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Submitted By: Engg. Naseer Sattar Reg.No: 2010-Ag-825 MBA (R)-IV Section: M-1 Submitted to: Mr. Yawar Abbas Institute of Business Management Sciences University of Agriculture Faisalabad (Pakistan)
To The Controller of Examination, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.


We, the supervisory committee, certify that the contents and form of thesis submitted by Naseer Sattar (Reg No. 2010-ag-825)have been found satisfactory and recommend that it be processed for evaluation by the External Examiner for the award of the degree.

Supervisory Committee:
Supervisor (Mr. Yawar Abbas) _________________________ Member (Dr. Abdul Ghafoor) __________________________ Member (Mr. Adnan Adeel) __________________________



I dedicate all my efforts to Allah Almighty, The Creator of the Universe And The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H), The Cause of the Creation of the Universe To Our Parents, The Symbol of Love and Kindness And To Our Teachers, The Light of Knowledge in Darkness of Ignorance To Our friends, The Pillars of Trust and Support


Table of content

Ch#1 Ch#2 Ch#3 Ch#4 Ch#5

Introduction Literature review Methodology Result and Discussion Research Finding References

06 09 14 19 44 41



I would like to show my gratitude towards our course instructor Mr. yawer abbas for teaching and making us capable enough to work on this report. Without his complete guidance and support I would not have been able to complete this endeavor. I would also like to show my gratitude towards the respondents for their time and providing valuable information without which this report would have not been completed. This report contains all the relevant material required as per instruction. I hope this report meets his expectations.

Executive summary
This research has determined the consumers attitude with regards to Ariel and Surf Excel, the brand image of both the detergents in the minds of the consumers, the level of loyalty possessed by them and their level of satisfaction. The data has been collected from the respondents through personal interviews and a detailed questionnaire was designed for that purpose. The interviews have been conducted from the respondents at random locations. The sample includes 50 respondents. The data gathered has been analyzed on a question-by-question basis. The details of the research findings are mentioned after the analysis. And recommendations are given to the management based on the research findings

Ch#1 Introduction


1. Introduction
1.1 Ariel
Your parents might remember when Ariel Biological was launched in the 1960s. With the introduction of enzymes, washing clothes was suddenly transformed from a laborious process of boiling and scrubbing to an easy and efficient activity. With Ariel, clothes became white and bright with much less effort. With further innovations like Ariel's activated bleach, and the introduction of an Ariel liquid detergent that helped protect colours and fabrics, they may have almost forgotten what a chore washing clothes could be! Your parents might also be able to tell you stories of building carts out of detergent drums and racing them in soap-box derbies. Ariel once again transformed the detergent world with material and packaging innovations that made the laundry process less harmful to the environment. In the 1980s, Ariel Ultra was among the first to reformulate without phosphates and with less process aids, allowing for more compact detergents. Your parents may also remember how Ariels dose sizes kept getting smaller and smaller in the 1980s, and especially the 90s. What they may not have realized, however, is that Ariel's compaction process helped lower the environmental impact by reducing packaging volume, transportation needs and wastewater treatment. Ariel also showed the way in packaging innovations by introducing refill packs, and dosing devices like the Arielette and Roller Ball, which helped Ariels cleaning power get straight to work, in the heart of the wash.

1.2 Surf Excel


Surf Excel is the product of Unilever. Surf Excel is the oldest detergent brand to be present in Pakistan since 1960. The company believes that dirt is a valuable way to enrich lives, both young and old. To ensure that everyone, anywhere in the country, can share in this initiative, Unilever invests heavily in developing a range that suits the pockets of all income groups. This has included launching affordable packs that not only offer the topclean advantages of Surf Excel, but also reduce the time, physical effort and amount of water needed to wash clothes by hand.


Ch # 2 Literature review


1. Research Title What are the main features consumers look in detergents? Conclusion
With the increase in per capita income and wide range of choices being available, consumers are main focus for many detergent producing organizations. With competition at its all time peak and with changing trends in demand the companies are finding it hard to survive or to retain their market share. In order to lure the consumers, companies study the quantity being purchased by consumers and at what price. We here try to find out how these factors, confining ourselves to detergent market of India, and many other factors effect the demand of consumers for detergents.

2. Research Title Consumer Behavior Towards Ariel And Surf Excel . Conclusion
Hindustan Lever Limited (HUL), Procter and Gamble (P&G) key players in fabric market of India. Surf Excel enjoys 37.8% market share compared to 7.7% of Ariel. The per capita consumption of detergents in India is 2.7 kg per annum. The synthetic detergent market can be classified into three main categories: * Premium (Surf Excel and Ariel) 15% of total market * Mid Price (Rin and Wheel) 40% of total market * Popular (Nirma) 45% of total market Surf Excel Surf Excel is product of Hindustan Lever Limited (HUL), which was formed in the year 1933 as Lever Brothers India Limited and came into being in 1956 as Hindustan Lever Limited through the merger of Lever Brothers, Hindustan Vanaspathi Manufacturing Company Limited and United Traders Limited. The company believes that dirt is a valuable way to enhance lives, both young and old.

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3. Research Title To identify the perception of consumers about Ariel? Conclusion

All the respondents said that they look for performance when purchasing a detergent, those who said they look for economy also added that they look for the best quality in a reasonable price.

70% of the respondents said that they preferably use surf excel.
Almost 67 % of the respondents who use Surf Excel said that they are using it from more than five years, 17% said that they are using it from less than 5 years and 15% using it from less than 6 months 20% using surf excel said that they use to purchase it every week. 21% said that they use to purchase it on fortnight and 59% said that they buy detergent once a month. 70 % of the Surf Excel respondents said that they would use the liquid detergent if the company will introduce it. And the remaining 30% said that they will not appreciate co this idea Advertisement recall of Surf Excel is also very high 70 % of the people who use Surf Excel clearly recalled the different ads.

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30% said that they preferably use Ariel
Among the Ariel users 50% said that they are using it from more than 5 years and 37% said that they are using it from less than 5 years. And 13% are using it from less than 6 months 12% are purchasing it ever week. 14% use to purchase every fortnight. And 74% purchases it every month. 67% of Ariel users will say that they will use the new products liquid detergent if the company will introduce it. 33% said that they would not use it. 33% percent of the people who use Ariel recalled its Advertisement. 10% of the respondents who use surf excel purchases the 400-gram pack. 38 percent is purchasing 1-kilogram pack. 65% are purchasing 2kilogram pack. And 7% are using 4.5-kilogram pack. 69% of the Surf Excel users have recalled Zubaida Tariq coming in Ariel ad Among the Ariel 8% are using 250 gram pack .7% are using 400 gm pack. 38% are using 1kilogram pack.18% are using 2 kilogram pack. And 29% are using 3 kilogram pack 33% of Ariel users have recognized Zubaida Tariq coming in Ad. And rest of them has no idea. Conclusion User Preference According to our survey most of the people are using Surf excel preferably because the awareness of surf excel is very high among them. Ad Recall The promotional campaigns that surf Excel is running are very successful even the Ariel users can easily recognize various ads of surf excel. On the other hand awareness of Ariel is low mostly people are not using it, this is may be because the unsuccessful communication campaigns of Ariel even the current Ariel users cannot recognize its ads and also cant able to recognize the recent ad of Zubaida Tariq.

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Usage Pattern Most of the people no matter which brand they are using, use to purchase their detergents monthly, with maximum users purchasing the one or two kilogram pack. The prices of Surf Excel and Ariel are almost same but in the case of small single use pack, Ariel is offering double powder then Surf excel on the same price. But again due to lack of awareness people are not familiar with this offer. It may be possible that if the Ariel will promote this offer properly people will change their consumption patterns.

Brand Breadth
Both the Brands Surf Excel and Ariel have Brand breadth people will appreciate if the companies will introduce new product like liquid detergent for color clothes to maintain their brightness

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Ch # 3 Methodology

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3.2 Research Background and Project Overview

Ariel has been in the market for 21 years now; however Surf Excel has a greater share in the detergent market. The consumers viewpoint is of great importance for the simple reason that they are the bread and butter of any organization. Hence, this research is aimed to find out the consumers perception with regards to Ariel vis--vis Surf Excel. This research will also try to find the brand image of both the detergents in the minds of the consumers, the level of loyalty possessed by the consumers and their level of satisfaction.

3.3 Research Objectives

To determine the attitude of consumers towards Ariel vis--vis Surf Excel. To identify the perception of consumers about Ariel. To determine the effectiveness of Ariel vis--vis Surf Excel.

3.4 Information Needs

To determine the brand image of Ariel in the minds of the consumers. To determine the brand image of Surf Excel in the minds of the consumers. To determine the satisfaction of consumers regarding the detergent they are using. To comparatively gauge the level of Brand Loyalty possessed by consumers of Ariel and Surf Excel To determine the extent of brand awareness and brand recall of Ariel To determine the extent of brand awareness and brand recall of Surf Excel

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3.5 Research Design and Data Sources

The research carried out is an exploratory research that is; it has only determined the consumer perception about ARIEL VIS--VIS SURF EXCEL The focus of this research is obtaining primary data. The data is acquired via communication with the respondents. The respondents include consumers of Ariel and surf Excel and personal interviews were undertaken with the respondents.

3.6 Data Collection Procedure

The data has been collected from the respondents through personal interviews and a detailed questionnaire was designed for that purpose. The questionnaire was designed according to the research objectives; the questions fulfill the aim of determining the comparative attitude of the consumers towards Ariel and surf Excel. For these purposes, 15 questions are included in the questionnaire.

The interviews have been conducted from the respondents as follows:

At random locations.

3.7 Sample Design

Quota sampling has been used in this research. The sample includes 50 respondents. All the respondents are from Faisalabad and are house wives & retailers. The factor that was considered in order to qualify the housewives & retailers. as an eligible respondent was, that she has used Ariel and Surf Excel both.

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3.8 Data Processing

The data gathered has been analyzed on a question-by-question basis. The number of respondents highlighting a particular choice given to them in multiple choice questions have been calculated, tabulated and elaborated graphically. The similar responses to the open ended questions were grouped together and are tabulated and elaborated graphically.

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Ch# 4 Result and Discussion

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1. How frequently do you wash your clothes? Options given to respondent daily once a week twice a week fortnightly monthly Respondent choosing the option 5 10 25 8 2

2 8


daily once a week twice a week fortnightly monthly


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2. How do you wash your clothes?

Options given to respondent hand wash washing machine dhobi or laundry soak it and leave any other

Respondent choosing the option 14 26 10 0 0

0% 20%

0% 28% hand wash washing machine dhobi or laundry soak it and leave


any other

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3. Which according to you is the most appropriate form for washing clothes?

Options given to respondent bar powder liquid

Respondent choosing the option 20 30 0


40% bar 60% powder liquid

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4. When you think of detergents which brand comes to your mind?

Options given to respondent Ariel Surf Excel Others Respondent choosing the option 17 23 10

20% 34% Ariel Surf Excel 46% Others

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5. Which detergent do you use?

Options given to respondent Ariel Surf Excel Respondent choosing the option 12 15

44% 56% Ariel Surf Excel

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6. When you think of Ariel, what comes on top of your mind?

Options given to respondent

Bright Clothes Packaging Fragrance Average Detergent Advertisements

Respondent choosing the option

6 1 0 4 2

15% 46% 31% 8% Bright Clothes Packaging Fragrance Average Detergent Advertisements


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7. When you think of Surf Excel, what comes on top of your mind?
Options given to respondent
Slogan Packaging Fragrance Average Detergent Good Detergent

Respondent choosing the option

3 2 5 3 4


18% Slogan 12% Packaging Fragrance 29% Average Detergent Good Detergent


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8. Since when have you been using it?

Options given to respondent Less than a year 1-5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years 21-30 years More than 30 years Respondent choosing the option 3 3 6 4 1 0

0% 6% 23% 18% 18% Less than a year 1-5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years 35% 21-30 years More than 30 years

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9. What do you look for when making a purchase decision for a detergent?
Options given to respondent Performance Economy Status Symbol Packaging All of the above Others Respondent choosing the option 15 20 0 5 10 0

0% 20% 10% 30% Performance Economy Status Symbol Packaging 0% 40% All of the above Others

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How is your overall experience with Ariel?

Respondent choosing the option 13 17 12 8 0

Options given to respondent Very Good Good Average Bad Very Bad

0% 16% 26% Very Good 24% Good Average 34% Bad Very Bad

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How is your overall experience with Surf Excel?

Respondent choosing the option 19 19 12 0

Options given to respondent Very Good Good Average Bad

0% 24% 38% Very Good Good Average 38% Bad

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12. Are you satisfied with the brand you are currently using?
Options given to respondent Yes No Respondent choosing the option 38 12


Yes 76% No

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13. From where do you learn about the brand you are using currently?
Options given to respondent TV advertisements news paper banners/ hoardings shopkeeper/ frinds advide others Respondent choosing the option 7 3 7 30 3



6% TV advertisements 14% news paper banners/ hoardings


shopkeeper/ frinds advide others

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14. If we seek your suggestions to improve the sales of Ariel, what suggestions do you provide?
Promotions Reduce price Improve quality Improve packaging

Respondent choosing the option

4 15 4 6


14% Promotions

14% 52%

Reduce price Improve quality Improve packaging

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Respondents who are satisfied by Ariel Response
Good Performance Protects Color

No. of respondents
15 5

Respondents who are unsatisfied by Ariel Response


No. of respondents

33% 50% Good Performance Protects Color 17% Costly

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Surf Excel

Respondents who are satisfied by Surf Excel Response

Removes Stains Best detergent Little Quantity used Availability Does not harm the skin

No. of respondents
8 13 2 3 1

Respondents who are unsatisfied by Surf Excel Response

Does not protect color

No. of respondents

3% 7% 10% 7% 28% Removes Stains Best detergent Little Quantity used Availability 45% Does not harm the skin Does not protect color

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15. If we seek your suggestions to improve the sales of Ariel, what suggestions do you provide? Response
Promotions Reduce price Improve quality Improve packaging

No. of respondents
9 13 11 3

8% 31%

25% Promotions Reduce price Improve quality 36% Improve packaging

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16. If we seek your suggestions to improve the sales of Surf Excel, what suggestions do you provide?
Promotions Reduce price Improve quality Improve packaging Maintain the position in market

No. of respondents
2 10 3 1 8

14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

Surf Excel Ariel

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Ch# 5

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5.1 Research findings

76% of the respondents were satisfied by the detergent they are using. 46 of the respondents recalled Surf Excel and 34% recalled Ariel when they thought of detergent.

24% of the sample population said they might change the brand in the future. 50% of the sample population associated Bright clothes with Ariel, 12% said that it was an average detergent, 9% recalled its advertisement and the remaining 6% associated packaging to it. 34% of the respondents said that Surf Excel is a good detergent, 10% had a strong association with its packaging, 24% said that it was an average detergent, 29% recalled its fragrance and the remaining 17% remembered the slogan 7% of the sample population who use Surf Excel said that they find it economical since they only have to use a little quantity.

The general perception of 16% of the sample population reflects that the quality of Ariel has gone down. All the respondents said that they look for performance when purchasing a detergent, those who said they look for economy also added that they look for the best quality in a reasonable price. Respondents who said they also go for packaging when making a purchase decision were consumers of Surf Excel and they all recalled the container packaging of Surf Excel which they found very convenient

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Recommendations for the management

In the wake of the analysis and findings of this research study, the following recommendations are extended to the management Retailers can play impotent role for increase in sales of Ariel as Ariel using penetration strategy, by giving 22% more profit from sales volume to retailers. Ariel should decrease its prices. People perceive both the detergents as equally good, but they purchase Surf Excel since they find it more economical.

Ariel has well repositioned itself but still there is need to change the image that it is a low quality product as compared to surf excels. In promoting the worth of the Ariel, it has to modify its promotional campaigns base on traditional heroism and fantasy Ariel needs to improve its packaging. It can introduce container packs which are refillable and are very convenient to use. The company to introduce container packaging for its large size packs, which are usually bought monthly

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Reference: s/

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