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42, 01 Brother-Captain Lars Fulrought, The Emperors Pride seconded to the Death-watch Time Line 41, 406 Accepted into the Emperors Pride 41, 414 Entered into the 10th Scout Company 41, 439 Entered into the 8th Reserve Devastator Company 41, 456 Entered into the 9th Reserve Assault Company 41, 472 Entered into the 4th Line Tactical Company, 3rd Squad, the Justificators 41, 593 Promoted to Sergeant, Given command of the Justificators 41, 608 Single Handily slew an Ork Warboss and his Retinue of Nobs, in Recognition offered A Vaulted Space in the 1st Veteran Company, The Lions Tooth, Respectfully declined to stay in command of his squad 41, 632 After a Hive Tyrant slew 32 Marines of his Company including his Captain Debethul he went AWOL and after 3 weeks returned to his Campaigns HQ with its head, in Punishment of going AWOL he was stripped of his rank as sergeant and removed from command of the Justificators to appease the cynics of the Chapter and Campaign, in recognition of his extreme Valour and martial skill he was given the honour of serving as the new Champion of the 4th company 41, 701 was first seconded to the death watch, served as a tactical marine 41, 721 returned to his chapter and served as a sergeant in The Lions Tooth 4th Sternguard squad so he could share his skill in hunting the xenos with his brothers 41, 732 The Emperors Pride suffer a major catastrophe and are reduced to 5 companies in the stopping of a chaos invasion from a warp portal. 2 other chapters are destroyed and their Terminator suits are bequeathed to the Emperors Pride bringing teir fighting strength terminator equipped marines to 300 41, 801 Returned to the Deathwatch as a Tactical Marine 41, 809 After completing his allocated watch Lars asked to extend it to hunt down a Traitor he encountered along his journey, the Infamous Dahzak, Watch Commander Mordigael accepted his offer and in recognition granted Lars the position of Deathwatch Champion and the leadership of a Kill Team 41,811 Completes Watch Champion training 41, 832 Watch Fortress Eriochs finest warriors are assembled to once and for all put an end to Dahzak, Fulrought is given field command of Kill Team Stark, in recognition of how difficult an undertaking this mission is Lars changes his standard wargear to a power fist and stormbolter instead of a champions usual load out of bolter and power sword 41, 832 The mission is successful, Lars returns with Dahzak dead and the bodies of two fallen marines, Fulrought returns to his chapter and as a sign of respect is given the position of champion of The Lions Tooth 41, 854 returns to the Deathwatch as a watch champion again ```41, 870 In a rare feat Fulrought has survived a 2nd watch as a champion and returns to his chapter, as a now glorified hero of the Emperors Pride he is promoted to Captain of the 2nd Company, The Razor Claws 41, 903 returns to the watch as a watch champion yet again, saying his final goodbyes to his brothers knowing that no one has ever completed 3 watches as a champion and survived. 41, 907 Half way through a research mission dealing with tyranids Lars confronts a carnifex, distracting it away from his kill team. Just as Fulrought was about about to deliver a killing blow to the xenos the carnifex swiped with what Fulrought thought was

a Talon he had disabled and penetrated his Power Fists generator causing a horrific explosion tearing off his right arm and leg and shredding the right side of his torso. Falling back the kill team had to get off world after realising how deep the tyranids invasion was. However Deathwatch traditions state that all possible effort must be made to recover a champion and his fallen body. Watch Captain Reuther of the Imperial Fists led four kill teams down to the planets surface to reclaim the body of Lars Fulrought, acclaimed hero of the Deathwatch and Emperors Pride. Upon reaching his body Apothecary Galt was astonished to see that Fulrought yet lived. His body was put on life support and returned to Erioch where he was to interned into a Dreadnought Sarcophagus, but while in transit back to Erioch Fulrought had one moment of lucidity in which he clearly stated that he did not want to be interred in one of the holy shrines. The Deathwatch owing Lars a huge debt had the Forge Masters craft him a bionic arm and leg and in a feat of engineering marvel successfully reconstructed the right side of his torso 41, 908 Fulrought is returned to his Chapter and promoted the Venerated Rank of Captain of the Lions Tooth

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