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TAJUK: ...... ......

2. 3. 4.

Theme of Research Topics of Research Objectives of Research


Summary of Research Background


Beneficiaries of The Project KPM MOHE


Expected Output 1 2 3 4


Expected Organisational Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5


Impact Expected (Sector / National)

1 2 3


Research Organisations Involved In The Project UTeM KPM MARA


Project Team Name Project Leader Programme Head Researchers Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hanipah binti Hussin 1 2 3 4 Organizatio n UTeM Number of Personnel 590317-04-5008


Contract Staff


Research Methodology The research methodology of this study will designed according the established research procedure to ensure the validity and reliability of the data and its derived findings. It is going to be executed as follows:


Sample of Respondents The targeted population in this study will be junior lecturers in all KPM. ( OR ONLY KPM WHRE YOU ARE THERE) A stratified sampling procedure of 4

respondents will done to ensure the sample is representative of the whole population of junior lecturers and to ensure that the findings of the study can draw general conclusions about the issues being studied. To achieve this, the research team will work closely with AKEPT and respective universities to get the exact number of population of junior lectures before stratifying them. ii. Development of Research Instruments The extant literature is going to be the most important resources in terms of developing the constructs being included in the 5 KPI scales. The researchers will exhaust all the effort to identify established as well as realiable scales to be adopted in the KPI scales to ensure that the items is measuring what it is suppose to measure. Data collection There are two stages of data collection that will be employed in this study. The first stage involves exploratory qualitative interviews to look into the adequacy of the items contained in the proposed survey questionnnaire. a A small group of respondents will be identified and interviewed to get their feedback on the clarity, appropriateness as well as adequacy of the items listed in the draft questionnaire. Additional relevant and interesting variables that were not found in the literature will also be investigated to ensure the items are exhaustive and relevant to the local context. Next, suitable and important comments will be incorporated in the final draft of the questionnaire before being administered in the main data collection stage. The second stage will be the main data collection process where the survey questionnaire is going to be administered to the targeted respondents. Dillmans Total Design Method (TDM) will be one of the main techniques to distribute the survey questionnaires taking into account few of the recommendations in ensuring a high rate of responses.



Data Analysis Transcripts will be analysis with Content Analysis Mod using SEM or manually using Content Analysis by Corbin and Straous 1990 Model.


Project Activities

Literature review, Sampling Procedure, Development of Instrument, Piloting Instrument, Pilot Data Analysis, Modification of Instrument, Administration of Instrument to the Samples, Data Analysis, Drafting Final Report, Presentation of Research Findings, Redrafting Final Report 13. Key Milestone Literature Review Development of Instrument Data Collection and Analysis Report Writing Dissemination of Findings


Project Risks Reliable and accurate data by each institution on demographics of academic (data will expose the strengths and weaknesses of institution). Reluctant of respondents to take part in the study. Cooperation from top management of KPM and MARA to identify respondents. The policies and the procedures are the same with no change especially in salary and promotion.


Project Schedule

Project Activities Literature Review Development of survey instrument

June 2012

July 2012

Aug. 2012

Sept. 2012

Oct. 2012

Nov. 2012

Dec. 2012

Jan. 2013

Feb. 2013

Mac. 2013

Apr. 2013

Pilot Testing Finalise Instrument Data CollectionDistributing & Collecting Questionnaires Processing Data & Analysis Drafting Research Report Presenting Findings Redrafting Final Report


Project Cost
Year 2012

1. Staff Cost i. Research Assistant ( 1 ) (RM1800 x 12) 2. Direct Project Expenses i. Travelling Expenses & Subsistence ) Meetings & Pilot Data Collection Data Collection Dissemination of research findings/conferences/training/workshop

ii. Communication & Utilities Tel, Fax and Postage

iii. Rental Seminar rooms for meetings, development of instrument, report writing etc

iv. Materials & Resources Papers

Thumb Drive Printer Ink Catridge Books & Journal Articles Printing & Binding (materials & Questionnaires, reports) Stationaries Token for respondents

v. Professional Service Key in Questionnaire & interview data

vi. Equipment Laptop Printer + Fax Year 2012

Total Cost


Funding Sources RM
o AKEPT Grant o Internal Funds o Others (please specify)



Disbursement (AKEPT Grant, by participating) Year 2012

o Bursary, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka

Total AKEPT Grant

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