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Course Syllabus - Summer 2012 LI 880XP Capstone July 27-28 & Internet
Faculty: Email: Primary Phone: Secondary Phone: Fax: Office Hours: Faculty Profile: Online Course Login: Credit Hours: Note: 1.0 Course Syllabus May Change Mirah Dow (620) 341-5734 (800) 552-4770 (620) 341-5233

Important Dates for Summer 2012

5/14: First day of class 7/4: Fourth of July (ESU Closed) 5/21: Last day to add/drop 8/3: Last day of classes 5/28: Memorial Day (ESU closed) 8/7: Final grades due by noon 6/27: Last day to withdraw

LI880XO & XP Capstone Course, Assessing the MLS Experience

Course Schedule

Class begins online May 16 and ends August 3, 2012

Class Meetings

Internet and


Friday, July 27, 2012 - 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.


Saturday, July 29, 2012 - 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

All enrolled students will be assigned to present during one of these two f2f class meetings. The assignment sheet will be posted in Bb Course Content. You are required to attend only the f2f class meeting that you are assigned. You may attend the other class session as an observer if you would like to do so.

Optional Meeting

An optional "get started" meeting will be available for both groups on Tuesday, May 22 at 7:00 p.m. PDT. This will be an opportunity for you to hear the professor briefly speak about the instructions and process and to have your questions answered. Please read the capstone assignment instructions if you can before attending this meeting. If you are not able to attend, this session will be recorded for your convenience.

The link for the AC session is available in Bb. Click on "Adobe Connect" on the main menu.

If you need assistance to use Adobe Connect, in advance, please email or call 620-341-5235 during SLIM office hours.


Portland, Oregon (classroom to be Announced by Perri Parise)

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Mirah Dow, PhD 620-341-5734 (SLIM office) 1-800-552-4770 (toll free, SLIM office) 620-341-5233 (fax, SLIM office)

Office Hours

It is best to schedule an appointment if you would like to visit me in-person or speak to me on the telephone. The best way to reach me is by e-mail.

Logon to Blackboard at

Course Description
This course will give students the opportunity to reflect on their growth and development over the course of their MLS experience. This should be the last course that students take. (SLIM Course Description, Approved April 2011).

Overview of the Course

Assessment activities provide opportunities for students to reflect, assess and illustrate the knowledge, skills, and professional values learned during their MLS program. It is especially critical that students use this opportunity to demonstrate mastery of all MLS Program Outcomes and Professional Values. (accessed April 13, 2012) During the course, each student creates an individual assessment portfolio that addresses the extent to which the goals of the MLS program curriculum were met. Students must successfully complete and pass this course before becoming a candidate for graduation. It is likely to take all semester to complete this course. Please do not wait to get started. Capstone Class requirements are organized around five course assessment activities. Begin at once and pace yourself. The assessment process is distributed throughout the semester. Portfolios are due approximately three weeks before student presentations. This will give the instructor(s) sufficient time to review your portfolio and give approval and/or make suggestions for change before the presentations.

Course Learning Objectives

Capstone course culminates several semesters of study. Students will be able to 1. articulate cognitive and affective learning throughout the MLS program; 2. communicate skills in preparing a creative, professional portfolio that most effectively displays abilities, professional knowledge, and professional goals; and 3. apply their learning to the library and information profession and summarize the elements of professional and intellectual growth. 4. analyze, synthesis and evaluate her/his learning on the basis of required program outcomes and values.

Required Materials
Textbook Krug, S. (2006). Don't make me think: A common sense approach to web (2nd ed.). Berkley, CA New Riders. This is a "how to" book that will help you with technical skills such as scanning pages, creating a visual hierarchy, how to deal with noise, navigation conventions, tabs and pull downs, and more. Website Punch up your portfolio by Katie Dunneback. Retrieved from (last accessed April 13, 2012).

Course Calendar of Activities (5)

Each course assessment activity (5) is in a single document located in Blackboard, "Assignments." Please begin your participation in this class by reading through all five documents. Then, return to the top of the list, read and follow the information provided in each and every assessment activity document in the order listed and according to the stated time schedule in the chart below. This structure and timeline will guide and direct

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your participation in Capstone Class throughout the weeks of the course. Activity # Brief Description Reading - Begin course by reading the syllabus, assignments, final rubric, and textbook Date

Activity #1

May 15 - 22 Optional Adobe Connect meeting on Tuesday, May 22 at 7:00 pm PT May 23 - June 22

Activity #2

Reflection - Begin reflective process by gathering and reviewing artifacts from all MLS Due date: June 22 courses. **There is an Assignment link Choose artifacts that align with for submitting this so it will go into the BB Gradebook. MLS Program Outcomes & Values. Submit a file showing alignment of outcomes, values and artifacts. Include draft reflective statements for each artifact.

Activity #3

Activity #4

Activity #5

Note: School libraries must also include KS School Library Media Standards for K-12 School Libraries and The Teachers College Conceptual Framework Construct - Build your June 23 - July 7 e-portfolio website Send your url for your Insert reflective statements that e-portfolio to your professor have been "polished." ( on or before July 7. The professor There is a discussion thread will comment. If revisions are available if you would like to needed, revisions must be share ideas with your completed by July 21. classmates. Submit - Post the url for your Due date for FINAL e-portfolio website in BB url: July 21 **There is an Assignment link for submitting your url in the textbox. This will enable me to return your final capstone rubric in BB, which is a secure environment. Presentation - share your LI880XO - Saturday, July 29 portfolio and discussion your (required); knowledge and achievements. LI880XP - Friday, July 28 (required)

Capstone Evaluation (3) Evaluation #1 - Online & In-class Participation (30 points) - throughout weeks of the course Evaluation #2 - Portfolio (40 points) - url for final e-portfolio due on July 21 Evaluation #3 - Portfolio In-Class Presentation (30 points) - LI880XO Saturday, July 29; LI880X Friday, July 28

Evaluation #1 - Online & In-class Participation (20 points) - throughout semester

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You are expected to begin on the first day of class and to continuously participate throughout all the scheduled weeks of the course. It is very important, and necessary, to submit your work on-time. Your participation with your classmates will take place during the capstone f2f session. You are not required to participate in online discussions with your classmates. The available discussion threads may be used to share ideas. Participation Evaluation Criteria and Points 17-20 points - Interacts with professor about assignments; completes assignments on schedule; attends capstone class; consistently listens to and values the contributions of others; consistently has a positive influence on the learning process. 14-16 points - Interacts with professor about assignments; communicates with professor when assignments are not on schedule; attends capstone class; listens to and values the contributions of others; has a positive influence on the learning process. 13 or fewer points - Seldom interacts, or does not interact with professor about assignments; fails to submit on-schedule completed assignments; attends part or none of capstone class (no permission granted); the learning process is consistently interrupt by the student's lack of regular communication with the professor. Evaluation # 2 - Portfolio (40 points) - July 21, 2012 The Master of Library Science portfolio must be an electronic academic-professional collection of evidence that the student has achieved all the MLS Program Outcomes and Professional Values ( Portfolio Evaluation Criteria and Points The Evaluation Form for the final e-portfolio is in Course Documents. It contains all the competencies for evaluation of the MLS Portfolio. Read it at the beginning of the course. Evaluation Grading Scale 40 points All criteria are met exceptionally well. 33 - 39 points 32 or fewer points All criteria are met satisfactorily, or most criteria are met exceptionally well. Some criteria are not met, and/or there are major omissions or errors.

Special Note: If you have already been hired for a professional position, please do not make the mistake of "skimping" through your creation of your MLS portfolio. Remember that your portfolio should do two things: 1) demonstrate student mastery of MLS Program Outcomes and Professional Values, and, 2) be a "showcase" for your work. Evaluation #3 - Portfolio In-Class Presentation - (30 points) - LI880XO July 29; LI880XP July 28 Capstone class (required) provides students opportunities to reflect, share through presentation, and celebrate Master of Library Science experiences and achievements. Please read and follow Capstone Activity #5 and Capstone Activity #5 Presentation of Portfolio, Tutorial. Please read and follow Capstone Class in Blackboard, Course Documents. (Evaluation Criteria included) Evaluation Grading Scale 40 points - All criteria are met exceptionally well. 33-39 points - All criteria are met satisfactorily, or most criteria are met, some exceptionally well. 32 or fewer points - Some criteria are not met, and/or there are major omissions or errors.

Course Grading Scale

Evaluation #1 - Discussion and Class Participation Evaluation #2 - Portfolio Evaluation #3 - Portfolio In-Class Presentation Total Points 30 40 30 100

If final portfolio receives fewer than 80 points, the student will be given the opportunity to immediately revise the portfolio following instructor and advisor guidance. Online and in-class participation (including portfolio presentation) are required. Any exception must be with prior permission by the instructor, or alternative accommodations approved by the instructor.

Grading Policy
All work, including Blackboard postings, must be submitted as required on or before the due date and reflect professional care in presentation, appearance, and technical quality. On a conceptual level, content presented should reflect a high degree of original thinking, logic, and careful

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analysis. When cited, the work of others must be properly credited. In addition, each assignment will include directions specific to that activity. If final portfolio receives fewer than 80 points, the student will be given the opportunity to immediately revise the portfolio following instructor/advisor guidance.

SLIM Grading Scale*

96 -100 A 90 - 95 A87 - 89 B+ 84 - 86 B 80 - 83 B77 - 79 C+ 74 - 76 C 70 - 73 D 0 - 69 F

*The SLIM Grading Scale does not apply to pass/fail courses. Instead, each pass/fail course instructor will determine the number of points that must be earned to pass the course successfully.

SLIM Attendance Policy

Students must attend all face-to-face classes. In cases of emergency, see SLIM's Policy and Procedures for Absence from a Class Weekend due to Illness or Personal Emergency (PDF).

SLIM Grade Policy

All graduate courses included in the SLIM MLS and doctoral programs' required curricula or their approved substitutions must be passed with a final grade of B- or better to receive academic credit. If a student does not receive a final grade of B- or better in any or all of SLIMs required classes, then the student will be placed on academic probation and notified by the office of the director of program administration that he or she must retake that course or those courses. When a student has been placed on academic probation, an administrative hold will be placed on the students record to block future enrollment. The administrative hold can only be released by the students academic advisor or by the SLIM dean or director of program administration. Before enrollment can be done, the student is required to meet with the students academic advisor with the goal of developing an academic improvement plan. If a student has a semester GPA of less than 3.0 for two semesters or is on academic probation for two semesters, then the students academic progress will be reviewed in light of the academic improvement plan by the students program director, the SLIM dean, and the SLIM director of program administration, and a decision will be made regarding whether the student should be academically dismissed from the SLIMs graduate program. This policy goes into effect fall 2009 semester. This SLIM Grade Policy applies to all SLIM students, including those students who entered SLIM under the 42-credit-hour MLS program, the 36-credit-hour MLS program, or the SLIM doctoral program. It will also apply to all those who have passed into MLS or doctoral degree candidacy.

SLIM Incomplete Grade Policy

SLIMs Incomplete Grade Policy upholds the Emporia State University Incomplete Grade Policy (for full policy, go to: SLIMs Incomplete Grade Policy further stipulates that an incomplete request will not be considered approved without an Incomplete Request Form having been submitted by the instructor and approved by the SLIM dean within two weeks after the issuance of the incomplete. If the incomplete grade is being requested for reasons of health, then documentation must be submitted to the SLIM deans office before the final grade change is made. If a SLIM students request for a single incomplete grade is approved by the instructor and dean, then the student will be limited to enrolling in six credit hours in the immediately succeeding semester. If a SLIM student requests more than one incomplete grade to be issued at the conclusion of a semester, then an administrative hold will be placed on the students record to block future enrollment until all incomplete grades are finished and the final grade changes have been submitted by the instructor(s), signed by the SLIM dean, and accepted by the ESU Registrars Office.

Faculty-Initiated Student Withdrawal Procedure

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Students should be aware that your instructor follows the universitys policy of faculty-initiated student withdrawal. It reads as follows: If a students absences from class or disruptive behavior become detrimental to the students progress or that of other students in the class, the faculty member shall attempt to contact the student in writing about withdrawing from the class and shall seek the aid of the office of Vice President of Student Affairs to help insure contacting the Student. The Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs shall provide the student information about the existing appeals procedures. Upon receiving a written report from the faculty member, the Vice President of Student Affairs may initiate a student withdrawal from the class. None of the above implies or states that faculty members are required to initiate the student withdrawals for excessive absence. [Policy and Procedures Manual 43.11]

Academic Dishonesty
At Emporia State University, academic dishonesty is a basis for disciplinary action. Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to activities such as cheating and plagiarism (presenting as one's own the intellectual or creative accomplishments of another without giving credit to the source or sources.) The faculty member in whose course or under whose tutelage an act of academic dishonesty occurs has the option of failing the student for the academic hours in question and may refer the case to other academic personnel for further action. Emporia State University may impose penalties for academic dishonesty up to and including expulsion from the university.

Disabilities Policy
Emporia State University will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Students need to contact the Director of Disability Services and the professor as early in the semester as possible to ensure that classroom and academic accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. All communication between students, the Office of Disability Services, and the professor will be strictly confidential. Contact information for the Office of Disability Services: Office of Disability Services 211 S Morse Hall Emporia State University 1200 Commercial Street / Box 23 Emporia, KS 66801 Phone : 620/341-6637 TTY: 620/341-6646 Email:
Copyright 2011-2012 School of Library & Information Management Emporia State University voice: (800) 552-4770 voice: (620) 341-5203 - other numbers

fax: (620) 341-5233 Content comments for the instructor: 1200 Commercial Campus Box 4025 Technical questions: Emporia, KS 66801

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