Canadian ISD Minutes 03-11-10

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CANADIAN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 800 Hillside Canadian, Texas 79014-3299 MINUTES OF THE BOARD March 11, 2010

The Canadian Independent School District Board of Education met in regular session on Thursday, March 11, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. in the School Administration Building. Those present were: Mitch Ashley, presiding, Salem Abraham, Larry Gatlin, Allen Hadaway, John C. Isaacs, Ken King, Randy Walser, Superintendent, Kyle Lynch, Business Manager, Cindy Moore, Canadian Elementary Principal, Kirk Saul, Baker Elementary Principal, Corey Weiss, Canadian Middle School Principal, Sam Hancock, Canadian High School Principal, Rick Berry, Maintenance Director, Matt Dillon, Canadian Record reporter, Jason Turner, Dana Koch, Lauren Haley, Luke Thrasher, Alice Bentley, Julie Cooke, Tony Cook, Betsy Alexander and Tamera Julian. INVOCATION Mr. Ashley gave the invocation. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. MINUTES Mr. Hadaway moved to approve the minutes of the February 11, 2010 regular meeting. Mr. King seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. Mr. Hadaway moved to approve the minutes of the February 16, 2010 special called meeting. Mr. Isaacs seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. RATIFICATION OF BILLS Mr. Abraham moved all February and March office and void checks, wires and transfers, for General Operating #14160 through 14283, #4343 through 4351, wire 021610; Consolidated

Application #2323 through 2343; Activity Fund #4341 through 4360; Capital Projects #6321 through 6375; Debt Service wire #021210; Workers Compensation Fund #1875; Tax Clearing #1916 through 1941; Payroll Clearing #9892 through 9963, wires #020001, 020002 and 020003; and Payroll Register dated February 19, 2010, be approved for payment. Mr. Hadaway seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. FINANCIAL STATEMENT(S) The financial statement contained financial reports, updated expenditures of bond projects and tax collection statements. REPORTS/DISCUSSION ITEMS Mr. Lynch gave an updated report on facilities projects and an enrollment and attendance report. The board discussed the possibility of offering some office space to the county in the building on Kingman street that CISD owns. It was decided that it is not in the best interest of either the county or the school district. CONSIDER/APPROVE PAYMENT AND MAXIMUM COST FOR FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR GOLF COURSE AND INDOOR ARENE Mr. Hadaway moved to approve a proposal from Global Golf for a feasibility study of a golf course with a maximum cost of $18,000 and the proposal from UT Arlington for the study of an indoor arena with a maximum cost of $11,342. Mr. King seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. CONSIDER/APPROVE REVISION OF LITTLE HOUSE AGREEMENT Mr. Hadaway moved to approve the second amendment to the Little House agreement that changes the percentage of the total cost to 60%, not to exceed $2,200,000 that Canadian ISD is willing to incur. Mr. Abraham seconded the motion. It passed 6-1, with Mr. Ashley opposing. CONSIDER/APPROVE OPTIONS CONCERNING A PIANO FOR THE CANADIAN MIDDLE SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Mr. King moved to accept the offer from Red Bird Pianos to bring pianos to the auditorium for CISD to consider and aide in the determination of the best piano for the needs of CISD. Mr. Hadaway seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. Mr. Abraham moved to amend the motion for the cost of the pianos for consideration not to exceed $60,000. Mr. Gatlin seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. CONSIDER/APPROVE SCHOOL CALENDAR FOR 2010-2011 Mr. Hadaway moved to approve calendar for the 2010-2011 school year as presented. Mr. Gatlin seconded the motion. It passed unanimously.

CONSIDER/APPROVE TEXTBOOK CERTIFICATION FOR 2010 Mr. Hadaway moved to approve the textbook certification for 2010 as presented by Mr. Lynch. Mr. King seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. CONSIDER/APPROVE ESL I AND ESL II AS ELECTIVE COURSES TO BE AWARDED STATE CREDIT AT CANADIAN HIGH SCHOOL Mr. Abraham moved to approve ESL I and ESL II as elective courses to be awarded state credit at Canadian High School. Mr. Hadaway seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. CONSIDER/APPROVE TAX REFUND REQUESTS Mr. Hadaway moved to approve tax refund requests from Samson Lone Star in the amount of $9,913.67, Mewbourne Oil in the amount of $7,868.54 and Laredo in the amount of $9,326.72. All of these refunds are due to division order corrections and corrected statements have been sent. Mr. Abraham seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. CONSIDER/APPROVE BUDGET AMENDMENTS Mr. Gatlin moved to increase fund 599, function 71 $120,000 and to move $500 from fund 199 function 31 to fund 699 function 31. Mr. King seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Board entered into executive session at 8:30 p.m. and reconvened in open session at 11:00 p.m. ACTION ON EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Walser moved to renew all contracts of professional personnel as presented by Mr. Lynch. Mr. Hadaway seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. Mr. King moved to accept the resignation of Ashley Archer. Mr. Walser seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. The next regular board meeting will be Tuesday, April 13, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.

_____________________________ President: _____________________________ Date:

_____________________________ Secretary: _____________________________ Attest:

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