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Hillary Clinton's friends-alies.

**EXCLUSIVE** Some may remember that Walid broke the story last year about Anthony Weiner's wife, Huma Abedin, having close familial ties to the Muslim Brotherhood; her mother is a member. We have new information that there is a strong connection between Huma's mother and the wife of the man whom Egyptians just elected as their new president. How is Huma Abedin connected to Egypts new President? Nidal Malik Hasans Attorneys claiming Military screening out Muslims from Jury Pool Neville Chamberlain Revisited......what happens when naive dreams replace our interests as the foundation of U.S. foreign policy

The Arab Spring Is Bursting Into An Inferno, Thanks To Obama

Tue, Jun 26 2012 00:00:00 E A12_ISSUES
Posted 06/25/2012 07:07 PM ET

Middle East: With an Islamist elected president of Egypt, the so-called Arab Spring has burst into an inferno. We can thank President Obama's projection of U.S. weakness for a now-out-of-control Middle East Bringing Israel's ancient foe Egypt into the Western camp was considered a near-impossible achievement in the aftermath of the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Today, after so many years of Egypt being a U.S. ally, it's hard to imagine the Egypt of yore that had fought four wars with the Jewish state over 30 years. The 1973 war saw Cairo partner with the terrorist state of Syria to mount a surprise attack on the Jews' highest holy day, quickly capturing the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights. In his 2010 memoir, "The Good Fight," Jimmy Carter's vice president, Walter Mondale, boasted that Carter's 1978 Camp David agreement "neutralized Egypt as a potential threat to Israel's survival . .. and still represents the most important achievement in modern Mideast peacemaking." But that "most important achievement in modern Mideast peacemaking" is today unraveling, thanks to Obama. Replacing our ousted ally Hosni Mubarak, now apparently on death's door, will be the Muslim Brotherhood's Mohammed Morsi, who won the presidency by a slim margin. As Andrew McCarthy outlines in his book "The Grand Jihad," the Muslim Brotherhood has a long-term commitment to "civilizational

jihad," the goal of which, to quote a 1991 Brotherhood memo obtained by the FBI, is "eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within" in other words, through politics rather than by physical terrorism alone. This White House calls Morsi's election a "milestone," but it is far more likely to be a millstone for the U.S. in our ongoing global war on terror. How responsible is Obama for this near-instant transformation of what was arguably our most strategically important friend in the Islamic world? Consider that, as pointed out this week by Center for Security Policy President Frank Gaffney, "On the occasion of Mr. Obama's first 'outreach to the Muslim world' speech at Cairo's al-Azhar University in June 2009, he insisted that Brotherhood operatives be in the audience." Until then, the Brotherhood had been relegated to the shadows within Egypt by the nation's military. But in the wink of an eye, Obama gave it legitimacy in a speech that intentionally snubbed the country's absent president; Mubarak was neither present, nor was he mentioned as Obama wildly exaggerated what he called "civilization's debt to Islam." Over the last year, as Gaffney notes, "Team Obama has engaged with the Brotherhood extensively both here and in the region and signaled its willingness to do so in government." After Brotherhood parliamentary wins in April, for instance, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordered the transfer of $1.5 billion in no-strings-attached aid to Egypt. But Egypt is just one looming disaster in the Mideast. As Mitt Romney pointed out the weekend before last, Obama sounds "like he's more frightened that Israel might take military action than he's concerned that Iran might become nuclear." Our policy on Iran seems to amount to leaking the most sensitive of classified secrets regarding cyberwarfare, with the apparent purpose of making the president look hawkish. Beyond that, we trust in feckless economic sanctions against an Islamofascist Tehran regime that doesn't care about its people's economic well-being and the president's long-stalled personal charisma. In 2007, Obama was wowing State Department pencil pushers with his Foreign Affairs article promising that as well as fixing Iran, "Diplomacy combined with pressure could also reorient Syria away from its radical agenda to a more moderate stance which could, in turn, help stabilize Iraq, isolate Iran, free Lebanon from Damascus' grip, and better secure Israel." In other words, magic would be coming our way with this new, young leader with the fresh ideas. As to Syria, our former United Nations ambassador John Bolton warns in National Review of the U.S. helping President Bashar Assad fall out of power "and in exchange Obama would agree to do even less than he is doing now to stop Iran's nuclear-weapons program ... a nightmare scenario, which the Europeans could well accept." All this is what happens when naive dreams replace our interests as the foundation of U.S. foreign policy.

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