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Another way to make - Tzitzits

A closer look at the passage in Nu 15:37-41 shows that the command of Tzitzit applies only to clothing, as the passage specifically states "And they will make for themselves Tzitzit on the corners of their garments" (Nu 15:38). Furthermore, Dt 22:12 specifically states that the Tzitzit are to be put "on the four corners of your clothing which you cover yourself with". The Biblical Hebrew word for garments (BeGeD) relates to something that is worn as clothing and therefore it is absurd to assume that the commandment can be fulfilled in any way other than by wearing a garment/clothing which has Tzitzit on it.

The above tzitzit is braided with twisted cord. The braids can be made in any number of ways and do not have to be made in the Rabbinic fashion (today's Karaites make theirs in a slightly different way than the Rabbanites). The important thing is that they have the appearance of "Gedilim" and that they include at least one blue strand. The word Tzitzit itself literally means a "twisted cord". Thus the design of the Tzitzit must be made-up of twisted cording. The command in Dt 22:12 states "Gedilim shall you make for yourself on the four corners of your clothing, with which you cover yourself with." Another way is to take a long blue cord and wrap it around seven shorter cords first seven times, then eight, then eleven, and finally thirteen, each series being separated from the others by two knots. The numbers seven and eight constituting fifteen together suggest , YH, and the number eleven, , WH. Together they make up the Sacred Name YHWH. , ehadh, the letters of which taken as numerals equal The number thirteen stands for thirteen. The sentence YawHuWaH ehadh meaning YawHuWaH is One. Many other suggestions, more or less fanciful, have been worked out, all tending to associate the fringes with the Torah in the mind of the viewers. Corners could be thought of as both sides of the front and both sides of the back, or even perhaps the four opening of the garment (neck/arms/waist). Most scholars believe that Cover thyself seemingly refer to an upper garment. YawHuWaH' providence extends itself to the smallest affairs, and His precepts do so, that even in them we may be in the fear of YawHuWaH, as we are under His eye and care. Yet the tendency of these Instructions to a righteous life in the presence of Ailoah, which seem little at times, is such, that being found among the things of YawHuWaH' Torah, they are to be accounted great things. If we would prove ourselves to be YawHuWaH' people, we must have respect to His will, and not to the vain fashions of the world. Even in putting on our garments, as in eating or in drinking, all must be done with a serious regard to preserve our own and others' purity in heart and actions. Our eye should be single, our heart simple, and our behavior all of a piece.

Definition of - Gedil(im)

[the im is add to make the plural form]

New American Exhaustive Concordance:

H1434 gedil (152d); from H1431; twisted threads: - tassels (1), twisted threads (1).

King Iames Concordance:

H1434 gedil Total KJV Occurrences: 2 - fringes, 1 Deu_22:12 / wreaths, 1 1Ki_7:17

Strong Hebrew Lexicon:

H1434 gedil ghed-eel' From H1431 (in the sense of twisting); thread, that is, a tassel or festoon: - fringe, wreath

Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Definitions:

H1434 gedil Definition: 1) twisted threads, tassels, festoons 1a) tassels (on clothes). 1b) festoons (on capitals of columns). Part of Speech: noun masculine A Related Word by BDB/Strongs Number: from H1431 (in the sense of twisting) Same Word by TWOT Number: 315c

Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible:

Strongs #1434: AHLB#: 2054 (b) 2054) Ldc% (Ldc% GDL) ac: Magnify co: Rope ab: Magnificent: A cord is made by twisting fibers together, the larger and more numerous the fibers, the stronger the cord will be. Anything that is large or great in size or stature. [from: dc - from the twisting of sinew to make cords.] (eng: great - with the exchange and reversal of the r and l and the t and d) V) Ldc% (Ldc% G-DL) - Magnify: To increase in size or ones position of honor. [freq. 115] (vf: Paal, Hiphil, Hitpael, Pual, Piel) |kjv: magnify, great, grow, nourish| {str: 1431} Nm) Ldc% (Ldc% G-DL) - Grow: An increasing in size. [freq. 4] |kjv: grow, great| {str: 1432} bm) Lidc% (Lidc% G-DYL) - Tassel: Something that is made from twisted fibers. [freq. 2] |kjv: fringe, wreath| {str: 1434} cm) Lfdc% (Lfdc% G-DWL) - Magnificent: Something with increased size, power or authority. [freq. 529] |kjv: great, high, loud, elder, mighty| {str: 1419} df1) Elfdc% (Elfdc% G-DW-LH) - Magnificence: An increase in size power or authority. [freq. 12] |kjv: greatness, great, majesty, dignity| {str: 1420} gm) Ldfc% (Ldfc% GW-DL) - Magnificence: An increase in size power or authority. [freq. 13] |kjv: greatness, stout, stoutness| {str: 1433} hm) Ldcm% (Ldcm% MG-DL) - Tower: A place of great size. [freq. 50] |kjv: tower, castle, flower, pulpit| {str: 4026}
Fringes are partly to bring the Commands of YawHuWaH to our remembrance, as it is expressed in Num_15:38 and partly as a public profession that we are Consecrated in Covenant with YawHuWaH, whereby we might be distinguished from the Gentiles, as that we might not only be more circumspect to behave as became the people of Ailoheem, but as that we might own our religion proudly before all the world as Set-Apart people unto YawHuWaH'.

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