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Pret'ace 1 Some fundamental concepts in statistics 2 Frequency distributions and variabi1ity 3 Measures of centra1 distriblltion 4 The 5 Samp1e statistics and popu1atiol1 parameters: estimation 6 Project design and 11ypothesis testing: basic princip1es 7 Parametric tests of significal1cc 8 SOl11e LIsef1l1 non-paramctric tests 9 The chi-square test 10 The F distribution and its Llses 11 12 Statistics, computers and calcu1ators Appendix 1 Appendix 2 References Index Statistica1 tables Answers to excrcises

vii 1 14 27 44 53 65 78 98 112 127 137 154 168 182 211 212

Corrections added to pages :-Chapter 9. Chapter 10 Chapter 10 Chapter 10 Appendix 2 Page 112 Page 129 Page 134/5 Page 136 Page 206

24 February 2006

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