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The story begins in Barcelona

changing a life is the meaning of a new life they say.Well for me the meaning of a new life is called Barcelonawhere the story begins. The story begins at the Terminal 2 in El Prat de Llobregat,on the airport of Barcelona,at 20:00 oclock, on 4th of february,2012,when an Erasmus student just arrived from a different world. It was not just a simple arrival,it was the beginning of my new life and the end of all that I could call past. I am not some special girl of some special people, not a dughter of a millionaire family. But I am still diferrent,my dreams are bigger than the others,my motivation is stronger, my ambition is more optimistic,my power is unstopable and my courage unbeatable. After I said goodbye to almost all my friends,I made my baggage and hit the road,right to the plane,and after 3 hours of flying I arrived for the second time in the place where all my dreams took place,Barcelona. The first time I was here,last year,was just a short 2 weeks holiday,that increased the desire and fire burning in me to come back here. I didnt know where exactly I was coming,I didnt have any expectation,no one was waiting for me,no one would be there for me,all I knew was that I have to take the chance and deffinetly go,and everytime I was decided I always took it to the final. Stepping on tierra espanol I felt like released from my old life,released from the chains that were torturing me,released from the place I came from.I felt freedom and an unimaginable happines.I felt the happines that I was always dreaming about.My life was at the same time already full of achievements,and empty,ready to begin a new one. At that moment I felt that if I would die in the next minute my life was already worth it just for the only simple thing that I can be here. The following image that I saw was the crowd of the palms,one of my obsessions,the other being the sea.I could give everything to have palms,green palms,full of energy standing tall among small people,facing wind and all the trial of the nature,just like me. The love for the sea came from the desire of being strong and powerfull like the water,to role the oceans and give birth to waves,to feel the emotion of control,passion and glory of ethernal life.

I felt already acomplished and amazed by one single view of the palms,but I was sure that more is waiting for me,even if I couldnt or didnt want to imagine what. Perfection. Perfection was waiting for me and following my steps every second of every day. Even the wiev from my window was breath-taking, having the Camp Nou in front of my eyes every day it was more than I ever could wish. It didnt matter if it was 6 or 8 in the morning I woke up every single time to go to university, because it was a pleasure and an honour to step in the building of the University of Geography. Not just because Geography is my passion,but I appreciated every single moment in the company of spanish students and teachers.Being with them I felt as I am part of their world,of their life and finally I can live my dream for real. What I am going to miss the most?...Difficult question,and for me impossible to answer in one single essay.A million words wouldnt be enough to describe and count all the things that I will miss. If I would be asked to tell in one single sentence the thing I will miss and never forget it would be: a place of magic,dreams,achievements,amazing people,culture,passion and perfection. On the other hand,if I would really have to define one concrete thing it would be the neverending-long-large-straight streets. Maybe now everybody is surprised that I choose the streets,instead of uncountable famous buildings,places,culture and a lot more.In fact, it is strange I have to admit it,but there is no word to describe how amased I am by those streets,large like the power of an ocean,long like my way to my dream,straight like the life I wish to live and neverending like my dreams.I found myself in these streets.They represent me,and everytime I walked them I felt strong emotions of freedom and joy,a touch of the life,telling me that my dream came true.These streets are the way of my life,and when I will reach the ending of it will mean that I fully acomplish everything i wanted in my life Finally,I can only say that I am gratefull that I could come here and enjoy every moment and every beauty of Barcelona.All these months can be defined like a majestic treasure well kept in my soul,and always remembered as the best period of my life. Thank you Barcelona for everything you gave to me.

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