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Richard Johnson / Qoheleth Resources / Hirilond / 185 Longford Lane / Longlevens / Gloucester / GL2 9HD email:

uk website: mobile: 07754 384833

Except where otherwise noted, all books are second-hand, with no underlining, highlighting or other marks in the main body of the book. They may, however, have the name or short inscription by a previous owner at the front. Ex-library books will have the usual library markings (stamps, bar-codes, date for return sheets, etc), or evidence of their removal. If you have any questions about the condition of a book, please contact me for details. The date is either the date that the book was first published by that publisher, or, where appropriate, the reprint date of the particular copy of the book for sale. Postage will be added at the actual cost of sending the books by Royal Mail, usually by first-class post; no charge will be made for packaging. Please pay by cheque or by bank transfer when you receive the books. N.B. Books in boxes have either been added or reduced in price since the last time this list was sent out.

SPECIAL OFFER orders of 20 or more: 10% discount orders of 50 or more: 20% discount 3 2 books for 5

2012 list 1: Biblical Authority and Interpretation

Albright, William F. New Horizons in Biblical Research (Whidden Lectures for 1961) Oxford University Press, 1966 (ex-lib hb) Alter, Robert Canon and Creativity: Modern Writing and the Authority of Scripture Yale University Press, 2000 (hb) Anders, Max E. 30 Days to Understanding the Bible Kingsway, 1990 (pb) Arnold, Jeff Small Group Starter Kit: 6 Studies for new groups (Lifebuilder Bible Study) Scripture Union, 1994 (booklet) Baker, Aelred Parallelism: Englands Contribution to Biblical Studies rp from Catholic Biblical Quarterly 35:4 (Oct 1973) p429-440 (ex-lib booklet) Balchin, John F. Let the Bible Speak IVP, 1981 (pb) Barr, James The Bible in the Modern World SCM, 1990 (pb) 2


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Biblical Words for Time (Studies in Biblical Theology 33) SCM, 1962 (pb) Barton, John People of the Book? The Authority of the Bible in Christianity (New edition) SPCK, 1993 (pb) Barton, Stephen Invitation to the Bible SPCK, 1997 (pb) Bartholomew, Craig et al (eds.) A Royal Priesthood? The Use of the Bible Ethically and Politically: A Dialogue with Oliver ODonovan (Scripture and Hermeneutics Series 3) Paternoster Press, 2002 (hb)


Bible Themes: Selected Readings for Every Day (2 volumes) Scripture Union, 1978 (hb) 12 [This 2 volume set brought together the 16 doctrinal sections from SUs Bible Characters and Doctrines series. It covers all the main doctrines in c50 daily readings in each section, and includes well-known authors such as F.F. Bruce, J.I. Packer, Leon Morris, G.E. Ladd etc] Boone, Kathleen C. The Bible Tells Them So: The Discourse of Protestant Fundamentalism SCM, 1989 Braga, James Discovering Scripture Memory Multnomah Press, 1990 (ex-lib booklet) Breck, John Scripture in Tradition: The Bible and its Interpretation in the Orthodox Church St. Vladimirs Seminary Press, 2001 (pb) Bruce, F.F. The Time is Fulfilled: Five Aspects of the Fulfilment of the Old Testament in the New (Moore College Lectures, 1977) Paternoster Press, 1978 (hb) Tradition Old and New Paternoster Press, 1970 (hb) Brueggemann, Walter The Bible Makes Sense (Revised) St Marys Press, 1997 (pb)


15 5

The Land: Place as Gift, Promise, and Challenge in Biblical Faith (Overtures to Biblical Theology) SPCK, 1978 (pb) 7 Bullinger, E.W. How to Enjoy the Bible: or, the Word, and The Words, how to study them (5th ed) Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1921 (hb; no dj)


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Number in Scripture Kregel Publications, 1967 (hb) Kregel Publications, 1967 (pb) Caird, G.B. The Language and Imagery of the Bible Duckworth, 1980 (pb; some pencil marginal lines)

10 7

Carson, D.A. Exegetical Fallacies Baker Book House, 1984 (pb) Church, J.E. Every Man a Bible Student Paternoster Press, 1976 (pb) Cohn-Sherbok, Dan (ed.) Using the Bible Today: Contemporary Interpretations of Scripture Bellow, 1991 (pb) Copley, Terence et al (ed) Splashes of God-Light: Bible Stories Retold by Jews and Christians Bible Society, 1997 (pb) Dodd, C.H. The Bible To-day CUP, 1960 (pb)

Ellis, E. Earle and Wilcox, Max (eds.) Neotestamentica et Semitica: Studies in Honour of Matthew Black T+T Clark, 1969 (ex-lib hb)


Evans, Carl D.; Hallo, William W.; White, John B. (eds) Scripture in Context: Essays on the Comparative Method (Pittsburgh Theological Monograph Series 34) Pickwick Press, 1980 (pb) 15 Fiorenza, Elisabeth Schssler (ed) Searching the Scriptures: A Feminist Introduction SCM, 1994 (pb) Fox, Robin Lane The Unauthorized Version Viking, 1991 (pb) Gaussen, L. The Divine Inspiration of the Bible Kregel, 1979 reprint (1st pub 1841) (ex-lib hb) Theopneustia: The Plenary Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures (4th ed) Thynne, 1912 (hb) Grant, Robert M. A Short History of the Interpretation of the Bible A+C Black, 1965 (hb)

12 10


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Green, Michael Bible Reading: A Beginners Guide Bible Reading Fellowship, 2009 (pb) Grollenberg, Lucas Unexpected Messiah; or How the Bible can be Misleading SCM, 1988 (pb) Hammond, T.C. The One Hundred Texts of the Society for Irish Church Missions (7th ed) Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1966 (hb) Hanauer, J.E. Folk-Lore of the Holy Land: Moslem, Christian and Jewish Sheldon Press, 1935 (hb) Hayes, John H. and Holladay, Carl R. Biblical Exegesis: A Beginners Handbook (2nd ed) SCM, 1988 (pb) Henrichsen, Walter A Laymans Guide to Studying the Bible Zondervan, 1985 (ex-lib pb) Hiers, Richard H. Reading the Bible Book by Book: An Introductory Study Guide to the Books of the Bible with Apocrypha Fortress Press, 1988 (ex-lib pb)


Hill, David Finnemore An Archer Looks at the Bible: A Study of the literal and figurative allusions to the bow and arrow Pentland Press, 1994 (hb) 10 Hill, Harriet and Margaret Translating the Bible Into Action: How the Bible Can be Relevant in all languages and cultures Piquant, 2008 (pb) Holdsworth, John Getting Started with the Bible: A Guide for Complete Beginners Canterbury Press, 2007 (pb) Houlden, J.L. (ed) The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church SCM, 1995 (pb, pencil annotations) Hughes, Gerald and Travis, Stephen Introducing the Bible Lion, 1981 (pb) Hughes, P.E. The Divine Plan for Jew and Gentile (Tyndale Monograph) Tyndale Press, 1949 (booklet)

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Scripture and Myth: An Examination of Rudolf Bultmanns Plea for Demythologization Tyndale Press, 1956 (booklet) Jessop, T.E. On Reading the English Bible Epworth Press, 1958 (pb) Job, John B. Studying Gods Word IVP, 1971 (pb)

Johnson, Alfred M. (ed) Structuralism and Biblical Hermeneutics: A Collection of Essays (Pittsburgh Theological Monograph Series 22) Pickwick Press, 1979 (pb) 12 Kennedy, D. James What if the Bible had Never been Written? Thomas Nelson, 1998 (hb) Kim, Sebastian C.H. and Draper, Jonathan Liberating Texts? Sacred Scriptures in Public Life SPCK, 2008 (pb) Klein, William W.: Blomberg, Craig L. and Hubbard, Robert L. Introduction to Biblical Interpretation Word, 1993 (hb; some highlighting up to p7 and on p378-80) Kline, Meredith G. The Structure of Biblical Authority (2nd ed) Eerdmans, 1975 (pb; tear on spine) Kuhatschek, Jack Taking the Guesswork out of Applying the Bible IVP, 1990 (pb) LaHaye, Tim How to Study the Bible for Yourself Harvest House, 1976 (pb) How to Study Bible Prophecy for Yourself Harvest House, 1990 (pb) Lee, Peter et al Food for Life: Personal Bible Study made appetizing IVP, 1977 (pb) Lee, Robert The Outlined Bible: each Book in the Bible introduced, outlined and analysed (Rev ed) Pickering and Inglis, nd (large hb) Pickering and Inglis, 1982 (large ex-lib pb)


2 2

12 10

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Lloyd Jones, Gareth The Bones of Joseph: From the Ancient Texts to the Modern Church: Studies in the Scriptures Eerdmans, 1998 (pb) Lockyer, Herbert All About Bible Study: Methods and Techniques for Understanding the Word of God Pickering and Inglis, 1977 (ex-lib hb) Loukes, Harold (ed) The Bible Tells Me So: Broadcast Talks on the Authority of the Bible SPCK, 1967 (pb) Matek, Ord The Bible Through Stamps KTAV Publishing House, 1974 (hb) McGinnigle, Jack Divine Weather: A meteorologist looks at the Bible Highland Books, 2001 (ex-lib pb) Morgan, G. Campbell Great Chapters of the Bible Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1954 reprint (hb, torn dj) The Study and Teaching of the English Bible James Clarke, nd (hb) Hodder and Stoughton, nd (hb) Morgan, Robert and Barton, John Biblical Interpretation (Oxford Bible Series) Oxford University Press, 1988 (pb)



5 7 5

Morton, W. Scott Chart for Adventure: Methods of Bible Study for the use of Youth Fellowships and Senior Youth Groups The Church of Scotland Youth Committee, 1951 (booklet) 5 Motyer, Stephen Unlock the Bible: Keys to Understanding the Bible Today Scripture Union, 1990 (pb) Moyise, Steve Introduction to Biblical Studies (Cassell Biblical Studies Series) Cassell, 1998 (pb) Osborne, Grant R. and Woodward, Stephen B. Handbook for Bible Study Baker Book House, 1979 (ex-lib hb) Palmer, Bernard (ed) Medicine and the Bible Paternoster Press, 1986 (pb)

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Parris, David Paul Reading the Bible with Giants: How 2000 years of Biblical Interpretation can shed new light on Old Texts Paternoster Press, 2006 (new pb) 5 Patte, Daniel What is Structural Exegesis? (Guides to Biblical Scholarship: New Testament Series) Fortress Press, 1976 (pb)

Petrie, Mary Louisa Georgina Clews to Holy Writ; or, the Chronological Scripture Cycle; A scheme for studying the whole Bible in its historical order during three years Hodder and Stoughton, 1900 (hb) 10 Pink, A.W. Profiting from the Word Banner of Truth, 1970 (pb)

Price, Peter B. Seeds of the Word: Biblical Reflection for Small Church Communities DLT, 1996 (pb) Rees, Neil Not Everything in Our Bibles is Inspired Kingsway Publications, 2007 (pb)

Reventlow, Henning Graf Problems of Biblical Theology in the Twentieth Century SCM, 1986 (pb) Richards, H.J. The Bible: What Does it Really Say? Exploring the Reality Behind the Assumptions Kevin Mayhew, 1999 (pb) Rodd, C.S. The Bible (Thinking Things Through 1) Epworth Press, 1996 (pb)

Rogerson, John W. W.M.L. de Wette: Founder of Modern Biblical Criticism: An Intellectual Biography (JSOTSS 126) Sheffield Academic Press, 1992 (ex-lib hb) 20 Rohrbaugh, Richard L. The Biblical Interpreter: An Agrarian Bible in an Industrial Age Fortress Press, 1975 (pb) Russell, D.S. Apocalyptic: Ancient and Modern SCM, 1978 (pb) The Method and Message of Jewish Apocalyptic SCM, 1980 reprint (pb)


2 5

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Rylaarsdam, J. Coert (ed.) Transitions in Biblical Scholarship (Essays in Divinity VI) University of Chicago Press, 1968 (ex-lib hb) Satterthwaite, Philip E. and Wright, David F. (eds) A Pathway into the Holy Scripture Eerdmans, 1994 (pb)


Scroggie, W. Graham Know Your Bible: A Brief Introduction to the Scriptures (Revised). Two volumes bound in one. Pickering and Inglis, 1965 reprint (hb) 12 Short, Robert L. The Bible According to Peanuts Fount, 1990 (pb) Smith-Christopher, Daniel (ed.) Text and Experience: Towards a Cultural Exegesis of the Bible (Biblical Seminar 35) Sheffield Academic Press, 1995 (pb) Stacey, David Interpreting the Bible Sheldon Press, 1976 (pb) Stibbs, Alan M. Search the Scriptures: The Study Guide to the Bible (new NIV edition) IVP, 1991 (pb) IVP, 2003 (hb)

2 7

Understanding, Expounding and Obeying Gods Word: Methods and Advice to help you study and apply the Bible Authentic, nd (pb) 5 Stott, John Through the Bible, Through the Year: Daily Reflections from Genesis to Revelation Candle Books, 2006 (hb)

Sugirtharajah, R.S. Asian Biblical Hermeneutics and Postcolonialism: Contesting the Interpretations (The Biblical Seminar 64) Sheffield Academic Press, 1999 (pb) 5 Theissen, Gerd The Open Door: Variations on Biblical Themes SCM, 1991 (pb) Thiselton, Anthony C. Can the Bible Mean Whatever We Want It to Mean? University of Chester, 2004 (booklet) New Horizons in Hermeneutics Zondervan, 1992 (hb; minor annotations)

2 12

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The Two Horizons: New Testament Hermeneutics and Philosophical Description with special reference to Heidegger, Bultmann, Gadamer and Wittgenstein Paternoster Press, 1980 (hb) Torrey, R.A. How to Study the Bible Whitaker House, 1985 (pb) Totterdell, Becky (ed) Uncage the Lion: Releasing the Power of the Bible Today SU, 1990 (pb) Treanor, Oliver The God Who Loved Stories: How to Enjoy Reading Scripture St Pauls Publishing, 1999 (pb) Vanhoozer, Kevin J. Is there a meaning in this text? The Bible, the reader and the morality of literary knowledge Apollos, 1998 (hb; owners stamp) Wangerin, Walter The Book of God: The Bible as a Novel Lion, 1996 (pb) Ward, Keith What the Bible Really Teaches: A Challenge for Fundamentalists SPCK, 2004 (pb) Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 1948 (hb) Watson, Brenda Truth and Scripture: Challenging Underlying Assumptions Aureus Publishing, 2004 (pb) Weber, Hans-Ruedi Experiments with Bible Study World Council of Churches, 1983 (pb) Wenham, John W. Christ and the Bible Tyndale Press, 1972 (hb) West, Robert M. How to Study the Bible Babour, 2007 (pb) White, R.E.O. Interpreting the Bible Today Pickering and Inglis, 1982 (pb)




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Williams, Derek and Packer, J.I. The Bible Application Handbook Eagle Publishing, 2001 (hb) Williamson, Clark M. and Allen, Ronald J. Interpreting Difficult Texts: Anti-Judaism and Christian Preaching SCM, 1989 (pb) Wilson, Robert Dick Is the Higher Criticism Scholarly? (2nd ed) Marshall Brothers, 1922 (pb) Wink, Walter Transforming Bible Study (2nd ed) Mowbray, 1990 (pb) Winter, David Making Sense of the The Bible Lion, 2004 (pb)


Wood, William Page The Continuity of Scripture as Declared by the Testimony of Our Lord and of the Evangelists and Apostles (2nd ed) John Murray, 1868 (quarter leather hb) 20 Wright, Chris Users Guide to the Bible Lion, 1993 (hb) Lion, 1993 (pb)

2 2

Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 4:2 (Apr 1950) 7:2 (Apr 1953) 25:1 (Jan 1971) The Future of Bible and Theology (annotated) 37:1 (Jan 1983) Essays on Bible and Theology (ex-lib) 38:4 (Oct 1984) War and Peace in Scripture and Tradition (ex-lib) 46:4 (Oct 1992) The Gospel of Matthew 47:3 (July 1993) Baptism 49:3 (July 1995) The Resurgence of Systematic Theology 50:4 (Oct 1996) The Historical Jesus (ex-lib) 51:2 (Jan 1997) Essays on Bible and Theology 52:1 (Jan 1998) Atonement and Scripture 52:2 (Apr 1998) The Family 52:3 (July 1998) Second Corinthians 52:4 (Oct 1998) Living with Scripture 53:1 (Jan 1999) Atonement and the Church 53:2 (Apr 1999) Apocalypse 2000 53:3 (July 1999) The Book of Job 53:4 (Oct 1999) Holiness and Purity 54:1 (Jan 2000) The City 54:2 (Apr 2000) Forgiveness and Reconciliation 54:3 (July 2000) Galatians 5 each

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54:4 (Oct 2000) 55:1 (Jan 2001) 55:2 (Apr 2001) 55:3 (July 2001) 55:4 (Oct 2001) 56:1 (Jan 2002) 56:2 (Apr 2002) 56:3 (July 2002) 57:1 (Jan 2003) 57:4 (Oct 2003) 58:1 (Jan 2004) 58:2 (Apr 2004) 58:3 (July 2004) 58:4 (Oct 2004) 59:1 (Jan 2005) 59:2 (Apr 2005) 59:3 (July 2005) 59:4 (Oct 2005) 60:1 (Jan 2006) 60:2 (Apr 2006) 60:3 (July 2006) 60:4 (Oct 2006) 61:1 (Jan 2007) 61:2 (Apr 2007) 61:3 (July 2007) 61:4 (Oct 2007) 62:1 (Jan 2008) 62:2 (Apr 2008)

Reading the Bible Today The Church and Postmodernity The Child Ecclesiastes The Gospel in Context Scripture and Theology Biblical Spirituality Parables Grace Evil Augustine Friendship Romans Violence in the Bible Sabbath Vocation Song of Songs Image of God (creased) The Ministry of Exegesis No Other Gods The Catholic Epistles Biblical Perspectives on the Other Christianity and other Religions The Book of the Twelve Philippians (creased) Art and Exegesis Images of Jeremiah (spine damaged) Who Is My Neighbor? 10

Review of Biblical Literature Volume 1 Society of Biblical Literature, 1999

Themelios 1:1-32:3 (complete set of 96 issues) 100 (80 after discount) individual copies of most of the above issues are available at 2 each; let me know which issues you require and I will let know you if I have them in stock Tyndale Bulletin 17-40 40:2-56:1 57:1 Tyndale House, 1966-2006 (pb) plus Tyndale Bulletin: Index to Volumes 1-30 5 each 2

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