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A literature review is a body of text that aims to review the critical points of current knowledge including substantive findings

as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to a particular topic. Literature reviews are secondary sources, and as such, do not report any new or original experimental work. Also, a literature review can be interpreted as a review of an abstract accomplishment. The objective of this study is to investigate the factors affecting online shopping. A model explaining the impact of different factors on online shopping intentions and behavior is developed based on the theory of planned behavior. The model is then tested empirically in a longitudinal study with two surveys. Data collected indicate that subjective norms, attitude, and beliefs concerning the consequences of online shopping have significant effects on consumers' intentions to buy online. Behavioral control and intentions significantly influenced online shopping behavior. It's a net gain for the virtual world. Riding high on the increasing interest of the net savvy people, online shopping portals are witnessing a whopping 200% growth in the sale of electronic items every year. "Since electronic gadgets such as cell phones and iPods usually involve an individual choice compared to products catering to the needs of the entire family. (Pramugdha Mamgain), 2007. Global retailers are stepping up technology spend as more consumers prefer to shop from the comfort of their homes, and Indian IT services firm Wipro sees such spend driving its growth. "Digital natives are coming," says Srinivas Pallia a senior vice president at Wipro who heads the business unit that offers technology solutions to retailers in the US and Europe. (Indu Nandakumar), 2012. American online retail giant has made an entry into the Indian market with, an online shopping site powered by the $ 48 billion company. The site which went live on Thursday morning says that its an online shopping service by Amazon "which enables customers to find and discover products from online and offline retailers in India and from (Jayadevan P K), 2012. With increase in transactions taking place in the e-world, the Income Tax department is keeping a vigil on online shopping stores and messenger services like BBM to keep a tab on deals that could have ramifications of international taxation. Subscription-based interactive websites and online payment terminals have been placed under the scanner to develop actionable intelligence on cross-border transactions. (2012) While interactions in the real world shopping are mainly based on face-to-face activities between consumers and service personnels, interactions in electronic commerce take place mainly through the retailers Web site. This study investigated the relationship between various characteristics of online shopping and consumer purchase behavior. (Chung-Hoon Park), 2010.

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