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Name of College State SAT Subject Test Requirement

Harvard University


2 subject Tests. Students should not submit two Subject Tests in mathematics to meet this requirement. Candidates whose first language is not English should ordinarily not use a Subject Test in their first language to meet the two Subject Tests requirement. All students are encouraged to submit additional Subject Tests (which may include one in a students first language), Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate test results, or any other evidence of the breadth and depth of their academic accomplishments.

Princeton University


Applicants who intend to pursue a B.S.E. degree should take one SAT Subject Test in either physics or chemistry and one SAT Subject Test in mathematics (Level I or II). If you choose to take more than two subject tests, Princeton will consider all your scores, giving the greatest weight to your two strongest scores. Applicants must submit results to two SAT Subject exams. Applicants to The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science must submit the SAT Subject exam in Math and either Chemistry or Physics. Applicants to Columbia College must submit two SAT Subject exams of their choice. Stanford recommends (but do not require) that you submit official results of at least two SAT Subject Tests, as these additional scores often assist them in their evaluation process. You are welcome to submit any and all SAT Subject Tests you have completed. Stanford does not have a preference for the specific SAT Subject Tests you elect to take. However, if you elect to take a math test, Stanford prefers to see the Math Level 2 test if you feel that your math background has adequately prepared you for this test.

Columbia University


Stanford University


University of Pennsylvania


Penn requires first-year applicants to take the SAT Reasoning Test and 2 SAT Subject Tests in different subjects OR the ACT Plus Writing. Candidates to the School of Engineering and Applied Science are strongly encouraged to take both a Mathematics and Physics Subject Test. Candidates to the Wharton School are strongly encouraged to take a Mathematics Subject Test.

California Institute of


2 SAT Subject Tests. SAT Mathematics Level 2 and 1 SAT Subject Test:


Biology (Ecological), Biology (Molecular), Chemistry, OR Physics.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dartmouth College Duke University University of Chicago Northwestern University Johns Hopkins University


MIT requires 2 SAT Subject Tests: one in math (level 1 or 2), and one in science (physics, chemistry, or biology e/m). It does not have a preference as to which science you take or which level math you take. 2 SAT Subject Tests scores from different subjects (formerly SAT II): If you submit more than 2 Subject Test scores, Dartmouth will look at your two best scores. 2 SAT Subject Tests required. Applicants to the Pratt School of Engineering
must take one SAT Subject Test in mathematics.



U of Chicago does not require any SAT Subject Tests. Northwestern recommends that all applicants take 2 SAT Subject Tests.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit up to 3 SAT subject tests. Applicants interested in an engineering major are strongly encouraged to submit scores from the Mathematics Level 2 SAT subject test, at least one science SAT subject test, and one other SAT subject test. WUSL does not require any SAT Subject Tests. All undergraduate applicants (freshmen and transfers) must submit the results of two standardized tests i.e. SAT or ACT and TOEFL or IELTS. Brown requires any 2 Subject Tests. Engineering: 1 in mathematics (any level) and 1 in science (any science) Arts & Sciences: SAT Subject Tests required in 2 subjects. Agriculture & Life Sciences: SAT Subject Tests are NOT required.

Washington MO University in St. Louis Brown University Cornell University RI NY

Rice University Vanderbilt University


2 SAT Subject Tests required. SAT Subject Tests are not required for admission. Applicants who choose not to submit SAT Subject Tests will not be at a disadvantage in the admission process. Notre Dame does not require any SAT Subject Tests.
Emory College of Arts and Sciences: SAT II results are encouraged but are not required unless home-schooled.

University of Notre Dame Emory University


Georgetown U University of California Berkeley


It is strongly recommended that all candidates submit three SAT Subject Tests scores.
Applicants to the Colleges of Chemistry and Engineering are strongly encouraged to take the SAT Subject Test: Math Level 2 and a science exam in Biology, Chemistry or Physics. Choose a science subject that is closely related to the intended major.

Carnegie Mellon PA University University of Southern California University of California - Los Angeles University of Virginia Wake Forest University Tufts University CA

2 SAT Subject Tests required. Carnegie Institute of Technology: Math Level I or II and Physics or Chemistry USC requires 3 SAT Subject Tests from those who did not attend regionally accredited HS. For all other applicants, these exams are optional, but recommended. Applicants to the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science are strongly encouraged to take the following SAT Subject Tests: Math Level 2 and a science test (Biology E/M, Chemistry, or Physics) that is closely related to the applicant's intended major. UVa strongly recommends 2 SAT Subject Tests. SAT/ACT and SAT Subject Tests are optional. Option 1: SAT Reasoning + 2 Subject Tests OR Option 2: ACT with Writing Section Engineering: Math I or II and Physics or Chemistry Sciences: Math I or II and one science test Others: 2 Subject Tests of your choice



University of Michigan -Ann Arbor


UMich does not require any SAT Subject Tests. If you include these test results as part of your application, UMich will consider them only in light of how they might benefit your review. You will not be penalized for low test scores in this case, especially if they arent required. UNC does not require SAT Subject Tests but if you've taken any AP, IB, or SAT Subject Tests, you are welcome to provide these scores as well. Option 1: SAT Reasoning + 2 Subject Tests OR Option 2: ACT with Writing Section. SAT Subject Tests are not required at W&M.

University of NC Carolina - Chapel Hill Boston College College of William and Mary New York MA VA


SAT Reasoning Test or 3 SAT Subject Tests.


SAT Subject Test must be submitted in the form of: one in literature or the humanities; one in math or science; and one test of the student's choice in any subject. MA Does not require SAT Subject Tests. Georgia Tech does not require SAT Subject Tests. However, if you have taken the exams, you are welcome to submit your scores to our office for consideration with your application. You may also earn course credit for Chemistry and/or English subject tests.

Brandeis University

Georgia Institute GA of Technology

University of California - San Diego


UCSD does not require SAT Subject Tests. Note: California residents who are planning to apply to the Jacobs School of Engineering or considering the biological or physical sciences are strongly encouraged to take the SAT Subject Test: Math Level 2 and a science test (biology E/M, chemistry, or physics) that is closely related to their intended major.

Lehigh University University of Rochester University of California Davis


SAT II's in any subjects are recommended but not required. The University of Rochester does not require SAT Subject Tests. Two SAT II Subject Tests are required from home-schooled students.
SAT Subject Tests are not required and UC Davis will consider submitted SAT Subject Test scores only if they benefit the applicant.

University of CA California - Santa Barbara Case Western Reserve University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute University of California Irvine University of Washington OH

UC no longer requires SAT Subject T but certain programs on some campuses recommend them. The College of Engineering recommends that all applicants take the Math II Subject Test. SAT Subject Tests are optional.


SAT Subject Tests are optional.


SAT Subject Test scores are no longer required. However, submission of SAT Subject Test scores may add positively to the review of a student's application. SAT and ACT are not required for international student applicants.


University of Texas - Austin


For a freshman application for admission to engineering to be complete, an applicant must fulfill the requirements of the Cockrell School of Engineerings Calculus Readiness Requirement. (Most students fulfill the requirement by submitting scores from the SAT Subject Test in Mathematics.) Does not require SAT Subject Tests.

University of Wisconsin Madison


Pennsylvania PA State University University Park University of IL Illinois - UrbanaChampaign University of Miami Yeshiva University George Washington University Tulane University Pepperdine University University of Florida Boston University Syracuse University Fordham University Ohio State University Columbus FL

Does not require SAT Subject Tests.

Results of SAT Subject Tests are not evaluated and not seen by the admissions professionals from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and the college to which the student has applied. The SAT report is not required and should not be submitted for admission consideration from applicants who are attending schools OUTSIDE the United States. SAT Subject Tests are optional. SAT Subject Tests recommended for Honors Program only.



SAT Subject Tests required from home-schooled students. Does not require SAT Subject Tests. Does not require SAT Subject Tests. Does not require SAT Subject Tests except for special Accelerated Programs. SAT Subject Tests are not required. Does not require SAT Subject Tests. Does not require SAT Subject Tests.

Purdue IN University - West Lafayette Southern Methodist University University of Georgia University of Maryland College Park Texas A&M University College Station Clemson University TX

Does not require SAT Subject Tests.

SAT Subject Tests recommended for home-schooled students only.


Currently, UGA recommends (but does not require) students to submit SAT II scores. The University of Maryland does not evaluate SAT II scores as a factor in the admissions decision.


Does not require SAT Subject Tests. Applicants applying to the Dwight Look College of Engineering are required to meet a minimum math score of 550 on the SAT. Does not require SAT Subject Tests. Does not require SAT Subject Tests.


Rutgers, the NJ State University of New Jersey University of MN Minnesota - Twin Cities

Does not require SAT Subject Tests.

University of Pittsburgh Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Does not require SAT Subject Tests. Beginning with the class entering in the fall of 2008, the submission of standardized tests (SAT I, SAT II and ACT) is optional for admission to WPI. Students who choose not to submit standardized test scores are required to submit alternative materials via the Flex Path option that they believe will better reflect their potential for academic success at WPI. 2 SAT Subject Tests required from home-schooled students and those who attend schools with non-traditional grading policy. Does not require SAT Subject Tests. Does not require SAT Subject Tests. Starting with fall quarter 2012 UC will no longer require two SAT Subject exams. (UC will still review these exam scores if applicants choose to

Northeastern University University of Connecticut Virginia Tech


University of CA California - Santa


send them, however, and certain SAT Subject exams may be recommended for some majors.) SAT Subject exams accepted by UC: English (literature) history/social studies mathematics (Level 2 only; Level 1 is not accepted by the UC) science languages (other than English)

Colorado School CO of Mines University of Iowa Brigham Young University Provo Indiana University Bloomington Marquette University University of Delaware American University Baylor University IA UT

Does not require SAT Subject Tests. Does not require SAT Subject Tests. Does not require SAT Subject Tests.


Does not require SAT Subject Tests.


Does not require SAT Subject Tests. 2 SAT Subject Tests required from home-schooled applicants.


No SAT Needed! AU does not evaluate SAT scores for students (including U.S. citizens) graduating from secondary schools outside the United States. Please do not submit your SAT scores to our office. Does not require SAT Subject Tests. Standardized tests are generally not required but are recommended for international students. International students are encouraged, though not required, to submit SAT scores, if available. Does not require SAT Subject Tests. Does not require SAT Subject Tests.


Miami University OH - Oxford Michigan State University University of Alabama (UAB) Auburn MI AL AL

University Binghamton University SUNY Clark University Drexel University NY Does not require SAT Subject Tests.


Starting for students applying for the fall of 2013 Clark has adopted a SAT/ACT test-optional policy. Does not require SAT Subject Tests. 2 SAT Subject Tests required for accelerated pre-med/pre-dentistry applicants only. Does not require SAT Subject Tests.

Stevens Institute NJ of Technology University of Colorado Boulder University of Denver University of Tulsa Iowa State University University of California Riverside CO


Does not require SAT Subject Tests. Does not require SAT Subject Tests. The SAT and ACT examinations are not required if you are graduating from a non-American high school or are a transfer applicant. SAT Subject Tests are not required but students applying to majors in the Bourns College of Engineering and the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences are strongly encouraged to take SAT subject exams in Math Level 2 and either Chemistry or Physics. Does not require SAT Subject Tests. The SAT examination is not required for international students who have attended high school/college outside of the United States. Does not require SAT Subject Tests. Does not require SAT Subject Tests.

University of San CA Diego Stony Brook SUNY Texas Christian University University of Vermont Yale University University of MissouriColumbia St. Louis NY TX VT CT MO

The SAT Reasoning Test and any combination of two SAT Subject Tests. Applicants for the College of Engineering are required to submit an SAT score; applicants for all degree programs are strongly encouraged to submit the SAT. SAT Subject Tests not required. Does not require SAT Subject Tests.



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