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1.1 Introduction Milk is the product which contains more amount of calcium which is important for the growth of our bones. Cows milk contains more amount of calcium in it that is 22% of calcium. In our diet, milk plays a major supply of calcium to our body. Milk also been as a primary supply of nutrition for new born. Before they are able to digest solid food milk is also processed into various dairy products which we use in our day to day life they are Curd, Butter, Paneer, Ghee, ice creams and milk is also used a base to produce many other industrial products. Cows milk in lower in sugar and higher in protein it also contain (SNF) solid non-fat is compared of 3.5% to 5.5% of fat 7.6 8.7% of (SNF) and 88% of water. Its main protein (80%) is casein, while whey protein makes up most of the rest. Milk cannot be stored for a long period of time and it also contain various bacteries and virus in order to our come this milk has to be heated at high temperature to store raw milk for one or 2 days it should be kept at 5c and to pasteurization the milk and kill the germs. The milk has to be heated at temperature 72c-75c for short time and chilled to 5c again pasturation is a process of heating food for the purpose of killing micro organism such as bacteria, virus, protozoa, molds and yeasts. This pasturation of milk was introduced by Louis Pasteur. A French scientist on 20 April 1862. Pasteurization does not kill all the micro-organism like sterilization. Pasteurization aims to achieve a log reduction in the number of variable organisms reducing their number so they are unlike to cause disease. There are two types of pasteurization of milk (HTST) which is high temperature at short time. (UHT) ULTRA-HIGH TEMPERATURE. They high temperature short time

pasteurization under this the milk is held at high temperature of 72c. For 15 seconds and the cooled at 5c.

An Overview of Ponlait and Consumers Opinion of its Products

Under HTST pasteurization the yeast is destroyed, meld and common spoilage bacteria and also to ensure adequate distraction of common pathogenic hear resistant organisms ( including particularly mycobacterium tuberculosis, which cause Q terms ). This process is called (HTST) the milk which is pasteurization under HTST can last up to one week where as the milk pasteurization under the UHT can last up to one-two month.

1.2 Phosphatise Test 5ml phosphatise Re-agent + 1 ml milk and put into an incubator for 5 minutes. If the colour change into lemon yellow milk is not pasturated properly. There are various other pasteurization techniques such as batch pasteurization, involve heating large batches of mill to a lower temperature typically 155F (68C). The other

techniques is called as higher heat shorter time HTST. The milk is also standardised into toned milk, Double toned milk and premium milk. Standardisation is a process of separation of the milk is various levels of fats. This process called cream separation the milk should contain fat upto 4-4.5% of the rest fat is removed by cream separation. SNF can also be added to the milk by skim milk powder. This is added to boost SNF.

Ponlait is the first co-operative society registered under the co-operative society act to do the pasteurization. In order to study about the performance of Ponlait, the present study is conducted.

1.3 Scope of the Study This study covers the Measurement of Customers Brand image and Brand perception of Ponlait. Only Production and Marketing Functions are studied. Apart from this, the consumer opinions about Ponlaits product like Milk, Kulfi, Ice cream, flavor milk are studied by conducting a survey.

An Overview of Ponlait and Consumers Opinion of its Products

1.4 Objective of the Study To study the various functions of Ponlait. To identify brand awareness among customers. To identify brand perception of customers To know whether consumers are satisfied with the products of Ponlait. Research Methodology 1.5.1 Type of Data The study is based on both Primary data and Secondary data. The primary data is collected by observing the production process and conducting informal interviews with the managers and supervisors of Ponlait. In order to collect the opinions of the consumers of Ponlaits products, a schedule was framed. The schedule consists of two parts. The first part was aimed at collecting the social-economic data and the next part collected data regarding the consumers opinion about products of Ponlait in Pondicherry Region. The secondary data are gathered from the books of Ponlait, Pamphlets of Ponlait, and Annual Reports of Ponlait and from various books and Websites.

An Overview of Ponlait and Consumers Opinion of its Products

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