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Tutorial for SAGA GIS

Satellite image display and analysis with a focus on Nusa Tenggara Timur.

December 2011

Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................ 4 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 4

What is SAGA ? .............................................................................................................................. 5

Installing software and data ................................................................................................. 6 Introduction to Saga GIS layout ............................................................................................ 7
Workspace Tabs ........................................................................................................................ 8 Object Properties Tabs ............................................................................................................... 9 Cursor/Action tool for selecting points or areas..................................................................... 10 Zoom zoom in or out of a map display................................................................................... 10 Pan Tool move around a displayed map ................................................................................ 10 Measuring tool ........................................................................................................................ 10 Zoom to layer tools .................................................................................................................. 10

Viewing satellite data ......................................................................................................... 11

Creating a map view. ................................................................................................................... 13 Viewing attribute information ..................................................................................................... 15

Accessing Satellite Data ...................................................................................................... 18 Basic data display ............................................................................................................... 21

Viewing single bands ................................................................................................................... 22 Viewing multiple bands ............................................................................................................... 25 Image histogram stretching ......................................................................................................... 27

Pre-processing data ............................................................................................................ 30

Importing data............................................................................................................................. 30 Reprojecting Data ........................................................................................................................ 31 Cutting Satellite Image data ......................................................................................................... 32

Understanding spectral reflectance. .................................................................................. 36

Spectral Profiles........................................................................................................................... 36 Vegetation Indices ....................................................................................................................... 40

Multi Temporal Imagery ................................................................................................... 43

Babau Kupang Bay land cover change ....................................................................................... 43 Sumba Fire .................................................................................................................................. 44

Image classification ............................................................................................................ 45

Unsupervised Classification (Cluster Analysis) .............................................................................. 45

Reclassification into land cover classes ........................................................................................ 47 Assessing land cover change between image dates...................................................................... 50 Exporting to vector data .............................................................................................................. 50 Exporting a map view. ................................................................................................................. 52

Contacts and Links .............................................................................................................. 53

Links: ....................................................................................................................................... 53

Funding for this training was provided by the Australia Indonesia Institute through a proposal developed by Dr Bronwyn Myers, Frederika Rambu Ngana, S.Si, M.Eng and Dr Karen Joyce. This practical tutorial guide was developed Rohan Fisher with input and translation from Sarah Hobgen. Some introductory parts of this tutorial have been adapted from the SAGA GIS web site and the

User Guide for SAGA (Vol 1) produced by Vern Cimmery. Thanks goes to the whole SAGA development team who have worked for many years to produce the excellent software on which the tutorial is based.

The use of satellite data for mapping and monitoring is an important tool assisting effective and timely natural resource management. Furthermore the application of local knowledge in the interpretation of satellite data is often key to understanding the mapped landscape, observed changes and for deriving useful management outcomes. Currently, most satellite based assessments of natural resources in Eastern Indonesia are conducted by non-locals. However, with evolving technologies and changing research methods, new opportunities are arising for the wider use of satellite technology. This tutorial has been created as part of ongoing collaborative engagement between Charles Darwin University (Darwin, Australia) and Nusa Cendana University (Kupang, Indonesia). The purpose of this tutorial is to introduce basic satellite image display and processing methods using open source software and freely available satellite data to allow for ongoing learning and application development without the prohibitive expense of licence software and data. Through-out this workshop a series of lectures will be delivered to accompany practical sessions conducted with SAGA Open Source GIS software. Through the practical tutorials we will l learn to: display a range of satellite imagery and other spatial data, download free satellite imagery, manipulate and interrogate satellite data and conduct some simple image classifications to map forest cover change. The tutorials are split into the following sections: Viewing satellite data: we will view images from a range of satellites. We will learn how to view satellite and other base data and concepts of satellite data resolution. Accessing Data: We will learn how to search for and download free satellite imagery. Basic data display: We will learn a range of ways that we can view satellite data and the concepts behind raster data representation. Pre-processing data: We prepare our satellite data for analysis and learn about importing data, geographic projections and cutting data. Understanding spectral reflectance: Understanding how satellite imagery represents the earths surface is key to further processing. In this section we will learn how to view spectral signatures of different land cover types and how to use raster maths to create vegetation indicies.

Multi Temporal Imagery: We will look at examples from Kabupaten Kupang and Sumba Timur to look a satellite data for monitoring landcover changes over years and over seasons. Image classification: Finally we will map land cover change over in one area of Kabupaten Kupang. We will learn how to conduct unsupervised classifications to map landcover over two different image dates and how to quantify the mapped changes. We will also learn how to export our maps into presentation or reports.

What is SAGA ?
SAGA is the abbreviation for System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses SAGA is a Geographic Information System (GIS) software SAGA has been designed for an easy and effective implementation of spatial algorithms SAGA offers a comprehensive, growing set of geoscientific methods SAGA provides an easily approachable user interface with many visualisation options SAGA runs under Windows and Linux operating systems SAGA is a Free Open Source Software (FOSS) License issues SAGA is a Free Open Source Software (FOSS), which generally means that you have the freedom to run the program, for any purpose, to study how the program works and to modify it, to redistribute copies, to improve the program, and release the improvements to the public. Except for the SAGA Application Programming Interface (API) most SAGA source codes have been licenced under the GNU General Public Licence or GPL. The GPL requires derived works to be available under the same or a comparable licence, with other words derived works have to become Open Source as well. For a few reasons the SAGA creators decided to use a less restrictive licence for the SAGA API. The API uses the GNU Lesser General Public Licence or LGPL, which permits use of this library in proprietary programs, i.e. SAGA modules, which always base on the API, have not automatically to be published as Open Source too. Who created SAGA ? The SAGA development started with the beginning of the 3rd millenium and has been initiated by a small team of researchers from the Dept. of Physical Geography, Gttingen. In 2007 the center of the SAGA development moved towards Hamburg, where a few of us are employed now at the Dept. of Physical Geography, Hamburg. Find out more in the Development section of this web site.

Installing software and data

To install SAGA and the accompanying software for this workshop it you simply need to copy the contents of the DVD onto your hard drive, preferably at the top level of your C: or your data drive.

You will see the top level of the folder contains the following folders: data, Documents, Software and working as well as a link to start SAGA GIS software and a link to open the screen videos of the tutorial.

Documents contains users manuals and presentations created by the SAGA GIS team. It also contains tutorial material for this workshop. SAGA-Tutorial This document. Presentations : Power points developed and delivered by Rohan Fisher and Dr Karen Joyce to accompany the practical sessions. OLAF_Presentations contains a series of very good SAGA presentation developed by Dr. Olaf Conrad, one of the SAGA development team. Saga Manuals. o Volume 1 is a comprehensive guide to how SAGA works. o Volume 2 contains more practical demonstrations of how you can use some SAGA tools. The VIDEO folder contains the individual screen video tutorials accessed through the screen video.html link.

Data contains all of the spatial data you will use in the workshop. DEM contains a Digital Elevation Model for NTT Projects contains some preconfigured projects we will use SAT contains all the satellite imagery o Within the satellite folder sub-folders are named with the type of satellite imagery they contain (ie LANDSAT,MODIS,ALOS). It also contains the folder archive which contains LANDSAT imagery for all of NTT as downloaded from USGS. If this folder is empty the additional imagery can be loaded from two additional DVDs that are available as part of the workshop. Vector Data contains some administrative line data to display with the satellite imagery Software contains SAGA GIS as well as some other tools you may need. Working is empty and should be used as a place to save your data as you work through the workshop process.

Saga GIS does not need and further installation process however you may wish to move the software to your program files folder or create a shortcut linking to the executable file on your desktop.

Introduction to Saga GIS layout

When you open SAGA you will see a layout consisting of the following windows: o Workspace: Is the window where you can, by click through the tabs at the bottom of the window, view processing modules, the data you have loaded and the display maps you have created from your data. Work area: Is where image maps and other associated data (Attribute Tables, Histograms, Plots) are displayed. Object Properties: This window displays and allows you to alter information about your loaded data and map displays. Message Window: Provides information about processes being run by SAGA

o o o

Each of these windows can be opened and closed from the top menu by clicking on their associated buttons.

Workspace Tabs Module Tab

Modules are the way all processing functions are conducted in SAGA. SAGA comes with a comprehensive and growing set of free modules (447 in version 2.07). Not all modules are highly sophisticated analysis or modeling tools. Many modules perform rather simple data operations. But several other modules represent the state of the art in their field of analysis. They include: Data Import & Export Cartographic Projections & Georeferencing Numerous Raster & Vector Data Tools Image Processing Terrain Analysis Geostatistics Modules can also be easily accessed through the top menu Module drop down menu. I recommend that you use this drop down menu to run SAGA modules as they are grouped into logical processing areas and are thus generally easier to access.

Data Tab

The data the displays any raster (GRID), vector or tables data you have open. All raster data is displayed as grid layers within a grid system. A grid system groups grid layers that have the same grid cell size, have the same number of rows and columns and they cover the same geographic area. Generally spatial analysis operations are performed on grids with the same grid system

A wide variety of raster data can be imported into SAGA however when raster data is saved from SAGA it is saved in a SAGA format (.sgrd).

It is possible to change the name of loaded grid systems or grid layers in the object properties window. When vector data is opened into saga is will create a new layer defined as either point, lime or polygon data. To display the loaded data either right click on a data layer and select show or simply double click on that layer. This data is now opened into a window. To view the data layers displayed in a map window click the map tab.

Map Tab

Multiple data layers from different grid systems can be displayed in a single map layer: Map layers can be turned off by right clicking a map layer and deselecting show layer or by simply selecting the layer and pressing enter. Ther order in which map layers are displayed can also be changed by right clicking and selecting move up or move down.

Object Properties Tabs

Settings Tab

There are a variety of data layer dependent factors that can be edited and viewed that are parameters in the Settings area. The Settings tab area provides users the opportunity to make adjustments to how a data layer appears in the data and map view windows.

Description Tab

This tab shows information (size, geographic projection) about the selected layer. This data cannot be edited. Legend Tab

Displays the legend or which shows what colours are being used to display which data values from the selected layer. History Tab

This window displays the processing history for the selected layer.

Attributes Tab
It is used with the Action ( )tool for displaying the attribute information for a selected grid cell on a grid data layer or the attributes associated with a selected vector feature on a shapes data layer. Work Area Tools Cursor/Action tool for selecting points or areas Zoom zoom in or out of a map display Pan Tool move around a displayed map Measuring tool Zoom to layer tools

Viewing satellite data

In this session we will look at imagery from three different satellites with differing spatial, spectral and temporal characteristics. They are MODIS, Landsat and ALOS. Satellite MODIS Landsat ALOS Spatial 1km-250m 30m 2.5-10 Spectral 36 Bands 7 Bands 1,4 Bands Temporal 2x/day Every 16 Days ++ On Request

First open the project file Satellite_data_LL.sprj project in the projects folder.

Click on the data tab to view the loaded imagery

The Grid layers show the geographic size of each cell (pixel), the total number of pixels, and the top left geographic coordinate. For example with the MODIS layer these value are 0.005; 5200 x 4200; 107.01 x -22.005. Click the setting tab within the object properties area . Rename each layer to make it easier to remember which layer contains imagery from which satellite.

Select an image layer and open the object properties window Click on the description tab

You can see all these data are in a world grid (WGS 84), Latitude, Longitude system

Creating a map view.

Load the MODIS image in to a map view by double clicking on the image layer

Maximise the screen and Click zoom to full extent button (

) at the top of the window.

As you move your cursor over the image you can see the coordinate location and red, green, blue values that comprise this image at the bottom of the screen

Now load the polygon layer of Kab_NTT_LL into the map by double clicking on that layer. This is Vector data showing the boundaries of Kabupaten in NTT. Select the MODIS_161011500m_234 map to add the verctor data to NOT a new map.

Now make the fill colour transparent.

1 >select the settings tab in the object properties window ( ) 2 >set the transparency value to 1 3 > and the Unique symbol colour to White 4 >Click apply

Click the map tab to view the map layers

You can see the data layers comprising the map.

Viewing attribute information

To view attribute information for each of these layers select the attribute tab ( )>select the modis image layer on the map tree> click on a point in the map with the cursor .

For the MODIS image the attribute value will be the absolute pixel value number. Now select the polygon Kab_NTT data and click within a Kabupaten area. For the Kab_NTT data we receive a list of attributes, in this case population and health staff information.

Now load the Landsat data to your map, by selecting the data tab>double clicking on the landsat data layer > adding it to the MODIS map. Under the object properties window settings tab make sure this is displayed RGB (Red, green ,blue) mode.

Right click the Kab_NTT layer and selct Move to top to move it to the top so we can see it over the landsat data.

In the object properties window settings tab change the transparency of the Landsat image to 50% and click apply so we can see it over the MODIS imagery.

Change it back to 0% transparency. Use the Zoom image. Tool to zoom closer into the Landsat

Right Click (or simply press enter) on the Landsat image in the map tab and deselect the show layer file.


Notice the differing size of image pixels (Landsat 30m, MODIS 500m)

Right Click (or simply press enter) on the Landsat image layer in the map tab and show the layer file again. Now add the ALOS AVNIR imagery (ALOSAV_050708_143_LL) to the map from the data tab.

Under the object properties window settings tab make this is displayed RGB (Red, green ,blue) mode.


Once again zoom in using the zoom tool to see the spatial resolution of this image (10m) compared to the Landsat and MODIS imagery. Now add the ALOS PRISM imagery (ALOSPRS_050708_143_LL) to the map from the data tab. This is the height resolution imagery. What is the smallest ground feature you can identify on the MODIS, LANDSAT and ALOS imagery?

A quick look at data in another projection system Load Landsat UTM data for 2006 Data>SAT>LANDSATUTM>2006

View the image geographic projection the Data Description

What happens if you try and display this data in a map along with those data in a lat/long projection?

Accessing Satellite Data

A range of spatial data are available for free download on the internet including satellite imagery.

To download Landsat Imagery goto the U.S. Geological Survey Landsat download page: Select the satellite image data sets you wish to access. For the most recent imagery you will need to use Landsat-TM 4-5. Use the drop-down menu Collection>Landsat Archive>Landsat 4-5 TM.

Select the path/Row that interests you.

You will then see the imagery in the display window.

You will need to look through a range of image dates to find one that suits. Ie cloud free, right time of year.

Once you have found an image that suits you can click add and it will appear in your scene list. If the scene you have choosen has a little box next to it it means that it can be downloaded imeidietly otherwise it needs some processing and a notification that it is ready for download will be sent to you in 2-3 days once it is ready.

You will need to register to be able to logon to the USGS server to down load the data. When your data ready you will be taken to a download scereen:

Once you have downloaded the data you will need to un-zip it. I have included the free software 7zip with on tutorial DVD to help you with this. Later we will look at importing this data into SAGA.

Landsat scene path/row allocation for NTT

Basic data display

In this tutorial we will learn about some basic ways to display and navigate around satellite imagery.

First load all seven bands for the Landsat 5 Kupang image (111-67) for 2006 ie: (data>sat>Landsat>11167_UTM>2006>LS 5-111167_10102006).

The Landsat image data is named first with the Landsat number (eg L5), the Path and Row of the image (eg 111/67), followed by its aquisistion date (eg 10/10/2006) and finally its band number (ig band 1 = _1). Click the Data tab ( ) and the Description Tab ( ) then select one of the loaded data layers to view information about this data. Note that this image is in a projected Universal Transverse Mercator projection, in Zone 51 with a cell (pixel) size of 25 meters.

Viewing single bands

Now we want to display all the bands together in one map view. First select all of the image bands in the data window> click the first band, hold down the shift key and select the last band, then right click and select show:

Use the Zoom tool ( ) in the map view and magnify the image to the level where you can see individual pixels. In the map view select the top display layer then under the settings tab in the description window tick Show Cell Values and Apply. You should then be able to see the cell values of each pixel:

To see the cell values of another band turn off (press enter) the display of the top display layer and select the next layer down. Turn on the show cell values display.

The resulting map view displays each band in a rainbow colour range. To understand how this display system works we need to view the histogram for a image band. To do this select and right click on a image band and select Histogram:

The bar chart that is displayed shows the pixel value (reflectance value) in the x axis and the number of pixels of that value in the y axis. The colour each pixel value is displayed as is represented by the colour of each bar in the chart.

Click on the settings tab ( and change the graduated colour display:

First you will see the colour mixing window. We want to select the preset grey scale to display our image. Click Ok on the colour mixing window then Apply at the bottom of the settings window.

You should see a your histogram display change to reflect the grey scale colour scheme.

No go to your map view ( ) and turn off (Select and press enter) all the image bands layers above the image band you change to the grey scale display.

Now change all of your image bands to display as grey scale in the settings window. This will make it easier to view differences between each band:

Once you have done this maximise the map then in the maps view ( ) and turn off each band in succession. Think about different information each band is providing about the landscape.

Try using the navigation tools at the top bar to zoom and pan around the image. Try using the measure tool to measure the distance between two points on the image. This distance (D) in meters is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

How many kilometres is it from the north to south Coast of Kabupaten Kupang.

Viewing multiple bands

It is common to display satellite imagery as a Red, Green, Blue composite. This allows us to display information from three image bands simultaneously and thus provide a more useful picture of the satellite data. Image bands can be recombined into a Red (R) Green (G) Blue (B) display in many ways. For example to display the image as a natural colour, similar to what we would see with our own eyes from space we can assign: Band 1 which are reflectance values from the blue wavelength as Blue, Band 2 which are reflectance values from the green wavelength as Green and Band 3 which are reflectance values from the red wavelength as Red. Alternatively we could use a combination to highlight vegetation using one of the near-infrared bands such as: Band 3 which are reflectance values from the Red wavelength as Blue, Band 4 which are reflectance values from the near-infrared wavelength as Green and Band 7 which are reflectance values from the middle infrared wavelength as Red.

To create a Red, Green, Blue composite image select Modules>Grid>Visualisation>R GB Composite

Click on the - next to each colour to minimise the selection choices for each layer.

Select the Grid system we want to select from then select band 1 of the image for blue, band 2 for green and band 3 for red to create a natural representation of our image.

In the data tab you will see a new data layer has been created. Select it and name is bands 123 in the settings tab. Remember to click apply ( )

Double click on the new data layer and open it into a new map window:

Now try to create a composite image using the blue=3, green=4, red=7 combination and open it into the map you created for the 1,2,3 band combination window.

TIP: the most recent processing modules you have used are available at the bottom of the module drop down menu:

When you making the 3,4,7 image set the composite output to create so the result does not overwrite your previous composite output.

Image histogram stretching

To further improve the information displayed it is possible to re-scale the way the data 0data is displayed. Lets view the histogram data for band 4.

We can see two distinct histograms. The lower value histogram represents values for the ocean the other histogram represents the high reflectance values coming off the land.

You can left click, hold and drag over one part of the histogram to zoom in for more detail as I have done for the land histogram in the image on the left. We can see in this histogram the majority of the reflectance values for the land are between 39 and

96. Now find the reflectance values for land for bands 3 and 7:

Band 3 most land values lie between 24 - 58

Band 7 Band 3 most land values lie between ~ 16 62

Now lets display the image again using our new display values. Open the RGB composite module and select Value Preparation > User defined rescale for each of the blue green red layers.

Set the rescale range to the values we gathered from viewing the histograms. Leave the output to the 3,4,7 composite image,

Display the resulting image. It should have much more detailed land information.

Try again but this time display the image using values from the ocean histogram. Try some different band combinations. What information about the ocean can you see?

Pre-processing data
In this tutorial we will conduct some simple pre-processing steps to prepare your imagery for further analysis. First we will import some imagery that has been downloaded from USGS (Glovis). We will re-project this image into a useful co-ordinate system and then cut it to a study area for later analysis.

Importing data
Data downloaded from USGS is in a geo-tiff format. In order to import this data into SAGA we use the GDAL: Import Raster module. GDAL is a library of geodata conversion tools that supports a very wide range of data types.

Using the GDAL raster inport modues we will import 2010 landsat data for path 111 row 67. This data is stored in the Data>SAT>Archive>111-67-Kupang>2010 folder. Load all the tiff files from this folder:

You will now be able to see the imported image bands in the data tab ( ). Double click on one of the imported band layers to view it in the map display window. If you move a cursor over the displayed and view the coordinate values you will notice the Y (northing) values are displayed as a negative value:

Reprojecting Data
This is due to the imported image being displayed using a incorrect geographic projection. If you open the descrition tab ( )you can see the image is projected to . This means that the image is in a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection in Zone 51 for the Northern Hemisphere (N). We need to fix this by reprojecting the data into Zone 51 for the Southern Hemisphere. To do this we use the Modules>Projection>Coordinate Transformation (LIST) tool. Open this tool and set the correct projection using the EPSG Code dialog box. First selct WGS 84 as the Geographic Coordinate System You will need to scroll down to near the bottom of the drop down menu to find it:

Then select WGS84 / UTM zone 51S as the projected Coordinate system. You will need to scroll down to near the bottom of the drop down menu to find it:

Select all your imported Band Layers as your source grids. And click OK.

It will then ask you to confirm the new grid system. Change the cell size to 30 (meters) to make it easier to use later on. Click OK and wait for it to finish creating the new data (this may take more than 10 minutes).

Open the projected data in a new window and view the projection information description and the coordinate values. We can now close the old incorrectly projected data . Right click on the old grid and select close:

It will ask us if we want to delete the selection, click yes:

We will then be asked if we want to save the data we are closing. If we just click OK this will close the data without saving it.

We do want to save the newly projected data. If we first save our project we (File>Project>Save Project As) will also be able to save the new data. Save the project to your working folder. We will then be prompted to save our new projected grid data. Select Save All to save all the new layers.

Cutting Satellite Image data

We now want to cut our image to areas of particular interest for subsequent analysis. There are two methods in SAGA for cutting data: using an area defined on a map display to cut the data or using a polygon area. The first method uses the Modules > Grid > Construction > Cutting Interactive tool. Start this tool and select our new, projected grid as the grid system and band 7 as the input grid, then add the rest

of the bands as Additional Grids

Click OK. Now goto a map view, double click on a image band in the data tab to open a map view if one is not already open. Use the cursor tool to define a box area you want to clip tool. First clip to and area of mainland Kabupaten Kupang.

A new window will appear to confirm the area you wish to cut too. If the area you selected is correct click ok else click cancel and select another area. The cutting tool continues to operate until we turn it off so you can continue to select more areas to clip to. Now clip to an area of ocean.

To turn off the cutting to goto the modules drop down menu and click on Cutting Interactive at the bottom of the menu. Using the settings tab ( ) name the new grids Land and Ocean so it is easier to remember which is which. Try and display each of these grids as a RGB composite. To see the result.

Close (Right click and select close, do not save) the cut areas you just created, we do not want to work with these again. Now lets cut to an areas for subsequent analysis. For example we will cut the image to an area of Kupang bay for later classification. Now right click and close the newly clipped image layers but this time when it asks if you want to save the modified data sets select Save All and save them into the DATA>SAT>LANDSAT>11167_UTM>2010 folder so we can use

this data later:

Now we will clip to a district area. First open the Kabupaten Kupang administrative district vector data Data>vector> Kab_kupang>KK_Kab.shp,KK_Kec.shp.

Once these are loaded double click on these vector layers in the data tab and display them over your sateelite image in the map window:

Now use the tool Modules>Shapes>Grid>Spatial Extent> Clip Grid with Polygon. Set KK_Kab as your input polygon to cut our image to the Kabupaten area.

Display the new cut data. Display the KK_kec.shp polygon over the new cut image and set the colour to white and the transparency as 1 in the settings tab. We will now cut the image to one Kecamatan. Using the cursor tool select one kecamatan:

Right click on the KK_kec.shp in the data tab window and (1) select Invert Selection then (2) Delete selected parts. This will leave us with just the polygon area of one kecamatan.

Now if we run the Clip Grid with Polygon tool again and use the new KK_Kec polygon we will have clip our data to only our selected kecamantan. Reducing the amount of information we are working with makes it much easier for subsequent analysis.

Kec. Fatuleu Barat landsat 5 image displayed with bands 3,4,7.

Understanding spectral reflectance.

In this tutorial we will look in detail at how different land cover types reflect light. Understanding this is important for subsequent land cover analysis and classification.

Open the Kupang Landsat image we pre-processed and clipped in the previous tutorial in the DATA>SAT>LANDSAT>11167_UTM>2010 folder. Use the RGB composite tool to create and display a composite image

Spectral Profiles
First we will look at differing spectral responses of across varying types of land cover using the Interactive Profile tool. Modules>Terrain Analysis>Profiles>Profile Interactive Make the composite RGB layer as the DEM or base layer and all the other image bands as the value inputs.

Zoom into the image and use the cursor tool to draw a line between the boundary of two landcover types. To do this left click once at the start of your line and again where you want the line to end.

When you have created your line goto modules menu again and click on Profiles interactive at the bottom of the drop down list to turn it off the process.

If you double click on the profile points layer to add it to your your map view you can see which pixels the profile data is being taken from.

To view the cell values across the created line profile right click the Profile point layer > select attributes>diagram.

For the value attributes to be displayed select the image bands and give them corresponding display colours as shown.

In this case we see the profile from forest through water and then over highly reflective mudflats. Which bands shows the greatest reflectance in the forest? What wave lengths of lights are these bands?

Spectral Signature
An alternative way to view the spectral profile of various land cover types is using the grid value request tool. In the modules drop drown menu select Grid>Tools>values>grid Value Request (Interactive).

A new table layer will now appear in your data window.

Select the window drop down menu and cascade windows so you can see both the new table window and your map display widow.

Open your RGB composite image to view in a map window and use the cursor tool select cell values from deep ocean, shallow ocean, open ground mangrove forest, and mountain forest.

Right click display the table layer and save it as a .dbf table in your working folder so we can open it in excel.

Open Excell and open the just saved dbf file Delete the x,y columns and add the landcover type name

Create a line chart of the spectral signature of each land cover type:
140 120

80 60 40 20 0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B7

laut dalam
laut dangkal tanah kosong bakau hutan

Start a new project and close the current data.

Which bands would be useful for mapping forests, savannah?

Vegetation Indices
Using raster mathematics to create new band combinations. In order to create vegetation indices it is necessary to work with satellite data that has been radiometrically calibrated to remove changes in spectral response due to... For this excersie we will use data that I have already calibrated and clipped to our area of interest. In the Landsat > 111-67_UTM > 2009 > Calibrated folder you will find the 2009 calibrated subset. Open this and the un-calibrated 2009 data. If you now load some of the uncalibrated and calibrated bands into a map window and use the Value Request (Interactive) (Grid>Tools>values>grid) tool we can see the difference between the calibrated and unclaibrated values:

Vegetatio Indicies are combinations of multiple spectral bands in to a single value and are used to estimate vegetation cover or even the vigor of vegetation where it exists. I large number of band combination indicies have been developed. For a more detailed description of vegetation indices in SAGA refer to the SAGA User Guide Vol2 (p. 232 246) For this example we will create a Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. This is one of the most common vegetation indices for measuring vegetation growth. The equation for NDVI is:

(NIR = Near Infra RED) We can create this equation in SAGA using the Grid Calculator tool (Modules>Grid>Calculus>Grid Calculator):

Open Grid Calculator and select bands 3 (RED) and 4 (Near Infra Red):

Now enter the equation for band4-band3/band4+band3. In the grid calculator the first grid in the list is a and the second value b so the formula we need will look like this: (b a)/(b+a). Give the resulting grid the name NDVI to make it easy to remember.

Use the resulting NDVI to create a colour composite map:

The resulting image clearly highlights the difference between bare ground and vegetation. Now use the spectral response interrogation techniques we learnt above to view NDVI values compared to the other bands for a range of land cover class types.

Multi Temporal Imagery

One of the power features of Satellite imagery is its ability monitor landscape changes over time. In this section we will look at some imagery over a number of years from the Babau-Bipolo region of Kabupaten Kupang to see landcover change and multiple images from one year in east Sumba to track to area burnt by wild fires.

Babau Kupang Bay land cover change

We will start with the Kupang imagery. First you will need to load imagery that I have already cut to our area of interest for the years 1989, 2000, 2006, 2009. You will find this imagery in a folder called Cut for the respective years within this folder: Data>SAT>LANDSAT>111-67UTM. Load the image bands for each year from their cut folders. You will notice that the grids are all loaded in to the same grid system as they have all been clipped to the same area with the same cell size. Now we want to create a RGB Composite image for each of the image dates. GRID>VISUALISATION>RGB Composite. Remember: It is easy to run the RGB module again by selecting it from the bottom of the module drop down menu after you have used it the first time. Use the same band combination for each date to set the output Grid to create after creating each output composite Name each output composite with its year so you dont get confused later

We now want to display out new compiste inages on-top of each other in a map display window. Select all 4 new composite images>right click > select show.


Zoom to the Kupang forest area. How has this area changed over time?

What other changes can you see in this part of Kupang Bay? Which of these changes are long-term and which are part of a daily or yearly or some other cycle?

You could also add the 2010 image for this region that you processed earlier.

Sumba Fire
Now we will look at fires in East Sumba in 2005. Open the project Sumba_Api_2005 in the Data>Projects Folder. The image dates have been set up as RGB composites using band 6 (Thermal band) which shows burnt areas very well due to the fact that bare earth and dark ash reflect heat very well. Fires will appear as red patches in the landscape.

What other seasonal changes do you see?

You might like to try other band combinations to see the results over the time period. The full bands are available at the Data>SAT>LANDSAT>113-67>2005 folders.

Image classification
In this section part of the workshop we will learn who to classify satellite imagery into land cover types. We will do this for two different years around the Bipolo forest area we looked at earlier. We will then quantify the change in forest cover that we have mapped. First we need to open the two image date: 1989 and 2006 from the folders Data>SAT>LANDSAT>113-67>1989/2006. Use the cut imagery we looked at earlier as this covers our area of interest. Once you have loaded the two image dates create RGB composite imagery and name each new composite layer with it year.

We are most interested in the Bipolo forest area so lets further cut the image just to focus on this area. Use Modules > Grid > Construction > Cutting Interactive tool and cut all of the grids to the forest area as shown in the image on the left. Right click on the old grid and delete it as we do not need to use it for our classification.

Unsupervised Classification (Cluster Analysis)

Now we are ready to run an unsupervised classification. In SAGA this is called a cluster classification. You will find this tool under Modules>Imagery>Classification>Cluster Analysis for Grids. Run the cluster analysis tool and select all the grids for 1989. This means the pixel values from all the image bands will be used to determine clusters or similar pixels.

Set Minimum distance as the classification algorithm and 10 as the number of clusters (classes).

Add the resulting Cluster classification to a map display including your composite RGB grids. If you now click the Legend Tab ( respond to which classes. ) in the object properties window your will see which colours

Experiment by running the classification again using only two or three grids. Remember some wave lengths of light (satellite image bands) are better at discriminating the difference between types of vegetation and or bare earth. For example remove try the classification with just bands 3 and 4 (Red, NIR), the bands we used to create the NDVI image.

Leave the output grid name the same so it will overwrite your previous classification. Try a classification with just the Infra Red Bands (4,5,7) or just with the visible bands (1,2,3). Use the map view to compare the classification to the RGB composite. To help identify which class values are associated with specific land cover types you can use the attributes tab ( clearer you can change the colours displayed for each class by changing the look-up table in the settings tab. ) and use the cursor tool to check. To make the resulting classification

It is then possible to manually assign colour and names to each class.

Continue with the process of until you have a classification that you are happy with. For the classification in this example I used bands 2,3,4,7.

Reclassification into land cover classes

We can now combine the classes so we just have 2 forest classes and one not forest class. In this example: Value 1 (thick forest) will stay as value 1, value 5 (open forest) will become class value 2 and all other values (not forest) will become 0.

Use the Module>Grid>Tools>Values >reclassify Grids tool: Use the method > simple table. Apply the operator min<= value <= max

Create a lookup table grouping your class values like this:

You should now have a new grid with two forest classes. Add the reclassified grid to your map view. Now create a new colour lookup table for the reclassified grid. Under the settings tab select Lookup Table as the Type and then open the look up table.

Give the minimum and maximum values of the new class you have created. Provide a new colour and class name. You may need to add a new class to the table if they do not automatically appear.

In the settings tab rename the reclassified grid to something like forest cover 1989. Now right click on your reclassified grid layer and open view its histogram. Then at the top menu bar click the convert to table button.

Open the resulting table to view the number of pixels and area in m2 :

We will now conduct the same classification process for the 2006 image. Use the Modules>Imagery>Classification>Cluster Analysis for Grids tool. This time choose your input grids from 2006. To reset the look-up table for your new classification you can right click on the new classification layer and select Classification>create look up table. After editing the lookup table I produced a classification like this:

Then we need to re-classify this classified grid. To be sure of the class values you need to reclassify you can select the ( ) tab and use the cursor tool to check.

Once you have reclassified the classification rename it to forest cover 2006 and edit its look up table. Now right click on the new classification to view its histogram and then open its table.

Assessing land cover change between image dates

Now right click each table layer and export the tables in .dbf format in your working folder so we can open them in excel.

By combining data from the two .dbf files in excel it is possible to graph the change. In this case I converted the area amount from meters sq to KM sq by dividing the area amount by 1000000.

Think about an area in NTT where you think there has been a lot of change. What imagery would you need to map and quantify the change?

Exporting to vector data

It can be useful to export the classifications as vector files so it is possible to easily open them and use them in other GIS software. The easiest way to do this is using the Modules>Shapes>Grid>Vectorisation>Vectorising Grid Classes tool. Choose your forest cover classification grid and vectorise all classes.

Add the resulting polygon layer to your map view. Set the polygon display in the settings tab to Unique Symbol, the colour to white and the transparency to 1.

This will allows you display your classification polygon over your original RGB composite image. If you right click on the vector layer you can save as (export) a shape file for later use.

Exporting a map view.

There are two ways to export your map views for printing maps and use in reports either directly from the map view or from a map layout. The easiest way is to select a map view under the map drop down menu select copy map to clipboard. You can then paste the map in to a document or power point presentation etc. You can also do the same by selecting copy legend to clip board.

It is also possible to save the map and legend as an image file such as a jpeg or TIFF. The other way to export a map is as a print layout . To access this click the print layout button from the top menu bar.

This then shows a view of the map as it will be printed. In the Map layout drop down menu it is also possible to set up the print page and see a print preview. Elements to be shown in the map layout can controlled under the settings tab when the map layer is selected:

Contacts and Links

Rohan Fisher, Research Associate - CDU Research Institute for the Environment and Livelihoods Dr Karen Joyce CDU School of Environment and Life Sciences Frederika Rambu Ngana, S.Si, M.Eng Faculty of Sciences and Engineering, University of Nusa Cendana

Training website: SAGA GIS Australia Indonesia Institute CDU - Research Institute for the Environment and Livelihoods UNDANA

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