Making Tzitzits (Tassels)

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tzitzits [tassels/fringes]

(Bemidbar [Numbers] 15:37-40) And HWHY spoke unto Moshay, saying, "Speak unto the children of Yisra-Ail: and bid them that they make them fringes in the borders of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringe of the borders a rib-band of blue: And it shall be unto you for a fringe, that ye may look upon it, and remember all the Commandments of HWHY, and do them; and that ye seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which ye use to go a whoring: That ye may remember and do all My Commandments and be Set-Apart unto your Ailoheem. (Debarim [Deuteronomy] 22:12) Thou shall make thee fringes upon the four quarters of thy vesture, wherewith thou cover [thineself]. There is no doubt that tzitzits are an integral part of our Covenant with HWHY.

In this tassel, there are four sections of rib-bands. There are 10 wraps in the first section which corresponds to the Hebrew letter Yohd. The second section has 5 wraps which collates to the Hebrew letter Heh. The third section, 6 wraps for Waw. And the fourth section once again represents Heh with 5 wraps. This (from right to left, as Hebrew reads) gives us Ailoheem' Name, HWHY. It isnt necessary to make tassels exactly like this one. There is another popular method of tying them as an indicator of 613 Commandments within the Torah. However, the total count of 613 Commandments was compiled by Rambam, an YawHu-Dish scholar from the 12th century A.D. He authored the Mishneh Torah, a well known and often used commentary on the Talmud. Yet the list of 613 Commandments, isn't really an accurate count as it was influenced by the Talmud. Making tassels (tzitzits) is actually pretty easy. With no practice at all, you can make a full set in 20-30 minutes. In the video provided you will see a tassel being made (VERY) slowly. Once you see how they are made, it is pretty easy to copy and do it yourself. For clarification, there are instructions provided below to accompany the video, but keep in mind that this is just one way to make them, you can be creative in making your own personalized set of tassels. The thickness of string and the have a rib-band corded of blue. (String for making tassels can be found at most Department or Arts and Craft Stores) Step #5 Tie the two groups of strings together again just like the first step in tying your Instructions for making a set of the tzitzits (tassels) pictured above: Step #1 Affix a hook/nail/dowel rod/etc to a stationary object. Step #2 Take 1 blue string approximately 32 long, and 3 white strings approximately 24 long. Combine the four strings lining them up evenly on one end. This will result with the blue string longer at the other end. Step #3 Fold the grouped strings in half around the hook/nail/dowel round/etc so that the white strings match-up evenly on both ends. Again, the blue string will be longer on one side than on the other.

Step #4 Tie the two separated groups of string together just like the first step in tying your shoe laces, but leave some space from the hook, as youll need a loop (button hole or bigger) to secure the tassel to your garment. [You can also use something the exact size of the lope you want to create in place of the hook] shoes, as in step#4, but tighten it this time up against the first tie making a knot Step #6 Separate the longer blue strand from the others and wrap it around all the other strings a total of 10 times. Each wrap run the rabbit into the hole (as in the 3rd step of tying shoe laces. [Be sure to cinch up each wrap as you go].) Step #6 Now separate the strings, as before, into a pair of three whites and one blue. Tie the two groups of string together just like in step#4 tightening snug against the 10 wraps of blue string. Step #7 Again, tie the separated groups of string together and tighten them against the first tie to create another knot like in step #5. Step #7 Now separate the long blue string from the others and again wrap it around the other strings for a total of 5 times.(dont forget to run the rabbit in the hole!) Step #8 Split the strings again into a pair of three whites and one blue. Tie the two groups of strings together as in step #6 and tighten against the wraps of blue. Step #9 And again, tie the two groups of strings together and tighten against the first tie creating a third knot, like in steps #5 & 7. Step #10 Separate the long blue string from the others, as before, and wrap it around the 6 others a total of 6 times. (Rabbit running around the tree and in the hole) Step #11 And again, split the strings into a pair of three whites and one blue. Tie the Two groups together and tighten against the 6 wraps of blue strings. Step #12 Tie the strings together a second time and tighten it against the first tie to create another knot, as in steps #5, 7, & 9. Step #13 Separate the long blue string from the others one more time and wrap it around the rest of the other strings for a total of 5 times. (Again, making sure that the rabbit goes into the hole each time he/she circles the tree!) The tassel now numerically spells out HWHY [the four English letters YHWH] Step #13 Now separate the strings into a pair of three whites and a blue once more. Tie the two groups of string together and tighten against the 5 wraps of blue. Step #14 Tie the strings together for the last time and tighten against the first previous tie whereby creating another knot. Step #14 Do all four tassels the same way, and then hang them up together by the loops, and cut the tag-ends to the desired length. Before cutting them, you may want to put one knot at the desired length of each tag-end and then cut just below the knots to keep the strings from becoming frayed at the ends. This is even more important with looser, yarn-like string material. I highly suggest taking string, left over from the excess cutting of the tag-ends, and tying a triple knot at the top of each loop, as this will keep the loops from tangling.

Remember you can tie your tassels anyway you want, but the reason I recommend doing them in this fashion is because they are to remind us to keep the Torah of YawHuWaH, and His Name equals the numerical value 26, so His Name is represented by the 26 wraps of blue thread on each tassel. Interestingly enough, throughout the Torah His Name is spelled over and over within the Torah, from the beginning to the end, at a 26 letter skip. So as the Torah does the tassels will also, if the number of windings upon the tassels add up to the Numerical value of the Sacred Name HWHY. Hallelu-YawHu, awmane.

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