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Minutes of Regular Meeting

The Board of Trustees Canadian ISD

A Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Canadian ISD was held Friday, June 10, 2011, beginning at 3:30 PM in the Administration Building located at 800 Hillside Canadian, Texas 79014. Those present were: Salem Abraham, presiding, Betsy Alexander, Larry Gatlin, Allen Hadaway, arriving at 3:40 P.M. John C. Isaacs, Randy Walser, Superintendent, Kyle Lynch, Business Manager, Cindy Moore, Canadian Elementary Principal, Kirk Saul, Canadian Record reporter, Jason Turner, Ken King was absent. I. ESTABLISH A QUORUM a. Invocation Mr. Walser gave the invocation. II. OPEN FORUM a. Hearing of any person/group wishing to address the Board There was no one present that wished to address the Board. III. SUPERINTENDENTS COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS a. Presentation of Excellence Awards There was no one present for awards. IV. READING OF MINUTES a. Regular meeting of May 16, 2011 Mr. Walser moved to approve the minutes of the May 16, 2011 regular meeting. Mr. Isaacs seconded the motion. It passed 5-0. V. FINANCIAL REPORTS a. Ratification of bills Mr. Gatlin moved to ratify all May and June office and void checks, wires and transfers excluding Alexanders Grocery for General Operating #15790 through 15864 and wire #059141; Consolidated Application #2600 through 2630; Activity Fund #4725 through 4753; Capital Projects #7440 through 7514; Tax

Clearing #2262 through 2273; Workers Comp #20125 and 20126; Payroll Clearing #10939 through 11001, wires #052311 and 053111. Mr. Walser seconded the motion. It passed 5-0. Mr. Gatlin moved Alexanders Grocery be approved for payment. Mr. Walser seconded the motion. It passed 4-0 with Mrs. Alexander abstaining. b. Financial statement(s) The financial statement contained financial reports and tax collection statements. VI. REPORTS/DISCUSSION ITEMS Mr. Lynch reviewed and discussed the following issues with the board. a. Enrollment and attendance report Enrollment at the close of the 2010-2011 school year was 851. b. Texas Primary Reading Inventory report Mr. Saul presented the TPRI report to the board. c. Review Preliminary TAKS results Mr. Lynch presented the TAKS results to the board. d. Personnel Budget e. Employee Insurance Costs f. Cafeteria Financial Report g. Facilities/project update 1. Little House The board will tour the Little House on July 12, 2011 at 6:00 P.M. prior to holding their regular scheduled meeting. h. Votech Program VII. ACTION ITEMS a. Unfinished Business 1. Consider/Approve Improvement Agreement with Hemphill County Association for construction of teacher housing Mr. Hadaway moved to approve the Improvement Agreement as written, provided that the $2 million Capital Improvement Funds are spent from the current CISD capital funds budget and not from funds raised from the $9 million bond passed in November of 2010 pending final advice from general counsel concerning the agreement and provide for amendments to Section 5 as authorized by the CISD construction committee and designating Mr. Lynch as representative as provided for in section 4.2 of the agreement. Mr. Walser seconded the motion. It passed 5-0 with Mr. Isaacs abstaining. 2. Consider/Approve Purchase and Sale Agreement with Hemphill County Association This item was included in the previous motion. 3. Consider/Approve individual to be designated representative for Canadian

ISD as provided for in 4.2 of the Improvement Agreement with Hemphill County Association This item was included in the previous motion. b. New Business 1. Consider/Approve School Bus bids Mr. Walser moved to approve only bid received from Longhorn Bus Sales of $87,022 for the purchase of an International bus as recommended by Mr. Lynch. Mr. Gatlin seconded the motion. It passed 6-0. 2. Consider/Approve transfer of excess debt service funds Mr. Isaacs moved to transfer $943,251.34 in excess debt service funds due to supplemental taxes after certification and interest savings after paying debt off early. Mrs. Alexander seconded the motion. It passed 6-0. 3. Consider/Approve Application for Low Attendance Days Waiver Mr. Walser moved to approve the application for low attendance days waiver as recommended by Mr. Lynch. Mr. Gatlin seconded the motion. It passed 6-0. 4. Consider/Approve designation of Belinda Leatherman to calculate the 2011 tax rate Mr. Gatlin moved to approve the designation of Belinda Leatherman, Tax Assessor/Collector to calculate the 2011 tax rate. Mr. Walser seconded the motion. It passed 6-0. 5. Consider/Approve Optional 20% Homestead Exemption Mr. Gatlin made the motion to approve the optional 20% homestead property tax exemption for 2011. Mr. Walser seconded the motion. It passed 6-0. 6. Consider/Approve budget amendments There were no budget amendments to consider. VIII. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT a. Legislative Report b. Resignations that have been accepted Mr. Lynch has accepted the resignations from Brenda Martin and Jessica Biggs. c. Review meeting date and time The board designated the follow dates as regular meeting dates: July 12, 2011, August 16, 2011, September 13, 2011, October 11, 2011, November 17, 2011, December 15, 2011, January 12, 2012, February 16, 2012, March 22, 2012, April 17, 2012, May 15, 2012 and June 12, 2012. IX. EXECUTIVE SESSION The board entered into executive session at 6:25 P.M. and reconvened in open session at 7:24 P.M.

a. Consider/take action on employment of personnel Mr. Walser made the motion to offer one year probationary contracts to Jeana Jackson, Shanda Davis, Jeff Isom and Vickie Cochran and a two year administrative contract to Bruce Bryant as recommended by Mr. Lynch. Mrs. Alexander seconded the motion. It passed 6-0. b. Formative Superintendent evaluation This item will be considered at the July 12, 2011 meeting. X. ADJOURNMENT There being to further business, the meeting adjourned.

______________________________ President: ______________________________ Date:

_____________________________ Secretary: _____________________________ Attest:

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