Food and Nutrition

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Food and Nutrition

To lead an active and healthy life, we all need adequate food and nourishment. Food, which is essential for survival and growth of human beings, can also lead us to many health risks if not chosen properly. But, before we discuss its beneficiaries and functions, let us define what is Food and Nutrition? Food is made up of any substance, composed of carbohydrates, water, proteins, and fats either eaten or drunk by any animal; including humans to give energy or help build up the body for growth. Nutrition is the process in which you consume food or nourishing liquids, digest and absorb them and use them for health and growth.Also, Nutrition can be defined as a three-part process i.e. consumption, digestion and circulation of the food. The origin of the word nutrition is linked to the Latin words nutritionem and nutrire, meaning a nourishing or to nourish, suckle. As the saying goes, `we are what we eat, ` good nutrition plays a vital role in our wellbeing, helping to keep the mind and the body fit.

Basic Nutrition
Proper nutritional planning is a must to sustain a healthy lifestyle besides satisfying our hunger. Therefore, knowledge of nutrition is essential so that people live in the best of their health, improve their abilities, and sustain and enjoy increasingly diverse lifestyle.

Major nutrients
Nutrients are divided into two parts as macronutrients and micronutrients. All macronutrients provide energy in variable measures, whereas micronutrients, like iron and cobalt, are protective in nature. Some of the major nutrients in food which provide energy and essentials for our continued existence are:

It is our main source of energy and is recommended that 55-60% of our daily calories should come from complex carbohydrates find in sugar, bread, cereals and vegetables.

Protein found in meat, fish, pulses, legumes, is essential for bodys growth and development. Nearly 25-30% is recommended for daily intake.

Fat is also an essential component of our diet, especially in childhood, as it helps in brain development. At least 10-15 % of daily calories are suggested, though excessive intake may lead to many health problems. Fat is found in fried foods, cheese, butter, margarine and oils.

Vitamin and Minerals:

Although vitamins and minerals are required in very tiny amount by our body, they are equally essential as other nutrients. Vitamins and minerals are usually known as protective nutrient, as they protect us from several ailments by strengthening our immune system. Vitamin A, B, C, D, E and K are the most common vitamins. Fruits and vegetables are main sources of vitamins. Minerals can be found in varying amounts in a variety of foods such as meat, cereals, fish, milk and dairy foods, vegetables, fruit (especially dried fruit) and nuts. Three main reasons why minerals are important: building strong bones and teeth controlling body fluids inside and outside cells turning the food we eat into energy Essential minerals are: Calcium, iron, salt, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and sulphur.

Food quality
Honey is like nectar for humans. Honey can bring new life to a powerless, voiceless, and with no consciousness. Honey is a pre-digested substance and hence provides instant energy. When given to children with milk it not only makes them powerful but disease free as well. It makes human body healthy, beautiful and brings new energy in old people. Honey has many chemical constituents that are useful for humans. Vitamin A, B, and C is present in ample amount. Important mineral elements such as iron, copper, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and iodine are also present. It has antiseptic property as well. Regular intake of honey gives energy, freshness and enhances immunity against diseases. It removes disorders related to respiratory system, asthma, digestive system and skin. It purifies blood, removes cough decreases cholesterol and improves digestion.

Honey and lemon drink removes tiredness and decreases cholesterol. Honey has both the properties of slimming down fat people and fattening slim ones. Honey and water mixture should always be taken empty stomach. It is harmful when taken in very hot water and should be taken with lukewarm water. Honey should never be heated over a direct heat source.

Coconut Water
Coconut water is naturally sterilized and mineral water. Acts as antidote to side effects of medicines. It is a tasty drink that helps digestion. It is completely safe for babies. When taken with honey, it acts as a very effective tonic. It is very helpful in diarrhea and eliminates harmful bacteria from intestine. In case of dehydration coconut water with lemon juice is recommended. Coconut water has sufficient amount of potassium and chlorine. It is especially helpful in kidney disease, lack of urine formation, stones, toximine, excess of albumin, typhoid etc diseases. Children and pregnant mother, in vomiting stage should be given coconut water with lemon juice. Milk with coconut water both prevents and cures constipation and indigestion. Coconut water is helpful in most of the diseases but especially in asthma and ulcer. Regular cleaning of face with coconut water removes, black marks and pimples and increases the glow.

Because of its properties, coconut is considered very auspicious in Indian culture and is usually used in every festival. Vedas and other religious literature have description of its many utilities. Coconut is used both as a food item and as a medicine. It is a rich source of vitamin E, B, C and calcium, iron, phosphorus and other minerals. It has high quality alkaline oil. It is a rich source of fat. The protein found in coconut is also of high quality. Coconut is easily digestible, nutritious, blood enhancer, urinary tract purifier, strength giving and remover of the three doshas. Chewing coconut daily prevents all types of mouth cancer. The baby is healthy if the pregnant mother takes coconut regularly and the delivery is also less painful. Fresh coconut water is almost as good as breast feed. Children`s health remain good by drinking it regularly.

Coconut milk is very healthy for people suffering from ulcer, colitis, constipation and weak digestion.

Tulsi (Basil)
Not only from religious point of view but from medicinal perspective too it is highly useful. The mere smell of leaf makes the atmosphere healthy and hinders the growth of mosquitoes and flies in the area. There are mainly two types of Tulsi: Shyam Tulsi: With dark colored stems and leaves Rama Tulsi: Whitish stems and green leaves Both types are approximately same as far as qualities and smell is concerned. Yet Shyam Tulsi is considered more useful than Rama Tulsi. Those who eat five leaves of Tulsi daily remain protected from different types of diseases with enhanced memory power and intelligence. Old people do not experience weakness and remain protected from several chronic diseases. Basil leaves are blood purifier. It enhances the beauty naturally. From medication purview it is not just a medicine but a super-medicine (maha aushadhi). In Ayurveda it is considered as the destroyer of all the three doshas. Taking juice of basil leaves with water on empty stomach in the morning increases the glow and memory power. It enhances digestive power as well. This is kriminaashak. Basil juice immediately stops vomiting. Its juice is very helpful in malaria. It enhances the functioning of kidneys and is very helpful in case of acidity, piles, white spots on skin, obesity etc. Fever, cough, prakay, and TB patients are benefited by taking three grams of Tulsi every day. Basil juice with honey should be given for six months to patients suffering from stone problem. Cough, cold, fever, diarrhoea and vomiting etc. can be cured by Tulsi. Its juice controls blood cholesterol level.

Mixture of one part harr, two part baheda and four part amla is known as Trifala. It has all the constituents (rasa) i.e. bitter, sour, spicy, sweet and salty. It prevents diseases, increases hunger, smoothens bowel movement and helps in getting a good deep sleep. Taking one spoon trifala with a glass of fresh water in the morning is very helpful. Regular use of trifala prevents impotency, menstruation related problems shwet padar etc.

Advantages of using trifala for 12 years: One year - No laziness Two year - Free from all diseases Three year - Increased vision Four year - Increased beauty Five year - Enhanced mental ability Six year - Powerful body Seven year - Black hair Eight year - Transformation of old age to youth Nine year - Special vision power Ten year - Improvement in voice Eleven year - Towards vaak siddhi Twelve Year - Vaak siddhi

Amla (Emblimyrobalan) Amla possess qualities of both of a fruit and a medicine. It tastes bitter, sweet and cool respectively while eating. It is known to annihilate cough and vaat because of its bitterness and pitt because of its sweetness and is therefore called tridosh nashak. It is the richest source of vitamin C. It is important to know that even heating and drying cannot destroy its vitamins. It provides strength to youth and potency to old. Chyavan Rishi regained his youth by using this. Its blood-purifying, disease resisting and balveeryavardhak properties are unprecedented. All health conscious people should include amla in their diet. Amla makes gums and teeth strong. It is very helpful in sinus problem, restlessness, heartbeat, obesity, tilli, blood pressure, daad, pradar, weakness of uterus, impotency, urinary disease and bones related diseases. Amla when mixed with honey acts like tonic for weak liver and jaundice remediation. It can be used as juice, sauce or can be taken as powder with water.

Neem (Margosa Tree) Neem is a very useful tree. Every part of the tree, from its roots to leaves is laden with medicinal properties. Neem trees bitterness is its biggest merit. Because of its bitterness, it remains green even in summer when other trees become dry. Normally it has insecticidal properties. Chewing 5 very soft neem leaves daily keeps all diseases at bay, purifies blood and helps prevent chronic diseases. Its regular consumption prevents teeth related disorders and improves voice. Regular brushing with neem stub keeps teeth white, shining, strong and free from diseases. Applying a paste of neem leaves has been one of the fastest ways to heal a wound from time immemorial. Neem leaves when dried and burned keep mosquitoes and flies away. Taking bath in boiled water with neem leaves heals skin diseases. Neem oil is used in many medicines. In Ayurveda neem is known to destroy all the three doshas (vaat- pitt and cough). Taking juice of neem leaves helps a lot in skin diseases, diabetes and allergy. If one or two drops of neem oil is put in nose it can prevent hair fall and greying. Neem oil massage at night prevents dandruff.

Food Combination
It is vital to know whether the given combination of food items is appropriate or not. Ayurvedic literature discusses in detail about various food combinations and warns that many food items if eaten together combine to act like poison in the body. For instance, honey and desi ghee when mixed in equal quantities and eaten, acts like poison. For digestion of constituent substances of a diet different digestive juices are required. Shwetsaar substances are digested by alkaline juices whereas proteins are digested by acidic juices. Shwetsaar and protein rich foods, when eaten together, will trigger the release of both alkaline and acidic juices leading to putrefaction of protein and fermentation of shwetsaar. This disturbs the process of digestion.

Similarly foods like vegetables, fruits, pickles, curd, kheer, sweets and papad etc when eaten together disturb the digestive process. Eating one substance at a time is ideal. Eating a mix of substances is wrong in the first place. Mixture of minimum foods is preferable and makes the food easily digestible. One should take fruits at one time while salad(vegetables) and cereals at other time. This is called Monodiet.

Wrong Combination:
Milk and curd with banana Milk or curd with radish Milk and curd Honey with hot water or any other hot substance Honey and radish Khichdi and Kheer Milk with musk melon(kharbooza)/watermelon/cucumber/sanke gourd(kakadi) Bengal gram (Urad) and radish Curd and blackberry(jamun) Curd and musk melon(kharbooza) Curd and paneer Fruits with vegetables Radish or curd at night Curd after heating Ghee kept in a copper pot for more than 10 or more days Pulses with sweet potato/potato/kachalu Musk melon(kharbooza)/watermelon with any other food item Pulses and rice or pulses and chapatti Milk or curd with chapatti Chapati and tamarind NB: Chapati and rice should be eaten together alongwith good amount of vegetables.

Ideal Combination: Mango and cow`s milk Milk and dates Rice and coconut Guava with fennel seed(saunf) Watermelon with radish leaves Asparagus(bathua) and curd raita Curd and pulses Mix vegetable of carrot and methi Banana and cardamom(small) Curd and amla powder Swetsaar with vegetables Dry fruits with citrus fruits Pulses and vegetables Vegetables and rice khichdi Fruits and small quantity dry fruits with vegetables Chapati with green leafy vegetables Sprouts with fresh coconut

Our Digestive System

Digestion is the process of breaking down the different varieties of food we eat into chemicals, and transported them to every part of our body by our circulatory system. The digestive process begins in the mouth, where foods are chewed by the teeth after mixing with saliva, and, then the consumed food is transferred to the stomach through esophagus. On reaching stomach, food is passed into small intestine, while some of the enzymes acted upon on it for further break down and release of nutrients until it is small enough to pass through the walls of the small intestine into the bloodstream. On the other hand, food that cannot be digested passes into the large intestine, where some water gets absorbed by colon. Later, the solid waste, the feces, is then expelled from the body through the rectum and anus.

Factors affecting Digestion and Absorption of NutrientsMouth: Any diseases that affect the mouth can have an impact on food intakeirritations, dental caries, mouth sores

Esophagus: Irritation of the lower esophageal sphincter from gastric reflux or


Stomach: Gastritis from alcohol, stress, or overtraining Small intestine: Malabsorption from celiac disease or Crohns disease or other
inflammation (often from alcohol)

Large intestine: Crohns disease irritation, with possible bowel obstruction

associated with a fluid and electrolyte imbalance

Drugs: Certain drugs may also have an impact on the digestion and absorption of
nutrients. Antibiotics destroy the intestinal micro flora (bacteria) that assist in digestive and absorptive processes and that are even involved in creating certain nutrients, such as vitamin B12.

Some Tips for Better Digestion

Eat in a comfortable atmosphere. Chew your food slowly and properly. Dont talk when you eat. Avoid excessive intake of water while eating, but, for poor digestion, drinking peppermint tea is beneficial. Eat at regular meal times. Avoid eating late night heavy meals as our digestive system slows down in late hours. The most common cause of indigestion is overeating. So leave some space in your stomach before you are full. Take a light walk after having your meal as physical activity enhances our digestive system.

Lactating and Pregnant Woman

Pregnant women need to take extra diet and cares as well since they are the sole source of nutrients for their growing foetus. Also, nutrients and energy must be available for increases in the mothers tissues and blood. While, the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs) for several nutrients are the same as those for women who arent pregnant, an expectant mother needs extra vitamins. Vitamin D: Intake of vitamin D should be as per doctors recommendation. Because, too much of vitamin D can cause birth defects, whereas, too little can weaken a developing foetus. Vitamin E: A pregnant woman needs an extra vitamin E to create new tissue in her body as well as the baby. Vitamin C: An extra 10 milligrams vitamin C is required daily for a pregnant woman. The amount of vitamin C in the blood reduces as it flows across the placenta to the baby. Riboflavin (vitamin B2): A pregnant woman needs additional 0.3 milligrams riboflavin each day to protect the baby against structural defects such as cleft palate or a deformed heart. Folate: Folate is a B vitamin, such as thiamine, niacin and vitamin B12, found in black eyed peas, lentils, oranges, eggs, bananas, etc. Taking 400 micrograms folate each day during pregnancy eases risk of giving birth to a child with cleft palate and neural tube (spinal cord) defects. Vitamin B12: It is recommended for a pregnant woman to take an extra 0.2 micrograms vitamin B12 each day to meet the demands of the growing foetus. In case of breast-feeding mothers, more vitamin A, vitamin E, thiamin, riboflavin, and folate should be taken to produce sufficient quantities of nutritious breast milk, about 750 milliters (3/4 liter) each day. Lactating mothers lose vitamins in breastfeeding their babies, therefore extra vitamin D, vitamin C, and niacin should be taken to replace the lost.

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