Benchmarking Tables

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Table 1: classification of benchmarking in researches Classification of benchmarking internal, competitive, functional and generic Research (M. Zairi,M.

Youssef,1995) (G.Anand,R.KodaliG,R. Kodali, 2008)

Strategic benchmarking, (2) Operational benchmarking (3) Management benchmarking functional and competitive benchmarking qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative benchmarking involves to measure functions and methods of one company against other companies. Quantitative benchmarking, on the other hand, involves benchmarking the performance and profitability of one company against others. Quantitative benchmarking is financial benchmarking.

(Y. K. Shetty,1993) ( I.a. pickering &S. chambers, 1990) (J. Karlsson, . Akademi,2001)

Table 1: continue Classification of benchmarking Internal ;( 2) External ;( 3) Best practice Benchmarking should be classified as internal and external benchmarking. All other cases like strategic, product, process, functional, etc. can be listed under these two categories. External benchmarking: comparison of similar operations, systems, processes with external organisations. Competitive benchmarking: where comparison is made between like functions, activities with direct competitors, in order to catch up or surprise competitor performance. Industry benchmarking: In which comparisons are with a group larger than direct, competitor (i.e. includes other organisational players such as suppliers, distributors, customers etc.). Generic benchmarking: (sometimes also referred to as Functional Benchmarking) here comparison is not restricted to any one industry or market. The search is for general best practices, which are common across industry sectors/markets. Process benchmarking: involves comparisons between discrete work processes and systems. Performance benchmarking: involves comparison and scrutiny of performance attributes such as price, time to market, reliability, robustness etc. Strategic benchmarking: involves benchmarking at a higher level than operational. In particular it seeks to address strategic issues or processes. Because of this, it has also sometimes been referred to as core competence benchmarking (CIPS, 1996; Jennings and Westfall, 1992 Research (C.J. McNair and K.H.J. Leibfried) (G.Anand,R.KodaliG,R. Kodali, 2008) (P. K. Ahmed,M. Rafiq,1998)

Table 2: steps of implementation in researches Steps for implementation of benchmarking Research (G.Anand,R.KodaliG,R. Kodali, 2008)

planning study conducting research data analysis adapt, improve and implement findings

(M. Zairi,M. Youssef,1995)

Table 2 :continue Steps for implementation of benchmarking initial problem-solving stage establish communication with other key individuals who will be affected by the process; analysis and justification of change communication and education to gain acceptance pilot test provision of detailed plan for complete implementation; provision of new performance measure to establish the change; recalibration of performance Planning: (1) selection of the subject area (2) defining the process (3) identification of potential partners (4) identification of data sources Analysis: (5) collection of data from sources and confirmation of partners (6) identification of performance gap (7) comparison of processes with those of partners to identify differences (8) determining future performance targets Action: (9) communicate results of benchmarking process and objectives (10) adjustment of goals and development of corrective improvement plan (11) implementation of corrective improvement plan (12) review of progress and calibration Research (C.J. McNair and K.H.J. Leibfried,1995)

(C.J. McNair and K.H.J. Leibfried)

Table 2: continue Steps for implementation of benchmarking (1)Identification of the function to be benchmarked (2) Selection of the superior performers (3) Collection and analysis of data (4) Establishing performance goals (5) Implementing plans, and monitoring results Research (Y. K. Shetty,1993)

Xerox benchmarking process steps (P. K. Ahmed,M. Rafiq,1998)

Table 2: continue Steps for implementation of benchmarking Research (P. K. Ahmed,M. Rafiq,1998)

(M Zairi,1998)

Table 3: indicators for benchmarking in researches indicators for benchmarking cost as the main dimension of measurement dimension of time delivery times product development lead times customer-complaint response times Quality a crucial aspect of competitive advantage The processes must be capable of handling variety and uncertainty and thus it is crucial to measure performance in terms of flexibility measure performance related to environmental-friendliness Research (B Andersen, P. Jordan)

The competitive stance of aerospace manufacturing subcontractors is based mainly on five dimensions. quality quality of customer service Time-based competition (Vesey, 1991). flexibility cost (M Zairi,1998) (E. Lefebvre & L. A. Lefebvre,1998)

1-startegic focus 2-operational focus 3-customer focus 4-process focus 5-link to TQM 6-continuos improvement (PDCA) 7-continuous learning

Table 4: benchmarking methodologies Benchmarking methodology

Planning : Analysis: Integration: Action: Maturity 4-determine current performance gap 5-project future performance levels 6-communicate benchmarking finding and gain acceptance 7-establish functional goals 8-develop action plans 9-implement specific actions and monitor progress 10-recalibrate benchmarking Leadership position attained Practices fully integrated into processes 1-identify what is to be benchmarking 2-identify comparative companies 3-determine data collection method.

name Xerox (Robert camp)

Focus Plan : Do review review (measure progress) Interaction with target company debrief and evaluation action plan for pocl integration Pocl team to be involved Preparation to visit chose process to benchmarking Who to benchmark against

Post office counters ltd (pocl):

Table 4: continue Four basic phase and 36 steps: Planning a study Collection data Analysis data Adopting and improving Royal mail:(International benchmarking clearing house) :

Vaziri :

Identify Analysis Plan Implement and evaluate

Price water house :

Table 4: continue 1-chose what process to benchmark 2-select key measures and practices )both input and output measures on quality , timeliness and cost axes) 3-identify comparable processes and benchmark companies. 4-assess world class approach 5-develop change priorities Mckinsey & co.:


Table 4: continue Mcnair & leibfried :

First thing first 1-determine who clients are (process owners and planners) 2-advance the clients from literacy to champion stage 3-test the environment . Identify commitment, expose barriers. 4-determine urgency. avoid states of panic or apathy 5-determine scope and type of benchmarking required 6-select and prepare team Process 7- overlay benchmarking process onto business planning process 8-develop benchmarking plan 9- analyse data 10-integrate the recommended action 11-take action 12-continue improvement


Table 4: continue 1-Decide what to benchmark 2-planning the benchmarking project (team and proposal) 3-understand own performance. 4-stduy others (identify candidates, select , prepare for visit and conduct) 5-learn from data (identify performance gaps and understanding practices ) 1-identify key performance measures. 2-identify best-in-class companies. 3-measure performance of best in-class companies 4-mesure own performance and identify opportunity gaps. 5-specify programmes and actions to meet /surpass the best-in-class 6-implement and monitor results Understand process Adopt the blank sheet of paper approach Analysed the process Identify area of concern Establish present position Identify world-class players and areas of excellence. Carry out comparison Formulate and implement plans Establish strategy Allocate resources Formulate planed timescales Continuous assessment and improvement Establish performance monitors Review and reassess progress Reassess (data and result , take action) Review and reassess Schedule regular review meetings. 1-reserch own company first and identify key success factors of the business. 2-establish scope and basis of benchmarking comparisons; strategic customer, cost versus best meets companys improvement needs. 3-select the group of comparators; identify and screen companies for the Alcoa




Table 4: continue comparison group 4-develop a detailed plan for data collection and processing: sources could include customers trade association s, employees, joint venture partners, cooperative data exchanges, interviews or surveys. 5-develop conclusions and establish performance targets to ensure that benchmarking is a catalyst for the future IBM benchmarking process model

Table 4: continue Texas instrument benchmarking model

Table 4: continue Competitive benchmarking model

American express Benchmarking process model

G. Anand, R.Kodali,(2008),"Benchmarking the benchmarking models, Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 15 P. B. Southard & D. H. Parente,(2007), A model for internal benchmarking: when and how?, Benchmarking: An International Journal D.Ralston, A. Wright, J. Kumar,(2001), Process benchmarking as a market research tool for strategic planning, Marketing Intelligence &Planning J. Karlsson,. Akademi,B. Back,H.Vanharanta,A. Visa,(2001), Financial Benchmarking of Telecommunications Companies, TUCS Technical Report No 395 G. H. Watson, STRATEGIC BENCHMARKING Learn from the Best Companies Elsevier Science

D.W. Song,K.F. Wong, P.D. Bruza, C.H. Cheng,(1999),Towards Functional Benchmarking of Information Retrieval Models, American Association for Artificial Intelligence
E. Lefebvre & L. A. Lefebvre,(1998), performance of aerospace subcontractors, Elsevier Science B Andersen & P. Jordan ,Setting Up A Performance Benchmarking Network The Norwegian University of Science and Technology P. K. Ahmed & M. Rafiq, (1998), Integrated benchmarking: a holistic examination of select techniques for benchmarking analysis, Benchmarking for Quality Management & Technology M Zairi,(1998), Benchmarking at Shorts,Benchmarking for Quality Management & Technology,Vol. 5 no 1 M Zairi ,(1998),Effective management of benchmarking projects,biddles ltd,Guildford and kings lynn M. Zairi,M. Youssef,(1995), A review of key publications on benchmarking, Benchmarking for Quality Management & Technology,Vol. 2 Y. K. Shetty,(1993), Aiming High: Competitive Benchmarking for Superior Performance, Long Range Planning, Vol. 26 M Zairi & P. Leonard,(1994), Practical benchmarking: the complete guide, Chapman & hill I.e. pickering &S. chambers,( 1990), Competitive benchmarking : progress and future development ,Warwick business school

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