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Roxanne M.


II Pasteur

Subject Title: Research I Description: Science Research Course Outline: First Grading Period I. Definition of Research A. Aims, objectives, and goals of research B. Characteristics of Good research C. Research Ethics 1. Ethical Issues in Research 2. Student Handbook for Pre College Science and engineering Projects 2012 2013 II. Kinds and Classification Research A. Historical B. Descriptive C. Experimental III. The Scientific Method of Research A. the Research process B. Activities of the Research Method IV. The Research Topic A. Guideline in the selection of a Research Problem or topic 1. Sources of Research Topic 2. Good Research Topic/Problems 3. Justifying the Topics/Problems B. Types of Variables 1. Independent and Dependent variable 2. Intervening Variables Second Grading Period I. Introduction to the DepEd Intel and Engineering Fair Format A. Defining the Research Problem 1. General and Specific Problem 2. Writing the Research Problem B. Guidelines in writing the parts of the DepEd Intel SEF Format of the research paper 1. Title 2. Acknowledge 3. Abstract 4. Research Plan 5. Introduction A. Background of the study B. Statement of the problem C. Significance of the study D. Scope and limitations of the study E. Review of related literature F. Research and Discussion G. Conclusion

II. Technical Writing A. Nature of Technical Writing B. Especial Expository technique in Technical Writing C. Types of Technical Reports D. Business Letters E. Bibliography and endnotes Third Grading Period I. Introduction to the DepEd Intel Science and Engineering Fair Format (continued) A. Writing the Review of the Literature 1. Literature Sources 2. Literature Review 3. Writing the Research Problem B. Research Design 1. Identifying Research Variable 2. Purpose of Sampling 3. Writing the research problem C. Writing the Research Plan 1. Materials and Method 2. Treatment/ Gen Procedure II. Inferential Statistics A. Types of Data (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio, variables) B. Variables of a Research Problem C. Kinds of Hypothesis D. Non-Directional (Two-Tailed Test) E. Directional (One Tailed Test) F. Use of Directional and Non Directional Test G. Correlation H. Pearson Product Moment Correlation I. Spearmans Rank Correlation Coefficient J. Phi Coefficient K. Parametric Statistics L. Non Parametric Statistics III. Data Processing and Tabulation A. Categories of Data B. Data Tabulation 1. Method of Tabulation 2. Data Logbook 3. Dummy Table IV. Data Interpretation and Analysis A. Guidelines in Writing Research Results and Discussion B. Guidelines in Writing Conclusions C. Guidelines in Writing Recommendations V. Writing the Science Research Project Write Up A. Title Page B. Acknowledgements C. Table of Contents D. List of Tables

E. List of Figures F. List of Plates G. Abstract H. Research Plan I. Introduction J. Materials Reference Station 1. Schedule of Activities 2. Budgeting Requirements 3. Bibliography 4. Appendix

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