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Show captcha after <N> unsuccessfull attempts | Wiki | Yii Framework

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Show captcha after <N> unsuccessfull attempts

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In this mini howto I would like to show how to add a required captcha field in the login form, after a defined number of unsuccessfull attempts. To do this, I will use the blog demo that you have in default Yii download package (path/to/yii/demos/blog). Basically, you need three things: in the model, you have to add captcha field as a required field in the rules() method in the controller, you have to create a different LoginForm model if number of unsuccessfull attempts are greater than N in the view, you have to show captcha field if number of unsuccessfull attempts are greater than N In the LoginForm model, you can use 'scenario' to set different required fields, so:


View current article Update this article View history View revision Written by: zitter Category: How-tos Votes: +8 / -2 Viewed: 1,209 times Created on: Jun 12, 2012 Last updated: Jun 13, 2012 Tags: session, Authentication, security, form Related Articles

pbi fnto rls) ulc ucin ue( { rtr ary eun ra( / uenm adpswr aerqie / srae n asod r eurd ary'srae pswr' 'eurd) ra(uenm, asod, rqie', / rmmeM nest b aboen / eebre ed o e ola ary'eebre,'ola', ra(rmmeM' boen) / pswr nest b atetctd / asod ed o e uhniae ary'asod,'uhniae) ra(pswr' atetct', / adteelnsblw / d hs ie eo ary'sraepswr,eiyoe,rqie''n='athRqie', ra(uenm,asodvrfCd''eurd,o'>cpcaeurd) ary'eiyoe,'ath' ra(vrfCd' cpca, 'loEpy=!Cpca:hcRqieet() alwmt'>Cath:cekeurmns), ) ; }

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Moreover, add verifyCode as public property:

pbi $eiyoe ulc vrfCd;

In the view, add this code (show captcha field if scenario is set to 'captchaRequired', will see later):

<ppi(mdl>cnro= 'athRqie':? ?h f$oe-seai = cpcaeurd) > <i cas"o" dv ls=rw> <ppeh Ctl:cieaeE(mdl'eiyoe) ? ?h co Hm:atvLblx$oe,vrfCd'; > <i> dv <pp$hs>igt'Cpca) ? ?h ti-wde(Cath'; > <ppeh Ctl:cieetil(mdl'eiyoe) ? ?h co Hm:atvTxFed$oe,vrfCd'; > <dv /i> <i cas"it>laeetrteltesa te aesoni te dv ls=hn"Pes ne h etr s hy r hw n h iaeaoe mg bv. <r>etr aentcs-estv./i> b/Ltes r o aesniie<dv <dv /i>


<ppedf ? ?h ni; >

Show captcha after <N> unsuccessfull attempts | Wiki | Yii Framework

Now, the controller. First, add a property to set maximum allowed attempts and a counter that trace failed attempts time to time:

pbi $teps=5 / alwd5atmt ulc atmt ; / loe teps pbi $one; ulc cutr

then, add a private function that returns true if 'captchaRequired' session value is greater than number of failed attempts.

piaefnto cpcaeurd) rvt ucin athRqie( { rtr Yi:p(-ssin>tmt'athRqie' > $hs eun i:ap)>eso-ieA(cpcaeurd) = ti>teps atmt; }

We will use this function to know if captcha is required or not. Now, remain to modify actionLogin() method:

pbi fnto atoLgn) ulc ucin cinoi( { $oe =$hs>athRqie(?nwLgnom'athRqie' mdl ti-cpcaeurd) e oiFr(cpcaeurd) :nwLgnom e oiFr; / i i i aa vldto rqet / f t s jx aiain eus i(se(_OT'jx] & $PS[aa'==lgnfr' fist$PS[aa') & _OT'jx]='oi-om) { eh Ccieom:aiae$oe) co AtvFr:vldt(mdl; Yi:p(-ed) i:ap)>n(; } / cletue iptdt / olc sr nu aa i(se(_OT'oiFr') fist$PS[Lgnom]) { $oe-atiue=_OT'oiFr'; mdl>trbts$PS[Lgnom] / vldt ue iptadrdrc t tepeiu pg i / aiae sr nu n eiet o h rvos ae f vld ai i(mdl>aiae)& $oe-lgn) f$oe-vldt( & mdl>oi() $hs>eietYi:p(-ue-rtrUl; ti-rdrc(i:ap)>sr>eunr) es le { $hs>one =Yi:p(-ssin ti-cutr i:ap)>eso>tmt'athRqie' +1 ieA(cpcaeurd) ; Yi:p(-ssin>d(cpcaeurd,tii:ap)>eso-ad'athRqie'$hs >one) cutr; } } / dslytelgnfr / ipa h oi om $hs>edr'oi'ary'oe'>mdl) ti-rne(lgn,ra(mdl=$oe); }

Note that: if function captchaRequired() returns true create LoginForm with scenario 'captchaRequired', else create LoginForm with default scenario. This is useful because in protected/models/LoginForm.php we have set two different required fields depending on scenario:

pbi fnto rls) ulc ucin ue( { rtr ary eun ra( ary'srae pswr' 'eurd) ra(uenm, asod, rqie', ary'sraepswr,eiyoe,rqie''n='athRqie', ra(uenm,asodvrfCd''eurd,o'>cpcaeurd)


[. msigcd.. .. isn oe.] }

Show captcha after <N> unsuccessfull attempts | Wiki | Yii Framework

if validation passes redirect to a specific page, but what if validation doesn't pass? In this case we increment the counter, then set a session named 'captchaRequired' with counter value, in this way:

i(mdl>aiae)& $oe-lgn) f$oe-vldt( & mdl>oi() $hs>eietYi:p(-ue-rtrUl; ti-rdrc(i:ap)>sr>eunr) es le { $hs>one =Yi:p(-ssin>tmt'athRqie' +1 ti-cutr i:ap)>eso-ieA(cpcaeurd) ; Yi:p(-ssin>d(cpcaeurd,ti-cutr; i:ap)>eso-ad'athRqie'$hs>one) }

When 'captchaRequired' session will be equal to maximum allowed attempts (property $attempts) private function captchaRequired() will return true and then LoginForm('captchaRequired') will be created. With scenario set to 'captchaRequired' captcha will be show in the view:

<ppi(mdl>cnro= 'athRqie':? ?h f$oe-seai = cpcaeurd) > / cd t so cpca / oe o hw ath <ppedf ? ?h ni; >

Easy, uh? ;)


Total 5 comments

Good wiki

jpablo78 at 2012/06/22 01:44am

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This is a good wiki, I was just pointing out a situation that can lead to a false sense of safety. I'll not write another wiki because this one is just fine, I tried to collaborate with a (IMHO) note on security. I'm sorry if anyone took it in the wrong way.


bluejedi at 2012/06/21 11:13pm

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thx for the wiki :) just change the way it store login attempt counter and you're done(save to user log in database or file ), for jpablo if u don't like the way it was written just write your own wiki, or try to change the way you comment :)



Show captcha after <N> unsuccessfull attempts | Wiki | Yii Framework


zitter at 2012/06/18 07:12pm

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What you are missing "Or I'm missing something?" The only thing you're missing is a chance to write a better wiki to solve those problems :)


jpablo78 at 2012/06/18 03:31pm

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The login attempt counter in the session has severe flaws The login attempt counter is stored in the session?? An attacker can easily run a brute force process using an empty session each time, right? In this (the most common) scenario this solution is useless. Or I'm missing something?


peterjkambey at 2012/06/16 02:31pm

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i dont know what to say.. but this is really cool code... thx zitter.. as you said.. Easy, Uh....

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