05 PSPA Final Denny Compressed

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Backgrounds & Props

an Overview of the Latest
Technologies and Strategies

by Bill Abey M.Photog. CR ASP

email; babey@comcast.net

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 1

What we will cover…
z How to get a PDF file copy on a CD of this
z Meaning of photography
z New Backgrounds, Props, Posing Ideas
z Lighting used to create these images
z What size background is the best investment
z Thoughts on going from good to GREAT!
z Print sizes
z Eye mouth expression

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 2

Evaluation and CD request form…
z Please fill in the following Information using a scale from 1-10 with (10) being of
Great Value and (1) being of little value…
z Presentation content and speaker knowledge 10_9_8_7_6_5_4_3_2_1
z Would a copy of this presentation with voice over be of value to share with your
staff…. 10_9_8_7_6_5_4_3_2_1
z What content was of the most value to you
z Background, prop posing concepts 10_9_8_7_6_5_4_3_2_1
z Going from good to great 10_9_8_7_6_5_4_3_2_1
z Meaning of Photography 10_9_8_7_6_5_4_3_2_1
z Thoughts on changing of print sizes 10_9_8_7_6_5_4_3_2_1
z Other---------------------------------------------------- Rating: _________
Please send me a PDF copy of this presentation on CD for me to view & print and
share with my staff.
Name__________________________ Attn:________________
City_________________________ State______ Zip_________
Your Personal Comments____________________________________
Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 3
Using the Meaning of Photography

Photography comes from the Greek word Photographis

Photography Means Writing with light…
●When a Photographer photographs someone they are making a
statement about that person

●Training a photographer to think about this every time they trip the
shutter will make them a better photographer
● Understanding the basics of portrait photography make this doable
Your customers will be happier and you will make more money

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 4

Impact - Storytelling

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 5

You cannot look at the eyes & mouth at the same time… Look at each
separately… Direct the eye expression and direction with your hand and the
mouth expression with your voice

Controlling and directing

facial views ...and the
eye/mouth expression is
a Huge & necessary
Involved with
...in the journey going
from good to great

Involved with
something or
someone other
than the camera

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 6

Suggestions for photographing on Computer painted backgrounds

z When using the Pictorial Portrait backgrounds I

strongly recommend that you allow more space around
the top & side of the subject as it gives the portrait a
more painterly feel and the subject less crowded.
Your base crop lines should remain the same

z You will find an increase in sales if you provide your

clients with horizontal portraits as well as vertical
portraits... Horizontal portraits should also not be
crowded... Give the subject a little more space at the
top & side of the subject.

z Expressions and facial views are important and set

the mood of the portrait... Try for soft smiles with
the mouth open and soft smiles with the mouth
closed... AVOID SMIRKS. Avoid direct front facial
views... Have the subjects nose pointed to the left or
right of camera

z TEST and print out some images before you start

client photography... If you are not pleased with your
test results and need assistance call your Denny
Consultant or email me at babey@comcast.net • Please
enclose several images
z I also recommend if you are printing from digital files
that you use a dark oval vignette set to 15%-20%

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 7

Background Guide Chart
For Complete information see page 104 & 105 in the 2005 Denny Catalogue

z 10’ wide X 18’ Long

z Most Versatile... Great for groups, adults, children photographed
Close-up too full length
z 8” wide by 16’ Long
z Almost the same as the 10’wide except you are more limited on
group size
z 7’ wide X 14’ Long
z Good for elementary through adult including some standing full
length and seated horizontal poses

z 6’ wide by 12’ long

z Great for Preschool and elementary grades and three-quarter
posed seated adults

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 8

Going from Good to

There is a good book out on Going from Good to Great
by Jim Collins

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 9

Steps to Greatness
z Provide customers with images they can’t create
z Place greater emphasis on Great Photography
z Determine what business you are in
z Give customers a selection of poses and
expressions... Many will buy two or more if given
the opportunity... It will increase sales of
multiple orders... It also changes the customers’
mind set from to buy or not buy to what do I
want to select.
z We see horizontally, Offer horizontal images
z Change Print sizes

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 10

Compelling Reasons To Change Print Sizes

z The human eye sees 55 degrees horizontally.... And

34 degrees vertically 55÷34 = 1.6…
Note: It's called the Golden Rule, or Divine Proportions

z New TV and movie screens use a similar format

z Change to the 2 to 3 proportions 35mm format
z Print sizes: 4x6_5x7.5_8x12_11x16.5_16x24_20x30_24x36…
z All of these sizes have a 1.5 aspect ratio
z 4x6 is the most popular selling frame
z Cropping of all sizes will be the same

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 11

A Competitive Difference

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Technical - Equipment
Accent & background light: JTL mini spots #J110 with barn doors
used for accent lights hair light and sometimes as a main light

Accent Light: JTL Mini Spot # J110 with grid

Accent Light JTL #J110 with grid with Rosco chocolate gel #99

Main & Fill Light: 2- JTL Versilight #2200 with JTL

48x32 # 2526 soft box

Hair Accent Light: JTL #J110 with JTL 10x36 soft box or
# 2522 Grid... Grid is preferred
Note: Make sure no light spills on background or subject’s nose
Note: JTL web sight is www.jtlcorp.com ...Available from Denny Mfg.
Camera ● Canon 20D ● Photographed hand held except for families
Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 13
z No. One & Two are JTL accent lights with grids
Technical- Set and most of the time a #99 Rosco chocolate gel
is used ● The lights are set to the fill light

z No. Three is a JTL mini light with a grid set to
the fill light exposure… Make sure no light spills
Lighting Setup... on the background or subject’s nose
Š z No. Four is a JTL mini light used with a grid to
z Background light the background when needed ● This light
is set for fill light exposure ● When a gel is
used it is set on high as moved as close as
possible to the background
z This light is also used as a main light with a
grid or barn doors When used in this
position it is set for the main light exposure
z No. Five is the Main Light ● Set to f-8.5
z No. Six is the fill light ● Set to f-5.65
The subject is about 4-5 five feet from the
z The main and fill light switch sides when
photographing key left and right
z The radio slave is connected to the fill light
z The accent lights are at eye height on the main
light side and 7’ high on the fill light side
Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 14
+ Main light

Lighting ● Set-up Process

Backlighting + Main Light

Top hair light + Accent

lights… Modified front Top hair light + Accent
Top hair light only facial view lights… 2/3 facial view

Hair light only Hair + both accent lights

+ Main & Fill «

Backlighting + Main + Fill

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 15

Camera & Software…
Camera… Canon 20 D with new 17-85 zoom
image stabilization lens and Canon software
Collage Software… LumaPix PhotoFusion
Photoshop CE
Microsoft PowerPoint
Adobe Acrobat 6.0
Snagit and Camtasia Studio

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 16

New Old Master Textured

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 17

New... Old Master Textured
with Mono-Spot Accent light

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 18

Textured Old Master

OMT and
faux painted
bench and

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 19

Old Master Textured

w O

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 20

Old Master

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Old Master Textured... OMT 2003

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Old Master Textured OMT 2003

With Faux Painted Big X

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 23

Look what a difference faux painting the Big X makes...

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 24

OMT Old Master Textured

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 25

OMT Old Master Textured

Floor poses and high

camera viewpoint
combined with mini-
spot lighting creates a
totally different look
and is slenderizing

Using the BIG OVAL

Prop... adds many
posing opportunities

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Sport & Event

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 27

All Around Sports

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Local Field

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 29

New CP6181 Crowded Goal

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All Sports


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CP6149 All Sports

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All Sports

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CP6181 Crowded Goal

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CP6181 Crowded Goal

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 35

CP6107 20’x9’ with matching floor for indoor groups

Bring the outdoors indoors

• Improves consistency
• Custom sizes available for
smaller groups
• Eliminates weather problems
• Need heavy duty light stands
for background & lights that
can go to 11’ high
• Need 2-large light sources
one on each side of camera
• Light source must be high
enough to eliminate
background shadows
• Test & define process/setup

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 36

Indoor Posed Action…

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Posed action, studio
looks and lighting
variety will increase
sales and give you a
competitive difference

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Create more sales by
adding action posing

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 39

Solid Green...
Note...The lighter Green behind
the subject was created using a
JTL mini-spot with no gel...
The Soccer and Basketball are
prototype props..

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Make them look like a star...
Sell them Poster size prints ...

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It’s not as easy with the little tikes but it’s
still doable.

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Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 43

The heart can’t desire what the eye can’t see
CP 6099
Free Throw
Remember we
see horizontally

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Story telling images build sales...

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Using School Colors to Create a
Competitive Advantage

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Page 32-35 in
2005 Catalogue

Using school colors

as a competitive

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Page 32-35 in 2005 Catalogue

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Portrait Concepts
using Solids & Splash

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 49

Red & Yellow are great colors for
Elementary & Preschool Portraits
Page 32-35 in 2005 Catalogue

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Wave Disc

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Wave Disc

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Solid Brilliant
Note...The High-
lighted spot behind
the subject was
created with a JTL
mini spot with no
The props are
current Denny

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 53

Note... The highlight behind
the subject was created using
a JTL mini spot with no gel...
Kids love Balloons
Balloon poses were model
created with minor help from
the photographer...

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Pastel Splash

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Page 32-35 in 2005 Catalogue

Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 56

Bath Tubes are fun... &
white backgrounds are
always in...

Tub-1 Page 123 in

2005 Catalogue

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New for 2005
Computer Painted
Old Master

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CP6216 Angles Garden

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Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 60
Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 61
Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 62
Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 63
Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 64
Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 65
Computer Painted
Pictorial Backgrounds

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CP6132 Garden Stairs

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Arched Temple

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CP6205 Arched Temple

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CP 6205 Arched Temple

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CP2218 Ferro Hall

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Garden Stairs...


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CP 6128 Forest Oasis

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Springtime Anytime…
CP 6071 Azalea Gates

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Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 75
CP 6193 Early Country Fence

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A Colonial Williamsburg Background

CP 6155
Colonial Cottage

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The Governors Palace in Colonial Williamsburg

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CP 6125
Hidden Arch

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Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 80
Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 81
Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 82
CP 6093 Fall

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CP 6093 Fall Countryside

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Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 86
CP6065 The Oaks

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CP 6127

Courtyard Brick

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CP 6184
Twilight Shade

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Old Master Tapestry
and Super Scenic Collection

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Tape er

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Super Scenic Old Master Tapestry

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SSC Tapestry

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Old Master
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Old Master

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Old Master Tapestry

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Super Scenic
Old Master

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Super Scenic Old Master Tapestry

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Super Scenic Old Master Tapestry
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New... Moonlight

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OM 2311

Warm Outburst

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New Old Masters

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OM 2318

Golden Harvest

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Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 107
OM 2328

Fox Fire... It’s Hot!

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Backgrounds by Photography by B. Abey M.Photog.CR ASP 110
OM 2311
Warm Outburst

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MM 2225
Gray Pastel Vignette

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OM 2311
Warm Outburst

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...You Don’t have to
Survival is not

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