This Is Fate

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*Courtneys POV* Flight A23 to London is now boarding, please have your passports and tickets out and

ready says the flight attendant by the entrance of the plane. Oh my gosh, I cant believe this is really happening right now, weve been waiting for this since we were 14! I exclaim, grabbing onto Sierras arm excitedly. She grimaces, removes my hand from her arm then starts jumping up and down, smiling from ear to ear. I KNOW IM SO HAPPY! Sierra practically screams, people turn and stare. As we move closer to the entrance of the plane my heart does a flop, Ive just realized that we were going to be on the same continent as the boys that alone blows my mind. Sierra seems to have been thinking the same thing because she suddenly speaks up; You know what I just thought of? she asks. UH THAT WE ARE GOING TO BE ON THE SAME CONTINENT AS THE BOYS?!?! She thinks about this before replying Well yes but also the possibility of us seeing them are going to increase a lot what if we MEET them?! Then I would die of happiness I say, forever wishing that we COULD meet them. We finally reach the front of the line, the woman checks our passports and stamps our tickets, then lets us onto the plane. We make our way to our seats and even before we take off were both sound asleep. *Sierras POV* Im woken up by the pilot telling the passengers that we will be landing in London in 15 minutes. I softly nudge Courtney awake and tell her that we only have 15 minutes until we land. Naturally, she starts freaking out because of her hate for the take-off and landing portion of plane rides. HOLY CRAP SIERRA WE ARE GOING TO DIE, WE ARE GOING TO DIE HA Court we are not going to die, chill out, just imagine Niall is waiting for you at the airport I shoot back. At this she finally shuts up and is obviously thinking about what is would be like if Niall WAS waiting for her. The plane finally lands and we all shuffle out and go to get our luggage. As we walk out of the airport cool air hits my face, blowing my hair into my eyes. I brush it aside and go to the edge of the street, trying to hail a taxi. A little help Court? I mumble because all of my tries have been unsuccessful. She sticks out her hand and literally 5 seconds later a taxi pulls up next to us. Unbelievable! I say, slightly annoyed. You obviously dont have enough skills to get a taxi, HAHA she says, mocking me. I take a close look at the taxi, wondering why the people in there havent gotten out yet, irritated and tired from the flight, I knock on the window, hoping that will let the people in there know we want to get into the taxi. After what seems like forever, but was probably only 2 minutes the occupants of the taxi step out my heart literally stops. Niall Horan and Harry Styles are standing in front of us. *Harrys POV* Niall and I were just discussing the tour when someone outside knocked on the window. Knowing the people outside were probably waiting on us to have the taxi we stepped out onto the sidewalk, and right in front of two of the prettiest girls Ive ever seen. Oh Were sorry, we just got caught up talking I tell the girls, with a smile.

They just stare back at me, looking shocked. Obviously trying the break up the awkward silence, Niall speaks up. Uh, well we really have to get going, we have to catch a flight in 20 minutes to France. One of the girls, with red hair finally answers, Oh yes, of course. You guys just caught us off guard, were huge fans! The other girl, with caramel blonde looking hair adds to this; Yeah, seriously weve been fans since we were 14, can we please have a picture?! I look at Niall, and he nods. Yeah of course loves, we can have Paul take it I say. Paul walks over and we all pose, Niall next to the girl with red hair and the girl with the caramel hair next to me, she smells quite good. After the picture they move to leave but I stop them, wanting to know their names. Wait! What are your names? I ask. Well Im Sierra and this is Courtney the one with caramel hair says, indicating to her friend. Oh cool, well we really have to go now; its been great talking to you! Niall tells them, starting to pick up his luggage. As we walk away Courtney runs back up to us, handing us each a little piece of paper. I turn around once more and wave to them with a huge smile on my face. *Nialls POV* I can tell Harry is thinking the same thing I am; those girls were fit. Majorly fit in fact. I suddenly wonder which girl he would think was more his type. I have a feeling that is would be Sierra, but knowing that I had felt a stronger connection with Courtney I want to make sure. Soooo which of those girls did you think was more your type He gives me a sideways glance before replying; Sierra for sure, she was stunning. This makes me smile, knowing that we wouldnt have a problem with wanting the same girl not that we will ever see those two girls again. This thought makes me sad for some reason. Ok, good. I had my eye on Courtney so Im glad you liked Sierra. I tell Harry. I reach into my pocket for my phone and feel the piece of paper Courtney had given both of us. Looking at it I see it has small, neat handwriting on it:

Hi Niall! I hope you can find the time to follow me @HeartofHoran P.S. I love you <3 : )

My toes tingle as I read this. Ive never felt like this after meeting a fan before and know that I will definitely find time to follow this special girl. *Courtneys POV* Im absolutely speechless. I cant wrap my mind around the fact that Sierra and I just met Harry Styles and Niall Horan. After they walked away we had stared at them walking into the airport until they disappeared inside, then we had wordlessly gotten into the taxi, given the driver instructions and sat in silence. We are now in our apartment, unpacking. The silence is killing me so I let out all my bottled up feelings. I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT JUST HAPPENED! WE TOUCHED THEM SIERRA, WE GOT A PICTURE WITH THEM AND THEY NOW HAVE

OUR TWITTER NAMES. THIS IS FATE I CANT HANDLE THIS RIGHT NOW, I COULD DIE OF HAPPINESS. I scream at Sierra. She looks back at me and smiles; I KNOW, THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER, I CANT BELIEVE THIS, OUR LUCK IS TOO GOOD RIGHT NOW... After discussing every millisecond of the encounter we decide to get ready for bed not that we will get any sleep after what just happened. As we lay on our small twin beds in the bedroom our phones go off at the same time: a notification from twitter. Niall Horan is now following you! Oh my gosh, Niall just followed me! I cant believe this; I scream out loud and start jumping on my bed. Im quickly joined by Sierra who is laughing hysterically. Did Niall follow you?! Did Harry follow you!? We both ask each other at the same time. YES! I answer at the same time Sierra does. Oh my gosh, this is unreal I think. My screen lights up AGAIN; a DM from Niall. Hey babe, Im sorry if this is weird but I cant stop thinking about you since we met today, you were beautiful. I throw my phone at Sierra, unable to contain myself I start to giggle uncontrollably. Sierra gasps and asks me what I want to say back. Hmmh.. say that is was great to meet him too and that I cant stop thinking about him either. I say. She quickly types the reply and sends it. Ok, I can officially die happy now, this day is so great. Were exchange students in London and we have met 2/5ths of One Direction. I cant believe this! I say. I know! What are the chances? To top it off its summer and we get to start school this fall! she exclaims. I sigh and turn off the light wondering if Niall and Harry are talking about us like we are talking about them. Good night Sierra I say before closing my eyes and letting exhaustion take over.

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