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Q1.What is the type of group the friends have above? How does it develop?

Can you use the learning from the chapter to explain what happened? Ans: In the above case friends came together for a common interest (friendship and affiliation) and there was no rules and regulation as such, no specific leader, so we can say that it is an informal group which has been an outcome of common interest, when people were new to the college they were searching for other people with whom they can share things and feel comfortable. When the author joined the college, soon after joining, he became the part of a group where there were 7 members and all with different attitude and characteristics. Everything was going good till second year when they all were preparing for an event. During that period they had a spat and from that point of time there was problem prevailing in the group. NO one in the group tried to resolve the problem and that rose to a conflict resulting in difference in the group. The case discuss about all the problems that the group had faced because of the attitude of members and the importance and essentials of a group, how a group should perform in order to accomplish the task/goal.
Forming: We know that in this stage people try to find out those who have common characteristics. In the same way as we see in this case, the author started finding people with whom he was comfortable. And soon he had a nice group and in this stage people were eager to know each other so there is no chance for conflict in this stage. Storming: as we know in this stage a lot of conflicts and disagreements take place due to different way of looking to the situation. In this case conflict took place due to the disagreement between the members i.ePushpendra was having dominant nature and he had conflict with his group members . Norming: Except Pushpendra, the group has reached this stage of group development as they shown that they are the part of the group. Performing: In this stage the group members became strongly linked with each other and try to solve the problems together. In this case the group members were preparing for the scholarship, under the Young Scientist Encouragement Scheme offered by Department of Science And Technology, together and they tried to resolve the conflict that happened in the group. This shows that the group has reached the performing stage. Ans 2. Puspendra is the only person who creates conflict in the group. Puspendra makes the mistakes and blames others for the mistakes and he never accepts others success too. During their second year they were all preparing for scholarship programmecalled KishoreVaigyanikPratsahnaYozna offered by the Department of Science and Technology of the government. There was a first qualifying round where the group members were to submit an abstracts along with observation supporting their idea. The group members were preparing hard and they decided to submit all the report on the same day. Navneet was the person who completed last though he could manage to clear the round. Puspendra was not able to accept this in any way and he blamed Navaneet and Vaibhab as according to puspendra for them he was not able to clear the round. Later he diverted all the juniors and gives different views from Navneet and

vaibhab about the same programme. It creates lot of confusion among the juniors and for that matter Navneet and vaibhab stopped giving ideas to the juniors. Puspendra become so aggressive and he attacked his friends in the group in negative way. Here storming stage of the group development starts after performing stage. Other group members were trying their best to eliminate the conflict in the group but they did not got back the former charm,coordination and cooperation among thre members. Here we can say pushpendra is the person who is the key reason for all the conflict and it could affect the group performance as well. In every group person like Pushpendra is present. We have to be alert and manage kind of situation to ensure the productivity of the group.

3)When a group is formed informally, people have come together to form a group as they find some common characteristics. It does not mean that all the members are alike. Every group member has different perspective and their own way to look at the situations. And some members in a group may be of dominating nature or may have characteristics. And as per the case Pushpendra was dominating. He was also known as Mr. Conflict. If I was the author of this story I would have arranged for the meeting between the group members excluding Pushpendra because if I would ask him also to come for the meeting it would create more conflicts and disagreement than it would to be difficult to come out with optimum solution and would have critically discussed this issue among the group members (unlike group think that the author of the story has used) and would have taken advices from all the members. As it is too difficult to control the behaviour of a dominant member the only one think which could be done is to take the advantage of the majority if the majority has taken some decision than the dominant member or members of the group have to follow such decision taken by majority.

Summary of the case I and My Groupies

The case I and My Groupies talks about the group formation and different characteristics of the group members. It also talks about the conflict arising among the group members due to members having different behaviour. The author was an engineering students in college. There initially he was having very small group but as the time passed he found some people with whom he was quite comfortable and his group grew with time.

His group included Navneet,Pankaj, Pratik, Vaibhav , Masum,Piyush and Pushpendra. All these group members are having different set of behaviour and nature. Navneet was lazy but fundu, Pankaj was naughty, Vaibhav was an agreeable person,Pratik was critic to the whole world,Piyush was hater of India due to his non-violence strategies and Pushpendra was Mr.Conflict. Masum and the author were adaptable to any situation. Among the group members, Pushpendra was having dominating nature. He wanted everyday to obey him and plan according to him. Due to this behaviour of Pushpendra the group of the author faced many situations of conflicts . In an competition of scholarship, the group members had to submit the abstracts of their project which was the first stage of that competition. The group members decided to submit everybodys report on the same day together.Pushpendra completed his report very early and Navneet at the end.Group was waiting for him to get his work done but Pushpendra did not like it. The first stage of the competition was cleared by Navneet and Vaibhav. Pushpendra blamed his failure to the late submission caused by Navneet . This started the first case of conflict in the group. In next year when it was the turn of juniors to take part in the competition they were taking the help of Navneet and Vaibhav. But Pushpendra was directing them opposite to Navneet and Vaibhav.In other events also Pushpendra was acting like a dictator and was treating the juniors very badly. Meanwhile the group cohesiveness was deteriorating day by day and the relationship between the members were not good. Finally at the end, group decided to sort out all the misunderstandings and problems among the members. At the end of degree course the authors group members patced up but relationship between them did not come to the original form as it was. According to the author his group , apart from the conflicts, was a vibrant and full of potential. They could have achieved a lot of things sharing their experiences and ideas with juniors.

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