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HW 6: Compressor Turbine Matching for gas turbine engine Anand Dhariya

AERO 530: Gas Turbine Propulsion 26th March 2008

AERO 530 Gas Turbine Propulsion

Homework # 6 Due Friday March 21st, in class

1. The goal of this problem is to write a computer program in Matlab (or Mathematica or C++ or some other language) that generates a plot of the compressor map that is similar that the plot shown in Fig. 8.25 on page 403 of your textbook (Hill and Peterson). On the plot we want to see, for the conditions given in the class notes (handout): a surge line, labeled with words surge line four lines of constant N/(T02)1/2, with values of N/(T02)1/2 labeled find a way to plot these curves only to the right of the surge line; do not plot these curves to the left of the surge line one curve should be for N = 8020 RPM, one should be for N = 8500 RPM, and then try one for 9000 RPM; six lines of constant T04/T02, with values of T04/T02 labeled do not plot lines of constant compressor efficiency on the y-axis you should plot values of p03/p02, on the x-axis plot values of (m-dot) (T02)1/2/ (0.04 p02 A2) plot a circular symbol that marks the design point A and label it A select the axes to span a range that gives a compressor map that looks like the one on page 403

2. Now write a code that generates a plot of the turbine map, which should look like the one on page 402. The y-axis is p04/p05, the x-axis is m-dot (T04)1/2/ (0.04 p04 A4). Plot the design point A as a circular symbol and label it A. 3. Now use the procedure outlined in lecture to plot point B on the curve for which N = 8500 RPM; then try 9000 RPM. Connect the points in order to plot an operating line over a range of values of N. Plot at least 6-7 points on the operating line. 4. On the turbine map, plot the point B as well as other points on the operating line. 5. On a separate plot, plot the values of compressor pressure ratio on the y-axis and fuelair ratio on the x-axis.

6. Make another plot with T04 on the y-axis and fuel-air ratio on the x-axis for the operating line solution. 7. Make another plot with N on the y-axis and fuel-air ratio on the x-axis for the operating line solution. 8. Make another plot with p05 / p02 on the y-axis and fuel-air ratio on the x-axis for the operating line solution. 9. Make another plot with Thrust on the y-axis and fuel-air ratio on the x-axis for the operating line solution. 10. Make another plot with mass flow rate on the y-axis and fuel-air ratio on the x-axis for the operating line solution.

After you complete and turn in the above, you may wish to do more investigating for extra credit. Please turn in the above assignment by the Friday date. You can turn in any extra credit work at any time after that; there is no deadline. If you choose to do extra credit, you might want to investigate: Generating a performance curve for specific fuel consumption versus airspeed and altitude, such as the one on page 199, (second graph from the top) in Hills text. This graph is what the airlines would use to determine the fuel cost if you can choose your altitude and flight speed for a certain flight. To get this graph, you need to repeat all of the above for different Mach numbers, different altitudes. You could add more realistic efficiency factors stage efficiency, overall compressor efficiency, overall turbine efficiency You could extend the operating line to very low RPM for taxi, idle investigate when the turbine first stage is no longer choked What does an afterburner do to the operating line ?

Procedure for plotting the compressor and turbine maps: See attached MATLAB code for assumptions and detailed equations used. The important steps are as outlined 1. All calculations are done assuming steady engine operating conditions at ambient Mach number of 0.85. Also we have assumed that the air behaves as an ideal fluid and hence has constant specific heat. 2. The various operating conditions are first assigned. Based on these values some of the obvious quantities like stagnation temperature T02 are calculated right away. 3. The compressor and turbine blade angles are calculated using equations from textbook. All other values pertaining to design point A viz. N=8020 rpm and T04=1700 K are calculated. 4. A parabolic curve for compressor stage efficiency is assumed as shown in the code. The stage efficiency is based on the ratio CZ/U. Thus by varying this ratio the stage efficiency is found. 5. Since the blade angles are fixed we can now find the compressor pressure ratio P03/P02 for different values of engine RPM. This is the Y-axis of our compressor map. The normalized mass flow rate is plotted on the X-axis. This is equal to the ratio A2*/A2. This corresponds to our X-axis for compressor map. See attached turbine map. 6. The surge points are found for each RPM value and they correspond to the points of maximum pressure ratio. These points are joined together to get the engine surge line. 7. To plot the constant T04 temperature lines the corresponding values are slope, a are evaluated. Thus we can now plot the constant T04/ T02 lines. 8. Next I have found the operating line points. For this the values of P03/P02 were guessed first. Good guess values are points at which the compressor stage efficiency is maximum (0.85 in our case). Calculate the other quantities like T04 etc. and at the end check to see if the stagnation temperature T04 satisfies the work balance condition. If it does we move to the next RPM value, otherwise guess a new value of P03/ P02. I have run this iterative procedure to get the points on the operating line for different RPM. These points can be joined to give the operating line. 9. To plot the turbine map the temperature ratio T05/T04 is calculated which in turn can be used to evaluate pressure ratio P053/P04. The inverse of this pressure ratio corresponds to out turbine map Y-axis. Next I have found the normalized mass flow rate which is same as A4*/A4. Plot of these values for different rpm gives us the turbine map which looks just like given in textbook. See attached turbine map.

10. To plot the other curves we need to find the fuel air ratio. It is to be noted that the equation for fuel air ratio used is valid only for lean operating conditions. This fuel air ratio is plotted against the required quantities as shown in attached plot. References: 1. Hill and Peterson Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion 2. Prof. Driscolls class notes and handouts.

Compressor Map 120



90 Surge Line Compressor Pressure Ratio, P03/P02 80 31.34 70 23.51 60 19.59 15.67 50 11.75 Operating Line 40 P03/P02 = 31.1 30 Design Point A 20 525 10 0.55 0.6 0.65 m-dot(T02)



563 551 538 513 502 0.75 0.8

N/(T02) 0.7 /(0.04P02A2)


Turbine Map

Design Point A 3.5

Turbine Pressure ratio, P04/P05


1.5 N/(T )1/2






0.4 m-dot(T )


04 4




/(0.04P A )

Other Engine parameters vs. fuel air ratio P /P

03 02

vs. f 3000 Turbine Inlet Temperature, T04 (K) 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 0.025


vs. f

Compressor Pressure ratio, P03/P02

42 40 38 36 34 32 30 0.025


0.035 0.04 Fuel air ratio, f N vs. f



0.035 0.04 Fuel air ratio, f P05/P02 vs. f


9000 8800 Engine RPM, N 8600 8400 8200 8000 0.025 Overall Pressure ratio, P05/P02 0.03 0.035 0.04 Fuel air ratio, f Thrust vs. f 44 Mass flow rate, m-dot (kg/s) 42 40 Thrust (kN) 38 36 34 32 30 28 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 Fuel air ratio, f 0.045 0.045

13 12 11 10 9 8 0.025


0.035 0.04 Fuel air ratio, f ma vs. f


56 55 54 53 52 51 50 0.025


0.035 0.04 Fuel air ratio, f


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%-------------------------------------------------------------------------% % HW 6: Engine Operating line for turbine and compressor matching % AERO-530 Gas Turbine Propulsion % by- Anand Dhariya % Date: 26/03/2008 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% clear; close all; % Assumed values M_inf=0.85; gamma=1.4; R=287; Cp=1003.5; eta_d=0.97; eta_st_ideal=0.85; eta_tt=0.9; ma_ideal=51; Pr_ideal=30; Pa=25.3*1000; Ta=223; A4=0.044; Qr=45000; %Jet-A fuel (kJ/kg) % Problem definition C1=140; C2=240; W1=240; W2=140; rhub_rtip_comp=0.25; % Ideal values at point A T02=(1+(gamma-1)/2*M_inf^2)*Ta; P02=Pa*(1+eta_d*(T02/Ta-1))^(gamma/(gamma-1)); N_ideal=8020; T04_ideal=1700; T4_ideal=0.8333*T04_ideal; T03_ideal=T02*(1+1/eta_st_ideal*(Pr_ideal^((gamma-1)/gamma)-1)); T05_ideal=T04_ideal-T03_ideal+T02; P03_ideal=Pr_ideal*P02; P04_ideal=P03_ideal; rho4_ideal=P04_ideal/(R*T04_ideal); P05_ideal=P04_ideal/(1-1/eta_tt*(1-T05_ideal/T04_ideal))^(-gamma/(gamma-1)); % Compressor values beta2_comp=30*pi/180; Cz_ideal_comp=W2*cos(beta2_comp); alpha1_comp=acos(Cz_ideal_comp/C1); alpha2_comp=acos(Cz_ideal_comp/C2); beta1_comp=acos(Cz_ideal_comp/W1); A2star_ideal=ma_ideal*sqrt(T02)/0.0404/P02; M2_ideal=Cz_ideal_comp/sqrt(gamma*R*Ta); A2_A2star_ideal=1/M2_ideal*(2/(gamma+1)*(1+(gamma-1)/2*M2_ideal^2))^((gamma+1)/(2*(gamma1))); A2=A2star_ideal*A2_A2star_ideal; rtip_comp=sqrt(A2/(pi*(1-rhub_rtip_comp^2)));

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rhub_comp=rtip_comp*rhub_rtip_comp; r_comp=(rhub_comp+rtip_comp)/2; U_ideal_comp=2*pi*r_comp*N_ideal/60; n=round(log(Pr_ideal)/log(1+eta_st_ideal*U_ideal_comp^2/Cp/T02*(1Cz_ideal_comp/U_ideal_comp*(tan(alpha1_comp)+tan(beta2_comp))))/3.5); % Turbine values r_turb=0.6; U_ideal_turb=2*pi*r_turb*N_ideal/60; Cz_ideal_turb=sqrt(gamma*R*T4_ideal); alpha2_turb=atan(U_ideal_turb/Cz_ideal_turb*(Cp*(T04_ideal-T05_ideal) /2/U_ideal_turb^2+1)); beta2_turb=atan(U_ideal_turb/Cz_ideal_turb*((1-T05_ideal/T04_ideal) *Cp*T04_ideal/U_ideal_turb^2+1)-tan(alpha2_turb)); beta3_turb=beta2_turb; % Compressor Map N=[9000 8800 8600 8400 8200 8020]; U_comp=2*pi*r_comp*N/60; Cz_comp=U_comp/(tan(alpha2_comp)+tan(beta2_comp)); Cz_U1_root1=-sqrt(eta_st_ideal/16)+1/(tan(alpha2_comp)+tan(beta2_comp)); Cz_U1_root2=+sqrt(eta_st_ideal/16)+1/(tan(alpha2_comp)+tan(beta2_comp)); Cz_U1=0.0:0.01:0.7; eta_st1=0*Cz_U1(Cz_U1<Cz_U1_root1); eta_st2=eta_st_ideal-16*(Cz_U1(Cz_U1>=Cz_U1_root1&Cz_U1<=Cz_U1_root2)-1/(tan(alpha2_comp) +tan(beta2_comp))).^2; eta_st3=0*Cz_U1(Cz_U1>Cz_U1_root2); eta_st=[eta_st1,eta_st2,eta_st3]; for i=1:length(N) P03_P02(i,:)=(1+eta_st*U_comp(i)^2/(Cp*T02).*(1-Cz_U1*(tan(alpha1_comp)+tan (beta2_comp)))).^(3.5*n); Cz1(i,:)=Cz_U1*U_comp(i); M2(i,:)=Cz1(i,:)/sqrt(gamma*R*Ta); % plot(Cz_U,eta_st) A2_A2star(i,:)=1./M2(i,:).*(2/(gamma+1)*(1+(gamma-1)/2*M2(i,:).^2)).^((gamma+1)/(2* (gamma-1))); A2star(i,:)=A2./A2_A2star(i,:); ma=0.0404*P02*10^3*A2star/sqrt(T02); x1(i,:)=1./A2_A2star(i,:); end P03=P03_P02*P02; P04=P03; [rmax,cmax]=find(P03_P02==max(P03_P02(1,:))); [rmin,cmin]=(find(P03_P02>1)); cmin=max(cmin); x_max_eff=find(eta_st==max(eta_st)); [r_surge,c_surge]=find(P03_P02==max(P03_P02(1,:))); guess=P03_P02(:,x_max_eff); surge=P03_P02(1:length(N),c_surge); % Plotting commands figure(1) for i=1:length(N) plot(x1(i,cmax:cmin),P03_P02(i,cmax:cmin),'k');hold on; % plot(x(i,x_max_eff),guess(i),'k o')

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end title('Compressor Map'); xlabel('m-dot(T_0_2)^1^/^2/(0.04P_0_2A_2)'); ylabel('Compressor Pressure Ratio, P_0_3/P_0_2') % ylim([10 120]) plot(x1(1:length(N),c_surge),surge,'k --') % Operating Line U_turb=2*pi*r_turb*N/60; error(1:length(N))=1; for i=1:length(N) P03_guess(i)=guess(i)*P02; while abs(error(i))>0.01 P04_trial(i)=P03_guess(i); ma_trial(i)=0.0404*P02*A2star(i,x_max_eff)/sqrt(T02); T04_trial(i)=(0.0404*P04_trial(i)*A4/ma_trial(i))^2; T4_trial(i)=0.8333*T04_trial(i); P04_P05_trial(i)=(1-1/eta_tt*(gamma-1)*U_turb(i)/sqrt(gamma*R*T04_trial(i))*(sqrt (0.833)*(tan(alpha2_turb)+tan(beta2_turb))-U_turb(i)/sqrt(gamma*R*T04_trial(i))))^(-gamma/ (gamma-1)); P05_trial(i)=P04_trial(i)/P04_P05_trial(i); T03_trial(i)=T02*(1+1/eta_st_ideal*(guess(i)^((gamma-1)/gamma)-1)); T05_T04_trial(i)=1-(((P04_P05_trial(i))^((gamma-1)/-gamma)-1)*-eta_tt); T05_trial(i)=T05_T04_trial(i)*T04_trial(i); T04_check(i)=T05_trial(i)+T03_trial(i)-T02; error(i)=(T04_check(i)-T04_trial(i)); if abs(error(i))>=0.01 if error(i)<0 P03_guess(i)=0.99*P03_guess(i); else P03_guess(i)=1.01*P03_guess(i); end end end end P03_P02_ol=P03_guess/P02; f=(T04_trial./T03_trial-1)./(Qr*10^3/Cp./T03_trial-T04_trial./T03_trial); Thrust=((1+f).*(gamma*R*T4_trial).^0.5-M_inf*sqrt(gamma*R*Ta)).*ma_trial*10^-3; %(kN) for i=1:length (N) x_ol(i)=interp1(P03_P02(i,cmax:cmin),x1(i,cmax:cmin),P03_P02_ol(i),'cubic'); end plot(x_ol,P03_P02_ol,'k - o') % Constant temperature lines a=A2/A4*sqrt(T04_trial/T02); for i=1:length(T04_trial) c(i)=P03_P02_ol(i)-a(i)*x_ol(i); iso_T04(i,:)=a(i).*x1(i,cmax:cmin)+c(i); plot(x1(i,cmax:cmin),iso_T04(i,:)) end % Turbine map Cz_U2=0.0:0.01:1.52; for i=1:length(N) Cz2(i,:)=Cz_U2.*U_turb(i);

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M4(i,:)=Cz2(i,:)/sqrt(gamma*R*T4_trial(i)); A4_A4star(i,:)=1./M4(i,:).*(2/(gamma+1)*(1+(gamma-1)/2*M4(i,:).^2)).^((gamma+1)/(2* (gamma-1))); A4star(i,:)=A4./A4_A4star(i,:); T05_T04(i,:)=1-U_turb(i)^2/Cp/T04_trial(i)*(Cz_U2*(tan(alpha2_turb)+tan(beta2_turb)) -1); P05_P04(i,:)=(1-1/eta_tt*(1-T05_T04(i,:))).^(gamma/(gamma-1)); x2(i,:)=1./A4_A4star(i,:); end % Plotting commands figure(2) for i=1:length(N) plot(x2(i,:),1./P05_P04(i,:),'k');hold on; end plot(ones(length(N)),P04_trial./P05_trial,'- o k'); title('Turbine Map'); xlabel('m-dot(T_0_4)^1^/^2/(0.04P_0_4A_4)'); ylabel('Turbine Pressure ratio, P_0_4/P_0_5') % Other Plots figure(3); subplot(321); plot(f,P04_trial./P02,'k'); title('P_0_3/P_0_2 vs. f'); xlabel('Fuel air ratio, f'); ylabel('Compressor Pressure ratio, P_0_3/P_0_2'); subplot(322); plot(f,T04_trial,'k'); title('T_0_4 vs. f'); xlabel('Fuel air ratio, f'); ylabel('Turbine Inlet Temperature, T_0_4 (K)'); subplot(323); plot(f,N,'k'); title('N vs. f'); xlabel('Fuel air ratio, f'); ylabel('Engine RPM, N'); subplot(324); plot(f,P05_trial/P02,'k'); title('P_0_5/P_0_2 vs. f'); xlabel('Fuel air ratio, f'); ylabel('Overall Pressure ratio, P_0_5/P_0_2'); subplot(325); plot(f,Thrust,'k'); title('Thrust vs. f'); xlabel('Fuel air ratio, f'); ylabel('Thrust (kN)'); subplot(326); plot(f,ma_trial,'k'); title('m_a vs. f'); xlabel('Fuel air ratio, f'); ylabel('Mass flow rate, m-dot (kg/s)'); %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% % Hooray!!! code ends here :D

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