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1549 US Hwy 441 Leesburg, FL 34748 Email: vcfleesburg@embarqmail.

com Office: (352) 365-2594 Fax: (352) 365-9574

Danelle Wall is Team Leader of our Nursery to Pre-K department Nurse and has been serving for many years in this ministry and wants to welcome you and your children to the Playhouse at the Warehouse! o

Find the Grapes!

Hidden somewhere in the newsletter is a cluster of grapes just like pictured and possibly a different color, but on a much smaller scale. If you find them and youre the first to call the church office @ 365-2594 or email to, youll win a free caf item (coke/pepsi, starbucks coffee, or bottled water). Happy Hunting!! Last quarter the grapes were hidden in the My Favorite Recipe section. The winner was Austin on. Nichols!

hank you to all of our faithful workers each Sunday. You have been a blessing to so many lives, not only to the children but the parents as well. Our children grow up so fast and the time they spend with us is very important. We teach them stories about Jesus, sing songs, and have a fun time playing. I am looking forward to our future at the Playhouse. fut As we grow as a family we will need more help. If we all do a little it wont be so hard on a few. So pray about joining our team, make sure you eat your Wheaties and get ready to have some fun at the Playhouse. If you would like to help serve in the nursery. Please call Danelle (352) 255-3882 255 1 John 3:18 ~ Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.

Randy Gideons . Lead Pastor . Warehouse Church

Be Somebodys Everything
As I travel through this life, I try to pay attention to what is going on in the world. The economy is no surprise to anyone. Home foreclosures arent a surprise to anyone. People needing governmental help for food is not a surprise to anybody. Fact is, we all can probably look around in our own life and find someone that fits into at least one of those situations. In these times, it would not be hard to be somebodys everything with minimal effort. At one point, we had the statement Its Gods kindness that leads to repentance on the wall of our church. This is a principle that I deeply believe in. Little things done at the exact right time make huge impacts. Allow me to illustrate. A single mom, on her way to a job interview, gets help with a flat tire that would have made her late for the interview. A struggling dad that loses his job due to cut backs at work is blessed with a freezer full of food to feed his family. A struggling family has their electric bill paid when there is no way for them to pay it. A Thanksgiving dinner is provided for a family that has nothing. Christmas is provided for kids that have nothing. New shoes are given to a family that is in desperate need. Gas money given to a person that needs to get to work. You see, our church does most of this stuff all the time. The e, question is, have you ever walked into a house and stuffed a freezer that had nothing in it? I am talking about YOU, PERSONALLY. It is so easy to give cash or write a check . because you dont have to get involved with the reality of o where society lives. I can tell you first hand that when you get involved in a situation like that, it will change you as much as or more than the person that you are blessing. In closing, I just want to dare you to be somebodys s everything. Those simple little things that we can do, will mean the absolute world to someone else. The gift of your time is a big deal. Some extra food will make a hungry child sleep well. The changing of a tire got the mom to the interview on time and helped her get a better job. See folks, ew to the ones who have nothing, anything really is EVERYTHING! I DARE YOU TO GET INVOLVED AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR OWN CIRCLE OF LIFE. LOOK CLOSE, THE OPPORTUNITIES ARE THERE.

And everybody has pairs of shoes that a family member has outgrown, has quit wearing, or replaced with others, etc Somebody out there would love to have them.

ou see I have a special place in my heart for children and teens that do not have decent shoes to wear. It really began when my wife Rhonda, who n works at our local elementary school, called me from work and said that one of the students, a young girl, had broken her shoe and didnt have the means to obtain new ones. Rhonda asked me to go to our home and retrieve a pair of our daughter Kelleys converse shoes. Being able to do this . was the right thing to do and in my spirit I knew it pleased God. On many occasions I notice individuals in this same situation. There something great about a nice clean pair of shoes and something not so great about shoes that have seen their better days. I am asking you to join with us to gather as many good condition, washed, and outfitted with new laces shoes for school age individuals (first senior). You can deposit them in the specially marked box in the foyer of the church building. When it comes time for back to t school shopping we will make these shoes available for those who need them. Solook in your closets and locate all you can and bring them with you next time you come to the church building. Thank you for taking time to help make this blessing come his true! Randy

& 4th Friday ~ Harp & Bowl - Worship & Intercession

Warehouse Living Room Fellowship at 6:30; Harp & Bowl at 7:00 Contact: Cliff Cochran 483-3140


4th Friday ~ Every Sunday ~

averagejoes averagejoes Caf

Free continental breakfast served from 9:30am to 9:50am Contact: Renee Stoffel @ 253-2465 Our Worship service follows at 10:00am

Older Gents @ 11:30am

Older Gents is an opportunity for men over 50 to meet for lunch and enjoy great conversation over a variety of topics that affect all of us. Golden Corral, North Leesburg Contact: Leo Lenschow 429-2563

Contacts: Aaron Symonds @ 330-1928 Mela Striker @ 365-1006

Saturday Monthly @ 6:30pm~

Love & Marriage

Jeff & Sue Myers home at 6:30pm 41737 Kendra Lane, Weirsdale This is a monthly gathering for young couples married 15 years and less (or soon to be married). We hope you will join us as we pursue discovering God's principles to "becoming one" in our marriages; in our relationships with one another, and with Him. Date to be announced Contact: Brian Sellers 504-6221

We believe in ministering to the needs of even our littlest members. Our qualified teachers create a positive experience that introduces nursery and preschool children to the love of Jesus early on. Contact: Danelle Wall 787-8578

Warehouse Kids is for all boys and girls in Kindergarten through 6 grade. We provide a combination of games, interactive characters, and fun filled songs capture kids attention while showing them that living for God is the best way to live! Contact: Ron Sellers @ 787-0385

Various Times ~


Every Tuesday & Thursday @ 6:00pm ~

Revelation Fitness Healthy Living Boot Camp Warehouse Annex Session: June 19 through July24 Cost: $50.00 Contact: Myra Harbaugh (941) 720-3444

College & Career age gather for fellowship and different activities. Ultimately, Elevation's vision is to give young adults a platform to fellowship, to serve, to do life together. Contact: Neal Hayes 365-1496


Every Wednesday @ 6:00pm ~

Summer Fun Session begins: July 11 through August 1 Warehouse Annex - All 5th to 8th graders WELCOME!! *Any high school students interested in volunteering see Vance Harbaugh (941) 720-3912

Check out our web page at for everything on the calendar this month.

Every Wednesday @ 7:30pm ~

Puppet Ministry School Warehouse Annex Adults and youth welcome to join. Contact: Steven Bennett 408-0017

Every Thursday @ 2:00pm ~

Great service opportunity! Join our cleaning crew as they spiff up the building for upcoming services. If you can swing a mop, dust a shelf, or empty a garbage can we need ya! Contact: Barbara Smith 315-1400

by Brenda Petersen

A great dip for your summer outings!

s many of you know, during the summer months, some , children dont get much to eat. With the economy being what it is, many people are struggling. , As Randy stated on Sunday, we have expected the government to take over what the church should be doing. After the people in the book of acts were saved and filled with the Holy Spirit the bible says that they sold their possessions and gave to those in need (Act 2:45). They sold property 2:45) and possessions to give to anyone who had need.

SNICKERS DIP 2 blocks of cream cheese, 8 oz each 8 oz. container of cool whip cup brown sugar 6 5-6 regular sized Snickers bars, cut into small pieces with a Crinkle Cutter - Mix the first 3 ingredients together and then add the Snickers. - serve it with vanilla wafers, honey wheat pretzel sticks, and strawberries.

The storehouse team is looking forward to starting a start summer program to supplement families. Beginning June 29, 2012 every Friday between 10:00AM and 12:00 Noon we 012 10:00 will be handing out Cereal, peanut butter, jelly, bread, milk, Kool-aid and some paper products. This will be at the aid outside entrance door of the annex room. At the time that they pick these products up we will ask what we can pray with them about. We will watch God move in the supernatural as we give in the natural. We need donations for the following: Large Jars of either Jiff or Peter Pan Peanut Butter Pe Large Jars of either Welchs or Smuckers Jelly Large loaves of Sandwich Bread White or Honey Wheat Packages of Kool-Aid brand Kool-Aid (pre-sweetened) Aid Kool Packages of either Charmin, Cottonelle or Angel Soft toilet paper. We would prefer name brand items as we want to give our neighbors the best they can receive and want them to have what we would eat or use ourselves. Of course monetary donations are always welcome. Make sure that you designate your donation to The Storehouse. Storeh Your support for the storehouse has been overwhelming and very much appreciated. I know Jesus would be happy knowing that we are helping change lives, one jar at a time.


If you would like to be a part of The Storehouse Team, please contact the church office or Sonia Shearer @ 352-408-7192 or Thank you and have a wonderful fun filled summer. The Storehouse Team

Call the Church Office if you would like to pa participate

hat the Church needs today is a good dose of real time not religious platitudes. The truth is that we use terms that the church crowd knows about but very few outside of the church (un-churched) knows the meaning. For example, the word saved and in reality, what does saved mean, saved from what? An affliction or a fire? When I was in the U.S. Army, I had just come into the town of Aberdeen, Maryland. As I walked down the main streets of this small town a young man came up to me, handed me a piece of paper (tract) and asked, Are you saved? And I said from what? I didnt know what he meant. I knew the meaning of regeneration. It took awhile before we understood each other and if I would have been like many I would have walk away and written him off as a bad experience. I realize the need for sharing the good news but how do I do that? That is the $64,000 question. Jesus says, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15, KJV). As you grasp Gods love, you in return develop a deep love for him, bringing you into oneness with him. Gradually, through the Holy Ghost you will sense that you have his desires, his strengths and his ability (his heart) and you can do nothing else but what the One within you desires. Through the years, I have taken a good number of Evangelism training courses. To be honest with you, very few are the answer to my question, How do I share my faith? I spent much of my life feeling guilty. I like many, if one just mentioned Evangelism I shirked back into my seat waiting to be scolded for not doing the work of the Lord. There was a period in my life I just stopped trying to share Jesus Christ. In Searching for God Knows What, Donald Miller writes about the Four Spiritual Laws approach to witnessing. Although million perhaps have come to know Jesus, this formulaic presentation has brought with it baggage. It has brought Jesus down to a few true statements without receiving the fullness of the gospel. The gospel is bigger then life and the well is deep from which there is always more to be had. A number of years ago Prison Fellowship released a training program to help Christian inmates effectively share their faith with other prisoners. My Story His Story instructs inmates in developing a Gospel presentation through use of their personal testimonies. The course had five parts, including opportunities for participants to practice both writing their Gospel presentations and sharing them verbally with others. Prisoners learn to move from their personal experience (My Story) to presenting the Gospel of Christ (His Story). This training course uses the example of the Apostle Pauls testimony before King Agrippa (see Acts 26) as an outline for prisoners to develop their own testimonies. This is the first evangelism-training course by Prison Fellowship that was created specifically for inmates. It is very important that one keep his presentation simple and contemporary. The ministrys desire is to be able to exhort and equip the Church to bring the Gospel to prisoners. My wife has brought many to a place in their life that they see they cant continue any longer as they are, hence becoming open to the Holy Spirit to come along side of them and help them live a life in the Spirit. She was not religious, just a person who shows love in a practical way. This is the same approach to evangelism as Prison Fellowship Training Program for inmates. Personally, I prefer this approach to evangelism and would like to give you some practical advice to enable you to share in your joy, sorrows and knowledge.

My Story His Story

These tips have been learned from experience, sometimes painfully, and should be undergirded with prayer for the guidance of the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:13). Continue to remember that the Holy Spirit does the converting! 1) PATIENCE AND PRAYER. Be patient, then, my brothers, until the Lord comes. See how the farmer is patient as he waits for his land to produce precious crops. He waits patiently for the autumn and spring rains. You also must be patient. Keep your hopes high, for the day of the Lords coming is near (James 5:7, 8, Good News for Modern Man). Remember when you go fishing you must have patience waiting for the big one to come out of the dark recess of the fishing hole to bite the bait. By all means keep putting out the bait and share with whom you sense may willingly receive your experience. Pray to know when to pull back with a humble spirit. Be sensitive and stop when they have had enough (bait). 2) BEAR GOOD FRUIT. Many times we relate best to people of diverse backgrounds. Become interested in the person and remember that person is damaged goods. Exhibit the love of Jesus in every circumstance, especially with those who resist. Practice Biblical fruitfulness (Galatians 5:22-23). 3) EMPHASIZE SANCTIFICATION. Situations that seemed absolutely hopeless have been miraculously healed and there is no reason that cant happen today. Jesus is the same today that he was yesterday, and he will be so forever (Hebrew 13:8, The Complete Bible an American Translation translated by Edgar J. Goodspeed). The Word of God will heal all past hurts and bitterness. Moreover, the Holy Spirit will give them new hope, wisdom and peace in their time of perplexity. Where there once was fear and a sense of helplessness, there can be the joy of the Lord, faith and strength to go on. 4) THE JOURNEY OF DISCOVERY. The journey is not what you were but what you are now and where you are going with the Father through Jesus the Christ. The Agape of God meets my love for Him so that I may impart it. As the Holy Spirit may lead you, share and teach what Scripture teaches on being filled with the Spirit and walking in His Grace and Mercy. Be honest, do not fake it, share your mistakes and successes. Dont go beyond your walk and dress up your walk with a flavor that you heard someone else use. We all have an unlikely story. Dont lace your testimony with many Scriptures. Remember a testimony is just that a test of what you went through in some period of your life. Make explicit statements that you are not questioning any ones salvation. Coach, encourage and challenge people to grow in their relationship with Jesus. Always be positive and affirming! I am looking for people that are just this much saved.

As you grasp Gods love, you in return develop a deep love for him, bringing you into oneness with him. Gradually, through the Holy Ghost you will sense that you have his desires, his strengths and his ability (his heart) and you can do nothing else but what the One within you desires.
5) REPETITION. Few people catch and hold onto an idea the first time. Keep sowing the seed of the Word by repeating ideas and key words clearly and succinctly. Remember, the Pink Panther cartoons, he would saw all around the adversary and the adversary would eventually fall straight through the floor. Approach the people from different angles to get your point across. 6) BE PRACTICAL. Use examples from everyday life. Jesus taught in parables, simple stories that took place in the everyday life of the people of Jesus day. People will respond to that with which they are familiar. Continued on next page

7) DEVELOP TRUST. People will trust the plan of salvation if they see it in you and if they trust you! Many years ago A. W. Tozer said, You can be straight as a gun barrel theologically and as empty as one spiritually. Be there when you are needed. In my opinion, this is the most crucial practical factor. People need to know you care about them personally and that you will respond as soon as possible when they have a need. Stay within the guidelines of Godly principles. No matter what people tell you about their lives do not act in response surprised. I have heard stories that are beyond my imagination, if they are half-true, it is terrible. Sometimes, they will tell you of accounts to shock you, testing you -- will you still be around even though... Develop good people skills: Listen! Be accessible! In conclusion, do not assume everyone is at the same place in terms of their spiritual growth and ability to receive the truth. I have seen people whom I felt would readily receive the Gospel. And, a number who seemed unlikely candidates grasp and accept the Gospel. What may not seem likely is most certainly possible for Christ, who came to seek and save the lost. The voice of the Good Shepherd can carry beyond the farthest boundary line of probability and cause ears to open and hearts to change. He who made the sea so that Peter could walk on top of the water can break the hold of darkness surrounding any lost soul. DO AS YOU CAN Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, I n all the ways you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can. In closing let me remind you in the words of St. Francis of Assisi, Preach the gospel all the time, if necessary, use words.

All 5th to 8th graders WELCOME Wednesday nights from 6:00 - 8:00pm JULY 11th Sports Night and Barbecue

JULY 18th Skate Night

All info will be provided on July 11th

JULY 25th Water Game Night and Pizza

Come ready to get wet and bring a towel!

Check out Leos blog on the Warehouse website at

AUGUST 1st Backyard Bash

Tons of fun! Tons of food!

SUNDAY JULY 8th Parents & youth please stay after church for lunch and a walk to invite our neighbors over for the fun. R.S.V.P. to Myra Harbaugh (941) 720-3444 Or Mela Striker 551-4050

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