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Diving into Philippians- Week 5 Philippians 2:1-11 Christs Example of Humility

{{Im so excited that you are here! Please join us- even if youve missed the first few weeks. You will need a Bible, a journal and pen, colored pencils/pens/highlighters, and a heart to know Gods Word. I recommend first carefully reading through all of Philippians at least once, noting important background information- as this will aid tremendously in your study. And then- dive right in! }}

How exciting that we are starting chapter two this week! I pray that you have been blessed through your time diving into this precious Book! If youre falling behind- dont be discouraged! Just get done as much as you can each day, and then dive in again the next day! This weeks study will guide us through what is said to be one of the most profound (and difficult to understand) theological passages on Christ! Know that we most likely will not clearly understand it all! Theologians have been studying this passage for years, and there is still debate and uncertainty as to its exact meaning. Our God is greater than we can imagine, and there are many things that we will not understand this side of heaven. Lets dive in and soak up as much of the Truth as we possibly can!

Day 1 Becoming Familiar

Pray God, Thank You for Your incredible Word. Please bring clarity as I read Your Word. Read Philippians 2:1-11. o Focus and read carefully these eleven verses. For now, dont stop to interpret every word, but take your time, so that you may become thoroughly familiar with the passage. If while reading you were mentally making a shopping list- read it again! {Dont forget, that if you have a Study Bible- cover up those commentary notes (just for the first few days). We want to continue to try our best to train our minds to learn and read and discover the original, intended message by looking at the actual words BEFORE looking at what someone else says about those words.} Carefully read Philippians 2:1-11 at least one more time (in a different translation if possible). o When youre finished, in your journal (or the margins of your Bible) write down any questions you have as well as any quick observations from todays reading. Quickly go through Philippians 2:1-11 one more time- this time use colored pencils, pens, or highlighters to highlight each reference to God and Christ. (I chose to use yellow, but you can choose any color/marking dont forget to look for and mark- He, His, Him, Lord, Jesus, Spirit, etc. You can mark right in your Bible or use the included print-out.) Choose a verse(s) from Philippians 2:1-11 to memorize this week underline/highlight it in your Bible and write it on a notecard. What verse(s) did YOU choose? Im having trouble deciding; there are so many good choices. Im thinking the entire passage would be good to memorize.
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Day 2 Finding Purpose

Diving into Philippians- Week 5

Philippians 2:1-11 Christs Example of Humility Pray Lord, Your purpose is great! Open my eyes to your purpose and truth in these words! Carefully read Philippians 2:1-11. Look any unknown words up in a dictionary. o At the end of each sentence, pause to answer these questions What is Paul saying? (Re-state the content in your own words.) What is the main point of this sentence? What can I find out from dissecting the sentence? (Whats the subject? Verb?) What was Pauls original intent in writing this? Why? How does it contribute to the passage, letter and Bible as a whole? And any other relevant -Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?- questions. In your journal, write out Philippians 2:1-11. o As you are writing, ask God to open your heart to His words. Read your memory verse(s) out loud three times, making hand motions as you go.

Day 3 Marking It Up
Pray God, Thank-You for Your Word. Please guide me as I study Your Word today. Read Philippians 2:1-11. Now, go through Philippians 2:1-11 again- this time using your colored pencils, pens, or highlighters to mark your Bible. If youre a bit nervous to mark right in your Bible (as I was), please feel free to use the included print-out, or your journal writing from day 2. Its helpful to read the passage again for each new group of markings! This can really help us to slow down and notice things we hadnt before. Im going to briefly share how I marked in my Bible, but your markings may look completely different (just use a notecard to note your symbols and marking methods for easy reference) o I had already marked references to God in yellow (some people make different symbols for Jesus, Spirit, Father, etc.). o I marked Gods actions with purple- what He has done, is doing, and will do. o Then, I marked all instructions and commands to the reader with green I marked what we should go and do, and with red I marked what we should stop doing/not do. o I marked other things that I wanted to note references to love- red heart, joy- smiley face , the cross- a red cross, man- a stick figure heaven- shining orange/gold, death/sin- black, the earth- blue/green ball, humility- bending arrow o And I added some illustrations. o I also circled different transitional words, such as- if {any}, then, therefore, but, and This helped me notice links between the words before and after the transitional words. Now that youve marked up the passage, choose one section (all the red words, or green words, or illustrated words, or words that follow the transitional words, etc.), and look up the original Greek definition(s) of some of the words in that section. Go to (to use their Greek Lexicon). Find Browse the Bible- click it and choose Philippians 2. Choose either the King James or New American Standard Version. Make sure Strongs Numbers is checked. Click on any of the blue/highlighted words, to read all about the original word. In your journal, or right in your Bible, make note of what you are learning. Make your Bible memory verse(s) into a song. Sing to the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat. If possible, teach it to a child.
Diving into Philippians -

Day 4 Diving in Scripture

Diving into Philippians- Week 5

Philippians 2:1-11 Christs Example of Humility Pray God, thank You for this time to study Your Word. Speak truth to my heart. Read Philippians 2:1-11 out loud. Today were going to understand Scripture by using other Scripture. o Take a look at and follow the cross references written in your Bible. In your Bible, find the extra little letters written by a group of words find the matching letter on one of the margins in your Bible. Follow the Bible references to other verses/passages with similar wording/thoughts. If your Bible does not contain cross references, or you prefer to do study online, you can go to (Most translations include this option.) Make sure the Cross References box is checked. Simply click on the smaller blue numbers slightly above the text- it will take you to the cross-reference verse(s). Click on the reference to read the verse. Follow the cross references from that new verse, or go back to the original passage. Take time to seep in truth as you follow these trails. Review your Bible memory verse(s) by writing it in a prominent place with sidewalk chalk on your driveway, with dry-erase markers on your window, etc. Say the verse(s) as you write (and again every time you see it today) see how much you can remember without looking.

Day 5 Application
Pray God, Thank You for teaching me and shining truth into my life! Help me to obey You. Listen to Philippians chapter 2- you can find {free} options at,, and - or, have someone read it to you. List these questions in your journal, along with any answers you find (You probably will not come up with answers to them all- thats okay, just get in the habit of asking these questions.) o What truths, promises, and/or commands have you recognized? o What have you learned about God? Christ? The gospel? Sin? Salvation? Yourself? o How does this apply to your life? Now, if you would like, you may consult a good commentary ( and have some good options) to confirm what you have learned. (You could spend many hours in commentariesthere is MUCH wisdom just dont let them replace your Bible. ) In your journal or in the margins of your Bible write Philippians 2:1-11 in your own words. Pray that God would give you the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus! Share what you are learning as well as your Bible memory verse(s) with someone else. (Id love to hear your thoughts at

Look up any words you did not get to on Day 2 using a Greek lexicon. Use your concordance to find other Scriptures using the same word(s). Work on any study you did not get to throughout the week. Listen to a sermon on Philippians 2:1-11 is one place to start. Join us at Our Family for His Glory with your family, as we dive into Philippians during Family {Bible} Time!!
Diving into Philippians -

Diving into Philippians- Week 5 Philippians 2:1-11 Christs Example of Humility

Philippians 2:1-11

you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, 2 then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. 3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. 4 Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
5 Your

attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:

6 Who,

being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, 7 but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death even death on a cross! 9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Passage taken from the New International Version- 1984.

Diving into Philippians -

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