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/* [The "BSD licence"] Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Terence Parr All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * This file is modified by Yang Jiang (, taken from the original * java grammar in, with the goal to provide a standard ANTLR gram mar * for java, as well as an implementation to construct the same AST trees as jav ac does. * * The major changes of this version as compared to the original version include : * 1) Top level rules are changed to include all of their sub-components. * For example, the rule * * classOrInterfaceDeclaration * : classOrInterfaceModifiers (classDeclaration | interfaceDeclarati on) * ; * * is changed to * * classOrInterfaceDeclaration * : classDeclaration | interfaceDeclaration * ; * * with classOrInterfaceModifiers been moved inside classDeclaration and * interfaceDeclaration. * * 2) The original version is not quite clear on certain rules like memberDecl, * where it mixed the styles of listing of top level rules and listing of sub rules. * * memberDecl

* : genericMethodOrConstructorDecl * | memberDeclaration * | 'void' Identifier voidMethodDeclaratorRest * | Identifier constructorDeclaratorRest * | interfaceDeclaration * | classDeclaration * ; * * This is changed to a * * memberDecl * : fieldDeclaration * | methodDeclaration * | classDeclaration * | interfaceDeclaration * ; * by folding similar rules into single rule. * * 3) Some syntactical predicates are added for efficiency, although this is not necessary * for correctness. * * 4) Lexer part is rewritten completely to construct tokens needed for the pars er. * * 5) This grammar adds more source level support * * * This grammar also adds bug fixes. * * 1) Adding typeArguments to superSuffix to alHexSignificandlow input like * super.<TYPE>method() * * 2) Adding typeArguments to innerCreator to allow input like * new Type1<String, Integer>().new Type2<String>() * * 3) conditionalExpression is changed to * conditionalExpression * : conditionalOrExpression ( '?' expression ':' conditionalExpression ) ? * ; * to accept input like * true?1:2=3 * * Note: note this is by no means a valid input, by the grammar should be abl e to parse * this as * (true?1:2)=3 * rather than * true?1:(2=3) * * * Know problems: * Won't pass input containing unicode sequence like this * char c = '\uffff' * String s = "\uffff"; * Because Antlr does not treat '\uffff' as an valid char. This will be fixed in the next Antlr * release. *

* Things to do: * More effort to make this grammar faster. * Error reporting/recovering. * * * NOTE: If you try to compile this file from command line and Antlr gives an e xception * like error message while compiling, add option * -Xconversiontimeout 100000 * to the command line. * If it still doesn't work or the compilation process * takes too long, try to comment out the following two lines: * | {isValidSurrogateIdentifierStart((char)input.LT(1), (char)input.LT(2) )}?=>('\ud800'..'\udbff') ('\udc00'..'\udfff') * | {isValidSurrogateIdentifierPart((char)input.LT(1), (char)input.LT(2)) }?=>('\ud800'..'\udbff') ('\udc00'..'\udfff') * * * Below are comments found in the original version. */ /** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A Java 1.5 grammar for ANTLR v3 derived from the spec This is a very close representation of the spec; the changes are comestic (remove left recursion) and also fixes (the spec isn't exactly perfect). I have run this on the 1.4.2 source and some nasty looking enums from 1.5, but have not really tested for 1.5 compatibility. I built this with: java -Xmx100M org.antlr.Tool java.g and got two errors that are ok (for now): java.g:691:9: Decision can match input such as "'0'..'9'{'E', 'e'}{'+', '-'}'0'..'9'{'D', 'F', 'd', 'f'}" using multiple alternatives: 3, 4 As a result, alternative(s) 4 were disabled for that input java.g:734:35: Decision can match input such as "{'$', 'A'..'Z', '_', 'a'..'z', '\u00C0'..'\u00D6', '\u00D8'..'\u00F6', '\u00F8'..'\u1FFF', '\u3040'..'\u318F', '\u3300'..'\u337F', '\u3400'..'\u3D2D', '\u4E00'..'\u9FFF', '\uF900'..'\uFAFF'}" using multiple alternatives: 1, 2 As a result, alternative(s) 2 were disabled for that input You can turn enum on/off as a keyword :) Version 1.0 -- initial release July 5, 2006 (requires 3.0b2 or higher) Primary author: Terence Parr, July 2006 Version 1.0.1 -- corrections by Koen Vanderkimpen & Marko van Dooren, October 25, 2006; fixed normalInterfaceDeclaration: now uses typeParameters instead of typeParameter (according to JLS, 3rd edition) fixed castExpression: no longer allows expression next to type (according to semantics in JLS, in contrast with syntax in JLS) Version 1.0.2 -- Terence Parr, Nov 27, 2006 java spec I built this from had some bizarre for-loop control. Looked weird and so I looked elsewhere...Yep, it's messed up. simplified.

* * Version 1.0.3 -- Chris Hogue, Feb 26, 2007 * Factored out an annotationName rule and used it in the annotation rule. * Not sure why, but typeName wasn't recognizing references to inner * annotations (e.g. @InterfaceName.InnerAnnotation()) * Factored out the elementValue section of an annotation reference. Creat ed * elementValuePair and elementValuePairs rules, then used them in the * annotation rule. Allows it to recognize annotation references with * multiple, comma separated attributes. * Updated elementValueArrayInitializer so that it allows multiple elements . * (It was only allowing 0 or 1 element). * Updated localVariableDeclaration to allow annotations. Interestingly th e JLS * doesn't appear to indicate this is legal, but it does work as of at least * JDK 1.5.0_06. * Moved the Identifier portion of annotationTypeElementRest to annotationM ethodRest. * Because annotationConstantRest already references variableDeclarator which * has the Identifier portion in it, the parser would fail on constants in * annotation definitions because it expected two identifiers. * Added optional trailing ';' to the alternatives in annotationTypeElement Rest. * Wouldn't handle an inner interface that has a trailing ';'. * Swapped the expression and type rule reference order in castExpression t o * make it check for genericized casts first. It was failing to recogn ize a * statement like "Class<Byte> TYPE = (Class<Byte>)...;" because it wa s seeing * 'Class<Byte' in the cast expression as a less than expression, then failing * on the '>'. * Changed createdName to use typeArguments instead of nonWildcardTypeArgum ents. * * Changed the 'this' alternative in primary to allow 'identifierSuffix' ra ther than * just 'arguments'. The case it couldn't handle was a call to an expl icit * generic method invocation (e.g. this.<E>doSomething()). Using ident ifierSuffix * may be overly aggressive--perhaps should create a more constrained t hisSuffix rule? * * Version 1.0.4 -- Hiroaki Nakamura, May 3, 2007 * * Fixed formalParameterDecls, localVariableDeclaration, forInit, * and forVarControl to use variableModifier* not 'final'? (annotation)? * * Version 1.0.5 -- Terence, June 21, 2007 * --a[i].foo didn't work. Fixed unaryExpression * * Version 1.0.6 -- John Ridgway, March 17, 2008 * Made "assert" a switchable keyword like "enum". * Fixed compilationUnit to disallow "annotation importDeclaration ...".

* Changed "Identifier ('.' Identifier)*" to "qualifiedName" in more * places. * Changed modifier* and/or variableModifier* to classOrInterfaceModifiers, * modifiers or variableModifiers, as appropriate. * Renamed "bound" to "typeBound" to better match language in the JLS. * Added "memberDeclaration" which rewrites to methodDeclaration or * fieldDeclaration and pulled type into memberDeclaration. So we parse * type and then move on to decide whether we're dealing with a field * or a method. * Modified "constructorDeclaration" to use "constructorBody" instead of * "methodBody". constructorBody starts with explicitConstructorInvoca tion, * then goes on to blockStatement*. Pulling explicitConstructorInvocat ion * out of expressions allowed me to simplify "primary". * Changed variableDeclarator to simplify it. * Changed type to use classOrInterfaceType, thus simplifying it; of course * I then had to add classOrInterfaceType, but it is used in several * places. * Fixed annotations, old version allowed "@X(y,z)", which is illegal. * Added optional comma to end of "elementValueArrayInitializer"; as per JL S. * Changed annotationTypeElementRest to use normalClassDeclaration and * normalInterfaceDeclaration rather than classDeclaration and * interfaceDeclaration, thus getting rid of a couple of grammar ambigu ities. * Split localVariableDeclaration into localVariableDeclarationStatement * (includes the terminating semi-colon) and localVariableDeclaration. * This allowed me to use localVariableDeclaration in "forInit" clauses , * simplifying them. * Changed switchBlockStatementGroup to use multiple labels. This adds an * ambiguity, but if one uses appropriately greedy parsing it yields th e * parse that is closest to the meaning of the switch statement. * Renamed "forVarControl" to "enhancedForControl" -- JLS language. * Added semantic predicates to test for shift operations rather than other * things. Thus, for instance, the string "< <" will never be treated * as a left-shift operator. * In "creator" we rule out "nonWildcardTypeArguments" on arrayCreation, * which are illegal. * Moved "nonWildcardTypeArguments into innerCreator. * Removed 'super' superSuffix from explicitGenericInvocation, since that * is only used in explicitConstructorInvocation at the beginning of a * constructorBody. (This is part of the simplification of expression s * mentioned earlier.) * Simplified primary (got rid of those things that are only used in * explicitConstructorInvocation). * Lexer -- removed "Exponent?" from FloatingPointLiteral choice 4, since i t * led to an ambiguity. * * This grammar successfully parses every .java file in the JDK 1.5 source * tree (excluding those whose file names include '-', which are not * valid Java compilation units). * * Known remaining problems: * "Letter" and "JavaIDDigit" are wrong. The actual specification of * "Letter" should be "a character for which the method

* * * */

Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(int) returns true." A "Java letter-or-digit is a character for which the method Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(int) returns true."

grammar Java; options { backtrack=true; memoize=true; tokenVocab=Java; superClass=AntlrJavacParser; } scope GScope { Name name; String className; String methodName; } @header { package; import*; import; import; import; import*; import*; import; } @lexer::header { package; import; import; import; import; import; import; } @members { boolean debug = true; // temp variables private int ti = 0; private String ts = null; public JavaParser(TokenStream input, AntlrParserFactory fac, boolean keepDoc Comments, boolean keepEndPosition, boolean keepLineMap, char[] rawInput) { this(input); //NOTE: Don't try to put this in super class constructor, must call the antlr generated constructor first. super.init(fac, keepDocComments, keepEndPosition, keepLineMap, rawInput) ; } public JCCompilationUnit parseCompilationUnit() { if(super.isLexingError()==true){ // Errors should be logged in lexer already, no more parsing.

return TREE_BLANK; } if(input.LA(1)==-1){ // Blank input, end of file reached. return TREE_BLANK; } try{ return this.compilationUnit().tree; } catch (Exception e) { if(debug){ e.printStackTrace(); } //TODO: could be various reasons, how to track? log.error(0, "premature.eof"); return TREE_BLANK; } } protected boolean enumSupported() { return source.allowGenerics(); } protected boolean assertSupported() { return source.allowAsserts(); } protected boolean varArgSupported() { return source.allowVarargs(); } protected boolean foreachSupported() { return source.allowForeach(); } protected boolean staticImportSupported() { return source.allowStaticImport(); } protected boolean annotationSupported() { return source.allowAnnotations(); } protected boolean genericSupported() { return source.allowGenerics(); } protected void checkEnum(Token token) { if (enumSupported() == false && enumErrorDisplayed == false) { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken) token).getStartIndex(), "enums.not.supp",; enumErrorDisplayed = true; } } protected void checkAssert(Token token) { if (assertSupported() == false && assertErrorDisplayed == false) { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken) token).getStartIndex(), "

tifier",; assertErrorDisplayed = true; } } protected void checkVarArg(Token token) { if (varArgSupported() == false && varArgErrorDisplayed == false) { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken) token).getStartIndex(), "",; varArgErrorDisplayed = true; } } protected void checkForeach(Token token) { if (foreachSupported() == false && foreachErrorDisplayed == false) { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken) token).getStartIndex(), "",; foreachErrorDisplayed = true; } } protected void checkStaticImport(Token token) { if (staticImportSupported() == false && staticImportErrorDisplayed == fa lse) { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken) token).getStartIndex(), "static.import.",; staticImportErrorDisplayed = true; } } protected void checkAnnotation(Token token) { if (annotationSupported() == false && annotationErrorDisplayed == false) { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken) token).getStartIndex(), "",; annotationErrorDisplayed = true; } } protected void checkGeneric(Token token) { if (genericSupported() == false && genericErrorDisplayed == false) { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken) token).getStartIndex(), "generics.not.s",; genericErrorDisplayed = true; } } } @lexer::members { /* NOTE: Lots of the code below should be put into a super class. But Antlr does not have * superClass option support for combined lexer grammar yet. */ protected protected protected protected Context context; Names names; Source source; Log log;

/** Whether or not to keep a line map. Not used now. */ private boolean keepLineMap; /** Radix of number tokens. */ private int radix = 10; /** Buffer holding String and char literal's content. */ StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); public JavaLexer(CharStream input, context, boolean keepLineMap){ super(input,new RecognizerSharedState()); this.context = context; this.log = Log.instance(context); this.names = Names.instance(context); this.source = Source.instance(context); this.keepLineMap = keepLineMap; } public Name stringToName(String s) { return names.fromString(s); } protected char digitsToChar(int base, int... cs) { int ret = 0; if (cs == null || cs.length == 0) { return 0; } for (int i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) { ret = ret * base + Character.digit(cs[i], base); } return (char) ret; } /** * Override Antlr default implementation, no recovering. */ public void reportError(RecognitionException e) { // super.recover(e); no recovering e.printStackTrace(); log.error("illegal.unicode.esc");// TODO Antlr - exception process in le xer } /** * Override default implementation. Nothing will be printed out. */ public void displayRecognitionError(String[] tokenNames, RecognitionExceptio n e) { } protected boolean enumSupported() { return source.allowGenerics(); } protected boolean assertSupported() { return source.allowAsserts(); } private boolean isValidSurrogateIdentifierStart(char high, char low){

if (Character.isSurrogatePair(high, low) && Character.isJavaIdentifierSt art(Character.toCodePoint(high, low))){ return true; } return false; } private boolean isValidSurrogateIdentifierPart(char high, char low){ if (Character.isSurrogatePair(high, low) && Character.isJavaIdentifierPa rt(Character.toCodePoint(high, low))){ return true; } return false; } /** * Overridden default Antlr implementation to generated AntlrToken. * Default implementation generates CommonToken. */ public Token emit(){ AntlrJavacToken antlrToken = new AntlrJavacToken(input, state.type, stat, state.tokenStartCharIndex, getCharIndex() - 1); antlrToken.setLine(state.tokenStartLine); antlrToken.setText(state.text); antlrToken.setCharPositionInLine(state.tokenStartCharPositionInLine); emit(antlrToken); /* Code above is copied from antlr. */ int stype = state.type; switch (stype) { case LONGLITERAL : case INTLITERAL : case FLOATLITERAL : case DOUBLELITERAL : String stringVal = antlrToken.getText(); if(radix == 16){ stringVal = stringVal.substring(2,stringVal.length()); }else if(radix == 8 && "0".equals(stringVal) == false){ stringVal = stringVal.substring(1,stringVal.length()); } if(stype == LONGLITERAL){ stringVal = stringVal.substring(0,stringVal.length()-1); } antlrToken.stringVal = stringVal; antlrToken.radix = radix; return antlrToken; case STRINGLITERAL : case CHARLITERAL : antlrToken.stringVal = stringBuffer.toString(); stringBuffer.delete(0,stringBuffer.length()); return antlrToken; case IDENTIFIER : = stringToName(antlrToken.getText()); return antlrToken; }// end switch return antlrToken; }// end emit() }

/* * Override default exception handling. */ @rulecatch { catch (RecognitionException e) { if(e.token!=null && e.token instanceof AntlrJavacToken){ log.error(((AntlrJavacToken)e.token).getStartIndex(), "not.stmt"); } else{ //TODO: Error reporting log.error(((CommonToken)e.token).getStartIndex(), "not.stmt"); } input.consume(); if(debug){ e.printStackTrace(); } } } /******************************************************************************* ************* Parser section ******************************************************************************** *************/ compilationUnit returns [JCCompilationUnit tree] @init { JCExpression pid = null;<JCAnnotation> packageAnnotations =<JCAnnotation>nil(); ListBuffer<JCTree> defs = new ListBuffer<JCTree>(); } @after { int pos = 0; try { pos =((AntlrJavacToken) $start).getStartIndex(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(((CommonToken)retval.start).getStartIndex(), "expected 3", "class", "interface", "enum"); } $tree =, pid, defs.toList()); if (defs.elems.isEmpty() && $stop != null) { pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); } if ($stop != null) { pu.attach($tree, ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).docComment); } if (keepDocComment == true) { $tree.docComments = pu.getDocComments(); } if (keepEndPosition == true) { $tree.endPositions = pu.getEndPositions(); } if (keepLineMap == true) { $tree.lineMap = wInput, rawInput.length, false); }

Token t = input.LT(1); if (t == null || t.getType() > 0) { if (t instanceof AntlrJavacToken) { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken)t).getStartIndex(), "expected3", "class", "interface", "enum"); } else { log.error(((CommonToken)t).getStartIndex(), "expected3", "cl ass", "interface", "enum"); } } } : ( (annotations { packageAnnotations = $annotations.list; pu.storeEnd(, packageAnnotations),$annota tions.stop); } )? packageDeclaration { pid=$packageDeclaration.tree; } )? (importDeclaration { defs.append($importDeclaration.tree); } )* (typeDeclaration { defs.append($typeDeclaration.tree); } )* ; packageDeclaration returns [JCExpression tree] : 'package' qualifiedName { tree=$qualifiedName.tree; } ';' ; importDeclaration returns [JCTree tree] @init { JCExpression pid = null ; boolean importStatic = false; int pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).getStartIndex(); } @after { $tree =,importStatic); pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); } : 'import' (sta1='static' { importStatic = true; checkStaticImport($sta1); } )?

id1=IDENTIFIER do1='.' ast='*' { pid = $id1).getStartIndex()).Ident(((Ant lrJavacToken) $id1).name); pu.storeEnd(pid, $id1); pid = $do1).getStartIndex()).Select(pid, names.asterisk); pu.storeEnd(pid,ast); } ';' 'import' (sta2='static' { importStatic = true; checkStaticImport($sta2); } )? id2=IDENTIFIER { pid = $id2).getStartIndex()).Ident(((Ant lrJavacToken) $id2).name); pu.storeEnd(pid, $id2); } (do2='.' id3=IDENTIFIER { pid = $do2).getStartIndex()).Select(pid, ((AntlrJavacToken) $id3).name); pu.storeEnd(pid,id3); } )+ (do3='.' ast2='*' { pid = $do3).getStartIndex()).Select(pid, names.asterisk); pu.storeEnd(pid,ast2); } )? ';' ; qualifiedImportName returns [JCExpression tree] @init { JCExpression pid = null; } @after { $tree = pid; } : id1=IDENTIFIER { pid =$id1.getTokenIndex()).Ident(((AntlrJavacToken) $id1). name); pu.storeEnd(pid, $id1); } ('.' id2=IDENTIFIER { pid =$id2.getTokenIndex()).Select(pid, ((AntlrJavacToken) $id2).name); pu.storeEnd(pid,$id2); } )* |

; typeDeclaration returns [JCTree tree] : classOrInterfaceDeclaration { $tree=$classOrInterfaceDeclaration.tree; } | se=';' { $tree = $se).getStartIndex()).Skip(); pu.storeEnd($tree, $se); } ; classOrInterfaceDeclaration returns [JCClassDecl tree] : (classHeader | enumHeader) => classDeclaration { $tree=$classDeclaration.tree; } | interfaceDeclaration { $tree=$interfaceDeclaration.tree; } ; modifiers returns [JCModifiers tree] @init { ListBuffer<JCAnnotation> annotations = new ListBuffer<JCAnnotation>( ); long flags = 0, flag = 0; if (((AntlrJavacToken) $start).deprecated == true) { flags |= Flags.DEPRECATED; } } @after { // look ahead for interface or enums ti = input.LA(1); if (ti == INTERFACE) { flags |= Flags.INTERFACE; } else if (ti == ENUM) { flags |= Flags.ENUM; } int pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).getStartIndex(); if (flags == 0 && annotations.isEmpty()) { pos = Position.NOPOS; } $tree =, annotations.toList()); if (pos != Position.NOPOS ) { if ($stop!=null) { pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); } else { Token t = input.LT(-1); if (t==null) { pu.storeEnd($tree, 0); } } } } : ( options { k=1; backtrack=false; }: {input.LA(1)==MONKEYS_AT && input.LA

(2)!=INTERFACE}? an=annotation { // The lookahead of the next two tokens gives antlr little help so it doesn't go too far // trying parse everything to figure out which route to go. annotations.append($an.tree); /* don't set flag for annotations */ } | pub='public' { flag = Flags.PUBLIC; if ((flags & flag) != 0) { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken)$pub).getStartIndex(), "repeated .modifier"); } else { flags |= flag; } } | pro='protected' { flag = Flags.PROTECTED; if ((flags & flag) != 0) { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken)$pro).getStartIndex(), "repeated .modifier"); } else { flags |= flag; } } | pri='private' { flag = Flags.PRIVATE; if ((flags & flag) != 0) { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken)$pri).getStartIndex(), "repeated .modifier"); } else { flags |= flag; } } | st='static' { flag = Flags.STATIC; if ((flags & flag) != 0) { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken)$st).getStartIndex(), "repeated. modifier"); } else { flags |= flag; } } | ab='abstract' { flag = Flags.ABSTRACT; if ((flags & flag) != 0) { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken)$ab).getStartIndex(), "repeated. modifier"); } else { flags |= flag; } } | fi='final' {

flag = Flags.FINAL; if ((flags & flag) != 0) { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken)$fi).getStartIndex(), "repeated. modifier"); } else { flags |= flag; } } na='native' { flag = Flags.NATIVE; if ((flags & flag) != 0) { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken)$na).getStartIndex(), "repeated. modifier"); } else { flags |= flag; } } | syn='synchronized' { flag = Flags.SYNCHRONIZED; if ((flags & flag) != 0) { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken)$syn).getStartIndex(), "repeated .modifier"); } else { flags |= flag; } } | tra='transient' { flag = Flags.TRANSIENT; if ((flags & flag) != 0) { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken)$tra).getStartIndex(), "repeated .modifier"); } else { flags |= flag; } } | vo='volatile' { flag = Flags.VOLATILE; if ((flags & flag) != 0) { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken)$vo).getStartIndex(), "repeated. modifier"); } else { flags |= flag; } } | str='strictfp' { flag = Flags.STRICTFP; if ((flags & flag) != 0) { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken)$str).getStartIndex(), "repeated .modifier"); } else { flags |= flag; } } )* ; |

variableModifiers returns [JCModifiers tree] @init { ListBuffer<JCAnnotation> annotations = new ListBuffer<JCAnnotation>( ); long flags = 0, flag = 0; int pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).getStartIndex(); } @after { $tree =, annotations.toList()); if ((flags != 0 || annotations.isEmpty() == false) && $stop != null) { pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); } } : ( fin='final' { flag = Flags.FINAL; if ((flags & flag) != 0) { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken)$fin).getStartIndex(), "repe ated.modifier"); } flags |= flag; } | an=annotation { annotations.append($an.tree); } )* ; classDeclaration returns [JCClassDecl tree] : (modifiers 'class')=>normalClassDeclaration { $tree = $normalClassDeclaration.tree; } | enumDeclaration { $tree=$enumDeclaration.tree; } ; normalClassDeclaration returns [JCClassDecl tree] scope GScope; @init { Name name = null;<JCTypeParameter> typarams = ols.javac.util.List.nil();<JCExpression> implementing = com.sun.t ools.javac.util.List.nil();<JCTree> defs = null; String dc = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).docComment; JCTree extending = null; JCModifiers mods = null; int pos = 0; } @after { $tree =, name, typarams, extending, implemen ting, defs);

pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); pu.attach($tree,dc); : } modifiers cla='class' IDENTIFIER { mods = $modifiers.tree; pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $cla).getStartIndex(); name = ((AntlrJavacToken) $IDENTIFIER).name; $GScope::name = name; $GScope::className=$IDENTIFIER.getText(); } (typeParameters { typarams=$typeParameters.list; } )? ('extends' type { extending=$type.tree; } )? ('implements' typeList { implementing=$typeList.list; } )? classBody { defs = $classBody.list; }

; typeParameters returns [<JCTypeParameter> list] @init { ListBuffer<JCTypeParameter> typarams = new ListBuffer<JCTypeParamete r>(); } @after { $list=typarams.toList(); } : lb='<' { checkGeneric($lb); } ty1=typeParameter { typarams.append(ty1.tree); } (',' ty2=typeParameter { typarams.append(ty2.tree); } )* '>' ; typeParameter returns [JCTypeParameter tree] @init {<JCExpression> bounds = avac.util.List.nil();

int pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).getStartIndex(); Name name = null; } @after { $tree =, bounds); pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); } IDENTIFIER { name = ((AntlrJavacToken) $IDENTIFIER).name; } ('extends' typeBound { bounds = $typeBound.list; pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $IDENTIFIER).getStartIndex(); } )?

; typeBound returns [<JCExpression> list] @init { ListBuffer<JCExpression> bounds = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>(); } @after { $list = bounds.toList(); } : ty1=type { bounds.append($ty1.tree); } ('&' ty2=type { bounds.append($ty2.tree); } )* ; enumDeclaration returns [JCClassDecl tree] scope GScope; @init {<JCExpression> implementing = com.sun.t ools.javac.util.List.nil();<JCTree> defs = null; int pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).getStartIndex(); String dc = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).docComment; JCModifiers mods = null; Name name = null; int pos1=0; } @after { JCModifiers newMods = | Flags.ENUM, m ods.annotations); $tree =, name, List.<JCTypeParameter>nil(), null, implementing,defs); pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); pu.attach($tree, dc); } : modifiers ( enu='enum' | {source.allowEnums()==false&&input.LT(1).getText().equals("enum")}?

=> id1=IDENTIFIER { checkEnum($id1); } ) enumName=IDENTIFIER { mods = $modifiers.tree; if($enu != null){ pos1 = ((AntlrJavacToken) $enu).getStartIndex(); }else{ pos1 = ((AntlrJavacToken) $id1).getStartIndex(); } name = ((AntlrJavacToken) $enumName).name; $GScope::name = name; } ('implements' typeList { implementing = $typeList.list; } )? { $GScope::className=$enumName.getText(); } enumBody { defs = $enumBody.list; } ; enumBody returns [<JCTree> list] @init {<JCTree> buf = new javac.util.ListBuffer<JCTree>(); } @after { $list = buf.toList(); } : '{'(enumConstants { buf.appendList($enumConstants.list); } )? ','? (enumBodyDeclarations { buf.appendList($enumBodyDeclarations.list); } )? '}' ; enumConstants returns [<JCTree> list] @init { ListBuffer<JCTree> buf = new ListBuffer<JCTree>(); } @after { $list = buf.toList(); } : en1=enumConstant { buf.append($en1.tree); }

(',' en2=enumConstant { buf.append($en2.tree); } )* ; /** * NOTE: here differs from the javac grammar, missing TypeArguments. * EnumeratorDeclaration = AnnotationsOpt [TypeArguments] IDENTIFIER [ Arguments ] [ "{" ClassBody "}" ] */ enumConstant returns [JCTree tree] @init { int flags = Flags.PUBLIC | Flags.STATIC | Flags.FINAL | Flags.ENUM; if (((AntlrJavacToken) $start).deprecated == true) { flags |= Flags.DEPRECATED; }<JCAnnotation> annotations = ols.javac.util.List.nil();;<JCExpression> typeArgs = .javac.util.List.nil();;<JCExpression> args = ac.util.List.nil();;<JCTree> defs = null; JCIdent enumIdent =$GScope::name); String dc = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).docComment; int pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).getStartIndex(); int identPos = 0, createPos = Position.NOPOS; JCModifiers mods = null; Name name = null; JCClassDecl body = null; } @after { mods = ? Position.NOPOS : pos).Modifiers( flags, annotations); if (defs != null) { JCModifiers mods1 = | Flags.STATIC); body =, defs); pu.storeEnd(body, $stop); } if (args.isEmpty() == true && defs == null) { createPos = Position.NOPOS; } JCNewClass create =, typeArgs, enumIde nt, args, body); if (createPos != Position.NOPOS) { pu.storeEnd(create, $stop); } $tree =, name, enumIdent, create); pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); pu.attach($tree, dc); } : (annotations { annotations = $annotations.list; } )? IDENTIFIER

{ name = ((AntlrJavacToken) $IDENTIFIER).name; identPos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $IDENTIFIER).getStartIndex(); } (arguments { args = $arguments.list; createPos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $arguments.start).getStartIndex() ; } )? (classBody { defs = $classBody.list; if (createPos == Position.NOPOS) createPos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $classBody.start).getStartInd ex(); } )? /* TODO: $GScope::name = names.empty. enum constant body is actually an anonymous class, where constructor isn't allowed, have to add this ch eck*/ ; enumBodyDeclarations returns [<JCTree> list] @init { ListBuffer<JCTree> buf = new ListBuffer<JCTree>(); } @after { $list = buf.toList(); } : ';' (classBodyDeclaration { buf.appendList($classBodyDeclaration.list); } )* ; interfaceDeclaration returns [JCClassDecl tree] : (interfaceHeader)=>normalInterfaceDeclaration { $tree = $normalInterfaceDeclaration.tree; } | (annotationHeader)=>annotationTypeDeclaration { $tree = $annotationTypeDeclaration.tree; } ; normalInterfaceDeclaration returns [JCClassDecl tree] scope GScope; @init {<JCTypeParameter> typarams = ols.javac.util.List.nil();<JCExpression> extending = com.sun.tool s.javac.util.List.nil();<JCTree> defs = null; String dc = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).docComment; JCModifiers mods = null; Name name = null;

int pos = 0; } @after { $tree =, name, typarams, null, extending, de fs); pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); pu.attach($tree,dc); : } modifiers inf='interface' IDENTIFIER { mods = $modifiers.tree; name = ((AntlrJavacToken) $IDENTIFIER).name; pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $inf).getStartIndex(); } (typeParameters { typarams = $typeParameters.list; } )? ('extends' typeList { extending = $typeList.list; } )? { $GScope::className=$IDENTIFIER.getText(); } interfaceBody { defs = $interfaceBody.list; }

; typeList returns [<JCExpression> list] @init { ListBuffer<JCExpression> ts = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>(); } @after { $list = ts.toList(); } : ty1=type { ts.append($ty1.tree); } (',' ty2=type { ts.append($ty2.tree); } )* ; classBody returns [<JCTree> list] @init { ListBuffer<JCTree> defs = new ListBuffer<JCTree>(); } @after { $list = defs.toList(); } : '{' (classBodyDeclaration {

defs.appendList($classBodyDeclaration.list); } )* '}' ; interfaceBody returns [<JCTree> list] @init { ListBuffer<JCTree> defs = new ListBuffer<JCTree>(); } @after { $list = defs.toList(); } : '{' (interfaceBodyDeclaration { defs.appendList($interfaceBodyDeclaration.list); } )* '}' ; classBodyDeclaration returns [<JCTree> list] @init { ListBuffer<JCTree> buf = new ListBuffer<JCTree>(); } @after { $list = buf.toList(); } : ';' { buf.append(, l.List.<JCStatement> nil())); } | st=staticBlock { buf.append($st.tree); } | bl=block { buf.append($bl.tree); } | me=memberDecl { buf.appendList($me.list); } ; memberDecl returns [<JCTree> list] @init { ListBuffer<JCTree> buf = new ListBuffer<JCTree>(); $list =; } @after { $list = buf.toList(); } : (fieldHeader) => fieldDeclaration { pu.appendList(buf, $fieldDeclaration.list); } | (methodHeader) => methodDeclaration { buf.append($methodDeclaration.tree);

} (classHeader | enumHeader) => classDeclaration { buf.append($classDeclaration.tree); } (interfaceHeader | annotationHeader) => interfaceDeclaration { buf.append($interfaceDeclaration.tree); }

; methodDeclaration returns [JCMethodDecl tree] //scope GScope; @init {<JCVariableDecl> params = .javac.util.List.nil();<JCTypeParameter> typarams = ols.javac.util.List.nil();<JCExpression> thrown = avac.util.List.nil(); ListBuffer<JCStatement> ctors = new ListBuffer<JCStatement>(); String dc = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).docComment; ArrayList<Integer> poss = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ArrayList<Integer> eposs = new ArrayList<Integer>(); JCModifiers mods = null; JCExpression type = null; Name name = null; JCBlock body = null; int pos = 0; } @after { for (ti = poss.size() - 1; ti >= 0; ti--) { type =; pu.storeEnd(type,eposs.get(eposs.size()-1)+1); } $tree =, name, type, typarams, params, thro wn, body, null); pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); pu.attach($tree,dc); } : /* For constructor, return type is null, name is 'init' */ (modifiers typeParameters? IDENTIFIER '(')=> mo2=modifiers { mods = $mo2.tree; } (ty2=typeParameters { typarams = $ty2.list; } )? id2=IDENTIFIER { Name tname = $GScope::name; if (((AntlrJavacToken) $id2).name != tname) { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken)$id2).getStartIndex(), "invalid. meth.decl.ret.type.req"); } type = null; name = names.init;

pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $id2).getStartIndex(); pu.storeEnd(T.Ident(((AntlrJavacToken) $id2).name), $id2); } fo2=formalParameters { params = $fo2.list; } ('throws' qu2=qualifiedNameList { thrown = $qu2.list; } )? { $GScope::methodName=$id2.getText(); } lbr='{' (ex1=explicitConstructorInvocation { ctors.append($ex1.tree); } )? (bl2=blockStatement { if ($bl2.tree == null) { ctors.appendList($bl2.list); } else { ctors.append($bl2.tree); } } )* rbr='}' { body = $lbr).getStartIndex()).Block(0, c tors.toList()); pu.storeEnd(body,$rbr); } | mo1=modifiers { mods = $mo1.tree; } (ty1=typeParameters { typarams = $ty1.list; } )? (ty=type { type = $ty.tree; } | vod='void' { type = $vod).getStartIndex()).TypeId ent(TypeTags.VOID); pu.storeEnd(type, $vod); } ) id1=IDENTIFIER { name = ((AntlrJavacToken) $id1).name; pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $id1).getStartIndex();

} fo1=formalParameters { params = $fo1.list; } (lb='[' rb=']' { poss.add(((AntlrJavacToken) $lb).getStartIndex()); eposs.add(((AntlrJavacToken) $rb).getStartIndex()); } )* ('throws' qu1=qualifiedNameList { thrown = $qu1.list; } )? ( { $GScope::methodName=$id1.getText(); } bl=block { body = $bl.tree; } | ';' ) ; fieldDeclaration returns [<JCVariableDecl> list] @init { ListBuffer<JCVariableDecl> listBuffer = new ListBuffer<JCVariableDec l>(); ArrayList<Integer> pos = new ArrayList<Integer>(); String dc = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).docComment; JCModifiers mods = null; JCExpression type = null; Name name = null; JCExpression init = null; JCTree ptree = null; } @after { $list = listBuffer.toList(); if (ptree != null) { pu.storeEnd(ptree, $stop); } } : mo=modifiers { mods = $mo.tree; } ty=type { type=$ty.tree; } va1=variableDeclarator { JCExpression ntype = pu.makeTypeArray(type,$va1.i, $va1.dimPosit ion, $va1.endPosition); JCVariableDecl tree =$va1.pos).VarDef(mods, $, nty pe, $va1.tree);

pu.attach(tree, dc); listBuffer.append(tree); ptree = tree; } (cm=',' va2=variableDeclarator { JCExpression ntype = pu.makeTypeArray(type,$va2.i, $va2.dimPosit ion, $va2.endPosition); JCVariableDecl tree =, $, ntyp e, $va2.tree); pu.storeEnd(ptree, $cm); ptree = tree; pu.attach(tree, dc); listBuffer.append(tree); } )* ';' ; variableDeclarator returns [Name name, JCExpression tree, int i, int pos, ArrayL ist dimPosition, ArrayList endPosition] @init { $i = 0; $dimPosition = new ArrayList(); $endPosition = new ArrayList(); } : id=IDENTIFIER { $pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $id).getStartIndex(); $name = ((AntlrJavacToken) $id).name; } (lbr='[' rbr=']' { $i = $i+1; $dimPosition.add(((AntlrJavacToken) $lbr).getStartIndex()); $endPosition.add(((AntlrJavacToken) $rbr).getStopIndex()); } )* ('=' va=variableInitializer { $tree = $va.tree; } )? ; /** *TODO: add predicates */ interfaceBodyDeclaration returns [<JCTree> list] @init { ListBuffer<JCTree> buf = new ListBuffer<JCTree>(); } @after { $list = buf.toList(); } : interfaceFieldDeclaration { buf.appendList($interfaceFieldDeclaration.list); }

interfaceMethodDeclaration { buf.append($interfaceMethodDeclaration.tree); } | interfaceDeclaration { buf.append($interfaceDeclaration.tree); } | classDeclaration { buf.append($classDeclaration.tree); } | ';' { buf.append(, l.List.<JCStatement> nil())); } ; interfaceMethodDeclaration returns [JCMethodDecl tree] @init {<JCVariableDecl> params = .javac.util.List.nil();<JCTypeParameter> typarams = ols.javac.util.List.nil();<JCExpression> thrown = avac.util.List.nil(); String dc = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).docComment; ArrayList<Integer> poss = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ArrayList<Integer> eposs = new ArrayList<Integer>(); JCModifiers mods = null; JCExpression type = null; Name name = null; int pos = 0; } @after { for (ti = poss.size() - 1; ti>= 0; ti--) { type =; pu.storeEnd(type, eposs.get(eposs.size() - 1) + 1); } $tree =, name, type, typarams, params, thro wn, null, null); pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); pu.attach($tree,dc); } : modifiers { mods = $modifiers.tree; } (typeParameters { typarams = $typeParameters.list; } )? (type { type = $type.tree; } | vod='void' {

type = $vod).getStartIndex()).TypeIdent( TypeTags.VOID); pu.storeEnd(type, $vod); } ) IDENTIFIER { name = ((AntlrJavacToken) $IDENTIFIER).name; pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $IDENTIFIER).getStartIndex(); } formalParameters { params = $formalParameters.list; } (lbr='[' rbr=']' { poss.add(((AntlrJavacToken) $lbr).getStartIndex()); eposs.add(((AntlrJavacToken) $rbr).getStartIndex()); } )* ('throws' qu=qualifiedNameList { thrown = $qu.list; } )? ';' ; /** * NOTE, should not use variableDeclarator here, as it doesn't necessary require * an initializer, while an interface field does, or judge by the returned value . * But this gives better diagnostic message, or antlr won't predict this rule. */ interfaceFieldDeclaration returns [<JCTree> list] @init { ListBuffer<JCTree> listBuffer = new ListBuffer<JCTree>(); JCModifiers mods = null; JCExpression type = null; Name name = null; JCExpression init = null; String dc = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).docComment; JCTree ptree = null; } @after { $list = listBuffer.toList(); if (ptree != null) { pu.storeEnd(ptree, $stop); } } : modifiers type va1=variableDeclarator { mods = $modifiers.tree; type = $type.tree; JCExpression ntype = pu.makeTypeArray(type,$va1.i, $va1.dimPosit ion, $va1.endPosition); if ($va1.tree == null) { log.error(((CommonToken)input.LT(1)).getStartIndex(), "expect ed", "="); } JCTree tree =$va1.pos).VarDef(mods, $, ntype, $va1

.tree); ptree = tree; pu.attach(tree,dc); listBuffer.append(tree); } (cm=',' va2=variableDeclarator { JCExpression ntype = pu.makeTypeArray(type,$va2.i, $va2.dimPosit ion, $va2.endPosition); if ($va2.tree == null) { log.error(((CommonToken)input.LT(1)).getStartIndex(), "expect ed", "="); } JCTree tree =$va2.pos).VarDef(mods, $, ntype, $va2 .tree); pu.storeEnd(ptree, $cm); ptree = tree; pu.attach(tree,dc); listBuffer.append(tree); } )* ';' ; type returns [JCExpression tree] @init { JCExpression t = null; ArrayList<Integer> poss = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ArrayList<Integer> eposs = new ArrayList<Integer>(); } @after { for (ti = poss.size() - 1; ti >= 0; ti--) { t =; pu.storeEnd(t, eposs.get(eposs.size() - 1) + 1); } $tree = t; } : classOrInterfaceType { t = $classOrInterfaceType.tree; } (lb1='[' rb1=']' { poss.add(((AntlrJavacToken) $lb1).getStartIndex()); eposs.add(((AntlrJavacToken) $rb1).getStartIndex()); } )* | primitiveType { t = $primitiveType.tree; } (lb2='[' rb2=']' { poss.add(((AntlrJavacToken) $lb2).getStartIndex()); eposs.add(((AntlrJavacToken) $rb2).getStartIndex()); } )* ;

classOrInterfaceType returns [JCExpression tree] @init { JCExpression t = null; Name name = null; } @after { $tree = t; } : id1=IDENTIFIER { t = $id1).getStartIndex()).Ident(((Antlr JavacToken) $id1).name); pu.storeEnd(t, $id1); } (ty1=typeArguments { t = $ty1.start).getStartIndex()).TypeApp ly(t, $ty1.list); pu.storeEnd(t, $ty1.stop); } )? (dt='.' id2=IDENTIFIER { t = $dt).getStartIndex()).Select(t, ((AntlrJavacToken) $id2).name); pu.storeEnd(t,$id2); } (ty2=typeArguments { t = $ty2.start).getStartIndex()).Typ eApply(t, $ty2.list); pu.storeEnd(t, $ty2.stop); } )? )* ; primitiveType returns [JCPrimitiveTypeTree tree] @init { int i = -1; int pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).getStartIndex(); } @after { $tree =; pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); } : 'boolean' { i = TypeTags.BOOLEAN; } | 'char' { i = TypeTags.CHAR; } | 'byte' { i = TypeTags.BYTE; } | 'short'

{ i = TypeTags.SHORT; | } 'int' { i = TypeTags.INT; | } 'long' { i = TypeTags.LONG; | } 'float' { i = TypeTags.FLOAT; | } 'double' { i = TypeTags.DOUBLE; } ; typeArguments returns [<JCExpression> list] @init { ListBuffer<JCExpression> args = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>(); } @after { $list = args.toList(); } : lb='<' ty1=typeArgument { args.append($ty1.tree); checkGeneric($lb); } (',' ty2=typeArgument { args.append($ty2.tree); } )* '>' ; typeArgument returns [JCExpression tree] @init { TypeBoundKind bound = null; int pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).getStartIndex(); } @after { if ($tree == null) { $tree =, null); pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); } } : tya=type { $tree = $tya.tree; } | '?' { bound =; } ((ex='extends'

{ bound = $ex).getStartIndex()).TypeBo undKind(BoundKind.EXTENDS); pu.storeEnd(bound, $ex); } | su='super' { bound = $su).getStartIndex()).TypeBo undKind(BoundKind.SUPER); pu.storeEnd(bound, $su); } ) tyb=type { $tree =, $tyb.tree); } )? ; qualifiedNameList returns [<JCExpression> list] @init { ListBuffer<JCExpression> ts = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>(); } @after { $list = ts.toList(); } : qu1=qualifiedName { ts.append($qu1.tree); } (',' qu2=qualifiedName { ts.append($qu2.tree); } )* ; formalParameters returns [<JCVariableDecl> list] @init { $list =; } : '('(formalParameterDecls { $list = $formalParameterDecls.list; } )? ')' ; formalParameterDecls returns [<JCVariableDecl> list ] @init { ListBuffer<JCVariableDecl> params = new ListBuffer<JCVariableDecl>() ; } @after { $list = params.toList(); } : el1=ellipsisParameterDecl { params.append($el1.tree);

} no1=normalParameterDecl { params.append($no1.tree); } (',' no2=normalParameterDecl { params.append($no2.tree); } )* (no3=normalParameterDecl { params.append($no3.tree); } ',')+ el2=ellipsisParameterDecl { params.append($el2.tree); }

; normalParameterDecl returns [JCVariableDecl tree] @init { JCModifiers mods = null; JCExpression paraType = null; Name name = null; ArrayList<Integer> poss = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ArrayList<Integer> eposs = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int pos = 0; } @after { for (ti = poss.size() - 1 ; ti >= 0; ti--) { paraType =; pu.storeEnd(paraType,eposs.get(eposs.size()-1)+1); } $tree =, name, paraType, null); pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); } : variableModifiers type IDENTIFIER { mods = $variableModifiers.tree; mods.flags |= Flags.PARAMETER; paraType = $type.tree; name = ((AntlrJavacToken) $IDENTIFIER).name; pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $IDENTIFIER).getStartIndex(); } (lbr='[' rbr=']' { poss.add(((AntlrJavacToken) $lbr).getStartIndex()); eposs.add(((AntlrJavacToken) $rbr).getStartIndex()); } )* ; ellipsisParameterDecl returns [JCVariableDecl tree] @init { JCModifiers mods = null; JCExpression paraType = null; Name name = null; int pos = 0; }

@after { $tree =, name, paraType, null); pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); } : variableModifiers { mods = $variableModifiers.tree; mods.flags |= Flags.PARAMETER; mods.flags |= Flags.VARARGS; } type dots='...' { paraType = $dots).getStartIndex()).TypeA rray($type.tree); pu.storeEnd(paraType, $dots); checkVarArg($dots); } IDENTIFIER { name = ((AntlrJavacToken) $IDENTIFIER).name; pos = ((AntlrJavacT oken) $IDENTIFIER).getStartIndex(); } ; explicitConstructorInvocation returns [JCStatement tree] @init {<JCExpression> typeArgs = null; JCExpression expr = null; int pos = 0, supPos = 0; } @after { $tree = $start).getStartIndex()).Exec(pu.che ckExprStat(expr)); pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); } : (nw=nonWildcardTypeArguments { typeArgs = $nw.list; supPos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $nw.start).getStartIndex(); } )? //NOTE: the position of Identifier 'super' is set to the type arg s position here (ths='this' { expr = $ths).getStartIndex()).Ident(name s._this); pu.storeEnd(expr, $ths); } | sup='super' { if (supPos == 0) supPos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $sup).getStartIndex(); expr =; } ) ag1=arguments ';' { expr = $ag1.start).getStartIndex()).Appl y(typeArgs, expr, $ag1.list);

pu.storeEnd(expr, $ag1.stop); } pr=primary { expr = $pr.tree; } dt2='.' (nw2=nonWildcardTypeArguments { typeArgs = $nw2.list; } )? sup2='super' { expr = $dt2).getStartIndex()).Select(exp r, names._super); pu.storeEnd(expr, $sup2); } ag2=arguments ';' { expr = $ag2.start).getStartIndex()).Appl y(typeArgs, expr, $ag2.list); pu.storeEnd(expr,$ag2.stop); } ; qualifiedName returns [JCExpression tree] @init { JCExpression pid = null; } @after { $tree = pid; } : id1=IDENTIFIER { pid = $id1).getStartIndex()).Ident(((Ant lrJavacToken) $id1).name); pu.storeEnd(pid, $id1); } (dt='.' id2=IDENTIFIER { pid = $dt).getStartIndex()).Select(pid, ((AntlrJavacToken) $id2).name); pu.storeEnd(pid, $id2); } )* ; annotations returns [<JCAnnotation> list] @init { ListBuffer<JCAnnotation> buf = new ListBuffer<JCAnnotation>(); } @after { $list = buf.toList(); } : (an=annotation { buf.append($an.tree); } |

)+ ; /** * Using an annotation. * '@' is flaged in modifier */ annotation returns [JCAnnotation tree] @init { JCTree annoName = null; ListBuffer<JCExpression> buf = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>(); int pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).getStartIndex(); } @after { $tree =, buf.toList()); pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); } : at1='@' qualifiedName { annoName = $qualifiedName.tree; checkAnnotation($at1); } ( '(' ( elementValuePairs { buf.appendList($elementValuePairs.list); } | elementValue { buf.append($elementValue.tree); } )? ')' )? ; elementValuePairs returns [<JCExpression> list] @init { ListBuffer<JCExpression> buf = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>(); } @after { $list = buf.toList(); } : el=elementValuePair { buf.append($el.tree); } (',' el2=elementValuePair { buf.append($el2.tree); } )* ; elementValuePair returns [JCExpression tree] : IDENTIFIER eq='=' elementValue { $tree = $IDENTIFIER).getStartIndex()).Id ent(((AntlrJavacToken) $IDENTIFIER).name);

pu.storeEnd($tree, $IDENTIFIER); $tree = $eq).getStartIndex()).Assign($tr ee, $elementValue.tree); pu.storeEnd($tree, $elementValue.stop); } ; elementValue returns [JCExpression tree] : conditionalExpression { $tree = $conditionalExpression.tree; } | annotation { $tree = $annotation.tree; } | elementValueArrayInitializer { $tree = $elementValueArrayInitializer.tree; } ; elementValueArrayInitializer returns [JCNewArray tree] @init { ListBuffer<JCExpression> buf = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>(); int pos = 0; } @after { $tree =,<JCEx pression> nil(), buf.toList()); pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); } : lbr='{' { pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $lbr).getStartIndex(); } (el1=elementValue { buf.append($el1.tree); } (',' el2=elementValue { buf.append($el2.tree); } )* )? (',')? '}' ; /** * Annotation declaration. */ annotationTypeDeclaration returns [JCClassDecl tree] @init {<JCExpression> extending = com.sun.tool s.javac.util.List.nil();<JCTree> defs = null; String dc = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).docComment; JCModifiers mods = null; Name name = null;

int pos = 0; } @after { $tree =, name, .<JCTypeParameter> nil(), null, extending, defs); pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); pu.attach($tree,dc); } : modifiers mat='@' { mods = $modifiers.tree; mods.flags |= (Flags.ANNOTATION | Flags. INTERFACE); pu.storeEnd(mods, $mat); checkAnnotation($mat); } inf='interface' { pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $inf).getStartIndex(); } IDENTIFIER { name = ((AntlrJavacToken) $IDENTIFIER).name; } annotationTypeBody { defs = $annotationTypeBody.list; } ; annotationTypeBody returns [<JCTree> list] @init { ListBuffer<JCTree> defs = new ListBuffer<JCTree>(); } @after { $list = defs.toList(); } : '{' (annotationTypeElementDeclaration { defs.appendList($annotationTypeElementDeclaration.list); } )* '}' ; /** * NOTE: here use interfaceFieldDeclaration for field declared inside annotation . they are sytactically the same. */ annotationTypeElementDeclaration returns [<JCTree> list] @init { ListBuffer<JCTree> buf = new ListBuffer<JCTree>(); } @after { $list = buf.toList(); } : annotationMethodDeclaration { buf.append($annotationMethodDeclaration.tree); }

interfaceFieldDeclaration { buf.appendList($interfaceFieldDeclaration.list); } | normalClassDeclaration { buf.append($normalClassDeclaration.tree); } | normalInterfaceDeclaration { buf.append($normalInterfaceDeclaration.tree); } | enumDeclaration { buf.append($enumDeclaration.tree); } | annotationTypeDeclaration { buf.append($annotationTypeDeclaration.tree); } | ';' { buf.append(, l.List.<JCStatement> nil())); } ; annotationMethodDeclaration returns [JCTree tree] @init {<JCVariableDecl> params = .javac.util.List.nil();<JCTypeParameter> typarams = ols.javac.util.List.nil();<JCExpression> thrown = avac.util.List.nil(); String dc = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).docComment; JCModifiers mods = null; JCExpression type = null; Name name = null; JCExpression defaultValue = null; int pos = 0; } @after { $tree =, name, type, typarams, params, thro wn, null, defaultValue); pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); pu.attach($tree,dc); } : modifiers type IDENTIFIER { mods = $modifiers.tree; type = $type.tree; name = ((AntlrJavacToken) $IDENTIFIER).name; pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $IDENTIFIER).getStartIndex(); } '(' ')' ('default' elementValue { defaultValue = $elementValue.tree; } )?

';' ; block returns [JCBlock tree] @init { ListBuffer<JCStatement> stats = new ListBuffer<JCStatement>(); int pos = 0; } @after { $tree =, stats.toList()); pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); } : lbr='{' { pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $lbr).getStartIndex(); } (bl=blockStatement { if ($bl.tree == null) { stats.appendList($bl.list); } else { stats.append($bl.tree); } } )* '}' ; staticBlock returns [JCBlock tree] @init { ListBuffer<JCStatement> stats = new ListBuffer<JCStatement>(); int pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).getStartIndex(); } @after { $tree =, stats.toList()); pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); // construct a dummy static modifiers for end position pu.storeEnd(, til.List.<JCAnnotation>nil()),$st); } : st='static' '{' (blockStatement { if ($blockStatement.tree == null) { stats.appendList($blockStatement.list); } else { stats.append($blockStatement.tree); } } )* '}' ; /* * this could return a list or a tree, caller has to test null and use properly. */ blockStatement returns [JCStatement tree,<JCStatem ent> list] @init { $tree = null; $list = null; }

(localVariableHeader)=>localVariableDeclarationStatement { $list = $localVariableDeclarationStatement.list; } (typeHeader)=>classOrInterfaceDeclaration { $tree = $classOrInterfaceDeclaration.tree; } statement { $tree = $statement.tree; }

; localVariableDeclarationStatement returns [<JCState ment> list] @after { if ($list.isEmpty() == false) { pu.storeEnd($list.last(), $stop); // position is the separator p osition } } : localVariableDeclaration { $list = $localVariableDeclaration.list; } ';' ; localVariableDeclaration returns [<JCStatement> lis t] @init { ListBuffer<JCStatement> listBuffer = new ListBuffer<JCStatement>(); JCModifiers mods = null; JCExpression type = null; Name name = null; JCExpression init = null; JCTree ptree = null; } @after { $list = listBuffer.toList(); if (ptree != null) { pu.storeEnd(ptree, $stop); } } : variableModifiers type { mods = $variableModifiers.tree; type = $type.tree; } va1=variableDeclarator { JCExpression ntype = pu.makeTypeArray(type,$va1.i, $va1.dimPosit ion, $va1.endPosition); JCStatement ntype1 =$va1.pos).VarDef(mods, $, ntyp e, $va1.tree); //pu.storeEnd(ntype1, $va1.stop); ptree = ntype1; listBuffer.append(ntype1);

} (cm=',' va2=variableDeclarator { JCExpression ntype = pu.makeTypeArray(type,$va2.i, $va2.dimPosit ion, $va2.endPosition); JCStatement ntype1 =$va2.pos).VarDef(mods, $, ntyp e, $va2.tree); pu.storeEnd(ptree, $cm); ptree = ntype1; listBuffer.append(ntype1); } )* ; statement returns [JCStatement tree] @init { boolean flag = false; } : bl=block { $tree = $bl.tree; } ( ass='assert' | {source.allowAsserts()==false&&input.LT(1).getText().equals("assert ")}?=> asid=IDENTIFIER { checkAssert($asid); } ) as1=expression (':' as2=expression)? sm1=';' { int aspos; if($ass!=null){ aspos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $ass).getStartIndex(); }else{ aspos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $asid).getStartIndex(); } $tree =$as1.tree, $as2.tree); pu.storeEnd($tree, $sm1); } | ift='if' cond=parExpression thenpart=statement (options {k=1;}: ('else') => 'else' elsepart=statement)? { $tree = $ift).getStartIndex()).If($cond. tree, $thenpart.tree, $elsepart.tree); } | fo=forstatement { $tree = $fo.tree; } | whl='while' pe=parExpression ws=statement { JCExpression cond1 = $pe.tree; JCStatement body1 = $ws.tree; $tree = $whl).getStartIndex()).WhileLoop (cond1, body1); } |

doo='do' ds=statement 'while' de=parExpression sm2=';' { JCStatement body2 = $ds.tree; JCExpression cond2 = $de.tree; $tree = $doo).getStartIndex()).DoLoop(bo dy2, cond2); pu.storeEnd($tree, $sm2); } | tr=trystatement { $tree = $tr.tree; } | swi='switch' sp=parExpression '{' sg=switchBlockStatementGroups rbr1='}' { JCExpression selector = $sp.tree;<JCCase> cases = $sg.list; $tree = $swi).getStartIndex()).Switch(se lector, cases); pu.storeEnd($tree, $rbr1); } | syn='synchronized' sp=parExpression sb=block { JCExpression lock = $sp.tree; JCBlock body = $sb.tree; $tree = $syn).getStartIndex()).Synchroni zed(lock, body); } | rtn='return' (rex=expression {flag=true;})? sm5=';' { JCExpression result = null; if (flag == true) { result = $rex.tree; } $tree = $rtn).getStartIndex()).Return(re sult); pu.storeEnd($tree, $sm5); } | thw='throw' te=expression smw=';' { JCExpression exc = $te.tree; $tree = $thw).getStartIndex()).Throw(exc ); pu.storeEnd($tree, $smw); } | brk='break' (id2=IDENTIFIER { flag = true; } )? sm7=';' { Name label = null; if (flag == true) { label = ((AntlrJavacToken) $id2).name; } $tree = $brk).getStartIndex()).Break (label); pu.storeEnd($tree, $sm7); } | cnt='continue'

(id3=IDENTIFIER { flag = true; } )? sm8=';' { Name label = null; if (flag == true) { label = ((AntlrJavacToken) $id3).name; } $tree = $cnt).getStartIndex()).Conti nue(label); pu.storeEnd($tree, $sm8); } | ex3=expression sm3=';' // was statementExpression, { $tree = $ex3.start).getStartIndex()).Exe c(pu.checkExprStat($ex3.tree)); pu.storeEnd($tree, $sm3); } | id4=IDENTIFIER ':' st4=statement { Name name = ((AntlrJavacToken) $id4).name; JCStatement stat = $st4.tree; $tree = $id4).getStartIndex()).Labelled( name, stat); //NOTE: error in jc parser, pu.storeEnd(T.Ident(((AntlrJavacToken) $id4).name),$id4); } | smi=';' { $tree = $smi).getStartIndex()).Skip(); pu.storeEnd($tree, $smi); } ; switchBlockStatementGroups returns [<JCCase> list] @init {<JCCase> buf = new javac.util.ListBuffer<JCCase>(); } @after { $list = buf.toList(); } : (switchBlockStatementGroup {buf.append($switchBlockStatementGroup.tree); })* ; switchBlockStatementGroup returns [JCCase tree] @init {<JCStatement> stmts = new com.sun .tools.javac.util.ListBuffer<JCStatement>(); JCExpression pat = null; int pos = 0; } @after { $tree =, stmts.toList()); if (stmts.isEmpty()) { pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop);

} } : switchLabel { pat = $switchLabel.tree; pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $switchLabel.start).getStartIndex(); } (blockStatement { if ($blockStatement.tree != null) { stmts.append($blockStatement.tree); } else { stmts.appendList($blockStatement.list); } } )* ; switchLabel returns [JCExpression tree] : 'case' expression ':' { $tree = $expression.tree; } | 'default' ':' { $tree = null; } ; trystatement returns [JCStatement tree] @init {<JCCatch> catchers = c.util.List.nil(); int pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).getStartIndex(); JCBlock body = null; JCBlock finalizer = null; } @after { $tree =, catchers, finalizer); } : 'try' bl=block { body = $bl.tree; } ( ca1=catches 'finally' bl2=block { catchers = $ca1.list; finalizer = $bl2.tree; } | ca2=catches { catchers = $ca2.list; } | 'finally' bl3=block { finalizer = $bl3.tree; } )

; catches returns [<JCCatch> list] @init {<JCCatch> buf = new .javac.util.ListBuffer<JCCatch>(); } @after { $list = buf.toList(); } : ca1=catchClause { buf.append($ca1.tree); } (ca2=catchClause { buf.append($ca2.tree); } )* ; catchClause returns [JCCatch tree] @init { JCVariableDecl formal = null; JCBlock body = null; int pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).getStartIndex(); } @after { $tree =, body); } : 'catch' '(' formalParameter { formal = $formalParameter.tree; } ')' block {body = $block.tree;} ; formalParameter returns [JCVariableDecl tree] @init { JCModifiers mods = null; JCExpression type = null; Name name = null; ArrayList<Integer> poss = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ArrayList<Integer> eposs = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int pos = 0; } @after { for (ti = poss.size() - 1; ti >= 0; ti--) { type =; pu.storeEnd(type, eposs.get(eposs.size() - 1) + 1); } mods.flags = mods.flags | Flags.PARAMETER; $tree =, name, type, null); pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); } : variableModifiers type IDENTIFIER { mods = $variableModifiers.tree; type = $type.tree; name = ((AntlrJavacToken) $IDENTIFIER).name;

pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $IDENTIFIER).getStartIndex(); } (lbr='[' rbr=']' { poss.add(((AntlrJavacToken) $lbr).getStartIndex()); eposs.add(((AntlrJavacToken) $rbr).getStartIndex()); } )* ; forstatement returns [JCStatement tree] @init { boolean hasInit = false, hasUpdate = false, hasCond = false; int pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).getStartIndex(); } : // enhanced for loop 'for' '(' variableModifiers type IDENTIFIER cole=':' { checkForeach($cole); } ex1=expression ')' st1=statement { JCVariableDecl var = $IDENTIFIER).getSta rtIndex()).VarDef($variableModifiers.tree, ((AntlrJavacToken) $IDENTIFIER).name, $type.tree, null); pu.storeEnd(var, $IDENTIFIER); JCExpression expr = $ex1.tree; JCStatement body = $st1.tree; $tree =, expr, body); } | // normal for loop 'for' '(' (forInit { hasInit = true; } )? ';' (ex2=expression { hasCond = true; } )? ';' (expressionList { hasUpdate = true; } )? ')' st2=statement { JCExpression cond = null; if (hasCond == true) { cond = $ex2.tree; }<JCStatement> inits; if (hasInit == false) { inits =; } else { inits = $forInit.list; }<JCExpressionStatement> steps; if (hasUpdate == false) { steps =;

} else { steps = pu.toExprStatementList($expressionList.list, $expres sionList.endPos); } JCStatement body = $st2.tree; $tree =, cond, steps, body); } ; forInit returns [<JCStatement> list] : localVariableDeclaration { $list = $localVariableDeclaration.list; } | expressionList { $list = pu.toStatementList($expressionList.list, $expressionList .endPos); } ; parExpression returns [JCExpression tree] : lbr='(' expression rbr=')' { $tree = $lbr).getStartIndex()).Parens($e xpression.tree); pu.storeEnd($tree, $rbr); } ; expressionList returns [<JCExpression> list, java.u til.ArrayList endPos] @init { ListBuffer<JCExpression> buf = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>(); $endPos = new ArrayList(); } @after { $list = buf.toList(); } : ex1=expression { buf.append($ex1.tree); $endPos.add(new Integer(((AntlrJavacToken) $ex1.stop).getStopInd ex())); } (',' ex2=expression { buf.append($ex2.tree); $endPos.add(new Integer(((AntlrJavacToken) $ex2.stop).getStopIndex() )); } )* ; expression returns [JCExpression tree] @init { JCExpression expr = null, val = null; int opcode = 0; boolean flag = false;

int pos = 0; } @after { if (val == null) { $tree = expr; } else { if (opcode == -1) { $tree =, val); pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); } else { $tree =, expr, val); } } } conditionalExpression { expr = $conditionalExpression.tree; } (assignmentOperator ex=expression { opcode = $assignmentOperator.i; pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $assignmentOperator.start).getStartInde val = $ex.tree; } )?


; assignmentOperator : '=' { $i } | '+=' { $i } | '-=' { $i } | '*=' { $i } | '/=' { $i } | '&=' { $i } | '|=' { $i } | '^=' { returns [int i] = -1;







$i = JCTree.BITXOR_ASG; } | '%=' { $i = JCTree.MOD_ASG; } | ('<' '<' '=')=> t1='<' t2='<' t3='=' { if (pu.verifyPosition($t1, $t2, $t3) == true) { $i = JCTree.SL_ASG; } else { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken)$t1).getStartIndex(), "not.stmt" } } | ('>' '>' '>' '=')=> t1='>' t2='>' t3='>' t4='=' { if (pu.verifyPosition($t1, $t2, $t3, $t4) == true) { $i = JCTree.USR_ASG; } else { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken)$t1).getStartIndex(), "not.stmt" } } | ('>' '>' '=')=> t1='>' t2='>' t3='=' { if (pu.verifyPosition($t1, $t2, $t3) == true) { $i = JCTree.SR_ASG; } else { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken)$t1).getStartIndex(), "not.stmt" } } ; conditionalExpression returns [JCExpression tree] @init { JCExpression t=null, t1=null, t2=null; int pos = 0; } @after { if (t1 == null) { $tree = t; } else { $tree =, t1, t2); } } : con=conditionalOrExpression { t=$con.tree; } (que='?' expression ':' ex2=conditionalExpression { t1 = $expression.tree; pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $que).getStartIndex(); t2=$ex2.tree; } )? ;




conditionalOrExpression returns [JCExpression tree] @init { JCExpression lhs=null, rhs=null; } @after { $tree = lhs; } : co1=conditionalAndExpression { lhs=$co1.tree; } (opr='||' co2=conditionalAndExpression { rhs=$co2.tree; $opr).getStartIndex()).Binary(JCTree .OR, lhs, rhs); } )* ; conditionalAndExpression returns [JCExpression tree] @init { JCExpression lhs=null, rhs=null; } @after { $tree = lhs; } : in1=inclusiveOrExpression { lhs=$in1.tree; } (opr='&&' in2=inclusiveOrExpression { rhs=$in2.tree; $opr).getStartIndex()).Binary(JCTree .AND, lhs, rhs); } )* ; inclusiveOrExpression returns [JCExpression tree] @init { JCExpression lhs=null, rhs=null; } @after { $tree = lhs; } : ex1=exclusiveOrExpression { lhs = $ex1.tree; } (opr='|' ex2=exclusiveOrExpression { rhs = $ex2.tree; lhs = $opr).getStartIndex()).Binary(JCTr ee.BITOR, lhs, rhs); } )* ;

exclusiveOrExpression returns [JCExpression tree] @init { JCExpression lhs=null, rhs=null; } @after { $tree = lhs; } : an1=andExpression { lhs = $an1.tree; } (opr='^' an2=andExpression { rhs = $an2.tree; lhs = $opr).getStartIndex()).Binary(JCTr ee.BITXOR, lhs, rhs); } )* ; andExpression returns [JCExpression tree] @init { JCExpression lhs=null, rhs=null; } @after { $tree = lhs; } : eq1=equalityExpression { lhs = $eq1.tree; } (opr='&' eq2=equalityExpression { rhs = $eq2.tree; lhs = $opr).getStartIndex()).Binary(JCTr ee.BITAND, lhs, rhs); } )* ; equalityExpression returns [JCExpression tree] @init { JCExpression lhs=null, rhs=null; token=null; int opcode=0; int pos = 0; } @after { $tree = lhs; } : in1=instanceOfExpression { lhs=$in1.tree; } ( ( eqeq='==' { opcode=JCTree.EQ; pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $eqeq).getStartIndex(); }

beq='!=' { opcode=JCTree.NE; pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $beq).getStartIndex(); }

) in2=instanceOfExpression { rhs=$in2.tree;, lhs, rhs); } )* ; instanceOfExpression returns [JCExpression tree] @init { JCExpression lhs=null, rhs=null; } @after { $tree = lhs; } : rex=relationalExpression { lhs = $rex.tree; } (opr='instanceof' ty=type { rhs = $ty.tree; lhs = $opr).getStartIndex()).TypeTest(lh s, rhs); } )? ; relationalExpression returns [JCExpression tree] @init { JCExpression lhs=null, rhs=null; int opcode = 0; } @after { $tree = lhs; } : sh1=shiftExpression { lhs=$sh1.tree; } (op=relationalOp sh2=shiftExpression { opcode = $op.i; rhs = $sh2.tree; lhs = $op.start).getStartIndex()).Binary (opcode, lhs, rhs); } )* ; relationalOp returns [int i] : ('<' '=')=> t1='<' t2='=' { if (pu.verifyPosition($t1, $t2) == true) {

$i = JCTree.LE; } else { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken)$t1).getStartIndex(), "not.stmt" ); } } | ('>' '=')=> t1='>' t2='=' { if (pu.verifyPosition($t1, $t2) == true) { $i = JCTree.GE; } else { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken)$t1).getStartIndex(), "not.stmt" } } | '<' { $i = JCTree.LT; } | '>' { $i = JCTree.GT; } ; shiftExpression returns [JCExpression tree] @init { JCExpression lhs = null, rhs = null; token = null; int opcode = 0; } @after { $tree = lhs; } : ad1=additiveExpression { lhs = $ad1.tree; } (st=shiftOp ad2=additiveExpression { opcode = $st.i; rhs = $ad2.tree; lhs = $st.start).getStartIndex()).Binary (opcode, lhs, rhs); } )* ; shiftOp returns [int i] : ('<' '<')=> t1='<' t2='<' { if (pu.verifyPosition($t1, $t2) == true) { $i = JCTree.SL; } else { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken)$t1).getStartIndex(), "not.stmt" ); } }


('>' '>' '>')=> t1='>' t2='>' t3='>' { if (pu.verifyPosition($t1, $t2, $t3) == true) { $i = JCTree.USR; } else { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken)$t1).getStartIndex(), "not.stmt" } }

); | ('>' '>')=> t1='>' t2='>' { if (pu.verifyPosition($t1, $t2) == true) { $i = JCTree.SR; } else { log.error(((AntlrJavacToken)$t1).getStartIndex(), "not.stmt" } } ; additiveExpression returns [JCExpression tree] @init { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); JCExpression lhs=null, rhs=null; boolean folding = true; int opcode = 0; int count = 1; int pos = 0; } @after { if (folding == false || count == 1) { $tree = lhs; } else { $tree =, buf.toString()); pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); } } : ml1=multiplicativeExpression { lhs = $ml1.tree; if (lhs.getKind() != com.sun.source.tree.Tree.Kind.STRING_LITER AL) { folding = false; buf = null; } else { buf.append(((JCLiteral)lhs).value.toString()); } } ( ( plu='+' { opcode = JCTree.PLUS; pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $plu).getStartIndex(); } | min='-' { opcode = JCTree.MINUS; pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $min).getStartIndex(); } )


ml2=multiplicativeExpression { rhs = $ml2.tree; lhs =, lhs, rhs); if (folding == true && opcode == JCTree.PLUS && rhs.getKind( ) == com.sun.source.tree.Tree.Kind.STRING_LITERAL) { buf.append(((JCLiteral)rhs).value.toString()); } else { folding = false; buf = null; } count++; } )* ; multiplicativeExpression returns [JCExpression tree] @init { JCExpression lhs=null, rhs=null; int opcode = 0; int pos = 0; } @after { $tree = lhs; } : un1=unaryExpression { lhs = $un1.tree; } ( ( opr1='*' { opcode = JCTree.MUL; pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $opr1).getStartIndex(); } | opr2='/' { opcode = JCTree.DIV; pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $opr2).getStartIndex(); } | opr3='%' { opcode = JCTree.MOD; pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $opr3).getStartIndex(); } ) un2=unaryExpression { rhs = $un2.tree; lhs =, lhs, rhs); } )* ; /** * NOTE: for '+' and '-', if the next token is int or long interal, then it's no t a unary expression. * it's a literal with signed value. INTLTERAL AND LONG LITERAL are added here for this.

*/ unaryExpression returns [JCExpression tree] @init { int pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).getStartIndex(); } : '+' un1=unaryExpression { $tree =, $un1.tree); } | '-' INTLITERAL { $tree = pu.parseMinusInt($INTLITERAL, pos); } | '-' LONGLITERAL { $tree = pu.parseMinusInt($LONGLITERAL, pos); } | '-' un2=unaryExpression { $tree =, $un2.tree); } | '++' un3=unaryExpression { $tree =, $un3.tree); } | '--' un4=unaryExpression { $tree =, $un4.tree); } | unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus { $tree=$unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus.tree; } ; unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus returns [JCExpression tree] @init { JCExpression expr = null; int pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).getStartIndex(); } @after { $tree = expr; } : '~' un1=unaryExpression { expr =, $un1.tree); } | '!' un2=unaryExpression { expr =, $un2.tree); } | ca=castExpression { expr=$ca.tree; } | pr=primary { expr=$pr.tree; } (se=selector[expr]

{ expr=$se.tree; } )* ( pp='++' { expr = $pp).getStartIndex()).Unary(J CTree.POSTINC,expr); pu.storeEnd(expr, $pp); | } mm='--' { expr = $mm).getStartIndex()).Unary(J CTree.POSTDEC,expr); pu.storeEnd(expr, $mm); } )? ; castExpression returns [JCExpression tree] @init { JCExpression clazz = null, expr=null; int pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).getStartIndex(); } @after { $tree =, expr); } : '(' primitiveType ')' unaryExpression { clazz=$primitiveType.tree; expr=$unaryExpression.tree; } | '(' type ')' unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus { clazz=$type.tree; expr=$unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus.tree; } ; /** * have to use scope here, parameter passing isn't well supported in antlr. */ primary returns [JCExpression tree] scope { JCExpression prim; } @init { JCExpression expr = null; ArrayList<Integer> poss = null; ArrayList<Integer> eposs = null; int pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).getStartIndex(); } @after { $tree = expr; : | } par=parExpression {expr = $par.tree; } thi1='this' { expr =; pu.storeEnd(expr, $thi1);

$primary::prim = expr; // check "this.class if (input.LA(2) == CLASS && input.LA(1) == DOT) { log.error(pos, "expected", "identifier"); } } (dt1='.' id1=IDENTIFIER { expr = $dt1).getStartIndex()).Select(exp r, ((AntlrJavacToken)id1).name); pu.storeEnd(expr, $id1); $primary::prim = expr; } )* (id2=identifierSuffix { expr = $id2.tree; } )? | id5=IDENTIFIER { expr = id5).name); pu.storeEnd(expr, $id5); $primary::prim = expr; } (dt2='.' id6=IDENTIFIER { expr = $dt2).getStartIndex()).Select(exp r, ((AntlrJavacToken)id6).name); pu.storeEnd(expr, $id6); $primary::prim=expr; } )* (id7=identifierSuffix { expr=$id7.tree; } )? | sup1='super' { expr =; } su=superSuffix[expr] { expr=$su.tree; } | li=literal { expr=$li.tree; } | cr=creator { expr=$cr.tree; } | pr=primitiveType { expr=$pr.tree; poss=new ArrayList<Integer>(); eposs=new ArrayList<Integer>(); }

(lbr='[' rbr=']' { poss.add(((AntlrJavacToken) $lbr).getStartIndex()); eposs.add(((AntlrJavacToken) $rbr).getStartIndex()); } )* { for (ti = poss.size() - 1; ti >= 0; ti--) { expr =; pu.storeEnd(expr, eposs.get(eposs.size() - 1) + 1); } } dt3='.' cla='class' { expr = $dt3).getStartIndex()).Select(exp r, names._class); pu.storeEnd(expr, $cla); } | vod='void' dt4='.' cla2='class' { expr =; pu.storeEnd(expr, $vod); expr = $dt4).getStartIndex()).Select(exp r, names._class); pu.storeEnd(expr, $cla2); } ; superSuffix [JCExpression p] returns [JCExpression tree] @init { JCExpression expr = $p;<JCExpression> typeArgs = .javac.util.List.nil();<JCExpression> args = null; Name name = null; int pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).getStartIndex(); int pos1 = 0; } @after { $tree = expr; } : ag1=arguments { expr =, expr, $ag1.list); pu.storeEnd(expr, $ag1.stop); } | '.' (ty=typeArguments { typeArgs = $ty.list; } )? IDENTIFIER { name =((AntlrJavacToken) $IDENTIFIER).name; } (ag2=arguments { args = $ag2.list; pos1 = ((AntlrJavacToken) $ag2.start).getStartIndex();

} )? { expr =, name); pu.storeEnd(expr, $IDENTIFIER); if (args != null) { expr =, expr, args); if (input.LA(1) == DOT) { pu.storeEnd(expr, input.LT(1)); // NOTE, should delete t his, jc bug } else { pu.storeEnd(expr, $ag2.stop); } } } ; identifierSuffix returns [JCExpression tree] @init { JCExpression expr = $primary::prim; ArrayList<Integer> poss = null; ArrayList<Integer> eposs = null; int pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).getStartIndex(); } @after { $tree = expr; } : ( lbr1='[' rbr1=']' { if (poss == null) { poss = new ArrayList<Integer>(); eposs = new ArrayList<Integer>(); } poss.add(((AntlrJavacToken) $lbr1).getStartIndex()); eposs.add(((AntlrJavacToken) $rbr1).getStartIndex()); } )+ dt1='.' cla1='class' { for (ti = poss.size() - 1; ti >= 0; ti--) { expr =; pu.storeEnd(expr, eposs.get(eposs.size() - 1) + 1); } expr = $dt1).getStartIndex()).Select(exp r, names._class); pu.storeEnd(expr, $cla1); } | (lbr2='[' exp=expression rbr2=']' { expr = $lbr2).getStartIndex()).Indexed(e xpr, $exp.tree); pu.storeEnd(expr, $rbr2); } )+ | ag1=arguments {<JCExpression> typeArgs = com.sun.t ools.javac.util.List.nil();<JCExpression> args = $ag1.list; expr =, expr, args);

pu.storeEnd(expr, $ag1.stop); } | '.' cla2='class' { expr =, names._class); pu.storeEnd(expr, $cla2); } | '.' nw=nonWildcardTypeArguments id=IDENTIFIER ags=arguments { expr =, ((AntlrJavacToken) $id).name); pu.storeEnd(expr, $id);<JCExpression> typeArgs = $nw.list;<JCExpression> args = $ags.list; expr = $ags.start).getStartIndex()).Appl y(typeArgs, expr, args); pu.storeEnd(expr, $ags.stop); } | '.' thi='this' { expr =, names._this); pu.storeEnd(expr, $thi); } | '.' sup1='super' ag2=arguments { expr =, names._super); pu.storeEnd(expr, $sup1);<JCExpression> typeArgs = com.sun.t ools.javac.util.List.nil();<JCExpression> args = $ag2.list; expr = $ag2.start).getStartIndex()).Appl y(typeArgs, expr, args); pu.storeEnd(expr, $ag2.stop); } | in=innerCreator[expr] { expr = $in.tree; } ; selector [JCExpression p] returns [JCExpression tree] @init { JCExpression expr=$p; int pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).getStartIndex(); } @after { $tree = expr; } : '.' IDENTIFIER { expr =, ((AntlrJavacToken) $IDENTIFIER).na me); pu.storeEnd(expr, $IDENTIFIER); } (arguments {<JCExpression> typeArgs = com.sun.t ools.javac.util.List.nil();<JCExpression> args = $ st; expr = $arguments.start).getStartIndex()

).Apply(typeArgs, expr, args); pu.storeEnd(expr, $arguments.stop); } )? | '.' thi='this' { expr =, names._this); pu.storeEnd(expr, $thi); } | '.' sup1='super' { expr =, names._super); pu.storeEnd(expr, $sup1); } su=superSuffix[expr] { expr = $su.tree; } | innerCreator[expr] { expr = $innerCreator.tree; } | '[' expression rb=']' { expr =, $expression.tree); pu.storeEnd(expr, $rb); } ; creator returns [JCExpression tree] @init { JCExpression expr = null; JCExpression encl=null;<JCExpression> typeArgs = com.sun.t ools.javac.util.List.nil(); JCExpression createdName = null;;<JCExpression> args = .javac.util.List.nil(); JCClassDecl body = null; int pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).getStartIndex(); } : 'new' nonWildcardTypeArguments cr1=classOrInterfaceType cl1=classCreator Rest { typeArgs = $nonWildcardTypeArguments.list; createdName = $cr1.tree; args = $cl1.list; body = $cl1.tree; $tree =, typeArgs, createdName, args, bo dy); pu.storeEnd($tree, $cl1.stop); } | 'new' cr2=classOrInterfaceType cl2=classCreatorRest { createdName = $cr2.tree; args = $cl2.list; body = $cl2.tree; $tree =, typeArgs, createdName, args, bo dy); pu.storeEnd($tree, $cl2.stop);

} arrayCreator { $tree = $arrayCreator.tree; }

; arrayCreator returns [JCExpression tree] @init { ListBuffer<JCExpression> dims = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>(); JCExpression expr = null; ArrayList<Integer> poss = null; ArrayList<Integer> eposs = null; int pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).getStartIndex(); } @after { $tree = expr; pu.storeEnd($tree, $stop); } : 'new' cr1=createdName { expr=$cr1.tree; } '[' ']' (lbr1='[' rbr1=']' { if (poss == null) { poss = new ArrayList<Integer>(); eposs = new ArrayList<Integer>(); } poss.add(((AntlrJavacToken) $lbr1).getStartIndex()); eposs.add(((AntlrJavacToken) $rbr1).getStartIndex()); } )* ar=arrayInitializer { if (poss != null) for (ti = poss.size() - 1; ti >= 0; ti--) { expr =; pu.storeEnd(expr, eposs.get(eposs.size()-1)+1); } expr =,<J CExpression>nil(), $ar.list); } | 'new' cr2=createdName { expr = $cr2.tree; } '[' ex1=expression { dims.append($ex1.tree); } ']' ( '[' ex2=expression { dims.append($ex2.tree); } ']' )*

(lbr2='[' rbr2=']' { if (poss == null) { poss = new ArrayList<Integer>(); eposs = new ArrayList<Integer>(); } poss.add(((AntlrJavacToken) $lbr2).getStartIndex()); eposs.add(((AntlrJavacToken) $rbr2).getStartIndex()); } )* { if (poss != null) for (ti = poss.size() - 1; ti >= 0; ti--) { expr =; pu.storeEnd(expr, eposs.get(eposs.size() - 1) + 1); } expr =, dims.toList(), null); } ; variableInitializer returns [JCExpression tree] : arrayInitializer { $tree = $arrayInitializer.start).getStar tIndex()).NewArray(null,<JCExpression>nil(), $arr ayInitializer.list); pu.storeEnd($tree, $arrayInitializer.stop); } | expression { $tree=$expression.tree; } ; arrayInitializer returns [<JCExpression> list] @init { ListBuffer<JCExpression> buf = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>(); } @after { $list = buf.toList(); } : '{' (va1=variableInitializer { buf.append($va1.tree); } (',' va2=variableInitializer { buf.append($va2.tree); } )* )? (',')? '}' //Yang's fix, position change. ; createdName returns [JCExpression tree] : classOrInterfaceType {

$tree=$classOrInterfaceType.tree; } primitiveType { $tree=$primitiveType.tree; }

; innerCreator [JCExpression p] returns [JCExpression tree] @init { JCExpression expr = $p;<JCExpression> typeArgs = null; // if n o args, list is null JCExpression createdName = null;<JCExpression> args = null; } @after { $tree = expr; } : '.' nl='new' (nonWildcardTypeArguments { typeArgs = $nonWildcardTypeArguments.list; } )? IDENTIFIER { createdName = $IDENTIFIER).getStartIndex ()).Ident(((AntlrJavacToken) $IDENTIFIER).name); pu.storeEnd(createdName, $IDENTIFIER); } (typeArguments { createdName = $IDENTIFIER).getStartIndex ()).TypeApply(createdName, $typeArguments.list); pu.storeEnd(createdName, $typeArguments.stop); } )? classCreatorRest { expr = $nl).getStartIndex()).NewClass(ex pr, typeArgs, createdName, $classCreatorRest.list, $classCreatorRest.tree); pu.storeEnd(expr, $classCreatorRest.stop); } ; classCreatorRest returns [<JCExpression> list, JCCl assDecl tree] @init { $tree = null; } : arguments { $list=$arguments.list; } (classBody { JCModifiers mods =;

$tree = $classBody.start).getStartIndex( )).AnonymousClassDef(mods, $classBody.list); pu.storeEnd($tree, $classBody.stop); } )? ; nonWildcardTypeArguments returns [<JCExpression> li st] : lb='<' typeList { $list=$typeList.list; checkGeneric($lb); } '>' ; arguments returns [<JCExpression> list] @after { if ($list == null) { $list =; } } : '(' (ex=expressionList { $list=$ex.list; } )? ')' ; literal returns [JCExpression tree] @init { AntlrJavacToken token; String val = null; int pos = ((AntlrJavacToken) $start).getStartIndex(); } : INTLITERAL { $tree = pu.parseInt($INTLITERAL); } | LONGLITERAL { $tree = pu.parseInt($LONGLITERAL); } | FLOATLITERAL { $tree = pu.parseFloat($FLOATLITERAL); } | DOUBLELITERAL { $tree = pu.parseFloat($DOUBLELITERAL); } | CHARLITERAL { $tree =, ((AntlrJavacToken) $CHA RLITERAL).stringVal.charAt(0) + 0); pu.storeEnd($tree, $CHARLITERAL); } | STRINGLITERAL

{ $tree =, ((AntlrJavacToken) $ST RINGLITERAL).stringVal); pu.storeEnd($tree, $STRINGLITERAL); } | TRUE { $tree =, 1); pu.storeEnd($tree, $TRUE); } | FALSE { $tree =, 0); pu.storeEnd($tree, $FALSE); } | NULL { $tree =, null); pu.storeEnd($tree, $NULL); } ; /** * These are headers help to make syntatical predicates, not necessary but helps to make grammar faster. */ classHeader : modifiers 'class' IDENTIFIER ; enumHeader : modifiers ('enum'|IDENTIFIER) IDENTIFIER ; interfaceHeader : modifiers 'interface' IDENTIFIER ; annotationHeader : modifiers '@' 'interface' IDENTIFIER ; typeHeader : modifiers ('class'|'enum'|('@' ? 'interface')) IDENTIFIER ; methodHeader : modifiers typeParameters? (type|'void')? IDENTIFIER '(' ; fieldHeader : modifiers type IDENTIFIER ('['']')* ('='|','|';') ; localVariableHeader : variableModifiers type IDENTIFIER ('['']')* ('='|','|';') ;

/******************************************************************************* ************* Lexer section ******************************************************************************** *************/ LONGLITERAL : IntegerNumber LongSuffix ; INTLITERAL : IntegerNumber ; fragment IntegerNumber : '0' { | radix = 8; // jc bug. '0' parsed as octal. } '1'..'9' ('0'..'9')* // decimal { radix = 10; } '0' ('0'..'7')+ // octal { radix = 8; } HexPrefix HexDigit+ // hex { radix = 16; }

; fragment HexPrefix : '0x' | '0X' ; fragment HexDigit : ('0'..'9'|'a'..'f'|'A'..'F') ; fragment LongSuffix : 'l' | 'L' ; fragment NonIntegerNumber @init{ radix = 10; } : ('0' .. '9')+ '.' ('0' .. '9')* Exponent? | '.' ( '0' .. '9' )+ Exponent?

| | |

('0' .. '9')+ Exponent ('0' .. '9')+ { boolean hasHex=false; radix=16; } HexPrefix (HexDigit {hasHex=true;})* ( () | ('.' (HexDigit {hasHex=true;})* ) ) ( 'p' | 'P' ) ( '+' | '-' )? ( '0' .. '9' )+ { if(hasHex==false){ log.error(input.index(),"invalid.hex.number"); } } ;

fragment Exponent : ( 'e' | 'E' ) ( '+' | '-' )? ( '0' .. '9' )+ ; fragment FloatSuffix : 'f' | 'F' ; fragment DoubleSuffix : 'd' | 'D' ; FLOATLITERAL : NonIntegerNumber FloatSuffix ; DOUBLELITERAL : NonIntegerNumber DoubleSuffix? ; CHARLITERAL : '\'' ( EscapeSequence[stringBuffer] | c=~( '\'' | '\\' | '\r' | '\n' ) { stringBuffer.append((char)$c); } ) '\'' ; STRINGLITERAL : '"' ( EscapeSequence[stringBuffer] | c=~( '\\' | '"' | '\r' | '\n' ) { stringBuffer.append((char)$c);

} )* '"' ; fragment EscapeSequence [StringBuffer buf] : '\\' ( 'b' { buf.append('\b'); } | 't' { buf.append('\t'); } | 'n' { buf.append('\n'); } | 'f' { buf.append('\f'); } | 'r' { buf.append('\r'); } | '\"' { buf.append('\"'); } | '\'' { buf.append('\''); } | '\\' { buf.append('\\'); } | { buf.append(digitsToChar(8, input.LA(1), input.LA(2), in put.LA(3))); } ('0'..'3') ('0'..'7') ('0'..'7') | { buf.append(digitsToChar(8, input.LA(1), input.LA(2))); } ('0'..'7') ('0'..'7') | { buf.append(digitsToChar(8, input.LA(1))); } ('0'..'7') ) ; WS : ( | ' ' '\r'

| | | ) { } ; COMMENT

'\t' '\u000C' '\n' skip();

@init{ boolean isJavaDoc = false; } '/*' { if((char)input.LA(1) == '*'){ isJavaDoc = true; } } (options {greedy=false;} : . )* '*/' { if(isJavaDoc==true){ $channel=HIDDEN; }else{ skip(); } }

; LINE_COMMENT : '//' ~('\n'|'\r')* ('\r\n' | '\r' | '\n') { skip(); } | '//' ~('\n'|'\r')* // a line comment could appear at the end of the file without CR/LF { skip(); } ; ABSTRACT : 'abstract' ; ASSERT : 'assert' { if(assertSupported()==false){ $type = IDENTIFIER; } } ; BOOLEAN : 'boolean' ; BREAK

: ; BYTE : ; CASE : ; CATCH : ; CHAR : ; CLASS : ; CONST : ;








CONTINUE : 'continue' ; DEFAULT : 'default' ; DO : ; 'do'

DOUBLE : 'double' ; ELSE : ; ENUM : 'enum' { if(enumSupported()==false){ $type=IDENTIFIER; } } ; EXTENDS : 'extends' ; 'else'



FINALLY : 'finally' ; FLOAT : ; FOR : ; GOTO : ; IF : ; 'if' 'goto' 'for' 'float'

IMPLEMENTS : 'implements' ; IMPORT : 'import' ; INSTANCEOF : 'instanceof' ; INT : ; 'int'

INTERFACE : 'interface' ; LONG : ; 'long'

NATIVE : 'native' ; NEW : ; 'new'

PACKAGE : 'package' ;

PRIVATE : 'private' ; PROTECTED : 'protected' ; PUBLIC : 'public' ; RETURN : 'return' ; SHORT : ; 'short'

STATIC : 'static' ; STRICTFP : 'strictfp' ; SUPER : ; 'super'

SWITCH : 'switch' ; SYNCHRONIZED : 'synchronized' ; THIS : ; THROW : ; 'this'


THROWS : 'throws' ; TRANSIENT : 'transient' ; TRY : ; 'try'

VOID : ; 'void'

VOLATILE : 'volatile' ; WHILE : ; TRUE : ; FALSE : ; NULL : ; 'null' 'true' 'while'


LPAREN : '(' ; RPAREN : ')' ; LBRACE : '{' ; RBRACE : '}' ; LBRACKET : '[' ; RBRACKET : ']' ; SEMI : ; COMMA : ; DOT : ; '.' ';'


ELLIPSIS : '...' ; EQ : ; BANG : ; TILDE : ; QUES : ; COLON : ; EQEQ : ; '==' '?' '!' '='



AMPAMP : '&&' ; BARBAR : '||' ; PLUSPLUS : '++' ; SUBSUB : '--' ; PLUS : ; SUB : ; STAR : ; SLASH : ; '*' '-' '+'


AMP : ; BAR : ; CARET : ; '|' '&'


PERCENT : '%' ; PLUSEQ : '+=' ; SUBEQ : ; '-='

STAREQ : '*=' ; SLASHEQ : '/=' ; AMPEQ : ; BAREQ : ; '&='


CARETEQ : '^=' ; PERCENTEQ : '%=' ; MONKEYS_AT : '@' ; BANGEQ : '!=' ; GT : ; '>'

LT : ; '<'

IDENTIFIER : IdentifierStart IdentifierPart* ; fragment SurrogateIdentifer : ('\ud800'..'\udbff') ('\udc00'..'\udfff') ; fragment IdentifierStart : '\u0024' | '\u0041'..'\u005a' | '\u005f' | '\u0061'..'\u007a' | '\u00a2'..'\u00a5' | '\u00aa' | '\u00b5' | '\u00ba' | '\u00c0'..'\u00d6' | '\u00d8'..'\u00f6' | '\u00f8'..'\u0236' | '\u0250'..'\u02c1' | '\u02c6'..'\u02d1' | '\u02e0'..'\u02e4' | '\u02ee' | '\u037a' | '\u0386' | '\u0388'..'\u038a' | '\u038c' | '\u038e'..'\u03a1' | '\u03a3'..'\u03ce' | '\u03d0'..'\u03f5' | '\u03f7'..'\u03fb' | '\u0400'..'\u0481' | '\u048a'..'\u04ce' | '\u04d0'..'\u04f5' | '\u04f8'..'\u04f9' | '\u0500'..'\u050f' | '\u0531'..'\u0556' | '\u0559' | '\u0561'..'\u0587' | '\u05d0'..'\u05ea' | '\u05f0'..'\u05f2' | '\u0621'..'\u063a' | '\u0640'..'\u064a' | '\u066e'..'\u066f' | '\u0671'..'\u06d3' | '\u06d5' | '\u06e5'..'\u06e6' | '\u06ee'..'\u06ef' | '\u06fa'..'\u06fc' | '\u06ff' | '\u0710' | '\u0712'..'\u072f' | '\u074d'..'\u074f'

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

'\u0780'..'\u07a5' '\u07b1' '\u0904'..'\u0939' '\u093d' '\u0950' '\u0958'..'\u0961' '\u0985'..'\u098c' '\u098f'..'\u0990' '\u0993'..'\u09a8' '\u09aa'..'\u09b0' '\u09b2' '\u09b6'..'\u09b9' '\u09bd' '\u09dc'..'\u09dd' '\u09df'..'\u09e1' '\u09f0'..'\u09f3' '\u0a05'..'\u0a0a' '\u0a0f'..'\u0a10' '\u0a13'..'\u0a28' '\u0a2a'..'\u0a30' '\u0a32'..'\u0a33' '\u0a35'..'\u0a36' '\u0a38'..'\u0a39' '\u0a59'..'\u0a5c' '\u0a5e' '\u0a72'..'\u0a74' '\u0a85'..'\u0a8d' '\u0a8f'..'\u0a91' '\u0a93'..'\u0aa8' '\u0aaa'..'\u0ab0' '\u0ab2'..'\u0ab3' '\u0ab5'..'\u0ab9' '\u0abd' '\u0ad0' '\u0ae0'..'\u0ae1' '\u0af1' '\u0b05'..'\u0b0c' '\u0b0f'..'\u0b10' '\u0b13'..'\u0b28' '\u0b2a'..'\u0b30' '\u0b32'..'\u0b33' '\u0b35'..'\u0b39' '\u0b3d' '\u0b5c'..'\u0b5d' '\u0b5f'..'\u0b61' '\u0b71' '\u0b83' '\u0b85'..'\u0b8a' '\u0b8e'..'\u0b90' '\u0b92'..'\u0b95' '\u0b99'..'\u0b9a' '\u0b9c' '\u0b9e'..'\u0b9f' '\u0ba3'..'\u0ba4' '\u0ba8'..'\u0baa' '\u0bae'..'\u0bb5' '\u0bb7'..'\u0bb9' '\u0bf9' '\u0c05'..'\u0c0c' '\u0c0e'..'\u0c10'

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

'\u0c12'..'\u0c28' '\u0c2a'..'\u0c33' '\u0c35'..'\u0c39' '\u0c60'..'\u0c61' '\u0c85'..'\u0c8c' '\u0c8e'..'\u0c90' '\u0c92'..'\u0ca8' '\u0caa'..'\u0cb3' '\u0cb5'..'\u0cb9' '\u0cbd' '\u0cde' '\u0ce0'..'\u0ce1' '\u0d05'..'\u0d0c' '\u0d0e'..'\u0d10' '\u0d12'..'\u0d28' '\u0d2a'..'\u0d39' '\u0d60'..'\u0d61' '\u0d85'..'\u0d96' '\u0d9a'..'\u0db1' '\u0db3'..'\u0dbb' '\u0dbd' '\u0dc0'..'\u0dc6' '\u0e01'..'\u0e30' '\u0e32'..'\u0e33' '\u0e3f'..'\u0e46' '\u0e81'..'\u0e82' '\u0e84' '\u0e87'..'\u0e88' '\u0e8a' '\u0e8d' '\u0e94'..'\u0e97' '\u0e99'..'\u0e9f' '\u0ea1'..'\u0ea3' '\u0ea5' '\u0ea7' '\u0eaa'..'\u0eab' '\u0ead'..'\u0eb0' '\u0eb2'..'\u0eb3' '\u0ebd' '\u0ec0'..'\u0ec4' '\u0ec6' '\u0edc'..'\u0edd' '\u0f00' '\u0f40'..'\u0f47' '\u0f49'..'\u0f6a' '\u0f88'..'\u0f8b' '\u1000'..'\u1021' '\u1023'..'\u1027' '\u1029'..'\u102a' '\u1050'..'\u1055' '\u10a0'..'\u10c5' '\u10d0'..'\u10f8' '\u1100'..'\u1159' '\u115f'..'\u11a2' '\u11a8'..'\u11f9' '\u1200'..'\u1206' '\u1208'..'\u1246' '\u1248' '\u124a'..'\u124d' '\u1250'..'\u1256'

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

'\u1258' '\u125a'..'\u125d' '\u1260'..'\u1286' '\u1288' '\u128a'..'\u128d' '\u1290'..'\u12ae' '\u12b0' '\u12b2'..'\u12b5' '\u12b8'..'\u12be' '\u12c0' '\u12c2'..'\u12c5' '\u12c8'..'\u12ce' '\u12d0'..'\u12d6' '\u12d8'..'\u12ee' '\u12f0'..'\u130e' '\u1310' '\u1312'..'\u1315' '\u1318'..'\u131e' '\u1320'..'\u1346' '\u1348'..'\u135a' '\u13a0'..'\u13f4' '\u1401'..'\u166c' '\u166f'..'\u1676' '\u1681'..'\u169a' '\u16a0'..'\u16ea' '\u16ee'..'\u16f0' '\u1700'..'\u170c' '\u170e'..'\u1711' '\u1720'..'\u1731' '\u1740'..'\u1751' '\u1760'..'\u176c' '\u176e'..'\u1770' '\u1780'..'\u17b3' '\u17d7' '\u17db'..'\u17dc' '\u1820'..'\u1877' '\u1880'..'\u18a8' '\u1900'..'\u191c' '\u1950'..'\u196d' '\u1970'..'\u1974' '\u1d00'..'\u1d6b' '\u1e00'..'\u1e9b' '\u1ea0'..'\u1ef9' '\u1f00'..'\u1f15' '\u1f18'..'\u1f1d' '\u1f20'..'\u1f45' '\u1f48'..'\u1f4d' '\u1f50'..'\u1f57' '\u1f59' '\u1f5b' '\u1f5d' '\u1f5f'..'\u1f7d' '\u1f80'..'\u1fb4' '\u1fb6'..'\u1fbc' '\u1fbe' '\u1fc2'..'\u1fc4' '\u1fc6'..'\u1fcc' '\u1fd0'..'\u1fd3' '\u1fd6'..'\u1fdb' '\u1fe0'..'\u1fec'

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

'\u1ff2'..'\u1ff4' '\u1ff6'..'\u1ffc' '\u203f'..'\u2040' '\u2054' '\u2071' '\u207f' '\u20a0'..'\u20b1' '\u2102' '\u2107' '\u210a'..'\u2113' '\u2115' '\u2119'..'\u211d' '\u2124' '\u2126' '\u2128' '\u212a'..'\u212d' '\u212f'..'\u2131' '\u2133'..'\u2139' '\u213d'..'\u213f' '\u2145'..'\u2149' '\u2160'..'\u2183' '\u3005'..'\u3007' '\u3021'..'\u3029' '\u3031'..'\u3035' '\u3038'..'\u303c' '\u3041'..'\u3096' '\u309d'..'\u309f' '\u30a1'..'\u30ff' '\u3105'..'\u312c' '\u3131'..'\u318e' '\u31a0'..'\u31b7' '\u31f0'..'\u31ff' '\u3400'..'\u4db5' '\u4e00'..'\u9fa5' '\ua000'..'\ua48c' '\uac00'..'\ud7a3' '\uf900'..'\ufa2d' '\ufa30'..'\ufa6a' '\ufb00'..'\ufb06' '\ufb13'..'\ufb17' '\ufb1d' '\ufb1f'..'\ufb28' '\ufb2a'..'\ufb36' '\ufb38'..'\ufb3c' '\ufb3e' '\ufb40'..'\ufb41' '\ufb43'..'\ufb44' '\ufb46'..'\ufbb1' '\ufbd3'..'\ufd3d' '\ufd50'..'\ufd8f' '\ufd92'..'\ufdc7' '\ufdf0'..'\ufdfc' '\ufe33'..'\ufe34' '\ufe4d'..'\ufe4f' '\ufe69' '\ufe70'..'\ufe74' '\ufe76'..'\ufefc' '\uff04' '\uff21'..'\uff3a' '\uff3f'

| '\uff41'..'\uff5a' | '\uff65'..'\uffbe' | '\uffc2'..'\uffc7' | '\uffca'..'\uffcf' | '\uffd2'..'\uffd7' | '\uffda'..'\uffdc' | '\uffe0'..'\uffe1' | '\uffe5'..'\uffe6' | {isValidSurrogateIdentifierStart((char)input.LA(1), (char)input.LA(2))}? =>('\ud800'..'\udbff') ('\udc00'..'\udfff') ; fragment IdentifierPart : '\u0000'..'\u0008' | '\u000e'..'\u001b' | '\u0024' | '\u0030'..'\u0039' | '\u0041'..'\u005a' | '\u005f' | '\u0061'..'\u007a' | '\u007f'..'\u009f' | '\u00a2'..'\u00a5' | '\u00aa' | '\u00ad' | '\u00b5' | '\u00ba' | '\u00c0'..'\u00d6' | '\u00d8'..'\u00f6' | '\u00f8'..'\u0236' | '\u0250'..'\u02c1' | '\u02c6'..'\u02d1' | '\u02e0'..'\u02e4' | '\u02ee' | '\u0300'..'\u0357' | '\u035d'..'\u036f' | '\u037a' | '\u0386' | '\u0388'..'\u038a' | '\u038c' | '\u038e'..'\u03a1' | '\u03a3'..'\u03ce' | '\u03d0'..'\u03f5' | '\u03f7'..'\u03fb' | '\u0400'..'\u0481' | '\u0483'..'\u0486' | '\u048a'..'\u04ce' | '\u04d0'..'\u04f5' | '\u04f8'..'\u04f9' | '\u0500'..'\u050f' | '\u0531'..'\u0556' | '\u0559' | '\u0561'..'\u0587' | '\u0591'..'\u05a1' | '\u05a3'..'\u05b9' | '\u05bb'..'\u05bd' | '\u05bf' | '\u05c1'..'\u05c2' | '\u05c4' | '\u05d0'..'\u05ea'

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

'\u05f0'..'\u05f2' '\u0600'..'\u0603' '\u0610'..'\u0615' '\u0621'..'\u063a' '\u0640'..'\u0658' '\u0660'..'\u0669' '\u066e'..'\u06d3' '\u06d5'..'\u06dd' '\u06df'..'\u06e8' '\u06ea'..'\u06fc' '\u06ff' '\u070f'..'\u074a' '\u074d'..'\u074f' '\u0780'..'\u07b1' '\u0901'..'\u0939' '\u093c'..'\u094d' '\u0950'..'\u0954' '\u0958'..'\u0963' '\u0966'..'\u096f' '\u0981'..'\u0983' '\u0985'..'\u098c' '\u098f'..'\u0990' '\u0993'..'\u09a8' '\u09aa'..'\u09b0' '\u09b2' '\u09b6'..'\u09b9' '\u09bc'..'\u09c4' '\u09c7'..'\u09c8' '\u09cb'..'\u09cd' '\u09d7' '\u09dc'..'\u09dd' '\u09df'..'\u09e3' '\u09e6'..'\u09f3' '\u0a01'..'\u0a03' '\u0a05'..'\u0a0a' '\u0a0f'..'\u0a10' '\u0a13'..'\u0a28' '\u0a2a'..'\u0a30' '\u0a32'..'\u0a33' '\u0a35'..'\u0a36' '\u0a38'..'\u0a39' '\u0a3c' '\u0a3e'..'\u0a42' '\u0a47'..'\u0a48' '\u0a4b'..'\u0a4d' '\u0a59'..'\u0a5c' '\u0a5e' '\u0a66'..'\u0a74' '\u0a81'..'\u0a83' '\u0a85'..'\u0a8d' '\u0a8f'..'\u0a91' '\u0a93'..'\u0aa8' '\u0aaa'..'\u0ab0' '\u0ab2'..'\u0ab3' '\u0ab5'..'\u0ab9' '\u0abc'..'\u0ac5' '\u0ac7'..'\u0ac9' '\u0acb'..'\u0acd' '\u0ad0' '\u0ae0'..'\u0ae3'

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

'\u0ae6'..'\u0aef' '\u0af1' '\u0b01'..'\u0b03' '\u0b05'..'\u0b0c' '\u0b0f'..'\u0b10' '\u0b13'..'\u0b28' '\u0b2a'..'\u0b30' '\u0b32'..'\u0b33' '\u0b35'..'\u0b39' '\u0b3c'..'\u0b43' '\u0b47'..'\u0b48' '\u0b4b'..'\u0b4d' '\u0b56'..'\u0b57' '\u0b5c'..'\u0b5d' '\u0b5f'..'\u0b61' '\u0b66'..'\u0b6f' '\u0b71' '\u0b82'..'\u0b83' '\u0b85'..'\u0b8a' '\u0b8e'..'\u0b90' '\u0b92'..'\u0b95' '\u0b99'..'\u0b9a' '\u0b9c' '\u0b9e'..'\u0b9f' '\u0ba3'..'\u0ba4' '\u0ba8'..'\u0baa' '\u0bae'..'\u0bb5' '\u0bb7'..'\u0bb9' '\u0bbe'..'\u0bc2' '\u0bc6'..'\u0bc8' '\u0bca'..'\u0bcd' '\u0bd7' '\u0be7'..'\u0bef' '\u0bf9' '\u0c01'..'\u0c03' '\u0c05'..'\u0c0c' '\u0c0e'..'\u0c10' '\u0c12'..'\u0c28' '\u0c2a'..'\u0c33' '\u0c35'..'\u0c39' '\u0c3e'..'\u0c44' '\u0c46'..'\u0c48' '\u0c4a'..'\u0c4d' '\u0c55'..'\u0c56' '\u0c60'..'\u0c61' '\u0c66'..'\u0c6f' '\u0c82'..'\u0c83' '\u0c85'..'\u0c8c' '\u0c8e'..'\u0c90' '\u0c92'..'\u0ca8' '\u0caa'..'\u0cb3' '\u0cb5'..'\u0cb9' '\u0cbc'..'\u0cc4' '\u0cc6'..'\u0cc8' '\u0cca'..'\u0ccd' '\u0cd5'..'\u0cd6' '\u0cde' '\u0ce0'..'\u0ce1' '\u0ce6'..'\u0cef' '\u0d02'..'\u0d03'

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

'\u0d05'..'\u0d0c' '\u0d0e'..'\u0d10' '\u0d12'..'\u0d28' '\u0d2a'..'\u0d39' '\u0d3e'..'\u0d43' '\u0d46'..'\u0d48' '\u0d4a'..'\u0d4d' '\u0d57' '\u0d60'..'\u0d61' '\u0d66'..'\u0d6f' '\u0d82'..'\u0d83' '\u0d85'..'\u0d96' '\u0d9a'..'\u0db1' '\u0db3'..'\u0dbb' '\u0dbd' '\u0dc0'..'\u0dc6' '\u0dca' '\u0dcf'..'\u0dd4' '\u0dd6' '\u0dd8'..'\u0ddf' '\u0df2'..'\u0df3' '\u0e01'..'\u0e3a' '\u0e3f'..'\u0e4e' '\u0e50'..'\u0e59' '\u0e81'..'\u0e82' '\u0e84' '\u0e87'..'\u0e88' '\u0e8a' '\u0e8d' '\u0e94'..'\u0e97' '\u0e99'..'\u0e9f' '\u0ea1'..'\u0ea3' '\u0ea5' '\u0ea7' '\u0eaa'..'\u0eab' '\u0ead'..'\u0eb9' '\u0ebb'..'\u0ebd' '\u0ec0'..'\u0ec4' '\u0ec6' '\u0ec8'..'\u0ecd' '\u0ed0'..'\u0ed9' '\u0edc'..'\u0edd' '\u0f00' '\u0f18'..'\u0f19' '\u0f20'..'\u0f29' '\u0f35' '\u0f37' '\u0f39' '\u0f3e'..'\u0f47' '\u0f49'..'\u0f6a' '\u0f71'..'\u0f84' '\u0f86'..'\u0f8b' '\u0f90'..'\u0f97' '\u0f99'..'\u0fbc' '\u0fc6' '\u1000'..'\u1021' '\u1023'..'\u1027' '\u1029'..'\u102a' '\u102c'..'\u1032' '\u1036'..'\u1039'

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

'\u1040'..'\u1049' '\u1050'..'\u1059' '\u10a0'..'\u10c5' '\u10d0'..'\u10f8' '\u1100'..'\u1159' '\u115f'..'\u11a2' '\u11a8'..'\u11f9' '\u1200'..'\u1206' '\u1208'..'\u1246' '\u1248' '\u124a'..'\u124d' '\u1250'..'\u1256' '\u1258' '\u125a'..'\u125d' '\u1260'..'\u1286' '\u1288' '\u128a'..'\u128d' '\u1290'..'\u12ae' '\u12b0' '\u12b2'..'\u12b5' '\u12b8'..'\u12be' '\u12c0' '\u12c2'..'\u12c5' '\u12c8'..'\u12ce' '\u12d0'..'\u12d6' '\u12d8'..'\u12ee' '\u12f0'..'\u130e' '\u1310' '\u1312'..'\u1315' '\u1318'..'\u131e' '\u1320'..'\u1346' '\u1348'..'\u135a' '\u1369'..'\u1371' '\u13a0'..'\u13f4' '\u1401'..'\u166c' '\u166f'..'\u1676' '\u1681'..'\u169a' '\u16a0'..'\u16ea' '\u16ee'..'\u16f0' '\u1700'..'\u170c' '\u170e'..'\u1714' '\u1720'..'\u1734' '\u1740'..'\u1753' '\u1760'..'\u176c' '\u176e'..'\u1770' '\u1772'..'\u1773' '\u1780'..'\u17d3' '\u17d7' '\u17db'..'\u17dd' '\u17e0'..'\u17e9' '\u180b'..'\u180d' '\u1810'..'\u1819' '\u1820'..'\u1877' '\u1880'..'\u18a9' '\u1900'..'\u191c' '\u1920'..'\u192b' '\u1930'..'\u193b' '\u1946'..'\u196d' '\u1970'..'\u1974' '\u1d00'..'\u1d6b'

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'\u1e00'..'\u1e9b' '\u1ea0'..'\u1ef9' '\u1f00'..'\u1f15' '\u1f18'..'\u1f1d' '\u1f20'..'\u1f45' '\u1f48'..'\u1f4d' '\u1f50'..'\u1f57' '\u1f59' '\u1f5b' '\u1f5d' '\u1f5f'..'\u1f7d' '\u1f80'..'\u1fb4' '\u1fb6'..'\u1fbc' '\u1fbe' '\u1fc2'..'\u1fc4' '\u1fc6'..'\u1fcc' '\u1fd0'..'\u1fd3' '\u1fd6'..'\u1fdb' '\u1fe0'..'\u1fec' '\u1ff2'..'\u1ff4' '\u1ff6'..'\u1ffc' '\u200c'..'\u200f' '\u202a'..'\u202e' '\u203f'..'\u2040' '\u2054' '\u2060'..'\u2063' '\u206a'..'\u206f' '\u2071' '\u207f' '\u20a0'..'\u20b1' '\u20d0'..'\u20dc' '\u20e1' '\u20e5'..'\u20ea' '\u2102' '\u2107' '\u210a'..'\u2113' '\u2115' '\u2119'..'\u211d' '\u2124' '\u2126' '\u2128' '\u212a'..'\u212d' '\u212f'..'\u2131' '\u2133'..'\u2139' '\u213d'..'\u213f' '\u2145'..'\u2149' '\u2160'..'\u2183' '\u3005'..'\u3007' '\u3021'..'\u302f' '\u3031'..'\u3035' '\u3038'..'\u303c' '\u3041'..'\u3096' '\u3099'..'\u309a' '\u309d'..'\u309f' '\u30a1'..'\u30ff' '\u3105'..'\u312c' '\u3131'..'\u318e' '\u31a0'..'\u31b7' '\u31f0'..'\u31ff' '\u3400'..'\u4db5'

| '\u4e00'..'\u9fa5' | '\ua000'..'\ua48c' | '\uac00'..'\ud7a3' | '\uf900'..'\ufa2d' | '\ufa30'..'\ufa6a' | '\ufb00'..'\ufb06' | '\ufb13'..'\ufb17' | '\ufb1d'..'\ufb28' | '\ufb2a'..'\ufb36' | '\ufb38'..'\ufb3c' | '\ufb3e' | '\ufb40'..'\ufb41' | '\ufb43'..'\ufb44' | '\ufb46'..'\ufbb1' | '\ufbd3'..'\ufd3d' | '\ufd50'..'\ufd8f' | '\ufd92'..'\ufdc7' | '\ufdf0'..'\ufdfc' | '\ufe00'..'\ufe0f' | '\ufe20'..'\ufe23' | '\ufe33'..'\ufe34' | '\ufe4d'..'\ufe4f' | '\ufe69' | '\ufe70'..'\ufe74' | '\ufe76'..'\ufefc' | '\ufeff' | '\uff04' | '\uff10'..'\uff19' | '\uff21'..'\uff3a' | '\uff3f' | '\uff41'..'\uff5a' | '\uff65'..'\uffbe' | '\uffc2'..'\uffc7' | '\uffca'..'\uffcf' | '\uffd2'..'\uffd7' | '\uffda'..'\uffdc' | '\uffe0'..'\uffe1' | '\uffe5'..'\uffe6' | '\ufff9'..'\ufffb' | {isValidSurrogateIdentifierPart((char)input.LA(1), (char)input.LA(2))}?= >('\ud800'..'\udbff') ('\udc00'..'\udfff') ;

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