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Hi everybody! Here we have what we have to do on Monday 2nd of July.

First we have to complete all the exercises in the Students book up to page 33 and in the Workbook up to page 15. Then we have to solve the exercises which I have uploaded. All these exercises are compulsory and I shall check them on Monday 9th. Remember that all the new vocabulary will be used in the exam which will take place on Monday 9th of July. _____________________________________________________________________________ EXERCISE 1 Choose the best answer and circle it. 1. Anyone who wants to see wild elk or deer should take ......... vacation through the Rocky Mountains. a) their b) our c) your 2. Many people spend a lot of ......... hard-earned money before Christmas. a) their b) our c) his / her 3. Nobody should ever give up on ......... dreams. a) their b) our c) my 4. We couldnt believe .......... eyes when we saw Randy out of the gymnasium without any clothes on at all! a) their b) our c) my 5. Our diving instructor led us down into the ocean on ......... first diving expedition. a) their b) our c) its 6. Neither of the girls listened to ......... father's instructions carefully. a) their b) our c) her 7. Tim and Ron didn't know what to do about ......... company's problems. a) their b) its c) his 8. Paul and Krista are responsible for Mathew's actions. Mathew is a minor and cannot be held responsible for ......... actions until he is 18-years-old. a) their b) our c) his 9. Jasper National Park is well-known for ......... natural beauty. The rugged landscape is just wonderful! a) their b) its c) our 10. Many drivers park ......... cars in this parking lot. If you remove this lot and replace it with a grassy field, they will have nowhere to park. a) their b) our c) its 11. Neither the merchants nor the shoppers knew how the recession was going to affect ......... budgets. a) their b) its c) his / her 12. CDs are less expensive now than they were two years ago; ......... initial price was $30. a) its b) their c) our

13. Ralph is going to buy a new car today. However, ......... wife doesn't think it's a good idea. a) her b) their c) his 14. Christina's mother is in the hospital. On the other hand, ......... father doesn't have any serious health issues right now. a) his b) our c) her 15. Everybody should try to do ......... best on the exam. a) their b) our c) its

EXERCISE 2 Read the restaurant review and underline the correct adjectives. Then choose the correct quantifier for the sentences below. AN EVENING TO REMEMBER
Last night I had an extremely (0) entertained / entertaining evening at Kenji, the new Teppanyaki restaurant on Feltbury High Street. Teppanyaki is a traditional Japanese way of cooking, in which the chef prepares and cooks the food right there in front of you. The chefs are very skillful and its (1) amazed / amazing to watch them work. They make a real show of it- ours even started juggling with his knives, which was a bit (2) frightened / frightening. One or two of the chefs are also comedians. Ours kept us (2) amused / amusing all evening. The food was very fresh and beautifully cooked. The atmosphere of the restaurant varies depending on where you sit. At the front, its very lively and noisy. But there are a couple of tables at the back where you can have a quiet meal. I do have one or two small complaints. Some of the people in our party were vegetarians and they were a bit (4) disappointed / disappointing to find there were so few dishes on the menu for them. Also, although the service was friendly, there werent really enough waiters. We had to wait ages to get our drinks. But none of us complained as we were feeling so (5) relaxed / relaxing and happy. I can highly recommend a visit to Kenjis youll have an evening to remember.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Are the sentences TRUE or FALSE? The chefs are very formal. Our chef played with his knives. Some of the people in our party were vegetarians. We had to wait little time to get our drinks. There were many dishes on the menu for vegetarians.

1.______ 2. ______ 3._______ 4._______ 5._______

EXERCISE 3 Read the puzzles carefully and solve them. Some of them are tricky. As usual work alone first and then check your answers with your classmates. Puzzle 1 At a musical recital five students (John, Kate, Larry, Mary and Nick) performed five musical pieces. Two by Bach, two by Mozart and one by Vivaldi. There were three violinists and two pianists. Each student performed only one piece, and played only one instrument. Find the

order of the students, their respective instruments and the composer, with the following conditions: 1. The composers were not played consecutively. Vivaldi was played last and Mozart was played first. 2. There was one piano piece that was played between two violin pieces, and two violin pieces between the first and last piano piece. 3.There were no piano pieces by Mozart. 4. Kate played third. 5. John played a piece by Mozart, and was immediately followed by Nick, who played the piano. 6. Mary did not play a piece by Vivaldi. Puzzle 2 Last weekend I travelled to my sister's house in Glasgow, around 250 miles away. I started on Saturday morning at 7am, traffic was heavy in places, and at times I was stationary. I arrived sometime after lunch. On Sunday, it was time to make my way home, over exactly the same route. I left my sister's at exactly the same time, 7 am, however, this time I came straight home without any travel delays, arriving home just before lunch. How likely is it that I was at exactly the same point at exactly the same time on both days? Puzzle 3 Name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Puzzle 4 Due to rumours that there was a world shortage of chewing gum, everyone was stocking up on packs. By the time I'd got to the store,they had sold out! However, there were two people at the till who had bought 4 and 5 packs respectively and they kindly offered to share their packs with me. After the sharing, we all had the same number of packs each and I paid them $9 for my packs. How did they share the $9 between them? Puzzle 5 Using the BrainTracker grid below, how many words can you find? Each word must contain the central M and no letter can be used twice. The letters do not have to be connected. Proper nouns are not allowed, however, plurals are. There is at least one nine letter word. Excellent: 38 words. Good: 31 words. Average: 24 words. W H A I M E E L N

Puzzle 6 Alex, Bret, Chris, Derek, Eddie, Fred, Greg, Harold, and John are nine students who live in a three storey building, with three rooms on each floor. A room in the West wing, one in the centre, and one in the East wing. If you look directly at the building, the left side is West and the right side is East. Each student is assigned exactly one room. Can you find where each of their rooms is:

1. Harold does not live on the bottom floor. 2. Fred lives directly above John and directly next to Bret (who lives in theWest wing) 3. Eddie lives in the East wing and one floor higher than Fred. 4.Derek lives directly above Fred. 5. Greg lives directly above Chris. Puzzle 7 A man is looking at a photograph when someone asks him "Whose picture is that?" The man replies "I have no brothers or sisters, but this man's father is my father's son" Whose photo is the man looking at? Puzzle 8 Mr. Jones and his son Alfred are travelling together when their aeroplane crashes. The father is killed, and Alfred is seriously injured. Arriving at the hospital emergency room, the head surgeon cries "I cannot operate on this patient, he's my son Alfred!" How can you explain this? Puzzle 9 white" Which of these two phrases is correct? "The egg's yolk is white" or "the egg yolk is

Puzzle 10 Following a robbery, three suspects, Richard, David and Tommy are taken to the Police station for questioning. Here are the facts that emerged from the investigation. No one other than these three was implicated in the crime. Richard never works alone, he always employs at least one accomplice. Tonny is innocent. Is David guilty or innocent? Puzzle 11 A train leaves London for Edinburgh. an hour later another train leaves Edinburgh for London. The two trains travel at exactly the same speed. Which of the two will be closest to London when they meet? Puzzle 12 Mr Hunt has as many cows on his farm as Mr Wood has; they have the same number. Mr Wood has three cows more than Mr Forrest has on his Mr Hill hasnt as many cows as Mr Forrest. Which of the three farmers has the fewest cows? Puzzle 13: Bob has scored the same number of goals as Richard so far this season. He has scored more goals than John, and more than Kevin. Richard has scored fewer goals than Simon. Which of the five players has scored the most goals? Puzzle 14: Michael has run the track seven times. The first time it took him five minutes. But each time he went round he was 30 seconds slower than the time before. How long did it take him the last time? Puzzle 15: There are eight people in this room, Mr Hall said to his little boy Davis. No one has bad eyes; everyone can see quite well. I am going to put this book somewhere, and one person will not be able to see it, but all the other seven people will be able to see it. Where am I going to put it? Puzzle 16: Mr Rogers is now three times as old as his son Colin. Seven years ago he was five times as old as Colin. How old is Colin now? Puzzle 17: Mrs Morgan went shopping yesterday. She wanted to buy some oranges, peaches and grapefruit. A peach cost twice as much as an orange, and the price of a grapefruit equalled the price of a peach and an orange together. An orange , a peach and a grapefruit together cost

18 pence. Mrs Morgan decided to buy three oranges, six peaches and five grapefruit. How much did she pay for them all together? Puzzle 18: If you are over 12 and under 20, write down your age. Then reverse the figures. That is, write them the other way round. (For example, if you are 18, you will write 81.) Take your age away from that number. Divide the result by 9. Does 9 go into the number exactly? Puzzle 19: Miss Lee has fifty-nine CDs in her collection. If she lent Miss Green four and Miss Brown half a dozen, how many would she have left? Puzzle 20: There is a big tree in Joe Webbs garden. It grows 35 cm a year. If he cut his initials (J.W.) on the trunk at a height of 1 metres, how far from the ground would his initials be a year later? Puzzle 21: Its now 11 a.m. Joe started work at 9 a.m. How long will he have been working if he is still working at midday? Puzzle 22: Mr Lee has a small business. His firms letters are delivered by the postman, who puts them in a letter box. This box is kept locked, and Mr Lee keeps the only key. The other day he went on holiday to Quito and forgot to give his secretary the key before he left. He found the key in his pocket when he got to his hotel. He immediately posted it to his office. Why was it stupid his doing so? Puzzle 23: Messrs Green, Sell,, Parker and Cooper are all commercial travellers. They take orders for their companys goods. They work on commission; that is to say, they receive a percentage on all that they sell. Last week they earned 400 between them. Mr Green earned twice as much as Mr Sell. Mr Parker earned 100 more than Mr Sell. Mr Cooper earned only half as much as Mr Green. How much did each of them earn?

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