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Drinking water 2005

Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

A report by the Chief Inspector Drinking Water Inspectorate

Drinking water 2005

Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

A report by the Chief Inspector Drinking Water Inspectorate

June 2006

Published by Drinking Water Inspectorate 55 Whitehall London SW1A 2EY Tel: 020 7082 8024 Website: Crown Copyright 2006 ISBN: 1-905852-08-8 ISBN: 978-1-905852-08-6


Copyright in the typographical arrangement and design rests with the Crown. This publication (excluding the logo) may be reproduced free of charge in any format or medium provided that it is reproduced accurately and not used in a misleading context. The material must be acknowledged as Crown copyright with the title and source of the publication specified.

Drinking water quality in Wales

Letter from the Chief Inspector of Drinking Water to Carwyn Jones Minister for Environment, Planning and Countryside, Welsh Assembly Government Introduction Drinking water quality in Wales Water sources Drinking water quality testing Drinking water quality results Water quality in distribution Consumer perceptions of drinking water quality Issues of local interest Incidents in 2005 Technical audit activity in the region Local authority consultation Consultation with health professionals Annex 1: Other sources of information Annex 2: Glossary and description of standards Annex 3: Incidents in Wales in 2005 Annex 4: Water regulation and management MSc 1

9 11 12 12 13 26 30 32 33 34 36 37 39 41 55 59

This report is Part 3 of three parts published annually by the Drinking Water Inspectorate. Part 3 consists of regional reports for Eastern, Midlands, Northern, Southern, Thames, Western and Wales regions. Part 1 Drinking water standards and science outlines how water is regulated, how to find more information about drinking water and presents a review of research. Part 2 Drinking water safety reviews the performance of the water industry in 2005. All reports are available on the Inspectorates website at and on CD.

Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

DRINKING WATER INSPECTORATE 55, Whitehall, London. SW1A 2EY Direct Line: 020 7082 8048 Enquiries: 020 7082 8024 Facsimile: 020 7082 8028

28th June 2006 To The Rt Hon Carwyn Jones AM Minister for Environment, Planning and Countryside Welsh Assembly Government I am pleased to present the 7th report about drinking water quality in Wales covering the year ending 31 December 2005. Building on the success of the new approach to reporting introduced last year, this year my report is in portfolio format using a range of technologies thereby enabling broad community access to drinking water quality information. I have made public access to information a priority for the Inspectorate because I believe this is vital to consumer confidence. Below I summarise the purpose and content of each part of my report. Part 1 Drinking water standards and science is a booklet which explains straightforwardly how drinking water quality in England and Wales is measured and regulated. Also included is advice on how someone can access the science which underpins the standards and a summary of Defras Drinking Water Quality & Health Research Programme managed by the Inspectorate. The booklet, which explains what someone should do if they have a concern about drinking water quality, will be distributed widely to public libraries, the Consumer Council for Water and local authorities. Part 2 Drinking water safety I expect this part of my report to be of direct interest to water companies, policy makers, other regulators and opinion formers. In it, I outline safe drinking water management practice and report on the performance of the water industry in England and Wales in terms of this framework using a basket of measures derived from data currently available to the Inspectorate. This information reflects the differing challenges faced by each of the water companies in terms of the nature of their water resources and their water treatment and distribution infrastructure as well as the influence on drinking water quality of domestic (building) water systems maintained by their customers. It also contains a summary of the AMP4 drinking water quality improvement programme.

Drinking water 2005

Part 3 Regional drinking water quality reports. One of my 7 reports is dedicated to describing the drinking water quality results for Wales in 2005. The audiences for these reports are local community stakeholders, particularly local authorities and health professionals, but also importantly members of the regional Consumer Council for Water committee. This report includes a commentary by the Inspectorate on test results and water company actions in response to any adverse findings, together with details of learning from water quality incidents and technical audits carried out by Inspectors. Details are also given of progress in the year with drinking water improvement programmes, consumer perceptions and outcomes of consultations with local authorities and with health professionals.

Electronic Information A CD comes with the folder that contains the above mentioned booklets. On the CD are Look Up Tables of the results of drinking water tests by water company. The CD also provides Parts 1, 2, and 3 of the Report in electronic format. Website publication The booklets and Look Up tables are available on the
Inspectorates website in downloadable format. The website is also where people can find the entirety of the Inspectorates guidance, research reports and other facts and figures of public interest such as our prosecution and enforcement record.

Drinking water quality in 2005

As explained in some detail in my report last year, drinking water quality is measured in zones containing no more than 100,000 consumers. By calculating the mean zonal compliance % we have a broad measure of overall compliance by water companies with European and national drinking water standards. For Wales in 2005 this compliance figure was 99.96% compared to 99.92% in 2004. As a whole therefore the picture for 2005 is one of improvement from the baseline set in 2004 (the first year of reporting against the new standards). In 2005 29 parameters compliance was 99.99% or above. For a further four parameters it was between 99.95% and 99.99%. The three parameters with the lowest figures were trihalomethanes (99.68%), iron (99.70%) and lead (99.78%). The problems reflected by these parameters do not apply everywhere. Details of their occurrence are described in the regional report for Wales. Discoloured water due to iron is most severe in the Rhondda Valley north of Bridgend and the Rhymney Valley north of Cardiff. Problems with trihalomethanes (disinfection byproducts) relate mostly to water treatment problems in North Wales (Anglesey) and in Llyswen to the north east of Brecon. Lead is a more complex subject which I review more fully below.

Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

Meeting the current and future lead standards

The pipe connecting a property to the water company main, together with internal plumbing, is the main source of lead in drinking water. The extent of lead pick up depends on various factors; temperature, acidity (pH), water hardness, the length of pipe and the time that water is left to stand in the pipe (stagnation) before it is drawn off. Properties built or renovated since 1970 are unlikely to have lead pipes and since 1990 water companies have opportunistically replaced many of their service connections as part of their water distribution maintenance programmes. In 1996 the World Health Organisation (WHO) tightened its guideline of 50 g/l for lead in drinking water because lead can accumulate in the body and this can give rise to adverse neurological health effects in young children. When setting the new guideline of 10 g/l, WHO recognised that the permanent solution, removal of lead pipes, would take time and money to achieve. The view of WHO was that other practical measures (water treatment) should be introduced in the interim. This WHO advice was adopted formally in Europe through the 1998 Drinking Water Directive, which set an interim standard of 25 g/l (December 2003) and a final standard of 10 g/l (to become effective in 2013). In Wales phosphate dosing was adopted as the most cost effective way of treating the water to make it less likely to dissolve lead from pipes and solder. The companies have now installed phosphate dosing in most places where the need has been identified and during 2005 dosing levels have been optimized. The extent of supplies now being treated is illustrated by a map in each of my regional reports this year. It is important to realise that the risk of consumer exposure to lead is limited to only those properties with lead pipes. Consumers wishing to have their water tested for lead can approach their water company who will arrange for a sample to be taken. All the work done on lead to date has resulted in an overall improving trend for England and Wales shown in the figure below. Looking towards the future and based on monitoring during 2005 only a very small fraction (0.26%) of tests now give results above the tightened interim standard of 25 g/l and the number of tests failing the future standard of 10 g/l is in decline.

Drinking water 2005

England and Wales: Percentage of tests meeting the current and future standard for lead 2001 to 2005
100 99 % Meeting Standard 98 97 96 95 94 2001
25 g/l 10 g/l


2003 Year



Meeting the lead standard everywhere by 2013 will be a complex matter because not all owners of buildings will choose to invest in replacing lead pipes, even when notified of an adverse test result by their water company. However because by law water companies notify local authorities of the location of every sample containing lead above 25 g/l the Inspectorate is recommending that the way forward is for local authorities to begin actively reviewing this information. To assist this process a map of the location of samples exceeding the standards has been included in each regional report. Local health professionals are best placed to determine if any additional action is justified to reduce exposure to lead in a particular community. Locations of particular interest might be social housing and public buildings such as schools. Public buildings For several years there has been debate in the industry about where responsibility should lie for testing drinking water quality in public buildings. This controversy has its roots in the fact that some drinking water quality experts in water companies have the firm view that sampling public buildings would increase the investigative work they have to carry out in response to the results of coliform indicator tests in particular. Another factor behind this concern is the fact that the European Drinking Water Directive at the moment only recognises the responsibility of owners for building water system maintenance in domestic properties, not in public buildings.

Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

In 2005 the Inspectorate asked all companies in England and Wales to identify the samples in their programmes collected from public buildings. All but five companies reported they had collected samples from public buildings. Overall about 3% of nearly 142,000 samples were from public buildings although some companies sampled at a higher rate (maximum 10%). From analysis of this information I can report that only 1 in 218 public building samples required investigative work compared to 1 in 221 samples from domestic properties. There is therefore no evidence to support the undue burden argument of water companies and my Inspectors will be checking to ensure that all companies sample a similar and reasonable proportion of public buildings in future.

Events affecting drinking water quality in 2005

In my regional reports I give details of events and incidents notified in 2005. In England and Wales as a whole a total of 92 incidents were notified in 2005 as compared to 89 incidents in 2004. Of the 92 incidents in 2005, 8 were in Wales. The details of each of these incidents are of particular interest to local authorities and health professionals therefore I have again this year published such information (in my regional reports) together with the findings of the investigating Inspector. Even in the most well run of companies incidents will happen. What matters is how well a company minimises both the risk of occurrence and the consequences of incidents acting to protect public health at all times. Information about incidents is, I believe, of particular benefit to the work of the Consumer Council for Water. It also serves as a basis for dialogue and learning in local drinking water quality and health professional forums. In 2005, in both England and Wales, health authorities reported a higher than usual number of cases of cryptosporidiosis in the autumn. A number of outbreaks were recognised, one in the north of Wales and two in the south of England and outbreak control teams were established promptly. Longer term surveillance by the Health Protection Agency has shown that cases of cryptosporidiosis due to the human strain Cryptosporidium hominis are more frequent in autumn than at other times of the year whereas the well recorded spring time peak of cases due to Cryptosporidium parvum (animal origin) has virtually disappeared. On the basis of available information I wrote to water companies in December 2005 (Information Letter 17/2005) on the subject of their cryptosporidium risk assessments (a regulatory requirement). I asked companies to provide the Inspectorate with updated risk assessments for surface water sources by the end of April 2006. Additionally and in the same time frame, the Inspectorate commissioned a report from the Health Protection Agency to formally update health surveillance information and knowledge of the organism since the publication in 1998 of the Third Report of the Expert Group on Cryptosporidium in Water Supplies. These actions will contribute to the evidence I require to give my advice later this year about the adequacy of the arrangements in place to safeguard consumers from waterborne outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis.

Drinking water 2005

I felt it was in the public interest for the Inspectorate to carry out very extensive and thorough investigations of the two cryptosporidiosis incidents potentially linked by early descriptive epidemiology to a source of water for public water supplies. Amongst their many tasks my Inspectors took statements from consumers in North Wales diagnosed as suffering from cryptosporidiosis and these accounts are a testament to the severity and consequences of the illness suffered. In my regional reports for Wales and the Southern region in England I describe the outbreaks in more detail. I am pleased to record that the water companies concerned have co-operated fully with the Inspectorates investigations, more importantly they worked closely with local health officials to help bring both outbreaks under control as quickly as practicable. The Inspectorates findings and conclusions regarding these incidents are not included in this report because at the time of its preparation the offence of supplying water unfit for human consumption was under consideration.

Water safety plan approach

In Part 2 of this report I outline best practice regarding drinking water safety and present a view of the performance of each water company, and the industry as a whole, using a basket of measures set within the WHOs water safety framework. I hope this picture will result in a more informed dialogue between all who have a part to play in the safe management of our drinking water supplies. I have also published details of the data used and the method of calculation of each of the measures. During the year I observed that it is not uncommon for media reporting of comments made by opinion formers, academics and advocates for the environment to give the false impression that a contaminant in a natural water body equals poison pouring out of consumers taps everywhere. Similarly discussions about the importance of protecting water sources and the undesirability, as a matter of principle, of end of pipe solutions (water treatment) often revealed misunderstandings about how the safety of drinking water quality is assured, particularly regarding the extent and scope of treatment applied to drinking water for particular substances. Noting this gap in knowledge I have this year published, in Part 2 of this report, details of the water treatment in place at the end of 2005, and that planned for the future. What is most evident from this information is the very different challenge faced by each of the companies. This demonstrates one of the important principles of the WHO water safety plan approach, namely that each individual water supply chain requires a comprehensive risk assessment and a well communicated risk management strategy.

Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

Training drinking water professionals for the future

Changes in the industry over the past 15 years have led to discussions and a growing concern about the best means of developing drinking water professionals to equip them with the full range of skills and knowledge required to ensure water supplies are managed to protect public health. I am pleased therefore to announce that the Inspectorate has taken steps to address this concern by working in partnership with the University of Surrey to develop and deliver a flexible programme of either full time or part time study leading to an internationally accredited postgraduate qualification for engineers and scientists. Full details are published as an annex in Part 2 of this report, the course is available for the first time in 2006 and I commend it to the industry.

The duty of everyone to safeguard drinking water

I am very pleased that the new Consumer Council for Water has announced in its forward programme of work that it will be working closely with the Inspectorate to ensure that consumers are adequately informed about drinking water quality matters including their own responsibilities. If something goes wrong with drinking water it can be something of an automatic reaction of consumers to point the finger of blame at the water company. However, sometimes the remedy lies rather closer to home. In 2005 companies informed the Inspectorate of various situations which had come to their attention where the owner had failed to maintain the domestic water systems inside their buildings.

Drinking water 2005

The degree of neglect illustrated in the photographs below is regrettably neither atypical nor uncommon. It is in everyones interest that consumers are supported by appropriate information and advice about how to look after their domestic water supply. The Inspectorate has been working with WHO and others to develop simple risk assessment protocols for use by those responsible for domestic water systems in public and commercial buildings and for private for private water supplies.

Consequences of uncovered tanks

Consequences of inappropriate tank location

Professor Jeni Colbourne MBE Chief Inspector of Drinking Water

Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

The Chief Inspectors report Drinking Water 2005 on the quality of drinking water in England and Wales is presented in a series of publications. Part 1 Drinking water standards and science provides information on how drinking water quality is measured and regulated. It sets out the responsibilities of the Drinking Water Inspectorate and various other organisations in the protection of water and public health. It also explains how to resolve issues with drinking water quality and gives details of the latest drinking water science and research programme. Part 2 Drinking water safety describes best practice on drinking water safety and sets out the performance of the industry and individual companies in these terms. This document is one of a series of regional reports on drinking water quality comprising Part 3 Regional reports. In total there are seven regional reports designed to meet the needs of local authorities, consumers through their Consumer Council for Water (CCWater). The Consumer Council for Water is made up of regional Committees, the boundaries of which determine the scope of each report as shown on the map below.

Drinking water 2005

The regional reports follow the above boundaries and are designed to provide information on drinking water quality which is focussed on local issues and written in a way to make the science and regulations easily accessible. The report provides an insight into a number of aspects of drinking water quality. Not only does it inform on the outcome of tests taken for microbiological, physical and chemical parameters in the region and the reasons for any failures to meet standards, but it also uses maps to show variations in drinking water quality for iron, manganese, lead and fluoride across the region. Additionally an overview of incidents occurring in the region, their cause and outcome, is given with a view to sharing learning. We include topics of local interest, chosen because they illustrate an interesting event or development or that they explain the background to a local issue related to water quality. We report on the technical audit work of our inspectors by describing the audits carried out in the region and their main findings. The contact that consumers have with their water companies on the subject of drinking water quality is also presented. Finally, the regional reports serve as a means for us share the feedback received from local authorities and health professionals. This year, for the first time, the Inspectorate will distribute the reports more widely by providing libraries in England and Wales with copies as well as ensuring that they can be accessed from the Inspectorates website at


Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

Drinking water quality in Wales

Key facts Population supplied Amount of water supplied l/day 2,822,400 863 million Treatment works Service reservoirs Water supply zones Length of mains pipe (km) Water composition Surface sources Ground water sources Mixed sources 99 649 104 26,988

Number of local authorities 22 Local Health Boards 22 Area of supply Anglesey, Blaenau Gwent, Bridgend, Caerphilly, Cardiff, Cardiganshire, Carmarthenshire, Conwy, Denbighshire, Flintshire, Gwynedd, Merthyr Tydfil, Monmouthshire, Neath and Port Talbot, Newport, Pembrokeshire, Powys, Rhondda Cynon Taff, Swansea, Torfaen, Vale of Glamorgan, Wrexham County Borough.

93% 6% 1%


Drinking water 2005

Water sources
Four water companies supply drinking water in Wales: Albion Water (ALB), Dee Valley Water (DVW), Dw r Cymru Welsh Water (DWR) and Severn Trent Water (SVT). Severn Trent Water mainly supplies consumers in England but is included here as it also supplies water to consumers in the central eastern area of Wales. Albion Water supplies a single large industrial customer (Shotton Paper Company) in north east Wales. Much of the water supplied in the region is surface water (93%) abstracted from rivers such as the Dee, Severn, Towy and Wye. The upland areas of Wales are important catchments for the water resources in the region. Water is drawn from many reservoirs including the Alwen, Elan, Taff Fechan and Vyrnwy some of which also supply consumers in England. For example the Elan reservoir supplies the city of Birmingham and the Vyrnwy reservoir supplies consumers in North Cheshire and Merseyside. Across the region a small proportion (6%) of water supplies are from groundwater sources and a further small proportion (1%) of supplies are from a mixture of surface and groundwater. In Wales there are large rural areas without a public water supply. For example, Powys County Council is aware of over 5,500 private water supplies, Cyngor Sir Ceredigion knows of 2,400 and Denbighshire has details of 1,170. Responsibility for checking the safety and sufficiency of private water supplies in Wales rests with the local authorities. The role of the Drinking Water Inspectorate in respect of private supplies is to provide expert technical advice to the National Assembly for Wales, local authorities and owners of private water supplies. A consultation will be taking place during the summer of 2006 on the future form of private water supply regulation. Further information can be found at

Drinking water quality testing

Throughout 2005, water companies sampled drinking water across the region to test for compliance with the standards in the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2001. More than one third of the tests were carried out on drinking water drawn from consumers taps selected at random. For monitoring purposes, company water supply areas are divided into zones based on population (maximum 100,000). Generally zones are sampled at consumer taps with the number of required tests being greatest in zones with larger populations. Other sample locations are water treatment works and treated water (service) reservoirs. Collectively the four water companies carried out a total of 356,944 tests during 2005. Only 146 of these tests failed to meet the standards set down in the regulations.


Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

Table 3.1.1 Number of tests carried out by companies in the region

Place of sampling Water treatment works Service reservoirs Consumers taps (zones) Number of tests per company Estimate of population Albion Water 0 (0) 0 (0) 600 (1) 600 400 Dee Valley Water 6,943 (4) 9,661 (30) 8,062 (15) 24,666 160,000 Dwr Cymru Welsh Water 56,966 (74) 129,335 (545) 111,324 (83) 297,625 2,609,000 Severn Trent Water 6,243 (7) 25,380 (73) 2,430 (5) 34,053 53,000 Total 70,152 (85) 164,376 (648) 122,416 (104) 356,944 2,822,400

Note: Numbers in brackets reflect the number of works, reservoirs or zones operated by that company in 2005 in Wales. Some companies are permitted to carry out some tests on samples taken from supply points rather than from consumers taps.

The regulations require companies to test for specified parameters at prescribed frequencies. Most of the testing is for parameters with European or National standards (mandatory quality standards), and these results are discussed here. Water companies are also required by the regulations to test for other indicator parameters such as ammonium, sulphate and colony counts. A summary of the results of testing by each company, including the indicator parameters can be found on the DWI website and on the CD accompanying this report.

Drinking water quality results

The key water quality results for Wales are presented in two tables, one showing results for microbiological parameters (Table 3.1.2), the other dealing with chemical and physical parameters (Table 3.1.4). The microbiological quality of water is discussed first. Companies report all results of tests on a monthly basis to the Inspectorate.


Drinking water 2005

Microbiological quality
Table 3.1.2: Microbiological parameters
Parameter Current Standard Total number of tests No. of tests not meeting the standard 1 6 0 Additional Information

Water leaving water treatment works

Coliform bacteria

0/100ml 0/100ml <1 oocyst per 10 litres Treatment Standard 0/100ml 0/100ml in 95% of tests at each reservoir

8,248 8,247 6,516

DVW (1) DVW (1), DWR (5) Monitored at 18 works in the region determined to be at risk, out of a total of 85.


Water leaving service reservoirs



0 All 648 reservoirs met the annual 95% compliance rule. DVW (2), DWR (12), SVT (4) DWR (1)

Coliform bacteria



Water sampled at consumers taps


0/100ml 0/100ml

7,846 700

1 0

Notes: Summary details of all microbiological tests undertaken by each water company can be found on the DWI website and on the CD accompanying this report.

To protect public health, microbiological standards have to be met at each individual treatment works and service reservoir. The results confirm the overall microbiological safety of drinking water supplies in the region. The significance of the individual test results for each microbiological parameter at each location varies and a single positive result cannot be interpreted without other information. All companies are expected to follow best practice as set out in The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2002) published by the Standing Committee of Analysts (SCA). Information about the SCA can be found in Part 1 of the report, available on the DWI website and in the CD accompanying this report.


Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

E.coli at works
In 2005, a total of 8,248 tests at works were carried out by all the companies across the region. E.coli was detected in only one sample (DVW). On detecting E.coli, companies are required to act promptly to protect public health. Their immediate response when finding E.coli at a works is to sample again and more widely to confirm that water being received by consumers is safe. In 2005 these additional tests gave satisfactory results and there were no subsequent E.coli failures in 2005. Dee Valley Water reported an E.coli failure at Boughton works in August and Boughton Tower and Pipers Ash reservoir were chlorinated. The company investigation revealed that two slates were out of position on the water tower roof, the slates were repaired and the tower roof is now inspected on a daily basis. All additional samples taken in response were satisfactory.
Table 3.1.3 Detection of E.coli and Enterococci at treatment works, service reservoirs and consumers taps
E.coli in water
leaving treatment works 0/0 1/781 0/6,594 0/873 1/8,248

E.coli in water leaving service reservoirs

0/0 0/1,610 0/21,502 0/4,230 0/27,342

E.coli at consumers taps

0/12 0/496 1/7,191 0/147 1/7,846

Enterococci at consumers taps 0/4 0/94 0/583 0/19 0/700

Albion Water Dee Valley Water Dwr Cymru Welsh Water Severn Trent Water Wales overall

Note: Results are shown as the number of positive tests/the total number of tests.

Coliform bacteria at works Testing for coliform bacteria gives reassurance that water is being treated adequately to remove bacterial and viral pathogens. Repeated occurrences of coliform bacteria in samples at the same works in one year are thus of concern and require action to be taken. In 2005, this situation occurred at one works in the region. The Alaw works on Anglesey (DWR) exhibited coliforms in tests on four separate occasions between 31 May and 26 July. The company developed an action plan which included cleaning the on site contact tank and changing the disinfection process (from chloramination to chlorination). An initial completion date for all remedial actions was agreed as end October 2005. Most remedial actions were completed on time, however, the company reported that the remainder could not be completed before the end of 2005. As a consequence DWI initiated enforcement action and as a result the company have put in place a legally binding programme of work to be completed by March 2006. There were no further failures at Alaw works during 2005.


Drinking water 2005

Following two coliform failures in 2004 Dw r Cymru Welsh Water committed to a legally binding improvement programme at Cwellyn (New) works to investigate the efficiency of the treatment process and take appropriate remedial action to rectify any deficiencies by 31 March 2006.

Cryptosporidium at works
The regulations require companies to monitor for this parasite at those works assessed to be at significant risk. In 2005 monitoring was required to be undertaken at 18 works (3 DVW, 14 DWR, 1 SVT). All results met the regulatory treatment standard of <1 oocyst per 10 litres. There was one reported outbreak of cryptosporidiosis in the community in 2005 which affected consumers in North Gwynedd and South Anglesey in November. This area is supplied by Dw r Cymru Welsh Water. Information on this outbreak can be found in the section on Issues of local interest.

E.coli and coliforms at service reservoirs

In 2005, across the region, a total of 27,342 tests were carried out at service reservoirs by all the companies. E.coli was not detected in any of the samples. Testing for coliform bacteria gives reassurance that the quality of water held at these strategic points in the distribution system is adequately maintained. The national standard requires that at least 95% of samples collected weekly from each service reservoir throughout one year are free from all coliform bacteria. In 2005 all 648 service reservoirs (including water towers) in the region met the standard, however at Llangunnor, Brynygwenin and Rogerstone Grange service reservoirs, all operated by Dw r Cymru Welsh Water, compliance could not be assessed as fewer than 50 samples were collected because the reservoir was out of service for part of the year. There were also a number of occasions where Dw r Cymru Welsh Water reported results of samples taken on dates when a works or service reservoir was reported as being out of service. The Company have been required to provide an explanation for this discrepancy. Following coliform detections in 2005 Dee Valley Water inspected and cleaned Penybryn and Garth Glyn reservoirs. At Gwastadgoed (SVT) and Pen y coed (DWR) reservoirs the company found that the sampling arrangements needed improvement and at Pen-y-bont reservoir Severn Trent Water identified the potential for ingress and made repairs.


Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

Dw r Cymru Welsh Water took Forest Lodge tank out of service following the second coliform detection in November. Action taken before return to service included removing overhanging trees and replacing a UV light. The company investigated two failures at Earlswood reservoir in July and concluded that lower than normal residual chlorine levels required correction by use of a chlorine dosing point during the summer months. At Cynghordy reservoir the investigation of a single failure in November identified the potential for ingress and the reservoir was removed from supply. Penybont works near Tywyn supplies two reservoirs (Mynydd Bychan & Gwelfor Rd) and both recorded a coliform failure in 2005. Dw r Cymru Welsh Water has an improvement programme related to turbidity at the works scheduled for completion in 2008. In the meantime the method of disinfection will be changed to chloramination to ensure chlorine residuals can be maintained in distribution. The Inspectorate has noted that coliform bacteria were found in 18 samples from service reservoirs in the Wales during the year and this information will inform the Inspectorates risk based programme of technical audit.

E. coli and Enterococci at consumers taps

A total of 7,846 consumer taps were tested in 2005 for E.coli and one was positive (DWR). The investigations by the company indicated that the failure was likely to be due to the customers tap and there was no indication, from information gathered by the water company, of a faecal contamination event affecting other properties in these zones. Like E.coli the presence of Enterococci is indicative of faecal contamination and neither bacterium should be found in any sample. In 2005 the companies carried out 700 tests for Enterococci at consumers taps. All samples met the standard.

Chemical quality
The Water Quality (Water Supply) Regulations 2001 set out the minimum testing requirements for all chemical and physical parameters. A summary of the results of testing by each company, including the results for indicator parameters is provided on the DWI website and on the CD accompanying this report. The table and text below set out the results for those parameters where there has been a failure to meet a European or National standard (mandatory quality standards). In addition, due to local authority interest, the results of testing for fluoride, iron, lead, manganese, nitrate, nitrite and pesticides are given.


Drinking water 2005

Table 3.1.4 Chemical and physical parameters

Parameter Aesthetic parameters colour odour taste Aluminium Bromate Fluoride Iron Lead (current standard) Lead (future standard) Current standard Total number of tests Number of tests not meeting the standard 0 2 3 2 1 0 11 2 6 DWR (11) DWR (1) DVW (1) Further information including a map and graph can be found with the text below DWR (7) DWR (3) Additional Information

20 mg/l pt/Co 3 at 25C 3 at 25C 200 g/l 10 g/l 1.5 mg/l 200 g/l 25 g/l 10 g/l

1,914 2,275 2,046 2,105 715 689 2,674 702 702

DWR (2) DWR (3) DWR (2) DWR (1)

Manganese Nitrate Nitrite Pesticides Total Pesticide Individual (see note 3) pH (Hydrogen Ion) Trihalomethanes Total Turbidity

50 g/l 50 mg/l 0.5 mg/l 0.5 g/l 0.1 g/l 6.5 10.0 100 g/l 4 NTU

2,168 996 999 689 31,965 1,968 703 2,033

7 0 3 0 1 1 2 1

Mecoprop DWR (1) DWR (1) DWR (2) DWR (1)

Notes: 1. For summary details of all tests undertaken by each water company refer to the DWI website or the CD accompanying this report. 2. For comparison, 1 mg/l is one part in a million, 1 g/l is one part in a thousand million. 3. A further 3,207 tests were done for aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, all of which met the relevant standard.

Aluminium Aluminium can occur naturally in some drinking water sources. Also, aluminium based water treatment chemicals may be used at surface water works to aid the process of filtration.


Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

In 2005 a total of 2,105 samples were tested for aluminium in Wales. Dee Valley Water, Severn Trent Water and Albion Water achieved 100% compliance with the aluminium standard. Just two tests (DWR) exceeded the standard and none of these were found to be related to process control at the works. Both failures arose from localised disturbance of deposits accumulated in the distribution network and other standards (iron or manganese) were exceeded at the same time (see discussion under Water quality in distribution). Bromate Normally bromate is only formed in drinking water when bromide is present in surface water treated with ozone. The process of chlorination may also produce bromate, for example, through the use of sodium hypochlorite solution containing bromide or when chlorine is generated on site by electrolysis. In the past three years, companies have put in place control measures aimed at meeting the standard of 10 g/l, which was new in 2004. In Wales, out of a total of 715 tests, the standard was exceeded on one occasion in 2005. Dw r Cymru Welsh Water linked the failure in the Capel Dewi zone in October to an error relating to the treatment chemical at Capel Dewi works (Carmarthen). The contractor used by the Company had subcontracted to another supplier but had failed to specify the correct grade of hypochlorite solution. The contractor has since corrected their records, no further failures have occurred in the zone. Fluoride Traces of fluoride may occur naturally in many water sources, particularly in groundwaters. Figure 3.1.5 provides information on the average fluoride level recorded in each zone (2004/05 data combined) in Wales. Consumers should obtain specific information on the level of fluoride in the drinking water supply to their home or workplace from their water company. Fluoride is not removed by conventional water treatment. Some companies fluoridate water supplies at the request of the local health authority as a protection against tooth decay. The Inspectorate is not aware of any fluoridation schemes in Wales. In 2005, all 689 tests for fluoride taken across the region met the regulatory standard (1.5 mg/l). For more information on fluoridation please refer to the DWI website


Drinking water 2005

Figure 3.1.5 Average fluoride levels in zones for 2004/05

Lead The pipe connecting a property to the water company main, together with internal plumbing, is the most common source of lead in drinking water. The extent of lead pick up depends on various factors; temperature, acidity (pH), water hardness, the length of pipe and the time that water is left to stand in the pipe (stagnation) before it is drawn off. Properties built or renovated since 1970 are unlikely to have lead pipes and since 1990 water companies have opportunistically replaced many service connections as part of their water distribution maintenance programmes. For example, at least 445,000 service pipes were replaced between 1991 and 1994 in Wales and England.


Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

In 1996 the World Health Organisation (WHO) tightened its guideline for lead in drinking water because lead can accumulate in the body and this can give rise to adverse neurological health effects in young children. When setting the new guideline of 10 g/l, WHO recognised that the permanent solution, removal of lead pipes, would take time and money to achieve. The view of WHO was that other practical measures (water treatment) should be introduced in the interim. This WHO advice was adopted formally in Europe through the 1998 Drinking Water Directive, which set an interim standard of 25 g/l (December 2003) and a final standard of 10 g/l (to become effective in 2013). In the UK it was determined that phosphate dosing was the most cost effective way of treating the water and making it less likely to dissolve lead from pipes and solder.
Table 3.1.6 Percentage of lead tests meeting the 25 g/l standard from 2001 to 2005
2001 Albion Water Dee Valley Water Dwr Cymru Welsh Water Severn Trent Water 100% 98.65% 98.79% 94.89% 2002 100% 100% 99.41% 95.98% 2003 100% 98.72% 99.88% 99.32% 2004 100% 99.23% 100% 99.72% 2005 100% 99.24% 99.85% 99.65%

Note: The 25 g/l standard was not a regulatory requirement until 25 December 2003 Note: Figures are calculated on whole company data and may include results relating to consumers in England, there were no lead failures in the area of Wales supplied by SVT in 2005

In Wales, good progress has been made by each company towards meeting the new standards. The improving trend for the region can be seen in Figure 3.1.7. Looking towards the future and based on monitoring during 2005 it appears that less than one percent of drinking water taps in properties in Wales are likely to exhibit lead at levels greater than the standard of 10 g/l.


Drinking water 2005

Figure 3.1.7 Percentage of lead tests meeting the 25 g/l standard from 2001 to 2005

100 % Meeting Standard 98 96 94 92 90 2001


2003 Year 25 g/l



10 g/l

The companies have completed their initial programmes of water treatment measures and during 2005 all companies have been optimising phosphate dosing levels. The area now covered by schemes in the region is illustrated in figure 3.1.8. The scheme for additional treatment to reduce lead levels from the raw water at Talybont works is due for completion in 2009. The extent and location of failures reported by companies as part of their regulatory sampling programme in both 2004 and 2005 is also shown on the map. It is important to realise that the risk of consumer exposure to lead is limited to only those properties with lead pipes. Although many properties will not yet have been sampled as part of the companies regulatory monitoring programmes, consumers can request that their water company take a sample from their home if they suspect lead may be present. In 2005 Dee Valley Water reported 103 consumer requests of this nature. Meeting the lead standard is a complex matter because not all owners of buildings will choose to replace lead pipes, even when notified of an adverse test result by their water company. Also some lead in drinking water is due to the use of lead solder on copper pipes and fittings (despite the fact that the use of lead solder for drinking water installations was banned in the early 1970s). Brass fittings provide a further source of lead in some buildings.


Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

Figure 3.1.8 Maps showing the distribution of lead results above the existing and future standard, along with the extent of zones covered by an improvement programme


Drinking water 2005

As part of the regulatory programme of tap sampling, water companies notify local authorities of the location of every sample containing lead above 25 g/l. The Inspectorate recommends that local authorities actively review this information to identify hot spots in their area where additional measures may be required to reduce exposure to lead. For example, there is a small cluster of elevated lead results near Wrexham. Locations of particular interest to local authorities might be schools and other similar public buildings or social housing. Most water companies will replace their part of a service pipe when the building owner indicates they wish to remove the domestic lead plumbing. This good practice is something that local authorities may wish to promote and the Inspectorate encourages companies and local and health authorities to develop joint communication programmes in hot spot areas. Nitrate and nitrite In 2005, all tests for nitrate met the standard (50 mg/l). Nitrate occurs naturally in all source waters due to the natural decay of vegetable material in soil. Nitrogenous fertilisers used on arable farmland are a significant source of nitrate in groundwater. Rainfall washes nitrate from the soil in to lakes, rivers and streams. Nitrate levels can be reduced by water treatment or by blending with another, low nitrate, water source. Nitrite may be formed when chloramine is used as the residual disinfectant to maintain the microbiological quality in the distribution network. The formation of nitrite is controlled by careful optimisation of the disinfection process. Only a few supplies in the region are chloraminated. Nitrite can also form in samples of water, after collection and before analysis, especially if the sample is not kept cool. In 2005, three of the 999 tests carried out across the region for nitrite failed the standard (DWR 3). Two samples taken on the same day in July 2005 from the North and the East Anglesey zones breached the nitrite standard. Both these zones are supplied by Alaw works where chloramination is used for residual disinfection. The investigation found a wider problem particularly in the more remote parts of the distribution system such as Amlwch town. Advice obtained by the company from the North Wales Health Board was reassuring as regards the level of nitrite found being low in relation to the World Health Organisations health related guideline for a life times consumption. In September the company changed the residual disinfectant from chloramine to chlorine at the Alaw works and this action together with flushing of the distribution system led to a marked improvement in the situation. These compliance failures were associated with a general deterioration in water quality supplied by Alaw works (see also sections on coliform and trihalomethane failures) which was notified to the Inspectorate and initially regarded as a water quality incident. The third failure of the nitrite standard in September was also in the North Anglesey zone. This zone is also served by a supply from the Cefni works, the chloramination dose at this works was modified and subsequent sampling has given satisfactory results.


Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

Pesticides and related products This group of substances generically called pesticides, includes many organic chemicals with a wide range of uses such as weed killers, insecticides and fungicides. Water sources may contain traces of pesticide residues as a result of agricultural use (pest control on crops) and non-agricultural use (herbicide for weed control on highways etc.). Water companies are required to assess the risk to drinking water from pesticide use in their catchments and then test for those individual pesticides that might be present. There are standards for individual pesticides as well as a standard for the sum of all the pesticides. The standards are set with a wide safety margin. Many works in the region now have treatment capable of removing most pesticides in general use. Companies are expected to keep up to date their list of pesticides used in the catchment for each source. In 2005, none of the 689 tests in the region exceeded the standard for total pesticides. Likewise there was 100% compliance (3207 tests) for the four pesticides with a standard of 0.03 g/l. Out of a total of 31,965 tests for individual pesticides (with a standard of 0.10 g/l) just one exceeded the standard for mecoprop (DWR). When pesticides are first detected, water companies take action to protect consumers, enhance their monitoring programme and where appropriate pass details to the Environment Agency. In December the herbicide mecoprop was detected at a level 0.12 g/l in a consumers tap sample taken in the Malpas/Caerleon/Cwmbran zone. Mecoprop was also detected in the raw water at Court Farm works which supplies the zone at the same time. No previous or subsequent samples have shown mecoprop concentrations above the standard. The Inspectorate has sought details from the company about the control measures it has put in place for management of pesticide use in the catchment to this works. pH (Hydrogen ion) pH is a measure of the acidity of the water. Where water is supplied from upland areas the water naturally picks up iron and humic acids from the peaty soils, resulting in slightly acidic water with a low pH, which is commonly described as soft water. Such water has an increased potential to corrode iron pipes and leach material from cement lined mains. Acidity can also be affected when water is artificially softened by a treatment device in a consumers property. In Wales only one test out of a total of 1,968 tests exceeded the standard. A pH of 6.46 was recorded by Dw r Cymru Welsh water in the Strata Florida zone in March. Improvements to the treatment at the Strata Florida works, including carbon dioxide dosing, will secure compliance with the pH standard in future years. This scheme is scheduled for completion in 2006.


Drinking water 2005

Trihalomethanes Trihalomethanes (THMs) arise when chlorine is added to water containing naturally occurring organic substances. Treatment processes are optimised by water companies to minimise their production. For more information on THMs and how the level of THMs is controlled by water companies please refer to the DWI website. In 2005, out of 703 tests, only two (DWR) exceeded the standard in Wales. Dee Valley Water, Severn Trent Water, and Albion Water all achieved 100% compliance. A sample taken on 17 August in the North Anglesey zone gave a result of 101.8 g/l. The sample was taken in the area supplied by Alaw water treatment works and wider sampling indicated elevated levels of THMs throughout the distribution system supplied by the works. The company had changed the disinfection process (from chloramination to chlorination) in response to coliform and nitrite failures (discussed in earlier sections) and did not anticipate the need to also adjust the coagulation dose in light of their knowledge of the raw water quality and the potential for THM formation. Once this was done, there were no subsequent failures for THM in this zone. A sample taken on 5 August in the Llyswen zone gave a result of 103.24 g/l and sampling found elevated THM levels more widely at the Llyswen works and in distribution. The company realised that it needed to put in place operational triggers and enhanced monitoring so it was better placed to manage the impact of the variable raw water quality on the disinfection process.

Water quality in distribution

The two chemical parameters with the highest number of failures across the region are iron and manganese. These substances may be present naturally in raw water, iron compounds may be added as part of water treatment or it can be released as a consequence of the corrosion of iron mains. The most severe problems tend to be where the distribution network contains a large proportion of old cast iron mains. Effective water treatment reduces iron and manganese at source, but if treatment is not effective, iron and manganese may collect in distribution pipes. When these deposits are disturbed, they may cause orange-brown or black discolouration of the water. Elevated levels of iron and manganese can also result in breaches of the turbidity standard.


Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

Table 3.1.9 Compliance by company with the standards for iron, manganese and turbidity
Iron Albion Water Dee Valley Water Dwr Cymru Welsh Water Severn Trent Water Wales overall 100% 100% 99.40% 99.70% 98.76% Manganese 100% 100% 99.83% 99.96% 99.85% Turbidity 100% 100% 99.98% 99.98% 99.98%

Note: Figures are calculated on whole company data and may include results relating to consumers in England. For more information on % parameter compliance please refer to the CD accompanying this report.

Figure 3.1.10 shows the distribution of iron and manganese failures in zones across Wales. The map highlights some areas where the standard for iron (200 g/l) was exceeded on more than one occasion in 2005.
Figure 3.1.10 Map showing the distribution of failures, along with the extent of zones covered by an improvement programme


Drinking water 2005

The map also shows the areas where the water companies are committed to a legally binding programme of improvement work under section 19 of the Water Industry Act 1991, where the work was in progress in 2005, or is still planned for the future. Dw r Cymru Welsh Water are yet to complete their long term programmes of work to replace or refurbish cast iron mains. Table 3.1.11 below summarises the progress made with these programmes during 2005 and shows the work which remains outstanding.
Table 3.1.11 Progress with Section 19 distribution system improvement programmes
Length of main replaced or refurbished in 2005 Dee Valley Water Dwr Cymru Welsh Water Severn Trent Water Wales overall 0.1 km 333.7 km None (from Feb 2005) 333.8 km Length of main still to be replaced or refurbished None 2077.1 km None 2077.1 km Renovation completed Sep 2004 N/A Feb 2005 Completion due N/A March 2010 N/A

The lengths given here relate to zones which are wholly or mainly in Wales.

Dee Valley Water and Severn Trent Water have now completed their strategic programmes. Dw r Cymru Welsh Water continued to make satisfactory progress against targets during 2005. The improving trend between 1997 to 2005 is illustrated in the graph (Figure 3.1.12).
Figure 3.1.12 Trends in operational performance


Index (%)



98.5 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Dee Valley Dwr Cymru Severn Trent

Note: Trends relate to results for three parameters iron, manganese and turbidity. Only companies with more than five zones are shown.


Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

As can be seen from figure 3.1.10, all of the failures that occurred in 2005 are in areas where the company is already carrying out a programme of work. Dw r Cymru Welsh Water reported 11 iron failures and seven manganese failures in Wales. The company confirmed that a number of these failures were likely to be related to ongoing improvement works (e.g. Builth and Bryncoch zones). The majority were single failures in a zone, but the following zones reported more than one failure. In Llandudno/Colwyn zone in January the results of a sample failed several standards (aluminium, iron, manganese and turbidity). Dw r Cymru Welsh Water flushed the local main to remove a build up of loose deposits and subsequent samples were satisfactory. A routine fortnightly flushing programme has been put in place. An iron failure in the Holywell/Mold zone (DWR) in July also coincided with an aluminium failure. Again the company flushed the local main to remove loose deposits. Two iron failures were reported in the Rhymney/Bargoed zone (DWR). One in August was probably related to improvement work on the mains in the zone but the one in January was localised to a section of main serving a single property. The company has confirmed that approximately 100m of main will be replaced. The Maerdy Porth zone had two iron failures in February and is included for renovation as part of the Section 19 improvement programme. A failure of iron was reported from the Elan zone in April in an area where the mains have already been refurbished. The company consider that the poor condition of the Bwlch Sarnau reservoir is the cause. The reservoir is scheduled to be abandoned and there should be no further problems thereafter. The Cray/Clydach zone failed the standard for manganese on five separate occasions during 2005. The water mains in this area are known to be in generally poor condition containing manganese deposits which are prone to re-suspension at times of peak demand or as a result of any disturbance during planned work or a burst main. This area has experienced a number of significant discolouration incidents in recent years. This zone has been prioritised for mains renovation involving both refurbishment and replacement of trunk mains and feeder mains throughout the Cray system. This strategic project has been ongoing for the past two years and is scheduled for completion in the autumn of 2006. Aesthetic parameters Consumers expect their drinking water to be not only safe to drink, but also clear with no discernible taste or odour. In recognition of this the regulations stipulate national standards for colour, odour and taste. In 2005, all tests in the region met the standard with the following exceptions.


Drinking water 2005

Dw r Cymru Welsh Water reported three samples that failed the standard for taste and two of these samples also failed the standard for odour during 2005. Samples were taken from three separate supply zones between July and September. None of the failures could be related to any water source or water treatment problem and further monitoring gave satisfactory results. One of the samples was from a zone served by Felindre works where there is an improvement programme for taste and odour. The construction phase of this work is scheduled for completion by the end of December 2006.

Consumer perceptions of drinking water quality

When consumers have a question or a concern about drinking water quality their first point of contact is the water company. The Inspectorate held a workshop with companies in the autumn of 2005 to develop definitions for drinking water quality consumer contacts. These definitions and guidance on recording and reporting consumer contacts are contained in Information Letter 1/2006 ( Dee Valley Water was able to provide the Inspectorate with the full range of consumer contact data for 2005 and this is summarized in table 3.1.13. The data provided by the other companies was incomplete therefore figures in table 3.1.13 are estimates made by the Inspectorate drawing on overall industry figures. In line with published evidence, consumer perceptions in Wales are very strongly influenced by the appearance of their drinking water with such contacts being more than half of the total across the country. This confirms the importance of work being done to identify the causes and remedies for discoloured water (see section on Water Quality in Distribution).
Table 3.1.13 Summary of consumer contacts about drinking water quality in 2005
Contact rate per 1,000 population n/a 3.29 (6.26) (2.78) (5.98) Appearance Information request None 23% (1%) (13%) (293) Total number of contacts None 774 (17,042) (112) (17,928) Taste and odour Report of illness None 1% 2% (None) (417)

Albion Dee Valley Water Dwr Cymru Welsh Water Severn Trent Water Wales overall

None 48% 83% 54% 14,539

None 15% 12% 32% 2,165

Note: figures in brackets are estimated from industry average. The figures for DVW, DWR, SVT are for consumers in Wales only


Water quality concern None 13% (2%) 1% (514)

Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

The poor condition of water mains is not the only visual stimulus impacting on consumer perceptions in Wales because 16% of all appearance contacts in 2005 related to white water events which happen when air is entrained in water by pumps. The cause of white water receives much less attention yet it can have a pronounced impact on consumer perceptions. For example, out of the 302 appearance contacts received in 2005 from one zone operated by Dw r Cymru Welsh Water 151 (50%) were reports of white water and in one zone operated by Dee Valley Water 22 (38%) of appearance contacts were about white water. The Inspectorate believes companies can and should do more to identify the root cause of white water events and take steps to prevent them. There were 608 contacts about chlorine (28% of all taste contacts) in 2005 in Wales. A recent cross national study of drinking water quality perceptions by the University of East Anglia found a greater tendency towards chemo phobic attitudes in the UK than on the continent. The Inspectorate considers that water companies need to take greater account of these societal attitudes recognising, for example, that consumers do not perceive chlorine in drinking water as beneficial and fluctuating or higher than necessary levels of chlorine in drinking water will cause consumers to react adversely. Access to information is important to consumer confidence. Dee Valley Water and Dw r Cymru Welsh Water record sending out only 25 drinking water quality testing reports to consumers in Wales in 2005 (Severn Trent Water did not keep records in 2005). Compared to most companies serving the regions in England, this is a low figure. Records across the whole water industry show there is a significant demand for information about drinking water quality amongst consumers. The Inspectorate believes that the companies serving Wales need to be proactive about ensuring consumers have access to drinking water quality information, collaborating with the Consumer Council for Water in Wales on the most effective and preferred methods. When the response of a company to a consumer contact about drinking water quality fails to provide the necessary reassurance or remedy then the consumer may complain directly to the Inspectorate. In 2005, there were 39 customers of the companies supplying drinking water in Wales who were sufficiently dissatisfied with the water company to complain to the Inspectorate. The majority (26) of these customers had experienced discoloured water and seven were reporting an objectionable taste. As a general rule, when a consumer comes to the Inspectorate it is because the company has not provided the consumer with appropriate, sufficient or timely information. Consumers who turn to the Inspectorate often display a lack of trust in their water company and, excluding the very occasional vexatious caller, a complaint to the Inspectorate should be regarded as a significant opportunity for learning and improvement by the companys senior management.


Drinking water 2005

Issues of local interest

During early November 2005, the North Wales Health Protection Team contacted Dw r Cymru Welsh Water (DWR) to inform the company of an increase in cases of cryptosporidiosis in the Gwynedd and South Anglesey area. The water company was asked to check the operation of treatment works supplying the area and to confirm whether those cases so far recognised received the same water supply. At this time the company began continuous monitoring of the water supply for Cryptosporidium. The geographical analysis of cases revealed that the vast majority received a water supply derived from the Llyn Cwellyn source treated at Cwellyn water treatment works. The Outbreak Control Team (OCT) chaired by the National Health Protection Service for Wales (NHPS) took the decision to issue boil water advice to all 70,000 consumers supplied from Cwellyn WTW on 29 November 2005. This advice remained in place for eight weeks until 30 January 2006. Cwellyn works remained in supply during the outbreak. The company installed additional ultraviolet treatment at Cwellyn works which was commissioned in early January 2006. Environmental investigations carried out by the Environment Agency confirmed a number of sewage inputs to Llyn Cwellyn and samples taken from the lake and the water supplied from Cwellyn works contained Cryptosporidium hominis. The OCT studies found that between 1 October 2005 and 31 January 2006 there were 214 cases of Cryptosporidiosis hominis infection confirmed by the Cryptosporidium Reference Unit (CRU) in residents of Gwynedd and South Anglesey. The Inspectorate carried out a thorough investigation into the circumstances of this incident which was very extensive and included site visits. Inspectors took statements from consumers diagnosed as suffering from cryptosporidiosis and from the companys staff and contractors responsible for water supply management decisions and the operation of the works respectively. Information relating to the testing of water and patient samples was also formally obtained from environmental and medical scientists. The Inspectorates findings and conclusions regarding this incident is not included in this report because at the time of its preparation the offence of supplying water unfit for human consumption was under consideration. As regards the learning from this outbreak and other outbreaks in England in 2005, the Inspectorate issued an information letter (IL 17/2005) to all water companies in December 2005 asking them to review all cryptosporidium risk assessments for surface water derived supplies and to submit their revised risk assessments (a regulatory requirement) to the Inspectorate by 30 April 2006. Additionally and in the same time frame, the Inspectorate commissioned a report from the Health Protection Agency to update longer term health surveillance data and knowledge about the organism since the publication in 1999 of the Third Report of the Expert Group on Cryptosporidium in Water Supplies. These actions will contribute to the evidence required for the Chief Inspector of Drinking Water to give advice later this year about the adequacy of the current arrangements for safeguarding consumers from waterborne outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis.


Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

Incidents in 2005
The companies in Wales notified the Inspectorate of 28 events during 2005. The Inspectorate classified eight as incidents requiring a comprehensive report from the company and a full investigation by the Inspectorate as compared to 11 in 2004.
Table 3.1.14 Water Quality Events in the region in 2005
Number of events notified Albion Water Dee Valley Water Dwr Cymru Welsh Water Severn Trent Water Wales overall 0 1 27 0 28 Number classed as incidents 0 0 8 0 8

A summary of the nature, cause and duration of each incident, along with details of the Inspectorate findings are set out in Annex 3. Most incidents were of relatively short duration and the company took action to inform and safeguard consumers and other stakeholders as appropriate. Learning points from incidents assessed in 2005 are highlighted by the following examples: In September 2004, boil water advice was issued to residents of 13,000 properties in the areas of Nantyglo, Brynmawr, Blaina, Clydach Valley, Maesygwartha and parts of Ebbw Vale following evidence that flood water had probably gained access to treated water within Rassau service reservoir supplying the area. A contributory factor was that the pumps were in standby mode and started automatically in response to a rise in the water level. The precautionary boil water advice was endorsed by the health authority and was lifted after two clear sets of sample results had been obtained. The Inspectorate recommended that the company reviewed the risk of flooding and the practice of enabling standby pumps to come on line automatically without any operational oversight. The company has since changed procedures to the effect that pumping stations are always isolated when not in use. In November 2004, routine monitoring found coliforms in the Llandudno distribution network. In the absence of any evidence of a treatment problem the company carried out flushing of the distribution system and boosted the level of chlorine residual, however these actions resulted in 29 consumer complaints, 18 about objectionable levels of chlorine in the water. Other consumers were caused concern by articles about the situation appearing in the local press. The Inspectorate was critical of the companys strategy of managing the incident, namely changing the residual disinfectant regime without first identifying the means to control the concentration to an acceptable and stable level. The Inspectorate recommended the implementation of a more robust and effective residual chlorine strategy and improved control and monitoring systems.


Drinking water 2005

The company has since changed the operation of the Bryn Cowlyd works, optimizing ozonation to reduce chlorine demand generating a stable chlorine residual with the result that there have been no further coliform failures in distribution or consumer complaints. Starting in late August 2005, consumers living in Swansea, the Gower and parts of Carmarthenshire supplied by Bryngwyn works and in rural areas around Brecon supplied by Portis works, began reporting an earthy or musty taste to the water. The source for both works is the Usk Reservoir. Sampling detected methyl isoborneol (MIB) a naturally occurring substance which has an unpleasant taste at minute concentrations. Over a period of several weeks a total of 150 consumers reported experiencing the problem. The reservoir last contained significant levels of MIB in 1999. The Inspectorate found that the company had been slow to introduce dosing of powdered activated carbon and concluded that the companys procedures were inadequate for detecting and mitigating a MIB (or geosmin) event.

The offence of supplying water unfit for human consumption is currently under consideration by the Inspectorate in connection with one incident which occurred in 2005.

Technical audit activity in the region

During 2005 the Inspectorate implemented a new decision making tool for prioritising its technical audit work. All critical components of the safe management of drinking water supplies (catchment, water treatment, distribution integrity and maintenance, sampling, analysis and reporting) are assigned a risk score based on company information (results of monitoring, incident assessment, previous audit findings, consumer complaints etc.). This tool generates a risk ranking for all relevant water company assets, procedures and practices enabling inspectors to focus their technical audit work where it can be of greatest benefit. As a result of this development, there is no longer an annual list of inspection tasks, instead technical audits are carried out as and when required throughout the year. Companies and laboratories will be audited less often if they adopt a proactive water safety plan approach to safeguarding water quality and ensure that their staff are well trained. Information on the key findings of the Inspectorates technical audit work in Wales in 2005 is set out in Table 3.1.15.


Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

Table 3.1.15 Summary of the Inspectorate technical audits in Wales (10/5/06)

Site name Dwr Cymru Welsh Water Cwellyn Water Treatment works. Site audit with specific focus on the improvement programme that resulted from enforcement action in 2004. Review of actions taken by the company following recommendations made to the company during 2004. Audit trail of five chemical samples. Audit trail of one pesticide sample. Recommendations were made to improve accuracy of records for issuing of keys to authorised personnel and regarding the operation and maintenance of the pressure filters. Only a small number of actions were outstanding. The company is to report how these have been completed by 30 June 2006. Recommendations made to ensure the accuracy of sampling frequencies. Recommendations made regarding improvements to the calibration procedures. Recommendations made to secure the use of the correct method of analysis for cyanide and the regular calibration of equipment in respect of pH measurement. Problems also found with the regularity of sampling for 7 of the 8 parameters. Improvements required to the scheduling of compliance samples and to analytical quality control. Recommendations mostly concern the robustness of the Analytical Quality Control (AQC) system in use in the laboratory. The Inspectorate strongly recommended the company ensured its chosen analytical service provider complied fully with all regulatory requirements. Satisfactory. Audit topic Main findings from audit

Response to 2004 recommendations.

Sample Audit Trails. Sample Audit Trail.

Severn Trent Water Sample Audit Trails. Audit trail of eight chemical samples.

Sample Audit Trails.

Audit trail of two pesticide samples.

Dee Valley Water Sample Audit Trails. Audit trail of five chemical samples.

Albion Water Sample Audit Trails. Audit trail of two chemical samples.


Drinking water 2005

In January 2006, several companies informed the Inspectorate that their analytical service provider had reported a serious problem with the quality control data generated by an analyst in one of its laboratories. This affected a number of reported results for turbidity, hydrogen ion, conductivity and colour for samples analysed between September and December 2005. The Inspectorate reviewed the information provided and concluded that the absence of valid AQC and calibration check data invalidated these compliance test results and where this was the case, the companies were required to expunge these test results for their data returns and note the problem on their public register. The analytical service provider has taken a number of steps to prevent a recurrence, including improved supervision and re-training of staff.

Local authority consultation

Section 77 of the Water Act 1991 places a duty on local authorities to keep themselves informed about the quality of the public water supplies provided to premises in their area. In February 2006, the Chief Inspector contacted each Local Authority Environmental Health Service inviting their views on drinking water quality and the extent to which they are involved in local drinking water quality issues. In Wales 12 out of a total of 22 local authorities gave their views: 7 indicated that they were satisfied with the quality of the public water supply. 5 indicated that they were generally satisfied with the quality of the public water supply. No local authorities indicated that that they were dissatisfied with the quality of the public water supply.

11 indicated that they had regular contact with the local water company. Comments by local authorities included: We have good liaison with both water companies (DWR & DVW) regarding any complaints from the public or other problems. Would like to see more lead communication pipes replaced. Not sure about the environmental impact of increased phosphate treatment. Increased concern about Cryptosporidium following recent problems in a neighbouring authority.

All twelve local authorities indicated that they take samples of the public water supply in response to a consumer complaint. Two operate a planned sample programme, one indicated that their planned programme had been discontinued. The Inspectorate has set up a formal link with the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health to identify and support training of local authority personnel on drinking water quality and regulation. A national steering group met in February 2006 to take this work forward and to provide regular feedback to the Inspectorate.


Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

In partnership with the University of Surrey, the Inspectorate has established an internationally accredited postgraduate qualification in drinking water supply management and regulation (details in Annex 4). The modular style course can be studied on a full or part time basis and covers the full range of knowledge required by professionals with responsibility for ensuring the supply of safe drinking water. The course is available for the first time in 2006 and is commended to water companies and local authorities.

Consultation with health professionals

The Health Protection Agency (HPA) is responsible for health surveillance in both Wales and England. In England there are 34 Health Protection Units available to provide advice on health matters at a regional level, with 22 Health Boards fulfilling the same role in Wales. In February 2006 the Chief Inspector contacted each Consultant in Communicable Disease Control and each Director of Public Health in Wales and England inviting them to comment on their involvement with drinking water matters during 2005. Information was received from 31 of these medical advisors and all but 3 of these had been involved in giving drinking water quality health advice during 2005. Typically health protection teams are responding to requests for advice in their area on eight occasions in any one year. The three most common reasons for providing health advice were: in response to a water quality incident in support of the local authority environmental health team a query about a specific substance that might be present in drinking water.

The specific situation regarding health advice in Wales cannot be reported here because none of the medical advisors responded to the consultation. Overall the consultation exercise revealed that health professionals generally have a low awareness of the role and expertise of the Drinking Water Inspectorate suggesting that this topic is not being covered adequately by the water companies in their routine liaison meetings with local health professionals. All companies serving consumers in Wales are encouraged to make it a priority to invite the Principal Inspector for the region to participate in any multi agency drinking water quality and health forums.

For further information on the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2001, or the microbiological and chemical parameters covered by the regulations please refer to the DWI website, If you have a need for more specific information than that on our website, please contact us on the DWI enquiry line: 020 7082 8024. 37

Drinking water 2005


Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

Annex 1 Other sources of information

There are two additional sources of information published this year, a CD and content published to the DWI website at

Content of the CD
The CD is supplied with this document in a folder.

Part 1 Drinking water standards and science

Part 1 covers: How is drinking water quality regulated? The drinking water standards European and National Drinking water science Drinking water research completed in 2005 and ongoing.

Part 2 Drinking water safety

This part presents: Chief Inspectors statement An overview of water safety plans A review of the performance of the industry in 2005 Individual summary tables of company performance.

Part 3 Regional reports

There are six regional reports for England and one for Wales (In English and Welsh). The reports cover: Eastern region Midlands region Northern region Southern region Thames region Western region Wales.


Drinking water 2005

They summarise data from 2005 for the region under the following headings: Water sources Drinking water quality testing Drinking water quality results Consumer perceptions of drinking water Incidents in 2005 Technical audit activity in the region Local authority consultation Consultation with health professionals.

Supplementary information
In addition, published to the CD and DWI website are the following items.

Water company look-up tables

These summarise, by parameter, the results of water company tests taken in 2005. They provide information on: what was tested how many tests were performed the range of results of the tests how many failures were detected.

Incidents in England and Wales 2005

In order to assist the sharing of learning, the Inspectorate has published a compiled list of incidents that occurred in 2005 which illustrates the nature and cause of each incident and the main actions and findings of the Inspectorate. Regional extracts of this overall list are contained in each regional report (Annex 3).

Inspectorates website
The inspectorate has a website at and in addition to the content described above, the following information can be found: The performance of the Inspectorate against its targets The prosecution record for the Inspectorate The details of where the Inspectorate has provided advice or made presentations.


Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

Annex 2 Glossary and description of standards

These definitions will assist the understanding of the Report where technical terms have been used.


a term used to indicate that the water has a tendency to dissolve copper (and other metals) from the inner surface of a pipe or water fitting such as a tap. associated with the senses of taste, smell and sight. a solution containing an excess of free hydroxyl ions, with a pH greater than seven. Analytical Quality Control is the method used to ensure that laboratory analysis methods are performing correctly. water-containing underground strata. a chlorotriazine herbicide registered for use in forestry and in sweetcorn. authorisation for a water company to temporarily supply water exceeding a drinking water standard, granted by the Authorities only when there is no risk to human health. water supplied in bulk, usually in treated form, from one water company to another. a substance formed by reaction between chlorine and ammonia, used as a disinfectant in distribution systems because of its long lasting properties compared to chlorine. The process of generating a chloramine disinfectant residual in water leaving a treatment works. the small amount of chlorine or chloramines present in drinking water to maintain its quality as it passes through the water companys network of pipes and household plumbing.

Aesthetic Alkali


Aquifer Atrazine Authorised Departure

Bulk supply Chloramine

Chloramination Chlorine residual


Drinking water 2005

Chlorotoluron Coagulation

a phenylurea herbicide registered for use in cereals. a process employed during drinking water treatment to assist in the removal of particulate matter. a compound consists of two or more elements in chemical combination. the connection from the water main to the consumer property boundary (normally at the outside stop tap). a comparison made by the Inspectorate of data gathered by water companies against standards and other regulatory requirements. historical free supplies of water for a householder, established when a company wanted to lay mains across land and the landowner might agree, subject to a permission, to take a supply of water from the main. a tank, normally situated on a treatment works site, which forms part of the disinfection process. A disinfectant chemical (normally chlorine) is dosing into the water as it flows into the tank. The period of time that the water takes to flow through the tank allows sufficient contact time for the chemical to kill or deactivate any viruses or pathogenic organisms that may be present in the water. a breach of a regulatory requirement. a protozoan parasite. an analysis for a specific parameter. a benzoic acid herbicide registered for use in cereals and grass. a water companys network of mains, pipes, pumping stations and service reservoirs through which treated water is conveyed to consumers. a phenylurea herbicide registered for amenity use. the prescribed concentrations or values listed in Regulations.

Compound Communication pipe

Compliance assessment

Concessionary supplies

Contact tank


Determination Dicamba Distribution systems

Diuron Drinking water standards


Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

EC Drinking Water Directive

Council Directive 98/83/EC December 1998 setting out drinking water standards to be applied in member states. the means, as set out in the Water Act 1989 and consolidated into the Water Industry Act 1991, by which the Secretary of State requires a water company to comply with certain regulatory requirements. the Environment Agency is responsible for maintaining or improving the quality of fresh, marine, surface and underground water in England and Wales. a process of studying the distribution of cases of disease within a population in relation to exposure to possible sources of the infection, with a view to establishing the actual source of the infection. a rehabilitation process in which a cleaned section of iron water main is sprayed with a mixture of epoxy resin and hardener to produce a thin but strong coating of material on the inside of the main. synonym for contravention or breach (see above). the separation of suspended particulate matter from a fluid. an adsorbent filtration media used to remove trace organic compounds from water. water from aquifers or other underground sources. water company improvement works, these are legally binding on the company and each programme will remedy an actual or potential breach of a drinking water standard within a specified time period. an event affecting or threatening to affect drinking water quality. something that is measured to check that control measures, such as water treatment, are working effectively.

Enforcement action

Environment Agency


Epoxy resin re-lining

Exceedence Filtration Granular activated carbon Groundwater Improvement programmes

Incident Indicator parameter


Drinking water 2005

Indicator organism

an organism which indicates the presence of contamination and hence the possible presence of pathogens. formal guidance to water companies given by the Inspectorate. The Drinking Water Inspectorate. a phenylurea herbicide registered for use in cereals. the requirements as specified in the Water Act 1989, now consolidated into the Water Industry Act 1991, and the Regulations made under the Acts. (4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy) acetic acid. An aryloxyalkanoic acid herbicide used for controlling broad-leaved weeds in grass or cereal crops. 2-(4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy) propanoic acid. An aryloxyalkanoic acid herbicide used for controlling broad-leaved weeds in grass or cereal crops. Commonly referred to as Mecoprop. see MCPP. a measure of compliance with drinking water standards introduced by the Inspectorate in 2004 see zonal percentage compliance. associated with the study of microbes. cubic metre per day. milligram per litre (one thousandth of a gram per litre). megalitre per day (one Ml/d is equivalent to 1,000 m3/d, or to 220,000 gallon/d). microgram per litre (one millionth of a gram per litre). the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2000 in England; the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2001 in Wales.

Information Letter Inspectorate Isoproturon Legal requirements



Mecoprop Mean zonal compliance %

Microbiological m3/d mg/l Ml/d g/l New regulations

Notice of Intention to make a a necessary precursor to the issue of an Final Order Enforcement Order which must be advertised with a minimum of 28 days being allowed for representations or objections to the proposed Order.


Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

Ofwat Oocyst

the water industrys economic regulator. the resistant form in which Cryptosporidium occurs in the environment, and which is capable of causing infection. characteristics of a substance as detected by our senses, for example taste, odour or colour.


Outbreak Control Team (OCT) a team set up to investigate possible waterborne outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis, comprising members of the medical profession, as well as representatives of relevant local authorities and water companies. Ozone process (ozonation) Parameters the application of ozone gas in drinking water treatment. the substances, organisms and properties listed in Schedule 2 and regulation 3 of the Regulations. Parameter definitions can be found further on in this annex. an organism which can infect humans and cause disease. see Prescribed concentration or value. the economic regulators process of setting water prices. any fungicide, herbicide or insecticide or related product (excluding medicines) used for the control of pests or diseases. treatment of water that results in a protective film building up on the inside of pipes minimizing the likelihood of lead being present in drinking water supplied through lead pipes. the tendency for lead to dissolve in water. a programme of assessment before and after mains renovation to demonstrate justification for the work, and the improvements achieved by the renovation. the numerical value assigned to drinking water standards defining the maximal or minimal legal concentration or value of a parameter.

Pathogen PCV Periodic review Pesticides

Phosphate dosing

Plumbosolvency Pre- and post- renovation assessment (PPRA)

Prescribed concentration or value (PCV)


Drinking water 2005

Private supplies

water taken from private sources or supplied by non-licensed suppliers; supplies of water provided otherwise than by a statutorily appointed water undertaker. a single cell organism that can only survive by infecting a host. drinking water quality information made available to the public by water companies as required by regulations. water supplied by a company licensed for that purpose. water prior to receiving treatment for the purpose of drinking. The Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2000 (England), 2001 (Wales). see Legal requirements. action taken to improve a situation. the small amount of chlorine or chloramines present in drinking water to maintain its quality as it passes through the water companys network of pipes and household plumbing. Secretary of State for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs. connection between the water company main to a consumers property. the service pipe is the pipe that connects the consumers property to the water company main. It comprises two part the communication pipe which is the connection from the water main to the consumers property boundary (normally at the outside stop tap) and the supply pipe which runs from the boundary of the property to the consumer's inside stop tap. a water tower, tank or other reservoir used for the storage of treated water within the distribution system. a chlorotriazine herbicide registered for use in a range of agricultural and horticultural crops.

Protozoan parasites Public Register

Public supplies Raw water Regulations Regulatory requirements Remedial action Residual disinfectant

Secretary of State Service connection Service pipe

Service reservoir



Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales


groundwater appearing at the surface at the outcrop of the junction of a permeable with an impermeable stratum. formal written acknowledgement from a water company about action it plans to take to address an actual or potential regulatory breach. pipe connecting between the boundary of a consumers property to the inside stop tap. a point other than a consumers tap authorised for the taking of samples for compliance with the Regulations. untreated water from rivers, impounding reservoirs or other surface water source. the means of checking that water companies are complying with their statutory obligations. the moment when water passes from the water companys pipework into a consumers pipework. a chlorotriazine herbicide no longer registered for use in the UK. the study of the health effects of substances. water treated for use for domestic purposes as defined in the Regulations. a legally binding programme of work to take appropriate steps to secure or restore compliance with regulatory duties; given by a water company to the Secretary of State for the purposes of section 19(1)(b) of the Water Industry Act 1991. a pre-defined area of supply for establishing sampling frequencies, compliance with standards and information to be made publicly available. World Health Organisation.

Statement of intent

Supply pipe Supply point

Surface water Technical audit Time of supply Trietazine Toxicology Treated water Undertaking

Water supply zone


Wholesome/Wholesomeness a legal concept of water quality which is defined by reference to standards and other requirements set out in the Regulations. WRc Water Research Centre (1989) plc and/or, as the context may require, its predecessor body.


Drinking water 2005

Zonal compliance %

the percentage of results for a specific parameter which complied with the PCV the mean zonal percentage compliance is the average of the zonal percentage compliances of every one of a company's zones, can also be applied to all zones in a region or a country.


Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

Drinking water standards

Microbiological standards
To protect public health there are microbiological standards which have to be met at each treatment works and treated water service reservoir or tower. Microbiological tests are also undertaken on consumer tap samples. The significance of individual test results for each microbiological parameter at each location varies and a single positive result does not necessarily mean that water is unsafe to drink. Other information is required to assess water safety. Each of the standards is listed below:
Parameter Description are bacteria present in the gut of warm blooded animals. They should not be present in drinking water and, if present, immediate action is required to identify and remove any source of faecal contamination that is found. is a parasite that causes severe gastroenteritis and can survive disinfection. In the UK continuous monitoring is undertaken at works classified by the company as being at significant risk. The treatment standard for these works is <1 oocyst per 10 litres. is a spore forming bacterium that is present in the gut of warm blooded animals. The spores can survive disinfection. The presence of spores in drinking water indicates historic contamination that requires investigation. are widely distributed in the environment often as a result of human or animal activity but some grow on plant matter. Their presence in a water supply indicates a need to investigate the integrity of the water supply system. are general techniques for detecting a wide range of bacteria, the types and numbers being dependent on the conditions of the test. These counts, if done regularly, can help to inform water management but they have no direct health significance. Standard 0 per 100ml

Escherichia coli and



<1 oocyst per 10 litres

Clostridium perfringens

0 per 100ml

Coliform bacteria

0 per 100ml

Colony Counts

no abnormal change


Drinking water 2005

European health-based chemical standards

European health based standards for chemicals are set with a wide margin of safety on the basis of a life times consumption of water and taking into account the amounts present in food. Just because a standard has been set for a substance does not mean that it is present in drinking water. The vast majority of the regulated chemicals are never found in drinking water in England and Wales. Others occur only in very specific or local circumstances which are described below.
Parameter Acrylamide Description monomer is not normally found in drinking water. It is produced in the manufacture of polyacrylamides occasionally used in water treatment. Its presence in drinking water is limited by control of the product specification. is rarely found in drinking water. Trace amounts can be derived from brass tap fittings and solders. occurs naturally in only a few sources of groundwater. Specific water treatment is required to remove it. is present in petrol. It is not found in drinking water but it can migrate through underground plastic water pipes if petrol is spilt in the vicinity. Some bottled waters and soft drinks which include sodium benzoate as an ingredient have been reported as containing benzene. is one of several compounds known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Their source in drinking water is as a result of deterioration of coal tar which many years ago was used to line water pipes. Due to extensive water mains refurbishment and renewal it is now rare to detect this substance in drinking water. in surface water sources comes from industrial discharges or from detergents in treated sewage effluents. The very low concentrations found in some drinking waters are not a concern to public health. can be formed during disinfection of drinking water through a reaction between naturally occurring bromide and strong oxidants (usually ozone). It may be generated in the manufacture of sodium hypochlorite disinfectant. Exceptionally, groundwater beneath an industrial site can become contaminated with bromate. Standard 0.1 g/l


5 g/l


10 g/l


1 g/l

Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP)

0.01 g/l


1 mg/l


10 g/l



Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

Parameter Cadmium

Description is rarely detected in drinking water and trace amounts are usually due to dissolution of impurities from plumbing fittings. is not present in drinking water. in drinking water comes mostly from copper pipes and fittings in households. In general water sources are not aggressive towards copper but problems very occasionally occur on new housing estates. These blue water events can be avoided by good plumbing practices. is not present in drinking water. is a solvent that may be found in groundwater in the vicinity of industrial sites. Where necessary it can be removed by special water treatment. can be found in trace amounts in polyamine water treatment chemicals. Its presence in drinking water is limited by control of the product specification. occurs naturally in many water sources especially groundwater. It cannot be removed by conventional water treatment so high levels must be reduced by blending with another low fluoride water source. Some water companies are required by the local health authority to fluoridate water supplies as a protection against tooth decay. The drinking water standard ensures levels are safe in either circumstance. Fluoridation of water is a Department of Health policy. very occasionally occurs naturally in raw waters but the usual reason for its presence in drinking water is plumbing in older properties. If the water supply has a tendency to dissolve lead then water companies treat the water to reduce consumer exposure. The permanent remedy is for householders to remove lead pipes and fittings. is not found in sources of drinking water. occurs naturally in some groundwater and where necessary special treatment can be installed to remove it. Another source of nickel in drinking water is the coatings on modern taps and other plumbing fittings. occurs naturally in all source waters although higher concentrations tend to occur where fertilisers are used on the land. Nitrate can be removed by ion exchange water treatment or through blending with other low nitrate sources.

Standard 5 g/l

Chromium Copper

50 g/l 2 mg/l

Cyanide 1,2-Dicholoroethane

50 g/l 3 g/l


0.1 g/l


1.5 mg/l


25 g/l but 10 g/l will apply from 2013 onwards.

Mercury Nickel

1 g/l 20 g/l


50 mg/l



Drinking water 2005

Parameter Nitrite

Description is sometimes produced as a by-product when chloramine is used as the essential residual disinfectant in a public water supply. Chloramine is the residual disinfectant of choice in large distributions systems because it is more stable and long lasting. Careful operation of the disinfection process ensures levels of nitrite are kept below the standard. are no longer used in the UK because they are persistent in the environment. They are not found in drinking water.

Standard 0.5 mg/l

Pesticides organochlorine compounds (aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide) Pesticides other than organochlorine compounds

0.03 g/l for each compound

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) Selenium

Tetrachloroethane and Trichloroethene Trihalomethanes

Vinyl chloride

is a diverse and large group of organic compounds used as weed-killers, insecticides and fungicides. Many water sources contain traces of one or more pesticide as a result of both agricultural and non-agricultural uses mainly on crops and for weed control on highways and in gardens. Where needed, water companies have installed water treatment (activated carbon and ozone) so that pesticides are not found in drinking water. Water companies must test for those pesticides used widely in their area of supply. Pesticide monitoring thus varies according to risk. is a group name for several substances present in petroleum based products such as coal tar. (see Benzo(a)pyrene listed above for more information). is an essential element and a necessary dietary component. Amounts in drinking water are usually well below the standard. are solvents that may occur in groundwater in the vicinity of industrial sites. Where necessary they are removed by specialist treatment. are formed during disinfection of water by a reaction between chlorine and naturally occurring organic substances. Their production is minimised by good operational practice. may be present in plastic pipes as a residual of the manufacturing process of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) water pipes. Its presence in drinking water is controlled by product specification.

0.1 g/l for each individual substance and 0.5 g/l for the total of all pesticides

0.1 g/l for the sum of all the substances 10 g/l

10 g/l for the sum of both substances 100 g/l

0.5 g/l


Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

National chemical and physical standards

The European Drinking Water Directive recognises the importance of maintaining a high quality of drinking water and for this reason several standards set in the original 1980 Drinking Water Directive (but not the 1998 Drinking Water Directive) have been continued in the form of National Standards. Most of the standards address levels that make the water unacceptable to consumers on the grounds of taste, odour or appearance.
Parameter Aluminium Description occurs naturally in some source waters. It is removed from drinking water by conventional water treatment (coagulation and filtration). Aluminium sulphate and polyaluminium chloride may be used as water treatment chemicals at some water treatment works. occurs naturally in upland water sources. It is removed by conventional water treatment. is present naturally in many water sources. It is removed by water treatment. Some iron compounds are used as water treatment chemicals. However, the commonest source of iron in drinking water is corrosion of iron water mains. is present naturally in many sources and is usually removed during treatment gives an indication of the degree of acidity of the water. A pH of 7 is neutral; values below 7 are acidic and values above 7 are alkaline. A low pH water may result in pipe corrosion. This is corrected by adding an alkali during water treatment. can arise as a consequence of natural processes in surface waters particularly between late spring through to early autumn. Water treatment with activated carbon or ozone will remove these natural substances. The standard relates to the evaluations of a panel of people assessing samples in the laboratory. is a component of common salt. It is present in seawater and brackish groundwater. Some treatment chemicals contain sodium. Concentrations in drinking water are extremely low but some water softeners can add significant amounts to drinking water where they are installed in homes or factories. is a solvent that may occur in groundwater in the vicinity of industrial sites. Where necessary it is removed by specialist water treatment. is a measure of the cloudiness of water. It can arise from disturbance of sediment within water mains. Standard 200 g/l

Colour Iron

20 mg/l on the Pt/Co scale 200 g/l

Manganese Hydrogen Ion (pH)

50 g/l The standard is a range between 6.5 and 10.0

Odour and Taste

Dilution Number 3 at 250C


200 mg/l


3 g/l




Drinking water 2005

Additional monitoring parameters

In addition to the drinking water standards, water companies are required to test for additional indicator parameters to assist them with good water supply management and the control of drinking water quality. Some of these parameters have a European guide value set for the purpose of triggering an investigation of the water supply.
Parameter Ammonium Description salts are naturally present in trace amounts in most waters. Their presence might indicate contamination of sanitary significance and they interfere with the operation of the disinfection process. is a component of common salt. It may occur in water naturally but it may also be present due to local use of de-icing salt or saline intrusion. is a non specific measure of the amount of natural dissolved inorganic substances in source waters. occurs naturally in all waters and cannot be removed by treatment. is a measure of the effective dose of radiation the body will receive from consumption of the water. It is calculated only when screening values for gross alpha or gross beta (radiation) are exceeded. represents the total amount of organic matter present in water. is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen. Discharges to the environment are strictly controlled and there is a national programme of monitoring surface waters. measurement is an important non-specific water quality control parameter at water treatment works because it can be monitored continuously on line and alarms set to alert operators to deterioration in raw water quality or the need to optimise water treatment. Guide value 0.5 mg/l


250 mg/l


2500 S/cm

Sulphate Total Indicative Dose

250 mg/l 0.10 mSv/year

Total Organic Carbon Tritium

no abnormal change 100 Bq/l


1 NTU at treatment works


Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

Annex 3 Incidents in Wales in 2005

Date and duration (Company) 11/05/05 for 2 days (DWR) Area and estimate of population affected Ferndale area, Rhondda Valley 8,000 Nature and cause of the incident Main actions and findings from the Inspectorate investigation Company action: Flushed main and sampled affected area. Made bottled water available to special needs customers. Prepared water tankers for deployment. Wrote to all consumers who had reported discolouration with an apology and an explanation. DWI comments and findings: Supplied unwholesome water in breach of regulations. Cause of the discolouration was due to status of a key valve being incorrectly recorded. This valve was not checked prior to work commencing. Recommendation made to review procedures to ensure that status of key valves are checked as part of risk assessment prior to operation of distribution network. Company action: Blended supply with another source. Rezoned area (brought in water from different source). Sampled affected area. Commenced dosing powdered activated carbon (PAC) at two works (Bryngwyn & Portis). DWI comments and findings: Procedures inadequate for recognition of potential taste and odour event and recommended a review of procedures. Company did not follow its own protocol for the instigation of PAC dosing and additional sampling, resulting in delays in remedial action. The company are reviewing type of PAC used to ensure optimisation of removal of taste forming compounds. continued

Discolouration (brown) caused by planned work by company staff.

Aug/Sept for 4 weeks (DWR)

Usk Reservoir Swansea, Gower and parts of Camarthen 125,000

Raw water deterioration resulted in musty taste and odour problem.


Drinking water 2005

Date and duration (Company) 19/09/05 for 3 days (DWR)

Area and estimate of population affected Clydach Vale, Rhondda Valley 2,000

Nature and cause of the incident

Main actions and findings from the Inspectorate investigation

Evidence of widespread microbiological contamination (low level coliform bacteria) detected in Clydach Vale No 6 service reservoir and distribution.

Company action: Increased chlorine residuals at service reservoir. Increased chlorine residuals in the distribution system. Carried out inspection of service reservoir. Sampled affected area. Set up chlorine dosing system at service reservoir. Service Reservoir subsequently abandoned. DWI comments and findings: Recommended company reviews its notification procedures. Suggested company assigns and uses one name for each site in all communication. Recommended that company has a process to ensure schematics are kept updated. Company action: Flushed mains. Provided bottled water on request. Sampled affected area. Delivered bottled water to special needs customers. Carried out survey and review of trunk main system. DWI comments and findings: Discolouration caused by a valve adjustment made in response to increased demand. Inadequate risk assessment. Supplied unwholesome water in breach of regulations. Critical of company for providing a report with inconsistent and poorly presented data. continued

10/10/05 for 7 days (DWR)

Senghenydd, Rhymney/Bargoed. Abertridwr, Bedlinog and parts of Caerphilly 12,000

Discolouration (brown) caused by planned work by company staff.


Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

Date and duration (Company)

Area and estimate of population affected North West Wales North Gwynedd (Caernarfon, Bangor) & South Anglesey 70,000

Nature and cause of the incident

Main actions and findings from the Inspectorate investigation

04/11/05 for 12 weeks (DWR)

Notification from Health Protection Team of increased cases of cryptosporidiosis in the community, followed by boil water advice.

Company action; Meeting with Local authority EHOs and health board medical advisors. Established an enhanced sampling regime. Rezoned area (brought in water from different source) to reduce properties supplied by Cwellyn WTW to 33,000. Participated fully in Outbreak Control Team. Issued a boil water notice on 29 November 2005, subsequently lifted on 30 January 2006. Installed UV treatment at Cwellyn WTW, operational from 6 Jan 2006. DWI comments and findings: Assessment ongoing (see issues of local interest section for further details)

10/11/05 for 6 weeks (DWR)

Abertrinant, Flintshire 2 properties fed by isolated concessionary supply (spring)

Evidence of significant faecal microbiological contamination in supply led to boil water advice.

Company action; Issued a boil water notice to two properties fed from spring source. Manually increased chlorine tablet dosing frequency. Replaced inadequate treatment unit. DWI comments and findings: Inadequate treatment process Disinfection and pH control. Company requested to upgrade treatment and confirm efficacy. Recommended that company undertake a review of all such concessionary supplies in its area to ascertain adequacy of treatment and any associated maintenance regimes. Company commended for its liaison with customers during this incident. continued


Drinking water 2005

Date and duration (Company) 11/11/05 for 5 days (DWR)

Area and estimate of population affected Cwmphill, Crai, Upper Swansea Valley 28,000

Nature and cause of the incident

Main actions and findings from the Inspectorate investigation

Discolouration (brown) due to increased flows as a result of damage to main whilst carrying out planned work.

Company action: Provided an alternative supply by deploying static tanks. Repaired main. Provided bottled water on request and delivered to special needs customers. Systematic flushing of mains. Issued press statement. Sampled affected area. Company have amended procedures to minimise risk of recurrence in Crai system. DWI comments and findings: Inadequate valving installation - valve blown off during planned work to replace a meter. Company state cause of this to be inadequate engineering installation which was buried and therefore not visible at time of excavation. Recommended that the company undertake a review of how such an installation could have been put in place as this is not usual practice. Company requested to provide confirmation that partners have been instructed not to use this type of installation. Recommended that the company review likelihood of similar installations in other areas and build this into the overall risk assessment procedures. Company action: Increased chlorine residuals in the distribution system by direct injection into mains Company initially unable to obtain resamples from service reservoir due to localised flooding in area Service reservoir taken out of supply following evidence of possible ingress, and programmed for abandonment DWI comments and findings: Minor delay in notifying Inspectorate. Minor delay in notifying local/health authorities.

14/11/05 for 4 days (DWR)

Cynghordy Service Reservoir, Nr Llandovery, Camarthenshire 180

Evidence of microbiological contamination: Low level coliform failures from service reservoir and in distribution

Note: A complete table of incidents in England and Wales in 2005 can be found on the CD in the folder. It is named Incidents in England and Wales 2005.pdf. It is also available on the DWI website at


Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

Annex 4 Water regulation and management MSc

CEHE the Centre for Environmental Health Engineering is located within the School of Engineering at the University of Surrey, Guildford. The Centre consists of a multidisciplinary team of engineers and scientists and provides a high level of academic resources for teaching and for research activities. CEHE has well-developed links with the UK water industry, regulators, international water groups, environmental bodies and relief agencies. The CEHE programmes address key issues of management and engineering associated with the water cycle: water and wastewater treatment, water resources management, waste management and regulation. The MSc multidisciplinary programme, Water and Environmental Engineering, has been run by the Centre since 1992 and has a proven reputation throughout the world. It has been regularly updated to take account of new developments and to meet market needs. The most recent change is the addition of a Water Regulation and Management MSc, a variation of the Water and Environmental Engineering MSc with a strong focus on all aspects of regulating the production and distribution of safe drinking water. The new programme is supported by the Drinking Water Inspectorate, it is modular and can be studied on a full-time basis over one year or on a part-time basis over a minimum of two years. Candidates should be graduates with a good science or engineering honours degree, or practitioners with suitable vocational qualifications and relevant experience in science or engineering. Additionally, selected modules can be studied by those wishing to acquire particular expertise in one aspect of the modern practice of water and environmental engineering. The modules provide an excellent opportunity for mid career refreshment of the skills and knowledge of water managers. The career histories and career development of students of the CEHE programme has shown that it is highly successful with many now being responsible for water supply management or in influential water policy and regulation roles around the world.

The awards
Postgraduate Certificate Postgraduate Diploma Master of Science 4 modules (60 credits) 8 modules (120 credits) 8 modules and a project dissertation (180 credits)

Each module carries 15 credits and the dissertation 60 credits.


Drinking water 2005

The modules
Currently the Master of Science and Postgraduate Diploma programmes offer seven compulsory modules and 3 optional modules.

Compulsory modules
Environmental health Water-related diseases Epidemiology of waterborne diseases Pathogens: bacteria, viruses and parasites Water quality control principles and practice Identification of bacteria Sanitary bacteriology Chemical analysis Principles of toxicology.

Water treatment Need for water treatment Types of raw water source Management of reservoirs Water treatment systems Developing world systems Particle removal Specialised treatment: desalination, reverse osmosis Disinfection Distribution systems Operational management.


Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

Wastewater treatment and sewerage Wastewater quality Wastewater treatment and health Wastewater treatment unit processes Activated sludge and percolating filter treatment Waste stabilisation ponds Tertiary processes Kinetics of treatment Design and management of wastewater treatment systems Sewerage design and construction.

Pollution control and waste management Conventional industrial wastewater treatment Advanced industrial wastewater treatment Sludge treatment and disposal Ultimate disposal of solid and hazardous waste Contaminated land assessment and remediation technologies Waste minimisation/life cycle assessment European legislation on waste management.

Applied chemistry and microbiology Chemical concepts: moles, equivalents, units, definitions Aqueous chemistry Hardness and alkalinity Kinetics and equilibria Electrochemistry Process principles: mixing, mass balance, mass transfer and reactor theory Microbiology classification and terminology Biochemical pathways Growth and death of micro-organisms Isolation of bacteria.


Drinking water 2005

Regulation and management I Project planning feasibility/framework Project management Finance planning and management Information management International water quality guidelines European legislation and standards Water company technical audits Environmental law Pollution regulation Analytical quality control Case studies Environmental impact assessment.

Regulation and management II UK industry arrangements including primary and secondary legislation and aspects such as competition, self regulation UK finance arrangements Operational and regulatory drinking water quality monitoring (including AQC) Planning sampling programmes/sampling requirements Reporting Communication Drinking water safety plans (risk assessment, risk management, validation, verification, communication) Inspection/technical audit (check lists, in practice, inspection reports, required skills).

Drinking water safety plans Catchment, treatment and distribution (hazard identification) Hazards and controls Risk assessment and risk management Design (pipes, reservoirs, pumps etc) Distribution operation and maintenance Asset management Causes of degradation of water quality post treatment Water systems within buildings Consumer protection and acceptability Reporting (public/government).


Part 3 Drinking water quality in Wales

Optional modules
Water surveillance Principles of surveillance River processes Water quality monitoring Remote sensing Analysis and interpretation of aerial photography Digital image processing and interpretation Land use and impact upon water quality Biological monitoring Land cover classification Digital elevation models Interaction matrices Geographical information systems (GIS).

Groundwater control, modelling and contamination Sources of drinking water Groundwater origins Geological considerations Common extraction contaminants: types, sources and method of transport Seepage theory and physical modelling Numerical modelling of single and multi-phase flow Groundwater control techniques and strategies Vulnerability and hazard assessment.

Industrial project Students on the MSc programme would be required to apply knowledge gained on the programme and to critically evaluate technological approaches and the management strategies adopted in industry. This would involve a placement with a water supplier or regulator of approximately one week. The Industrial Project will provide a unique opportunity to use newly acquired skills and knowledge in the working industrial environment.


Drinking water 2005

Dissertation The project forms the basis for a concentrated study of a topic and, in addition to a comprehensive literature survey, may include: field studies computer-based studies laboratory investigations a combination of these activities

Some projects are University-based; others may involve collaboration with, and work in, industry. Due to their nature, some projects may require gathering information, conducting research, and/or collecting data from overseas countries. All students must produce a formal dissertation proposal for the approval of the Programme Director. The dissertation based on the project represents a total of 60 credits (600 hours of student workload). It must be on a water or environmental topic approved by the Programme Director and supervised by a member of the Board of Examiners solely, or jointly with a specialised industrial supervisor.

Application process
Anyone wishing to apply for a place on the MSc programme can either: visit the website where all the information about the Masters Programme is given. take the link to Contact Details and an application form can be downloaded.

Or alternatively: access the website at and take the link to Order Prospectus. There is an online form to fill in, after which details and an application form will be supplied. Note: It is helpful when returning an application if prospective students would enclose a copy of their undergraduate degree certificate. The form and accompanying details should be sent to: Postgraduate Registry University of Surrey Guildford Surrey GU2 7XH Applications are required by mid-July for places in the academic year starting September.


Drinking Water Inspectorate | 55, Whitehall | London | SW1A 2EY | Tel: 0207 082 8024

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