Becketsbestrecipes Sauces

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for salad dressings see SALADS asparagus beef grilled steak roast saute chicken roast fish game lamb chops roast cutlets pasta pork potatoes (new) shellfish veal hollandaise, maltaise bordelaise chasseur, italienne italienne perigaux chasseur, perigaux ramolade aurore, beurre blanc perigaux chasseur soubise reform italienne, pesto aurore beurre blanc newburg, remoulade aurore, italienne

vinegar garlic chillis. [ with Philippine food, especially pork, chicken , fish and vegetables ] soya sauce pepper

for 6 6 cloves 6 1 garlic yolks lemon 1 tspn 1 tspn 250 ml salt white pepper olive oil

Mix crushed garlic and salt and add yolks, pepper and lemons juice. Whisk well and add olive oil in a thins stream whisking continuously. You should be able to stand up a spoon in it.

Butter sauce plus grated horseradish, mustard and vinegar

butter grated parmesan cream, black pepper

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[ most commonly served over fettuccine]

300 g 2 cloves 1 800 g bacon (pancetta) garlic carrot chilli tomato puree 1 7 leaves 1 stick 2 glasses 150 g onion basil celery dry white wine Pecorino Romano

Fry finely-chopped onion, garlic, carrot and celery with a little chilli until onion is golden. Add chopped bacon and fry briefly (not to crisp). Add a third of the cheese grated and the wine and simmer 3 mins. Add tomato and cook on very low heat for at least 20 mins. Add pasta which has been cooked for 2 mins less than recommended, and cook for 2 mins together. Sprinkle with the rest of the grated cheese.

500 ml 2 tblspn mayonnaise pimento 4 tblspn tomato juice or ketchup

Chop pimento into strips and add to other ingredients. Mix

Supreme plus reduced champagne.

for 300 ml Veloute 300 ml 1 tblspn 2 tblspn 1 tbslpn chicken/fish stock flour tomato puree butter salt, pepper 1 tblspn butter

Make veloute sauce. Whisk in tomato puree. Take off heat and add butter. [ for fish, veal, pork ]

Barbados cream

for 8 4 tblspn 2 tblspn 1 tspn 3 tblspn 1 pinch vinegar/lemon juice dry white wine Dijon mustard tarragon cayenne 2 2 4 250 g shallot yolks butter salt and pepper bay leaves

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Mix vinegar, wine, mustard, finely-chopped shallot. Boil and reduce. In double boiler add yolks and whisk with melted butter until thick, then add tarragon and cayenne. If it curdles, add slowly to a tablespoon of cream.

2 oz 2 tblspn butter flour bay or nutmeg Cook flour in hot butter to creamy mass. Remove from heat and slowly stir in heated milk (or milk mixed a little warm stock) stirring continuously to prevent lumps. Bring to boil still stirring and when it start to thicken cook another 2 mins - about 15 to 20 mins in all. Add salt, pepper, bay/nutmeg. 1 pint milk salt, pepper

2 shallots arrowroot Gently fry finely-chopped onions. Add wine and reduce to one third. Thicken with arrowroot. 5 oz white wine

Beurre blanc
500 g 2 tblspn 6 tblspn butter shallot white wine vinegar pepper lemon

Boil chopped shallots in vinegar and an equal volume of water until much reduced. Gradually add butter while beating. Add salt and pepper and a squeeze or two of lemon juice but do not allow to boil or it will curdle. If it does add ice-cold water. After 5 mins it should be thick, creamy and pale. [ for fish, especially poached salmon, and new potatoes ]

1 2 oz 4 oz 1 2 tblspn 2 tblspn 2 tspn onion mushrooms carrots lemon plain flour tomato juice bouquet garni redcurrant jelly 1 glass 1 stick 2 rashers 1 2 oz 2 glasses pint celery streaky bacon orange dripping red wine stock salt, pepper port

Fry finely-chopped onion, celery, mushrooms and bacon to soft. Add carrots and fry till onions straw colour. Add enough flour to absorb fat and stir continuously, cooking until it turns caramel colour. Remove from heat and slowly add wine, tomato juice, and stock. Bring slowly to the boil, stirring continuously, add bouquet, blend in the juice and grated rind of lemon and orange. Simmer covered for 30 mins.

300 ml red wine shallot 1 tblspn demi-glace/meat glaze butter

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thyme pepper

bay salt

Mix finely-chopped shallot with other ingredients and reduce to two-thirds. Add equal quantity of demi-glace or meat glaze, and butter. Reduce, strain. It can be thickened with a little flour. [ used with grilled meat ]

Brandy butter
see Miscellany

for 8 2 8 750 ml large white loaf onion cloves milk 2 6 sprigs 4 floz bay leaves thyme double cream nutmeg

Remove crust, tear into small pieces and leave to dry slightly. Stud onion with cloves and put in milk with bay, salt, pepper, thyme and nutmeg. Bring to the boil and allow to stand for at least 20 mins. Add crumbled bread and simmer 20 mins. Lift out thyme, onion and bay. Add cream, and bring to the boil, whisking thoroughly.

Add a little brandy, butter and cream to lobster sauce, and a touch of cayenne

for 8 250ml 2 tspn double cream vanilla extract 4 tblspn sugar

Whip the cream and fold in sugar and vanilla extract.

for 8 125 ml 100 g (200g white wine mushrooms tomatoes) 25 g 1 clove 125 l shallots garlic stock

Gently fry chopped shallots for 2 or 3 mins. Add chopped garlic and sliced mushrooms, and cook over low heat for 3 mins. Add wine and reduce. If using tomatoes add them chopped at this stage and stock. Simmer for 5 to 10 mins and add a little chopped parsley or tarragon. [ with fried steaks, chops, chicken ]

25 g butter 25 g plain flour

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900 ml


5 tblspn

double cream

Lightly fry flour in butter and gradually add hot stock. Simmer for about 1 hour to reduce to about half, stirring occasionally. Add salt, pepper and cream.

Cocktail 1
for 8 1 dl dl 3 dl tomato ketchup cream mayonnaise worcester sauce lemon juice

Cocktail 2
for 8 1 tblspn 1 dl 3 dl 1 tblspn anchovy essence cream mayonnaise parsley 1 tblspn tblspn cayenne salt, pepper brandy tarragon

Cucumber relish
for 8 1 4 tblspn 2 cucumber coriander leaves grated root ginger limes juice 1 2 tblspn 2 tblspn small red onion dessicated coconut toasted ground cumin little chilli

Grate cucumber, toss with salt and leave 30 mins. Squeeze out the water and mix with other ingredients and refrigerate.

for 8 300g 1 35 g 200ml redcurrant jelly lemon root ginger port cornflour Heat port with redcurrant jelly. Cut citrus peel into strips, squeeze in citrus juice, add the other ingredients and reduce. 2 2 2 tspn 100 ml oranges shallots mustard powder orange liqueur

ground ginger garlic turmeric stock onion chilli cumin coriander/garam masala salt and pepper fenugreek

Cover with stock the ginger, crushed garlic, turmeric, finely-chopped onion, and pour over meat. When meat is tender add chilli, cumin, coriander (or garam masala, cinnamon, clove, cardamom).

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Curry mayonnaise
Soften chopped onion in oil. Add mayonnaise, curry powder, mango chutney.

Demi glace
for 1 l 1 60 g 50 g 3 tblspn 700 ml carrot green streaky bacon plain flour tomato paste stock 1 30 g onion butter bouquet garni salt and pepper

Fry diced carrot, onion and bacon for 10 mins to slightly brown. Gradually add stock and bouquet garni and simmer for 30 mins. Sauce should be shiny and coat the back of a spoon. OR Scraps of meat, bones, minced beef, sugar, onion and garlic in Mark 6 oven for 20 mins. When brown and tacky wash out oven dish with meat-stock, reduce, add salt and pepper, strain and add gelatine.

750 g 18 1 1 pinch shallots capers gherkin tomato cayenne 225 ml 1 tblspn 1 tblspn 1 tspn stock white wine vinegar mustard

Soften finely-chopped shallots for 2 or 3 mins. Add capers, gherkins, tomatoes and cook for 1 min. Add vinegar and wine, and reduce. Add mustard and stock, and cook low for 5 mins.

Diable 2
1 tblspn 1 150 ml glass 100 g 1 pinch flour carrot beef stock vinegar butter cayenne lots of pepper Lightly brown flour in half the butter. Add finely-chopped carrot, onion, leek, celery, mushroom and fry gently. Add tomato puree, beef stock, wine vinegar, bayleaves, cayenne, pepper. Boil to reduce. 2 1 glass 1 1 stick 3 2 tblspns bayleaf dry white wine leek celery mushrooms tomato puree

2 pints 2 oz 2 sprigs 2 fl oz 1 pinch brown stock carrots thyme white wine marjoram 1 oz 1 2 2 oz 1 pork belly onion bay leaves flour clove

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Boil two-thirds of the stock. Fry roughly-diced pork for 5 mins to extract and remove fat, add finely-chopped vegetables and flavourings and add flour slowly to heated stock. Add rest of stock and simmer 1 hour, stirring continuously. {Add orange peel to make sauce bigarade, gherkins, capers and chervil to make sauce piquante.}

Garam masala
1 tspn 1 tspn 1 tspn 1 tspn cumin cloves peppercorns coriander 2 tspn 2 tspn 1 tspn 1 stick coriander cardamom bayleaf cinnamon

Grind and mix. Some versions also add tspn each of mace, nutmeg and fennel seeds.

Make bechamel sauce, add shredded pickled gherkins and lemon.

for 8 250 g 10 g gooseberries flour 50 g 1 tblspn butter caster sugar

Simmer gooseberries, sugar and 150 ml water until it turns yellow. Liquidise and sieve (avoids topping and tailing the fruit). Slightly cook the flour in a quarter of the butter. Add the fruit and bring to boil stirring continuously. Add the rest of the butter a bit at a time. Serve hot. [ good with goose ]

for 8 4 3 tblspn 2 tblspn 2 tspn 240 ml [ eggs shallot cornichon chives olive oil gherkin] 2 tspn 2 tblspn 3 tblspn 3 tblspn 2 tspn [1 tspn Dijon mustard capers flat-leaf parsley white-wine vinegar tarragon chervil]

Separately chop the yolks and the whites of two of the thoroughly hard-boiled eggs. Gradually whisk oil into a mixture of the mustard, the other ingredients all finely-chopped and the vinegar. Stir in chopped egg.

225 g 1 tblspn 1 tblspn 1 tblspn chillies coriander mint salt 1 head 1 tblspn 3 tblspn 1 tblspn garlic caraway seeds coriander leaves olibe oil

Whizz ingredients in a blender. If kept float a layer of olive oil on it and it will keep a long time, especially in the fridge.

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for 8 250 g 2 tblspn 4 butter yolks salt Put yolks, (pinch of caster sugar), salt and pepper in blender. Add hot lemon juice. Blend for 6 secs and while motor is still running add foaming butter in a steady stream. Sauce should be thick and smooth in 35 to 40 secs. If too thick add teaspoon or so of hot water. Serve immediately. Without blender: whisk yolks with 3 tablespoons of water in a double boiler. Remove from heat and add melted butter a little at a time. Add pepper and lemon juice. [ for asparagus ] 1 pinch sugar white pepper lemon juice (plus perhaps 3 tblspn white win vinegar)

for 8 600 g 4 tspn 1 150 ml carrots harissa lemons juice olive oil 3 tspn 1 tblspn 3 tspn 1 tblspn ground cumin wine vinegar honey flat-leaf parsley (or coriander)

Cook chopped carrots to tender and puree with all the other ingredients except parsley. Add salt and pepper. Serve cold with chopped parsley on top. [ will make a dip for lamb pieces or flat-bread as starter ]

for 8 (750 ml) 1 tblspn 100 g 600 ml butter onion mushroom brown sauce: meat stock, arrowroot, water/madeira 200 ml 50 g lean ham salt, pepper dry white wine

Cook finely-chopped onion in butter for 5 mins to soft. Add finely-chopped mushrooms and stir over high heat to soft. Add wine and boil to pint. Add brown sauce, finely-cubed ham and bring to the boil. [ for roast beef, steak, veal, pasta ]

litre 1 lobster oil peppercorns 20 g 10 g celery tomato pure 2 glasses white wine 50 g 50 g 1 1 clove 250 g litre onion carrots bayleaf garlic tomatoes fish stock

Cook lobster in very hot oil briefly until red all over. Add finely-chopped vegetables, herbs and spices and cook briefly without adding too much colour. Add brandy and set light to it. Ad wine, chopped tomato, tomato pure, and simmer 25 mins. Remove lobster and reduce liquid to half. Add fish stock and reduce, stirring frequently.

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Madeira 3 tblspn 2 tblspn 3 tblspn 1 tblspn butter ham onion celery salt, pepper Soften finely-chopped onions and celery in butter. Blend in flour and cook on low heat to nut brown. Add stock, chopped ham and herbs. Simmer 2 hours to 1 pint. Add Madeira and a little butter. 1 oz 1 pint pint flour stock Madeira herbs

To pint Hollandaise sauce add the juice of orange and its shredded rind which has been blanched 2 mins in boiling water. [ for asparagus ]

1 lb 3 cloves onions garlic 1 tblspn 2 lbs ginger tomatoes

Fry chopped onions covered on low heat for 20 mins, then uncover and fry to brown. Add crushed garlic and ginger. Cook for 4 mins. Add tomatoes. Simmer 10 mins. Liquidise.

for 8 4 1 2 tspn yolks lemon English (or Dijon) mustard 600 ml 2 tblspn sunflower or groundnut oil wine vinegar

The fresher the eggs the easier to make. Have eggs and oil at room temperature or slightly cooler. Add tiny dribbles of oil to a mixture of egg yolk with a smidgeon of English mustard and beat until they start being securely amalgamated, then oil can be added by the tablespoonful, and finally in a steady thin stream. Every now and again add a little lemon juice. Beat until sauce goes through being thick cream to smooth, shining ointment stiff enough to stand in hillocks. Mustard, salt and pepper not really needed. For separated mayonnaise see RESCUES. Store at about 60F with surface covered in a thin film of oil and dish covered with plastic film.

14 oz 3 tblspn raspberries sugar 2 tblspn 1 Grand Marnier lemon

Mix the juice of the lemon with the rest, bring to the boil and sieve.

for 8 3 6 tblspn (2 tspn aubergines oilve oil tahini paste) 2 cloves 1 garlic lemon salt and pepper

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2 tblspn

coriander or parsley

Prick aubergines two or three times and bake on a tray in Mark 6 (200C 400F) oven for about 40 mins, turning once. Liquidise flesh with garlic and most of the oil and half the juice of a lemon. When pureed add tahini if used, salt and lemon then add the rest of the oil and lemon to taste.

shallots bouquet garni pepper flour Fry chopped shallots to straw, add chopped smoked back bacon and turn briefly over high heat. Add bouqet garni, stock, pepper and a squeeze or two of orange. Add flour and simmer 20 mins to reduce. smoked back bacon stock orange

for 8 50 g 50 g 600 ml 2 blade 2 butter flour milk mace onion salt, pepper 2 pinch 2 pinch 150 g 160 g cheese cream grated gruyere, parmesan or cheddar nutmeg cayenne English mustard powder

Stir flour and mustard powder into melted butter. Cook, stirring 1 min. Remove from heat, add milk, stir well and simmer 2 mins. Add mace, salt, pepper, chopped onion, and slowly add milk and heat 1 or 2 mins but do not boil, beat in grated cheese and warm on low heat for 5 to 7 mins but do not boil; add pepper, nutmeg and cayenne. [ for fish or vegetables ]

3 tblspn Dijon mustard corn flour chicken stock double cream

Warm mixture of mustard and stock for a few minutes, add corn flour and double cream and keep warm.

Bechamel, crayfish puree, cayenne and cream

2 tblspn 2 glasses 2 butter dry sherry yolks 1 tub thick cream salt paprika

Simmer sherry and butter 3 mins, add cream, salt and paprika. Pour over beaten yolks and cook in double boiler till smooth. [ for shellfish or lobster ]

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for 6 5 oz 1 oz 1 pint 1 butter flour fish stock shallot bouquet garni 2 oz 3 tblspn 3 poached oysters double cream yolks salt, pepper mushrooms

Cook flour in 1 oz butter for 3 mins. Add stock and bring to the boil, add chopped shallot, mushroom and herbs, and simmer 20 mins. Strain, add juice of boiled oysters and mushrooms and reduce by a third. Beat cream and egg yolks together and whisk in with remaining butter.

Onion and red wine gravy

for 8 4 4 tblspn 400 ml onions plain flour red wine oil Fry finely-chopped onions to light brown. Add flour and heat for 3 to 4 mins until it is nut-brown. Stir in stock (use meat stock for the appropriate accompaniment to a roast) and the wine and simmer till it thickens. Add soya sauce, salt, pepper and perhaps sugar. An alternative additional ingredient is lightly fried chopped porcini. salt, pepper, sugar 400 ml 4 tblspn vegetable stock tamari/soya sauce

750 ml 100 g demiglace chopped truffle 500 ml truffle essence

{optional extra: you can add a mixture of lightly-fried chopped onion and smoked ham, plus a little Bual} [ for sautd meat, poultry, game ]

for 8 125 g 20 g 30 g basil celery leaves pine kernels 20 g 60 g 350 ml parsley ricotta olive oil

Mix in blender. [ good with pasta ]

see Espagnole

onion tomatoes bay rosemary

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thyme stock

flour salt, pepper

Lightly fry in closed pan chopped onion, tomatoes, thyme, bay and rosemary for 10 mins. Add flour and when that is brown remove from the heat and add stock a little at a time, letting each bit come to the boil. Reduce.

to make 1 l 2 cloves 75 g 200 ml 20 g garlic tomatoes dry white wine bacon 1 tspn 1 tblspn parsley thyme tomato puree bay

Gently fry finely-chopped garlic with chopped bacon for a few minutes. Add bay and chopped tomatoes and reduce. Add tomato puree and thyme and simmer 10 mins. Add chopped parsley. [ suitable for eggs, fish, shellfish ]

for 8 600 g 8 200 g 3 1 1 tblspn spaghetti unsalted anchovy fillets black olives small chilli peppers onion chopped parsley 3 tblspn 3 cloves 1 tblspn (1 tblspn 600 g olive oil garlic salted capers basil) plum tomatoes, peeled and pured salt

Fry finely-chopped onion, and when softened add and fry finely-chopped garlic and anchovies which have been crushed into a paste. Before the garlic browns, add the chopped olives, chopped capers, pureed tomato, chillis (and chopped basil). Add salt, simmer until thickened about 25 mins. [serve poured over spaghetti. Cheese is not served with this]

for 6 8 oz 4 oz 3 oz 1 glass 1 1 minced beef chicken livers bacon or ham white wine carrot onion 1 3 tspn 2 glasses small piece celery tomato puree stock nutmeg marjoram rosemary

Brown chopped bacon lightly. Add chopped onion, carrot, celery, and brown. Add beef and turn till that is also brown. Add chicken livers and after 2 or 3 mins the tomato puree and then wine. Add salt, pepper, nutmeg, marjoram, rosemary, and stock. Simmer covered for 30 mins. (Add cupful of cream and egg if you like.)

for 8 6 onions 1 kg button mushrooms

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100 g 20 g

butter flour


chicken stock

Fry chopped onions and mushrooms in butter till the onions are translucent. Add stock and reduce to almost half. Make a paste with the flour and some butter and stir in some of the hot stock then add to the main mixture. Keep stirring over medium heat until smooth and shiny. Add salt and pepper. {This sauce from P Lambe Royal Cookery, 1726, is not to be confused with the French remoulade.} [ serve with roast chicken ]

Red wine
Two parts Portugaise to one part demi-glace and double that volume of red wine. Reduce to two-thirds.

for 8 60 g 25 g 1 1 tblspn 6 1 1 carrot celery sprig thyme vinegar peppercorns gherkin eggs white 60 g 3 25 g 1 tblspn 600 ml 2 onion bay leaves butter redcurrant jelly stock mushrooms

Fry the chopped vegetables. Add crushed peppercorns, vinegar and reduce by two-thirds Add redcurrent jelly. Bring to boil and strain. [ serve with breadcrumbed lamb cutlets ]

pint 1 tspn 1 tspn 1 tspn mayonnaise chervil parsley onion 1 tspn 1 tspn 1 tspn chopped capers gherkins tarragon

Blend the finely-chopped herbs and vegetables into the mayonnaise. [ suitable for shellfish and egg dishes ]

for 8 200 g 60 ml 1 clove 1 tblspn onions vinegar garlic sugar 50 g 2 1 tblspn mushrooms tomatoes English mustard bouquet garni

Gently fry covered the sliced onions till soft. Add chopped tomatoes and mushrooms plus a whole clove garlic and bouquet and cook 5 mins. Add vinegar and reduce to a quarter. Add stock and simmer 10 mins. Remove from heat and add mustard and sugar. Warm but do not boil.


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French for flour lightly browned in butter.

for litre 1 1 dl onion cream 4 dl bechamel

Add bechamel to chopped onion gently softened in butter. Cook 1 hr in Mark 1 (275F 140C) oven. Add cream. [ with roast lamb ]

1 oz 1 oz pint pint butter flour strong chicken stock cream 3 yolks salt, pepper lemon juice

Make white roux with butter and flour. Pour on stock and stir to boiling. Take off heat and add mixture of yolks and cream plus a few drops of lemon juice.

Salsa verde
for 8 1 bunch 14 fillets 3 tblspn 230 ml 2 cloves 4 tblspn flat-leaf parsley anchovy dijon mustard olive oil salt and pepper garlic wine vinegar bunch 4 tblspn 2 tblspn 1 8 1 tblspn mint basil capers lemon tinned anchovies shallot

Whizz everything apart from the oil in a food processor and gradually add oil with machine running gradually to make it sloppy. Then add best part of a lemons juice, salt and pepper.

Salsa di pomodoro
1 1 1 stick 4 oz onion carrot celery meat 1 lb mushrooms tomatoes garlic oil

Fry chopped onion with carrot, celery and mushrooms. Add minced meat and garlic and then chopped tomatoes. Add salt, pepper, a pinch of sugar and herbs. (Pureed tomatoes can also be added.)

1 tblspn vanilla sugar 5 tblspn maraschino liqueur

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orange peel lemon peel 4 oz butter

5 tblspn 5 tblspn

kirsch curaao

Add half the booze to hot butter, stir and light. When flames die add pancakes and flavoured sugar. Add rest of booze, light again and serve.

Sweet and sour

1 tblspn 2 tblspn 1 tblspn 1 tblspn 2 tblspn oil pickle sherry vinegar soya sauce 6 oz 3 tblspn 2 tblspn 4 tblspn pineapple juice sugar tomato puree cornflour

Mix ingredients with pint of water and boil slowly, stirring. Simmer 10 mins. Add salt.

for 8 300 g 40 g (80 g olives capers blanched almonds) pepper Puree olives, garlic, capers, anchovies and almonds if used. While machine is running add olive oil. Add pepper. 2 cloves 10 fillets 100 ML garlic anchovy olive oil

for 8 300 ml 2 tspn 1 tspn (1 mayonnaise capers chives medium onion) 1 tblspn 3 2 tblspn double cream cocktail gherkins parsley

Thai curry
4 5cm 4 1 stick 1 tspn dried mild chillis root ginger shallots lemon grass limes zest coriander seeds (or coriander root) 4 5cm 4 cloves 6 2 tblspn 1 tblspn mild fresh chillis, galangal (or more root ginger) garlic lime leaves shrimp paste (or 1 tblspn fish sauce) oil

Put in food processor and chop to paste.

Thousand island dressing

for 8 6 drops tabasco 75 g red pimento

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200 ml 500 ml 3

vinegar oil hardboiled eggs salt, pepper

75 g 3 tblspn

green pimento parsley tomato ketchup

Mix ingredients.

La veloute
pint veal, chicken or fish stock salt, pepper flour

1 tblspn butter

Bring stock to the boil. Lightly fry the flour in the butter and whisk into the stock. Boil, whisking constantly. Add salt and pepper and simmer 15 to 30 mins. (Add egg yolks.)

White sauce
see Bechamel

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