Oats 1874

Apr. 16 Sowed four plats of

oats, each containing
½ of an acre. Each plat
receiving one bushel
of seed. No. 1 Surprise
No. 2 & 3 Probestier,
No 4 Excelsior
The soil was uniform
Bottom land. Sandy
loam—had been in
cultivation two years.
The experiment was
designed to test the
relative yield of the
respective varieties
7? Sowed 1/16 of an acre
with 6 qts of Hanghton
oats and 1/16 of an
acre with hulless oats 6 qts.

Page 274 is blank


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Page 279 is blank


Page 280 is blank


Corn Crop 1874

Commenced planting
May 8th. Planted about 7
Acres. The ground in good
Condition and weather quite

Page 282 is blank


Index to Ledger Accounts

Name Page
Farm Buildings 288
“ Corn Field 289
“ Exports 290
“ Hay Field 291
“ Improvements 292
“ Oats Field 293
“ Products 294
“ Root Field 295
“ Stock 296
“ Teams 297
“ Tools 298

Page 284 is blank


(Editor’s comment: From page 285 through 301

the end column of the page is partially removed
to allow for alphabetical indexing on the page edges)

74 Alfalfa 339


110 Buchwheat Silver Hull 315*

111 Buckwheat-Chinese 315*
112 Buckwheat Russian 315*

1. Hordeum Distichum Amma (Barley two Rowed) 311-390*

2. Hordeum Distichum Amma “ “ 311-390*
Hordeum Vulgare Amma Common Barley 311-390*
Hordeum Nudum Naked Barley 311-390*

*Editor’s note- referenced are pages 311 and 390


Yellow Corn 321 392

White Corn 321 392

Blounts Prolific 321 392

Cusco Corn 321 392


Farm Buildings

(Note: The remainder of the page is blank.)


Corn Fields

Flax Russian 331 392

Flax Common 331 392


1. Mammoth Clover 329 406

2. Common Clover 329 406
3. Trifolium Pratense 329 406
4. Trifolium Hybridum 329 406
5. Alsiki Clover 329 406
6. White Clover 329 406
7. Meadow Fescue 329 406
8. Fall Fescue 329 406
9. Sweet Vernal 329 406
10.Fiorin or Creeping Bent 329 406
11. Ky Blue Grass 329 406
12. Red Top 329 406
13. Pod Trivialis 329 406
14. Perennial Rye Grass 329 406
15. Meadow Fox Tail 329 406
16. Orchard Grass 329 406
17. Yellow Oat Grass 329 406
18. Timothy 329 406
19. Phylum Pratense 329 406


(Note: Remainder of page is blank.)


Hay Field

Hemp 331 392



(Note: Remainder of the page is blank.)


Oats Field

Lentil 331 392

White Chinese Millet 328 392
90 Yellow Millet 328 392
91 Fine Millet 328 392
92 Russian Millet 328 392
93 Pearl Millet 328 392

Mangle Wurzel
Nosbiton Giant 392
Mammoth Red 392


Note: The remainder of the page is blank


Roots Field
(note: line drawn through Roots Field)

1. Avena Sativa Common Oats 312 390

2. Avena Sativa “ “ 312 390
Surprise 313 390
Australian 313 390

27. Sebeck 317 402
1. Fox Eye 317 402 28. Missouri Round 317 402
2.British Queen 317 402 29. Massachusetts White 317 402
3. Bradford Seedling 317 402 30. Lincoln 317 402
4.Willard Seedling 317 402 31. Strawberry Bloom 317 402
5. Victor 317 402 32. Prairie Flower 317 402
6. Alaska 317 402 32 ¼. Strawberry 317 402
7. White Chief 317 402 32 ½. Brooks Seedling 317 402
8. Philbrick White 317 402 32 ¾. Victor 317 402
9.Duke of Cumberland 317 402 33. Bermuda 318
10. Indiana Russett 317 402 34. Sanfrancisco 318
11. Long Pond 317 402 36. Brezus No. 5 318
12. Prince Regent 317 402 35. Gray Russett 318
13. Winchell 317 402 37. Mercer Seedling 318
14. Ohio Stripe 317 402 38. Copper Color 318
15. Fancet 317 402 39. Iowa Seedling 318
16. White Peachblow 317 402 40. Hamburg 318
17. Robinson Seedling 317 402 41. Purple Eye 318
18. Morrison Seedling 317 402 42. Brownells Bread 318
19. Weeks Seedling 317 402 43. Advance 318
20. Pink Eye 317 402 44. Burligh 318 N
21. David Seedling 317 402 45. Late Rose 318 O
22. Wilson 317 402 46. Bread 318 P
23. Galva 317 402 47. Climax 318
24. Gleason 317 402 48. Oatka 318
25. Brownell Beauty 317 402 49. Brownells Eureka 318
26. Bruzus Prolific 317 402 50. Youngs Pinkeye 318


(Editor’s note: Potatoes)

51.Trophy 318
52.Manhattan 318
53.Bliss Triumph 318
54. Beauty of Hebran 318
55. Startler 318
56. Matchless 318
57. Silver Skin 318
58. Saranac 318
59. Mammoth 318
60. Suttons Magnum Bonum 318
61. Late Snow Flake 318
62. Pride of America 318
63. Impr. Peachblow 318
64. Superior 318
65. Mansfield 318
66. Hero 318
67. Charlotte 318
68. White Elephant 318
69. Dunmores Seedling 318
70. Burbanks Seedling 318


Sorghum 323
5 Early Amber From Mo. 323 392
4 Early Amber “ Des Moines 323 392
1 Hallack From Mo 323 392
2 Orange “ “ 323 392
3 Honduras “ “ 323 392



(Note: there are two vertical lines drawn through all the
names on this page-it is almost a duplicate of page 296
without the reference page numbers. Apparently the
person entered data for potatoes on this page, then
discovered the era and crossed out everything here
and re-entered the information on page 296.)

53.Bliss Triumph
54. Beauty of Hebran
55. Startler
56. Matchless
57. Silver Skin
58. Saranac
59. Mammoth
60. Suttons Magnum Bonum
61. Late Snow Flake
62. Pride of America
63. Improved Peach Blow
64. Superior
65. Mansfield
66. Hero
67. Charlotte
68. White Elephant
69. Dunmores Seedling
70. Burbanks Seedling

Vetch 331 392


Page 300 is blank


1. Wheat White Russian 307 308 380

2. “ Sherman 307 380
3. “ Golden Globe or Redfern 307 380
4. “ Lost-Nation 307 308 380
5. “ Scotch Fife 307 380
6. “ Judkin 307 380
7. “ White Fife 307 380
8. “ China Tea 307 380
9. “ Touzelle 307 380
10. “ Brooks 307 380
11. “ Dominion 307 380
12. “ Egyptian 307 380
13. “ Golden Drop 307 308 380
14. “ Canada Club 307 380
15. “ China Spring 307 380
16. “ Saxon Fife 307 380
17. “ Australian Club 307 380
18. “ English Gem Imp. 309 380
19. “ White Michigan 310
20.” Doty 310
21. “ Odessa 310
22. “ Triticum Durum-Samara 310 382
23.” Triticum Durum-Samara 310 382
24. “ Triicum Durum-Samara 310 382
25. “ Triticum Durum-Samara 310 382
26. “ Triticum Durum-Saratov 310 382
27. “ Triticum Durum-Saratov 310 382
28. “ Triticum Vulgare Armua? Samara 310 382
29. “ Triticum Vulgare Ammura? Moscow 310 382
30. “ Triticum Vulgare Hibernum “ 310 382
“ Trititum Spelta 312-390
Mammoth 311 382
German Fife 311 382
Arnantka 311 382
Defiance Wheeler 311 382

Weight of wheat Stubble 394


Page 302 is blank


Page 303 is blank except for the lettering on the edge of the page.


Page 304 is blank


Page 305 is blank


Page 306 is blank



July 1880 The following were forwarded by Prof. Chas. Y. Lacy

of the Minn State Exerimental Farm Minneapolis

Amt. Bu Price
WheatSherman ¼ 60
Judkin ¼ 60
Golden Globe or Redfern ¼ 60
Lost Nation ¼ 60
Scotch Fife ¼ 60
White Fife ¼ 60
China Tea ¼ 60
Touzelle? ¼ 60
Brooks ¼ 60
Dominion Crop of 78 ¼ 60
Egyptian “ “ ¼ 60
Golden Drop “ “ ¼ 60
Canada Club “ “ ¼ 60
China Spring “ “ ¼ 60
Saxon Fife ¼ 60
White Russian ¼ 60
Australian Club 6 lbs. 25


Feby 1880 The following wheat was forwarded by

Hon. A.S. Faille Mitchell Iowa
White Russian 4 qts 40
Lost Nation ½- 50
Fife ½- 60
Sack 25

Feby 1880 wheat Bought of Thomas Wright Vinton Ia

Golden Drop 1- 1.50
(Editor’s note- a line was drawn completely through
Golden Drop but not the bu amount or price)


Feb 1880 The English Gem wheat Improved was forwarded

by H.N. Ostrander, Albert Lea, Minn
Amt 1/2 Bu
Express to Vinton 60

In 1868 Mr. Baker of Richland Minn. procured

two bushels of the above wheat in Northern Wis
In 1870 H.N. Ostrander bought 10 bu of him
In 1873 he commenced to improve it by separating
only the large and full kernels for seed
In 1875 the yield for acre was 35 bu
“ 1876 “ “ 18-
Damaged by the Hessian Fly
“ 1877 “ “ “ 40-
“ 1878 “ “ “ Crop a faliure
The above has always taken 1st prize at
the Fairs


Feby 19 Wheat received of A. Scott, Kassuth, Iowa

Amt. Price
White Michigan 4.25 --
Doty 4.25 --
Odessa 4.25 --
Lost Nation Mixed by Sac Broken
Express on above
1. Triticum Durum Hard Wheat grown at Samara Russia
2. Triticum Durum “ “ “ “
3. Triticum Durum “ “ “
4. Triticum Durum “ “ “
5. Triticum Durum “ “ Saratov “
6. Triticum Durum “ “ “ “
7. Triticum Vulgare Amma Couwin?” “ Samara Russia
8. Triticum Vulgare Anna “ “ ?“ Moscow “
9. Triticum Vulgare Hibernum winter” “ “ ‘

The above wheats were imported by the College

direct from the Agricultural College Moscow, Russia
March. 1880 About 4 qts. of seed were sent in
each package


1. Hordeum Distichum Anna? Two Bowed Barley

2. Hordeum distichum Anna ?Two Bowed Barley
3. Hordeum Vulgare Common Barley
4. Hordeum Nudum Naked Barley

The above were imported by the College direct

from the Agricultural College at Moscow Russia Mch. 1880
and were grown at Moscow. About 4 quarts of
seed were sent in each package

Wheats obtained spring of 1880

The Mammoth Spring wheat obtained of Clute
German Fife “ “ “
Arnemtka “ “ “
California White “ “ “
Defiance Obtained by H.C. Wheeler Odebolt


1. Avena Sativa Common Oats Grown at Moscow Russia

2. Avena Sativa “ “ “

The above were imported by the College direct—

from Russia, Mch. 1880 They were forwarded by
the Agricultural College Moscow 4 qts each

Triticum Spelta-Spelt-Wheat
Imported by the Ag College from Russia
March, 1880. Spelt wheat is a dwarf variety that
will thrive on very poor soil

Surprise Oats
Australian Oats
Above sent by Mr. Clute, Manchester

Page 314 is blank


Buckwheat Silver Hull sent by Dorr
Buckwheat Chinese Imported from Peking 1880
Buckwheat Russian “ Russia 1880

Page 316 is Blank


Historical Potatoes

The following potatoes were obtained of Prof. Budd

He had Experimented upon these two years
1. Fox Eye
2. British Queen
3. Bradford Seedling
4. Willard Seedling
5. Victor
6. Alaska
7. White Chief
8. Philbrick White
9. Duke of Cumberland
10. Indiana Russett
11. Long Pond
12. Prince Regent
13. Winchell Good stock potato
14. Ohio stripe
15. Fancet Good stock potato
16. White Peachblow
17. Robinson Seedling
18. Morison Seedling
19. Weeks Seedling
20. Pink Eye
21. Davis Seedling
22. Wilson
23. Galva
24. Gleason
25. Brownells Beauty
26. Brizus Prolific
27. Seber
28. Missouri Round
29. Massachusetts
30. Lincoln
31. Strawberry Bloom
32. Prairie Flower
32 ¼. Strawberry 20 bu on hand
32 ½ Brooks Seedling 18 bu bought of E. Snow Grinnell
32 ¾. Victor 10 bu “ “ C.W. Door Des Moines

33. Bermuda Budd
34. San Francisco “
35. Gray Russett “
36. Brizers Prolific No. 5 “
37. Mercers Seedling “
38. Copper Color “
39. Iowa Seedling “
40. Hamburg “
41. Purple Eye “
42. Brownells Bread “
43. Advance “
44. Burleigh “
45. Late Rose
46. Bread
47. Climax
48. Oatka
49. Brownells Eureka
50. Youngs Pinkeye
51. Trophy Obtained of Bliss & Son
52. Manhattan “
53. Bliss Triumph “
54. Beauty of Hebron “
55. Startler “
56. Matchless “
57. Silver Skin “
58. Sarunac “
59. Mammoth “
60. Suttons Magnum Bonum “
61. Late Snow Flake “
62. Pride of America “
63. Improved Peachblow “
64. Superior “
65. Mansfield “
66. Hero “
67. Charlotte “
68. White Elephant
69. Dunmores Seedling Patent Office
70. Burbanks Seedling “ “

Page 319 is blank


Page 320 is blank


Historical Corn 1880

Yellow corn-May 6th-one field planted East of

potatoes. The seed was 3 varieties mixed
1 Craigs flint grown on College farm
2 Craigs Impr Yellow Flint-from Dorr
3 Floods Yellow Dent

White Corn planted May 11 1880

4 Varieties Mixed
1 White corn from James Rice Benton Co.
2 Pride of Iowa
3 Missouri White
4 Long John

Blounts Prolific planted May 13th 1880

purchased of Dorr (Des Moines-Editor’s note)
planted South of grass plats

Cusco Corn planted May 15 1880

Immense Yellow Kernels
only 4 Kernels planted between 1 & 2 Exp. Wheat

Page 322 is blank


Sorghum Historical

Hallack From Mo Planted May 12 1880

Orange “ “ “
Honduras “ “ “
Early Amber Des Moines “
Early Amber Mo

Page 324 is blank


Page 325 is blank


Page 326 is blank


Page 327 is blank


Historical Millet

89 White Chinese Millet

90 Yellow Millet
91 Fine Millet
The above were received direct
from China by Express May 13 1880
forwarded by Minister Seward U.S.

92 Russian Yellow Millet

Sent from Moscow Ag-College 1880

93 Pearl or Cathail Millet

A small paper?portion sent by
C.W. Dorr Des Moines and sown in
garden broadcast-- drill ran over it

Historical Grasses

1 Mammoth Clover Dorr

2 Common Clover “
3 Trifolium Pratense Common clover Imported from Moscow 1880
4 Trifolium Hybridum Adsika (Dorr)
5 Alaska Clover From Dorr
6 White Clover “
7 Meadow Fescue “
8 Fall Fescue “
9 Sweet Vernal “
10 Fiorin or Creeping Bent “
11 Ky Blue Grass “
12 Red Top “
13 Pod Triviulis “
14 Perennial Rye Grass “
15 Meadow Fox tail “
16 Orchard Grass “
17 Yellow Oat Grass “
18 Timothy “
19 Phlium Pratense Timothy from Russia 1880
93 Alfalfa
(Editor’s note-93 is directly below 19-why it was numbered this way may be just an

Page 330 is blank



73 Vetch
74 Lentil
75 Hemp
76 Flax

Imported above from Moscow 1880


Pages 332 is blank


Pages 333 through 379 are blank

Pages 380 and 381 Experimental 1880 Test of Varieties
Plat for No. 1 Wheat Sub Rods Amt Date of Depth of How put time till When Yield per Weight Weight per Smooth
plat Nos Variety of land Of Seed sowing sowing in till up cut lbs. acre of straw bushel or round
0.9 1 White Russian Minn 23 1/3 7qts-1 1/2pts
Mrch 24 2" Drill 51 Smooth
0.11 2 Sherman 18 1/3 7qts- 1 1/2" 24 2" Drill 58 round early
0.16 3 Judkin 26 1/6 7
" 25 92 1/2 Smooth
0.12 4 Golden Globe or Redfern 27 1/3 7-1 1/2 " 24 2" Drill 40 1/2 Round
0.13 5 Lost Nation 26 1/6 7-1 1/4 " 24 2" Drill 103 10-29 1/2 Smooth
0.14 6 Scotch Fife 26 1/6 7-1 1/4 " 24 2" Drill 91 "
0.15 7 White Fife 26 1/6 7-1 1/4 " 24 2" Drill 86 "
0.17 8 China Tea 26 1/6 7(qts) 25 109 Round
0.18 9 Touzelle 26 1/6 7 (qts) 25 110 1/2 round early
0.19 10 Brooks 26 1/6 7 (qts) 25 Smooth
0.2 11 Dominion 19 9/10 7 (qt.) 25 51 1/4 Smooth
0.21 12 Egyptian 19 9/10 7 (qts) 25 61 1/2 round
0.22 13 Golden Drop Minn 19 8/9 7 (qts) 25 40 1/4 Smooth
0.27 14 Golden Drop Vinton 99 2/3 32 (qts) 25 38 1/2 Bearded
0.23 15 Canada Club 19 9/10 7 (qts) 25 Smooth
0.24 16 China Spring 19 9/10 25 "
0.25 17 Saxon Fife 19 9/10 25 "
0.26 18 Australian Club 6 1/6 25 Round
0.28 19 English gem Imp 85 5/11 7qts-1 1/4pts Mrch 26 2" 1/2- 6";1/2-12" Smooth
0.1 20 White Russian Faville 1qt--1 1/2 24 6" "
0.2 21 White Michigan 6 2/3 4---1 1/4 26 6" Round
0.3 22 Doty 12 1/3 2--1 1/4 26 46 "
0.31 23 Odessa 12 1/3 4---1 1/4 26 30 Smooth
Pages 382-383

Experimental Plat No. 1 Varieties of Wheat 1880

Amt of amt Smooth

No in Sub Amt Date of Debth of How Time Lbs. When Yield wheat per straw or
Plat Nos Land of Seed Sowing Sowing put in till up Cut per acre acre per acre Round?
0.1 1 Triticum Durum Samara 1 1/4 Hand Mch 23 1" 10"hand drill 6 1/2 12bu-16lbs Round
0.2 2 Triticum Durum Samara 1 9/11 " " " 1" 10"apart" 9 1/2 13bu-12lbs Round
0.3 3 Triticum Durum Samara 32/33 " " 24 2" 10"apart 4 3/4 13bu-23 1/2lbs Round
0.4 4 Triticum Durum Samara 1 1/2 " " 24 2" 10"apart 6 1/2 10bu-23lbs "
0.5 5 Triticum Durum Saratov 7 1/2 " " 24 2" 10"apart 46 16bu-21lbs "
0.6 6 Triticum Durum Saratov 10 1/2 1 bu per acre " 24 2" 12"apart 12 1/3 3-10 1/2 "
0.7 7 Triticum Vulgare Anna Samara 2 10/11 Hand " 24 2" 10"apart 7 3/4 7bu-6 1/4lbs "
0.8 8 Triticum Vulgare Anna Moscow 19 9/10 1 bu per acre " 24 2" 6"apart 41 1/2 5bu-33lbs "
9 Triticum Vulgare Hibernum Moscow machine

North of Potatoes
0.45 1 Mammoth 2 2/3 Apl 13
0.46 2 German Fife 2 2/3 "
0.47 3 Arnantka 8 1/2 " 74 23bu-18 1/2 lbs round
0.48 4 Cal White 7 3/4 "
0.49 5 Defiance N. End Wheeler "

Experimental Plat No. 2 Wheat

Page is blank except for title.


Test of Fertilizers

Page is blank except for title


Experimental Plat No. 3. Wheat

Page is blank except for title.


Test of Best Method of Planting

Page is blank except for title


Experimental Plat No. 4 Wheat

Page is blank except for title


Test of the Best Method of Cultivation

Page is blank except for title.

Pages 390-391 1880
Experimental plat No 5 Oats, Barley Wheat Test of Varieties

No of plat Amt of Seed Amt of Date of Depth of How put

Land Sown Seed per Sowing Sowing in

25 Mrch
37 1 Avena Sativa 4 1 1/4 26 2"
38 2 Avena Sativa 4 1 1/4 26 2"
52 Surprise 13-Apr
53 Australian " "

32 1 Hordeum Distichum Annua 4 1 1/4 26 2"

33 2 Hordeum Distichum Annua 4 1 1/4 26 2"
34 3 Hordeum Vulgare Annua 4 1 1/4 26 2"
35 4 Hordeum Nudum 4 1 1/4 26 2"
50 Brewers Delight 2 1/2 Apr.13 "
51 Mansury 2 1/2 " "

36 Triticum Spelta (spelt-wheat) 4 1 1/4 26 2"

39 Pisum Sativum Mrch.31

40 Pisum Sativum "31
41 Southern Cow Pea "
42 Black Marrow "
43 Field Pea "
44 Beggan Tice? "
Pages 392-393
Experiment Plat No 6 Date of How Put
planting in

73 Vetch Russian 10 Broadcast

74 Lentil" 10 "
75 Hemp 10 "
76 Flax Russian 10 "
77 Flax Common 10 "

89 White Chinese Millet 13 Broadcast
90 Yellow Chinese Millet 14 "
91 Fine 14 "
92 Yellow Russian Millet 15 Drill
93 Pearl
Pearl 15 Broadcast
Common Millet About 3 tons Thin yielded In drills 1 foot apart product ground Aug 13 & 14
May Choice Hay per as high as 8 tons Hay 16 tons 1250 lbs. Per acre Dry 8 tons 640 lbs
Noobiton Giant Mangle 12 Covered
Mammoth Red " 12 with hoe
May Hand planting
1 Hamack 12 Covered
2 Orange " 12 "
3 Honduras "12 "
4 Early Amber Des M 12 "
5 Early Amber Mo 12 "

Yellow corn 6-May Planter About 1/2 of this was thinned to 3 stalks-yield 73 bu per acre
White corn 11-May Planter
Drilled Sweet Corn 18 1/4 tons ground foader Aug 7th 1880

Blounts Prolific 13-May Planter

Cusco Corn 15 Hand Hoed up by a student through mistake

Weight-including grass-of wheat

stubble after harvest

Buckwheat stuble in bloom

Ready to Plow under

Lbs.per acre

July 19th 1880

11230 5 1/6 (Note: the 0 has a line
through it)

July 19th 1880

23041 ¼ (Note: the 0 has a line
drawn through it)

Pages 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401

are blank
Pages 402 and 403 Potatoes Test of Varieties Potatoes
Amt. Of No.
Seed Pieces Pieces Distance When Vigor Bugs Ratio When Description
Planted Date cut Dropped in row up of top of yield Ripe of potato Color
1 Fox Eye 15-Apr 4 2 2ft good
2 British Queen 15th 4 2 2 splendid
3 Bradford Seedling 15th 4 2 2
4 Willard Seedling 15th 4 2 2
5 Victor 15th 4 2 2 good
6 Alaska 15th 4 2 2 good
7 White Chief 16 4 2 2 good
8 Philbrick 16 4 2 2
9 Duke of Cumberland 16 4 2 2 good
10 Indiana Russet 16 4 2 2 good
11 Long Pond 17 4 2 2 good
12 Prince Regent 17 4 2 2
13 Winchell 2 Stock potato long red
14 Ohio Stripe 17 4 2 2
15 Fancet 17 4 2 2
16 White Peachblow 17 4 2 2
17 Robinson Seedling 17 4 2 2
18 Morrison Seedling 17 4 2 2
19 Weeks Seedling 17 4 2 2
20 Pink Eye 17 4 2 2
21 Davis Seedling 17 4 2 2
22 Wilson 17 4 2 2
23 Galva 17 4 2 2
24 Gleason 17 4 2 2
25 Brownell Beauty 17 4 2 2
26 Brizus prolific 17
27 Lebec 17
28 Missouri Round 17 good white round
29 Massachusets White 17
30 Lincoln 17
31 Strawberry Bloom 17
32 Prairie Flower 17
32 1/4 Strawberry 20bu 10th 2&3 2 18in
32 1/2 Brooks Seedling 18bu 12th 2&4 2 18in
32 3/4 Victor 10bu 13th 4 2 18in

Page 404 Potatoes List of Varieties

33 Bermuda Apl 22
34 San Francisco "
35 Gray Russett "
36 Brizus No 5 "
37 Mercers Seedling "
38 Copper Color "
39 Iowa Seedling "
40 Hamburg "
41 Purple Eye "
42 Brownells Bread "
43 Advance "
44 Burleigh "
45 Late Rose "
46 Bread "
47 Climax "
48 Oatka "
49 Brownells eureka "
50 Young Pinkeye "
51 Trophy 27"
52 Manhattan "
53 Bliss Triumph "
54 Beauty of Hebron "
55 Startler "
56 Matchless "
57 Silver Skin "
58 Saranac "
59 Mammoth "
60 Suttons Magnum Boum? "
61 Late Snow Flake 28
62 Pride of America "
63 Impr. Peach Blow "
64 Superior "
65 Mansfield "
66 Hero "
67 Charlotte "
68 White Elephant "
69 Dummores Seedling "
70 Burbanks Seedling "

Page 405 is Blank


Page 406

1 Mammoth Clover Apl 28
2 Common Red " "
3 Trifolium Pratense "
4 Trifolium Hybridum "
5 Alsiki Clover "
6 White Clover "
7 Meadow Fescue "
8 Fall (Tall?)Fescue "
9 Sweet Vernal "
10 Fiorin or Creeping Bent "
11 Ky Blue Grass "
12 Red Top "
13 Pod Trivialis "
14 Perennial Rye Grass "
15 Meadow Foxtail "
16 Orchard Grass "
17 Yellow Oat Grass "
18 Timothy "
19 Philum Pratense "
20 Alfalfa 15-May

Page 407 is blank

Page 408 Experiments with Potatoes 1881 Page 409
List of Varieties Date Cut lengh- Drilled Depth When When Amt. Of land Whole No. bu's No.bu's Field Average No.
Planted Spring 81 of plant- wise into 1 piece Inches in mat- in decimals No. potatoes small Notes size of stalks
ing 4 pieces every ft. bloom ure of an acre Bu's per acre potatoes Page leaf in hill
No. May 16 inches 4 June .0404/.202+ inches
70 Fox Eye 7 " " " 8-Jul .0404/.202+ 0.353 9 No.3 414 1 1/2x3/4 few
71 British Queen 7 " " " 16 .0404/.202+ 4.918 120 No.1extra 414 1 1/2x3/4 "
72 Bradford Seedling 7 " " " 4-Jul .0404/.202+ 4.395 107 No.3 414 2x 1 1/4 Medium
73 Willard Seedling 7 " " " 30-Jun .0404/.202+ 3.125 76 No.4 414 1 1/2 x1 "
74 Victor 7 " " " " " .0404/.202+ 2.757 67 1/4 No.1 414 1 1/2 x3/4 Few
75 Alaska 7 " " " 16-Jul .0404/.202+ 3.831 93 1/2 No.1extra 414 2 x 1 1/4 thick
76 White Chief 7 " " " 21 .0404/.202+ 0.445 10 3/4 No.2 414 2 x 1 1/4 Medium
77 Philbric White 7 " " " 16 .0404/.202+ 1.116 27 1/4 No.2 414 2 x 1 1/4 "
78 Duke of Cumberland 7 " " " 30-Jun .0404/.202+ 5.99 146 No.1 414 1 4/4 x 3/4 "
79 Indiana Russet 7 " " " 16-Jul .0404/.202+ 3.389 82 1/2 No.1extra 414 2 1/4 x1 1/4 thick
80 Long pond? 7 " " " 17 .0404/.202 5.523 134 3/4 No.3 414 1 1/4 x 3/4 "
81 Prince Regent 7 " " " 4-Jul .0404/.202 2.051 50 No.3 415 1 1/2 x 1 "
82 Winchell 7 " " " 30 .0404/.202 2.193 53 1/2 No.4 415 1 1/2 x 1 "
83 Ohio Stripe 7 " " " 30-Jun .0404/.202 7.325 178 1/2 No.3 415 2 x 1 1/4 Medium
84 Faucet 7 " " " 20-Jul .0404/.202 1.465 35 3/4 No.2 415 1 1/4 x 3/4 Few
85 White Peach Blow Seedling 7 " " " 30-Jun .0404/.202 4.853 119 No.2 415 2 x 1 1/4 Medium
86 Robinson's Seedling 7 " " " 16-Jun .0404/.202 3.646 89 No.1 415 1 3/4 x 1 "
87 Morrison's Seedling 7 " " " 30-Jun .0404/.202 3.344 81 1/2 No.1 415 2 x 1 1/4 thick
88 Weeks 7 " " " 16-Jul .0404/.202 2.704 66 No.3 415 2 x 1 1/4 "
89 Pink Eye 7 " " " 27 .0404/.202 2.734 66 1/2 No.2 415 2 x 1 1/4 Medium
90 Davis' Seedling 7 " " " 27 .0404/.202 2.197 53 1/2 No.1 415 1 1/2 x 1 thick
91 Wilson 7 " " " 20 .0404/.202 3.662 89 1/4 No.3 415 1 1/2 x 3/4 "
92 Galva? 7 " " " 17 .0404/.202 3.19 77 3/4 No.1 extra 415 1 1/4 x 3/4 Medium
93 Gleason 10 " " " 30-Jun .0404/.202 1.709 41 3/4 No.3 415 1 1/2 x 3/4 few
94 Brownell's Beauty 10 " " " " .0404/.202 1.709 41 3/4 No.3 415 1 1/4 x 3/4 "
95 Breeze's Prolific 10 " " " 27-Jun .0404/.202 3.906 95 1/4 No.3 416 1 1/2 x 1 Medium
96 Seebeck 10 " " " 30-Jun .0404/.202 5.616 137 No.4 416 1 1/2 x 1 "
97 Mo. Round 10 " " " " .0404/.202 7.293 178 No.4 416 1 1/2 x 3/4 few
98 Massachusetts 10 " " " 21-Jun .0404/.202 6.153 140 No.2 416 2 x 1 1/4 Medium
99 Lincoln 10 " " " 30 .0404/.202 lost? 0 0 416 1 3/4 x 3/4 "
100 Strawberry Bloom 10 " " " 5-Jul 0.0202 1.234 61 1/4 No.3 416 2 x 1 1/4 thick
101 Prairie Flower 10 " " " 17 0.0202 3.418 121 No.2 416 221 "
102 Bermuda 10 " " " 19 0.0404 4.883 119 No.1 Extra 416 2 x 1 1/4 few

(Note: the " are actually check marks in the book)

Page 410 Experiments with Potatoes 1881 Page 411
List of Date of Cut Drilled-1 When Amt. Of No.bu's
Varieties of plant- length- piece Depth in When land in Whole No. bu's small Field Average No.
Planted ing wise into every foot Inches bloom mature decimals No. potatoes potatoes Notes size of stalks
Spring ' 81 4 pieces of an acre Bu's per acre quality* Page leaf in hill
10 May 16inches 4" June 416
103 Sanfrancisco 10 x x x 4-Jul 0.0066 0.286 45 No.1 416 1 1/2 x 3/4 few
104 Gray Russet 10 " " " " 416
105 Breezes No.5 10 " " " " 416
106 Mercer's Seedling 10 " " " 30 0.0066 0.644 107 No.1 416 1 1/2 x 1 few
107 Copper Color 10 " " " 30 0.0066 0.502 83 3/4 No.4 416 1 1/2 x 1 medium
108 Iowa Seedling 10 " " " 30 0.005 0.07 14 No.4 416 1 1/4 x 3/4 few
109 Hamburg 10 " " " 20 0.015 1.234 82 No.1 416 1 1/2 x 1 medium
110 Purple Eye 10 " " " 30 0.0202 0.616 31 No.1extra 416 1 1/2 x 1 "
111 Brownell's Bread 10 " " " 4-Jul 0.0202 0.937 46 3/4 No.3 417 1 1/2 x 3/4 few
112 Advance 10 " " " 20 0.0202 2.245 112 3/4 No.1extra 417 1 1/4 x 3/4 Medium
113 Burleigh 10 " " " 30 0.0101 0.182 18 No.2 417 1 1/4 x 1 "
115 Bread 10 " " " 30 0.0101 0.571 57 No.2 417 1 1/4 x 1 Few
116 Climax 10 " " " 27 0.0202 2.224 111 1/4 No.1 417 1 1/2 x 1 thick
118 Brownell's Eureka 10 " " " 17 0.0404 3.945 96 No.1extra 417 1 1/2 x 3/4 Medium
119 Young's Pink Eye 10 " " " 17 0.0404 6.104 148 No.1 417 1 3/4 x 1 "
120 Trophy 10 " " " 9-Jul 0.0404 5.023 122 3/4 No.3 417 1 1/4 x 3/4 "
121 Manhattan 12 " " " 30-Jul 0.0202 3.418 171 No.1 417 1 3/4 x 1 thick
122 Bliss' Triumph 12 " " " 30 0.0808 4.639 57 No.4 417 1 3/4 x 1 "
123 Beauty of Hebron 12 " " " 17 0.1414 32.347 224 1/2 No.1extra 417 2 x 1 1/4 "
124 Startler 12 " " " 17 0.0404 6.333 154 1/2 No.1 417 1 3/4 x 1 Medium
125 Matchless 12 " " " 8-Jul 0.0404 6.627 161 3/4 No.2 418 1 1/2 x 3/4 "
126 Silver Skin 12 " " " 2-Jul 0.0808 8.215 101 1/2 No.2 418 1 1/4 x 3/4 "
127 Saranac 12 " " " 2-Jul 0.0202 2.652 132 1/2 No.1 418 1 1/4 x 1 thick
128 Mammoth 12 " " " 9-Jul 0.1818 40 227 No.1extra 418 2 x 1 1/4 "
129 Sutton's magnum bonum? 12 " " " 4-Jul 0.1414 15.467 110 1/2 No.2 418 1 1/2 x 1 Medium
130 Late Snow flake 12 " " " 30 0.1212 14.255 116 No.2 418 1 1/2 x 3/4 "
131 Pride of America 12 " " " 30 0.0606 9.5 156 No.1 418 1 1/2 x 1 "
132 Improved Peach Blow 12 " " " 8-Jul 0.0404 1.116 25 1/3 No.3 418 1 1/4 x 3/4 "
133 Superior 12 " " " 30 0.101 9.055 102 1/2 No.3 418 1 1/4 x 3/4 few
134 Mansfield 12 " " " 9-Jul 0.1212 16 130 No.3 418 2 x 1 Medium
135 Hero 12 " " " 2-Jul 0.0808 7.855 97 No.1 418 1 1/2 x 1 "
136 Charlotte 12 " " " 8-Jul 0.1212 22.802 170 No.1extra 418 1 1/2 x 3/4 "
138 Dummore's Seedling 12 " " " 30 0.0606 14.476 241 No.1extra 418 2 x 1 "
*a line was drawn through No. bu's
small potatoes and the word
quality added
Page 412 Experiments with Potatoes 1881 page413
List of Date of Cut Drilled-1 When Amt. Of No.bu's
Varieties of plant- length- piece Depth in land in Whole No. bu's small Field Average No.
Planted ing wise into every foot Inches bloom decimals No. potatoes potatoes Notes size of stalks
Spring ' 81 4 pieces of an acre Bu's per acre quality* Page leaf in hill
May 16 inches 4 June
140 Crawford Seedling 12 x x x 20 0.0202 4.825 241 1/2 No.1 extra 418 1 3/4 x 1 Thick
141 Peerless 12 x x x 8-Jul 0.0404 10.734 237 No.2 418 1 1/4 x 3/4 "
142 Early Snow Flake 12 x x x 4-Jul 0.0808 10.375 128 No.1 extra 418 1 1/2 x 1 Medium
143 Grinnell's Seedling 12 x x x 17 0.0808 9.255 114 No.1 418 1 1/2 x 3/4 Few
144 Early York 12 x x x 17 0.0606 2.956 49 No.3 418 1 1/2 x 1 Medium

Page 414 1881 Field Notes on Potatoes

70 All the potatoes planted the 7-10-11-are coming

May25th up so that the rows can be distinctly seen in
the 1st planted—They were harrowed several (3) times
before they came up and the ground is perfectly
clean and mellow—
June 4 No.70 The top does not look very vigorous and some
“ “ hills are scarcely through the ground. Color dark
“ “ 71 Looks fair, even-good leaves-light color 7-9In high
“ “ 72 “ “ Dark color (6-8)
“ “ 73 “ “ “ “
“ “ 74 Is not so strong-rather uneven Dark Color (6-8)
“ “ 75 Very rigorous About 8-10 inches high
“ “ And has a slight pea green color
“ “ 76 Good even—Dark Color 7-9 “
“ “ 77 “ “ “ “
“ “ 78 “ “ “ “ “
“ “ 79 Very rigorous 8-10 inches high slight green color
“ “ 80 Good Vigorous 8-10 “ Darker color

1881 Field Notes Potatoes Page 415

June 4 No. 81 Vigorous-even-8-10 inches high Dark color

“ “ “ 82 “ ‘ “ “
“ “ “83 “ “ “ “
“ “ “84 Not so strong-uneven-rusty (3-9) “ “
“ “ “85 Is fair-healthy & vigorous 6-8 inches high Dark color
“ “ “86 “ “ “
“ “ “87 Very vigorous 8-10” “ Slight color
“ “ “88 “ “ “ “
“ “ “89 “ “ “ “
“ “ “90 “ “ “ “
“ “ “91 “ “ “ “ Dark color
“ “ “92 Fair 6-8 inches high Lighter “
“ “ “93 Is not very vigorous (3-5) Light color
“ “ “94 “ “ “ “

1881 Field Notes—Potatoes

June 4 No.95 Good vigorous-healthy. Light color (7-9)

“ “ “ 96 “ “ “ “
“ “ “97 Fair Strong Dark “ “
“ “ “98 Good “ “ Light “ “
“ “ “99 Good “ “ Light “ “
“ “ “100 Top heavy-strong-leaves good “ “ “
“ “ “101 “ “ “ Dark “ “
“ “ “102” Fair “ Light “ “
“ “ “103 “ “ “ “ “
“ “ “106 “ “ “ “
“ “ “108 Not very vigorous “ crinkled “ “ (2-5)
“ “ “109 Vigorous “ (7-9)
“ “ “110 Fair-healthy “ “ Dark “ “

1881 Field Notes Potatoes

June 4 No. 111 Is not as strong as some Dark green color (6-8)
“ “ “ 112 Fair 6-8 Inches high Dark “ “
“ “ “ 113 “ “ “ “
“ “ 115 Weak 2-6” “ “
“ “ “ 116 Good 7-10 “ “ “
“ “ “ 118 Medium strength leaves good Light “ (7-9)
“ “ “ 119 “ “ “ Darker “ “
“ “ “ 120 “ “ Light “ “
“ “ “ 121 Excellent “ Dark “ (8-10)
“ “ “ 122 “ “ “ “ “
“ “ “ 123 Vigorous-large-strong-healthy (8-10) “ “
“ “ “ 124 Good “ “ “ “
“ “
“ “
“ “
“ “
(Note the last 4 entries are blank except for the “ “ in the date column)

1881 Field Notes Potatoes

June 4 125 Top about 5-7 inches high-healthy-Light green

“ “ 126 “ “ 6-8 “ Fair “
“ “ 127 Good “ 8-9 “ Strong “
“ “ 128 Very vigorous 8-10 “ Healthy “ “
“ “ 129 Fair 6-8 “ “ Darker “
“ “ 130 “ “ Light “
“ “ 131 “ “ “ “ “
“ “ 132 “ “ “ “ “
“ “ 133 Not very superior except in name 3-6” “ “
“ “ 134 Fair leaves fresh-healthy 6-8” “
“ “ 135 “ “ “ “
“ “ 136 Good “ “ 8-9” “
“ “ 138 “ “ “ “ “
“ “ 140 “ “ “ “ “
“ “ 141 “ “ “ “
“ “ 142 “ “ “ “
“ “ 143 Rather poor-not strong grower 3-6” Darker “
“ “ 144 Fair—healthy 6-8 “ Dark green “

All the potatoes were cultivated June 1st & 2nd

with a walking cultivator

Page 419 is Blank


1881 Experiments with milk 1882 Page 420

Month Day Morning Temp- Specific Percentage Specific Churning Breed Age of Feed
of or eratur Gravity of Gravity of Data of cows of
Month Evening Cream Skimmed Concerning Cow cows
milk the same Holstein 2
1881-Dec 16 Evening 8 1/22 Dec. 23 churned " " Unthreshed oats
" 17 Morning 11 1/4 cream from #260 " " chopped--4qts of
19 Evening 9 1/11 Milk obtained 8# " " corn meal and
" 20 Morning 9 1/5 Butter Making 1# " " bran mixed. Daily
" 22 " 9 1/11 " to every 32 1/2 #milk " " light feed of hay.Salt
" " Evening 10 Butter came in " " twice each week and
45 minutes.Temp. of occasionally
cream 66 oil meal
40 revolutions
per minute
1882-June 22 Evening 16 2/3 115 Holstein 2 Same as above with
" 23 Morning 70 104 14 115 " " the addition of 4 qt.
" " Evening 70 103 18 1/2 118 " " meal and bran
" 24 Morning 70 105 13 1/2 120 " " making 8 qt.. Daily
" " Evening and a feed of
" 25 Morning 70 103 12 1/2 120 " " sweetcorn
" " Evening 78 98 13 1/6 120 " "
" 26 Morning 70 102 14 1/2 115 " "
" " Evening 70 102 15 120 " "
" 27 Morning 70 104 15 1/3 122 " "
" " Evening
" 28 Morning 60 110 11 1/3 119 " "
" " Evening 70 104 11 1/3 122 " "
" 29 Morning 70 105 12 1/2 122 " "
" " Evening 70 100 17 1/2 120 " "
" 30 Morning 70 102 14 118 " "
" " Evening 70 100 15 5/9 119 " "
" 31 Morning 70 104 17 118 " "
" " Evening 70 96 15 1/3 118 " "

Continued on page 422--------


1881 Experiments with milk 1882 Page 421

Month Day Morning Temp- Specific Percent- Specific Churning Breed Age of Feed
of or erature Gravity age of Gravity Data of cows of
Month Evening Cream of Skim- Concerning Cows cows
med milk the same
Dec. 16 Even 16 1/4 23-Dec Grade from Unthreshed oats
" 17 Morn 13 2/3 churned cream Shorthorns 2 to chopped. 4 qt. Of
" 19 Even 13 3/4 from 260 #milk and 8 years meal and bran
" 20 Morn 13 Butter making Natives " mixed. Daily
" 22 " 14 1# to every " " light feed of
" " Even 13 18 4/7 # of milk " . hay and sweet
Butter came corn fed from
in 50 minutes. shock. Salt
Tempr. Of cream twice each
66 degrees week. Oil meal
40 revolutions occasionally
1882 per minute
Jan 22 Evening 25 1/3 120 Grade From
23 Morning 70 102 25 122 Shorthorns 2 to
" Evening 70 100 14 1/10 124 and 8
24 Morning 70 104 15 1/12 128 Natives years
" Evening 70 97 17 1/3 122 " "
25 Morning 70 95 12 1/2 123 " "
" Evening 78 94 16 2/3 122 " "
26 Morning 70 102 11 1/9 122 " "
" Evening 70 96 15 5/9 124 " "
27 Morning 70 97 15 1/3 124 " "
" Evening 70 96 19 122 " "
28 Morning 60 106 13 1/6 125 " "
" Evening 70 100 15 10/11 125 " "
29 Morning 70 102 13 2/3 124 " "
" Evening 70 99 21 123 " "
30 Morning 70 104 13 1/6 124 " "
" Evening 70 95 17 122 " "
31 Morning 70 97 14 124 " "
" Evening 70 95 17 1/3 120 " "

Continued on page 423


Page 422
Month Day Morning Temp- Specific Percentage Specific Churning Breed Age of Feed
of or erature Gravity of Gravity of Data of cows of
Month Evening Cream Skimmed Concern- Cows cows
1882 Milk ing same
Feb 1 Morning 70 104 15 1/3 118 Holstein 2
" 1 Evening 70 95 15 1/2 115 " "
" 2 Morning 70 105 22 3/4 114 " "
" 2 Evening 70 99 19 1/2 116 " "
" 3 Morning 70 104 19 1/2 118 " "
" 3 Evening 70 95 18 3/4 118 " "
" 4 Morning 70 102 29 1/4 118 " "
" 4 Evening 69 96 17 1/2 120 " "
" 5 Morning 62 106 19 1/2 118 " "
" 5 Evening 72 96 11 1/9 116 " "
" 6 Morning 62 103 15 116 " "
" 6 Evening 78 92 11 1/9 116 " "
" 7 Morning 68 104 12 1/6 116 " "
" 7 Evening 64 100 13 3/4 116 " "
" 8 Morning 55 104 11 1/3 116 " "
" 8 Evening 62 95 11 1/9 111 " "
" 9 Morning 64 104 10 114 " "
" 9 Evening 72 90 11 1/9 110 " "
" 10 Morning 62 100 11 1/9 110 " "
" 10 Evening 72 92 13 3/4 110 " "
" 11 Morning 72 97 10 1/2 112 " "
" 11 Evening 72 92 9 1/11 110 " "
" 12 Morning 66 100 10 4/5 112 " "
" 12 Evening 70 92 11 1/9 112 " "
" 13 Morning 64 100 12 1/2 114 " "
" 13 Evening 70 94 11 1/9 112 " "
" 14 Morning 66 100 11 1/4 110 " "
" 14 Evening 78 95 11 1/9 112 " "
" 15 Morning 66 100 10 1/2 110 " "
" 15 Evening 80 92 13 6/7 114 " "
" 16 Morning 70 100 11 112 " "
" 16 Evening 68 96 11 1/9 110 " "

Month Day of " Morning Temp- Specific Percertage Specific Churning Breed Age Feed
or erature Gravity of Gravity Data of of of
Evening Cream of ConcerningCow Cow cow
Skimmed Same

Page 423 is blank except for the heading

Pages 424 through 640 are blank

Appendix I

College Farm Journal

1169064; C CA 16 b
Transcribed and edited by Mary E. Atherly

The Iowa Agricultural College and Model Farm became a reality in 1859 when the
college Board of Trustees purchased 640 acres of farmland in Story County. The first
buildings were the barn and farm house. In 1861 the Trustees rented the farm to a local
farmer William Fitchpatrick who broke some of the prairie sod, planted crops and
attended the farm animals. He signed a two-year contract. When Fitchpatrick left the
farm in 1863 it went unattended for some months until A.J. Graves took over as Farm
Manager in 1864. In addition to Graves, the Board of Trustees appointed a farm
Superintendent, then Peter Melendy, to oversaw all the activities on the farm. All this
was done in anticipation of opening the college to students that officially took place in
March 1869.

In the spring of 1866, the Board of Trustees of the Iowa Agricultural College and Model
Farm (now Iowa State University) passed a motion requiring the newly appointed farm
Superintendent Moses W. Robinson to keep a daily log of farm activities. On July 11,
1866 Robinson began the college farm journal, which would be continued on a daily
basis through March 17, 1870. After March 17, 1870 only records on experiments done
on the farm are detailed. The record finally ends in 1882. By that time the college was
thirteen years old and presumably a much more sophisticated system of keeping records

Each year the superintendent of the college farm presented an annual report to the Board
of Trustees on the farm’s activities. These reports can be found in the Annual Reports of
the Board of Trustees, a copy of which is located in the Iowa State University Library,
Special Collections Department.

This journal begins in 1866 and is the original record of the farm activities. It also
includes mention of work done on the college roads and the college building. It broadens
the scope of the annual reports. What makes this journal so unique is the way personal
details of life on the farm were incorporated into the daily farm records. Robinson’s
reports were short and to the point usually including a general description of the weather,
who worked during the day and what work was accomplished. However, Hugh M.
Thomson, who was Superintendent from 1867 through 1869, wrote as if he were
speaking directly to you about his concerns and triumphs on the farm. He describes his
frustrations at the lack of discipline on the farm when he takes over from Robinson in
1867. He berates the constant breaking-down of the farm equipment, the wasteful over-
Appendix I, page 2

feeding of the animals and is determined to shape up the running of the farm. Thomson
kept weekly records of the feed given the animals. He also documents the work
completed by the farm hands on the college building and on the roads crossing through
the college. Thomson delves into the quagmire that surrounded the record keeping of
deeds for the lands donated to the college in 1859. Story and Boone County residents
donated lands to the college as part of the original enticement that brought the college to
the area. It is still not clear just who donated what lands which makes for another
interesting research project.

Superintendents Robinson and Thomson wrote the majority of the entries in this journal.
Also identified in the Annual Report as a writer in the journal is P.E. Brown (a student)
who took over temporarily for Thomson. Thomson and Robinson are the only two that
identify themselves as writing in the Journal. Other superintendents that served during
this time period include Isaac P. Roberts, Milliken Stalker, John C. Hiatt, Loren Pease
Smith, and Seaman Knapp. At times the writing style changes for just a page or two
without mention of who is writing these entries.

Noah Webster published his “An American Dictionary of the English Language” in 1826.
It appears Webster’s attempt to standardize English usage was not always taken into
consideration in writing this journal. In some cases I have corrected the spelling to make
sense. Others I have left as is. Thomson was born and educated in Scotland and his use
of the English language is reflected in his writing style and spelling. Names are of
particular concern in this journal, as they seem to change in spelling depending on who is
writing in the journal. For instance James Gilmore is also spelled Gilmour and it changes
depending on the writer. Most confusing is the spelling of the Scandinavian names and
great liberties are taken with Christian, Christiansen, Petersen and Peterson. As often as I
read this journal there were still some written words that just escaped my understanding.
In those cases I have entered what I thought was written and added a “?”. Any errors in
interpretation of the hand-written pages are strictly my doing. I extend my apologies to
Hugh Thomson’s descendents as I incorrectly referred to him as Hugh Thompson in my
book on the Farm House.

I have taken the liberty of including several appendixes to assist the reader/researcher.
As I was not raised on a farm, some of the farm terms needed explaining and I have
included for reference those that I found unfamiliar. Many of the small towns and
railroad depots mentioned in this journal have vanished or merged into other towns. A
brief list of those mentioned in the book and are not on current maps is included.

Throughout the journal the records reflect the names of farm hands, often giving just their
last name. Most of these workers boarded at the Farm House. In 1868 students who
attended the preliminary school session began helping on the farm. I have included a
listing of those names identified as students.
Appendix I, page 3

Researchers interested in further reading on the early days of Iowa State University might
History of Story County Iowa by William G. Allen, 1887
Illustrated Historical Atlas of the State of Iowa, 1875 by Alfred T. Andreas
Farm House: College Farm to University Museum by Mary E. Atherly, 1995
Report of Secretary of Iowa State Agricultural College and Farm.
1859-69, Book C Acc. 340083, Special Collections, Iowa State University

This journal has a special meaning to me. During the research I did for my book on the
Farm House, the Special Collections staff at Iowa State University Library made this one
and only, one hundred forty year old, hand written journal available to me. Each day
when I came to the Special Collections Department and opened the journal, I became
immersed in the activities of the farm and couldn’t wait to read what would come next.
My biggest disappointment was the 1870 entry stating that the Board of Trustees decided
that a daily record was no longer needed. I wanted to go argue with them and tell them
how important it was to continue the record.

I believe that others should have easy access to this journal and that is the reason I have
transcribed it page for page. The pages are numbered and presented as written in the
journal with the exception of some of the later spreadsheets, which I have put on one
sheet for ease in reading. In the process of transcribing this journal, I did some additional
research that is included in the appendixes.

It took me two summers to complete this project and I must say I am sorry to relinquish
the original document once again. Thank you to the staff at the Special Collections
Department who made the journal available to me and as always have been most
generous with their assistance and time.

Mary E. Atherly, transcriber and editor

Retired Curator, Farm House Museum
Iowa State University
July 4, 2003
Appendix II

Boards, Committees and Faculty: Various Members are mentioned in the journal
(From President Welch’s Report, January 10, 1870 to Board of Trustees)

Faculty of Iowa State Agricultural College, January, 1870

Hon. A.S. Welch, M.A. President
George W. Jones, M.A. Professor of Mathematics
Hon. Norton S. Townshend, M.D. Professor of Practical Agriculture
Albert E. Foote, M.D. Assistant Professor of Chemistry
O.H. St. John, B.S. Assistant Professor of Geology (Not on duty)
Mrs. Catherine S. Potter Matron
Miss Augusta Mathews Teacher of Piano Music
Miss Lillie Beaumont Teacher of the French and German Language
Hon. Hugh M. Thomson Superintendent of the Farm

Board of Trustees
Ex-Officio Hon. A.S. Welch, Ames
Ex-Officio Gov. Samuel Merrill, Des Moines
1st District O.H.P. Buchanan, Mt. Pleasant; Term expires May 1, 1872
2nd District Hon. J.D. Wright, Chariton; Term expires May 1, 1872
3 District James H. Woodbury, Leon; Term expires May 1, 1872
4th District J.C. Cusey, Dakota; Term expires May 1, 1870
5th District Hon. Oliver Mills,* Lewis; Term expires May 1, 1870
6 District Hon. T.A. Morgan, Webster; Term expires May 1, 1870
7th District Hon. C.E. Leffingwell, Wheatland; Term expires May 1, 1872
8th District Hon. John Russell, Wyoming; Term expires May 1, 1870
9th District Hon. Peter Melendy, Cedar Falls; Term expires May 1, 1872
10th District Hon. R.A. Richardson, Illyria; Term expires May 1, 1872
11th District Hon. B.F. Gue, Fort Dodge; Term expires May 1, 1870
12th District Hon. R.W. Humphrey, Charles City; Term expires May 1, 1870
*Elected to fill vacancy occasioned by the death of Dr. T. K. Brooks

Officers of the Board of Trustees

Hon. A.S. Welch, President, Hon. Hugh M. Thomson, Secretary
Hon. S.E. Rankin, Treasurer, Prof. Geo. W. Jones, Cashier

Land Agents: Hon Geo. W. Bassett and Thomas J. Stone

Executive Committee: Hon. John Russell, Hon. R.W. Humphrey, Hon. B.F. Gue

Committee on Organization and Faculty: Hon. B.F. Gue, Hon. Peter Melendy, Hon.
John Russell, Hon. A.S. Welch, President

Building Committee: Hon. John Russell, Hon. R.W. Humphrey, Hon. B.F. Gue
College Building Contractor: Jacob Reichard
Architect of College Building: C.A. Dunham of Burlington, Iowa
Appendix III

The reader may find these terms and definitions useful in understanding some of
the journal entries.

&c: In the 19th century it was common to use “&c” to indicate “and so forth” or et
cetera. It was usually expressed as “ & c & c & c.”

Catarrh: inflammation of mucous membranes, especially of the nose and throat

Cock: a cone shaped pile of straw of hay

Cocking: to put hay in a cone shape stack

Cover: to copulate with a female, a term used of animals especially horses. page 144

Gang plow:
Andreas Atlas of Iowa, 1875

Grist: grain or quantity of grain for grinding

Grubbing: to clear roots and stumps by digging

Hominy: hulled and dried kernels of corn. page 180

Mangel-Wurzel: a common beet with large yellowish root used chiefly as cattle feed.
Also called Mangold ( Mangold+beet and wurzel+root in German)
Appendix III, page 2

Oil Cake: An oil cake is a solid residue left after certain oily seeds have been pressed
free of their oil and that is used after grinding as cattle feed or fertilizer.

Paris Green: insecticide/arsenic trioxide & copper acetate &

copper acetoarsenite. CU (C2H3O2) bright green powder

Pie plant: Joe Pie Weed Plant used as animal feed

Quincy: acute inflammation of tonsils & tissues leading to abscess

Shoats: a young pig after weaning

Shorts: a by-product of wheat processing consisting of bran mixed with coarse meal or

Sleeper: a heavy beam used as support as in a railroad track/ crosstie.

Swingletree: also called a Whiffletree or Whippletree-the pivoted horizontal crossbar

to which the harness traces of a draft animal are attached to a vehicle or an implement

Figure 6, page 46, Old Farm Tools and Machinery by Percy W. Blandford

Wether: gelded male sheep

Appendix IV

Towns and locations mentioned in the journal that have changed either in name or
are no longer in existence:

Sweede Point . Sweede (Swede) Point in Boone County was located

west of Sheldahl and east of the Des Moines River near Elk Rapids.
It is the oldest Swedish settlement in Boone County. Sweede
Point had a sawmill. ( See Page 100, Illustrated Atlas of the
State of Iowa, Alfred Andreas, 1875) Renamed Madrid, Iowa.

Palestine (township) Palestine was a railroad stop west of Cambridge, by the Ballard
Branch creek, northeast of Sheldahl. Palestine had a post office and a

Ontario Ontario was located west of the College farm near New Philadelphia. The
small settlement had general merchandise stores and was a stop on the

New Philadelphia One and one-half miles west of the College farm in Washington
Township and a stop on the Chicago and Northwestern
Railroad, New Philadelphia also had a sawmill.

Montana Originally the Boone Station on the Cedar Rapids and Missouri Railroad
one mile east and a mile north of Boonesboro, the station was renamed
Montana to secure a post office as Dallas County already had a post office
named Boone. In 1871 Montana officially became Boone. In 1887 Boone
annexed Boonesboro making one town of Boone, Iowa. (Taken from an
article by Marilyn Hauk Essex, The Des Moines Register, August 29,
Appendix V

Farm Hands Employed at the College Farm:

Below is a listing of the men mentioned in the journal who worked at the College Farm
from 1866 through 1870. Most of these individuals boarded at the Farm House.

Many of the names are simply last names and the spelling of the same name varies
depending on who was writing in the journal. It is often difficult to determine exactly the
correct spelling of the name. The page listed is where the name first appears. If there is
a definite date the worker left the farm that is also noted.

Name Page Reference Date

Anderson, Lars 246,249 Feb. 1870

Bacon, M. 7 1866
Basham 25 1866
Brady, Barry 64 May, 1867
Burnett & Team 98 1867
Burnett 142 May, 1868
Christiensen, Zents 148 June 19, 1868
Christisen, Peter 218 Oct. 2, 1869
Clemens 111 1867
Dunn, George 1 1866
Eastwood 200 June 14, 1869
Ellison, James 35 day laborer, 1867
Findlay, John H. 80 1867
Gear, Charles Oct. 9-Dec. 10, 1866
Gilmore, James (Gilmour) 131 March 21, 1868—1870’s?
Goff 137 April, 1868
Graves, A.J. 1, 136 1864-1868
Halkett 193 May, 1869
Hewens 171 Nov. 1868
Hoggatt 95 Sept. 1867
Howe 186 March, 1869
Jensen, G. 55 1867
Johnston 111 Day laborer 1867-1868
Kent 111 1867
Kent, Dane 113 1867
Kyle, Charles 238 Dec. 26, 1869
Leggett 203 June 30, 1879
Manhannett (Menhennett) 1 1866
Marks, R. 11, 27 1866
McElyea 211 Aug. 13, 1869
McFarlane, Hiram 112 1867-Aug 11, 1868
McLoughlin, Ira 66 Day worker, 1867
Miller, A. 8 1866
Appendix V, page 2

Obrien, Samuel 1 1866

Pacer, Conrad (also Paser, Pazer, Bazer?) 223 1869
Petersen, Andrew 192 April 23, 1879
Petersen, C. 190 April 1869
Petersen, Christensen 150 July 1868
Robinson, Son of Supt. Robinson 19 1866
Scott, W. 66 May 15, 1867
Snelling, Flemming 174 Feb-April 1867, Dec. 1868
Stark, Nicholas 221 1869-1870
Stranger (Nelson) 200 June 14, 1869
Sullivan 23 1866
Sykes 142 May, 1868
Tallman, G. 210 Aug. 8, 1869
Thomas 25 Quit Dec. 19, 1866
Thomson, James 54, 137 1867
Thomson, John (Canadian) 45 2 months, 1867
Van Eyl 23 1866
Wilson, Samuel J. 55 2 months, Aug. 1867
Wiltse, Ed 26 1866 (attending local school)
Wismer 124 1867(attending local school)
Yants 169 Nov. 1868
Young 138 April 22, 1868
Appendix VI

Student Workers

College Students worked at the College Farm beginning with the preliminary term in the
fall of 1868. The college opened officially in March 1869. Theses are the names of
students written in the Journal. The page number references only the first mention of the
name. Many more students were employed on the farm as it was required that students
work a portion of the day at the college as part of their school curriculum, in lieu of

1868 Page

Anderson 173
Cadwell (Caldwell) 173
Cessna, Orange H. 174
Churchill, S.A. 173
Hangsteet 167
Hilton 186
Huntingdon, Sam 166
Mullen 173
Rees, Frank 166
Suksdorf, Charles L. 173
Suttiff, M. 166
Swafford, C 166
Thomson, J.R. 167
Wadley, C. 166

Brown, P.S. 217
Devon (Devin) David 222-223
Marshall, M.F. 206
Robinson, W.O. 222-223
Sears 222-223
Hugh Muir Thomson, Superintendent of the College Farm, January 24, 1867 to
September 30, 1869 (Thomson’s name was incorrectly listed as Thompson in
Farm House, College Farm to University Museum)

Andrew Jackson (A.J.) Graves College Farm Manager

March 1, 1864 to April 10, 1868

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