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Senritsu was sitting on the couch with Deidara who seemed to be working on his latest piece of work effortlessly.

The two would always spend what time they could in between missions together. When Senritsu wasnt training with Itachi or working on her own jutsus, she was often found with Deidara as he was working on his latest pieces. It wasnt as though he didnt want her there either. He enjoyed her company. Good for conversation and she always supported him in his works. Even after she lost her sight, she still desired to be around him. But this is what concerned her most. With her lost eye sight, she was concerned he wouldnt desire to be around her since she couldnt see his works the same way anyone else could. He understood however. Sympathetic even to her condition since she had been training so hard lately to see in other ways. As they sat there, even though she was blind, she could still tell what he was doing at least as he molded the clay. So long as there was sound she could paint the mental picture of who was around her, what they were doing, and everything else around her. Why wont you sing anymore, un? She paused at his question that seemed to come out of nowhere. Was he really interested or just bored? She questioned to herself mentally. Pft, Deidara no danna, jyou know that my songs are mostly for my jutsus. Liar. He stated as he pointed to her, still using his free hand to mold his art piece. E-eh?! I am not! She quickly denied. Well at least I still practice mine, un. Senritsus veiled eyes rolled as she smirked in her amusement, Oh I know~ Jyou wake me up at like, three in the morning. Dont jyou know how to sleep? Oi, oi! Sometimes I just cant ok? Sometimes I need to think about things. Un. He stated as he seemed to look away. She knew he was avoiding something. His voice said it all. Think about what? She questioned further as she crawled over to his side of the couch childishly before sitting on her knees. Her hazed eyes still seemed fixed on him. Stuff, ok? He vaguely answered. It didnt help the situation for him that she decided to get close to him. He was thought she was a bit cute. The way her pale, blonde colored hair curled around her cheeks and even the bow tied around her head. But to some degree he felt she wore the bow on purpose and was aware of how adorable she could be to get away with things or use it to her advantage. What kind of stuff? She smiled in her amusement, tilting her head since she knew it was somewhat bothering him. But this was what she liked to do in her state of boredom with a few people. That included him. None of your business, un! His outburst caused her to laugh as she cupped her hand over her mouth in a poor attempt to hide it. You find it funny, un? He asked with slight irritation. Suddenly she felt uneasy with his tone. D-Deidara no danna, jyou are so easy to mess with. Im just joking around! She laughed nervously as she leaned back. She expected him to scold her, but she heard him put his unfinished work aside for a moment. What are jyou- Before she could finish her sentence, she was suddenly pushed against the couch and pinned. A rather uncomfortable position to be in. As he leaned over, she blushed a deep scarlet feeling his breath against her skin, his face a few inches away from hers. But when his hand grazed her cheek she laughed slightly before she squirmed. Whats the matter, un? He questioned with a sly grin. D-dont do that, Im ticklish. She stuttered through her giggling. Apparently to him, those words begged him to torture her that way. When he pulled the buttons of her cloak open partially he tickled her by her neck and her side. Of course she squirmed more, kicking and trying to push herself away from him. Finally she grabbed both of his wrists and struggled against him as she laughed. That was so cruel! You had it coming, Senritsu, un! He couldnt help but laugh since she reacted in such a hilarious way. It was different from her usual happiness she showed so frequently as a facade. However in their moment of goofing off, they both heard someone walk in. Grow up, brat. Deidara immediately sat up and glared over to the red haired man who stated the cold words. Im allowed to enjoy myself if I want to, danna. He spat in a hateful manner. Sasori looked over to Senritsu who seemed to be staring in silence. Senritsu, Id expect you to act your age already. Senritsu only raised an eyebrow to his statement. What is he to expect? I turned 20 in February Its not like you change overnight. She thought to herself, but she stated with a smile, Jyou dunno how to enjoy life, Sasori-kun. Without hesitation however, Sasori pointed over to them, Idiots. Both of you.

He stated before leaving the room. Oi! If youre gonna say something like that at least stay and face what you have coming to you! Deidara threatened. Senritsu only chuckled a bit to herself to Deidaras outburst, but this brought Deidaras attention back down to her. Quickly he pinned her hands above her head this time so she couldnt struggle back. This caused her expression to change quickly. Blushing and in a state of disbelief. She wished she could hide her face behind the collar of her cloak terribly. After all, she never desired to show that side to him. But he was fascinated by her. So, whats funny this time? He questioned with a smirk. Senritsu sheepishly grinned as she tried to pull her hands free of his. Come now, jyou always know how to keep things lively. How can I not laugh from time to time? She answered, but it was a pleasing answer to him. Deidara lifted her head up, gently by her chin as he pressed his lips to hers. The kiss unexpected and was a bit rougher than she cared for, yet he craved much more from her. What she really didnt expect was to feel his hand trail down her neck and tongue of his hand against her skin. This caused her to jump, quickly pulling her hands free of his grasp as she shoved him off. He fell back against the arm of the couch, unsure why she reacted in such a manner. What was that for?! He asked in frustration. Senritsu sat up with her veiled wide eyes and blushing face. I-Im sorry, Im sorry! I-it was kind of on the reflex Im used to that. It wasnt that she was trying to deny him. But she was indeed terrible with romance or anything to deal with love. Things that pushed too far to where she was uncomfortable she always pushed away. Her eyes glanced away in her feeling of guilt, but he reached over and tugged on her bow, pulling it off her head and it unraveled to a long black sash. Then for punishment this is mine till you come around, un. Those words filled her with dread as she reached over and tried to take it back. However he held the ribbon back over his head, forcing her to come closer than she normally would care to. G-give that back, its very important to me! She brushed her bangs out of her face and fussed over her hair since she felt it was a mess without the bow. Why should I? He asked confidently, but Senritsu paused for a moment as she mentally contemplated. Hes toying with me. Was the first thought that came to mind for her. She disliked the idea that her emotions would be toyed with by someone else. Especially when they knew how she felt. But she didnt know if he was aware. She only knew he was aware of how she would normally react. She wanted terribly to disprove it. Without hesitation she leaned up close to him, grazing her hand against his cheek before running her fingers through his long bangs. He enjoyed how gentle she was. Softly he kissed her soft lips, tilting her chin up to him once more. It was much sweeter than before, yet brief. As she pulled away she smiled softly holding her hand up with the black sash in her grasp. Thank jyou danna~ She taunted as she sat back and began to tie it back around her head. W-wait a second! How did you- He did a double take to see that he clearly didnt have it in his hand. Jyou forget as a thief, its not hard to steal back whats rightfully jyours~ Thats right shes a thief. She was clearly good at what she did if he didnt notice it slipping out of his grasp. He didnt care for the idea however that she kissed him as a distraction so she could get what she wanted however. Come here! Un! He shouted as he lunged for her. Uwah! She shouted as she quickly moved off the couch and scurried over the door. Though he fell against the couch again, he quickly got off and sprinted after her as she fled in her amusement and dread of what may happen next. After all he was unpredictable.

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