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Governments of the World Professor: Dr. Ahonotu Stephani T.

Brownlee One Man Rule Governments are political institutions established to improve peoples standard of living socially and economically without showing favoritism; however problems emerge due to the differing perspectives on the definition of a human. What is a human? On the journey of discovering the answer to this complex question, groups who oppose the government emerge. The rise of individuals against the state comes in the form of coalitions, rebel groups, coups, and coup dtats with coup dtats resulting in the most drastic change. To understand the essence of a coup dtat, the origin of the word must be taken into account. Coup dtat is a French word that translates as stroke of State (Oxford) and is synonymous with both coup and putsch, which are used to signal a successful overthrow of the government. Africa is a coup dtat hotspot, which has been a factor of the continents overall turmoil and low standard of living. The Singapore of Africa, Rwanda, fell victim to coup dtats during the Rwandan genocide. While the Democratic Republic of the Congo has not witnessed genocide, the country has experienced regime change, persecutions, and an ultimate totalitarian state under the reign of Mobutu Sese Seko. Mobutu Sese Seko Nkuku Ngbendu wa Za Banga was born Joseph-Desir Mobutu as an army brat. Disciplined by his father who was a stern, cruel man, this is where Mobutu Sese Seko learned to rule with an iron fist According to Jervis, your childhood experiences influence and mold you into the individual you become, (Jervis). Mobutus premature life experiences

calloused him but he was able to conceal his deep-rooted issues to fulfill his political ambitions. Mobutu took advantage of World War I to take over Congo. A failed coup in 1960 attempted to overthrow the Prime Minister and President, Lumumba and Joseph Kasa-Vubu, opening the door for Mobutu for Seko accused Lumumba and Joseph Kasa-Vubu of being communist. During World War I, the United States was afraid of communist; therefore, the America was elated to throw its support behind Mobutu. With this new confidence, Mobutu staged a successful coup dtat in 1965. It goes without saying that everything or everyone successful had to have a support system. This is without coincidence true for Mobutu. His connections with the United States solidified his confidence and precipitated his coup dtat. America could be considered a powerful nation at the time; however, Mobutu had horrible relations with Belgium, Britain and Francewhich includes two major powers. Having studied world politics and foreign policy, he understood the importance of alliances. He bandwagoned with the United States to get a foot up on Britain and France. According to Bremer, it is with the absence of allies, one falls from power, (Bremer). Seko was fully aware of this fact and allied with the United States to have a likeable nation by his side to appeal to the people of Congo. Mobutu was hesitant incipiently. His regime was initially apolitical where there were no political parties or politicians for these words had negative connotations. According to Mobutu, it had taken "the politicians" five years to "ruin" the country; therefore, for five years, there will be no more political party activity in the country," (Edgerton). Yet, one could suspect Mobutu did this for his own gains. In 1967, MPR Popular Movement of the Revolutionwas legally the only political party in Congo where membership was mandated. Second, he consolidated all trade unions. Independent trade unions were illegal. As a result of both one political party and

trade union, Mobutu was the only ruler and caused a complete regime change. Congo was no longer a republic. It was a dictatorship. By making everything one, Mobutu could have a tighter grip on the people of Congo. He believed that individuals werent capable of making rational decisions and were malleable making him a proponent of the Almond-Lippmann Consensus. With this mind frame he dehumanized people, transforming Congowhich is now Zaireinto not only an issue of who governs but also who is a person. Who was considered a person in Zaire? Through Sekos actions no one but Mobutu was a human. Mobutu purposely stole mens wives. This was the process of lessening. To have your wife of a lower class sleep with anyone else but the King is truly an act of degrading the man. As a result, this man has no power. Therefore, Mobutu doesnt have any challengers. Furthermore, Mobutu made it his goal to set an example. He executed Parliament members to show that no one was exempt. Exempt from what? His wrath. This incited fear into the citizens hearts No one dared to challenge Seko. The easiest way to control an individual is through fear. This was Mobutus way of keeping people down. By keeping people down, he was able to stay in power for so long.

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