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June 3, 2012

EAS215 - HW9

Justin Drawbert

EAS215 - HW9
Justin Drawbert June 3, 2012

Problem 17-23

Determine the mass moment of inertia of the thin plate about an axis perpendicular to the page and passing through point O. The material has a mass per unit area of 20 kg/m2 .

Section 1 (square) m1 = (.2 m)(.2 m)(20 kg/m ) = .8 kg IO1 = IG + m1 d2 1 = a2 + b2 + m1 d2 12 1 2 2 2 = (.8 kg) (.2 m) + (.2 m) + (.8 kg) (.2 m) 12

Section 2 (circle)
m2 = (.2 m)

20 kg/m

= .8 kg IO2 = IG + m2 d2 1 = mr2 + md2 2 1 2 2 = (.8 kg) (.2 m) + (.8 kg) (.2 m) 2 1

June 3, 2012

EAS215 - HW9

Justin Drawbert

Sage Code
#square m_1 = .2*.2*20 #kg I_O1 = (1/12)*m_1*(.2^2+.2^2)+m_1*.2^2 #circle m_2 = pi*.2^2*20 #kg I_O2 = (1/2)*m_2*.2^2+m_2*.2^2 #total I_O = I_O2 - I_O1

IO = IO2 IO1 IO = 0.11346 kg m2

June 3, 2012

EAS215 - HW9

Justin Drawbert

Problem 17-38

Each uniform box on the stack of four boxes has a weight of 8 lb. The stack is being transported on the dolly, which has a weight of 30 lb. Determine the maximum force F which the woman can exert on the handle in the direction shown so that no box on the stack will tip or slip. The coecient of the static friction at all points of contact is s = 0.5. The dolly wheels are free to roll. Neglect their mass.

W_box = 8 #lb W_cart = 30 #lb m_box = W_box/32.2 m_cart = W_cart/32.2 mu_s = 0.5

As the boxes are pushed forward, they are either goint go want to tip backward (anti-clockwise), or slide in the opposite direction of the applied force. We begin by investigating the boxes tendency to tip. Ones intution might lead one to believe that the top box is going to be the most likely to tip. Ones intuition would be wrong. Let us investigate this further, begining with a pretty diagram. Keeping in mind that F = ma, when considng the moment equation M = M = maG , we see that

(a) Top box

(b) Top two boxes

(c) Top three boxes

(d) All four boxes

Figure 1:

June 3, 2012

EAS215 - HW9

Justin Drawbert

Fmax will be governed by aG . Letting the top box be box 1, the second to top box be box 2, and so on. We may derive an expression for aGn such that the respective box is just about to tip. Here we go M = M : n (8 lb) (1 ft) = aG n = n (8 lb) 1 (1.5 ft)n aGn 2 2 32.2 ft/s 32.2 ft/s2 0.75n

This is interesting, we see here that provided all the boxes have the same size and mass that the tendency for a box to tip is determined solely by the height of (number of boxes in) the stack. To get a better visualization for this, we may plot our derived expression for aGn vs. n.







1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Having shown that the whole stack 4 boxes is going to be more likely to tip than just a portion of the stack, we procede with our analysis. Stack of 4 boxes

M = M :

4(8 lb)(1 ft) =

2 (3 ft)aG 32.2 ft/s 161 aG = ft/s2 15 2 10.733 ft/s

4(8 lb)

Fy = m(aG )y :

N = m(aG )y N = 4(8 lb) = 32 lb

June 3, 2012

EAS215 - HW9

Justin Drawbert

Fx = m(aG )x :

Ff = m(aG )x 32.2 ft/s 32 lb Ff = 3 10.667 lb = 4(8 lb)


161 2 ft/s 15

In oder for the box to slip, frictional force must be greater than k N = .5(32 lb) = 16 lb. We see that indeed, Ff < k N , and thus, the box tipping will be our governing constraint. We may now solve for Fmax Fx :

Fmax cos(30 ) = maG Fmax = = 4 (8 lb) + 30 lb 32.2 ft/s2 161 ft/s2 15

62 lb 3 = 20.667 lb Fmax = 20.667 lb

June 3, 2012

EAS215 - HW9

Justin Drawbert

Problem 17-63

The 4-kg slender rod is supported horizontally by a spring at A and a cord at B. Determine the angular acceleration of the rod and the acceleration of the rods mass center at the instant the cord at B is cut. Hint: The stiness of the spring is not needed for the calculation.

m = 4 kg L=2m

The instant the cord is cut, things are in static equilibrium. Thus, the reaction at A is RA = Then Fy = m(aG )y : aG = 4.9050 m/s
+ +

1 2 (4 kg)(9.81 m/s ) = 19.62 N 2

19.62 N = (4 kg)(aG )

MA = IA :

1 mL2 3 1 2 (4 kg)(2 m)2 (4 kg)(9.81 m/s ) = 3 mg L = 2 = 7.3575 rad/s2

June 3, 2012

EAS215 - HW9

Justin Drawbert

Problem 17-81

The disk has a mass of 20 kg and is originally spinning at the end of the strut with an angular velocity of = 60 rad/s. If it is then placed against the wall, where the coecient of kinetic friction is k = 0.3, determine the time required for the motion to stop. What is the force in strut BC during this time?

omega_0 = 6 #rad/s m = 20 #kg mu_k = 0.3 #(unitless) radius = .150 #m



FCB sin(60 ) + k N = mg FCB sin(60 ) + 0.3N = (20 kg)(9.81 m/s2 )


(1) (2)

Fx Now solve (1) and (2)

FCB cos(60 ) N = 0

deg = pi/180 var(F_CB N) eq1 = F_CB*sin(60*deg) + mu_k*N == m*9.81 eq2 = F_CB*cos(60*deg) - N ==0 sln1 = solve([eq1,eq2],F_CB,N) For sln1 sage returns FCB = 6540 3924 1962 13080 ,N = 3 3 97 97 97 97 7

June 3, 2012

EAS215 - HW9

Justin Drawbert

So FCB = 193.11 N Now nd using


N = 96.553 N

MB = IB :

k N r =

1 2 mr 2 k N r = 1 2 2 mr

#redefine F_CB and N F_CB = sln1[0][0].rhs() N = -sln1[0][1].rhs() #note: when N was solved for, it was assumed in the negative x direction alpha = (mu_k*N*radius)/(.5*m*radius^2) = 19.311rad/s2 Since the reaction force N is constant, the rate of angular accelration will be constant also, thus we can solve for t = 0 + t t = 3.1071 s

June 3, 2012

EAS215 - HW9

Justin Drawbert

Problem 17-94

The uniform 50-lb board is suspended from cords at E and D. If these cords are subjected to constant forces of 30 lb and 45 lb, respectively, determine the initial acceleration of the boards center and the boards angular acceleration. Assume the board is a thin plate. Neglect the mass of the pulleys at E and F .

W = F_A F_B L = 50 #lb = 30 #lb = 45 #lb 10 #ft

Fy = m(aG )y

(30 + 45 50) lb = aG = 16.100 ft/s2

50 lb 32.2 ft/s

2 aG


(30 lb)(5 ft) + (45 lb)(5 ft) = = 5.7960 rad/s2

1 50 lb (10 ft)2 12 32.2 ft/s2

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