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Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All Africa Archdiocese of Good Hope

Sunday Matins Hymns

(To be used in conjunction with the Matins Service Book)

4th Sunday After Pentecost 4 t h Sunday of St Matthew - The Centurions Faith

Feast of

St Cosmas & St Damianos,

By the Grace of God

Compiled, Adapted, Edited & Printed By Marguerite Paizis Archondissa & Teacher By Divine Grace Greek Orthodox Patriarchate Of Alexandria & All Africa Archdiocese Of Good Hope Holy Church Of The Dormition Of The Mother Of God Po Box 28348 Sunridge Park 6008 Republic Of South Africa or or download directly from Marguerite Paizis on Scribd

Holy Unmercenary Physicians & Wonderworkers of Rome

Also the Feast of St John of Rila, (Translation of Relics) St Potitos of Naples St Peter of Constantinople St Angelina of Serbia St Leontios of Radauti

Tone 3
Resurrection Gospel 4 : Luke 24:1 12
The Myrrhbearers Find The Tomb Empty

Eothinon 4
Re-edited & Published 29 June 2012

Katavasias of the Ever Blessed Theotoko

Our Eternal Gratitude to God for the original text & translation by Father Seraphim Dedes -the Holy Monastery of St Gregory Palamas - Archdiocese of America Http://





16. TONE 3 4AP - 4th St Matthew S t D a m i a n o s & S t K o s m a s - 1 J u l y 2 0 1 2

Psalm 117 /118 Tone (7) Varys/Grave

Praise To God For His Everlasting Mercy


Kyrios ke epefanen imin. Evlogimenos O ergomenos en Onomati Kyriou!


Lord is God, and has appeared to us. Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord!


Exomologisthe to Kyrio, oti agathos, oti is ton eona to eleos aftou!*


: Give thanks to the Lord, for He is Good; His Mercy endures forever!


Kyrios ke epefanen imin. Evlogimenos O ergomenos en Onomati Kyriou!


Lord is God, and has appeared to us. Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord!


Panta ta ethni ekiklosan me, ke to Onomati Kyriou iminamin aftous.


All the nations surrounded me, but in the Name of the Lord I drove them back.


Kyrios ke epefanen imin. Evlogimenos O ergomenos en Onomati Kyriou!


Lord is God, and has appeared to us. Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord!


Para Kyriou egeneto afti, ke esti thavmasti en ofthalmis imon.


: This is the Lords doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes.


Kyrios ke epefanen imin. Evlogimenos O ergomenos en Onomati Kyriou!


Lord is God, and has appeared to us. Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord!

R e s u r r e c t i o n Ap o l y t i k i o n


ta Ourania, agaliastho ta epigia, oti epiise Kratos en Vrahioni Aftou O Kyrios. Epatise to Thanato ton Thanaton.Prototokos ton nekron egeneto. Ek kilias Adou errisato imas ke pareshe to kosmo to Mega Eleos.


the Heavens rejoice and let the earth be glad, for the Lord has shown Strength with His Arm; He has trampled down Death by Death; He has become the First-born of the dead; from the womb of Hades He has delivered us, and to the world He has granted Great Mercy. to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit


Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati


Festal Apolytikion St Damianos & St Kosmas



Anargiri ke Thavmatourgi, episkepsasthe tas asthenias imon. Dorean elavete dorean dote imin

Holy Unmercenaries and Workers

of Miracles, visit upon all our ailments and weaknesses, a Gift have you received, a Gift do give to us. .

2. TONE 3 4AP - 4th St Matthew S t D a m i a n o s & S t K o s m a s - 1 J u l y 2 0 1 2

TONE 3 4AP - 4th St Matthew S t D a m i a n o s & S t K o s m a s - 1 J u l y 2 0 1 2


Fourth Resurrection Eothinon Doxasticon


Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the Ages of
eonon. ages.


in vathis, ke e Ginekes ilthon epi to Mnima Sou, Hristos. Alla to Soma ouh evrethi to pothoumenon aftes. Dio aporoumenes i tes astraptouses, esthisesin epistantes: Ti ton zonta meta ton nekron zitite? elegon. Igerthi os proipe:. Ti amnimonite ton rimaton aftou? Is pisthise ta orathenta ekiritton? All edoki lipos ta Evangelia. Outos isan eti nothis i Mathite. All O Petro edrame ke idon, Edoxase Sou, pros eavton ta Thavmasia.


Amin. Os
tis imon Anastaseos thisavrisma, tous epi si pepithotas panimnite, ek lakkou ke vithou ptesmaton anagage. Si gar tis ipevthinous ti amartia esosas, tekousa tin Sotirian. I pro toko Parthenos ke en toko Parthenos ke meta tokon palin ousa Parthenos.


the Women came at early dawn to Thy Tomb, O Christ, yet they did not find Thy Body, so precious to them. And while they were perplexed, behold! there stood amidst them those in shining clothes who said : Why do you seek the Living among the dead? He has Risen as He foretold. Why have you forgotten His Words? And being assured by these words, they preached to the Disciples the Things they had witnessed. But their Glad Tidings were received with ridicule; for they were still without Understanding. But Peter hastened to behold, and Glorified Thy Wonders in himself.


Small Litany

that Thou art the Treasury of our Resurrection, lead Thou forth from the pit and depth of transgressions those who set their hope on Thee, O Allhymned One! For Thou has Saved those who were guilty of sin, in that Thou gave Birth to our Salvation: O Thou Who before Birth-giving was Virgin, and in Birth-giving was Virgin, and after Birth-giving remainest Virgin still.

First R e s u r r e c t i o n K a t h i s m a


The Congregation Must Stand


Iparhis, Theotoke Parthene, dia gar tou ek Sou Sarkothentos O Adis ihmalotiste, O Adam anakeklite, i katara nenekrote, i Eva ileftherote, O Thanatos tethanatote ke imis ezoopiithimen. Dio animnountes Voomen. Evlogitos Hristos O Theos imon, O outos evdokisas, Doxa Si!
& Resurrection

Most Blessed art Thou, O Virgin

ek nekron egigerte, i aparhi ton kekimimenon;O prototokos tis ktiseos, ke Dimiourgos panton ton gegonoton, tin kataftharisan fisin tou genous imon, en eafto anekenisen. Ouk eti Thanate kirivis; O gar ton olon Despotis, to kratos sou katelise.


Great Doxology Apolytikion

Theotokos: for through Him Who became Incarnate of Thee, Hell is led captive, Adam is recalled from the dead, the Curse is made void, Eve is set free, Death is slain, and we have been endowed with Life. Wherefore we cry aloud, extolling in song: Blessed art Thou, O Christ our God, in Whose Sight it is thus wellpleasing. Glory to Thee!

has risen from the dead the First Fruit of those who repose. The First Born of Creation and Creator of all that has come to be, has renewed in Himself the corrupted nature of our race. Death, you no longer rule, for our Master of all things has destroyed your power.

Doxa Sarki

Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati tou Thanatou, gefsamenos Kyrie, to pikron tou Thanatou, exetemes ti egersi Sou; ke ton Anthropon nin kath aftou enishisas, tis arheas kataras tin itan anakloumenos; O Iperaspistis tis Zois imon, Kyrie Doxa Si! eonon.

Glory to the Father, and to the

Son, and to the Holy Spirit

Having tasted Death in the Flesh,

O Lord, Thou hast cut out the bitterness of Death by Thy Rising and granted mankind Strength against it, announcing the abolition of the ancient Curse. Defender of our Life, O Lord: Glory to Thee! ages.

Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the ages of Amin. Se
tin Mesitefsasan ti Sotirian tou genous imon, animnoumen Theotoke Parthene. En ti Sarki gar ti ek Sou proslifthisi, O Ios Sou ke Theos imon, to dia Stavrou katadexamenos pathos,

The Divine Liturgy Follows Immediately After The Doxology

Theotokion of the Resurrection TONE 3


Thee, who is the Mediatrix of the Salvation of our race, we sing: O Birth-giver of God and Virgin. For in the Flesh assumed from Thee, after suffering the Passion of the

14. TONE 3 4AP - 4th St Matthew S t D a m i a n o s & S t K o s m a s - 1 J u l y 2 0 1 2

TONE 3 4AP - 4th St Matthew S t D a m i a n o s & S t K o s m a s - 1 J u l y 2 0 1 2


elitrosato imas ek fthoras, os Filanthropos.

Cross, Thy Son and our God delivered us from corruption, because He Loves mankind.
- TONE 3


Second Kathisma of the Resurrection

To anallioton, to tis Theotitos, ke to Awed

ekousion, pathos Sou Kyrie, is eafton kataplagis, O Adis epodireto; Tremo tin tou somatos, mi ftharisan ipostasin; Vlepo ton aoraton, Mystikos polemounta me; dio ke ous kateho kravgazousi: Doxa Hriste ti Anastasi Sou!

Afton en kimvalis evihis. Enite Afton en kimvalis alalagmou. Pasa pnoi inesato ton Kyrion

Praise Him with tuneful cymbals;

praise Him with loud cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

by Thine unchanging Godhead and Thy voluntary Passion, O Lord, Hades mourned: I tremble at Thy Bodys substance, which is not corrupted. I see Thee, the Invisible, Mystically making war on me; and so those whom I hold cry out: Glory, O Christ, to Thy Resurrection! Son, and to the Holy Spirit


Doxa To

Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati

Glory to the Father, and to the We

Faithful contemplate an Ineffable Mystery: Thy Crucifixion that cannot be understood and Thy Rising that cannot be explained. For today Death and Hades have been despoiled, but the human race has put on Incorruption. And so with Thanksgiving we cry: Glory, O Christ, to Thy Resurrection!

tou Pnevmatos, os potami prosklizomeni, ke safos pelagizontes, tin Ktisin ardevete, tes Theosimies, ke tes paradoxis, ton iamaton parohes, ke psihofthora pathi xirenete, ke nosous therapevete, ke figadevete pnevmata, Theofori Anargiri, presvevte ton psihon imon.


akatalipton, to tis Stavroseos, ke anerminefton, to tis egerseos, Theologoumen i Pisti, aporriton Mystirion; simeron gar Thanatos, ke O Adis eskilefte, genos de Anthropinon, aftharsian endedite; dio ke Efharistos kravgazomen: Doxa Hriste ti Anastasi Sou!

Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the ages of
eonon. ages.

Tis Agiis Tis en ti Gi Aftou ethavmastosen O Kyrios. Pathi alogotata, kathipotaxantes Agii, psihikes tes dinamesin, anthropis ke ktinesi, tas evergesias, epihorigite, para Hristou tin dorean, ton iamaton kataploutisantes. Dio tin ieran imon ke fotoforon panigirin, ektelountes etoumetha, fotismon tes psihes imon.


- TONE 3


akatalipton, ke aperigrapton, ton Omoousion, Patri ke Pnevmati, en ti gastri Sou Mystikos, ehorisas Theomitor; mian ke asighiton, tis Triados energian, egnomen to Toko Sou, en to kosmo doxazesthe; dio ke evharistos voomen Si: Here, i Keharitomeni!


surging rivers awash with overflowing Waves of the Spirit You now irrigate the world with Your Miracles and Your overflowing abundance of Healings and store of paradoxical Cures, and You dry up the passions that harm the soul. O God-Bearing Unmercenaries, our diseases You remedy, evil spirits You drive away, as You pray on behalf of our soul. The Lord has done Marvellous Things for His Saints on earth. O Saints: You subordinated the irrational passions to higher faculties of the soul, becoming immensely rich with the Gift of Healing, which was granted to Thee by Christ God; therefore You dispense the Wealth of Benefactions to mankind and beasts alike. And thus for the Illumination of our souls we entreat You now, in observing the luminous Sacred Feast of Your memory.

Resurrection Evlogitaria, Trisagion Hymn, Theotokion & Small L i t a n y

Thou contained in Thy Womb the Incomprehensible and the Uncircumscribable Consubstantial with the Father and the Spirit. And we acknowledge that in Thine Offspring One Unconfused Energy of the Trinity is Glorified in the world. And so with thanksgiving, we cry to Thee: Hail, Full of Grace!

Idou di ti kalon i ti terpnon, all i Behold how Good and Pleasant it

to katikin Adelfous epi to Afto. O Thios Naos imon, os Ouranos anadedikte, fotavgis ke Ouranios, os astra ta Thavmata, ta Sotiriodi, nin proskektimenos, ke osper ilion fedron, ton iamaton Thian energian, Kosma Makariotate, Damiane Panaidime, tou Kyriou Therapontes, presvevte ton psihon imon. is when Brothers well in Unity! Your Most Sacred Temple has been revealed as being like the sky itself bright and celestial for stars there are Miracles, which You work to Save us from our many ailments, and for the shining sun, there is the force of Your Remedies and Cures, O Blessed St Kosmas and All Famous St Damian, as Servants of Christ our Lord, with Whom You Intercede on our souls behalf.

Resurrection Iperkoi


ti orasi, drosizon tis rimasin, O astrapton Angelos, tes Miroforis elege: Ton zonta ti Zitite en mnimati? Igerthi kenosas ta mnimata. Tis


by his appearance, and sustained by his words, the Myrrh-bearing Women heard the dazzling Angel say: Why do you seek the Living in a Tomb? He has Risen, emptying the


Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati


to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit

4. TONE 3 4AP - 4th St Matthew S t D a m i a n o s & S t K o s m a s - 1 J u l y 2 0 1 2

TONE 3 4AP - 4th St Matthew S t D a m i a n o s & S t K o s m a s - 1 J u l y 2 0 1 2



panta ta thavmasia, i filakes Sou Kyrie, alla to sinedrion tis mateotitos, plirosan doron tin dexian afton, kriptin enomizon tin Anastasin Sou, in O kosmos Doxazi: Eleison imas!


guards recounted all the Marvels, O Lord, but, by filling their right hand with gifts, the Sanhedrin of folly thought to conceal Thy Resurrection, which the world Glorifies: Have Mercy on us!

fthoras alliotin, gnote ton anallionton. Ipate to Theo: Os fovera ta Erga Sou! Oti to genos esosas ton Anthropon!

graves. Know that the Unchanging has changed corruption. Say unto God: How fearful art Thy Works! For Thou has Saved the human race!
- TONE 3

Resurrection Anabathmi


Afton epi tes Dinasties Afton. Enite Afton kata to plithos tis Megalosinis Aftou. ta panta peplirote, tis Anastaseos tin piran ilifota: Maria gar i Magdalini epi to mnima ilthen, evren Angelon epi ton lithon kathimenon, tis imatiis exastraptonta, ke legonta: Ti zitite ton zonta meta ton nekron? Ouk estin ode, all egigerte, kathos ipe, proagon en ti Galilea.

Praise All

Him for His Mighty Acts; praise Him according to the greatness of His Majesty things have been filled with Joy on receiving proof of the Resurrection. For Mary Magdalen came to the Tomb, found an Angel seated on the stone, and dazzling in shinging raiment, who said: Why dost ye seek the Living with the dead? He is not here, but He has Arisen as He said, and goes before you into Galilee.

Tin ehmalosian Sion, si


exilou ek Vavilonos. Kame ek ton pathon, pros zoin elkison, Loge.

O Logos, Thou delivered Zion from Babylons captivity. Now, draw me out of my passions, to Life.


to noto i spirontes, dakrisinentheis, theriousi stahias, en Hara Aizoias. Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. Ke nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon.


who sow in the South with Divine Tears shall reap with Joy the Sheaves of Life Eternal.

Doxa Amin. Agio

Glory Amen. Every

to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the Ages of Ages. good Gift is in the Holy Spirit. He radiates Life with the Father and the Son, and in Him everything lives and moves.


afton en iho salpingos. Enite afton en psaltirio ke kithara Fos Filanthrope: Anestis gar ek ton nekron, Sotirian to geni ton Anthropon doroumenos, ina se pasa Ktisis Doxologi, ton Monon Anamartiton: Eleison imas!.

Praise Him with the sound of the

trumpet; praise Him with lute and harp. mankind, we shall see Light. For Thou Arose from the dead, granting Salvation to the human race, so that all Creation may Glorify Thee, the Only Sinless One: Have Mercy on us!

Pnevmati, pasa Agathodoria, os Patri ke Io sinastrapti, en O ta panta Si ke kinite.

En to Foti Sou Despota, opsometha In Thy Light, O Master Who Lovest


Ean mi Kyrios B Ikodomisi Ikon ton areton, matin kopiomen. Tin de psihin skepontos, oudis imon porthite tin Polin.


If the Lord does not 2 build the House of Virtues, then we labour in vain. If He protects our souls, no one can conquer the City.


Festal Stihera St Kosmas & St Damianos


Karpou tis gastros, to pnevmati, iiopiitos Si to Hristo, os Patri i Agii Pantote isin. Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. Ke nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon.


Saints are the Fruit of the womb, in whose spirit they are as Sons to Thee, as Father, O Christ.


Afton en timpano ke horo. Enite Afton en hordes ke organo.


Him with timbrel and dance, praise Him with strings and flute!

Doxa Amin Agio


Namasi tou Pnevmatos, os potami Like

prosklizomeni, ke safos pelagizontes, tin Ktisin ardevete, tes Theosimies, ke tes paradoxis, ton iamaton parohes, ke psihofthora pathi xirenete, ke nosous therapevete, ke figadevete pnevmata, Theofori Anargiri, presvevte ton psihon imon.

surging rivers awash with overflowing Waves of the Spirit You now irrigate the world with Your Miracles and Your overflowing abundance of Healings and store of paradoxical Cures, and You dry up the passions that harm the soul. O God-Bearing Unmercenaries, our diseases You remedy, evil spirits You drive away, as You pray on behalf of our soul.

to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and to Ages of Ages. and Wisdom are received through the Holy Spirit, for He gives meaning to all Creation. Let us worship Him for He is God, as is the Father and the Logos.

Pnevmati, entheorite pasa agiotis, sofia, ousii pasan gar ktisin. Afto latrefsomen. Theos gar, os Patri te ke Logo.

Amen Holiness


I fovoumeni ton Kyrion, Makarii trivous Vadiounte, ton entolon fagonte, zoiran gar pagkarpian. Kiklo tis Trapezis


Blessed are they who 3 fear the Lord, for they walk in the Way of His Commandments, for they shall

12. TONE 3 4AP - 4th St Matthew S t D a m i a n o s & S t K o s m a s - 1 J u l y 2 0 1 2

TONE 3 4AP - 4th St Matthew S t D a m i a n o s & S t K o s m a s - 1 J u l y 2 0 1 2

Sou, evfranthiti, kathoron Sou Pimenarha, ta engona feronta kladous Agathoergias.

partake of the Living Harvest. Be joyful, Arch-Shepherd, beholding Thy childrens children round about Thy Table, bearing branches of Virtuous Deeds.

Festal Exaposteilarion St Kosmas & St Damianos




Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. Ke nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon.


to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and to Ages of Ages.

Harin ton iaseon, ek Theou ilifotes, Anargiri Makarii, iatrevete nosous, ke therapevete pantas, tous Pistos prostrehontas, to Thio imon temeni. Dia touto simfonos, makarizomen axios, tin septin imon mnimin.


Amin Amen Agio Pnevmati, O pas ploutos tis All wealth of Glory is of the Holy
Doxis, ex ou Haris ke zoi pasi ti ktisi. Sin Patri gar animnite ke to Logo.

You received from God the Grace to effect Healings, You Cure all manner of disease, O Blessed Unmercenaries, and You grant Healing to the ailing who hasten with Faith to Your Holy Shrine. Therefore, as is worthy, together we observe Your Most Solemn Memorial. Lady, All Immaculate: Thou bore the Word of God and God Who Wisely wrought the Excellent Plan for the worlds Salvation. All of us, for this reasons, as is worthy, extol Thee for Entreating Him to deliver us from illness and every kind of danger.


Spirit, from Whom comes Grace and Life for all Creation. Wherefore, He is praised with the Father and the Logos.


Resurrection Prokeimenon -


en tis Ethnesin oti Kyrios evasilefse. Ke gar katorthose tin Ikoumenin, itis ou salevthite.(2)


among the Gentiles: The Lord is King, for He established the world, which shall not be shaken! [2]

Panahrante, ton Theou Theon Logon, to kosmo tin Sotirion, ektelounta pansofos, ikonomian aristin. Dia touto Se pantes, imnologoumen axios, os presvevousan touto. Litrothine imas noson, ke pantion kindinon.

Resurrection Lauds: Praises to God - Psalm 148

Praises To The Lord From All Creation


Asate kenon...





sing a new song to the




en tis Ethnesin oti Kyrios evasilefse. Ke gar katorthose tin Ikoumenin, itis ou salevthite.


among the Gentiles: The Lord is King, for He established the world, which shall not be shaken!

pnoi enesato ton Kyrion. Enite ton Kyrion ek ton Ouranon. Enite Afton en tis ipsistis. Si prepi imnos to Theo. Afton, pantes i Angelli Aftou. Enite Afton, pase e Dinamis Aftou. Si prepi imnos to Theo.


everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord from the Heavens; praise Him in the Highest. To Thee praise is due, O God.

Gospel 4:

Luke 24:1 12


Praise Him, all His Angels; praise

Him, all His Powers. To Thee praise is due, O God.
- TONE 3

The Myrrhbearers Find The Tomb Empty


to men Savvaton isihasan kata tin entolinti de mia ton Savvaton orthrou vatheos ilthon epi to Mnima ferouse a itimasan aromata, ke tines sin aftes.


on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they, and certain other women with them, came to the Tomb bringing the spices which they had prepared. they found the stone rolled away from the Tomb. Then they went in and did not find the Body of the Lord Jesus.

Resurrection Stihera


piise en aftis frima Engrapton. Doxa afti este pasi tis Osiis Aftou.


execute upon them the Judgement that is Decreed; such Glory will be for all His Holy Ones. the Power of the dread Mystery; for Christ our Saviour, the Word in the beginning, was Crucified for us and willingly buried and Arose from the dead to Save the whole Universe: Let us Worship Him!

Evron de ton lithon apokekilismenon But

apo tou Mnimiou, ke iselthouse ouh evron to Soma tou Kyriou Isou.



egeneto en to diaporisthe aftas peri toutou ke idou Andres dio epestisan avtes en esthisesin Astraptouses. de genomenon afton ke klinouson to prosopon is tin gin ipon pros aftas: Ti Zitite ton


it happened, as they were greatly perplexed about this, that behold, two Men stood by them in shining Garments. as they were afraid and bowed their faces to the earth, they said to them, Why

panta ta Ethni, gnote tou friktou Mystiriou tin Dinamin: Hristos gar O Sotir imon, O en arhi Logos estavrothi di imas, ke ekon etafi, ke Anesti ek nekron, tou Sose ta simpanta. Afton Proskinisomen.

Come, all ye Nations, acknowledge




ton Theon en tis Agiis Afton. Enite Afton en Stereomati tis Dinameos Aftou.


God in His Saints; praise Him in the firmament of His Power.

6. TONE 3 4AP - 4th St Matthew S t D a m i a n o s & S t K o s m a s - 1 J u l y 2 0 1 2

TONE 3 4AP - 4th St Matthew S t D a m i a n o s & S t K o s m a s - 1 J u l y 2 0 1 2


Theomitoros, defte tas hiras krotisomen, ton ex aftis tehthenta Theon Doxazontes.

clapping our hands, O people of the Lord, and Glorifying God Who was Born of her.

zonta meta ton nekron? Ouk estin ode, all igerthi.

do you seek the Living among the dead? He is not here, but is Risen! He spoke to you when He was still in Galilee, saying, The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the Third Day Rise again.


elatrefsan ti ktisi i Theoforones para ton Ktisanta. Alla piros apilin andrios patisantes, herontes epsallon. Iperimnite, O ton Pateron Kyrios ke Theos, Evlogitos i


Mnisthite os elalisen imin eti on en ti Remember how

Galilea, legon: Oti di ton Ion tou Anthropou paradothine is hiras anthropon amartolon ke stavrothine, ke ti Triti Imera Anastine.


Holy Children bravely trampled upon the threatening fire, preferring not to worship created things rather than the Creator, and they sang in Joy: Blessed art Thou and praised above all: O Lord God of our Fathers! Praise, we Bless and we Worship the Lord!




Evlogoumen Proskinoumen ton Kyrios.



emnisthisan ton Rimaton Aftou, ke ipostrepsase apo tou Mnimiou apingilan tafta panta tis Endeka ke pasi tis lipis.


they remembered His Words, and returning from the Tomb they told all these things to the Eleven and to all the rest.

Pedas evagis en ti kamino O tokos The

tis Theotokou diesosato, tote men tipoumenos, nin de energoumenos tin ikoumenin apasan agiri psallousan. Ton Kyrion imnite ta Erga ke iperipsoute is pantas tous eonas.

Offspring of the Theotokos saved the Holy Children in the furnace. He Who was then prefigured has since been born on earth, and He gathers together all Creation to sing: O ye Works of the Lord: Bless ye the Lord and exalt Him above all forever!

Isan de i Magdalini Maria ke Ioanna It

ke Maria Iakovou ke e lipe sin aftes, e elegon pros tous Apostolou tafta.

was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary,1 the Mother of James, and the other women with them, who told these things to the Apostles. like idle tales, and they did not believe them.

Ke O

efanisan enopion afton osi lipos ta rimata afton, ke ipistoun aftes. de Petros anasta edramen epi to Mnimion, ke parakipsas vlepi ta Othonia Kimena mona, ke apilthe pros eafton, thavmazon to gegonos.

And their words seemed to them But Peter rose up and ran to the
Tomb; and stooping down, he saw the Linen Cloths lying by themselves; and he departed, marvelling to himself at what had happened.

Katavasia of the Ever Blessed Theotokos -

9th Ode


gigenis skiratato to pnevmati lampadouhoumenos. Panigirizeto de ailon noon fisis, gererousa TA IERA THAVMASIA tis Theomitoros ke voato. Heris, Pammakariste Theotoke Agni, Aiparthene.


The Small Litany - Praises To The Lord

every mortaL born on earth, carrying his lamp, in spirit leap for Joy; and let the Orders of Angelic Powers celebrate and honour THE HOLY FEAST of the Theotokos, and let them cry: Hail, All Blessed Theotokos, Pure and Ever Virgin!

Resurrection Prayers, Psalm 50, Etc

Resurrection Kontakion -


Fourth Resurrection Exaposteilarion


aretes astrafantes, idomen epistantes, en Zoiforo Mnimati, Andras en astraptouses, esthisesi Myroforis, klinouses is gin ofin. Tou Ouranou despozonto s, Egersin didahdomen, ke pros Zoin, en mnimio dramomen sin to Petro, ke to prahthen Thavmasantes, minomen Hriston vlepse.

Let us gleam, shining with virtues,

and behold the Man standing in brilliant clothes inside the Tomb, giving Life to the Myrrhbearers with their faces downcast. Let us learn of the Resurrection of the Lord of Heaven and hasten with Peter to the Tomb and wonder at the great Happening, waiting to behold Christ the Life.

simeron, apo tou tafou iktirmon, ke imas exigages, ek ton pilon tou thanatou. Simeron Adam korevi, ke heri Eva, ama de, ke i Profite sin Patriarhes, animnousin akatapafstos, TO THION

Thou arose today, O Merciful One,

and led us out from the gates of Death. Adam dances today, and Eve rejoices. Prophets too, along with Patriarchs, praise without ceasing THE DIVINE

Resurrection Ikos -

Ouranos ke i gi simeron horevetosan, ke Hriston ton Theo omofronos imnitosan, oti tous desmious ek ton tafon anestise. Sigheri tasa i ktisis, prosferousa epaxia asmata, to panton Ktisti ke Litroti imon; oti

Let Heaven and earth dance today,

and in harmony sing the praise of Christ our God, for He raised the prisoners from the tombs. All Creation rejoices together as it offers fitting songs to the Creator of all things and our


10. TONE 3 4AP - 4th St Matthew S t D a m i a n o s & S t K o s m a s - 1 J u l y 2 0 1 2

TONE 3 4AP - 4th St Matthew S t D a m i a n o s & S t K o s m a s - 1 J u l y 2 0 1 2


tous vrotous ex Adou simeron, os zoodotis sinanelkisas, pros Ouranous sinanipsi, ke katarrassi tou ehthrou tas eparsis, ke pilas tou Adou diathlatti, to tho krati tis exousias aftou.

Redeemer. For today, as Giver of Life, He drew mortals out of Hades and raised them together to Heaven. He lays low the uprisings of the foe and smashes the Gates of Hades by the Divine Might of His Authority.

Osios Leon O Erimitis, gimnos diagon, en irini telioute.

On this day our Righteous Father,

St Leo the Hermit, who passed his life in nakedness, Reposed in Peace.


Agii Dishilii teliounte.



On this day the 2000 Holy Martyrs

were Perfected in Holy Martyrdom by the sword.

Festal Kontakion St Kosmas & St Damianos

tin Harin lavontes ton Iamaton, efaploute tin rosin tis en anagkes, Iatri Thavmatorgi Endoxi. Alla ti imin episkepsi, ke ton polemion ta thrasi TON KOSMON katavalete, IOMENI EN TIS THAVMASI.


obtained the Grace of Healing, grant Health to those in need! O Cosmas and Damianos, Physicians and Most Glorious Wonderworkers, Visit us, putting down the insolence of our enemies, And by Your Miracles, BRING HEALING TO THE UNIVERSE! all understanding and wisdom was the speech of the Wise Physicians, who impart Knowledge to all. For they received the Grace of the Most High, and to all invisibly grant health. Therefore, to me, they have granted the Gift of Narration, in order to extol them as God-Bearers and Servants of Christ, pleasing and acceptable, who provide many cures. They relieve everyone from pan, and THEY CURE THE WORLD BY THEIR MIRACLES.

Agii Ikosi Pente Martyres i en Nikomidia piri teliounte. afton Agiis Presvies, O Theos, eleison imas.

On By

this day the 25 Holy Martyrs of Nicomedia were Perfected in Holy Martyrdom by fire. their Holy Intercessions, O God, have Mercy on us.



K a t a v a s i a o f t h e Ev e r B l e s s e d T h e o t o k o s ODE 1

Festal Ikos St Kosmas & St Damianos

Anixo to stoma mou ke plirothisete I

Pnevmatos ke logon erevxome ti Vasilidi Mitri. Ke ofthisome fedros Panigirizon ke aso gnothomenos TAFTIS TA


sineseos ke sofias, iperkite O Logos ton Sofon Iatron, ke pasi gnosin parehousi. Tou gar Ipsistou Harin lavondes, aoratos tin rosin dorounte pasin. Othen kami diigiseos Harin dedorinte, imnise os Theoforous, evarestous Hristou ke Therapontas, iamaton plithi parehontas. Algidonon gar pantas litrounte, TON KOSMON IOMENI EN TIS THAVMASI.


shall open my mouth and the Spirit will inspire it, and I shall utter the words of my song to the Queen and Mother: I shall be seen radiantly keeping Feast and JOYFULLY PRAISING



Sous Imnologous, Theotoke, izosa ke Afthonos Pigi, Thiason Sigkrotisantas Pnevmatikon, stereoson. Ke en ti Thia Doxi Sou Stefanon Doxis axioson.

O Mother of God, Thou living and

plentiful Fount, grant strength to those united in Spiritual Fellowship, who sing Hymns of Praise to Thee: and in Thy Divine Glory grant them Crowns of Glory. the Unsearchable Purpose of God concerning Thine Incarnation from a Virgin, O Most High, the Prophet Habakkuk cried: Glory to Thy Power, O Lord!



Synaxarion 1 July



A tou aftou minos, Mnimi ton Agion ke Thavmatourgon Anargyron Kosma ke Damianou, ton en Romi teliothenton. afti imera, Mnimi tou Osiou Patros imon Vasiliou, tou sistisamenou tin Monin tou Vatheos Riakos. afti imera, Mnimi tou Osiou Petrou, Patrikiou genomenou en tis Evandrou.

On the first day of this month we

Commemorate the Holy and Wonderworking Unmercenaries, St Kosmas & St Damianos, who were Perfected in Holy Martyrdom in Rome.

anexihniaston Thian Voulin tis ek tis Parthenou sarkoseos Sou to Ipsistou O Profitis Abbakoum katanoon ekravgaxe. Doxa ti Dinami Sou, Kyrie





On this day we Commemorate our

Righteous Father, St Basil, who founded the Monastery of the Deep Stream.

Exesti ta simpanta epi ti Thia Doxi The

Sou. Si gar, apirogame Parthene, eshes en Mitra ton epi Panton Theon ke tetokas ahronon Iion, pasi tis imnousi Se Sotirian vravevousa.


On this day we Commemorate our

Righteous Father, St Peter the Patrician, who was in the district of Evandros.


whole world was amazed at Thy Divine Glory: for Thou, O Virgin, Who has not known wedlock, has been Translated from earth to the Eternal Mansions to the Life without end, bestowing Salvation upon all who sing Thy praises.


Thian Taftin ke Pantimon Telountes Eortin i Theofrones tis


we celebrate this Sacred and Solemn Feast of the Theotokos, let us come,

8. TONE 3 4AP - 4th St Matthew S t D a m i a n o s & S t K o s m a s - 1 J u l y 2 0 1 2

TONE 3 4AP - 4th St Matthew S t D a m i a n o s & S t K o s m a s - 1 J u l y 2 0 1 2


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