From The Roots

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From the Roots

Another kind of privilege to write unto you the saints of God the almighty; for I do not take it for granted that by the grace of God am sharing un to you some of the most sensitive parts of salvation that most people have taken long to understand, or have claimed to have understood them yet they are in err. In the first lesson, we looked at righteous; and now that we know that we are righteous, let us again look at this lesson about holiness. Most people look at holiness as some thing that is so far, that is unattainable; they look at it as the most top goal of salvation; but we want to really see whether their perceptions are right. Holiness means- sanctity, piety, godliness, saintliness, consecration, devoutness, devotion, purity. This means that if one is holy, he is pure, spotless, and blameless; and we very well know that thats the very nature of our Father. There are people who think that we become holy by assimilation, some by toiling and personally I was once a culprit. I thought that righteousness comes from God and that we need to work out holiness but that was totally wrong. Per now I dont expect to be speaking to people who still think that we work out our own righteousness; for if it is hard for them to believe that they are freely righteous, how will they understand what am about to explain? In the Old Testament, every person who was not pure could not come in to the meeting of other people, for that person had to first consecrate[a] him/her self. People like the lepers, women who were bleeding, had to sanctify themselves in order to be considered pure. Now this would imply that there was a personal initiative that was required of a person to make him self holy. Therefore in the dispensation of the Old Testament, people had to make themselves holy, since that was the very time of the law where people struggle to do things pertaining godliness. And unfortunately even people of the New Testament dispensation expect to follow the same trend simply because thats what they know. This is a dispensation of grace where by every thing is all about God. Not that some things we do them by our selves and others God does them. Let us try to understand this; the bible says this about God Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,[b] He has called us with a holy calling. God called you unto holiness, a life of perfection; thats why he called you with a holy calling. Most people find it hard to believe that when they become born again, they become holy. In Heb 3:1, he calls you holy brethren, why? Because you are holy. The bible says that we are the temples of the Holy Ghost[c] and you know that he cannot sit in a place thats not holy. Some people think that because of this, the Holy Ghost some times leaves and when they become holy, he comes back. Its wrong- sinning takes place in the flesh and the Holy Ghost dwells in the inside of you [spirit], thats why the bible

With Muganzi Emma

says that Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. [1John 3:9] Because its your spirit that is born of God not the flesh, and the bible says flesh and blood shall not inherit the Kingdom... When Jesus was praying in John 17, he said 17Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. Yet by the reason of the presence of the Spirit of truth[d] inside you, and the word which is Christ Himself dwells in the inside of you, you are sanctified; no wonder Christ said in the same chapter that 19 And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth. In other words, it pleased Christ to sanctify Himself, that you through Him would be sanctified. This is not about men but Christ Him self. It should not be hard for you to believe that you are holy for ..Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, 27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.[Eph 5] The very reason as to why Christ offered him self to death, was that he might present you unto Himself, spotless, without a wrinkle, and blameless. Though most people think that they have to do it themselves, to make them selves spotless and blameless which is wrong. Thats frustrating the grace of God. Its the same reason as to why Paul writes to the Thessalonians in Chapter 5 that 23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. In Chapter two of this lesson we shall know what he meant by preserved. God is the one that sanctifies, not people. And its not that you have to make prayers that God please sanctify me You are already; for Christ did it for you. Thats interesting, that you are holy, and that you are not just going to be holy. In Chapter Two we shall be looking at how it all comes about that you are considered holy before God.

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