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No. 1 / Vol. 2 2012

Passive Income for Today & Tomorrow


Ruth Ortiz and Christian Yepez are known as the California Property Flip Pros.

Rehab Tips by the Southern Find Money California Property Flip Pros for Deals...
By Linda Pliagas

ts not easy to be a flipper in Southern California. The prices are steep, the competition fierce, and the deals are few and far between. Yet, professional rehabbers Christian Yepez and Ruth Ortiz not only find a way to make it work, but they profit handsomely month after month. Known as the Property Flip Pros, Yepez and Ortiz credit their success on their many years of real estate education (they have been attending semi-

nars and bootcamps together since 2005). They also acknowledge their team consisting of personal and virtual assistants, private investors, hard money lenders, and other real estate brokers. We have a lot of real estate agents and brokers who bring the deals to us because they know we are serious all-cash buyers, Ortiz says. We also have assistants who are looking for deals and submitting offer after offer until we get one accepted. So many offers are made, that they
Continued on pg. 9

By Ginger Macias

ow would you like to create your own Money List? I have one, and every successful real estate entrepreneur I know has one. Your money list is simply your list of customers who will do business with you on a consistent and profitable basis. This list is your most valuable asset in your real estate business. Without it, your business will not flourish; with it your busiContinued on pg. 4

INSIDE: How to Turbo-Charge Your Portfolio PLUS: What Type of Investor are You?

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1 Find Money for Deals 3 Decrease Your Tax Liability 6 Commercial Property News
By Tyrone Jackson You can be rich from owning real estate and trading stocks. Weve all heard the story of the little old lady who lived modestly and worked as a school teacher for 40 years. She never earned more than $35,000 per year, owned a modest home, and shared her life with two cats. Once she died, her relatives discovered a $150,000 life insurance policy and $1.5 million in stocks that she left to the elementary schools scholarship fund. The national media loves to air these stories. It seems there are several old ladies who t this seemly unique prole year after year. How could that be? Investing in stocks is not the worlds most challenging task. In fact, at its core, its very simple. The truth is that the stock market creates millionaires every year. Investing in stocks, with wealth in mind, is easier than you think.

No. 1 / Vol. 1 2012

Passive Income for Today & Tomorrow

Learn How to Create Stock Market Wealth Today

Investors Manifest a 8 The How-to-do is Easy Cashflow Mindset

By Doug Carver Organizer Pasadena and Burbank Cashow Meetup Groups

8 The Ideal Investment.


1 Tips by the Property Flip Pros 2 What Type of Investor Are You?

Yes! Passive Income for Today & Tomorrow

FOUNDER PUBLISHED BY Linda Pliagas Manifest Media Partners ADVERTISING EDITORIAL STAFF Manifest Media Partners Lori Peebles 310.994.1962 Isaac Newkirk III EVENTS & EXPOS Stephanie Mojica Lawrence Ruano COPY EDITOR Wendy Pineda Anita Cooper TO REACH US, CALL: PHOTOGRAPHERS Invest In What You KnowGreen 310.499.9545 Sam Wanna be a good stock market inJohn DeCindis Continued on pg. 12 vestor? Keep it simple and start with DISTRIBUTION Continued on pg. 2 PRODUCTION Professional Distribution Solutions Personal Finance News from the Publishers of Realty411 Magazine - Lori Peebles and KJ Banks: 805.377.6328 Augusto Meneses

companies and products with which you are familiar. If youve ever opened a can of Coca Cola on a hot summer day and felt refreshed and invigorated, why not own the stock? Its a product you know with a story you understand. When I say a story you understand, I mean to say that you understand how the Coca Cola Corporation makes money, or to express it in Wall Street terms, you understand how the company earns revenue. The more bottles and cans of Coke that Coca Cola sells around the world each day, the larger the companys prot. Over the past ten years Coke stock (symbol KO) has risen from around $40 per share to a high of $71 $1000 invested in Coca Cola stock ten years ago would be worth $4,100 today; $10,000 invested in Coca Cola stock would be worth $41,000 today. If you spend more than $100 per year eating fast food, why not own the stock? Over the past ten years McDonalds stock (symbol MCD) has risen from a low of $15 per share to a high of $95 per share.

estate investing, trading stocks, building a strong MLM business, etc. You will not succeed. Its like trying to grow corn in a eld of sand. The seeds will not germinate and youll end up with next to nothcan remember my rst time playing to harvest in the fall. ing Robert Kiyosakis Cashow How, you ask, does this relate to the board game about eight years Cashow game? ago and how it Well, after playing started a chain the game a bunch of events that continues of times, I learned to this day. What stuck the how to of with me most was not the getting out of the how to of playing the rat race, but I still game but the people that was not able to I met at the event. These take what I learned were not like the normal from the game and people in my life that Carver (left) and apply it to my realwould tell me I was crazy Dougthe Cashow gameChris Hanson display to group members. life nancial situfor trying to start my own ation. However, I real estate business or realized that the time I was spending with that nancial freedom was impossible my new Cashow friends was changing without a steady well-paying job. The the way I thought about money and my people I met were excited about learnnancial future. I no longer viewed the ing and expanding their knowledge on stock market as a giant rigged system for how to achieve nancial freedom. They losing money. I began to see the tremenwere active investors in real estate and dous opportunities in the sinking real esthe stock market. They were small busitate market even as many people I knew ness owners with a passion and vision were losing money on deals that had gone for creating more nancial success in bad. Overall, I saw for the rst time optheir lives. Overall, they had a mindset portunities all around me to create wealth for prosperity that I like to call a Casheven as the newspapers talked constantly ow mindset. of the Great Recession. A lot of people complain that Kiyosaki Today as a result of my ongoing indoes not provide the specic details on volvement playing and organizing local how people should implement his stratCashow events in Southern California, egies to create nancial freedom in his I have a thriving real estate investing books and programs. Truth is he never business. It was after speaking with one spells out a step-by-step how to for of my Cashow friends who was a real building long-term nancial freedom. estate investor that I was encouraged to What he does teach is far more imporstart wholesaling distressed properties. It tant, and that is how to create a Cashturned out to be a great decision. More ow mindset. Kiyosaki describes it in recently, Ive begun to learn how to suchis book Cashow Quadrant moving cessfully trade in the stock market using your mindset from the E (employee) and options. As a self-proclaimed real estate S (self-employed) side of his Cashow zealot, I never would have dreamed of quadrant to the B (business owner) and investing in the equity markets. HowevI (investor) side of the quadrant. In layer, after playing Cashow 202 with my mans terms, its the mental shift from Cashow friend ,who is an active trader, someone who seeks nancial security at and learning about his trading system, I all costs to someone who can condently was able to see the opportunity before and knowledgeably take measured risks. me. I now fully expect that investing in This is a simplistic denition but a very the markets will be a huge part of my fuimportant one to understand. Without the ture nancial success in addition to my correct mindset, it really doesnt matter how much you learn the how to of real

10 Stock Market Success 11 Practical Solutions

12 A Turbo-Charged Portfolio 13 Find Cash Buyers 14 Publishers Tips

CashFlow Express is published in Santa Barbara County by Manifest Media Partners. Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed by writers and columnists are not endorsed by the publishers and/or editorial staff. Before investing in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, gold, other securities and commodities and/or real estate, seek the advisement of a trusted financial adviser, attorney or tax consultant. Investing in any asset and market sector is risky business and may result in loss of capital. Please invest responsibly. PRINTED IN THE USA ~ GOD BLESS AMERICA
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o you are looking for investment real estate? If you havent already discovered, you are about to find out that there is no shortage of ways to invest in real estate. There is no shortage of methods to use. Should I go about investing this way? Should I use this persons system, or should I hire someone to do the work for me? The laundry list of factors to consider when investing in real estate seems endless. But one of the ways you can cut this list down to size is to identify the type of investor you are. Each of us have a different temperament and a style of decision making. Often times this is the difference between a successful investment and a complete disaster. One of the first things you should identify about yourself and your personality is whether or not you are a passive or an active investor. Knowing the answer to this will help you sort out the opportunities best suited for you. Ive provided a little quiz to help you identify the type of investor you are and what type of investment opportunities you should be looking for. How do you change the oil in your car? Do you A) do it yourself, or B) take it to a shop? If you were to play the stock market would you A) look for a strong mutual fund, or B) look for an individual stock that you think has the potential to skyrocket? What are your investment goals? Do you want to A) slowly build a strong long-term investment, or are looking to B) maximize your return as soon as possible? Do you, A) prefer to find professionals and rely on their advice, or do you B) enjoy learning and becoming an expert? What type of property are you looking for? A) One that needs little attention at all, or B) one that needs a lot of work? If you consistently chose the letter B, you might be what we consider an Active Investor. An active investor isnt intimi-

dated by much. What the average person might see as a dilapidated money-pit, the active investor sees an opportunity to turn a little cash and some elbow-grease into a mini Taj Mahal. The active investor sees something sexy in turning that fixer-upper into a quick 10%, 20% or even 30 % return. But the truth is, being an active investor isnt easy. On top of the money it takes to buy the right property, it takes a great deal of time, energy and expertise to be successful. Knowing what to buy, when to buy, and how much to pay is only the beginning. You still have to choose what and how to rehab. How much you will do on your own. What contractors will be hired to do what you wont or cant. This takes an awful lot of effort. The streets to prosperity are littered with the remains of those who bit off more than they could chew. If you dont believe me, just take a look at how many books, videos or educational products you can buy all designed to teach you how to flip houses, perform renovations or market your property. Being an active investor is definitely a worthwhile pursuit if you have the time, energy and resources to develop the proper expertise. Back to our quiz. If you consistently chose the letter A, you are probably what we would call a passive investor. A passive investor is motivated by a completely different set of values. The passive investor may see the opportunities in real estate, but prefers to leverage the time, expertise, and resources of a professional team/organization. It isnt that the passive investor is not capable of flipping houses, or hiring contractors or marketing properties. Let me be clear. Its not my intention to paint one type of investor as more ideal than the other. Rather, the passive investor has a different perception of the value of their time. He or she may not have the time to devote to the process. Or, they may have the time, but feel that being a decision maker about the investment is a much more valuable use of their time than
Continued on pg. 7

CashFlow Express Page 2

Decrease Your Tax Liability

Tips from Robert Hall & Associates
By Stephen Hall, E.A. | however, we are not attorneys and recommend advising a reputable attorney to plan a strategy unique to your situation. Question 3: What are the most audited deductions? A: For landlords, the most audited deductions are repairs on a property. The IRS verifies the expenses that are deducted under repairs that fall within the category of wear and tear on the property, not capital improvements. Capital improvements are deductible over a period of 27 years for residential rental properties. Question 4: Am I a real estate professional? A: The requirements are as follows: 1. More than 50% of the individuals personal services during the tax year are performed in real property trade or businesses in which the taxpayer materially participates. 2. The individual spends more than 750 hours of service during the year in real property trades or businesses in which the taxpayer materially participates. 3. Real estate has to be over 50% of your time and income. One tax benefit is the ability to deduct 100% of your rental property losses against other sources of income. The real estate professional classification can be used as a power tool to offset income and minimize your tax liability. Question 5: What activities count towards my hours to be classified as a real estate professional? A: Well, a real property business is defined as a real property development, redevelopment, construction, reconstruction, acquisition, conversion, rental, operation, management, leasing or brokerage trade or business IRS 469(c). This includes real estate inves-

veryone needs to file a tax return. However, are you maximizing your deductions while limiting your tax liability? Throughout the year, we find that some of the same questions get asked over and over, especially by those in the real estate industry. Question 1: What can I do with an investment that went bad? Answer: In the current economical climate, many investors are facing this issue. It is important to plan strategically to deduct the losses from your current tax return on either future income or from previous years. This is called a Net Operating Loss (NOL) carry back. This strategy can generate additional refunds to get you back on your feet quickly. For example, if you lost $500,000 on investments, the IRS may create a Net Operating Loss of $350,000. The taxpayer has the right to carry the losses forward or elect to carry the losses back two or three years. By tax planning, the taxpayer can get refunds from prior year taxes or offset future income. With proper planning, taxpayers can turn a bad investment into an opportunity to increase cash flow or reduce future income. Question 2: Should I have my rentals in an LLC? A: From a tax standpoint, a Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a versatile tax entity with many taxation benefits. Based on the tax scenario of the person, the LLC can be a single member, multi-member, or even elect to be taxed as a corporation. Each option provides a unique set of advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, LLCs are statistically less audited than a Schedule E on an individual return. LLCs also provide a layer of asset protection;

tors who do rentals, management, rehabbing, wholesaling, retailing, foreclosures, short sales, commercial, brokerage and many other types of real estate activities. In order to qualify as a real estate professional there are many activities that fulfill the IRS hourly requirements and can be easily documented. Some examples of these activities are: Finding Property: 1. Check and review sources for finding investment properties 2. Develop a list of bird dogs as sources of good buys and motivated sellers 3. Meet with bird dogs as sources of good buys and motivated sellers Due Diligence: 4. Do a market/location analysis including emerging or reemerging locations 5. Check out specific neighborhoods, perform a neighborhood analysis 6. Physically go out and search for investment properties
Continued on pg. 5

CashFlow Express Page 3

Find More Money for Deals, cover story

ness will grow by leaps and bounds. Lets go over a quick scenario you may be familiar with: Youve spent hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars on marketing to find sellers, you find that perfect seller who is begging you to help them get out of their real estate woes, you get the property under contract and are ready to assign that contract for a nice feethats when you realize you cant find anyone to sell the contract to, and you dont have the money to close on it yourself. So you end up telling the seller you cant help them. Sound familiar? Now lets change that scenario: You get that property under contract and you have hundreds of hungry cash buyers ready to buy that property from you! Nice, right? I always tell my students that if they want a successful and thriving business they absolutely must have a cash buyers list. By having cash buyers who are actively purchasing property in your area, you will be able to sell your properties quickly and you will not have to worry if they (or the property) will need to qualify for a loan. These cash buyers can close easily, which means more money in your pocket! So how can you find these cash buyers? You can go the traditional route by attending investment club meetings, networking, maybe even blogging and drawing a following of cash buyers. Ive done this and I know many others who have been successful at doing this. Its taken years to grow my list and Im happy that I have a great list of buyers! Now what if instead of taking years, you can build your cash buyers list in a couple of minutes? Well I had a chance to check out a great system that not only finds these cash buyers in literally a few minutes anywhere in the country but

also gives investors the tools to contact them and build a business the right way. A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of testing out this system for myself. Its called Find Cash Buyers Now created by Kent Clothier of the well-known and 1-800-SELLNOW companies. (The website is: www. I had a chance to ask Kent some questions about his business and his Find Cash Buyers Now system. For those of you who do not know Kent, youre in for a treat. After leaving the grocery industry, he turned to real estate because of its low barrier of entry and

Kent Clothier, real estate investor, speaker and entrepreneur is the founder of Find Cash Buyers Now, Find Private Lenders Now and co-founder of

ability to generate cash quickly. From there he and his family started creating systems in their business. I asked him whats the one piece of advice he could give readers, and he said, Design your real estate business to be a business, not a hobby or a job automate processes and streamline efficiency so that you can extract yourself from daily tasks that no longer require your time. He has certainly done that with the Find Cash Buyers Now system I tried. My experience with the system was great. I simply chose the areas I wanted and the dates when the properties in the area were purchased with cash, and I had a list of 4,000 buyers in a couple of minutes! They even break it down by commercial and residential properties. Now lets talk about the great tools that are also included: They have a template of a variety of letters you can send to these buyers theyll even mail merge it with

the list you just created. Or if you dont like mailing it out yourself you can have them do that for you. Talk about automating your business! What I really liked about the Find Cash Buyers Now system is that its easy to use and investors can easily start finding cash buyers in any area. Kent and his partners created these systems in their own business and have now started teaching others how to use this automated system too. Currently there are over 3,000 weekly users benefitting from this system! So if youre just starting your real estate business or you want to grow it quickly and effortlessly, be sure to explore the Find Cash Buyers Now system online: Its time to automate your business just as Kent does: Focus on your passion and build a business that will allow you to spend quality time pursing that passion.

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No. 1 / Vol. 1 2012

Passive Income for Today & Tomorrow

Learn How to Create Stock Market Wealth Today

Investors Manifest a Cashflow Mindset

By Doug Carver Organizer Pasadena and Burbank Cashow Meetup Groups


By Tyrone Jackson You can be rich from owning real estate and trading stocks. Weve all heard the story of the little old lady who lived modestly and worked as a school teacher for 40 years. She never earned more than $35,000 per year, owned a modest home, and shared her life with two cats. Once she died, her relatives discovered a $150,000 life insurance policy and $1.5 million in stocks that she left to the elementary schools scholarship fund. The national media loves to air these stories. It seems there are several old ladies who t this seemly unique prole year after year. How could that be? Investing in stocks is not the worlds most challenging task. In fact, at its core, its very simple. The truth is that the stock market creates millionaires every year. Investing in stocks, with wealth in mind, is easier than you think. Invest In What You Know Wanna be a good stock market investor? Keep it simple and start with companies and products with which you are familiar. If youve ever opened a can of Coca Cola on a hot summer day and felt refreshed and invigorated, why not own the stock? Its a product you know with a story you understand. When I say a story you understand, I mean to say that you understand how the Coca Cola Corporation makes money, or to express it in Wall Street terms, you understand how the company earns revenue. The more bottles and cans of Coke that Coca Cola sells around the world each day, the larger the companys prot. Over the past ten years Coke stock (symbol KO) has risen from around $40 per share to a high of $71 $1000 invested in Coca Cola stock ten years ago would be worth $4,100 today; $10,000 invested in Coca Cola stock would be worth $41,000 today. If you spend more than $100 per year eating fast food, why not own the stock? Over the past ten years McDonalds stock (symbol MCD) has risen from a low of $15 per share to a high of $95 per share.
Continued on pg. 12

estate investing, trading stocks, building a strong MLM business, etc. You will not succeed. Its like trying to grow corn in a eld of sand. The seeds will not germinate and youll end up with next to nothcan remember my rst time playing to harvest in the fall. ing Robert Kiyosakis Cashow How, you ask, does this relate to the board game about eight years Cashow game? ago and how it Well, after playing started a chain the game a bunch of events that continues of times, I learned to this day. What stuck the how to of with me most was not the getting out of the how to of playing the rat race, but I still game but the people that was not able to I met at the event. These take what I learned were not like the normal from the game and people in my life that Carver (left) and apply it to my realwould tell me I was crazy Dougthe Cashow gameChris Hanson display to group members. life nancial situfor trying to start my own ation. However, I real estate business or realized that the time I was spending with that nancial freedom was impossible my new Cashow friends was changing without a steady well-paying job. The the way I thought about money and my people I met were excited about learnnancial future. I no longer viewed the ing and expanding their knowledge on stock market as a giant rigged system for how to achieve nancial freedom. They losing money. I began to see the tremenwere active investors in real estate and dous opportunities in the sinking real esthe stock market. They were small busitate market even as many people I knew ness owners with a passion and vision were losing money on deals that had gone for creating more nancial success in bad. Overall, I saw for the rst time optheir lives. Overall, they had a mindset portunities all around me to create wealth for prosperity that I like to call a Casheven as the newspapers talked constantly ow mindset. of the Great Recession. A lot of people complain that Kiyosaki Today as a result of my ongoing indoes not provide the specic details on volvement playing and organizing local how people should implement his stratCashow events in Southern California, egies to create nancial freedom in his I have a thriving real estate investing books and programs. Truth is he never business. It was after speaking with one spells out a step-by-step how to for of my Cashow friends who was a real building long-term nancial freedom. estate investor that I was encouraged to What he does teach is far more imporstart wholesaling distressed properties. It tant, and that is how to create a Cashturned out to be a great decision. More ow mindset. Kiyosaki describes it in recently, Ive begun to learn how to suchis book Cashow Quadrant moving cessfully trade in the stock market using your mindset from the E (employee) and options. As a self-proclaimed real estate S (self-employed) side of his Cashow zealot, I never would have dreamed of quadrant to the B (business owner) and investing in the equity markets. HowevI (investor) side of the quadrant. In layer, after playing Cashow 202 with my mans terms, its the mental shift from Cashow friend ,who is an active trader, someone who seeks nancial security at and learning about his trading system, I all costs to someone who can condently was able to see the opportunity before and knowledgeably take measured risks. me. I now fully expect that investing in This is a simplistic denition but a very the markets will be a huge part of my fuimportant one to understand. Without the ture nancial success in addition to my correct mindset, it really doesnt matter how much you learn the how to of real

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Continued on pg. 2

Personal Finance News from the Publishers of Realty411 Magazine -

Real Estate

Get Out of the Rat Race with Passive Income Discover Why Now is the Time to Buy! Learn from the RE Divas

Vol. 1 No. 4 2011

Sam Sadat
The Master of Motivation Speaks

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CashFlow Express Page 4

Decrease Your Tax Liability, pg. 3

7. Contact prospective property owners 8. Do a preliminary quantitative analysis on properties (such as the cap rate) 9. Do a preliminary driveby property inspection 10. Make and negotiate purchase offers on property 11. Verify the income, expenses, vacancies on the propertys operating statement 12. Review leases, utility bills, maintenance contracts, other pertinent documents 13. Do a thorough physical property inspection analysis 14. Obtain Estoppel Statements from the seller and tenants. 15. Forecast projected income and expenses for a total projected annual yield Offers and Contracts: 16. Make final offers 17. Prepare contract for purchase of property 18. Review sellers contract for purchase of their property Financing Property: 19. Check out sources of financing for acquiring property 20. Review member credit reports; repair or correct accordingly 21. Prepare a credibility and profile package 22. Meet and develop rapport with lending sources 23. Prepare a loan package for a property acquisition 24. Arrange for financing for acquiring property 25. Negotiate the seller to hold financing Closing Property: 26. Prepare for closing of the property purchase, such as arranging inspections, certificates, etc...

27. Do a pre-closing inspection of the property 28. Attend the closing of the purchase of the property 29. Take care of any postclosing matters Follow-up: 30. Follow-up to see if any prior prospective sellers are more prone to renegotiating 31. Renegotiate the transaction to finalize the purchase as per the above list There are many more activities that qualify you as a real estate professional such as operations, management, rehabbing, selling, exchanging, seminars, webinars, and many others. Do this and fully deduct your rental losses without limit. Real estate investors should not be afraid of the IRS. As long as you document your time and expenses, YOU, the taxpayer, will win. The bottom line is the following: It is important to have a solid strategy in place when embarking on any real estate venture. Through proper planning your taxes will be minimized. Remember what Supreme Court Justice, Learned Hand said, "Any one may so arrange his affairs that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which will best pay the Treasury; there is not even a patriotic duty to increase one's taxes. Stephen Hall is president of Robert Hall & Associates, an accounting firm that specializes in real tax planning, including incorporating. For over 40 years, they have assisted landlords and real estate industry professionals on strategies to minimize their taxes.

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CashFlow Express Page 5

Commercial Property News

Craig Lieberman, CCIM, discusses Realty Trends in California
of a hat, she says. Liebermans involvement in the ownership and brokerage of apartment properties has grown into a strong passion for this particular real estate sector. He argues apartment properties are currently the strongest real estate investment vehicle available because of the combination of the unusually strong demand for rental units by apartment dwellers, in addition to the availability of the cheapest money for financing in history, the combination of which is swelling the bottom line and returns of apartment owners. Lieberman contends the stars are aligned perfectly for apartment property investors to earn generous rates of return apartments are currently hailed as the darling real estate investment type. The unusual demand for rental units by the X and Y generations (the largest consuming age cohort of rental units) as well as baby-boomers and retirees, stems from several significant demographic, psychographic and life-style paradigm shifts. The reality is, the more youthful generations would rather rent than own, so they can be free to take jobs anywhere without the concern of selling a house in a tough housing market. The baby boomers have also increased demand for rentals a significant number of individuals in this age generation have lost their houses to foreclosure and been forced into renter status again. Even retirees are seeking rentals in larger numbers, reflecting their growing preference for travel in lieu of being encumbered with the cost and responsibili-

By Issac Newark III, staff reporter ts easy to sell real estate when it has transformed your life. Craig Lieberman, broker and founding managing director at the Apartment Investment Specialists, located in Santa Barbara, knows firsthand the benefits of property investing. His entry into real estate began in 1978. During that time he worked on the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline project and was making exceptional income. His accountant advised him to consider investing in real estate. That was the impetus for his first property a five unit complex located in Costa Mesa, California. As a consequence of seeing cashflow and profit from his first investment, he has been investing in apartments ever since. It also prompted Lieberman to obtain a bachelor and masters degree in Real Estate Appraisal and Investment Analysis, as well as a C.C.I.M. (Certified Commercial Investment Manager) designation, the highest certification available to commercial real estate professionals. This very concentrated background in apartment property investment has evolved into Lieberman owning a very successful and respected apartment brokerage as well as a property management company. His companies, Apartment Investment Specialists and A.I.S. Property Management Services, do not handle any residential properties and prides itself in filling a much needed void in the marketplace. In fact, his commercial brokerage and property management company transacts with apartment properties exclusively along the Central Coast of California, from San Luis Obispo County down to the San Fernando Valley of Southern California. Recently, Apartment Investment Specialists received the prestigious 2011 Jack Kelly Exchange of the Year Award awarded by the Santa Barbara Association of REALTORS. He was honored for his role in a particularly complicated and difficult exchange, one where he was able to save his client well over a half-million dollars in capital gains tax. The exchange accommodator involved hails Liebermans creative expertise as exemplary of why he has been such a successful apartment property broker. They came to bat for an exchange client with extremely difficult replacement property parameters, and it was like watching a magician pull a rabbit out

ties of home ownership. All this increasing demand for rental units in our economy means increased occupancy rates, which ultimately translates to increased rents and revenues to multifamily property owners. Although apartment developers are realizing this strong demand potential, the number of units coming on line is being held in check by the lack of infill development opportunities, at least, along the coastal areas. Moreover, the cost of construction and the difficulty in securing construction financing is putting a damper on new construction activity that would otherwise become a competitive threat to the existing rental housing stock and place a ceiling on occupancy and rental rates. Lieberman says that adding significantly to the bottom line of apartment owners is the historically low cost of borrowing. This cheap money is helping

owners achieve rates of return not normally seen in apartment property ownership. Currently, with treasury rates at all-time lows, the index in which most apartment mortgages are tied, some five-year and tenyear mortgages are at 3% to 4%, making these mortgage rates competitive with house mortgage rates. Consequently, Lieberman sees no downside to apartment property ownership. In fact, he predicts the commercial market will be bolstered because during uncertain times one thing remains constant: Everyone needs a roof over their head.


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CashFlow Express Page 6

What is an ideal investment? pg. 8

What type of investor are you? pg. 2

Buyers who can find a short sale can get a great deal. The advantages of buying property through a short sale include buying at a discounted price and buying a house where the sellers are still motivated to sell the home and may take care of it until it is sold. A REALTOR with experience in short sales can help the investor research the market to find the properties where foreclosure notices have been filed as well as how much is owed to the lender. Buy REOs: This strategy involves investing in real estate owned by the bank. Investors need to inspect the property to be sure it is something that they can repair and still profit from. The investor who is looking into an REO must be sure that the home is in a desirable part of town if they hope to get their money out of it quickly. Invest in Probate Real Estate: Probates offer investors the opportunity to find and buy a property at a discounted price. It involves locating the heirs who must sell their properties immediately. An advantage for the investor is that no one else knows about the sale and the properties can picked up often with very favorable terms. The investor can make a real profit when they sell the property no matter what the market conditions. Other Strategies: In addition there are various other real estate investment strategies including wholesaling deals, note/paper deals, investing in mobile homes and self-storage. To get more information and get started on some of the strategies mentioned above visit: or call Farooq Khan at: 510.491.4161 ABOUT THE AUTHORS: Farooq Khan is a real estate broker and Shahid Habib is a marketing specialist. They are real estate investors and founders of SFBAI. com a real estate investment club in the San Francisco Bay area, and Wealth Building Education, LLC, a national resource center for wealth-building strategies, resources and education.

actually participating in the process. The passive investor may be a retiree who isnt interested in going back to work, or a busy executive who is committed to other areas of their life. The passive investor may just not be interested in lifting a finger beyond what it takes to make an investment decision. Remember, outside of real estate, passive investing is pretty common. No one buys stock in Apple Computer and then visits corporate headquarters to see that they are getting a good deal on processors.

So determining what type of investor you want to be is critical to successful real estate investing. We have seen too many investors who were lured into sexy deals that ended up costing them dearly, simply because the opportunity wasnt a match for their temperament. The next time you are considering an investment, remember, any investment that requires more from you than a yes or no decision, is probably going to require more than meets the eye. If you have the time, the energy, the capital and personality to react, then this might be good fit.

But if you prefer to remain a decision maker, and hold on to your most precious commodity time, you will find more success with passive investments. Those are investments that allow you to have all the information you need to make a simple yes or no decision. For more information about investing in rental properties or for the latest updates on the Arizona rental market, be sure to visit online at:



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CashFlow Express Page 7

How-to-think is hard
By Chris Hanson

The How-to-do What is the Ideal is easy, but the Investment?

By Shahid Habib and Farooq Khan

here is an old adage that states to be truly financially successful you need to have the combination of the right opportunity with the right you. Lets break this down a bit, OK. Another way of saying this is you need to have the correct How-to-do it knowledge AND have the essential How-to-think mental ability (call this the right Mindset). The big mistake that most people make is putting all their focus on the How-todo. Theyll spend thousands to attend investment seminars, read countless books,

Doug Carver (left) and Chris Hanson display the Cashflow game to group members.

when to buy it, and when to sell it. Then, prove to yourself that those rules do in fact work, and then follow them. This works for the stock market; it works for real estate. Heck, this is how franchises are operated. How hard can it be? Well, there is one little dynamic that trips up nearly everybody as they are

While having the proper How-to-do knowledge is very important, the reality is that 95% of successful investing is How-to-Think, and only about 5% of this is How-to-do.
watch talking heads on CNBC, all with the belief that they can simply learn that one little secret contained in how-to-do that will bring them the financial success they seek. While having the proper How-todo knowledge is very important, the reality is that 95% of successful investing is How-to-Think, and only about 5% of this is How-to-do. This may come as a shock to a lot of people. While I make my living in the stock market, Ive watched and spoken with enough people in other fields such that I firmly believe that those how-to-do and how-to-think ratios are the same whether youre investing in real estate, business, or the stock market. The 95% is how-to-think; only 5% is how-to-do. Yet, nearly everyone puts 100% focus on the 5%. They laser focus on the how-todo. Then, if that particular how-to-do investment strategy ends up not working, they go looking for the next holy grail methodology/investment strategy again focusing 100% on that howto-do. This completely ignores the fact that the real issue may not necessarily be the How-to-do they are following, but rather with themselves. Thats a pretty tough pill for most people to swallow. OK, so how can you figure out if your lack of financial results is dependent on the How-to-do or on you. The simple answer is to make sure you are following a strict set of rules specific to the methodology/investment strategy you are using, so that you can be consistent in your actions. You literally want to remove yourself from the equation as much as possible. That sounds pretty straight-forwardfind a set of rules that tell you what to invest in, learning. That little gotcha is called emotions. Its often said that markets (stock or real estate) are driven by hope, greed, and fear. Im of the opinion that there is only one emotion: fear. It comes in four flavors fear of losing money; fear of being wrong; fear of missing out on an opportunity; fear of leaving money on the table. Think back to any investing mistake that youve made in the past. You probably can identify one of those fears as being the culprit. So how does one avoid those four flavors of fear? Some people think that by outsourcing the decision-making to someone else (like a mutual fund), then the problem goes away. To me, thats very, very risky. Yet, thats how the financial services industry stays in business they tell you that you cant do it without their help. You drink their Kool-Aid, and they make a handsome living. Alternatively, there are people who sign up for various advisory services. They pay a few bucks every month and the expert advises them on what to do. They get to decide if theyll follow the advice or not. The decision to take action or not is often a decision driven by emotions. People get upset when they hear that; however, if they knew how to find their own opportunities, they would not need the advisory service. There is an example of that every day on TV. Bazillions of people watch Jim Cramer on CNBCs Mad Money; they sell when he says, sell, sell, sell; they buy when he says buy, buy, buy. Im not knocking Cramer; he is an unmatched wealth of knowledge. He has written some
Continued on pg. 12

he hardest part about investing in real estate is finding a property you can make money on. Most of us in the investment arena know that real estate is the ideal investment, but how do we choose the ideal type of real estate to invest in? The answer depends on whether you are looking for immediate cashflow income and profit or whether you are looking for long-term appreciation of the inv e s t m e n t p r o p e r t y. What method you select really depends on your short-term and longterm goals, availability and access to funds and your needs. If you need money soon then buying a property to flip may be a better choice. Flipping is a strategy where you buy a distressed property in need of work and quickly fix and turn around to sell it in a few weeks for a handsome profit. If you are looking for regular monthly income and positive cashflow then buying to rent out may be a good choice. You can improve the value of the property through upgrades or renovating improvements and then sell or refinance to access the additional equity. Lastly, if you dont need the money right away then buy-and-hold may be the way to go. Following are some of the basic types of real estate investment strategies that may help you select the one that suits your purpose: Buy Single Family Homes to Fix and Flip: This strategy involves selecting the right properties to buy, fixing them and turning them around and selling them for profit. You can learn how to get the properties renovated at low cost labor without losing any quality and get the rehab done for a lot less than regular contractor prices and therefore profit on every deal. You can oversee rehabs without doing the work yourself and learn to evaluate repairs and estimate costs. Buy Single Family Homes to Hold and Rent Out: With this strategy you buy the right property and then hold it for the medium to long term and make monthly residual income by renting it out for positive cash flow. Buy Apartments to Hold and Rent Out: You can make good money with multifamily units as apartment vacancies have hit a 10 year low and are at their lowest level since 2001. If done right, this strategy can get you monthly positive cash flow, hassle-free land lording plus appreciation over time. Lease-Options (Rent-to-Own) Strate-

gies: This is a great tool for real estate investors. An investor may purchase a property and then sell it at a higher price to a renter in the future. Meanwhile you get the rent. Then the investor can sell the option to a buyer who is willing to pay the new market value for a profit. This rent-to-own strategy is a unique money making strategy for investors. It helps the investor avoid discounting rents. Buyers who purchase the property have no real estate commission to pay and no negotiation to do.

Shahid Habib (left) and Farooq Khan

Tax Liens & Tax Deeds Tax Liens are known as the best kept secret investment of the rich. If done right, investing in tax lien certificates and tax deeds can be highly profitable. The wealthy have steadily built their fortunes with tax lien certificates for nearly 200 years regardless of what happens in the economy. Tax lien certificates provide a safe and high return investment from 16% up to 50%. Your investment is secured by real estate, guaranteed by the government and fixed by law. Invest Tax-Free Using IRA & 401(k): You can use your IRA, Roth IRA and 401(k) to invest in real estate. Self-Directed IRA accounts allow you and/or your investment advisor/broker to manage and direct the investments in your IRA. You can learn how to successfully buy, sell, or accumulate real estate products using your Self-Directed IRA account. The beauty of the real estate IRA is it allows you to use "tax-free" or taxdeferred" money as the down payment on a property and then finance the rest of the purchase. You can rent the property until you decide to sell it. Creative Finance Using Private Money Lenders: Private money lenders are individuals who specialize in offering short-term loans at high interest. This type of financing is typically used by real estate investors for fixing and flipping a property. The investor can often get the money fast, and if they make good profit on a project, it does not really matter if they paid high interest in three or six months. Buy Short Sale Properties: This strategy offers investors a chance to find bargain properties at a great price.
Continued on pg. 7

CashFlow Express Page 8

California Property Flip Tour, cover story

may completely forget about a property until the agent calls them to let them know their offer got accepted. The word is out in Southern California: If you want a fast close, call the Property Flip Pros to take the home off your hands. Their reputation as serious players is spotless, and with every deal they do, their following as real estate mentors is growing. In fact, the Property Flip Pros began to organize rehab tours a couple of years ago because they saw so many other people fail when trying to flip properties. Many investors want to do what we do, but they just dont know how, says Yepez who admits that rehabbing houses for a living is not easy or glamorous like it is on television. But, it is a stimulating profession: In every deal we do, we learn something new, adds Ortiz. A few years ago, Yepez and Ortiz decided to give back some of their knowledge and skills to less experienced investors. Their bus tours are inexpensive and meant to be purely educational. The motivation is not to profit, instead they seek to teach others the proven formula that works for them. Being the editor of this publication, I attend numerous property tours around the country and what makes this tour different is that it is focused on education. The main objective is not selling properties that day. Instead, this tour is strictly informational, the partners break down their deal step-by-step so that everyone can understand how the property was discovered, negotiated, funded, rehabbed and sold. When questioned if they were afraid that others would copy their success formula, Yepez

replied, We dont mind giving our secrets away because the truth is most investors cant do what we do. You have to take action, you have to work to find deals, you have to be creative and be able to make fast decisions. Yepez and Ortiz realize that even if they divulge all their secrets, most people simply dont do all the work that is required to make a successful rehab happen from beginning to end. Thats why many investors on the tour ultimately decide its best to partner up with professionals who are already doing it. At the end of the day, we believe that people should leave the professional rehabbing up to the pros, but you dont have to miss out, you can partner up with people like us or also become a trust deed investor and lend your money to make these rehabs happen. You dont have to jump into the water by yourself, if you want to get into the real world of property flipping contact them because they always are looking for win/win situations. Yepez and Ortiz like to share the opportunities with other investors by participating in

joint venture deals. Brian P. from Lake Elsinore, Calif., was one of their most recent partners who made the transition from being a rehab tour student. I tried doing a deal myself, but I just couldnt, so I asked them for help and they made me a partner in one of their deals, he confided. Brian was beaming that day because they had just closed on a transaction a few days prior. While discussing the details of the deal, he reached into his back pants pocket, took out his stuffed wallet and opened it up to display the many hundred dollar bills in it. Here is the proof, he said with a smile. Ortiz points out that real estate is and will always be a relationship business, one where people need one another. A recent deal they rehabbed was a property on La Verne Avenue in East Los Angeles, Calif. They purchased the two bedroom, one bath house for $136,000, it was a standard sale but a pocket listing brought to them by another broker. The total rehab costs were $25,000. The property was put back on the market at $249,500. Within three days it received ten offers and went for the over asking price of $255,000. Ortiz says the outcome was fantastic because they invested in a quality rehab. Are you also interested in doing rehabs in Southern California? The first step for interested individuals is to contact them directly. In this business you have to pick up the phone and take action, explains Ortiz. Also be sure to visit their website for information on the next Property Flip Pros tour. For more information, please call: 562.304.7787 Be sure to check their website often for updates, including dates to the next Property Flip Pros Tour

Property Flip Pros Rehab Case Study

Pocket Listing: La Verne Ave., East Los Angeles Rehab Cost: $25,000 Complete rehab was finished in 30 days The cozy house on La Verne Avenue seemed unimpressive when it was shown to students on the Property Flip Pros Tour. It looked like an outdated shack in need of a complete overhaul. But the starter home, purchased for the incredible price of $136,000, had unique details and character, which make for a perfect flip opportunity. Christian Yepez and Ruth Ortiz did a quality rehab to get the best price possible. The property was completed in 30 days and put back on the market for $249,500. Within one week, they received ten offers. Now, the home is pending over the asking price at $255,500. This rehab is just one of the many completed by the Property Flip Pros this year.

CashFlow Express Page 9

Stock Market Success Made Easy

By Lori Peebles, staff reporter When Hollywood actors and Silicon Valley executives want to increase their wealth, they turn to Tyrone Jackson. Hes the founder and creator of the Wealthy Investor program. Each month, Jackson teaches beginners and seasoned stock market investors how to produce monthly income ranging from $5,000 to $30,000. Hes also the creator of The Wealthy Investors Guide to Stock Market audio CD series. A frequent radio and TV guest, Jackson has been seen on CNN/FN and NBCs The Other Half. We recently sat down with Jackson to learn about how he discovered trading. Q: Why dont average Americans know about the stock market and the opportunities it offers? A: For far too long, the U.S. stock market has been a playground for the ultra rich. The advent of the internet has created a level playing field so that we all can participate in the financial markets. Q: When did you discover stocks? A: I spent 26 years on television selling other peoples products. I appeared in TV commercials for everything from Coca Cola to McDonalds to Mercedes Benz. Fifteen years ago, during the time I was a commercial actor on TV, I discovered stock market trading. Once I discovered how lucrative online trading could be, I fell in love. Q: How has investing in stocks personally changed your life? A: It has allowed me to have the kind of financial freedom I used to read about in magazines. I have six figures in covered call income. That means that I make money every single month whether the stock market goes up, down or stays the same. As opposed to just buying and holding stocks, I sell call options to investors who agree to buy my stocks away at a profit.
op Pe le o ini ns at We he r

Q: When did you start your Wealthy Investor program and why? A: The Wealthy Investor program started more than four years ago because I wanted to help educate people who had their money in mutual funds instead of individual stocks. Since that time, the amount of lives that I have been able to impact has been tremendous. To help someone who knew nothing about stocks earn $5,000 to $10,000 a month is enormously gratifying. Q: What are some of the biggest mistakes made by stock investors and traders? A: Buying stocks like Facebook long before they understand how the company generates revenue. Our goal as wealthy investors is not to try to get rich quickly, rather it is to invest intelligently using a discipline and a methodology. Q: How can everyday people take advantage of the stock market? A: First of all, most investors need a financial educa-

a loss of commission for them the more you become empowered. Therefore, it is incumbent upon each investor to find a mentor who they feel comfortable with so that they can benefit and participate in the greatest game in the world. Q: Tell us a bit about your technique of selling stock options? A: Our primary strategy is something referred to in the industry as selling covered calls or writing call options which, in laymens terms, mean that we buy a stock and then sell the right, not the obligation, for the stock to be bought away from us at a particular price called a strike price. So, for example, if eBay (ticker symbol EBAY) is trading at $39, I teach people how to sell the right to buy the stock away at $40 and take in $1 per share just for selling that right. That $1 per share is known as the call option premium income. You can literally earn thousands of dollars per month in guaranteed income just by selling the right to someone to buy shares of stock you already own. Best of all, anyone can do it. All you need is an online brokerage account. Q: Where are your classes being held and how can they sign up? A: Currently, I am teaching monthly classes in three

For far too long, the U.S. Stock Market has been a playground for the ultra rich. The advent of the Internet has created a level playing field so that we all can participate in the financial markets.
tion. They need to learn how the markets function on a daily basis. Secondly, they need an open mind. Most investors struggle with the idea that they are not smart enough to understand the stock market. That is absolutely 100% not true. A stock broker has no incentive to assist you in becoming financially educated because the end result is cities: San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York City. Students pay a monthly fee to participate and then go home and trade in their own accounts based on the lessons presented to them each month. Over the next six months we are focusing on how to profit from high profile stock splits and fourth quarter volatility. The best thing to do is to go to my website, ( Once there, you can sign up for a free newsletter, and you will be notified about upcoming classes. Q: Is there anything youd like to add? A: In the end, your beliefs about money and wealth will determine how successful you are in life. Negative people seem to struggle with money and debt. Those who have a more positive outlook create wealth, help their families and contribute to their community. Your job is to get a financial eduction and decide which side of the fence you want to be on. Learn more about Tyrone Jackson and his monthly classes at:





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CashFlow Express Page 10

Practical Solutions for Investors Who Work a Full-Time Job

By Holly Hansen Chief Relaxation Officer of Lazy Hammock Investments, LLC

ost real estate investors also work full-time jobs leaving only evenings and weekends to search for the right deals to invest in. So how can you get all these real estate tasks done with the limited time you have? One of the newest solutions smart investors are using to make more profitable decisions is hiring virtual assistants. By outsourcing their real estate investing tasks to other people to take care of, investors are relieved to find out that not only are they getting their time back since someone else is doing the task for them they are also making more money on their deals. Here are some basic smart rules for when to use a virtual assistant: If you dont have the skills for a task, or if you dont have the time or inclination to learn those skills, hire someone else to do it for you instead, while you invest your energy where your skills and interests are. If it is cheaper to have someone else do it, then hire them especially if it is a time-consuming task or if you really dont feel like you have the time or the expertise to do it right. How you can use a virtual assistant for real estate investing? Here are ten ideas to get you started: 1. Dont know where the best location to invest in is or where you should avoid investing? Hire a virtual assistant to do a market analysis for you and present you with data about what cities in each state align with your real estate investing strategy. What cities and what zip codes in those cities will get you the cashflow you desire? What cities are great for flipping? 2. Need help searching for deals? Put them on the hunt for properties that meet your investing criteria. They can search the web, reach out to real estate agents on your behalf, and follow up on listing classifieds posted for sale by owners and gather all the details you need about potential deals. 3. Have multiple properties in different locations? Virtual assistants can help you manage your property managers and compile a single property health report to show a summary of completed and upcoming maintenance repairs, renter satisfaction reports, vacancy rates and advertising activities being done on each property and more.

4. Need help keeping track of your property financials? They can help you by providing a monthly bookkeeping statement and report on your overall investment financial portfolio. 5. Are follow-up and qualification of property leads eating up your time? Ask them to follow-up on lead calls from sellers interested in selling their homes or potential buyers for your properties. 6. Trying to attract money partners and investors to fund your deals? Outsource the writing of articles you can feature on your newsletter or blog or they can help you by posting updates on your social media presences across the web. Topics could include, how to promote your investment strategy, why you are a good strategic investing partner or investor education, or how to use your IRA for real estate investing 7. Need help getting the word out about properties you have for sale? You can get a virtual assistant to upload all of these listings on your behalf on sites like Craigslist, eBay, Bigger Pockets, Loopnet, plus other online classifieds sites and more. 8. Did you just arrive from an investor networking event and have a large stack of business cards?

It is as simple as scanning all the cards and sending them to the virtual assistant who will enter them in your database for you. 9. Dont have time to research who the best property managers in a location are? They can do all the leg work for you. Once they build a list of possible property managers you can tell them what interview questions they should ask and have them check the property managers references to help you make the perfect decision for who should manage your properties. 10. Dont have time to follow up on phone calls and emails in a timely manner? Virtual assistants can make you look incredibly professional to REALTORS, potential investing partners and potential buyers/sellers. They can screen your calls and emails and create summary reports for you and even follow up and respond on your behalf. This is just a short list of just a few of the tasks you can outsource to a virtual assistant. And the best part is it works for ANY real estate investing strategy (buy and hold, flipping, wholesaling, single family, multifamily, commercial etc). So what does it cost to hire a virtual assistant?

Costs depend on what task you are asking them to do and if it requires special skills or not. You can hire a virtual assistant for as little as $8 an hour and you can hire them by the project or for a set number of hours each month. So it is scalable for any budget. Imagine how good it will feel to be making really smart investing choices while having time to enjoy life simply by outsourcing those more time-consuming tasks to a virtual assistant. What will you do with the free time made possible by outsourcing to a virtual assistant? For information on Holly Hansens new program Work LessInvest Smarter or Lazy Hammock Investments, LLC, please visit or call 1-866-661-3325 Lazy Hammock Investments, LLC, is located in Santa Cruz, Calif., and specializes in teaching real estate investors and small businesses how to use virtual assistants the smart way.

CashFlow Express Page 11

Turbo-Charge Your Portfolio

By Dani Beit-Or, Simply Do It

The How-to-Do is Easy..., pg. 8

Id like to have a monthly net income of $10,000 in 12 years This is the statement I have

heard the most from investors this past year. While this is a clear goal, do you really know how to get there? To have $10,000 in 12 years we need approximately 15 free-and-clear properties. The good news is that it is possible! But accomplishing it requires several things, mainly it requires a plan, discipline (focus) and time. The more time the better. The Challenge To accomplish this goal we need to tackle two main elements. First, we may not have enough cash to buy 10 to 15 properties in the coming years. Secondly, we are always short on time. Long-term VS. Short-Term As an active investor, I have had this conflict for a long time: Long-term rentals are better. No. short-term fix-and-flips are better. No. Long-term rentals... After going about it for many years, I have come to the obvious conclusion: It is not one or the other, it should be both! Each approach, buy-and-hold rentals and fix-and-flips has its advantages, disadvantages, and carries a different level of risk/rewards. Done correctly the combination of the

two can be very powerful. Combining The Two Strategies The Basic: The easy buy-and-hold approach is to buy the property with a mortgage and pay it off in 30 years or sell it in future. Accelerating: The first and simple technique we can do to get to 15 free-and-clear properties is to start paying off the mortgage, i.e. extra principal payment (EPP). Simply write an extra check each month. For example if our monthly mortgage payment is $500, we can pay an additional $150 each month towards our principal. If we have invested correctly these funds should come from the cash-flow.

great books. However, whats going to happen to half of America when hes no longer sharing opinions. They will have no idea whether they should buy, buy, buy or sell, sell, sell. Whats going to happen if your advisory service stops advising or if the method hits a rough patch? Is the rough patch due to the method... or is it due to your emotions when youre trying to make the decision to follow the advice or not? If you dont know how to do it yourself, how will you know where the flaw is? Its your money. Nobody cares more about your money than you do. Bottom line is to find a set of investment rules that you believe works. Prove to yourself that they work. Then put it to work. Follow the rules and become very aware of your emotions. If your results arent there, and youre sticking to the rules, then the problem is with your rules. However, if you dont about $25,000 to buy one property. Saving $25,000 every year from your job will only allow you to purchase one such property every year. To expedite your acquisition, to turbocharge it, you should incorporate shortterm fix-and-flips into your overall strategy. By doing two to three such flips every year can save you an additional $25,000 or another property as I like to call it. By doing so you have just doubled your buying power and you should be able to get to 15 properties in half the time. Fix-and-flips are not the enemy! Not all flips are gone bad as seen on TV. Establishing the right teams and systems and going after non-adventurous flips can result in success. Summary You should have two main engines helping you to build your portfolio. A long-

follow the rules because of your emotions, then it is impossible to determine if the problem is your rules or your emotions. As humans, we can never 100% control our emotions, but we can develop discipline on the way we think so that we can mitigate how our emotions affect the way we handle our investments. Lets get out of our own way so we can all achieve the investment results we desire. Chris Hanson manages his own portfolio and teaches people how to trade and invest in the stock market. More information can be found at www. With Doug Carver, he co-hosts a monthly CashFlow game in Glendale, Calif. Doug runs www.TurnkeyREOs. com, a service to acquire rehabbed and rented REO properties for around $5,000. term engine and a short-term engine. When done correctly the short-term engine can feed the long-term one and help you turbocharge your portfolio formation. Once you have reached the desired amount of properties (15?) you should not stop with the short-term engine. At that point in time this engine will help you pay off the properties, hence reaching your goal of owning X (10, 15, 20 . . .) number of properties all freeand-clear. Copyright 2012 Simply Do It / Dani BeitOr, All Rights Reserved. This article constitutes general information and should not be relied upon as advice. Simply Do It / Dani Beit-Or Web Site: Properties:

Paying extra principal payment (EPP) will both bring us sooner to a free-andclear property and will save on interest. Turbo-charging: EPP will only helps with paying down the mortgage. It wont help us acquire multiple properties. Actually it will eat into our cashflow. If we assume each property we buy under this program costs about $100,000, it means we need

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CashFlow Express Page 12

Find Cash Buyers & You Will Find Yourself Making Money
By Sensei Gilliland

eal estate investment courses can teach a million things about paperwork, methodologies and theories, but their students are certainly not going to make money in real estate if they don't learn how to find cash buyers for those deals that theyre putting together.

it themselves, and immediately sell it for tens of thousands more than their initial investment. These type of investors are your buyers. They want the distressed houses with an equity position so they can increase the value through rehabbing. More than likely your local real estate agents, escrow officers, title insurance representatives and hard money lenders know these investors. Make contact with these real estate professionals and

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Your wealth is in your thinking is the mantra trumpeted by stock market teacher and trader Tyrone Jackson. For the past five years, Mr. Jackson has been helping creative artists and self-directed investors produce monthly residual income & build longterm wealth in the stock market. His Wealthy Artist/Wealthy Investor program exposes both the experienced trader & novice to the powerful concept of monthly residual income.

Wholesaling real estate is a way to generate massive profits, which does not require money, credit, a license and taking title to the property.
become the supplier to their clients. It may seem obvious, since you are looking to Rehabbing is a great way to go if fixing up builddeal with the lowest prices possible that you would ings is your niche, but as a wholesaler you dont want to avoid dealing with real estate agents when want to tie up your cash and credit in a deal and you purchasing wholesale, however that's actually not don't want to be constrained in the manual labor. the case. As you are out patrolling the city for What you want to do is maximize your time congood deals, you will come across real estate necting with buyers and finding out their houseagents and many of them run directly into buying criteria. Your job is to find the properties property investors. they desire, get them under contract and flip the Even if youre not ready to roll out a contract to your buyer for a substantial profit. contract or even a preliminary offer, get Wholesaling real estate is a way to generate names and contact information for everymassive profits and it does not require money, one in the business that you come across. credit, a license or taking title to the property. You never know who they will know or Basically you are flipping without the in what context. They may have a risks! connection that will be of benefit Sensei Gilliland, CEO of Black to you. The more you connect Belt Investors, is a nationallywith them, the more chances of known investor, trainer, entrepreopportunity. neur and speaker. Gilliland has Wholesale real estate been practicing real estate since investing often includes 1995, having been involved in rehabbing homes as the flipping, creative financing, lendprimary method of increasing and rentals. Sensei Gilliland ing the property value. This trains and coaches real estate allows an investor (rehabber) entrepreneurs and helps build to sell for a significantly higher real estate portfolios. Since 2002, price than what he paid for the he has served as president of two property in the first place. Some The Wests Real Estate Investors Club real estate investor clubs, which are people enjoy remodeling work and named 12 ROUNDS. like flipping houses because they can purchase a house, go in remodel

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Days To receive information or to attend, please call 3 All aisWeekDays a Week Club Meetings and More! is 5 3 All YouInformation at Our ClubMeetings and More! Information at Our Black Belt Investors is a full-time professional network o ering All This Information & More at Club Meetings! Visit Black Belt Investors referrals, consultits members education, networking, businessat:

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Publishers Tips
by Linda Pliagas, editor/founder of CashFlow Express & Realty411

Todays Investments Are Tomorrows Profits

his quote is beautifully framed and proudly displayed in the reception area of my Los Angeles-based property managers office the companys founder has been a local investor for nearly 40 years and has owned, purchased and sold a lot of properties.

Appreciation is awesome because it can increase a persons wealth very quickly. You may argue that right now we are not seeing any appreciation, so of course, we need to change our strategy. Right now its all about VALUE. The distressed marketplace is turning out spectacular properties with plenty of Instant Equity. Yes, you can make money simply for buying and managing a property! Timing is everything in real estate and smart investors need to take advantage of buying assets that can earn them money instantly. Deals with $25,000, $50,000 and $100,000 plus in equity are there for the taking in many prime areas, especially in the California Coast. In the past eight months, my family and I purchased two value-priced properties each with an Instant $100K in Equity.

Right now its all about VALUE. The distressed marketplace is turning out spectacular properties with plenty of Instant Equity.
Some investors may be put off by this quote because it states that real estate creates a future reward, instead of instant prosperity. Well this can be quite true. When we started out as landlords back in 1994, we did not make cashflow. Why? Because our initial down payment was dismal, so everything that was generated from the property, went right back into it. Yet, we knew real estate was going to create financial security, so we stayed patient, purchased and managed some more properties and waited for the right exit. When the time was right, we sold a property for profit and did a 1031 exchange out of state. What we lacked in cashflow, we earned in appreciation, which resulted in large payout. Then I took the equity and turned it into more monthly cashflow, plus put some money into a savings account. One property was purchased in Santa Barbara County for $299,000. It was such a great probate deal, that it had two other offers on the first day! We knew it was a steal and made a very strong offer, one that we knew would most likely beat out the others. Sure enough, we ended up getting the property. After a few months of work, including some landscaping, painting, new appliances and other cosmetic updates, we saw the value of the property rise to $410,000, according to my local REALTOR. We saw an increase in equity of over $100,000 in just a few months! Next, we purchased a duplex near Marina del Rey, Calif., for $485,000; it was a sweet short sale deal. The ARV (After Repair Value) is $595,000, after a basic cosmetic makeover of $7,000 or so.

Again, we were able to find a deal with at least $100,000 in Instant equity! Now we can choose to sell them for profit right away or hold them and rent them out to cover our costs. My personal technique over the years has been to buy deeply discounted properties in California (The Golden $tate), cashflow them a few years to cover costs and sell them for a profit or do a partial 1031 exchange. By doing this, I can cash in a portion of my gain and also exchange the CA equity to an out-of-state rental, which can generate more cashflow. Right now because the economy is shaky in California, its especially important to purchase right. A general rule to follow is: Before buying any property, make sure there is plenty of equity in the deal to diminish risk just in case it doesnt work out and you need to liquidate. Having rentals may not be for everyone, but even in my own neighborhood, I see the financial advantages of being a landlord. My neighbors who are retired and own income property are by far better off financially than those who are the same age and do not own real estate other than their primary home. I may not always enjoy being a landlord, but I just added over $200,000 in equity to my familys portfolio simply by purchasing, fixing and managing two assets! And, what I did was not difficult nor complicated. The deals are out there for you to also find. The time is perfect for you to increase your familys wealth with some Instant Equity.

MID-WeST ReaL eSTaTe exPo & TouR

SaTuRDay & SuNDay, auguST 25 & 26 - HoSTeD by ReaLTy411 &

With Special Guest Appearance By: Tim Norris, President of National Real Estate Insurance Group & Affinity Group Management. Learn insurance tips directly from a professional. Marck Delatour - sBD housing solutions SBD Housing Solutions is the premier supplier of foreclosure and pre-foreclosure homes in the Jackson County, Missouri area. Learn about local opportunities in a no-pressure sales environment.

Also Sponsored By:

Plus, Lloyd segal, California Foreclosure Institute Trained as an attorney, Lloyd Segal is a mortgage banker, author, real estate investor, and public speaker. This leading California foreclosure expert will apply his knowledge to the local area. Kim Tucker, founder of MAREI MAREI is the leading association for Real Estate Investors in Kansas City Metro Area serving members in Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and nationwide.


Commercial & Residential Real Estate

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August 25th & 26th


inside our expos & mixers

TOP, Left to right/clockwise: Guests enjoyed learning at our outdoor expo in San Diego, Calif.; Linda Pliagas, founder/editor, and Dmitriy Fomichenko of Sense Financial at the Realty411 Expo in Culver City, Calif.; Tim Norris and Mike Wrenn from National Real Estate Insurance Group and Affinity Group Management join the Cash and Wealth Conference in Phoenix, Ariz.; Jasmine from the Lady Landords of San Diego meets Julie Harrison from Premier Equity in Jackson, Miss; Barry Hammond, Matt Hendricks and Deborah Gordan from Invest Arizona educate guests on the local Phoenix marketplace; Investors mingle at the Arizona conference. BOTTOM, left to right: Annamaria Gilliland with Black Belt Investors; Marco Santarelli with Norada Real Estate Investments raffled a 5-day, 4-night stay at a luxury resort in Cancun to our guest, Craig Faczan (wearing hat). Craig saw our expo post on Facebook and decided to attend the event; Lee Kartchner with Gentry Property Management; We reach hundreds of people around the nation. Our guests receive information on wealth-building strategies. Join our network to be invited to our events:

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No. 1 / Vol. 1 2012

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Passive Income for Today & Tomorrow

Learn How to Create Stock Market Wealth Today

Get Out of the Rat Race with Passive Income Discover Why Now is the Time to Buy! Learn from the RE Divas

Investors Manifest a Cashflow Mindset

By Doug Carver Organizer Pasadena and Burbank Cashow Meetup Groups


Vol. 1 No. 4 2011

Sam Sadat
The Master of Motivation Speaks


By Tyrone Jackson

Welcome to Sams RE Club

at the Beverly Hills Country Club

Make this Your Year of SUCCESS!

Network with Real Estate Investors, Brokers Financial Industry Leaders & Entrepreneurs
CashFlow Express Page 15

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Invest In What You Know Wanna be a good stock market investor? Keep it simple and start with
Continued on pg. 12 Continued on pg. 2

You can be rich from owning real estate and trading stocks. Weve all heard the story of the little old lady who lived modestly and worked as a school teacher for 40 years. She never earned more than $35,000 per year, owned a modest home, and shared her life with two cats. Once she died, her relatives discovered a $150,000 life insurance policy and $1.5 million in stocks that she left to the elementary schools scholarship fund. The national media loves to air these stories. It seems there are several old ladies who t this seemly unique prole year after year. How could that be? Investing in stocks is not the worlds most challenging task. In fact, at its core, its very simple. The truth is that the stock market creates millionaires every year. Investing in stocks, with wealth in mind, is easier than you think.

companies and products with which you are familiar. If youve ever opened a can of Coca Cola on a hot summer day and felt refreshed and invigorated, why not own the stock? Its a product you know with a story you understand. When I say a story you understand, I mean to say that you understand how the Coca Cola Corporation makes money, or to express it in Wall Street terms, you understand how the company earns revenue. The more bottles and cans of Coke that Coca Cola sells around the world each day, the larger the companys prot. Over the past ten years Coke stock (symbol KO) has risen from around $40 per share to a high of $71 $1000 invested in Coca Cola stock ten years ago would be worth $4,100 today; $10,000 invested in Coca Cola stock would be worth $41,000 today. If you spend more than $100 per year eating fast food, why not own the stock? Over the past ten years McDonalds stock (symbol MCD) has risen from a low of $15 per share to a high of $95 per share.

estate investing, trading stocks, building a strong MLM business, etc. You will not succeed. Its like trying to grow corn in a eld of sand. The seeds will not germinate and youll end up with next to nothcan remember my rst time playing to harvest in the fall. ing Robert Kiyosakis Cashow How, you ask, does this relate to the board game about eight years Cashow game? ago and how it Well, after playing started a chain the game a bunch of events that continues of times, I learned to this day. What stuck the how to of with me most was not the getting out of the how to of playing the rat race, but I still game but the people that was not able to I met at the event. These take what I learned were not like the normal from the game and people in my life that Carver (left) and apply it to my realwould tell me I was crazy Dougthe Cashow gameChris Hanson display to group members. life nancial situfor trying to start my own ation. However, I real estate business or realized that the time I was spending with that nancial freedom was impossible my new Cashow friends was changing without a steady well-paying job. The the way I thought about money and my people I met were excited about learnnancial future. I no longer viewed the ing and expanding their knowledge on stock market as a giant rigged system for how to achieve nancial freedom. They losing money. I began to see the tremenwere active investors in real estate and dous opportunities in the sinking real esthe stock market. They were small busitate market even as many people I knew ness owners with a passion and vision were losing money on deals that had gone for creating more nancial success in bad. Overall, I saw for the rst time optheir lives. Overall, they had a mindset portunities all around me to create wealth for prosperity that I like to call a Casheven as the newspapers talked constantly ow mindset. of the Great Recession. A lot of people complain that Kiyosaki Today as a result of my ongoing indoes not provide the specic details on volvement playing and organizing local how people should implement his stratCashow events in Southern California, egies to create nancial freedom in his I have a thriving real estate investing books and programs. Truth is he never business. It was after speaking with one spells out a step-by-step how to for of my Cashow friends who was a real building long-term nancial freedom. estate investor that I was encouraged to What he does teach is far more imporstart wholesaling distressed properties. It tant, and that is how to create a Cashturned out to be a great decision. More ow mindset. Kiyosaki describes it in recently, Ive begun to learn how to suchis book Cashow Quadrant moving cessfully trade in the stock market using your mindset from the E (employee) and options. As a self-proclaimed real estate S (self-employed) side of his Cashow zealot, I never would have dreamed of quadrant to the B (business owner) and investing in the equity markets. HowevI (investor) side of the quadrant. In layer, after playing Cashow 202 with my mans terms, its the mental shift from Cashow friend ,who is an active trader, someone who seeks nancial security at and learning about his trading system, I all costs to someone who can condently was able to see the opportunity before and knowledgeably take measured risks. me. I now fully expect that investing in This is a simplistic denition but a very the markets will be a huge part of my fuimportant one to understand. Without the ture nancial success in addition to my correct mindset, it really doesnt matter how much you learn the how to of real

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SJREI to Host Investment Expo in Silicon Valley

by Meghan Ben,

meetup group
The Pasadena Cashflow Masters Group welcomes all levels of investors. We meet to play Robert Kiyosakis Cashflow boardgame each month to learn the skills required for acquiring wealth. I personally look forward to connecting with you at one of our upcoming events.


he Bay Areas leading forum for real estate investing education and networking is delivering 21 educational workshops and bringing together hundreds of real estate pros from across the U.S. to Americas home-base for innovation. The 4th Annual Real Estate Investment Expo Silicon Valley is being held September 8, at the Santa Clara Convention Center. The Expos goal is to help new and experienced real estate investors understand the current market dynamics, learn best practices, and explore investing opportunities. For people new to real estate investing, education from reputable professionals is critical. Real estate investing can be as unforgiving as it is rewarding. said Bruce Norris, market timing expert and president of The Norris Group. Networking with people whove been in the game a long time and attending educational forums, like Expo Silicon Valley, is the best way to make sound, profitable decisions. The long slump in real estate prices makes this investment a buyers market. People who have been waiting on the sidelines for the market to bottom out are now ready to make the move into real estate. At the same time, many whove made their wealth in high-tech stocks are looking to diversify their investment portfolio to include property holdings. To serve these investors, SJREI Association is hosting Real Estate Expo Silicon Valley. In partner with NorCalREIA and the California Apartment Association Tri-County region, SJREI Association aims to

ensure that both new and seasoned investors are provided high-quality, no-sales educational workshops as well as the opportunity to meet and mingle with deal makers from across the U.S. Even experienced real estate investors need to recharge their batteries now and then, said Kathy Fettke, CEO of RealWealth Network. The energy, the networking opportunities, the exposure to how other investors are leveraging market trends, are all reasons to attend industry events. That, plus the quality of organizations involved with REI Expo Silicon Valley, is the reason RealWealth Network is proud to sponsor the Expo. Silicon Valley and the greater Bay Area is home to 2.6 million households within a one-hour drive of the Expo, yet Geraldine Barry, president of SJREI Association, expects participants from across the country. Ive been to multiple industry events that purport to be educational in nature, yet lack content while pressing participants to spend even more money on training, says Barry. Real estate education is often associated with get-rich-quick schemes. It takes time, effort and unbiased education to become proficient in real estate investing. The Real Estate Investment Expo Silicon Valley is an information rich forum for new investors, and with high-level workshops to expand the knowledge of experienced investors. It will not disappoint. For more information about the Real Estate Expo Silicon Valley on September 8, 2012 or to take advantage of early-bird discounts, please visit the expo website:

For Information, Call 626.524.2712

Doug Carver, Co-organizer

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