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Aurora Trinity Lutheran Parish

Feeding Body, Mind, and Spirit with the Love of Jesus

Monthly Newsletter
July, 2012

Aurora Diner 2012 Work Schedule

Heres the 2012 Diner Work Schedule, be sure to mark your calendars: Wed., July 11 Cleaning of the diner 6:00 p.m. Wed., July 18 Pie Making 6:00 p.m. Wed., July 25 Pie Making 6:00 p.m. Wed. Aug 1 Getting ready for the National Trappers August 2 August 5 Open for Natl Trappers Wed., Aug. 8 Pie Making/Meatballs 6:00 p.m. Fri., Aug. 10 Meat Roasting All Day Sat. Aug. 11 Meat Slicing 9:00 a.m. Steele County Free Fair: August 15 August 21 Mon., Aug. 22 Cleaning up of the diner 6:00 p.m. The sign up board will be up soon for both the Trappers and Fair Events, please be sure to sign up.

Parish Office Adminstrator Position Available

Kayla Paape has decided to resign from her position as Church Secretary. She has accepted a new job opportunity. We want to thank her for the work that she did over the past several years and wish her well in her new job. In filling the position, we have reviewed it and added a few more duties, plus re-named it to "Parish Office Administrator". The primary responsibilities are to create weekly bulletins, monthly newsletters, and other materials as needed, plus maintain church records for both churches and other administrative tasks. Anyone interested may contact Pastor Jon, Jeanne Pichner or Rich Paulson for more information. Deadline to apply is July 20th.

Joint Worship Service/Potluck Picnic

The Annual Joint Worship th Service is on Sunday, July 15 starting at 10:30 a.m. at the Blooming Prairie Gun Club. Following the service, there will be a potluck picnic with activities for the whole family. Please bring a large dish to pass and your own eating utensils.

Christ in Our Home Booklets

The Christ in Our Home booklets are now available for the months of July, August, and September. They are available at both Aurora and Trinity.

Come to Narnia This Summer!

All are welcome to join Pastor Jon in the Aurora library after worship, as he continues to read aloud from The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis. Each

Food Shelf Sunday at Aurora

The next food shelf Sunday at Aurora will be on st Sunday, July 1 . Please give to this worthy cause and help people in need.

Sunday through July, Pastor Jon will read part of the story out loud for about 30 minutes.

Newsletter Information Deadline

Please have all information for the August newsletter th and calendar to Kayla by Thursday, July 19 . Please e-mail your information to or you can call either 451-3941 or 507-390-2039.

Vacation Bible School ***Note Change of Dates***

Vacation Bible School has been rescheduled for July 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th at Aurora. Bible School will be held in the evening from 5:00-8:00 p.m. Supper & a snack will be provided. The cost is $10.00 per child ($25.00 family maximum). Bible School is open to kids preschool - 3rd grade. Friends are welcome to attend. Please contact me at 507-456-2614 if you are interested. We are also looking for volunteers to help throughout the week. Please let me know if you want to help out. Jerianne Hendricks,

Aurora Church Council

The next church council meeting will be on Tuesday, th July 17 at 6:30 p.m. at church. Please note change of date.

Aurora Sunday School Superintendent

Annual Review for Pastor Jon

It has been one year since Pastor Jon began at Aurora and Trinity. With his presence many changes have come forth. We thought it would be a good time to evaluate things in our parish by getting your feedback. This will be chance for you to voice your opinion on what you like, dislike or what you'd like to see changed. Watch for more information to come out.

Pastor Jon on Vacation

Pastor Jon will be out of town on vacation from July 2nd July 8th. In the case of a pastoral emergency, please contact Pastor Lindsay Stolen at 507-440-3716.

No Monday Night Service on July 2nd

There will be no Monday night worship on July 2nd. Pastor Jon will be out of town on vacation. Monday night worship will resume on July 9th.

Green Hymnal Worship Returns in July!

One theme that came out of our cottage meetings last year was the need for revitalized worship. As a result, there have been some smaller and some larger changes to worship throughout this past year. Some people have enjoyed the changes and felt spiritually fed by the changes. Others have expressed a hungering for those familiar words out of the green hymnal. While we will continue to find ways to revitalize worship, for the month of July we will return to that wellknown (and well-worn!) page 56 of the green hymnal. See you in worship!

Aurora Nursery
Do you have a little one and find yourself paying more attention to them instead of the church service? When you get home do you ever think, What did the minister say today? Bonnie Johnson is willing to staff a nursery for babies through 4 years old every second Sunday of the month. This way you can enjoy the service and your little one is happy too. Bonnie will be available in the preschool/kindergarten room in the basement of the church.

Welcome Corner
Welcome to Ayla Rebecca Mueller, daughter of John & Rebecca Mueller. She became a member of Aurora through the Sacrament of Baptism on Sunday, June th 17 . If you or anyone you know are interested in becoming a member of the Aurora or Trinity Lutheran Church congregation, please contact Pastor Jon at 676-5696 for new member information.

Pastor Jon Contact Information

If you need to reach Pastor Jon during the week, please call him at 507-676-5696 or you can send him an e-mail at: Pastor Jons day off is Friday.

Young Adult Group

The Young Adult Group is taking the month of July off. Please stay tuned for upcoming events. Young Adult Group offers a way to stay connected to what really matters faith, family, friends, fellowship through the unique perspectives of young men and women just like you. Feel free to invite friends!

Please be sure to review the following enclosures:

Pastor Jon Letter Aurora June Church Council Meeting Minutes SE MN Synod Newsletter

Aurora and Trinity Lutheran Parish Mission Statement Feeding Body, Mind, and Spirit with the Love of Jesus
Frederick Buechner, a well-known author and theologian, once wrote, The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the worlds deep hunger meet. On May 20th, a group of people from Aurora and Trinity gathered to finalize the mission statement that we discerned in March. The final result is what you see above. We are people who love to feed others. Our three annual events (Aurora Diner, Trinity Aebleskiver, and Aurora Oyster/Chili Supper) are centered around food and feeding people. And the world is a place that is hungry. Hungry for love and belonging, purpose and compassion, support and fellowship. This mission statement is, we believe, the place where our deepest gladness meets the world deep need, and, therefore, is the work God is calling us to do. My hope and prayer is that this mission statement will be something that seeps into our very being as a community. That it becomes the fabric and foundation of our ministry together and grows into something we all seek to embody. This mission statement not only reflects who we are. It also reminds us of who we want to be. It causes us to constantly ask the question: how are we feeding body, mind, and spirit with the love of Jesus today? As a way to begin this process, we came up with three initiatives for living into this mission statement: 1) Consider how we welcome people into our churches How do we feed people with a Jesus-like welcome? 2) Strengthen the relationship between Aurora and Trinity How do we feed each other with Jesus-like care and support? 3) Raise awareness about hunger, both globally and locally How do we feed the hungry in a Jesus-like way? Over the next year, we will spend some intentional time addressing each of these initiatives. If you have ideas that would contribute to this, please let me know! Grateful to be in ministry with you all, Pastor Jon

Aurora Lutheran Church Council Meeting June 20, 2012 The regular monthly meeting of the Aurora Church Council met on June 20, 2012, at 6:30 PM. Those present were Pastor Jon Davis, Jeanne Pichner, Cheryl Thompson, Mark Prestegard, Jodi Keck, Roger Carroll, Brett Paape, Michelle Williams, Dwight Jensen, Ryan Schrom, Curtis Jensen. Jeanne Pichner lead devotions, Gods Leaders are Equipped . The Secretarys report was approved as read. The Treasures report was approved as read and subject to audit: General Fund: $3,327.12; Building Fund: $4,004.60; Memorial Fund: $13,072.20; Parsonage Fund: $1,462.75; Cemetery Fund: $8,593.44. Pastor Jons notes: Mission statement: Feed the body, mind and spirit with the love of Jesus was finalized. How are we living into this? Same sex marriage sermon. Pastor Jon wanted to know what that was like and how that felt for the congregation. It was thought a good thing to get tough subjects out into the open for discussion, so we can talk about it as a community of faith. How do we deal with tough subjects? Pastor Jon will be having more discussions on how we talk out these things. Monday, June 25, after church service, about 7PM, come and learn about communion. Pastor Jon will give information on traditions and help us decide if we would like to have communion twice a month. Pastor Jon, Karen Kubista and the Board of Ed are meeting to discuss confirmation classes. Who is responsible to get the church ready for Sunday service? The Ushers are responsible. Curtis will contact Brian Jensen and come up with some duties. Pastor Jon will be on vacation July 2-8. Barb Peterson will be our guest Pastor on July 8. There will be no church service on Monday, July 2. 1. The church window has been fixed. 2. Suggestion box has been made and will be on the table in the entry way for you to put your suggestions. 3. Pew cushions: A sample was brought in. A motion was made and seconded to go with the sample, blue, with slip resistant pad. The cost will be $4,535.00. The money will come out of the memorial fund, $2000 from the Prestegard memorial and the balance coming out of the undesignated memorial fund. 4. Aprons that JoAnn Nelson got for us for the fair stand will say: Aurora Lutheran Church and then have our mission statement: Feed the body, mind, and spirit with the love of Jesus. 5. Kayla Paape has resigned as secretary of our churches. Pastor Jon, Jeannie Pichner, Rich Paulson have put together a job description and if you are interested in the job, see one of them. Then new job title will be called Parish Office Administrator. We will be taking applications until July 22. We will be interviewing on July 30, with a joint council meeting. A motion was made and seconded that the churches will provide a laptop for the new Parish Office Administrator, to be used for all church business. 6. Pastor Jon will be here 1 year July 1. The synod suggests that we do an evaluation. We will be sending out a survey sometime in Sept for your feedback. 7. Our next council meeting will be Tuesday, July 17 at 6:30 at the church. 8. Thanks to everyone that helped clean up the church cemetery. It looks beautiful! 9. July 15 will be the joint church service at the Blooming Prairie gun club. Service will be at 10:30 with games to follow. Respectfully Submitted, Cheryl Thompson, Secretary.

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