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ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

Its 8pm. Time for #ukedchat with @tishylishy for her 20:00:03 ukedchat 1st session as host Topic 'What happens in your guided reading sessions?' Good evening everyone. So... what would I see in your 20:00:04 tishylishy guided reading session?? #ukedchat Tonight's session will be the 104th, so it's happy 2nd 20:00:48 ukedchat Birthday to #ukedchat this week. :) @ukedchat really looking forward to #ukedchat topic 20:01:08 RochRia tonight, I'm thinking of looking into this area for my dissertation Guided reding - everyone reading. At a group level (none of this reading round the circle lark) and class 20:02:30 DidgeH level #ukedchat RT @DidgeH: Guided reding - everyone reading. At a 20:02:43 tishylishy group level (none of this reading round the circle lark) and class level #ukedchat Week has gone so quickly. So much to do before the 20:02:46 Loulou_Uberkirk Summer hols not much time left eek! #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: Tonight's session will be the 104th, so 20:03:09 WarwickLanguage it's happy 2nd Birthday to #ukedchat this week. :) 20:03:18 DidgeH Oops I meant guided reading! #ukedchat @tishylishy I'm interested to know how many students 20:03:24 ICTmagic the tweeps present think is the best number to have in a group? #ukedchat @DidgeH what about the other children, what do they 20:03:39 tishylishy do? other reading/writing activities #ukedchat We are lucky in EYFS - with two adults, one can take 20:03:46 CarrotyCarrots the class so other adult has nice quiet reading environment somewhere else. #ukedchat How often do you do Guided Reading in EYFS? We do 20:04:41 CarrotyCarrots once a week - no time for more! #ukedchat @ICTmagic I have no more than 7 currently in year 4 20:05:09 tishylishy #ukedchat Two groups with an adult, one group reading for 20:05:17 DidgeH pleasure, one group paired reading and one group with a follow task #ukedchat @tishylishy im interested to know if anyone uses any 20:05:29 bekblayton other models - Daily Supported Reading, SFA, Read Write Inc and so on #ukedchat Can effective guided reading really happen in a 20:05:38 ICTmagic bustling classroom? Should it be in 'spare' time?

ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

20:05:48 Mansun4eva 20:05:53 tishylishy 20:05:54 zoeandrewsast

20:05:59 zoeandrewsast 20:06:01 DidgeH 20:06:19 CarrotyCarrots 20:06:53 tishylishy 20:07:24 10kmk42 20:07:36 bekblayton 20:07:38 jd_debs 20:07:41 DidgeH 20:07:54 tishylishy 20:08:07 10kmk42 20:08:09 tishylishy 20:08:20 Miss__Kitchen 20:08:37 pgceHYork

#ukedchat RT @CarrotyCarrots: How often do you do Guided Reading in EYFS? We do once a week - no time for more! #ukedchat RT @ICTmagic: Can effective guided reading really happen in a bustling classroom? Should it be in 'spare' time? #ukedchat RT @familysimpson: RT @richards_james: The 25 Best Teaching and Learning Websites of 2012 via @zite #addcym #ukedchat RT @tesResources: RT @tesscience: Great simulation and investigation of sweating #ukedchat <ewwww! But I bet it engages the class! 6 is about the maximum I'd say for a guided group #ukedchat @ICTmagic @tishylishy We have between 3 and 5 lots of groups because of such wide ability in FS. #ukedchat Is guided reading timetabled in #ukedchat #ukedchat I have between 3 and 6 in a group depending on ability @ICTmagic guided reading is be a planned activity, each group reading books pitched correctly, some groups supported by adults #ukedchat #ukedchat 5 groups of 5. Teacher led, TA led, follow up work, free choice from book corner, Oxford owl on pc's - yr2 We have discrete guided reading time early in the morning in Y1 and Y2 then the bustling begins! #ukedchat RT @jd_debs: #ukedchat 5 groups of 5. Teacher led, TA led, follow up work, free choice from book corner, Oxford owl on pc's - yr2 #ukedchat my chn go in the role play area, do group or paired reading, word of the week work, writing, project work, follow up work @jd_debs what kind of follow up? #ukedchat Our children have independent activities linking to reading from previous guided sessions to be completed in reading journals #ukedchat RT @tesScience: Great practical activity from

ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

20:08:53 rashush2 20:09:08 tishylishy 20:09:11 10kmk42 20:09:18 tomhenzley 20:09:22 Shoddycow 20:09:39 Shoddycow 20:09:46 nicoladarling78 20:09:50 10kmk42 20:09:50 MichelleDhillon 20:10:10 tishylishy 20:10:18 victoryoak 20:10:39 10kmk42 20:10:44 PeterSpencer88 20:11:04 tomhenzley 20:11:07 smammz 20:11:08 10kmk42

@PracticalAction #asechat #ukedchat #scichat Hearing chatter about OFSTED querying progression taking place in non-teacher led activities - anyone had this? #ukedchat @Miss__Kitchen I've used journals, what do your class put in them? #ukedchat @ICTmagic I have tried both and it doesn't work in a busy classroom, other chn need to be engaged in purposeful activities, #ukedchat @tishylishy yes, every day for 20 mins as part of our skills carousel #ukedchat @tishylishy q's about title, genre, author, illustrator. Discussion re: punct, characters, writing styles, relating to own exps #ukedchat @tishylishy work with year 1 #ukedchat #ukedchat I have 4 groups. 1 with CT, 1 with LSA, 1 ind comp and 1 reading journal activity. Good reading results this year so seems to work #ukedchat haven't found it as successful doing GR in other lessons as chn want to be involved in the other work. @loulou_uberkirk Tell me about it! Far too much to do for me too :/ Barely time for #ukedchat Has anyone tried reciprocal reading? #ukedchat RT @tesScience: Great practical activity from @PracticalAction #asechat #ukedchat #scichat we are experimenting in starting every day with 20 - 30 minutes of gr - it's working well and chn are more excited about reading #ukedchat @ICTmagic when I've done it, it's been best working on a rotation system. One group reading, one group follow-up activity etc. #ukedchat @tishylishy reciprocal reading is amazing, (we use scholastic connectors-makes it easier) and children love it #ukedchat @ICTmagic @tishylishy In my reception class we hav 5 grps of 6 ch-run on a carousel over the week taking turns at 5 dif activities #ukedchat @tishylishy has to be otherwise it falls out of the week #ukedchat

ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

20:11:17 tishylishy 20:11:44 PeterSpencer88 20:11:51 10kmk42 20:11:52 mumontrend 20:11:58 nicoladarling78 20:12:04 Miss__Kitchen 20:12:10 lisa_uk_com 20:12:24 Shoddycow 20:12:25 bekblayton 20:12:28 tomhenzley 20:12:35 10kmk42 20:12:43 renoonog37 20:12:53 materialteacher 20:12:54 rashush2 20:13:11 Stueyteach1 20:13:17 tishylishy 20:13:18 ICTmagic

@10kmk42 Our whole school does GR at same time #ukedchat @tishylishy No I haven't, how does it work? #ukedchat we also open up school on a tuesday morning for parents to read with their child and a friend - works wll #ukedchat #ukedchat to raise aspirations its a good idea to check future job, how many marks are they off a C, what subjects they need to work on @tomhenzley @tishylishy I also do 20 mins but 4 times a week. I have 4 groups that rotate activities each day #ukedchat @tishylishy We have banks of activities they choose from; cover lots of objectives. I have copies of Schoolslink ones we like #ukedchat #ukedchat is guided reading best way of practising reading skills? Some might argue that ability groups deprive less able access to quality @tishylishy ours is timetabled #guidedreading #ukedchat @tishylishy reciprocal reading is the way forward I think. Children responding and sharing accountability for their learning. #ukedchat @rashush2 hmi were positive about child led reciprocal reading #ukedchat @tishylishy that's were we are going in September seems to have worked well in years that have tried it #ukedchat @tishylishy yes. Works well with more able readers. They also have better interpersonal skills to match too. #ukedchat I'm guessing guided reading is a primary school thing? #ukedchat how do people evidence progress without generating bagfulls of marking? #ukedchat @tishylishy I'm trying it next year. Bought this which has a section on how it works in g reading. #ukedchat RT @rashush2: how do people evidence progress without generating bagfulls of marking? #ukedchat @bekblayton Do you think the children should choice some of the direction of the activity? #ukedchat

ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

20:13:21 rashush2 20:13:42 Miss__Kitchen 20:13:51 tishylishy 20:14:06 lisa_uk_com 20:14:08 bekblayton 20:14:10 Miss__Kitchen 20:14:15 SchoolCouncils 20:14:37 tishylishy 20:14:46 smammz 20:14:47 mumontrend 20:14:47 10kmk42 20:14:50 tomhenzley 20:15:05 renoonog37 20:15:14 DidgeH 20:15:22 ICTmagic 20:15:24 chrisrat 20:15:42 lisa_uk_com

@tomhenzley how do you organise that? Cross classes or within class? #ukedchat @tishylishy Its important for me and the children it's timetabled in or it's likely to be one of the first things to give #ukedchat RT @lisa_uk_com: #ukedchat is guided reading best way of practising reading skills? Some might argue that ability groups deprive less able access to quality @materialteacher #ukedchat not always! @ICTmagic You can do that, task cards and so on. These could be attached to assessment focus areas and levels #ukedchat @tishylishy Timetabling gives it value too. Especially for the older children. #ukedchat Get trained on School Council work for your CPD/CV. The payback is amazing! Call on 0845 456 9428 #ukedchat RT @Miss__Kitchen: @tishylishy Timetabling gives it value too. Especially for the older children. #ukedchat #ukedchat @tishylishy Pearsons 'comics for phonics' a fantastic ind activity for a grp not working w teach for KS1 g8 for boys engagement @materialteacher yes. my daughter is 5 , she likes to choose her books #ukedchat @tomhenzley @rashush2 what is reciprocal reading? #ukedchat @rashush2 within class, connectors, the scholastic reciprocal reading scheme forms part of our gr carousel of activities #ukedchat Loads of fab resources on line #ukedchat RT @tishylishy: RT @rashush2: how do people evidence progress without generating bagfulls of marking? - video them #ukedchat I've always felt that guided reading should be like a book club for adults - i.e. go away, read it, come back, discuss it, use it. #ukedchat RT @tishylishy Has anyone tried reciprocal reading? #ukedchat I know @mooshtang has to great effect. #ukedchat what do people think of 'whole class readers' we have had massive success with them.

ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

20:15:43 materialteacher 20:15:52 rashush2 20:16:05 tas_sasso 20:16:42 renoonog37 20:16:59 MiltonSchwarz 20:17:05 rashush2 20:17:06 DidgeH 20:17:14 10kmk42 20:17:40 tishylishy 20:18:02 ICTmagic 20:18:07 rashush2 20:18:17 bekblayton 20:18:22 tishylishy 20:18:22 WayneHarrison10 20:18:24 renoonog37 20:18:28 tishylishy

found guided reading inefficient @lisa_uk_com It's probably a simple concept but I've not heard the term before- what is its purpose? #ukedchat @lisa_uk_com ideally you'd read with your special needs every day, but in the real world without a ta sometimes gr is the best #ukedchat #ukedchat absolutely. Children need to be trained as to how a GR session works and each group needs focused specific tasks. Takes time. @rashush2 we use ultimate book banding stuff DM if like a copy sending to you #ukedchat #ukedchat Guided Reading, 'going through the motions' simply doesn't cut the mustard when it comes to developing decoding skills AND passion @lisa_uk_com whole class readers - can't afford them. Would rather buy 30 decent books for the library. #ukedchat Whole class read write inc readers are shocking! #ukedchat @lisa_uk_com my class love them, however need to be a suitableb interest level for all to access #ukedchat @10kmk42 @tomhenzley @rashush2 Very good for comprehension and enabling children to be responsible for their own learning #ukedchat @bekblayton How does your guided reading impact of the rest of the curriculum/lessons? #ukedchat @renoonog37 Can't DM unless you follow me. Sorry! #ukedchat Simplified explanation of reciprocal reading... Some excellent resources out there. #ukedchat RT @renoonog37: Loads of fab resources on line #ukedchat @rashush2 I have had heard of Ofsted going into intervention if students are withdrawn to see if progress is evident #ukedchat @tomhenzley @10kmk42 @rashush2 Have group roles, need training. See previous tweet for web link. #ukedchat RT @DidgeH: RT @tishylishy: RT @rashush2: how do people evidence progress without generating bagfulls

ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

20:18:30 10kmk42 20:18:41 PeterSpencer88 20:18:45 tishylishy 20:18:51 MiltonSchwarz 20:18:53 Heatherleatt 20:18:54 tishylishy 20:19 Miss__Kitchen

20:19:10 10kmk42 20:19:15 tishylishy 20:19:22 ICTmagic 20:19:28 tishylishy 20:19:31 judykmck 20:19:31 materialteacher 20:20:03 tishylishy 20:20:45 tishylishy

of marking? - video them #ukedchat @tas_sasso if you have a good work culture, then they just get on with it - i changed my gr structure and chn didn't bat an eyelid #ukedchat @ICTmagic a great way to describe it. If children are confident enough, they can lead the discussion, maybe with some guidance #ukedchat RT @chrisrat: RT @tishylishy Has anyone tried reciprocal reading? #ukedchat I know @mooshtang has to great effect. #ukedchat Individual guided reading paired with lots of opportunity to read in meaningful contexts has worked well for us. Using add support #ukedchat I wish secondary schools would make more use of GR and build on Primary work and pupils' expectations. Doesn't happen often enuff RT @lisa_uk_com: #ukedchat what do people think of 'whole class readers' we have had massive success with them. found guided reading inefficient RT @tas_sasso: #ukedchat absolutely. Children need to be trained as to how a GR session works and each group needs focused specific tasks. Takes time. @ICTmagic @bekblayton i try to link books to topics we have or will do #ukedchat RT @tas_sasso: #ukedchat absolutely. Children need to be trained as to how a GR session works and each group needs focused specific tasks. Takes time. @tishylishy I haven't heard of 'reciprocal reading'. You will need to tell me more after the chat. :) #ukedchat RT @renoonog37: @rashush2 we use ultimate book banding stuff DM if like a copy sending to you #ukedchat I use Daily 5 for my literacy block-students have choice, work on their on strategy needs, read, write, listen daily #ukedchat #d5chat @lisa_uk_com Ok, cool! Thanks! I think I'll just watch this one play out and see what ideas I can gain... #ukedchat RT @bekblayton: Simplified explanation of reciprocal reading... Some excellent resources out there. #ukedchat RT @MiltonSchwarz: #ukedchat Individual guided

ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

20:20:46 jogyouon 20:21:12 Heatherleatt 20:21:13 smammz 20:21:16 bekblayton 20:21:31 10kmk42 20:21:35 renoonog37 20:21:38 tishylishy

20:21:42 Miss__Kitchen 20:22:01 judykmck 20:22:14 tishylishy 20:22:30 twhitford 20:22:43 lisa_uk_com 20:22:44 10kmk42 20:22:46 MiltonSchwarz 20:23:14 IamStephReed

reading paired with lots of opportunity to read in meaningful contexts has worked well for us. Using add support I don't think we do it justice #ukedchat #ukedchat Organising guided group work in anything seems a problem especially if there are no TAs available. @tishylishy #ukedchat I find FS guided reading flows well aftr ur whole class phonic session,activities can lead from phoneme u are learning @ICTmagic reading behaviours are explored,so accessing information/collaboration and so on. Books/texts can be curriculum linked. #ukedchat @bekblayton very useful guide - thank you #ukedchat was doing it without realising it lol #ukedchat My y4 group at level 4b/4a love #reciprocalreading RT @Heatherleatt: #ukedchat I wish secondary schools would make more use of GR and build on Primary work and pupils' expectations. Doesn't happen often enuff @ICTmagic Ive used gr sessions to support topic/non core subjects having some activities linked. Works for hist/geog really well. #ukedchat Here are some links to info about daily 5 for literacy: #ukedchat #d5chat RT @jogyouon: I don't think we do it justice #ukedchat RT @judykmck: Here are some links to info about daily 5 for literacy: #ukedchat #d5chat #ukedchat we use online readers 'bugclub' they're brill. parents actually come off Facebook to read them with kids. does app online too! @Heatherleatt depends - i oftern run gr session with no ta or ta doing a group so grop activities run independently, #ukedchat #ukedchat Mustn't forget that reading and sharing books and growing a love of lit isn't happening at bedtime so much. GR 1st job: motivate we read a 'big book' most days of the week with lots of props and symbols to engage with the story (yr 1 + 2

ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

20:23:16 tmeeky 20:23:22 bekblayton 20:23:35 Xris32 20:23:43 tishylishy 20:23:43 Stueyteach1 20:23:46 ICTmagic 20:23:54 Starshine_Music 20:23:54 tishylishy 20:23:55 rashush2 20:24:08 tishylishy 20:24:22 DidgeH 20:24:42 10kmk42 20:24:47 PeterSpencer88 20:24:48 tishylishy 20:24:55 PrimaryEnglish 20:25:01 bekblayton 20:25:01 tishylishy

SEN) #ukedchat 8 year old says: feels like teacher asks the same questions over and over #ukedchat @10kmk42 the key really is the roles, and the reading behaviours those roles encourage #ukedchat @Heatherleatt I agree with you. Mostly down to a lack of ta support #ukedchat @renoonog37 We have our able Y2 running their own reciprocal reading groups. #ukedchat @tishylishy Read about recip reading on @nickotkdIV blog - think it addresses the 'what are the rest up to?' prob with G.Reading #ukedchat @PeterSpencer88 Want to train Y5/6 to run guided reading with KS1 to interrogate the book. Don't want just listening to them! #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: Tonight's session will be the 104th, so it's happy 2nd Birthday to #ukedchat this week. :) RT @judykmck: Here are some links to info about daily 5 for literacy: #ukedchat #d5chat do people do whole novels with upper ks2, or give up half way through?! #ukedchat RT @lisa_uk_com: #ukedchat we use online readers 'bugclub' they're brill. parents actually come off Facebook to read them with kids. does app online too! @IamStephReed Agree that shared reading is great for reading for pleasure #ukedchat how do you incorporate digital texts into gr sessions? #ukedchat are there any good, free sites out there to use? @MiltonSchwarz that should be the main aim of any reading activity in school. Unfortunately, sometimes it isn't #ukedchat RT @rashush2: do people do whole novels with upper ks2, or give up half way through?! #ukedchat @MiltonSchwarz #ukedchat enjoyment is so very important. Teachers also have a role in reading for pleasure #lovetoreadtomyclass @tishylishy @DidgeH @rashush2 evidence simple recording sheets, track pupil groupings, ensure books are at the right levels. #ukedchat RT @10kmk42: how do you incorporate digital texts

ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

20:25:04 ICTmagic

20:25:22 tishylishy 20:25:44 ICTmagic 20:25:54 10kmk42 20:26:15 bekblayton 20:26:16 Monty_Math 20:26:17 tmeeky 20:26:21 10kmk42 20:26:27 svenhall 20:26:29 tishylishy 20:26:31 Apple4teacherz 20:26:38 ictast 20:26:45 tishylishy 20:26:48 chezallen 20:27:01 tishylishy 20:27:07 nicoladarling78
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into gr sessions? #ukedchat are there any good, free sites out there to use? @bekblayton Sounds great. Guided reading so often is an add-on and should be embedded & aligned with class work when possible. #ukedchat RT @smammz: @tishylishy #ukedchat I find FS guided reading flows well aftr ur whole class phonic session,activities can lead from phoneme u are learning @renoonog37 Thanks for that. I will take a look after #ukedchat. :) @ICTmagic @PeterSpencer88 try giving them the types of questions to ask - i had a good one broken into the Afs for chn to use #ukedchat @ICTmagic agreed! Have had various groups on iPads this year too. Great to see! Retelling stories through PuppetPals and so on #ukedchat So is gr a flawed concept or does it work if done well? Not to sure about it's effectiveness myself #ukedchat My point is that GR is failing if pupils don't come away stimulated, inspired to read a little more than they did #ukedchat @bekblayton true #ukedchat easier i think with 5/6 5 activities 1, Me text Assess to app 2, QuadBlog 3, reading game 4, book choice to topic 5, handwriting/read #ukedchat RT @Monty_Math: So is gr a flawed concept or does it work if done well? Not to sure about it's effectiveness myself #ukedchat #ukedchat we develop transition packages specific to the school which improves efficiency when it comes to homework and classroom tasks! @MrG_ICT I like that idea. With a Kindle purchase you can share with up to 6 devices too can't you? #ukedchat @Monty_Math Do you do GR? #ukedchat @tishylishy Butterfly Lion (Morpurgo) has legs for me, and Goodnight Mr Tom in Y6 #ukedchat RT @chezallen: @tishylishy Butterfly Lion (Morpurgo) has legs for me, and Goodnight Mr Tom in Y6 #ukedchat @Stueyteach1 @tishylishy @nickotkdIV Thanks for the

ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

20:27:07 campcreek 20:27:09 10kmk42 20:27:16 Stueyteach1 20:27:16 ICTmagic 20:27:17 ben_solly 20:27:21 tishylishy 20:27:28 DidgeH

20:27:28 Miss__Kitchen 20:27:29 tmeeky 20:27:34 PeterSpencer88 20:27:42 bekblayton 20:27:46 10kmk42 20:27:47 tishylishy 20:28:07 Miss__Kitchen

link to this post. soething I need to look into more #ukedchat RT @tmeeky: My point is that GR is failing if pupils don't come away stimulated, inspired to read a little more than they did #ukedchat @bekblayton @tishylishy @DidgeH @rashush2 what do your record sheets look like? i'm trying to find easy to use ones #ukedchat Does anyone find their guided read texts too long and kids get bored at once a week pace? I'm thinking short and sweet nxt yr #ukedchat @10kmk42 I thought of that. I was hoping that they could think of the questions as they come to them eventually. Work in progress #ukedchat Disappointed I couldn't attend the #teachmeet with @FulfordDLs and @danielleallen5 today. And the speech from @bobharrisonset #ukedchat RT @10kmk42: @bekblayton @tishylishy @DidgeH @rashush2 what do your record sheets look like? i'm trying to find easy to use ones #ukedchat We read to the children in assemblies each week, when they're changing for PE and all sorts of times to balance out guided time #ukedchat @rashush2 my y6s love whole novels. Weve read michael morpurgo, jaqueline wilson, nina bawden.Needs lots of indpendt reading opps! #ukedchat Some resources on @scholastic Engage really do help with the practicalities of GR #ukedchat @10kmk42 @ICTmagic Once they know the types of question/question stems, they will generate their own #ukedchat @rashush2 read a chapter with them, finish it on their own! Or use a book youre reading in class anyway and pick out key areas #ukedchat @ictast @MrG_ICT no - i thought that but you can't ipods you can #ukedchat RT @tmeeky: Some resources on @scholastic Engage really do help with the practicalities of GR #ukedchat @rashush2 They also love the Read and Respond books for follow up comprehension work linking to the novels. #ukedchat

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ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

20:28:17 bekblayton 20:28:17 tishylishy 20:28:25 danaxson 20:28:31 MiltonSchwarz 20:28:38 jd_debs 20:28:42 nicoladarling78 20:28:45 10kmk42 20:28:48 Monty_Math 20:28:48 Heatherleatt 20:28:57 ICTmagic 20:28:58 tmeeky 20:29:26 tishylishy 20:29:32 rashush2 20:29:33 nicoladarling78 20:29:48 bekblayton 20:30:15 ICTmagic

RT @tmeeky: My point is that GR is failing if pupils don't come away stimulated, inspired to read a little more than they did #ukedchat Does anyone use picture books for the adult focus session? #ukedchat Did wonder why my twitter feed had gone into hyperspeed. Forgot about #ukedchat #ukedchat @PeterSpencer88 @PrimaryEnglish Teaching decoding and comprehension are very different to teaching reading! @10kmk42 #ukedchat try Oxford owl. Has all Oxford reading tree books and it's free! @rashush2 I started with whole novels as the previous teacher had done it. Decided that it wasn't for me and wasn't working. #ukedchat @ICTmagic i found my one off net - but lost all my data :-( so can't forward it to you #ukedchat @tishylishy have done in the past - but never quite felt it worked for the children as well as it cld have - ready 2be convinced #ukedchat @10kmk42 That's how it's meant to work - lots of teachers seem uncomfortable doing that though, so it doesn't happen often. #ukedchat @PeterSpencer88 @10kmk42 Exactly. I tell them to have a little Mr Burrett (me) in their heads asking Qs. (That'll scare 'em!) #ukedchat Reinstate the class reader... an adult reading a gripping story well to a class will engage almost any1 #ukedchat @Monty_Math Have you had any specific training? #ukedchat RT @tmeeky: Reinstate the class reader... an adult reading a gripping story well to a class will engage almost any1 #ukedchat @rashush2 I decided to use texts related to our topics and sections from the long text we are using in literacy. Find it is useful #ukedchat @10kmk42 have a few. AFs down the side (one sheet per sub level) groupings at top, then highlight the focus for that week. #ukedchat @renoonog37 How nice of you to say. :) #touched #ukedchat

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ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

20:30:21 PrimaryEnglish 20:30:21 MichelleDhillon 20:30:22 nicoladarling78 20:30:31 tishylishy

20:30:45 MiltonSchwarz 20:30:49 ictast 20:30:52 bekblayton 20:30:56 MrG_ICT 20:31:09 renoonog37 20:31:13 Miss__Kitchen 20:31:14 chezallen 20:31:32 tishylishy 20:31:47 smammz 20:32:12 rashush2 20:32:16 tishylishy 20:32:22 MissBex_M
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#ukedchat digital texts an area for dev't. Have you used for reading and writing your own web-based texts - it's free! Not sure if it's similar to GR but our pilot students read each others blogs & get inspired to write their own from them #ukedchat @MrG_ICT Kindle on the whiteboard. WHY haven't I thought of that! What a great idea! #ukedchat RT @PrimaryEnglish: #ukedchat digital texts an area for dev't. Have you used for reading and writing your own web-based texts - it's free! #ukedchat As a class of bloggers, my children are reading and writing from 7am to 9pm. Much more motivated to progress as readers to partake Or apps #ukedchat RT @SarahWise1 Anyone know any good programmes to improve memory? @Stueyteach1 try newspaper articles and magazines as well as poetry #ukedchat #ukedchat Kindle for pc really does work. sadly a lot of books not on kindle yet but plenty are. Even remembers what page you are on. @10kmk42 @ictmagic @peterspencer88 I also have set of question stems for each AF. Can't remember where from but net somewhere. #ukedchat @tishylishy I do! I love them! Shaun Tan books and David Weisner ones are amazing picture books! #ukedchat RT @rashush2: RT @tmeeky: Reinstate the class reader... an adult reading a gripping story well to a class will engage almost any1 #ukedchat Tell me what the other children do when you're with your adult focus group #ukedchat @tisylishy A whole scl approach important, chneed 2b enaged from FS for GR to b most effective and ch to understand value+purpose #ukedchat @Miss__Kitchen And Neil Gaiman and Anthony Browne, of course #ukedchat @Miss__Kitchen we love Anthony Browne and his illustrations. Could talk for hours about them. #ukedchat RT @Heatherleatt: #ukedchat I wish secondary

ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

20:32:40 MissBex_M 20:32:46 nicoladarling78 20:32:52 ICTmagic 20:33:12 renoonog37 20:33:27 tmeeky 20:33:32 10kmk42 20:33:39 PrimaryEnglish 20:33:52 tishylishy 20:34:12 bekblayton 20:34:18 MiltonSchwarz 20:34:18 nicoladarling78 20:34:22 10kmk42 20:34:23 tishylishy 20:34:31 tishylishy
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schools would make more use of GR and build on Primary work and pupils' expectations. Doesn't happen often enuff RT @MrG_ICT: #ukedchat Kindle for pc really does work. sadly a lot of books not on kindle yet but plenty are. Even remembers what page you are on. @Monty_Math Some sessions it feels useful - when I have ENOUGH time; sometimes it is rushed and not as productive. All about time #ukedchat Anyone tried using scripts for guided reading material & act out new text for a bit of kinesthetic feedback for most able? #ukedchat @10kmk42 Am sending copy of ultimate book banding stuff to someone else so can link you in if would lilly to look. #ukedchat DMV me ebooks are great for certain things, but something about having a real book in hand that gives me a better reading experience. #ukedchat @rashush2 @Miss__Kitchen terry pratchett for older chn #ukedchat @MiltonSchwarz @PeterSpencer88 #ukedchat Rose Review said reading = decoding & comprehension. GR is great - also need teachers as readers @Monty_Math I would really recommend Reciprocal reading. The ch. have to read the text with a different mindset. #ukedchat Reinstate the class adult reading a gripping story well to a class will engage #ukedchat-via @tmeeky this should happen as well!! #ukedchat Writing comments on a groups' records means adults aren't truly focused on the learning during GR. Shouldn't happen, but does! @svenhall You Quadblog in guided reading time? What a brilliant idea! Can I get away with that? #ukedchat @ICTmagic yes chn love it - tha's one of our independnet tasks, use flip camera to film too #ukedchat RT @bekblayton: Reinstate the class adult reading a gripping story well to a class will engage #ukedchat-via @tmeeky this should happen as well!! RT @MiltonSchwarz: #ukedchat Writing comments on

ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

20:34:36 judykmck 20:34:53 DidgeH 20:34:57 smammz 20:35:34 tishylishy 20:35:36 Monty_Math 20:35:37 MichelleDhillon 20:35:40 tmeeky 20:35:42 renoonog37 20:35:48 ICTmagic 20:36:08 nightzookeeper 20:36:27 QueenyPrior 20:36:29 MiltonSchwarz 20:36:38 jobadge 20:36:58 tmeeky 20:37:06 10kmk42

a groups' records means adults aren't truly focused on the learning during GR. Shouldn't happen, but does! Using Daily5 & CAFE 4 your literacy block leads to chn becoming independent readers who know how to choose good-fit books #ukedchat #d5chat If not with adult some use the school library independently - then later in the week decide whether to recommend the book or not #ukedchat @ICTmagic could be used with youngers too read as guided reading gp initially and then a follow up activ to act out together #ukedchat Has anyone used a reading journal, a place where they can collate reading/writing activities? #ukedchat @tishylishy any links on reciprocal reading - sounds interesting but not come across before #ukedchat @miltonschwarz Very similar to my experience. Except I guess our pilot students are reading and writing from 5am to, well..3am? :/ #ukedchat I got reluctant boy readers building 3D narratives/retellings in #Kodu #ukedchat #ukedchat we use stile trays with some chn Have all sets and chn like instant feedback @smammz @10kmk42 I've done it with rehearsed text, but a new, fresh text is more akin to guided reading. Might do more of it. #ukedchat . @tishylishy I would also be interested to learn some more about reciprocal reading #ukedchat @tishylishy One group with me, one with TA, one doing pre read, one doing follow up. Sometimes own session la recip reading. #ukedchat #ukedchat @PrimaryEnglish Without a reason to decode or comprehend, there's no point for chd to do it. We must promote purposeful engaging! RT @MrG_ICT #ukedchat I have kindle on my whiteboard computer. Great for sharing class book.< great idea! Will steal that!! Not keen on fragmenting texts (like word, sentence and word level did in Lit STrat)... takes fun and meaning out of reading #ukedchat @renoonog37 ihave used too and has made a huge difference - some chn make 4/3 of level in a year

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ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

20:37:10 PrimaryEnglish 20:37:11 ICTmagic 20:37:45 jd_debs 20:37:52 10kmk42 20:37:59 MiltonSchwarz 20:38:18 nightzookeeper 20:38:39 tishylishy 20:38:40 QueenyPrior 20:38:42 nicoladarling78 20:38:49 svenhall 20:38:54 nightzookeeper 20:38:59 MrG_ICT 20:39:52 tishylishy 20:39:58 renoonog37 20:40:03 MiltonSchwarz 20:40:10 nightzookeeper

thanks to those #ukedchat @bekblayton @tishylishy @tmeeky #ukedchat has your school developed a literary spine? Ask @PieCorbett. Great for #lovetoreadtomyclass @nightzookeeper @tishylishy I said that as well. Can you add a little something to the summary about reciprocal reading? #ukedchat #ukedchat what year groups use reciprocal reading? @nightzookeeper @tishylishy i have put a link to info on #ukedchat @MichelleDhillon #ukedchat Yep! Phone buzzing at all hours to approve comments. Chd present us with the answers, don't they! @tishylishy have used one in the past, very effective way of assessing children's progress, BUT a lot of oral activities during GR #ukedchat @Monty_Math ..understanding, 1 questions(we call them thick and thin) 1 predicts. #ukedchat Pre reading of the text for older chn is useful so you can spend the GR session analysing and discussing. #ukedchat @PrimaryEnglish @bekblayton @tishylishy @tmeeky @PieCorbett Literary spine? How can I find out more? #ukedchat @nicoladarling78 #ukedchat Kids LOVE it! How is QBlogging not reading?=read-understand-commentpeer assess. Tick Tick! @10kmk42 @tishylishy thanks! Will take a look #ukedchat #ukedchat If children are trained they can run own reciprocal reading group.They love it and very responsible. Worked well at Yr5. RT @10kmk42: @nightzookeeper @tishylishy i have put a link to info on #ukedchat #ukedchat Also block guided reading with focus group. Every day for half term using 'spare time'. Have seen reading age rise by 6mth in 6wk #ukedchat We can't teach children outmoded learning styles with outmoded resources. Chd offer us the answers! Blogs, forums, digital media. @tmeeky fantastic idea, so much potential to use tech to engage boys in reading. Any other suggestions?

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ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

20:40:17 MichelleDhillon 20:40:19 bergistra 20:40:31 tishylishy 20:40:33 rashush2 20:40:44 judykmck 20:40:47 ICTmagic 20:41 tishylishy

20:41:05 tmeeky 20:41:11 chezallen 20:41:30 PrimaryEnglish 20:41:54 tishylishy 20:42:08 10kmk42 20:42:15 bekblayton 20:42:25 nightzookeeper 20:42:29 MrG_ICT

#ukedchat @tishylishy @miltonschwarz Definitely. We've appointed student editors and allow blog author to approve comments too. Or I'd go mental :P #ukedchat RT @ictast: Or apps #ukedchat RT @SarahWise1 Anyone know any good programmes to improve memory? RT @nicoladarling78: @PrimaryEnglish @bekblayton @tishylishy @tmeeky @PieCorbett Literary spine? How can I find out more? #ukedchat are there groups reciprocal reading doesn't work for eg age, sen? #ukedchat Chn using Daily 5 love the choice they have of book and activity. I love that it gives me unbroken time to work with kids #ukedchat #d5chat Where does reading for pleasure fit in with guided reading? Helps, hinders, or non-related? #ukedchat RT @MrG_ICT: #ukedchat If children are trained they can run own reciprocal reading group.They love it and very responsible. Worked well at Yr5. correct text choice is critical ... do you as an adult get told to read books someone else chooses for you? #ukedchat Too difficult to do #ukedchat, #euro2012 AND talk to the family @MiltonSchwarz #ukedchat - suspect we are reconfirming what we all believe. Great big melting pot and do it all VERY,VERY, WELL!!!! RT @tmeeky: correct text choice is critical ... do you as an adult get told to read books someone else chooses for you? #ukedchat @ICTmagic everyday we have ERIC, 2x a week class reader, 1x a week parents in, 2x a week guided reading plus reading clubs #ukedchat @ICTmagic Helps reading for pleasure, encourages context, understanding and sharing of experiences #ukedchat @chrisrat @tishylishy I am a little more informed now as @10kmk42 sent me this #ukedchat #ukedchat Luckily, I have 17 laptops, so rest of class using reading eggs . Good program.

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ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

20:42:34 tishylishy 20:42:35 MiltonSchwarz 20:42:35 MichelleDhillon 20:42:39 10kmk42 20:42:54 tishylishy 20:42:56 rashush2 20:43:04 renoonog37 20:43:11 10kmk42 20:43:14 DidgeH

20:43:19 nicoladarling78 20:43:26 tishylishy 20:43:29 PrimaryEnglish 20:43:41 tmeeky 20:43:47 nicoladarling78 20:44 renoonog37

20:44:01 ICTmagic

RT @nightzookeeper: @chrisrat @tishylishy I am a little more informed now as @10kmk42 sent me this #ukedchat @PrimaryEnglish #ukedchat Praise the lord that you're an advisory team! Spread the word... No one size fits all! Definitely with @miltonschwarz. A lot of primary age kids already on FB. Need to use the medium for the message to get through #ukedchat where do people run theri groups? at a table or in book corner? #ukedchat RT @10kmk42: where do people run theri groups? at a table or in book corner? #ukedchat used to hate having to read at the same speed as the group when i was at school... #ukedchat #ukedchat Also used recorded reading. Chn record each other then discuss intonation, accuracy etc then reread. Kids love it. considering when i meet my new class asking them what kinds of books they read to help choose books they might be interested in #ukedchat Guided reading helps develop the skills for own choice reading. I think there should be a varied reading diet. #ukedchat RT @MiltonSchwarz: #ukedchat We can't teach children outmoded learning styles with outmoded resources. Chd offer us the answers! Blogs, forums, digital media. @rashush2 Isn't round robin not the done thing anymore?? #ukedchat @MiltonSchwarz #ukedchat we might just quote you ;o) as with all other areas of learning, intrinsic motivation to read is the key... but how to achieve this with reluc readers? #ukedchat RT @svenhall: @nicoladarling78 #ukedchat Kids LOVE it! How is QBlogging not reading?=readunderstand-comment-peer assess. Tick Tick! @rashush2 my less able. Not good enough readers or socially #ukedchat @nicoladarling78 Playing devil's advocate for a moment - Does dipping into something non-classwork

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ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

20:44:17 tishylishy 20:44:30 nicoladarling78 20:44:30 SwayGrantham 20:44:45 DidgeH 20:44:46 bekblayton 20:44:54 10kmk42 20:45:08 jodieworld 20:45:09 Miss__Kitchen 20:45:28 PrimaryEnglish 20:45:31 MiltonSchwarz 20:45:38 judykmck 20:45:50 10kmk42 20:45:58 tmeeky 20:46:11 judykmck 20:46:15 tishylishy 20:46:16 ICTmagic

related feel fresh & a break? #ukedchat @rashush2 As a child I used to dred the time it was my time to read, I would feel sick...#ukedchat @svenhall I am already thinking I will alter one group to that! They will love it and some ICT skills too! Very innovative! #ukedchat @10kmk42 I have 0 space for a book corner... I tried but was told it was a waste of space!! #ukedchat RT @tishylishy: @rashush2 Isnt round robin not the done thing anymore?? Absolutely not! #ukedchat @10kmk42 get them to ask each other, preparing a simple sheet to record answers. Use this to create a display ready for next year #ukedchat @tmeeky get them to choose the books - they'll choose what they want to read #ukedchat @ICTmagic There are learning objectives linked to reading for pleasure and choosing books in the NC so has to feature somewhere #ukedchat @tishylishy location of group depends on the group and the activity. Variety keeps them on their toes and interested! #ukedchat @10kmk42 @tishylishy #ukedchat - what a great Q. Love to see children in all sorts of settings, not just the book corner (and not just EYFS) #ukedchat If children love what they're reading, and have been involved in choosing the text, they won't need modelling through reciprocal! @tishylishy @rashush2 Round robin reading is the quickest way to kill any child's desire to read #ukedchat #d5chat i don't make my chn read to the group - they have a section and then read parts to me in a 1:1 session, #ukedchat Using Engage, I would set them reading with a focus, then 'tune in' to indiv readers+ qu comp etc Seemed an effective use of time #ukedchat @tmeeky Give them choice and provide a wide variety of books #ukedchat #d5chat @SwayGrantham @10kmk42 Oh my... that's really sad, who said it was a waste of space? #ukedchat @jodieworld So what about those children that simply do not get pleasure from reading. Can't proceed

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ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

20:46:27 tmeeky 20:46:29 10kmk42 20:46:33 nicoladarling78 20:46:50 PeterSpencer88

20:46:52 ebd35

20:46:53 tishylishy 20:47:07 tmeeky 20:47:08 DidgeH 20:47:09 tishylishy 20:47:09 10kmk42 20:47:23 judykmck 20:47:28 tishylishy 20:47:48 Stueyteach1 20:48:02 10kmk42 20:48:03 bekblayton 20:48:03 Miss__Kitchen
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through NC levels? #ukedchat @10kmk42 Yeah I agree. Does this happen? Practical? Resource issue? #ukedchat then the group discusses what they have read - a lot of chn find reading to the group intimidating #ukedchat @svenhall something I can introduce when I push the whole school #blogging next year! #ukedchat @SwayGrantham @10kmk42 how can anyone say a book corner is a waste of space?! It's vital, imho. #ukedchat RT @Heatherleatt: #ukedchat I wish secondary schools would make more use of GR and build on Primary work and pupils' expectations. Doesn't happen often enuff RT @judykmck: @tishylishy @rashush2 Round robin reading is the quickest way to kill any child's desire to read #ukedchat <and confidence @judykmck Yeah I agree. Does this happen? Practical? Resource issue? #ukedchat Our kids love the reading tent full of cushions where they can share books and read what ever they likeNAND outdoor cushions too #ukedchat RT @10kmk42: then the group discusses what they have read - a lot of chn find reading to the group intimidating #ukedchat @bekblayton cool idea - could then go in book corner i might 'magpie' if that's oaky #ukedchat Some insight into Daily5 in our classroom #ukedchat #d5chat RT @DidgeH: RT @tishylishy: @rashush2 Isnt round robin not the done thing anymore?? Absolutely not! #ukedchat @bekblayton Thanks. Short txts should work with reciprocal reading too as focus on detailed questioning, clarification, summary #ukedchat @tmeeky doesn't have to be done in session, could be independent activity all choose a book, pitch to group and all agree on best #ukedchat @MiltonSchwarz ah, but they might need to learn skills such as summarising, clarifying, questioning. They need to be challenged. #ukedchat "@tishylishy: @rashush2 As a child I used to dred the

ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

20:48:39 KEGSPE 20:48:42 ICTmagic 20:48:42 QueenyPrior 20:48:51 bekblayton 20:48:54 10kmk42 20:48:58 jd_debs 20:49:10 nicoladarling78 20:49:11 tishylishy 20:49:22 nightzookeeper 20:49:42 jodieworld 20:49:50 chezallen 20:49:51 nicoladarling78 20:49:51 tmeeky 20:49:52 MiltonSchwarz 20:50:08 PeterSpencer88 20:50:10 judykmck

time it was my time...#ukedchat"I scoot round mine so they can read quietly in my ear! We did "reading aloud" as a staff group this year. Looking at the power of just reading to our students #ukedchat I am interested in how tweeps think we can foster/encourage a love (or not a dislike) of reading. Is it possible for all? Thought? #ukedchat @Magicfullstop @Monty_Math @tishylishy Great blog post by @nickynewbury on reciprocal reading #ukedchat @10kmk42 ooh I dont know!! #ukedchat @PeterSpencer88 @SwayGrantham agree Sway! mines in middle of class NOT a corner and can't keep boys out of it #ukedchat #ukedchat the group reads the same book to themselves. I work my way around each child asking them to read to me the page they are on @ICTmagic Indeed as devil's advocate I can see your point and have used unrelated and related. Sometimes though it just works. #ukedchat @MiltonSchwarz RR isn't just modelling, I use if for comprehension, understanding and inference #ukedchat @lisacov19 @tishylishy I'm sure the kids are great at leading the discussion at your school. Very confident children! #ukedchat @ICTmagic what an odd question. #ukedchat Farewell #ukedchat Too much to do tonight... :o) @ICTmagic @bekblayton I will take their lead and if they show enjoyment and want more of something; I go for it! #ukedchat If this inspires one person to read it's worth sharing #ukedchat @bekblayton #ukedchat absolutely agree! Teaching skills is an important element of the teaching of reading, but more motivating if engaged! @DidgeH that sounds great! I'd love my own reading tent! #ukedchat @tmeeky It's happening in classrooms in USA, Canada, NZ & Australia - a lot of us using Daily 5 & CAFE to motivate readers #ukedchat #d5chat

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ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

20:50:11 Educationchat 20:50:19 tishylishy 20:51:04 bekblayton 20:51:08 PrimaryEnglish 20:51:23 MiltonSchwarz 20:51:37 nicoladarling78 20:51:54 jodieworld 20:52:29 10kmk42 20:52:30 NKBlackford

20:52:35 jodieworld

20:52:45 NKBlackford 20:52:46 bekblayton 20:53:08 MiltonSchwarz 20:53:20 tishylishy 20:53:21 10kmk42 20:53:29 mtiplady

I do guided reading using maths word problems. Short text but demands a good level of understanding. Helps maths too! #ukedchat #bonus RT @tmeeky: If this inspires one person to read it's worth sharing #ukedchat @MiltonSchwarz wont argue with that! No point sticking to texts that are dull. #ukedchat @MiltonSchwarz #ukedchat as you know there is a teaching sequence. More about AfL and knowing your children - goes back to good teaching. #ukedchat To clarify, the teaching of specific skills is essential, but if children have no desire to access the material, there's less efrt @KEGSPE I don't think 'reading aloud' can be dismissed! It is such a powerful tool and a great time to spend with your class. #ukedchat @ICTmagic Just so much to deal with in that q. a) find way to give that child pleasure from reading b) NC levels based on best fit #ukedchat my blog on my book corner and it's impact #ukedchat RT @MiltonSchwarz: #ukedchat We can't teach children outmoded learning styles with outmoded resources. Chd offer us the answers! Blogs, forums, digital media. @ICTmagic Have never met a child in KS2 who cannot get pleasure from reading DSi/iPad/comics/websites...whatever you have to do! #ukedchat RT @svenhall: @nicoladarling78 #ukedchat Kids LOVE it! How is QBlogging not reading?=readunderstand-comment-peer assess. Tick Tick! Love this Rights of a Reader poster... #ukedchat @PrimaryEnglish #ukedchat Yes, totally. Know the class, understand their needs and motivations and Open the doors to a deeper understanding RT @bekblayton: Love this Rights of a Reader poster... #ukedchat tonight's #ukedchat has been great (+ my 1st) a lot of ideas from it - thanks to all RT @natachakennedy: Michael #Gove humiliated in parliament by Ed Balls over #Govelevels

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ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

20:53:54 PrimaryEnglish 20:54:25 tishylishy 20:54:33 labourteachers 20:54:33 nicoladarling78 20:54:41 smammz 20:54:45 QueenyPrior 20:54:51 ICTmagic 20:54:57 QueenyPrior 20:55 ukedchat

20:55:10 Fatfonzi 20:55:13 jd_debs 20:55:21 Educationchat 20:55:26 tishylishy 20:55:27 labourteachers 20:55:38 DidgeH 20:55:47 tishylishy 20:55:55 tishylishy 20:55:59 PrimaryEnglish
2 3 Hilarious! #ukedchat RT @MiltonSchwarz: @PrimaryEnglish #ukedchat Praise the lord that you're an advisory team! Spread the word... No one size fits all! What will you be reading tomorrow???? #ukedchat NEWS: Gove needs to get a grip and address urgent crisis in primary school places #ukedchat @judykmck Great blog and love Can imagine this inspiring some of my class #ukedchat @nicoladarling78 @KEGSPE The importance of modelling, my FS ch love pretending to be 'teach' and reading a big book to the group #ukedchat @ICTmagic #ukedchat My chn told me books are like films. They like some oldies but they like the latest releases. As teachers, we need 1/2 @jodieworld Once taught a child in my training years who didn't like reading, but liked books... he used to eat them! #ukedchat @ICTmagic #ukedchat 2/2 to keep up to date with what's new and fresh. What their fav authors are releasing. Keep our shelves interesting. Just 5 minutes left of this fascinating #ukedchat. Learning lots! Finally thoughts, please. @tishylishy RT @labourteachers: NEWS: Gove needs to get a grip and address urgent crisis in primary school places #ukedchat @10kmk42 #ukedchat my first too. Thanks all for inspiration and ideas @tishylishy The back of a beer bottle... #ukedchat RT @QueenyPrior: @ICTmagic #ukedchat 2/2 to keep up to date with what's new and fresh. What their fav authors are releasing. Keep our shelves interesting. NEWS: Todays NEETs figures are another nail in the coffin of the Governments failed economic plan #ukedchat @tishylishy we are reading Pinocchio! #ukedchat Do you get enough money to spend on books? #ukedchat RT @DidgeH: @tishylishy we are reading Pinocchio! #ukedchat @ICTmagic #ukedchat It's all part of the broader

ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

20:56:11 ICTmagic 20:56:29 ben_solly 20:56:37 MrG_ICT 20:56:49 ikeontoast 20:56:59 tishylishy 20:57:14 MiltonSchwarz 20:57:15 nicoladarling78 20:57:16 MrG_ICT 20:57:21 tishylishy

20:57:34 tishylishy 20:57:37 DidgeH 20:57:43 ICTmagic 20:57:44 MrWickensPE 20:57:49 renoonog37

reading curriculum. Phonics and comprehension, pleasure and hearing literature read aloud. @QueenyPrior @MelodyMelodyyy I think that a 'reading culture' is such an important feature of a school. #ukedchat Please follow the fantastic students from the @Long_Field_Live school radio station, set up today by @russellprue #ukedchat #ukedchat Wonder if in future we could have similar discussion and invite Michael Rosen. He is a big twiiter and has great ideas on reading. #ukedchat very late thought! My mum and dad used to pay me 1p a page to read! I started to read as big a book as possible! It worked though @ICTmagic @QueenyPrior @MelodyMelodyyy Do you think the culture has changed in recent years? #ukedchat #ukedchat Bring back good old fashioned story time. Inspire comprehension through drama, as well as questioning. Move out of the book corner @Educationchat Another great idea gained from #ukedchat. I can imagine some of the boys in my class loving this idea #bonus #ukedchat Thanks everyone really enjoyed chat tonight. RT @ikeontoast: #ukedchat very late thought! My mum and dad used to pay me 1p a page to read! I started to read as big a book as possible! It worked though RT @MiltonSchwarz: #ukedchat Bring back good old fashioned story time. Inspire comprehension through drama, as well as questioning. Move out of the book corner @tishylishy and " How the Olympics came to be" year 2 love Greek gods! #ukedchat @tishylishy No, of course not. I would have something looking like the Great Library of Alexandria if I did! #ukedchat Great trip in France/Belgium touring the battlefields. Check out to see the students blogs their experiences. #ukedchat @tishylishy need to keep refreshing books. How to train dragon an percy jackson to coincide with films for

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ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

20:57:57 nicoladarling78 20:58 ukedchat

20:58:09 anhalf 20:58:10 ICTmagic 20:58:20 Educationchat

20:58:28 nicoladarling78

20:58:37 PeterSpencer88

20:58:39 tishylishy

20:59:18 ICTmagic 20:59:29 jodieworld 20:59:36 Educationchat 20:59:43 tishylishy 20:59:53 judykmck 20:59:58 Monty_Math 20:59:59 PeterSpencer88 21:00:09 nicoladarling78
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y56 #ukedchat @ikeontoast Genius! #ukedchat Join @ICTEvangelist for next weeks #ukedchat. Are you interested in hosting? - Get in touch. RT @MiltonSchwarz: #ukedchat Bring back good old fashioned story time. Inspire comprehension through drama, as well as questioning. Move out of the book corner @tishylishy Within school, no. Outside, I'm not so sure. #ukedchat #ukedchat If you've not come across Mr Gum then check out his books. Y1-Y6 friendly. Easy to read. Lots of them! #thetruthisalemonmeringue RT @MiltonSchwarz: #ukedchat Bring back good old fashioned story time. Inspire comprehension through drama, as well as questioning. Move out of the book corner @ICTmagic @QueenyPrior @MelodyMelodyyy We should be encouraging this. Reading when children are/teacher and parent book groups etc.#ukedchat RT @Educationchat: #ukedchat If you've not come across Mr Gum then check out his books. Y1-Y6 friendly. Easy to read. Lots of them! #thetruthisalemonmeringue @PeterSpencer88 Bring the parents in is a wonderful form of encouragement, for child and parent. #ukedchat @ICTmagic nomnomnom! #ukedchat @nicoladarling78 They don't see it as reading, they see it as maths. Helps reluctant readers. #ukedchat We're coming to the end of #ukedchat. Thank you so much for your input. Sorry if I wasn't active enough....couldn't keep up!!! :) @nicoladarling78 Thanks. Creating motivated and independent readers is something we all aim for. #ukedchat #d5chat I remember when our teacher read a novel to us - I always wanted to go and read it myself to know what happened next #ukedchat #storytime @Educationchat I love Mr Gum! Plus, more importantly, so do the kids! #ukedchat #ukedchat First time I've managed a stint longer than 5

ukedchat Archive 28 June 2012 Hosted by @tishylishy

What happens in your guided reading sessions?

21:00:14 anhalf 21:00:24 bekblayton 21:00:51 ICTEvangelist 21:00:51 ICTmagic 21:00:52 ukedchat

mins! Have a great list of ideas! Thanks to you all! I'll be back! #inspired Great idea to invite @MichaelRosen to #ukedchat on reading , how about @piecorbett and @brianmoses too? @MiltonSchwarz it should all happen as well. Guided Reading is one element of good practice in reading #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: Join @ICTEvangelist for next weeks #ukedchat. Are you interested in hosting? - Get in touch. @jodieworld I think he was told he should absorb a book and took things to far. But really, it was a weeklyish thing he did! #ukedchat It's 9pm. Thx to @tishylishy for hosting her 1st #ukedchat. See archive @

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