Write City Officials About 109OZ: Smartgrowthforossington - Ca

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planning event of seven years thats what long-8me observers said.

Our friends, our neighbours, people from around Toronto. Residents, business people, landlords. Workers, owners, re8rees, renters, parents, students, kids. People who love Ossington. They showed up and kept showing up and kept showing up. The city had booked a room for 87. But Ossington is the street Toronto loves to talk about. So when 600+ Torontonians from nearby, from all corners of the city converged in Trinity Park Rec Centre we werent surprised we were proud. We sat and tried to hear. We processed down to the gym pa8ently, old and young alike neighbourly like Toronto for Neen minutes. We sat and tried to hear some more. We explained it to them Ossington is Lowrise no thanks to your Midrise frathouse cool like Toronto. A guy who got up to provoke, provoked. A couple people on the mic feeling the powerful community in the room, got swept up in that feeling. Thats how these things go. You were there, thats what you saw. Some in the media said otherwise. Those who like the easy story the liTle drama the glossy picture of the shiny building. The issues do the players follow the rules are we going to preserve our culture not as much. Thats how these things go. But ul8mately Toronto knows that story wont y. Because Toronto loves Ossington, loves our neighbourhood, like we love Toronto back. And on this one Torontos got our back.

Want to improve the discourse? Be the discourse.

Write city officials about 109OZ

Mike Layton: councillor_layton@toronto.ca City Planner: fkwashi@toronto.ca Details on 109OZ: smartgrowthforossington.ca

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