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Aoraki Mt Cook School Newsletter




EMAIL 29 June 2012

Today is the last day of Term 2. We have had an extremely interesting term and have been fortunate to have been able to do so much learning in the outdoors including *Visits to the DOC local body services for water supplies and sewerage treatment *Helicopter ight over Mueller Lake and the 2nd Hooker Valley bridge *Glacier Explorers boat trip on Tasman Lake Van trip around Lake Pukaki, canal systems and dams. 4 day camp to Oamaru- with so many highlights including -studying the McKenzie Waitaki River system, swimming lessons, Sarahs 5th birthday, The kids for kids concert with Aisling being selected as a soloist, beach browsing, visits to the cheese factory and Little Blue Penguin Colony. Singing to our local community at the Chamois Bar. Visit from Tamsin and Lorne from Kea Conservation Trust. Learning in the environment helps children to make strong connections and we have been so very pleased with the level of understanding all the children now have about the water system from Aoraki Mt Cook all the way to the Waitaki River mouth where the water meets the ocean

Special thanks
Nigel, Manager from the Hermitage Hotel for allowing us the use of a van for our trips. What a wonderful opportunity. Katrina for her very creative teaching ideas and wonderful support of our school. Lynne for her wonderful supportive work with the children as teacher aide and her very sound skills as secretary. Chas for his voluntary work as handyman at school. He is always here with a solution when called on. Have a great holiday, regards Coral & Katrina

Sad news
We are all very sad to hear that Anna and Marina will be leaving our school permanently and shifting to Japan. But it is wonderful news for their family to have many new opportunities and we wish them all the very best in their shift to Tokyo, We will miss Maki and Masa and their wonderful support of the school but in the classroom we will miss the very positive chirpy presence of both Anna and Marina hugely. xxx

Pounawea Camp
A notice has gone home with children today about the Education Outside the Classroom trip we have planned at the end of October. Please return the form at the start of Term 2.

Our roll
We currently have 8 children on our roll. We welcome Jacob as a 5 year old at the start of Term 3 and a few weeks later Sophie. We will continue with Vena and Taylah on their preschool visits. Grants We have been very successful with Grant applications recently $1000 sports gear from ANZ (netball) $3000+ from World Wildlife Fund for environmental education- gardening $500 from Fresh Choice Dunedin for Oamaru Camp $500 for Education Outside the Classroom Next term Topics we will be learning about Electricity/magnetism Our cultures: Japanese, Irish, Sherpa, Fijian, Maori Olympic Games Rocky Shore native Bush/ endangered birds Timetable: 16th July- start of Term 2 3rd August visit to Timaru for Kapahaka Festival 7th August BOT meeting 7th Sept -Maori Language Day at School 18 Sept: BOT Meeting 23 Sept : Cross Country Omarama

24th 31st Sept- ski days at Round Hill Tekapo. Families welcome.

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