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Ive got another Tradetown scenario, this time taking place in the Furnace ward, for my Ashford Valley Labyrinth Lord chat game.

hot blooded! Check it and see

In the hot spots of Tradetown, the Furnace, that is, the PCs encounter a strange tavernowner and get involved in some of his troubles. Will they help him out? The PCs can get involved simply by visiting the tavern in the Furnace ward of Tradetown or they can be attacked by what plagues the tavern one night.

That's Mr. pink to you

One of the best taverns in Tradetown is in the Furnace ward. With work being done day and night, the Furnace is bustling with activity. That makes for thirsty people and thirsty people need a place to goPinks Place. Pink is an unusual person in Tradetown. Hes an orc that was born an elf. He came to Tradetown about a century ago and opened a tavern. Pinks Place fast became popular with the smelters and ironmongers in the Furnace. About 20 years ago, a drunk wizard, unhappy with the service hed received, cast a curse on Pink, turning him into an orc in front of the bars patrons. Only the fact that thirty people saw the event (and rapidly spread the news across town) prevented any scoffers. The wizard, once sober, failed to remember how he had done the transformation and so Pink has remained the only orc in a town full of orchating dwarves and usually notfriendlytowardsorcs humans. But hes Pink, so thats OK. Anyone who messes with Pink, messes with the townsfolk, so hes pretty safe. Since he rarely leaves town, thats not a problem. Pink; Orc/Elf, Level 2; Alignment: Neutral. Armor Class: 6 (leather armor & shield); Hit Dice: 2d6, Hit Points: 9. Attacks: longsword (1d8), longbow (1d8); Special Abilities: +1 initiative, elf magic (2 1st level spells, GMs choice). If the PCs make friends with Pink, he may ask them (at a later time) to help him become an elf again. That could be another adventure for them.

pink at the bat

The tavern is an excellent one, providing good food, fine drinks and places to stay upstairs that are clean and wellsealed from the ash and dust of the Furnace. Pink takes pride in his establishment and treats his customers (as long as they remain civil) as his guests. The trouble that Pink has had recently is that a bunch of Giant Bats have been attacking people around the tavern and theyve been hiding in his attic. Hes chased them off several times, killing some of them but doesnt know why they keep coming back. Maybe the PCs can help with that.

Giant Bat; No. Encountered: 1d6+4; Alignment: Neutral; Armor Class: 6; Hit Dice: 2d8, Hit Points: 12, 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 6, 6, 5, 4; Attacks: bite (1d4); Save: F1; morale: 8.

pink's place
Location A: The Common Room. This common room is usually filled to the brim every day and night (over 40 people can fit here) but since the bat trouble, its sparsely populated (1d4+4 patrons). Its got wooden tables and chairs aplenty and a spot for a bard to play (currently no bard is playing, he was bit by a bat a few days ago and is in his room above sick). Location B: The Bar. Several servers and Pink usually are behind the bar, tapping kegs of ale, pouring wine and preparing the finishing touches on plates of food. Since the bats have come to town, only Pink is here. Location C: The Kitchen. A lone cook, unafraid of the bats, is preparing a few meals here. Its the largest kitchen in Tradetown and has every tool and supply necessary to make an excellent meal.

Issue: xl

Location D: The Landing. The stairs lead up to the rooms above and this landing has a nice window where you can see part of the Furnace. Locations E through J: Rooms for Rent. Each of these rooms is for rent at various times. A bard, bit by the bats, is currently living in Room H but the other rooms are empty. Who would stay at a batinfested tavern? Deedle the Bard (Normal Man); No. Encountered: 1; Alignment: Chaotic; Armor Class: 7 (leather armor); Hit Dice: 1d8, Hit Points: 5; Attacks: longsword (1d8), Special Ability: bardic music; equipment: Ring of Bat Control. Deedle is actually trying to get Pink to go out of business for a rival tavern owner. He pretends to be lingering in sickness from a bat bite but secretly controls the bats with his magic ring. If caught, he may escape by riding a Giant Bat away! Location K: Pinks Room. Here is where Pink lives. He keeps his tavern account books (and hes in trouble as hes fast running out of money!) here as well as his most prized possessions.

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