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Impact of the international business environment on global organisations

Revolutionary changes in technologies have provided the method which increases the growth of international business. the competition for both domestic and international level have forced the firm to look beyond their domestic markets for better opportunities. The multinational organizations act as the key for international economic coordination, they provide us the capability to implement innovative methods and also they deliver the goods and services to the market ,they also bring new technologies to the market. it is also true that growing the economic strength of county is due to growing industries or industrial power of that country.

Now lets talk about the global organization or industry, it can be defined as the industry in which firms must compete with all of the world's firm producing same goods to survive in the market . These are international markets where products are sold legally and of standard. Industries can be either multi-domestic or global. Global industries are those industries ,whose compition is global,or international ,where the same firm compete with each other every where. Multi-domestic industries are those firms who compete in each national market independently, of other national markets. Now lets discuss the global strategic plans related to global organizations: Big organizations such as sony and Panasonic ,implements global strategies such as : Competeting with organizations ,producing same goods,everywhere in the world. Agreeing to the fact that, being present everywhere in the world ,is the best way to compete effectively. keeping the cost of the product same everywhere in every part of the world. should have control on every branch, from main branch equally and properly. should know the needs and demands of customers ,ie taking feedback from every branch of the world. should have a strong internatioal vision. should implement global partnerships. should lower th cost of the product on some special occasions.

should keep the top resources secret in order to keep their firm and the product unique. should locate the value adding activities where they can achieve the greatest competitive advantage. A global strategy is effective when difference between countries are small and the competition is global.

So these were some global strategies used by many firms or organizations.


The business system factors that impinge upon business operations

Firstly lets see what is business system, it states that A methodical procedure or process that is used as a delivery mechanism for providing specific goods or services to customer. business system symbolizes as business environment ,and in business system terminology ,the environment consist of all external forces that impinge on buisness operations, its markets and its firms. those impinge or factors are: Political factors Sociocultural factors Economic factors Technological factors

Political factor: it has huge influence on the regulation of the businessman it includes the spreading power of consumers and the business, you can consider issues as: 1. How stable is the political environment? 2. Will government policy implement the law that tax your organization ? 3. what is government position on marketing ethics? 4. what is government's policy on economy?

so these were some political issues effects the buisness operations.

Economic factors: it includes 1. intrest rates of the product . 2. the level of inflation employment level per capita. 3. long term prospects for the economy gross domestic products per capita, and so on.

Sociocultural factors : it includes issues like : 1. what is dominanat religion? 2. whatvare attitudes to foreign products and services? 3. does language impacts upon the diffusion of products onto markets? 4. how long are population living , are older generations wealthy? so like these question comes in the sociocultural category, to which organisation must think and take the respective actions.

Technological factor: it includes issues like 1. does technology allow for the products and services to be made more cheap ly to raise the standard quality? 2. do the technology offers the cunsumers and buisness ,more innovative product like internet banking ,new generation mobile etc ? 3. how is distribution changed by technologies ,eg books via internet ,flight tickets , auctions, etc ? so these were some issues of technologies.

S o mainly these are the main issues that impinge on the buisness operation.

Discuss how your organization could integrate resources and competences internationally to support organizational success
In todays life where all organizations are trying to go above another,taking knowledge of each part of buisness ,ehich includes the integrating and competence of sources also. What do these demands imply for key competencies that a company need to have ,it shows how well any organization is ready to handle the difficult situations also. A competency is more than just knowledge and skills. It involves the ability to meet complex demands, by drawing on and mobilising psychosocial resources (including skills and attitudes)

in a particular context. For example, the ability to communicate effectively is a competency that may draw on an individuals knowledge of language, practical IT skills and attitudes towards those with whom he or she is communicating. So an organization could get success by following the key competences,which is required for an organisation to rise,those are stated below: Success of indiviuals: gainfull employment, income personal health,safty political participation social networks

Success of the society : economic productivity domestic processes social cohesion,equity and human rights ecological sustainability.

And all this requires: indiviual competencies institutional competencies Application of indiviual competencies to contribute to collective goals.

An ideal organization needs to accept all these key competencies in order to match up wi th the changing world where : Technology is changing rapidly and continuously. Societies are becoming more diverse and compartmentalised. Globalisation is creating new forms of interdependence, and actions are taken to both influence and the consequences ,that are stretched beyond the local or national border. So this all was about how your organization could integrate resources and competences internationally to support organizational success. references: 20strategy.pdf

Shape of Corporate governance

Corprate governance is the set of processes ,customs, polices, laws and institutions affecting the way a corporation or company is directed, administered or controlled. The term corporate governance is used in listed public companies as the need to agree with the corporate governance commitments agreed with the stock exchange. Now lets take a look at the shape of corporate governance, While the provisions of Companies Act, 1956 provides certain kinds of companies like company limited by shares, company limited by guarantee, an unlimited company, etc so it is difficult to categories the companies according to this pattern ,so we categorized it in the pattern shown below :. a) A Private Company Limited: it is regulated by ,provision act 1956 and Articles of Association and the Central Government . b) A Public Limited Company: it is regulated by provision act 1956,Articles of Association, Central government, Accounting Standards issued by ICAI ,etc c) A Listed Public Company: it is regulated by provision act 1956,Articles of Association, SEBI regulations, Central government rules, Accounting standards issued by ICAI, regulations of stock exchange to some extent like complying with listing agreements. So anyone can see, the difference between the three companies. The difference is due to their exposure to the market and the interests of shareholders.

But all of these follow the basic shape of the corporate governance made for them ,those are: 1. The term Company is defined under section 3 of the Companies Act, 1956 as a company which is registered under the provisions of Companies Act, 1956. 2. The Company is managed by professionals called directors, and they have some specal powers to acess the company rules,they should use it in proper manner.


Every Company should provide all the basic and even smaller information, so that everyone knows even the basics of the companies.

4. every company should hold the meeting of its share holders atleast once an year. 5. certain decisions of the company should be taken by the board and certain by the annual meeting of the share holders. 6. Every Company is supposed to provide certain vital information about the company in the form of final reports to the shareholders like Annual Report and Financial Statements like Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account. 7. Every important change, events and data are filed by every company with the Registrar of Companies and those are accessible by the shareholders. 8. rest of the professionals like Chartered Accountants and Company Secretary do their responsibilities in the Company as to protect the share holders and compliance of the corporate regulations. These were some rules or you can say basic set-up or shape, a company needs to follow ,to be under the provision act and the corporative governance. refrences:

Importance of monitoring and control systems necessary to support the international development
Monitoring and Control Systems is becoming a reality with increased international research and development. Many aspects of these systems are being addressed and researched. These systems depend largely on high performance communication architecture. lets understand the meaning of monitoring and control systems : monitoring means the continuous checking of the details and the reliable source. control system means the rules and the conditions made to make anything happen in the industrial development.

the monitoring and control systems can be used to study the national and international statics and to manage developing results, it measures and keep an eye on all of the statistical record. All types of things like customer feedback, organising programmes ,handling orders of the other branch of the organization and keeping records ,everything comes under the monitoring and controlling. Basically it is the implementation of the strategy and plans and checking that whether they are working properly or not. It is the basic backbone of the organization ,it handles all international and national creteria's so needed for an organization to get successful. references:

Impact of ethical management requirement for the organization

Firstly lets see what is ethical management ,actually, the answer is that their is no perfect definition for word ethical ,so defining it in another friendly words, ethical means 'fair', and doing fair to the fair minded people, its not scientifically defined ,but that what it means. Now days ethical management is being adopted by many organizations and the numbers are still increasing. it is occurring because, Employers, business and organizations ,especially one with high profiles are now recognising and understanding the impacts of the ethical management on the organisation ,and those are : Competitive advantage : customers are favouring those providers and suppliers who demonstrate practically and ethical practices. failure could lead to many type of losses to the organisation. Better staff: the best staff always want to work with truly responsible ethical employers. if you are not an ethical employer ,it means loosing good staff and likelihood to attract good starters. Investment: if your organization will be good known for handling responsibility ,you will have more investors.

Reputation: we all know that it takes many years to buid reputation in market,and one scandle is enough t destroy it ,but ethical responsible organization are very less prone to scandles and even it happens ,it know how to handle it openly and with honesty. Legal and regulatory reasons: in the future ,their will be no choice all organisations will be forced to comply with proper ethical and socially responsible standards., so its good to do it before you are forced to do it.

refrences :

Ethical issues

Ethical principles, allows the organization for various modern concept of work, business and organization, which increases the individual and corporate priorities far beyond the aims of business and the profit. As these factors also have a significant influence on the institution and public sectors,and it even affects the commercial and corporate world., So it contain some issues also regarding organisation encompasses, those are: 1. Crs- corporate social responsibilities. 2. ethical management and leader ship 3. fairtrade 4. globlization 5. sustainability

6. socail enterprise 7. micro-finance 8. mutuals co-orperative,employee owenership. many more aspects or issues can also be added in this list, So these were some basic issues which were ethical issues that could be faced by your organization in implementing international. refrences:

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