NASA: 181736main 07 06 2007 TL

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Radiogram No. 5676u Form 24 for 07/06/07

Sensor ТМ168-04 R&R. BIO-5 Experiment. Docking Video Downlink
06:00-06:10 CDR, FE-1 Morning Inspection
06:00-06:30 FE-2 Nutrition: urine collection and sample 1 insertion
06:10-06:40 CDR, FE-1 Post-sleep
06:30-06:55 FE-2 Post-sleep
06:40-07:30 CDR, FE-1 BREAKFAST
06:55-07:10 FE-2 Nutrition: blood sample collection for analysis
07:10-07:20 FE-2 Nutrition: setting up and loading refrigerator centrifuge
07:20-07:30 FE-2 Nutrition: refrigerator centrifuge config
07:30-07:45 Morning Planning Conference (S-band)
07:45-08:05 FE-2 Nutrition: blood sample insertion in MELFI
07:45-07:55 CDR, FE-1 Prep for Work
07:55-08:10 CDR, FE-1 IMS tagup (S-band)
08:05-08:25 FE-2 Post-sleep
08:10-08:25 CDR, FE-1 Prep for Work
08:25-08:40 ISS crew and ГОГУ (RSA Flight Control Team) weekly conference (S-band)
TV PAO. Progress 360 docking video downlink from LIV EVC, cassette #109
(05/14/07 test video recorded from КЛ-154 (+Х), stowed at СМ_4_423 in bag "Ы").
08:40-09:05 CDR
Re-stow cassette at its designated location. (То=08:42 , Т1, Т2, Т3 - activated
from Daily Flight Program [СПП])
08:40-09:25 FE-2 BREAKFAST
08:40-09:10 FE-1 PLANTS-2: Hardware teardown Tagup with specialists (S-band)
Motorola phone charging: setup, start charge. Tagup with specialists as necessary
09:05-09:20 CDR
Additional measurements of pin resistance on connectors de-mated from БОК-3
09:20-09:35 CDR (Command Processing Unit) in SMCC2 [ЦВМ2] control circuit. Tagup with
specialist (S-band)
PLANTS-1 LADA-MIS (Module for the Investigation of Substrates). Transfer from
09:10-12:40 FE-1
Progress, hardware installation, test. Tagup with specialists (S-band)
09:25-09:55 FE-2 Prep for Work
09:35-09:40 CDR Motorola phone charging - status check
Additional measurements of pin resistance on connectors de-mated from БОК-3
09:40-09:55 CDR [Command Processing Unit] in SMCC2 control circuit. Tagup with specialist (S-
09:55-10:00 CDR Motorola phone charging - status check
09:55-10:20 FE-2 Nutrition: urine collection and sample insertion
Additional measurements of pin resistance on connectors de-mated from БОК-3
10:00-10:15 CDR [Command Processing Unit] in SMCC2 control circuit. Tagup with specialist (S-
10:15-10:20 CDR Motorola phone charging - status check
10:20-11:50 FE-2 Physical Exercise (CEVIS)
10:20-10:30 CDR Motorola phone charging - terminate charging, cleanup
10:30-10:50 CDR TV PAO. Progress 360 docking video downlink from LIV EVC from cassette #109
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(05/14/07 test video recorded from КЛ-154 (+Х), stowed at СМ_4_423 in bag "Ы").
Re-stow cassette at its designated location. (То=10:17 , Т1, Т2, Т3 - activated
from Daily Flight Program [СПП])
ТМ168-04 (Т282) sensor R&R and installation of protective shields on sensors
10:50-13:50 CDR
Т281, Т282. Tagup with specialists (S-band)
11:50-13:25 FE-2 Water sampling
12:40-12:45 FE-1 On MCC Go ISS O2 repress from Progress 359 СрПК (start)
12:45-13:45 FE-1 Physical Exercise (VELO + RED) day 3
13:25-13:50 FE-2 Nutrition: urine collection and sample insertion
13:45-13:50 FE-1 ISS O2 repress from Progress 359 СрПК (terminate)
13:50-14:50 LUNCH
14:50-15:20 CCS R6 software OBT
15:20-15:50 FE-1 On-Orbit Hearing Assessment with EarQ Software
15:20-16:20 FE-2 Hardware Prepack for Return on 13A.1
15:20-16:00 CDR PLASMA CRYSTAL. Removal of experimental unit
15:50-16:30 FE-1 СОЖ Maintenance
16:00-16:25 CDR On-orbit hearing assessment using EARQ s/w
16:20-17:20 FE-2 Physical Exercise (RED)
16:25-17:55 CDR Physical Exercise (TVIS), day 3
16:30-16:50 FE-1 IMS update
16:50-18:20 FE-1 Physical Exercise (CEVIS), day 3
17:20-17:35 FE-2 Food frequency questionnaire
17:35-17:45 FE-2 O2 level check
17:45-18:10 FE-2 Nutrition: urine collection and sample insertion
17:55-18:55 CDR Physical Exercise (VELO+RED) day 3
18:10-18:20 FE-2 NUTRITION. Equipment stow.
18:20-18:50 FE-1 Evening work prep
18:20-18:35 FE-2 Private psychological conference (S-band)
18:35-18:45 FE-2 Evening work prep
18:45-18:50 FE-2 OCA SSC router reboot
18:50-18:55 FE-1 Transfer TVIS/RED/CEVIS/HRM data to MEC
18:50-18:55 FE-2 SSC file server reboot
18:55-19:10 Daily Planning Conference (S-band)
19:10-19:45 DINNER
19:45-20:05 FD / ISS crew conference (S-band)
20:05-20:30 Daily food prep
20:30-21:30 Pre-sleep
21:30-06:00 SLEEP
Task List CDR, FE-1 RS ISS Audit
Note: See OSTP for references to US activities.
End of Radiogram

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