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Minutes of Regular Meeting

The Board of Trustees Canadian ISD

A Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Canadian ISD was held Wednesday, September 14, 2011, beginning at 6:30 PM in the Administration Building located at 800 Hillside Canadian, Texas 79014. Those present were: Ken King, presiding, Salem Abraham, Betsy Alexander, Larry Gatlin, John C. Isaacs, Randy Walser, Superintendent, Kyle Lynch, Business Manager, Cindy Moore, Canadian Elementary Principal, Kirk Saul, Canadian Record Reporter, Andrew George, Wes Avent and Kyle Barnett. Allen Hadaway was absent. I. ESTABLISH A QUORUM a. Invocation Mr. King gave the invocation. II. OPEN FORUM a. Hearing of any person/group wishing to address the Board There was no one present that wished to address the Board. III. SUPERINTENDENTS COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS IV. READING OF MINUTES a. Special meeting of August 30, 2011 Mr. Walser moved to approve the minutes of the August 30, 2011 special meeting. Mrs. Alexander seconded the motion. It passed 6-0. V. FINANCIAL REPORTS a. Ratification of bills Mr. Gatlin moved to ratify all August and September office and void checks, wires and transfers excluding Alexanders Grocery and Black Gold Supply for General

Operating #15988 through 16050, 11000 through 11016 and wire #081400; Consolidated Application #2655 through 2666, ; Activity Fund #4790 through 4806 and 100; Capital Projects #7624 through 7671, 7000 and 7001 ; Tax Clearing #2291 through 2301, 2500 and 2501; Ward Scholarship #1071 through 1074; Payroll Clearing #11116 through 11161, wires #082211, 082311, 082511 and 08311. Mr. Isaacs seconded the motion. It passed 6-0. Mr. Abraham moved Alexanders Grocery and Black Gold Supply be approved for payment. Mr. Walser seconded the motion. It passed 4-0 with Mrs. Alexander and Mr. King abstaining. b. Financial statement(s) The financial statement contained financial reports and tax collection statements. VI. REPORTS/DISCUSSION ITEMS Mr. Lynch reviewed and discussed the following issues with the board. a. Enrollment and attendance report b. Facilities/project update 1. Teacher Housing project 2. Discuss sewer and water lines to teacher housing project 3. Consider proposal to partner with an entity to provide for livestock panels Mr. Barnett and Mr. Avent presented plans for livestock panels and other equipment that would benefit the agricultural program. 4. Consider Theater Arts facility/classrooms 5. Consider Middle School elevator c. Tera Nova Testing Results/Options Mr. Saul reviewed the Tera Nova Testing results with the board. VII. ACTION ITEMS a. Unfinished Business 1. Consider/Approve EIC LOCAL concerning Middle School Salutatorian and Valedictorian Mr. Abraham moved to approve changes to EIC LOCAL Policy as recommended by Mr. Lynch. Mrs. Alexander seconded the motion. It passed 6-0. 2. Consider/Approve change to DH LOCAL as presented last meeting Mr. Abraham moved to approve changes to DH LOCAL Policy as recommended by Mr. Lynch. Mr. Walser seconded the motion. It passed 6-0. b. New Business 1. Consider/Approve to suspend EIE LOCAL for 2011-12 Mr. Walser moved to suspend EIE LOCAL Policy as recommended by Mr. Lynch. Mrs. Alexander seconded the motion. It passed 6-0.

2. Consider/Approve budget amendments There were no budget amendments to consider. VIII. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT a. Legislative Report b. October 18th Cluster Board Training There will be a Cluster Board Training on October 18, 2011 at 6:00 P.M. c. School Board Convention Sept. 30-Oct. 2 The board made final plans to attend the TASB/TASA School Board Convention on September 30 through October 2, 2011. d. Review next meeting date and time - October 11 The next regular meeting was set for Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at 6:30 P.M. at the administration building. IX. EXECUTIVE SESSION a. Consider/take action on employment of personnel There was no action on employment of personnel. X. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Walser moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 P.M. Mr. Gatlin seconded the motion. It passed 6-0.

______________________________ President:

_____________________________ Secretary:

______________________________ Date:

_____________________________ Attest:

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