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Circuit Analysis I, Fundamental Concepts Prof.

Bogdan Adamczyk Grand Valley State University





Design Process and Circuit Analysis

All engineering design begins with a need to improve an existing design, or create something new. A careful assessment of the need results in design specifications, which are measurable characteristics of a proposed design. Understanding of the specifications coupled with experience, education and creativity leads to a concept that might fulfill the requirements. The next step is to translate the concept into a circuit model. The elements that comprise the circuit model are called ideal circuit components. An ideal circuit component is a mathematical model of an actual electrical component. Once the circuit model is chosen, the tools of circuit analysis based on various mathematical techniques are used to determine the behavior of the circuit. A comparison between the desired behavior, from the design specifications, and the analytical solution from the circuit analysis may lead to the refinements in the circuit model and its ideal components. Once the desired and analytical behaviors are in agreement, a physical prototype can be constructed. The physical prototype is an actual electrical system, constructed from actual electrical components. The actual behavior of the prototype is compared with the design specifications and the analytical solution. The comparison may result in refinements to the physical prototype, the circuit model, or both. Eventually, this iterative process, in which models, components and physical systems are continually refined, may produce a design that accurately matches the design specifications and thus meets the need. 1.2 Circuit Elements

As stated earlier, an electric circuit is collection of electrical elements interconnected in some way. We will represent a general two-terminal element as shown in Fig. 1-1.

Figure 1-1

General two-terminal electrical element

Circuit Analysis I, Fundamental Concepts Prof. Bogdan Adamczyk Grand Valley State University


Here, an element designated by a rectangular box is connected with a wire between the terminals a and b. Familiar examples of two-terminal elements are resistors, inductors, capacitors and voltage and current sources, each of which will be studied in later sections. More general circuit elements may have more than two terminals. Transistors and operational amplifiers are common examples. To form an electric circuit, the electrical elements are connected with a wire. A simple electric circuit consisting of a source and a resistor is shown in Fig. 1-2.

wire source resistor

Figure 1-2 Simple electric circuit


Symbols and Units

To understand the behavior of a circuit element, we will need to consider certain quantities associated with it. The quantities we shall most commonly encounter in our study of circuits are charge, current, voltage, energy and power. These quantities and others, when they arise must be carefully defined. This can be done only if we have a standard system of units so that, when a quantity is described by measuring it, we can all agree on what the measurement means.A standard system of units that is used today by virtually all the professional engineering societies and the authors of most modern engineering textbooks, and which we will use throughout this course, is the International System of Units (abbreviated SI). There are six basic units in the SI, and all other units are derived from them. Four of the basic units, the meter, kilogram, second, and ampere, are important in the study of circuits, and we shall examine them in some detail.

Circuit Analysis I, Fundamental Concepts Prof. Bogdan Adamczyk Grand Valley State University


The other two are kelvin and the candela, which are not essential to our study and thus will not be considered further. The basic units are shown in Table 1-1. Symbols for units that represent proper (persons) names are capitalized; the others are not. Periods are not used after the symbols, and the symbols do not take on plural forms.
Table 1-1 SI Basic Units

Quantity Length Mass Time Electric Current Temperature Luminous Intensity Name Meter Kilogram Second Ampere Kelvin Candela

SI Unit Symbol m kg s A K Cd

The SI units are very precisely defined in terms of permanent and reproducible quantities. However, the complete definitions are both lengthy and esoteric. Therefore, we shall simply name the basic units and, when needed, relate them to the British System of Units, which includes inches, feet, pounds, and so on. The great advantage of the SI system is that it incorporates a decimal system for relating larger or smaller quantities to the basic unit. SI prefixes for powers of 10 are shown, along with their standard abbreviations, in Table 1-2.
Table 1-2 SI Prefixes

Multiple 1012 109 106 103 10-3 10-6 10-9 10-12 10-15

Prefix tera giga mega kilo milli micro nano pico Femto

Symbol T G M K M N P F

Circuit Analysis I, Fundamental Concepts Prof. Bogdan Adamczyk Grand Valley State University



Charge, Current and Voltage

The concept of electric charge is the basis for describing all electrical phenomena. Charge is the intrinsic property of matter. The electric charge can be either positive or negative. The existence and interaction of electric charges give rise to the physical phenomenon called electricity. The electric charge exists in discrete quantities, which are integral multiples of a charge of an electron (negative charge). We now define coulomb (C) by stating that a coulomb has a negative charge of 6.24 x 1018 electrons.

1 C = 6.24 10 18 e , or 1 e = 1.6021 x 10 19 C


Note that a coulomb is a positive charge. The symbol for charge will be Q or q, the capital letter usually denoting constant charges, and the lowercase letter indicating a time-varying charge. In the latter case we may emphasize the time dependency by writing q(t). This practice will be carried over to other electrical quantities as well. The primary purpose of an electric circuit is to move charges at desired rates along specified paths. The motion of charges constitutes an electric current, denoted by the letters i or I. As a matter of vocabulary, we say that a current exists in or through an element. By definition, current is the time rate of change of charge, or
i= dq , dt C A = s


The SI unit of current is ampere (A). If the current is known, the total charge that has passed through an element, from t = - until time t, can be found by integrating Eq. (1.2). The result is

q = i( ) d = i( ) d + i( ) d = q(0 ) + i( ) d
0 0


where q(0) is the charge at t = 0.

Circuit Analysis I, Fundamental Concepts Prof. Bogdan Adamczyk Grand Valley State University


The charge passing through the circuit element between time t0 and t is found by integrating Eq. (1.2): q = i d
t0 t


We should note at this point that we are considering the network elements to be electrically neutral. That is, no net positive or negative charge can accumulate in the element. Any positive charges entering must be accompanied by equal positive charges leaving. In circuit theory, current is generally specified as the movement of positive charges. This convention was proposed by Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), who guessed that the electric current is due to the flow of positive charges. While this is indeed true in some physical media, we know now that in the important case of metallic conductors, common in real world circuits, the opposite is the case. In metals and most other conductors, free electrons with negative charge are the current carriers, rather than Franklins postulated positive charge flow. From a circuit-theory point of view, there is no difference between positive charge motion in one direction and equal and opposite negative charges moving in the other direction. These two cases result in exactly the same charge transfer and are thus equivalent ways to represent precisely the same current flow. We shall cling to the traditional convention of positive charge motion by defining conventional current and using it to measure current regardless of the true identity of the charge carrier. Conventional current is the equivalent flow of positive charges in a given conductor. Unless otherwise specified, all currents are to be understood as conventional currents. Current flow along a wire or through an element will be specified by two indicators: a current reference direction (an arrow), a value.

Fig. 1-3(a) depicts a current i1 (value) flowing left to right (reference direction) through a wire, and Fig. 1-3(b) a current of 7 A (value) flowing from right to left through an element.

Circuit Analysis I, Fundamental Concepts Prof. Bogdan Adamczyk Grand Valley State University


i1 7A

Figure 1-3 Specifying current value and reference direction


In the latter case, 7 A of conventional (positive) charge flows right to left, which may physically consist of an equal rate of negative charges flowing left to right. Returning to Fig. 1-3(a), note that if the variable i1 is positive, conventional current flows from left to right. If it is negative, conventional current flows from right to left. The arrow does not indicate the actual direction of current flow, but rather the direction of conventional current flow if the algebraic sign of the current value is positive. The arrow points opposite to the direction of conventional current flow if the sign of the current value is negative. Note that, a complete description of current requires both value and a direction. A current of constant magnitude I, is called a direct current, or a dc current. The sinusoidal current is called an alternating current, or an ac current. Example 1.1 The charge entering a terminal is given by

q(t ) = 5t sin 4t mC
Calculate the current at t = 0.5 s .

i (t ) = dq (t ) d = (5t sin 4t ) = 5 sin 4t + 20t cos 4t dt dt mC s = mA

Circuit Analysis I, Fundamental Concepts Prof. Bogdan Adamczyk Grand Valley State University


At t = 0.5 s

i(0.5 ) = 5 sin 2t + 10 cos 2t = 10 = 31.42

Example 1.2


Determine the total charge entering a terminal between t = 1s and t = 2 s , if the current passing the terminal is i (t ) = 3t 2 t

) [A]

Solution: q(t ) = i (t )dt =

1 1 2 2

t2 1 3t t dt = t 3 = (8 1) 2 = 5.5 2 1 2

[As = C ]

Charges in a conductor may move in a random manner. To move the charges in a conductor in a particular direction requires some work or energy transfer. We define the voltage vab between two points a and b in an electric circuit as the energy (work) needed to move a unit of charge from a to b. Mathematically,

vab =

dw , dq

1V =

1J 1Nm = 1C C


where w is energy in joules (J) and q is charge in coulombs (C). As a matter of vocabulary, we say that a voltage exists across an element. Note that to specify voltage between two points, the charge does not need to be moved from one point to another. Voltage is a measure of energy that would be needed is a charge were moved. Voltage across an element will be designated by two indicators: a voltage reference direction (polarity), and a value.

Circuit Analysis I, Fundamental Concepts Prof. Bogdan Adamczyk Grand Valley State University


The voltage reference direction is defined by a plus-minus sign pair.The value of a voltage is a real number that may be positive or negative. In Fig. 1-4(a) a voltage of value v4 exists across the element. The voltage reference direction is from left (+ terminal) to right (- terminal). In Fig. 1-4(b) a voltage of value 24 volts exists across the element. The voltage reference direction is from right to left. + v4 24 V +

Figure 1-4 Specifying voltage value and reference direction



Energy and Power

Voltage and current are useful variables in the analysis and design of electrically based systems. The output of the system is often expressed, however, in terms of power or energy. Moreover, all practical devices have limitations on the amount of power that they can handle. In the analysis and design process, therefore, voltage and current calculations by themselves are not sufficient; one has to also consider power and energy. In transferring charge through an element, work is being done, or energy is being transferred. We define power p, as the rate at which energy w is being transferred. Mathematically,
p= dw , dt J W = s


We will now relate power and energy to voltage and current. Note that Eq. (1.6) can be written as p= dw dw dq = dt dq dt [(J/C) (C/s) = J/s = W] (1.7)

and thus

p = v i,

[W = V A]


Circuit Analysis I, Fundamental Concepts Prof. Bogdan Adamczyk Grand Valley State University


The quantities v and i are generally functions of time, which we may also denote v(t) and i(t). Therefore, p given by Eq. (1.8) is generally a time-varying quantity. It is sometimes called the instantaneous power because its value is obtained at the instant of time at which v and i are measured. Thus, the power associated with an element is the product of the voltage across the element and the current through the element. The energy w transferred to an element between time t = - and t is w(t ) =

p d =


p d + p d = w(t0 ) + p d
t0 t0


where w(t0) is the energy transferred up to the time t0.


Passive Sign Convention

For any electrical element, if the current reference direction arrow points into the positive end of the voltage reference direction, the current and voltage so defined are said to satisfy the passive sign convention. In Figs. 1-5(a) and (b), the passive sign convention is satisfied, while in Figs. 1-5 (c) and (d) it is not. i + v v + i

a) v + + v


Figure 1-5 Passive sign convention


Circuit Analysis I, Fundamental Concepts Prof. Bogdan Adamczyk Grand Valley State University


When passive sign convention is satisfied, the power calculated by multiplying the element voltage by the element current, p = vi is called the power absorbed or dissipated by the element. (1.10)

The power absorbed (or dissipated) by an element can be either positive or negative. This will depend on the algebraic values of the element voltage and current at a given time instant. If the current and voltage direction do not satisfy the passive sign convention, the power calculated using Eq. (1.10) is called the power supplied or delivered by the element. The power absorbed (dissipated) by an element and the power supplied (delivered) by that same element are related by

power absorbed (dissipated) = - power supplied (delivered)

The same terminology is used for the energy. If the passive sign convention is satisfied, the energy is absorbed or dissipated by the element.

Example 1.3

Suppose that current and voltage satisfy the passive sign convention. The current entering a terminal of an element is i = 2 t A, the voltage across it is v = 6 V. The energy absorbed (dissipated) by the element between t = 0 and t = 2 s is given by


p d = vi d = 6 2 d = 12 2
t0 t =0

t =2

= 24 ,

[Ws = J ]

Circuit Analysis I, Fundamental Concepts Prof. Bogdan Adamczyk Grand Valley State University


Practice Problems

Problem 1.1 The charge entering a terminal is given by

q(t ) = 5t sin 4t mC
Calculate the current at t = 0.5 s . Solution:
i (t ) = dq (t ) d = (5t sin 4t ) = 5 sin 4t + 20t cos 4t dt dt mC s = mA

At t = 0.5 s

i(0.5 ) = 5 sin 2t + 10 cos 2t = 10 = 31.42


Problem 1.2 The charge entering a terminal is given by q (t ) = 10 10e 2 t


Calculate the current at t = 0.5 s . Answer: 7.36 mA

Circuit Analysis I, Fundamental Concepts Prof. Bogdan Adamczyk Grand Valley State University


Problem 1.3 Determine the total charge entering a terminal between t = 1s and t = 2 s , if the current passing the terminal is i (t ) = 3t 2 t Solution: q(t ) = i (t )dt =
1 1 2 2

) [A] (
t2 3t t dt = t 3 2

1 = (8 1) 2 = 5 2 1

[As = C ]

Problem 1.4 The current flowing through the element is

2 A, 0 < t < 1s i (t ) = 2 2t A t > 1s

Calculate the charge entering the element from t = 0 s to t = 2 s . Answer: 6.667 C Problem 1.5 (Nilsson: Assessment Problem 1.3, page 13)

The current at the terminals of a two-terminal device satisfying passive sign convention is

0, t < 0 i (t ) = 5000t 20e



Calculate the total charge entering the positive terminal.

Circuit Analysis I, Fundamental Concepts Prof. Bogdan Adamczyk Grand Valley State University


Solution: The total charge is the charge that would enter the terminal for all times, that is for <t < . We first note that for negative times the current is zero, and thus the charge entering the terminal up to time t = 0 is zero. We are allowed, therefore, to replace the lower limit on the integral with t = 0 . Before we start evaluating the above integral note that as t , i 0 , and therefore the current waveform is bounded. If it were unbounded, the total charge would not be finite. qtotal = 20e 5000t dt =

20 e 5000t 5000

t =

= 0.004(0 1) = 0.004 = 4000

[C ]

t =0

Problem 1.6 (Nilsson: Assessment Problem 1.4, page 13)

The charge entering the positive terminal of a device is specified by:

q= 1 t + 2 e t 1

[C ]

Determine the maximum value of the current entering the terminal if

= 0.03679

[s ]

Circuit Analysis I, Fundamental Concepts Prof. Bogdan Adamczyk Grand Valley State University



Before jumping into calculations lets determine the course of action, that is, the step-bystep approach leading to the final answer. Step 1: Step 2: Determine the current i(t ) . Evaluate
di di and set it to zero. That is, solve = 0 for t. dt dt

Say, the solution is tx. This means: at t = t x , the current is at its extremum value equal to i (t x ) Step 3: To determine whether the extremum value is a minimum or a maximum, d 2i evaluate 2 at t = t x . If dt 2 d i < 0 max at t x dt 2 t =t x
d 2i dt 2 > 0 min at t x
t =t x

Now, we proceed with the calculations.

Step 1: i= 1 1 dq d 1 t d t = 2 + 2 e t = e t + 2 e t dt dt dt 1 d t 1 d 1 1 = te 2 e t = e t + t ( )e t 2 ( )e t dt dt 1 1 = e t + te t + e t = te t

Circuit Analysis I, Fundamental Concepts Prof. Bogdan Adamczyk Grand Valley State University


Step 2:
di d t = te = e t + t ( )e t = e t (1 t ) dt dt di = 0 e t (1 t ) = 0 dt

Note that the exponential function is always positive, thus the only way the above equation can be satisfied is when
1 t = 0 or t = 1 1

Thus, for t = This value is:

1 = 27.1813 0.03679

[s ] = t x , the current attains its extremum value.

iextremum = i(t x ) = t x e t x = 27.1813e 1 = 9.9994


Step 3: Determine what kind of extremum is attained.

d 2 i d t d = e te t = ( )e t te t 2 dt dt dt t t t = e e + t ( )e

= e t e t + t 2 e t = 2e t + t 2 e t = t 2 2 e t At t = t x = 27.1813s, = 0.03679 s 1 d 2i = (0.03679 2 0.03679)e 1 < 0 and thus the attained extremum is a maximum. dt 2

Circuit Analysis I, Fundamental Concepts Prof. Bogdan Adamczyk Grand Valley State University


Problem 1.7

(Nilsson: Problem 1.17, page 18)

Let the voltage and current at the terminals of the device be specified as:

0, t < 0 v(t ) = 500t e 1500t [V ], t 0 e 0, t < 0 i (t ) = 500t + 10e 1500t [mA], t 0 30 40e

and i + v Note: Passive sign convention is satisfied. Determine: a) b) c) Solution: a) The instantaneous power can be expressed as: the instantaneous power delivered to the device at t = 1ms = 0.001s the energy delivered to the device between 0 t 0.001s the total energy delivered to the device.

0, t < 0 p(t ) = v(t )i (t ) = 500t e 1500t 30 40e 500t + 10e 1500t 10 3 , t 0, e


[VA = W ]

At t = 1ms = 0.001s , the instantaneous power is p = (e 500 0.001 e 1500 0.001 )(30 40e 500 0.001 + 10e 1500 0.001 )10 3 = 0.0031 [W ] or
p = 3.1 mW

Circuit Analysis I, Fundamental Concepts Prof. Bogdan Adamczyk Grand Valley State University


Alternatively, the voltage and current can be evaluated at t = 1ms , separately, and the power computed by multiplying their values, as follows. v(t = 0.001) = e 500 0.001 e 1500 0.001 = e 0.5 e 1.5 = 0.3834 i (t = 0.001) = (30 40e 0.5 + 10e 1.5 ) 10 3 = 7.9701 10 3 and p = (0.3834)(7.9701 10 3 ) = 0.0031

[V ] [A]

[W ]


The energy delivered to the device between 0 t 0.001s



pdt =
0 500 t



500 t

e 1500t 30 40e 500t + 10e 1500t 10 3 dt


= = =


40e 500t 500t + 10e 500t 1500t 30e 1500t + 40e 1500t 500t 10e 1500t 1500t 10 3 dt 40e 1000t + 10e 2000t 30e 1500t + 40e 2000t 10e 3000t 10 3 dt 40e 1000t 30e 1500t + 50e 2000t 10e 3000t 10 3 dt
t = 0.001



500 t



500 t

= 30 10

1 e 500t 500

40 10
t =0 t = 0.001

1 e 1000t 1000

t = 0.001

30 10
t =0 t = 0.001

1 e 1500t 1500

t = 0.001

t =0

+ 50 10 3 =

1 e 2000t 2000

10 10 3
t =0 3

1 e 3000t 3000

t =0

3 10 4 10 1 10 e 0.5 e 0 + e 1 e 0 + 50 100 50 3 3 1 10 1 10 e 2 e 0 + e 3 e 0 40 300




Circuit Analysis I, Fundamental Concepts Prof. Bogdan Adamczyk Grand Valley State University


Since e 0 = 1 , the above expression evaluates to

J Ws = s s = J

w = 1.2352 10 6

w = 1.2352 J


the total energy delivered to the device

t =

t =

pdt = (30e

500 t

40e 1000t 30e 1500t + 50e 2000t 10e 3000t 10 3 dt

t =

= 30 10 3 + 50 10 3 =

1 e 500t 500

40 10 3
t =0 t =

1 e 1000t 1000

t =

30 10 3
t =0 t =

1 e 1500t 1500

t =

t =0

1 e 2000t 2000

10 10 3
t =0 3

1 e 3000t 3000

t =0

3 10 4 10 1 10 e 1 + e 1 + e 1 50 100 50 3 3 1 10 1 10 J e 1 + e 1 Ws = s = J 40 300 s

Since e =

1 = 0 , the above expression evaluates to e J Ws = s s = J

w = 2.1667 10 5

w = 21.667 J

Circuit Analysis I, Fundamental Concepts Prof. Bogdan Adamczyk Grand Valley State University


Problem 1.8 (Nilsson: Problem 1.22, page 19)

dq , it follows that q (t ) = idt . This is the charge that has been transferred dt from beginning of time, up to time t. To determine the total charge transferred, we need to integrate from t = up to t = . Thus,

Since i =

qtotal =

idt .

In this problem, the nonzero current exists only between t = 0 and t = 1510 3 s . Therefore the above integral reduces to
15 103

qtotal =

idt .

There are two ways the answer can be obtained here. Method 1. The value of the above integral is numerically equal to the area under the current curve. Since this curve is piecewise linear, the calculations are simple.

1 1 1 q = 10 4000 + 5 4000 + 6 8000 + 4 8000 + 6 3000 2 2 2 = 123000 [As = C ] = 123kC Method 2 Derive the expression for i(t) in each interval it is defined on, and integrate. This method applies to any shape of current waveform, as long as it can be expressed as an integrable function.

Circuit Analysis I, Fundamental Concepts Prof. Bogdan Adamczyk Grand Valley State University


Note that the current waveform is piecewise linear and thus each segment can be expressed in the form:

i(t ) = at + b
where the coefficients a and b, for each segment, are evaluated by choosing two points belonging to that segment, and thus satisfying the above equation, and solving the resulting two equations in two unknowns. The results is:
0, t < 0 3 15 1.25 10 t , 0 t 4000s i (t ) = 12 0.5 10 3 t , 4000 t 12000s 30 2 10 3 t , 12000 t 15000s 0, t > 15000s and thus
15 103


qtotal =

idt = (15 1.25 10 t )dt + (12 0.5 10 t )dt + (30 2 10 t )dt

4000 3 12000 3 15000 3 0 0 4000 12000

t2 = 15t 1.25 10 3 2


t2 t2 + 30t 2 10 3 + 12t 0.5 10 3 2 4000 2




4000 2 = 15 4000 1.25 10 3 0 + 0 2 12000 2 4000 2 + 12 12000 0.5 10 3 12 4000 + 0.5 10 3 2 2 2 2 12000 15000 + 30 15000 2 10 3 30 12000 + 2 10 3 2 2 = 50000 + 64000 + 9000 = 123000

[C ]

Circuit Analysis I, Fundamental Concepts Prof. Bogdan Adamczyk Grand Valley State University


b) To calculate the total energy transferred to the battery we will use the formula


pdt =


The current waveform, for all times, was specified in part a). We need to do the same for the voltage waveform. The result is:
0, t < 0 v(t ) = 9 + 0.2 10 3 t , 0 t 15000 s 12, t > 15000 s

[V ]

and thus

wtotal =

(15 1.25 10 t )(9 + 0.2 10 t )dt

3 3 0 3 3

+ +


(12 0.5 10 t )(9 + 0.2 10 t )dt (30 2 10 t )(9 + 0.2 10 t )dt

3 3


= (468.667 + 674.133 + 104.4) 10 3 = 1247.2


[kJ ]

Circuit Analysis I, Fundamental Concepts Prof. Bogdan Adamczyk Grand Valley State University


Problem 1.9

In the circuit shown, identify which elements are absorbing power and which are delivering power. + va a ia + vc ib b vb + + c ic + vd d id if f vf ve e ie +

Elem ent a b c d e f

Passive Sign Convention Satisfied? Yes No Yes No Yes Yes

Voltage [V] -8 -2 10 10 -6 -4

Current [A] 7 -7 15 5 3 3

Power p = vi Absorbed p = ( 8)(7 ) = 56W Delivered p = ( 2)( 7 ) = 14W Absorbed p = (10)(15) = 150W Delivered p = (10)(5) = 50W Absorbed p = ( 6)(3) = 18W Absorbed p = ( 4)(3) = 12W

Actual Power Transfer 56W Delivered 14W Delivered 150W Absorbed 50W Delivered 18W Delivered 12W Delivered

Total power absorbed: p absorbed = 150W . Total power delivered: p delivered = 56 + 14 + 50 + 18 + 12 = 150W Note that total power absorbed by all elements equals total power delivered to these elements.

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