Best Books-Experts' Recommendations: Non-Fiction

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Beautiful 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. K Burke R Burton R Burton Lord Byron R Byron E Canetti T Carlyle - A Grammar of Motives J R Ackerley C Aldred Allen T Aquinas R Ardrey H Arendt Aristotle J Aubrey St Augustine J L Austin A J Ayer F Bacon W Bagehot A L Basham J Bentham J Berger H Bergson G Berkeley H Berlioz L Bernstein R Blake Boethius J Boswell A C Bradley J Bronowski D Brown T Bowne K Brownlow A Bullock E Burke - My Father and Myself - Akhanaton King of Egypt - Plain Tales from the Raj - Summa Theologia - African Genesis - Origins of Totalitarianism - Nicomachean Ethics - Brief Lives - Confessions - Sense and Sensibilia - Language Truth and Logic - Essays - The English Constitution - The Wonder That Was India - Introduction to the Principles of Morals and - Ways of Seeing - Time and Free Will - principles of Human Knowledge - Memoirs - The Joy of Music - Disraeli - The Consolations of Philosophy - The Life of Samuel Johnson - Shakespearian Tragedy - The Ascent of Man - Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee - Religio Medici - The Parade's Gone By - Hitler: a study in tyranny - Reflections on the Revolution in France - A Philosophical Enquiry into the Sublime and the 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 82. - An Anatomy of Melancholy - Letters and Journals - The Byzantine Achievement - Crowds and Power - Past and Present 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. - A Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Medinah 81. L Durrell T Eagleton A Einstein A Einstein R Ellmann W Empson R C K Ensor Epictetus Epicurus D Erasmus H Evans H J Eysenck P L Fermor R Feynman A Flew A Frank C Doughty N Douglas W Durant G Durrell J A Coleman A Comfort C Connolly A Conte C Darwin E David K Douglas R Dawkins D Defoe R Descartes Cicero G Clark K Clark R Carson B Castiglione B Cellini J Chadwick K Chesney N Chomsky W Churchill - Silent Spring - The Book of the Courtier - Autobiography - The Mycenean World - The Victorian Underworld - Language and the Mind - My Early Life - The History of the English-Speaking Peoples - World Prehistory - The Gothic Revival - Civilisation K von Clausewitz - On War - Relativity for the Layman - The Joy of Sex - The Unquiet Grave - Positive Philosophy - The Origin of the Species - French Provincial Cooking - Alemain to Zeni Zem - The Blind Watchmaker - A Journal of the Plague Year - Meditations on First Philosophy - Discourses on Method - Travels in Arabia Deserta - Old Calabria - The Story of Civilisation - My Family and Other Animals - Bafut Beagles* - Reflections on a Marine Venus - Literary Theory - Mozart - The Meaning of Relativity - James Joyce - Seven Types of Ambiguity - England 1870-1914 - Enchiridon - letters to Herodotus and Menoecus - In Praise of Folly - Pictures on a Page - Fact and Fiction in Psychology - A Time of Gifts - Lectures on Physics - Body Mind and Death - Diary

D Attenborough - Life on Earth

Marcus Aurelius - Meditations

S de Beauvoir - The Second Sex


W G Breasley - The Modern History of Japan

& Mecca

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88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 101.

J Frazer S Freud B Friedan J K Galbraith E Gaskell C de Gaulle E Gibbon M A Glendon J Goethe

- The Golden Bough - The Interpretation of Dreams - New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis - The Feminine Mystique - The Affluent Society - Economics and the Public Purpose - The Life of Charlotte Bronte - War Memoirs - Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Autobiography - Rights Talk - Elecetive Affinities - Art and Illusion - The Story of Art - My Childhood - Father and Son - Godbye to All That - The Greek Myths - Pack My Bag - The Female Eunuch - A History of South East Asia - Concise History of the Theatre - The Spirit of the Age - Essays - Phenomenology of Spirit - Philosophy of Right - Histories - Cavaliers and Roundheads - Leviathan - Footsteps - A World History of Art - Middle Eastern Mythology - Words in Time - An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding - The Treatise of Human Nature - Unreliable Memoirs - Pragmatism - Varieties of Religious Experience - Essays in Radical Empiricism - Pictures from an Institution - Lives of the English Poets - Memories, Dreams and Reflections - A Critique of Pure Reason - Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics - Letters - Ancient Egypt - The General Theory of Employment Interest and

139. W Kinglake 140. M Kingsley 141. V Klemperer 143. C Lamb 144. L Lee 146. G Lessing 147. P Levi 148. 150. W Lewis 151. Livy 152. J Locke 153. 154. 156. K Lorenz

- Eothen - Travels in West Africa - I Shall Bear Witness/The Bitter End - Essays of Elia - Cider with Rosie - Laocoon - If This Is a Man - If Not Now, When? - Blasting and Bombardeering - History - Letter Concerning Toleration - Of Civil Government - Essay Concerning Human Understanding - King Solomon's Ring

142. A de Lamartine - Meditations

145. G von Leibniz - Discourse on Metaphysics

149. C Levi-Strauss - Myth and Meaning

100. E Gombrich 102. M Gorky 103. E Gosse 104. R Graves 105. 106. H Green 107. G Greer 108. D G E Hall 109. P Hartnoll 110. W Hazlitt 111. 112. G W F Hegel 113. 114. Herodotus 115. C Hibbert 117. T Hobbes 118. R Holmes 120. S H Hook 122. G Hughes 123. D Hume 124. 125. C James 126. W James 127. 128. 129. R Jarrell 130. S Johnson 131. C Jung 132. I Kant 133. 135. J Keats 136. B J Kemp 137. J M Keynes Money

155. H W van Loon - Lives 157. T B Macaulay - History of England from the Accession of James II 158. N Machiavelli - The Prince (George Ball) 159. H Mackinder 160. M McLuhan 161. J Maritain 162. 163. A Marshall 164. K Marx 165. G Mast 166. G Matingley 167. A Maurois 168. J C Maxwell 169. P B Medawar 170. 171. H L Mencken 172. 173. Mendel 174. J S Mill 175. On Liberty 176. J Miller 177. N Mitford 178. M Montaigne 179. Montesquieu 180. T More 181. D Morris 182. S Morrison 183. J L Motley 184. V Nabokov 185. W Nash 186. E Newman 187. J H Newman 188. H Nicolson 189. F Nietzsche 190. - The Body in Question - Noblesse Oblige - Essays - The Spirit of Laws - Utopia - The Naked Ape - The Great Explorers - Rise of the Dutch Republic - Speak Memory - Rhetoric - Wagner Nights - Apologia pro Vita Sua - Some People - Thus Spake Zarathustra - Beyond Good and Evil - The Geographical Pivot of History - The Medium is the Massage - Art and Scholasticism - Degrees of Knowledge - The Principles of Economics - Capital - The Comic Mind - The Defeat of the Spanish Armada - A History of France - Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism - Pluto's Republic - The Art of the Soluble - The American Language - Selected Prejudices - The Principles of Political Economy

116. E R Hilgard, R C Atkinson - Introduction to Psychology

119. H Honour, J Fleming

121. S Hornblower - The Greek World 479-323BC

134. E Kantorowicz - The Empereror Frederick the Second

138. S Kierkegaard - Either/Or

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191. 192. D J O'Connor 193. I Origo 194. G Orwell 195. 196. 197. 198. Ovid 199. 200. V Packard 201. T Paine 202. G Parker 203. B Pascal 204. W Pater 205. 206. N Pevsner 207. S Pinker 208. M Planck 209. Plato 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. J H Plumb 215. Plutarch 216. 217. J H Poincare 218. M Polo 219. A Pope 220. 221. K Popper 222. 223. W Prescott 224. T de Quincey 225. J Reed 226. K Reisz 227. E Remarque 228. E Renan 229. J Renoir 230. V M Roberts 232. J J Rousseau 233. 234. 235. 236. S Runciman 237. J Ruskin 238. 239. B Russell 240. 241. 242.

- The Will to Power - Free Will - The Merchant of Prato - The Road from Wigan Pier - Essays - Coming Up for Air - Homage to Catalonia - The Art of Love - Matamorphoses - The Hidden Persuaders - The Rights of Man - Philip II - Penses - Studies in the History of the Renaissance - Imaginary Portraits - An Outline of European Architecture - The Language Instinct - Origins and Development of Quantum Theory - The Republic - Eurythphro - Apology - Crito - Phaedo - The First Four Georges - Lives - Moralia - Science and Hypothesis - Travels - Essay on Criticism - Essay on Man - The Poverty of Historicism - The Open Society and its Enemies - The Conquest of Mexico - Confessions of an English Opium Eater - Ten Days that Shook the World - The Technique of Film Editing - All Quiet on the Western Front - The Life of Jesus - Renoir My Father - The Nature of Theatre - Maxims - Social Contract - Emile - Confessions - On Political Economy - A History of the Crusades - The Seven Lamps of Architecture - Praeterita - The Problems of Philosophy - A History of Western Philosophy - Sceptical Essays - Human Knowledge

243. duc de St Simon 244. G Santayana 245. 246. S Sapir 247. J P Sartre 248. 249. S Schama 250. A Scharf 252. 253. R Scruton 255. Seutonius 256. O Sitwell 257. A Smith of Nations 258. 259. B Spinoza 260. B Spock 262. L Sterne 263. P Stevick 264. L Strachey 266. P Susskind 267. J Swift 268. R Syme 269. Tacitus 270. 271. R H Tawney 272. A J P Taylor 274. P Theroux 275. W Thesiger 276. 277. P Thomas 278. H D Thoreau 279. 280. A Toynbee 281. B Tropp 282. B Tuchman 283. 284. Thucydides 286. C Turnbull 287. M Twain 288. G Vasari 289. A P Wallace 290. I Walton 291. J D Watson 292. M Weber 293. G Webster

- Memoires - The Life of Reason - Scepticism and Animal Faith - Language - Words - Being and Nothingness - The Embarrassment of Riches - Art and Photography - Studies in Pessimism - Modern Philosophy - Lives of the Twelve Caesars - Autobiography - An Enquiry into the Nature & Causes of the Wealth - The Theory of Moral Sentiments - Ethics - Commonsense Book of Baby and Child Care - A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy - The Theory of the Novel - Eminent Victorians - The Elements of Style - Perfume - A Modest Proposal - The Roman Revolution - Annals - Agricola and Germania - Religion and the Rise of Capitalism - The Struggle for Mastery in Europe - The Penguin Huistory of India - The Great Railway Bazaar - The Marsh Arabs - Arabian Sands - Epics Myths and Legends in India - Civil Disopbedience - Walden - A Study of History - The Art of Chinese Cooking - A Distant Mirror - The Proud Tower - The Peloponnesian War - Democracy in America - The Forest People - Roughing It - Lives of the Artists - The Malay Archipelago - The Compleat Angler - The Double Helix - The Theory of Social and Economic Organisation - The Roman Conquest of Britain

251. A Schopenhauer - The World as Will and Idea

254. W C Sellar & R J Yeatman - 1066 and All That

261. R Spottiswoode - A Grammar of Film

265. W Strunk, E B White

273. R Thapar, P Spear

231. F de Rochefoucauld

285. A de Tocqueville

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294. E B White 295. G White 296. C Wilmot 297. E Wilson 298. 300. 301. H Woelfflin

- Stravisnky - The Natural History and Antiquities of Selbourne - The Struggle for Europe - To the Finland Station - Classics and Commercials - Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus - Principles of Art History - The Great Hunger

299. L Wittgenstein - Philosophical Investigations

302. M Wollstencraft - Vindication of the Rights of Woman 303. C Woodham-Smith 304. V Woolf 305. Xenophon - Diaries - Anabasis

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