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Beltran, Jeffrey C.

EED- Special Education

ED326- Assessment of Student Learning 2 June 30, 2012

When Assessment went WORST The worse assessment strategy Id ever experienced in my 13 years of schooling, was when my professor in ECA111 (Principles of Economics with Agrarian Reform & Taxation), instructed us to review in verbatim, the entire chapter that weve discussed. Her teaching strategy in delivering the lesson was very inductive, that she focused only on the specifics, not leading to the core essence/generalization of the topic/chapters. She The meeting before the examination, she will prepare for us a review about the chapter/s that will be included for the test. But her strategy of reviewing was quite different. She gave us the exact questions that will be included in the test, regardless of the sequence of the questions, plus the answer to the questions. The worse was that she continued that inappropriate strategy up until the final exams. In my personal point-of-view and analysis as a future teacher, key points and suggestions regarding this personal experience in inappropriate assessment were made: o o o o The way of conducting of the summative evaluation strategy (quiz, etc.) was inappropriate, defeating the purpose of giving the test. The teaching strategy she chose to apply in delivering the lesson was not effective, focusing only on the specifics (terms) in the chapter. The material/s to be used must be updated as much as possible, for accuracy of information being delivered. Creating and utilizing assessment devices other than paper and pen tests are encouraged for more concrete student results. When Assessment is appropriately planned and implemented If I experienced the worse assessment, of course theres should be a counterpart of that worse assessment experience. If theres one teacher who personified the value of getting the worth of our money and coming to class on-time, that should be my professor in Introduction to Curriculum Development (EPE122). Even in my past professional education subjects with him, he never ended his session with sharing his stories that are significantly related to the subject matter, after he discussed the theoretical part of the lesson.

After each main ideas of the subject was discussed, and elaborated, he would use the combination of traditional and alternative assessment (performance-based, role playing), appropriately. My favourite assessment strategy that he utilized even before his past subjects, which he was known for, was the synapse strengthener. A synapse strengthener is a tool, in a form of an essay, wherein it serves as a comprehension check that will measure the students way of thinking, and if they used higher order thinking skills in answering certain questions regarding the lesson/topic. I enjoyed making the synapse strengtheners primarily because it really gauged how much did I learn from the lessons we had with him, and if I understand the concepts he used, but prior to that, he first ensured that his students had a full grasp of the lesson before proceeding to the next. Implication to Education Classroom assessment is a sine qua non in the teaching and learning process because it has many roles and purposes in making the process better. Here are some essential roles and purposes of assessment: Effectiveness of instruction Adaptation to or accommodation of individual differences Monitoring teaching in terms of student progress To support and enhance learning,

And as future teachers, we need to deeply understand, and have a full grasp that we need to consider some essential factors in making our assessment tools such as our learners and our learning environment, so that our assessment tools will achieve more valid, concrete, and reliable results, gives balanced and fair judgment towards our students level of performance, which will lead us to a holistic teaching and learning process.

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